02/03/10(Wed)07:45:49 No. 7364652 I was the weird kid. Not gross weird, just weird. In
primary school, I remember one time I crawled around on the floor in
class and dug twisted-up staples out of the carpet with a pen, and
collected them in the inside pocket of my coat. I also would get
fabric-bound binders, and carefully un-stitch redundant threads, and
pull them out and wrap them around a pen, and keep it. I also used it
to make little bows with the big paperclips. I would use the ink tube
part of shitty pens for arrows, and shoot them across the room during
class. In high school, I still had the stigma of being one of
'the weird kids' - hung out with all the goth/D&D/M:TG kids at
lunch and before school, but the stigma lessened as everyone in school
oldered and matured. People found out that I was amazingly intelligent
and would befriend me to get my help with math, english, science, and
history. I'd still all but fail all my classes because I never
did my homework, or, with math, my teachers got pissed that I'd be
doing complex algebra in my head, and didn't show much, if any, work. That
part was cool, though. Was on good terms with a bunch of hot girls and
football dudes, and they'd sit next to me in class, because I could
help them with their work when they got stuck (They didn't actually
want to copy me on tests that often, just wanted actual help with the
concepts). I found out a bunch of people, including a very cute
girl I had a crush on, were actually afraid of me, scared I'd lash out
at them (most), or come to school with a shotgun one day(One or two),
because of my interest in firearms and the military, and my almost
religious following of the progress of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
- First thing I'd do when I got to my first period class my freshman
year was jump on a computer, and check the headlines for the Iraq
invasion, and try to get other people interested in it.