>ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not join the group that runs currently on facebook with the title "becoming a father or mother was the greatest gift of my life" This is a group created by paedophiles whose aim is to access your photos!!!!!!!...!!!!! Please post this as ur status and tell ur complete list of friendslolwat
>>facebookwell well theres your fucking problem, now piss off.
>>7364504butthurt facebook using, trend following normal faggot.
> facebooknot a problem, OP.
> ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!stopped reading
brb, joining pedo group
>>7364509Lol.If you want to live a life that has pretty much any consequence in the 21st century, you have a facebook. It's like a cell phone. It's like a computer.I'm not sure what exactly you plan on doing with your life, my guess would be nothing, except whining, on the internet, to a very limited demographic.Bien historia, vato.
>>7364599This is true. If you don't have facebook you are more likely to miss out on parties and other social events.
>>7364599>>7364613You guys have extremely warped ideas of what a life of consequence looks like.
>>7364634It is called having a social life.
>>7364634My idea of a life of consequence involves connecting with others in your time, driving societal progress (with a carefully self-defined vision of progress), furthering my career, and building a lasting platform of wealth that will continue to influence the world after my death (in my case, I want to provide scholarships to young writers).Not sure what yours is, but I don't see any life path where facebook does not extend your reach to others.
>>7364650That's significantly different than the implied "Life of consequence" though.Also you can have a social life without facebook.
>>7364656Facebook is not necessary to do those things. It may make it easier, or at least that may be the method you've chosen, but, that doesn't make it necessary.
>>7364659You could have a social life without facebook, without a cellphone, without a home, without a car, without a bike, without pretty much anything.It's just harder.Facebook conveniently puts my social events on my calendar, reminds me of upcoming birthdays, and allows for greater planning.It's free, there's no reason not to have one if you value making connections with other people.As a note, I have seen a few million + dollar deals that were conducted mostly through facebook and just a few phone calls, but without facebook they wouldn't have happened. I had to write up contracts for this dude and he'd almost entirely discussed terms via facebook. It was pretty convenient and he made a huge sale.
>>7364599>>7364613>If you want to live a life that has pretty much any consequence in the 21st century, you have a facebook>This is true. If you don't have facebook you are more likely to miss out on partiesLadies and gentlemen, the facebook generation.
>>7364695>Going to parties and socialising is badwat
>>7364706I think what he was implying was you fags place too much importance on meaningless social gatherings.I have a facebook and I have a social life but I think I could survive without the former and still have the latter. Like Mirrored said. It just makes it easier, it isn't a requirement.
>>7364691There as a thread earlier talking about how the people who run facebook can really really easily read anyone's messages.Just sayin'. You guys maaaaay want to look into some confidential communication software that's going to be launched soon. It exists precisely for this reason.