02/03/10(Wed)21:52:09 No. 7371450 1.
Save your money and invest in in compound interest. Don't do stupid
risky shit like gamble on the market. Learn to pay yourself first, and
then budget accordingly. Do take out loans or aquire debt. The only
time you should ever consider this is when purchasing a house or
funding your education. 2. Get an education. GET A FUCKING EDUCATION. 3.
Don't buy ridiculous shit like cars and designer clothes. Buy a decent
used car, never spend more than 5000K, never new. If you have to dress
like a trendy faggot, then buy on sale, or from discount stores. If
you're wearing a 80 dollar Affliction t shirt right now, just roll over
dead, there's no hope for you. No one cares what the fuck you look like
and what you drive. 4. Exercise and learn to eat right.
Cooking real food is cheaper than buying processed shit. Learn how to
can and preserve, grow your own herbs. Instead of watching shit like
TV, read books and educate yourself. Going to the gym is cheap, and its
got girls in it, that you can impress with your buff body, thats
currently not rotting from chips and no exercise. 5. Drink lots of water. Congrats,
your life is "hacked." Now you can live a rich fulfilling life without
working for the man, or living in your car stealing napkins from the
mall. Fuck yourself.