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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

    New boards launched! Advice, Literature, News, International, Science & Math, 3DCG.

    File : 1265130429.png-(56 KB, 300x400, 1252966263802.png)
    56 KB Desensitization Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:07:09 No.7355070  
    Describe your most recent experience on 4chan in which you were genuinely offended/disgusted/disturbed.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:09:01 No.7355080
    Link to some other imageboard with real cp. Almost puked.
    >> well !!k4OilZNuMae 02/02/10(Tue)12:09:48 No.7355084
    doesn't really happen any more, you can only look at so many pictures of mutilated bodies or read child rape fantasy stories before it just becomes background noise
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:10:02 No.7355088
    I think it was a picture of an erect dick that had its urethra surgically removed.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:10:09 No.7355089
    The description I give will give it no justice, but that video where the Asian repeatedly bricks a puppy and it refuses to die, just spazzes itself along the ground making these awful, guttural noises that I didn't know a dog could make. Everything else I've seen - all the murders, live skinnings, blah blah, you've seen them all - didn't affect me, but this did for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:11:13 No.7355103
    i just came back from a gore forum..
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:11:30 No.7355109
    Some manga comic where it showed a bunch of kids having an orgy and getting their heads chopped off at the same time.

    I literally felt nauseous. When I got up, I felt light headed, lost my footing, and bumped my head on the desk, getting a bloody nose.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:13:03 No.7355114
    reading about some dude who had such bad social anxiety that when he ordered pizza he would leave the money outside the door and have the delivery driver drop the pizza off and ring the doorbell. i'm not sure if it was a troll or not though.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:14:13 No.7355122
    I think that's a rip-off of a House episode.

    I remember that. It made me sad.
    >> well !!k4OilZNuMae 02/02/10(Tue)12:14:33 No.7355124
    actually i do remember the last time, it was that fucking emo chick who'd cut herself right down to the bone
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/02/10(Tue)12:15:03 No.7355129
    # I skim threads, and quickly stop reading when i realise it's too awful to continue doing so
    # I (honestly) browse /r9k/ without image loading

    I am fighting as hard as i can to maintain sensitivity to things that are important to me.

    I am no spring chicken, I'm not christian, and i'm not stupid. These are just the personal choices of a nice guy and a true gentleman who wants to stay a nice guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:16:26 No.7355138
    That must have been ages ago, for I do not remember.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:19:53 No.7355160
    That video of those guys beating someone to death with a hammer. I've never actually watched it because just reading the descriptions of it makes me angry and sick.
    >> The Ubermensch formally known as Young Bill Clinton 02/02/10(Tue)12:21:16 No.7355175
    If you were a real gentleman, you wouldn't post here at all.
    >> well !!k4OilZNuMae 02/02/10(Tue)12:21:18 No.7355176
    'how the fuck is he still alive, his brains are showing, etc
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/02/10(Tue)12:23:04 No.7355186
    mm, i've considered that. But it's representative to me. I am well aware that assholes and morons and BADGUYS dominate the planet a tenth of a billion to one, and so my presence here feels a little like a personal testing grounds for handling life and society appropriately.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:24:22 No.7355195
    Probably this video.

    I watched it once when I was a little drunk and I actually felt rather traumatized.
    >> well !!k4OilZNuMae 02/02/10(Tue)12:24:56 No.7355200
    uh not really, they might dominate the internet but most people IRL are pretty decent
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:32:54 No.7355256

    i dislike beheadings aswell - no elegancy
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:33:57 No.7355265
    It's only in your mind, placebo.

    I'm someone who might be defined as "sensitive" and have not lost/gained anything, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:35:27 No.7355286
    The banality of /r9k/ offends me more deeply than anything else on this site, because it's sincere.
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 02/02/10(Tue)12:38:44 No.7355311
         File1265132324.jpg-(575 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
    575 B
    a visit to 4chan wouldn't be worth it unless you were genuinely offended, disgusted and disturbed each time
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:40:22 No.7355322
    Its the guy crying that turns into gurgling while the inept dude saws away with that dull ass bayonet he's using that made me go "ugh, dude".
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:40:33 No.7355325
    When those guys talk about wearing nappies and pissing/shitting themselves. Even worse when they are talking about the surgery to make themselves incontinent, I can take gore etc, but that is just plain weird.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:41:21 No.7355331
    I find anything about pegging abhorrent because it's not natural.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:44:34 No.7355350
    On one of the rare occasions where it wasn't being raided by /b/, /x/ had a thread about a perfect murder. People -really- put some thought into it.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:51:10 No.7355395
    3 guys 1 hammer.
    The vid about the iranian girl shot in the stomach.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:52:07 No.7355403
    if pegging wasn't natural, god would've never invented a plastic penis for women to put up mens asshole.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:53:00 No.7355409
    The vid about the iranian girl shot in the stomach

    Que? I don't think I've seen this and I hate muslims and women so I'd like to see this.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:55:13 No.7355422
    The last thing that actually made me feel somewhat disturbed was probably the video of those Russians doing that drug that can eat through flesh or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:56:05 No.7355433
    I made the mistake of visiting /a/ last night where someone was posting a manga about the kidnap/rape/murder of that 17yr old girl in Japan back on the 80s. Not the worst thong I've seen here, bit the freshest in my memory. Guro and rape-fiction and whatnot I'm not I to but it doesn't bother me, this was a true story... Not cool Bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:01:42 No.7355475
    Oh the one that was tortured by that gang of thugs and when she died they cut her up into peices, put her into a barrel and filled it with cement?

    And the kids got off on like, 5 year sentences?

    I stopped being shocked by anything that comes from or happens in Japan. The place is a fucking freakshow.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:05:02 No.7355500
    Some dude posting his fucking greasy neckbeard in r9k just the other night. Wispy, wavy, long, looking like the piss-drenched pelt of a sloth. I felt nauseous just from looking at it.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:06:12 No.7355512

    I think he's talking about what happened over the summer? It was a huge international shitstorm, they caught some of the Iranian government's thugs shooting an innocent girl on camera during the riots after the election.

    Anyway, I've been coming to 4chan for a little over 3 years and at this point I'm just completely desensitized.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:06:55 No.7355514
    I cheated on my first and only girlfriend Sunday with a mutual friend as a result of a logical and cold-hearted suggestion on /adv/.

    I have no guilt and will do it again.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:14:41 No.7355562
    That's the one, and I too am at the point where Im considering Japan as just generally fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:21:13 No.7355602
    On /lit/ a few days ago somebody made a mosaic of an FBI seal out of child porn.

    I was disturbed beyond belief, but part of me wanted to save it, just because of how fucking clever it was.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:23:27 No.7355617

    Look up Neda Soltan(I think that's her name anyway). You can see it on youtube.

    Thats is not the most fucked up thing to come out of Iran recently though, I saw another video on youtube of a guy who looked like he'd been shot in the head. half of his face looked like it was torn off.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:29:49 No.7355655
    I'm disgusted every time someone suggests that the answer to your life's problems is medicating yourself with antidepressants.

    I avoid /adv/ for this reason since it's the default response for everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:30:04 No.7355657
    The pictures of... I don't remembr what it's called but girls killing animals with their stilletos. I cried and felt shifty for days and days after seeing that. I have a puppy and he's my life. I would kill that girl if I ever found her. Also that picture of that homeless guy with a let being eaten by maggots. Maggots make me light headed. Oh and femanon here so crying is not faggy. It's in my nature.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:30:34 No.7355659
    The point of hanging on to ones sensitivity is?????
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:33:40 No.7355670
    Neat-o, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:39:16 No.7355699
    I thought I has reached the level of desenzitation (sic?) before I watched two guys one hammer. I remember being 13 in 1999 and seeing the motorcycle pic on rotten and being so upset. Flash forward two years later to chechclear and daily ogrish/goregasm checks. Looking back on it, I was really into the gore scene, thankfully i turned out pretty normal.

    Anyways, I remember rolling my eyes at the warnings over 2g1h the day i saw it on nothingtoxic. If i remember correctly it was maybe a week or two before christmas. I remember sitting there literally unable to move. It was the most horrific thing that I have ever (and hopefully will ever) see. When it was over I just sat there and felt like I was going to pass out. I somehow made it over to the toilet, threw up, and just cried. A grown man crying over the toilet with no alcohol involved. Go figure. I've since watched it twice, just to prove to myself that I could do it.

    There is also a video on efukt from this impossible to find underground beastiality site. These hunters are in the woods and shoot a small bear in a tree. The bear just hangs out giving this horrible howl. it eventually falls out of the tree and dies. Than these porn stars have sex on its body. The dude jizzes on the bear and the video ends with all these dogs ripping into the bear. Its just disgusting how little life means to people.
    I remember over the summer there was a video from russia of drug dealers dismembering this guy alive who was drugged out. That was pretty horrible, but nothing will top 2g1h.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)13:39:51 No.7355703
    As already said by >>7355089
    The one where a puppy is by his bike i think, and he grabs a brick and throws it at the puppy. The thing yelps and he comes over and hits it like 4 more times and the puppy is still alive... made me feel bad. also 3 guys 1 hammer, was nauseous.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:13:21 No.7358696
    Uh, I need the link to that bear video.

    I uh, would like to um see if I could bring those bad perpetrators to like justice and stuff. Ill go get my 'investigation' supplies while i wait for the link.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:16:14 No.7358722
    The 7mil get on /tv/ really offended me today.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:18:34 No.7358743
    is this it?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:21:14 No.7358780
    Latest time was when there was a video posted on /v/ where a guy shoves a 24 inch dildo up his ass. That alone wouldn't have been that bad but you could fucking see it pushing way out against his stomach, he even pushed up below his rips, oh god.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:31:21 No.7358864
    I've historically avoided extremely fucked up content (I developed a habit not not looking directly at images while browsing /b/, and /r9k/'s pretty tame), so despite being present on 4chan in some shape or form for the past four or so years, I've rarely exposed myself to anything extremely disturbing.

    I've been slightly desensitized to dead bodies and extremely desensitized pornography, but that's about all.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:35:28 No.7358910
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:46:37 No.7359012
    have they figured how they got the corpse? really weird.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:11:29 No.7360588
    I don't get offended, not really. Disappointed, maybe, but not offended. I've been stomach-churningly revolted by gore, but that was a while back. The worst were ones where there was a recognizable face involved, but some violence had been done to the head--the skull had been ripped open, or crushed underneath a truck tire. Something about the combination of recognizable humanity and pitiless violence really hit me.

    Most recently, I've felt a little queasy at some of the stuff I've seen on /d/; it was manga by that guy who does X-ray fetish; I don't remember the name. I like seeing internal views--it's a common enough conceit in hentai--but this was something just a bit too over the top. The distended organs and plasticine flesh... ugh. Yeah, that's the last time I was genuinely disturbed.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:14:17 No.7360612

    24 inches? Is that even fucking possible?

    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:18:35 No.7360645
    You know, I'd think that being around here would have inured me to gore in real life, but no, when I saw this woman run over a stray cat and then drive off, it fucking stuck with me.

    The cat didn't die right away, even though the tire had gone over its head. It flopped around like it was being electrocuted before it stopped moving. It stopped breathing a minute or so later, and emptied its bladder a minute or so after that.

    I can still remember how its eye looked--it had popped out and was on the asphalt, looking sightlessly up at me. I have never seen anything so brilliantly green.

    I was with my brother. We managed to get some locals to agree to give it a proper burial. I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of the corpse--too fucking 4chan--but I took a picture of the bloodsmear it left on the pavement, so that I'd have some record of that poor cat.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:20:14 No.7360660
    I've never been "offended/disgusted/disturbed" in many years and I'm of the belief that people only get "offended" or "traumatized" by things because they think they should be or want to.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:25:16 No.7360698
    I can't recall being offended, disgusted or disturbed at all here. There's some pretty rank stuff floating around, but it is what it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:25:50 No.7360702
    Wow. That's pretty intense.

    My father is a surgeon, and I had the privilege of accompanying him to the OR to take pictures a few times. One of the surgeries was adjusting an ankle (take a divot from one side of it and wedge it into the other side), but the other was a forefoot amputation due to complications of Type 2 diabetes (manage your fucking diabetes, brobots; it's not a nice way to go). The blood made me faintly panicky at first, but on the whole, it was really inspiring. I never thought of my father as brilliantly competent, but he was *really* impressive at work.

    The amputation, though, was sad. Seeing the front half of the guy's foot sitting in the metal dish, toes incongruously intact... it filled me with overwhelming sadness. My father said that he felt it too, that an amputation is a failure of a sort. That, and morbidity for amputees, especially BK or AK leg amputees, is very high.

    I've since become consumed by the question of whether I could perform surgery or an autopsy on someone I loved, and whether a yes or no answer makes me a worse person.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:28:08 No.7360724
    I didn't find 3g1h that bad, but pictures of serious self harm (inch wide gashes, that kind of stuff) make me feel kind of uneasy.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:31:51 No.7360764
    Is that where the cameraman is up rather high and looking down on the dog? And the asian walks past the dog, grabs a brick, turns around and bricks the dog? I hate that video...
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:38:39 No.7360824
    Bro I was in Iraq and in combat. Some of these videos make me lol. The inept first-aid response of the bystanders in that "shot iraqi girl" video come to mind and I turned off that fucking "guys+hammer" the fuck off 5 seconds into it.

    Those fucks should have got the death penalty and their backwards fucking country outlawed that just a few years previous.

    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:41:15 No.7360854

    This game...Start using the tools in it and wow...Start to realise that this shit happens to real people, in our everyday life...And many get away with it. It's awful.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:46:09 No.7360904
    That hammer video was pretty fucking awful
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:48:25 No.7360938
    I was in Iraq
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:50:39 No.7360967
    Im the "i was iraq guy"

    Can you link me to that vid?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:50:48 No.7360972
    I really didn't like seeing this one GIF of a guy slowly torturing a little kitty in a bathtub, eventually decapitating it. I also remember seeing, at age 11 or even younger, a video on the internet of a guy holding down some dude and slitting his throat.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:50:49 No.7360973
    The only thing that offends me about this site:

    The mundane masses of this site presenting themselves as the fringes of society.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:51:42 No.7360985
    I'm the iraq guy
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:52:43 No.7360998
    that hasnt happend since i was 14 years old
    thats when i first started lurking
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:53:13 No.7361006
    I think I might have seen that second one--was it a really big knife that the killer stabbed through the side of the victim's throat and sawed outwards with? I vaguely remember hearing that those guys were Russians or Chechens or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:55:34 No.7361031
    Started watching, couldn't bear to even see the beheading.
    I regularly watch videos where women are bound and helpless, then 'tortured' for the camera. But seeing a real person, not an actor, tied and helpless on the ground with genuine fear in his eyes, and with the knowledge that everything won't be OK at the end, just fucking killed me.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:57:03 No.7361046
    Most of these things just depress me.
    I watched 3g1h in bursts because it was rather unpleasant, just left me with a kind of "What the fuck?" feeling.

    I really hate animal abuse/gore stuff though.
    Even that shit with Dusty the cat had me seething, im glad /b/ acted against that little fuck.

    Im glad I don't really go on /b/ much anymore, because the bad usually outweighs the good.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)22:57:19 No.7361049
    Probably the last thing that disturbed me was one of the firing squad videos on bloodshows. I imagined myself, kneeling in the dirt, unable to see anything, and hearing the shots of the pistol move closer and closer. That fear was absolutely petrifying.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:20:00 No.7361299
    Similar story, but the mosaic was of pedobear. And it was on /b/. Brix were shat, I assure you.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:39:44 No.7361469

    Just got done watching it... I'm hungry now. Off to make a sammich.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)23:55:09 No.7361608
    I wish I could be as cool and tough as you.

    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/03/10(Wed)04:04:00 No.7363450
    that really depends on the subject of it, actually.

    I'm an exceptionally violent man, and i'm at the point where no amount of blood or gore phases me in the slightest amount. However with that said i have two acute Achilles' Heels, only one of which i will mention:

    genuinely nice and/or innocent persons being cruelly overwhelmed by evil persons. I can stand any kind of ultragory horror or real-life death or mutilation of someone, but when i know it's someone evil and cruel overwhelming someone (less evil and cruel), the sadness hits like a thousand freight trains, and i can't watch any more.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)04:18:02 No.7363553
    link to japanese girl that got raped on the bus, though there's something in the back of my head that keeps nagging about it being JAV(therefore staged) :-/
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)04:19:43 No.7363567
         File1265188783.jpg-(52 KB, 452x604, kitty.jpg)
    52 KB
    4chan cannot offend because there is nothing but image and text
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)05:39:16 No.7364072
    that video of a rapist by gang-raped in jail in central/south america, pretty disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)07:26:34 No.7364536
    me too
    me also
    mootblox probably
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)07:38:02 No.7364612

    This. I'm not sure if it's the same video as the one I watched but same basic premise. That was around a year ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)07:43:42 No.7364639
    gore always disgusts me and makes me feel sad :(
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:11:01 No.7365083
    Well, most stuff is disguting at first, but I'm pretty desensitised now. My life long goal is to become 100% desensitised/jaded, so that I will be able to withstand even the most gruesome imagery. I am very well on my way.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:23:05 No.7365135

    lol faggot

    See some shit irl you pussy internet goremaster
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:24:03 No.7365137
         File1265207043.gif-(57 KB, 547x599, 547px-Stupid_nigger.gif)
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    beastiality threads
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:28:04 No.7365163

    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/03/10(Wed)09:32:28 No.7365186
    > my lifelong goal is to be an evil, heartless and incorrigible person
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:32:48 No.7365187
    Uh huh. I've thought about becoming a mortician or coroner. I AM a faggot though. Barking dogs scare me sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:34:46 No.7365200
    Nah. I'm better/nicer than you in every conceivable way.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:35:49 No.7365206
    I just tried to replicate that pose. It's doable, but it's extremely awkward.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:44:36 No.7365253
    I recall a video of the execution of a Muslim man convicted of raping several women. They stripped him down, retrieved a very large pole with a very sharp end, and proceeded to insert the pole into his anus and impale him from the inside. The image of him screaming and slowly sliding down the pole until the point finally comes out of his shoulder is something I haven't forgotten.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:54:11 No.7365285
    lol do want sauce
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/03/10(Wed)09:56:11 No.7365294
    i'm going to have to insist on source also
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:57:32 No.7365295
    nothing fucks me up more than the kitty being stomped by stilettos.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)09:59:51 No.7365311
    That one of the guy who fucks up a jump and splits his face open. In the ER they are holding his head together.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:02:17 No.7366331
    wait, wait

    give sauce immediately
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:38:25 No.7366575
    probably that video of Tom Sellick beating his sister up
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:39:32 No.7366583
    Very long, surprisingly well-written pasta about how this guy winds up sleeping with the hot, terminally-ill mother of his ex-gf.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:06:13 No.7366763
    Jesus Christ you goddamn newfags, when in a gore thread you're supposed to FUCKING LINK THE GORE
    Are you seriously this stupid?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:34:46 No.7367604
    i do verily concur with the statement to which i am referring by means of post rightbracket-rightbracket postnumber, which referral sits above this text!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:37:55 No.7367634

    lrn to internet
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:38:55 No.7367644

    BTW it is fake and from an 80s movie called "shareef"
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:01:00 No.7368951
    I'm unfamiliar with that pasta, but it's exactly the kind of thing I'd like. Sauce?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:18:14 No.7369112

    ok wow, ya that was intense i remember me and my friend going on steak and cheese or whatever the fuck its called and having a marathon of beheading viewings.

    haven't done that in a while but damn that video is just worse because of those goddamn nazi-kids.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:18:56 No.7369117
    I saw this shitty thread
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/03/10(Wed)22:53:18 No.7372148
    I used to avoid /b/ because of it's infamous reputation as the asshole of the internet. Yet at the same time stuff from /b/ leaks out via troll and off-topic replies. Obviously the most infamous times are the raids where /b/tards raid a imageboard to steal their GET. It happened on /cgl/ and /c/.

    But recently I started going to be and saw what I expected from them. Slowly I got more /b/tarded the more I visit it, I eventually learn to ignore the nasty threads and respond to the ones that are actually lulzy, not the threads that constantly repeat themselves over and over.

    Eventually /b/ just became a another imageboard that I go to for laughs, but most of the time I go to the worksafe boards more than that imageboard.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:59:32 No.7372225
    I was offended by the cover of People magazine, a couple of weeks ago. when every news outlet was covering the situation in Haiti, People dug up the 5 year old story of Brad and Jennifer Aniston's divorce, just so they could put a white woman on the cover. they had some little brown babies up in the corner to pay some lip service. like, it would kill them to actually make the REAL issue a proper cover story.

    they have done this shit before. when that tsunami rocked Indonesia, their cover story was this one blonde, blue eyed Dutch kid who had lost his parents. never mind the millions who had lost their homes, entire families and possibly their lives.

    God, I hate People magazine...
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)23:18:33 No.7372402
    This thread; after reading all those posts about those dudes and a hammer I decided to go look it up on ED.

    The 10 second .gif was enough for me to alt-f4 the fuck out of there.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)23:18:47 No.7372405
    I seen much gore myself, and never got to the point where I purposely went out of my way to frequent sites about it, but I had a surprisingly tame reaction to 2g1h.
    I got that tingly feeling in my body, and became a bit said for a few minutes.
    Then I fapped to a japanese schoolgirl being bullied.
    >> fix'd Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)23:25:02 No.7372463
    I HAVEN'T seen much gore*
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)23:46:22 No.7372642
    I don't think I've ever been offended/disgusted/disturbed by this site.

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