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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

    New boards launched! Advice, Literature, News, International, Science & Math, 3DCG.

    File : 1265163746.jpg-(37 KB, 500x500, fit.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:22:26 No.7360040  
    Anyone else just NOT fit in?

    I really tried being social but all my efforts either end up with me getting fucked over or they just want to get something from you. Most "normal" things that people expect you to talk about is just so uninteresting to me. All everybody talks about is "the game", that party and whining about professors. Fucking hell, 90% of conversations I overhear start with "What's up, bro" These "bro" friendships are crap as well. All they do is subtly cut each other down in some bs social routine. It seems like pleasant people died off after 2000, I only met 3 people max that I can totally relate to but lost contact since I moved for college.

    Even being alone doesn't work. People are fucking shitty enough not to just leave you be. Seriously, even when you hardly do anything , fucking people will find a way to insult you for no reason. This vapid fat bitch in class chimes in when I arrive late "he's late again" when there are people who even more late but I get fucking singled out. Or comments "he's so weird!" yeah bitch, sitting down quietly, listening, taking notes, then leaving is so fucking off the normal chart! call fucking Ripleys!! Not to mention getting randomly insulted by strangers, I get this at least once a week.

    I'm going to sound emo/angstfag but I fucking hate humanity
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:25:45 No.7360087
    bro, I feel ya, FML
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:27:16 No.7360110
    Solution: go to a better college.

    And try to branch out with your hobbies and interests.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:27:19 No.7360111
    OP, do you live in a suburb?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:27:53 No.7360118
         File1265164073.jpg-(28 KB, 240x328, sodiniamd_george.jpg)
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    You know what you have to do brah.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:28:39 No.7360129
    I feel the same way. I hang out with people, but I don't really like them.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:33:14 No.7360184
    I'm very outgoing but I still don't fit in. I don't even care. I'm so fucking awesome I have fun just hanging out by myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:36:43 No.7360234
    play an mmo, fuck socializing .
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:38:46 No.7360268
    I totally feel you, OP. I am polite, dress nicely, tell jokes, and work hard at work, yet I never get invited to parties and a couple of the girls have actually labeled me a creep. I know its something subtle, and something that i don't pay attention to or understand, but fuck... trying to figure this out is frustrating.

    I am with you, OP. I just do my work, keep the socializing to a minimum, and go home
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:38:49 No.7360269
    Their meat will eventually rot, and they will probably have had more fun than you once you are both in the ground.

    The world indeed is a terrible mistress.
    Don't let it get to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:44:05 No.7360326
    I have about 10 people that I consider to be friends with me. I have a really eccentric personality and I like to get straight into controversial discussions before I get to know people well. I'm not a likeable person but if I can make friends you sure can too.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:44:57 No.7360337
    I feel ya. In high school I had friends for awhile but I never really liked any of them I hung around them just so I wouldn't eat alone and have some one to talk to even if it is shit I don't care about. But in my junior year I just accepted the fact that I hated my friends and I decided not to keep in touch with them. And then of course fuckers just can't leave a quiet guy a lone so people started giving me shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:56:11 No.7360428
    >"the game"

    God damnit OP...
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:25:51 No.7360703
    I doubt that, it seems being a dbag is rewarded
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:28:22 No.7360725
    that fat bitch wants to fuck you op
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:32:17 No.7360767

    Do people still really play this.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:32:19 No.7360768
    it's all about finding out who really cares about you op. keep a close group of friends, people who genuinely interest you and like you, and leave it at that. if you can't, then find and do things that interest you op, and eventually you'll meet people doing the same and become friends with them

    don't go to places that you hate just because it's the "norm". you'll only find superficial people and end up in superficial relationships that will either fuck you before you realize it or just plain depress you. do what you want and i promise you the friends will come naturally.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:33:20 No.7360773
    You're probably doing something without knowing that singles you out. Perhaps your style of dress is doing it. Laughing inappropriately will do it. The way you walk or talk can do it.

    Stop being so weird.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:33:25 No.7360775
    where do you live op, i'll be your fwend
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:37:43 No.7360812
    What you need to do is work on associating with people who are positive and fun to be around, and just not bother with the others.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:38:17 No.7360818
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:38:18 No.7360820
    Mate, you're in college. It pretty much consists of parties and trying to pick up chicks ('the game') so what do you expect the bros to talk about?
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)22:41:11 No.7360850
    I feel ya OP
    Its like people look at me like the future murderer type. One day a girl in my history class asked what arsenic was, my teacher turned around, pointed at me and said "ask him! He'll know!" People think I'm dangerous somehow. Really I'm a nice guy. I care about the misfortune of others.

    black hair, blue eyes, avrage weight, average height.

    I don't LOOK like a killer but all this shit is making me want to kill ppl. -_-
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:41:16 No.7360855
    fuck you then asshat, i was gonna be your friend but you fucked that up too. Enjoy your lonely life you little emo cunt


    whatever, cheese fries time
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:45:44 No.7360895
    >It seems like pleasant people died off after 2000

    Pleasant people died off at the same time you were old enough to think about people's motives. Coincidence?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:45:55 No.7360898
    i was jk op, hope you find some decent friends.


    get some cheese fries, they'll make ya feel betta
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:47:03 No.7360918
    Please tell me you were a teacher's pet, and the teacher wasn't being a dick.
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)22:47:53 No.7360929

    your an idiot
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)22:49:10 No.7360947
    nah, the guy does not even know my name.
    But sure enough he and the whole class was dead serious and was waiting for a answer from me.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:50:16 No.7360962
    OP, fatty wants you
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:50:26 No.7360964
    you better floored them with a great spiel about how its a great way to kill people
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)22:51:17 No.7360978
    at the same time, I DID in fact know the answer, but thats not because Im looking up ways to kill people with it. I know because I watch the fucking news and know what the fuck is going on in the world other than who won american fucking idol.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:52:31 No.7360996
    OP sounds like a fucking idiot who can't look at himself objectively.
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)22:52:45 No.7360999
    Looking back on it, I kinda wish I did.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:59:53 No.7361079
    who the hell even WANTS to fit in?

    I mean, what's the point? Everybody is exactly the same and there's no real point in going out and being social and all that bullshit.

    everybody is just so dull.

    as you can tell, OP, I'm on the 'freak' side of things. I hear what they say about me, those rumors

    "I hear he's a heroin addict!" " can tell!"
    "I guess he only sleeps an hour a night." "What the fuck is wrong with that guy?"
    "He's the walking dead, I swear."
    "Dude's brain is totally fried"
    "Fuckin psycho, man."

    and ya know what? They don't bother me one bit. They are not me, so I'm indifferent to anything they might say.

    I am alone. I want to stay that way.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:03:01 No.7361108
    Lies, you and I know it hurts. I am here for you, bro.
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)23:07:11 No.7361155
    dude, you need a hug.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:08:11 No.7361167
    Do you LOOK like one?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:09:46 No.7361189
    Wah fucking wah I'm so much better than everyone, everyone's so beneath me that there's no point in talking to aaannnyonneee.

    Cry more faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:13:15 No.7361226
    My solution is to try to keep MANY friends. Have your inner circle that you can "relate" to and also the sort of friends who get you into trouble and think along different lines than you. College is a time to evolve, and most of daily human interaction is BS, but learn to do it and you will benefit. You can't leap into deep conversations, and they will drain you after a while so its nice to talk about frivolous things once in a while. But yeah it can get frustrating. Don't worry, 4chan gets you!! Pleace
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:16:37 No.7361258
    If I am lying, I don't realize it. Self-deception isn't always bad, and if I am deceiving myself here, well, I'm okay with that. Because, well, I see people who are actually bothered by this shit, and they're really sad and suicidal and all that.

    I'm never, ever sad. Or anything else, honestly. I'm fine with that, though.

    not sure what a hug would do. OH YES AN UPGRADED HANDSHAKE. I mean, what the fuck.

    eh. kind of. I sure as hell don't look like a junkie, but I suppose the whole, super quiet, stares-off-into-space-a-lot thing could be why they think I LOOK like a crazy.

    so, OP, don't let not fitting in get you down. There's no point to it anyway.
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)23:17:08 No.7361264

    I want moar storys
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:21:51 No.7361309
    if some fat bitch comments about how your still late just say something along the lines of "and your still a fat bitch."

    But i can relate OP. And to be honest i've given up. I just say what is on my mind. I understand i'll never find anyone i care about, so might as well get some funny knee jerk reactions out of people while i can.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:23:36 No.7361328
    Should have told them it's a spice or some shit.
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)23:25:54 No.7361342
    Damnn. Sometimes I wish I somehow had /r9k/'s hivemind on demand no matter where I am. Your guise come up with the best responses to shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:27:32 No.7361353


    there is this kid who is always late too like you OP!

    only everyone yells when finally gets in

    he has NO friends

    I feel bad though and used to be part of the taunts

    Im making a real effort now not to join in with the chanting

    I wish it werent this way for him

    on his birthday no one even noticed

    he had to say " hey its my birthday today"

    and someone said no one cared

    laughter ensued
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:28:18 No.7361364
    Real life? Ha. I don't even fit in on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:30:07 No.7361381
    Man all of you motherfuckers have it easy, I'm fucking LEGIT crazy, and I have to work hard on discerning my mind from reality all day err day. Try getting along with people when you're stuck like that. MAN THE FUCK UP pussies
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:30:22 No.7361384
    we're different then, he wants to be part of a group of morons
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:30:50 No.7361388

    there is this kid I sit near

    he is friends with absolutely no one but we talk about movies together cause we like allot of the same movies

    anyways he has a group of friends outside of our circles and I badly wish to be in that group

    they are cool people jsut like me and you

    it like the odd ones out gathered together

    only I have no clue on how to approach him about it

    but I so wish to be in those circles

    fuck everyone on this side
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)23:31:25 No.7361396
    anon still loves you
    >> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/02/10(Tue)23:32:23 No.7361403
    I feel ya braw
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:42:58 No.7361506

    "Hey, maybe we could catch *recent movie* together?"
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)00:16:51 No.7361771

    calm down wanna be baddass
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)00:59:27 No.7362127
    There are lot of us who don't fit in. Even the ones who DO fit in may not really feel like they do. Now, I know about the simpletons of the world; the incessantly jabbering, always bubbly little socialites. I'm not talking about those weirdos. I mean the rest of us. You and me and the others we talk to anonymously here.

    I remember reading something about a gentleman who passed away by the name of Heiner Schmitz. He wasn't famous or anything; he just had a brain tumor and was on his way out. He talked about his friends visiting him from time to time and generally making light of the situation. Some of them even tossed a "get well soon!" as they would leave.

    In the end, Mr. Schmitz commented to an interviewer, "don't they get it? I'm dying!"

    I think that's similar to how many of us - even the seemingly cool ones - feel in many social situations. Most of us really don't seem to get each other. And it does begin to feel very lonely and hopeless after awhile.

    But maybe there is some degree of cold comfort in knowing that this disconnected feeling is more common than you might think. Sure, you'll never be able to get through to some people, but it's not because of you. Those people usually see the world in a way that will make their futures more difficult to cope with, so you'd be wise to avoid their friendship in the first place.

    My theory on the social fringe is that many of them, if not all, have minds geared towards greater things; more beautiful creativity and clearer logic. Embrace those aspects of yourself. You are not normal, and you should never, ever want to be just normal, because you would then be an inferior version of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)01:33:43 No.7362394

    >> sage 02/03/10(Wed)01:50:10 No.7362496
    I've always been outgoing and friendly.

    I have more friends then I know what to do with, and generally don't complain about females because I do alright, and any failures I have are dependent on my own short-comings which I can fix through hard work and dedication.

    That being said I despise 90% of the people I meet in one way or the other. I ignore a lot of phone calls because i can't be bothered to waste my time with a lot of people. I make up excuses or just flat out refuse a lot of people. I understand that we can't all be the same so I shouldn't be so harsh about who I hang out with.

    but I enjoy my time alone, I love myself, and hanging out with myself, and I only want to be with people who will enhance that, not put a drain on me.

    I look down on people who consider smiling and being positive something that takes too much effort.

    I look down on people who complain and quit or say "I can't."

    I look down on people with no concept of the future or where they'll be 5 years from now.

    I look down on people who are unwilling to attempt to face some of their more unreasonable fears.

    I look down on people who have no concept of the fact that their disposition has a direct affect on their life and their environment, and instead believe that they are victims with no control.

    I look down on people who demand my time.

    I look down on people who attempt to guilt me into coming with them or hanging out with them.

    The list goes on and on.

    It's pretty fucking lonely on top of my high horse, but from examining adults (successful adults), that seems to be the way they work. They spend most of their time working on their lives and only keep those around who improve them and generally mesh with their personalities. No extra fluff.

    I'm okay with loneliness, sometimes it feels better to only be understood by a select few... at least I'm not terribly easy to figure out.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)01:53:13 No.7362516

    It takes a dick with some balls to fuck the assholes that you mentioned in your post.

    It takes a smart, laid back dude to realize they are fucking failures. Seriously man, you might 'look like a loser' to some people. Do you have a shred of respect for double digits like those?

    I don't mean to sound like sound angsty fuckin loser, but honestly, fat bitches call you out? WTF
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)01:55:07 No.7362528
    It is all an act my friends everyone wears a mask, some better than others. None of us have lives, so why even pretend.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)02:06:43 No.7362622
    Yeah, I don't fit in anywhere. I never have, and I never will. When I was in college last year, I hung around with a small group of people, who I didn't really like, and who didn't really like me. We just sort of 'mutually accepted' eachother. The only reason I hung around with them was so I didn't eat lunch alone, and because they were the only ones who would let me into their group. But when it came to working in groups during class, guess who never had a partner and got stuck with the retard?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)02:07:41 No.7362628

    You=Me, and it's a long lonely road my friend.
    AND I'M ONLY 22!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)04:22:19 No.7363593
    Has it occurred to any of you that you just might be boring, uninteresting people?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)04:25:45 No.7363623
    Yep. I don't fit in. That's fine, because I don't want to. I have friends who are not losers, and we get each other just fine. I wouldn't have it any other way.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)04:43:02 No.7363731
    Repeatedly. However, unsolicited testimony from others leads me to believe otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:32:26 No.7365185
    ohhhh hells naw
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:10:38 No.7365345
    I'd love to be a character in a social scene where I'm seen as "that cool weirdguy". I am convinced that this would be reality if I actually had friends, went out and stuff.

    Sadly I have zero friends and social phobia.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:14:50 No.7365358
    Once you stop caring about fitting in, the better it gets.

    >People are fucking shitty enough not to just leave you be. Seriously, even when you hardly do anything, fucking people will find a way to insult you for no reason.

    Very true, and what you ought to to do is check their pitiful attempt aggression by responding in kind. Usually, people will back down if you stand up for yourself, as they are looking for the weakest who won't do anything when they walk all over them verbally speaking or otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:21:52 No.7365395
    I have the assburgers. Just hang in there, keep trying. BUT DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE.
    Also, as for the fat bitch, laugh in her face and call her fat.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:27:33 No.7365412
    Perhaps he should fat in her face and call her laugh. That'll teach the whore.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:36:51 No.7365454
    But people have insecurities, if you do this move well, and exploit more insecurities you WILL bring someone down.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:38:03 No.7365460
    I have saved your post in my own personal text archive
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:39:30 No.7365465
    like the other guy said, call her a fat bitch. some girl said something to me as I was walking into class my senior yr of high school and I told her to shut the fuck up you fat bitch. she was in shock for 5 seconds before she ran out of the room crying. feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:42:17 No.7365481
    >I like to get straight into controversial discussions, more green text.
    I'm kinda like this and I don't know why but it make my friends rages at me.

    As example, I was the last friday at some bar waiting for my drink when a friend shows up and intrudeced me to her friend. I started talking about her field of study (architecture and urbanism) and doing some questions because I was really interested to see if the local goverment was doing the right things in urbanism (the region I live experienced a HUEG expansion, real state prices went up, gentrification, etc) and this girl talks to me for 20 mins about the city's pros and cons.

    After a while, my friend texted me "what the fuck is wrong with you? You want to get laid asking those questions?".
    Fucking faggot, my curiosity is much bigger than my desires of getting laid.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:46:08 No.7365493

    I have the same mindset OP, 99% people you meet in life are dumb motherfuckers. It's that 1% you have to look out for.

    I asked myself wether I should join their social behavior patterns, since having that mindset won't make you cool or popular etc etc.

    However, I stopped bitching about it and don't forget that


    might help you a lot in life
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)10:54:10 No.7365521
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    Protip: it's not you, your so called friends and/or acquaintances are certifiably stupid.

    This goes for most of the cases in this thread.

    I started college last year; for circumstances out of my control I started a couple of days later than the classes had started and the groups of people had already been formed. This got me stuck with a bunch of people who had also started late.

    I tried to socialize and whatnot, but god help me if they were not the most bland, uninteresting, boring, dumb and fucking mundane people I had ever met.

    They would talk about the most fucking trivial stuff that would repel me instantly. However, since they were the only people I knew, I decided not to realise this in some unconscious level I think, and kept talking to them, this resulting in me very gradually being left out of shit.

    In the end, I ended up going to class alone, which took a massive toll on my socializing skills (I am no social super master to begin with, but I am no asspie) and I became sort of a shut-in.

    I have now found people with whom I can hold more interesting and also quite fun conversations. Fuck the others.

    It's not your fault that such trivial people unwilling to have anything going on for themselves exist.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)11:05:52 No.7365576
    I have saved parts of your post in my own personal text archive
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)11:27:00 No.7365701
    I'm flattered that you did, and that you decided to imitate my "personal text archive" :P
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)11:38:35 No.7365775
    Honest to god, this thread is pathetic

    >Have no friends
    >Be mocked for your awkwardness
    >Not realise how to make friends
    >Not helped by developing a high-horse attitude
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)11:40:21 No.7365792
    You all masturbate way too much.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:00:52 No.7365944
    Props for Morningrise.

    If you can't stand repetitive fakery it helps to keep a little pride in setting yourself apart. Wear it like a badge and people who feel the same will respect you more.
    This attitude doesn't have to be stuck up, although pod-people are always going to call it that.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:01:49 No.7365951
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    I used to be a shut in. Now, it's happening all over again. I worked so hard to make friends, smile, not let things get to me. I started anti-depressants and forced myself out of my comfort zone. But it's shit being me. My friends betrayed me, and now the people I still talk to are distant at best. I hate being a girl. I think my life would be better if I wasn't. If I could convince myself to end it it would be awesome. I'm so tired of trying. I'm losing desire to even try. If I'm too chickenshit to kill myself how hard would it be to convince someone to do it for me?

    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:03:42 No.7365968

    Seriously, bawwing on the internet hasn't helped any of you fuckheads, and looking for help anywhere on 4chan is the worst idea ever. Get off your asses and go see a counselor.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:04:26 No.7365973
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    post tits or gtfo
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:06:50 No.7365992
    >implying a counsellor will be any more helpful than 4chan
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:07:22 No.7365995
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    Here you go, stupid faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:10:47 No.7366020

    This man is telling the truth.

    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:11:05 No.7366023
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:12:23 No.7366035
    If you are not trolling, please read the thread.

    Specially posts like



    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:18:16 No.7366072
    >implying you have ever been to a counselor or even know how they would help you get over your worthlessness.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:23:07 No.7366097

    I suspect samefag here, but let me explain how it is for me, and from the looks of things most people here. We are not autistic or anything like that. We naturally do not like the popular socialising culture, often due to it being superficial and outright retarded in some cases (Here in the UK after the age of about 16 absolutely zero socialising takes place sober). We'd rather have people who share our interests, or at least have some concentrations with some sort of depth and not parties/shitty movies/sports. Add into this the fact that we are actively punished for this, see by these superifical types as 'weird' for no reason other than you don't fit their view on what people should be, and it's really no surprise people are bitter and start to think of them as complete morons.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:25:50 No.7366116
    I honestly don't ask for much, I'd just like a way to socialise that does not take place in a club/bar, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:33:29 No.7366154
    >implying I have not
    >implying I'm worthless
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:35:36 No.7366161

    they are typically more pleasant than the squares, so maybe
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:35:54 No.7366162

    Counselors are pretty useless to be honest. Maybe they work with genuine mental problems but most of us are just different.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)12:56:59 No.7366300
    This. Find something to be passionate about, and devote yourself to it wholly. When you meet other people through it even if youve only known them for 15 minutes you both will have a serious emotional understanding of each other.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:18:21 No.7366425

    >"high horse attitude"
    >you consider defense mechanisms against others' abuse inappropriate and think that ADAPTING to that abuse is a better strategy
    >literally a born slave, like if there were no one around to use you, you would live in a plywood/galvanized sheet shantytown and eat catfood like in district fucking 9

    hahaha you won't answer this post, faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:20:53 No.7366431
    Try hanging out with other people that have a introverted personality.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:26:00 No.7366460
    Dude, I don't know what to say. I went to college and although a lot of guys say "bro", they were in general, nice people. I guess I went to a college where most people leave you alone.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:57:43 No.7366703
    >Have no friends
    rather have no friends than shit friends just because they're insecure to be alone

    >Be mocked for your awkwardness

    I'm indifferent actually, way to project.

    >Not realise how to make friends
    I can easily make low quality friends but it would involve bs social routines and superficiality so no.

    >Not helped by developing a high-horse attitude
    again no high-horse, just no compatibility
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:59:32 No.7366718

    wait, why are you addressing him, he's a stupid faggot pussy and didn't answer >>7366425
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:13:37 No.7366814

    Bullshit, im in college (inb4 underageb&), talk to the people in lessons, you might just make a friend, providing youre not so socially awkward you come off as a CWC clone


    Sorry for the late reply, I was out socialising.

    Calling something pathetic isnt looking down on someone, it is the fact that people exist who are so scared of social contact because of quite frankly wrong perceptions about popular people is pathetic.

    Yeah, some people get abused, you're on 4chan, dont tell me you've never laughed at CWC or habbo raids, you do exactly the same to other people.

    The big mean bullies that pick on you are probably the only social contact you have with anyone, is it any wonder you think the whole world is an arse? Go and talk to some people, yeah, you feel stupid at first, but fuck it, feeling a bit stupid and gaining friends is better than living as a outcast from society, you're practically a fucking hermit, all because of your prejudices about anyone with more than 3 friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:15:17 No.7366823
    you're gonna criticize someone for "adapting"?

    that's what we've been doing since the start of human history. enjoy your pity circle jerk, some of us actually take action.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:19:48 No.7366858
    in adapting to a profoundly sick and broken structure, you abet it and therefore share its guilt. g fucking j

    >Sorry for the late reply, I was out socialising.

    haha sure

    >dont tell me you've never laughed at CWC or habbo raids

    habbo raids are dumb as shit and the CWC-stalker subculture is creepy as hell. anyone who participates in that shit has two strikes against them, and you are not helping your case
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:19:57 No.7366860
    I also hang out with people in my class, but gawd I hate most of them. It's so fucking true the thing about insulting, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FOR? I'm not mr.niceguy but jesus fucking christ I don't randomly insult persons now and then or go "Hey, you know that thing you always do it's so weird and gay.. blah blah".

    Why the fuck do people do that? Thats why I like freetime, where I can spend time with the maties that I love being around, those are my real "Bros".
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:25:22 No.7366901
    ITT: People not understanding concepts of banter
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:26:26 No.7366911
    OMG, people actually talk, about things! OH THE HUMANITY
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:27:17 No.7366923
    >you abet it and therefore share its guilt. g fucking j

    sure is EDGY teenage misanthrope ITT
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:28:23 No.7366931

    >Implying all your bros are not called "Anonymous"
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:36:19 No.7367005
    Oh yeah OP? I listened to a guy tell me about driving race cars for like 5 hours yesterday

    Just so I can be friends with him and "hang out" and hopefully meet some of his other friends

    It's worth it. Plus people aren't as different from you as you think they are. I wish that I could impress that upon you in a more meaningful way than 4chan but eh.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:40:19 No.7367034
    Yeah I suggest finding a new college. Your college sounds like a bunch of middle school wankers.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:40:21 No.7367035
    ITT: People can make friends in World of Warcraft, but cannot apply the same principle of talking to real life.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:46:05 No.7367089

    they would be if i were involved in habbo raids, moron


    i'm 9, asshole
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:48:35 No.7367108

    >Im 9
    >Implying you have an opinion that isnt about power rangers
    >Implying you know anything
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:53:06 No.7367152
    Actually I can't make friends for shit in games like WoW or any online game, but I can make friends irl with normal people.
    I don't get it :(
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:53:28 No.7367155
    You think that's bad, try not fitting in ANYWHERE. All I want is an internet forum with people exactly like me and no normalfags or women; just virgins, hundreds and hundreds of pathetic 20-somethin'-year-old virgns.

    Knowing such a wonderful place will never exist makes me sad. :(
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:55:29 No.7367175
    People that met me think I'm a druggie.
    How can I avoid that?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:55:52 No.7367182

    they don't even make power rangers any more, you retard

    is this what i am going to fucking grow up into
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:56:11 No.7367185
    I started a thread on /fit/ about my depression, and someone posted /r9k/, I come here and find someone who is almost exactly the same as me. *sadface*
    I feel your pain.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:00:19 No.7367228
         File1265227219.jpg-(46 KB, 430x318, Razor Blades.jpg)
    46 KB

    Don't worry, you do have choices!

    For the love of . . . . I truly hate people like you. You believe you are better than other people because you believe you are doing the "correct" thing, and that proof of such is found in people ridiculing you.

    Fact is, you are worse than women that use men. You are worse than that random bully. You are worse because you believe you are better than other people, when in reality, you are only making yourself into those people. I believe that's called hypocrisy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:02:03 No.7367243

    tell us about "women that use men" uuooohahahaha
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:11:26 No.7367344 long thread, i have no time to read all this now. Shortly: i'm with you OP, i have some friends and so, can do small talk with people (but i see truly no point in it) and whatever...But fuck this, no one can understand me properly. There was a guy, my friend, who was able to do this, but he had to move to the opposite edge of the country, which left me alone in the circle of idiots. Sometimes my loneliness is just killing my will to live, but then I realize that it's the only way until I meet someone who will understand me fully. I know it is possible.

    What is the worst thing i became oblivious to people, and i absolutely dont care what do they think about me. And at last I must cope with my sociophobia and shyness. That's really sad, guys.

    Also, I could literally die for that girl which I love, but I'm always too awkward to talk with her about something that is not complete, trivial shit.

    Life hurts, and if there would be any solution , not including suicide, cos suicide is fucking idiotism, i would try it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:15:31 No.7367389
    hey, don't let it die
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:15:55 No.7367394
    you are me. seriously, I can't even go into a store without about 3 or 4 different assholes trying to fuck me around. It's seriously fucking aggravating. The thing is, I know I could turn around and fucking destroy these people verbally but I'm not trying to be a giant piece of shit like they seem to be. I think it may be a jealousy issue, honestly. They see something that they cannot be (in your case, a fat bitch is attacking you, probably some self esteem issues) so they have to tear you down and make you into the shithead so they can feel better about themselves. It's fucking pathetic, but that's how society works.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:16:20 No.7367399

    This post should replace the "I, for one, welcome our new robot overlord" at the top of the screen.

    Oh, you're so deep and unique because youd die for the girl you never talk to who doesnt exist, and because youre scared to leave that group of people you hate.

    Seriously, fucking grow up.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:22:20 No.7367462
    >Oh, you're so deep and unique because youd die for the girl you never talk to who doesnt exist, and because youre scared to leave that group of people you hate.

    Never said that I'm unique and deep. You're right with the ending. But the girl do exist, lol
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:24:40 No.7367490

    Sorry, meant to be "Girl you never talk to who doesnt know you exist". My apologies. I was talking to my girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:26:10 No.7367508

    >People are fucking shitty enough not to just leave you be.

    I got the exact opposite problem, dude. I'm always alone, and nobody ever wants to talk to me :(. Some day I'll have to grow the balls to go talk to people myself, but it will be a challenge.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:26:30 No.7367513

    I too wish for a place like this, but not for the reason you do.


    Stop doing drugs.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:27:18 No.7367524
    >Not to mention getting randomly insulted by strangers, I get this at least once a week.

    People never do that to me. And if they do insult you for no reason then they're dipshits. And you can't give me a single excuse for not kicking the crap out of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:27:29 No.7367528
    I'm always "that guy" among my social circle. I don't think anyone dislikes me, but I'm not gonna be their first choice to go hang out with.

    Whenever we *do* hang out, everyone else will be talking and having a good time. I'll usually be enjoying myself, but off on the side or sitting quietly among the circle. It's not that I don't like social occasions, but I don't know what to do/say.

    People seem to like me though, when it's just a few people I usually tell jokes and have them laughing a lot, and the few close friends I've had say that I'm pretty cool.

    I dunno, maybe I just give off a good impression but don't realize it. I think I need to work on building relationships (i dont just mean the /adv/ kind), instead of just being there.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:28:32 No.7367544

    You don't take enough risks socially. Not enough people hate you. If you want good friends, you're going to end up with at least one nemesis. That's life. It ain't all milk and honey.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:30:36 No.7367565

    Theyre laughing at you.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:36:36 No.7367617
    I aim to please. It's true I don't take risks socially, and no one hates me because I haven't done anything to make them hate me.

    How to I make an enemy?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:43:44 No.7367696
    >not for the reason you do

    maybe it's his sexual fetish too, you never know
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:44:27 No.7367702

    hi ieuan
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)17:46:23 No.7368852
    "You have enemies? Good. It means at some point in your life you stood up for something."
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)17:50:48 No.7368880
    Fuck I wish people talked about me.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:27:21 No.7370353
    sure is holden caaulfield
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:37:05 No.7370468
    Tell me about it. I am in Philadelphia
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)21:28:07 No.7371134
    exact shit at my school except I flip most situations on thier ass with either professional trolling or killing with kindness which being a shy unperdictable (chaotic neutral) nerd
    I can only say to stay strong and don't give a shit
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)21:52:39 No.7371458
    Yeah, putting your mental state in the hands of others is going to help a shitload. Obviously the world is terrible and everyone is fake and you're the only person who isn't a phony.

    Tell you what, Holden Caulfield, let me know when you realize the problem is you.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:07:32 No.7371619
    95% of people these day talk about tattoos, tongue piercings,and rap music these days.Fuck you world.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:16:59 No.7371727
    solution: stop being a fag
    >> Holden Caulfield is !AWEsomEEEE 02/03/10(Wed)22:18:14 No.7371744

    fuck you you goddam phony
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/03/10(Wed)22:40:05 No.7371997
    I have the same feelings as this anon. As I grew up I realized I had little interest in popular crap, tv shows everyone likes to watch, fads and shit. I became more introverted partly due to the effects of being constantly bullied for three years in middle and high school.

    These days I feel like I'm unable to socialize or fit into the mainstream, even though I can function in the mainstream world. That's why even though I'm in college, I'm more at home socialzing on irc, online games, message boards, and at various conventions and meetups.

    OP, simple advice. Find a niche culture, fuck the mainstream, seek out people who are think the same way, who have the same interests.

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