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    File : 1264914224.jpg-(108 KB, 1024x768, 1239496528768.jpg)
    108 KB Reason's You Hate Your State Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:03:44 No.7329061  

    I served in the USMC for 16 years. 6 of those were in Recon. Shot a gun pretty much everyday of my life during those years. I can't get a Concealed and Carry Permit. San Diego County doesn't issue them. Apparently I don't know how to use a weapon well enough, and am a danger to society if I carried one everyday.

    Forget being able to get tight groupings at over 300 yards no scope. If I had a handhun on my belt apparently it'd randomly fire through the holster with out me touching it at little girls and boys as they were writing letters to cancer survivors in school because guns are evil and uncontrollable unless they are in a cop's hands.

    However, we let 16 year old's with alcohol problems drive with out a second thought.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:04:54 No.7329075
    Missouri. Nothing to fucking do, full of rednecks and hillbillies. Pot and sativia are illegal. Death penalty. Just general faggotry.
    >> Wait, what? !bb6OCCHf8E!!N0znhtLEZEL 01/31/10(Sun)00:05:59 No.7329079
    Ugh, I hate living in Missouri so goddamn much, even though I live right next to Kansas City.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:06:01 No.7329080
    MA, its cold and dark. need to move to warm place now.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:06:42 No.7329086

    there is nothing here but corn

    and horrible weather.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:06:50 No.7329088
    I hate being a gun owner in California. I like surfing, and owning a gun. Why can't I do both easily?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:06:53 No.7329089

    everybody lauds our low unemployment

    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 01/31/10(Sun)00:07:05 No.7329091
    New Jersey: Besides food stores, if you want to stay open on Sunday, you have to pay a tax. Holy Blue Law days. When I moved here, I went to the mall on a Sunday, and when nothing was open but the movie theater, I asked the security guard what was going on and he said "it's the law", and I asked him for about 15 minutes for more information and he eventually told me "because god said so".

    God commands that New Jersey taxes stores, outside of food stores, that want to be open on Sunday.

    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:07:18 No.7329095

    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/31/10(Sun)00:07:25 No.7329096
    i don't hate it

    i dislike that it's hard to get to other states i want to visit, but i don't hate it

    rednecks aren't that bad
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:07:36 No.7329098
    It's like everyone has +15 CHA for just being here
    but I don't
    there's also the muggings and the loud people and expensiveness
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:08:10 No.7329100
    while i have no idea what youre on about with the whole alcohol thing, i think every state should allow concealed and carry. once i graduate from college i plan on getting mine. those with license's arent the one's that create a problem. its the people that have never handled or fired a gun and are scared as hell of them that creates problems. i wouldnt mind if high schools started teaching gun education courses much like sex ed where they taught people gun safety, and how to fire and store them properly.

    if the majority of the population was just a bit more educated about guns, they would be alot more safe.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:09:05 No.7329110
    Fuck yea, Texas.

    Next legislative session, we'll probably make it legal to carry on college campuses, without the option for the colleges themselves to say otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:09:12 No.7329113
    >> Wait, what? !bb6OCCHf8E!!N0znhtLEZEL 01/31/10(Sun)00:09:44 No.7329121
    Nope. Curious though, what city are you in?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:09:47 No.7329123
    Sounds like a county issue, really. I live in Sacramento county and my friend got approved for a concealed gun license, and honestly, it troubles me the government trusts him that much.

    Honestly, I can't say I hate anything about CA other than maybe how much of a trainwreck our state government is. It's like a fucking miracle just to get a budget approved a month late. We're way fucking in debt ever since they Gray Davis power scandal and everyone here bitches every time the govt tries to make cuts, and bitches twice as much at the thought of more taxes, then vote through shit like the maglev bill. WE DON'T GROW MONEY IN CENTRAL VALLEY MORONS. We have to pay for shit somehow. Either stop bitching about cuts or stop bitching about taxes. We've still got it much better off than other places.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:09:50 No.7329124
    He's angry because he's used a gun his whole life, and isn't able to carry one every day. But kids who've driven for 6 months get to use a car which is just as capable of killing as a gun with out anyone blinking.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:10:07 No.7329129

    The more people have guns and the more people know about firing them, the safer the country will be...

    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:10:31 No.7329131
    Don't feel bad:


    My pop's a retired police officer (26 years, I think) and could not get a conceal and carry permit. Hell, they won't even honor retired police officer badges as anything but a worthless piece of metal.

    He moved south. Very south. And now has all the guns he wants hidden wherever he wants. God bless the Confederacy.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:10:56 No.7329135
    >If I had a handhun on my belt apparently it'd randomly fire through the holster with out me touching it at little girls and boys as they were writing letters to cancer survivors in school because guns are evil and uncontrollable unless they are in a cop's hands.

    >Shot a gun pretty much everyday of my life during those years.

    And they're right. You would definitely shoot it at those cancer kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:11:19 No.7329137
    Independence. I'm like 10 minutes away from the city but I never bring myself to go downtown and check it out with friends. Once I start my new job I might.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:11:55 No.7329143
    committing crimes is real appealing when everyone and their mom is packing heat
    >> Wait, what? !bb6OCCHf8E!!N0znhtLEZEL 01/31/10(Sun)00:12:29 No.7329151
    Hooooly shit. I'm in Lee's Summit.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:12:45 No.7329154
    so i guess you served your 16 years outside of the US.

    you can't have guns here in nyc unless you're wealthy or a nigger. even rifles cost a fortune, and you register like a criminal (paperwork, mugshots, fingerprints, and registration fee of several hundred dollars every year). i keep my stuff outside the city for obvious reasons.

    kids in cars kill far more people than guns. welcome to liberal america, liberals aren't afraid of the easy political issues like demonizing guns, but not brave enough to solve real problems.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:15:00 No.7329174
    I didn't think other people existed in Missouri. I thought I was the only living soul in a state full of zombies. Have you ever noticed in movies, tv, and the news that whenever they mention a hillbilly state, it's always Kansas, Alabama, Iowa, Nebraska, etc but never Missouri? It's like we don't fucking exist man.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:15:14 No.7329177
    >>Shot a gun pretty much everyday of my life during those years.
    >>. Apparently I don't know how to use a weapon well enough, and am a danger to society if I carried one everyday.
    >>Shot a gun pretty much everyday of my life during those years.
    >> a danger to society if I carried one everyday.
    No idea why they would think that.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:15:16 No.7329178

    I feel for you, man. I just bailed on that state a few months ago. Fuck California. Fuck California with a fiery passion.

    Where am I now?

    Maryland. Baltimore is about 1 step above Detroit in appeal. It's dirty, it's dank, it's cold, and the people are fucking useless faggots with absolutely no concern for anyone or anything around them.

    Trying to drive on the freeway around here is like signing up for involuntary suicide.

    I'm leaving for basic in a few weeks, though, so fuck this place.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:16:37 No.7329189
    God damn I really hate this fucking state.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:16:42 No.7329192

    yes, that is 100% true. sure it doesnt cut down on premeditated murder or anything, but it certainly cuts down on accidental shootings/misfires and whatnot.

    you can make guns illegal if you want, but 'bad guys' are still going to get them off the black market and kill people if they want. you cant stop that. what you can do is educated the general public in proper firearm safety and make guns safer for everyone.

    real dumb huh, logic and all.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:16:44 No.7329193

    wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww im in independence too
    >> Wait, what? !bb6OCCHf8E!!N0znhtLEZEL 01/31/10(Sun)00:16:57 No.7329195
    I know, right? I think it's because Missouri is full of fucking morons who don't know how to use a computer, let alone go on 4chan. I almost feel like Missouri is just a shitty state. :(
    Also we should meet each other and have an awkward conversation! SOUNDS FUN MAN.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:19:15 No.7329218
    I dunno, I might be tempted to bludgeon you over the head and lock you in my basement to keep the 4chan stereotype up. I've got an image to maintain you know.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:19:16 No.7329219
    Yeah, having me register with the police, get finger printed, and them having a record of me makes me far more dangerous.

    I should just grind off the serial numbers and carry one illegally like a nigger. Shoot someone then throw it in the garbage.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:19:39 No.7329225
    >implying that knowing how to shoot a gun makes you a hardened sociopathic criminal who wants to do nothing but BOOM! HEADSHOT! 24/7

    troll detected
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:20:20 No.7329233
    Are you honestly implying that because he was in the military, he will go out of his way to murder children with cancer?
    >> Wait, what? !bb6OCCHf8E!!N0znhtLEZEL 01/31/10(Sun)00:20:28 No.7329235
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    Yeah, but I'll be packin' some heat.
    Or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:21:57 No.7329246
    No fuking way dude. No seriously I'm surprised to find one person in MO let alone two. It's like destiny or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:22:32 No.7329250
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    >> Wait, what? !bb6OCCHf8E!!N0znhtLEZEL 01/31/10(Sun)00:22:57 No.7329253
    I know, right?
    Also, 99.9% of the time, if someone from Missouri DOES go on 4chan, they're on the opposite fucking side of the state.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:29:06 No.7329289
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:29:12 No.7329290
    All I EVER hear anyone from Missouri talk about is how fucking miserable they are there because there's nothing to do? If all of you are so bored constantly, why doesn't one of you come up with something fun to do and then make a shit ton of money off of it, since apparently there'd be zero competition on account of there being nothing else fun in the entire state?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:30:36 No.7329304
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:31:25 No.7329309
    God man, you're right! That's the single most intelligent thought I've seen on 4chan yet. I could make tens of thousands with my World's Largest Ant Farm. Brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:32:35 No.7329322

    so move to another state you stupid baby killer
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:34:17 No.7329344

    A quarter of the state is Indian reservations. Reservations are fucking horrible places where unemployment rates get as high as 75%, alcoholism is rampant, education is fucking pathetic, everything is a run down piece of rusted shit. Well, it's not fair to pick on just reservations, 90% of the state is like that.

    Our government is ran by fucking morons who think our multibillion dollar debt will disappear if we cut funding from education (which is already bottom 5, the rich suburbs are the only thing stopping us from being last). When our governor proposed a 1% increase in the sales tax which would neutralize the debt after a couple years, congressmen acted as if it was the apocalypse and pissed themselves because we'd become a communist fascist socialist state if we did that.

    Outside of college areas, the state becomes a ghost town past 10 pm. There is next to nothing to do here. The Grand Canyon is the only thing keeping us afloat with tourism.

    The drivers are maniacs, but when a cop car is within 5 miles everybody starts driving 10 mph under the speed limit.

    The colleges here suck. I'm surprised ASU still has accreditation with a 92% acceptance rate. NAU is full of pricks and the education is lackluster. U of A is a good Astronomy school and a slightly above average Computer Science school, sucks in every other category.

    In the dead of summer it's 115 every day.

    Housing economy is a fucking joke. There are two story houses going for $65k.

    The teenagers are either pretty pricks or gang banger douchefucks.

    Shit, I hate this state so much.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:38:15 No.7329378
    I used to live in California. Payed high taxes, got denied of my gun rights. I payed over 300 into the system to get my cali CCW and they took my money and left me hanging.

    I now live in nevada. no real state taxes, and I got my CCW the first weekend I moved here without trouble. Downside.... Im in the desert.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:38:25 No.7329380


    'nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:41:37 No.7329415

    Too many fucking Mexicans goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:41:56 No.7329419
    Washington, specifically Seattle.

    People keep fucking moving here for some reason. No one who lives here in from here. Traffic is already LA-bad and housing prices are a slap in the face if you don't make 6-figures, so renting well into your 30s is a way of life here.

    People are standoffish and impossible to befriend unless you've known them since childhood. This is probably due to the weather keeping everyone sheltered; from october through may it's just straight constant overcast with drizzling, misty rain.

    Seattle is quickly becoming San Francisco; overpriced, overrated, and with a rapidly growing gap between rich and poor.

    Can't wait to move to Texas or something. Glorious cheap land and sunshine.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:42:13 No.7329420
    >government is ran by fucking morons
    >ran by fucking morons
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:42:35 No.7329425

    Basically all of that. Another thing I don't like is if you make one wrong turn you can end up in a place where people only speak Spanish and you'll be lucky to leave without a bullet in your head.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:45:06 No.7329462
    Connecticut. If you don't live in the rich part it's complete shit. Everything is so ugly. People are rude and don't know how to drive.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:45:32 No.7329468
    and alot of hipsters
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:46:09 No.7329472
    >I served in the USMC for 16 years. 6 of those were in Recon. Shot a gun pretty much everyday of my life during those years.

    I wouldn't give you a gun either. You were brainwashed to kill. After 16 years, you're probably a little fucked up in the head.

    You Americans are fucking morons.
    >> /y/'s bastard. !!FkaxFV2fIWO 01/31/10(Sun)00:47:58 No.7329493
    Just like OP, im in cali.
    Trying to get my fucking GED and im a dropout as is.

    I'll be going with my mom longhaul trucking.
    Yet im apparently not fucking old enough to get a GED, so I guess I just fucking sit here and rot in the meantime.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:48:18 No.7329496
    Yes, no one should have a gun, ever. In fact, you should probably stay away from paper, those edges are sharp.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:48:26 No.7329497
    It isn't all bad, unlike these other faggots, we have some counties with awesome carry laws. In Iredell I can get a concealed for 90 bucks, it lasts 5 years and I can buy what ever I fucking want without any further permits.

    Oh, and rifles and shotguns can be purchased sans permit all day long.

    Other than that, niggers, mexicans, taxes, shitty roads, shitty school systems, pompous raleigh fags.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:48:59 No.7329504

    It's cold. It's boring. The job market is horrible, especially living in a Detroit suburb. The niggers are horrible, especially living in a Detroit suburb (Seriously, somehow a lot of them can afford to move out from the city. The ones that can't afford to move out take busses to the once quiet suburbs around here, do their nigger shit, and then go back). I can't ride my motorcycle all year round. The roads are almost too shitty to ride a motorcycle at all. Our governor let the state run into the ground and the dipshits in the state elected her TWICE WHAT THE FUCK
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:49:40 No.7329512
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:49:52 No.7329513
    south dakota

    enough said
    >> Kazuya Mishima !!KcrxRQ/zEdO 01/31/10(Sun)00:54:01 No.7329553
    OP is a huge babykilling faggot, besides we don't need psychos such as yourself carrying a concealed gun. Fuck the 2nd amendment guns are good for one thing only, killing people and we as a species don't fucking need that. Besides if you're such a Force Recon badass you should be able to kill anyone who tries to mess with you with your bare hands.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:55:41 No.7329575
    i live in long island, new york, it's actually pretty good here if you don't mind living from paycheck to paycheck to afford the inflated housing
    >> Peter Gabriel !neKNoT.lxg 01/31/10(Sun)00:56:35 No.7329582

    salutations, fellow MOfags

    Missouri sucks because we have Meth, Monsanto, crime and the worst parts of every season.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:57:17 No.7329590

    Austin is the only big city with any reasonable culture or fun of which to speak. The Dallas sprawl is WonderBread City, San Antonio is a fucking wasteland, and Houston is San Antonio housed inside of Dallas. Austin is slowly dying due to a massive hipster invasion, though. Thanks, condo builders!

    Also, if you're not in one of the big cities, you're in the middle of the world's largest hick convention, with all of the added fun that goes along with that. Guns, "socialism" fears, Jee-zus, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:09:56 No.7329722
    WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!?!?!?!?! I've been on /r9k/ since it's inception (sad, I know) and not once have I met someone who lived in Missouri or Kansas, let alone anywhere near Kansas City....where the fuck have you all been?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:14:23 No.7329760
    central illinois. everyone here is a fucking redneck farmer retard. this state is a liberal shit hole 99% controlled by chicago which is even worse than the rest of the state. there is absolutely nothing but corn and soy fields for 100's of miles. worst state in the union
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:17:22 No.7329782

    basically this, replace seattle with portland
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:21:36 No.7329817

    nothing to do, you have to choose to live in hillbilly nowhereville of niggersville. I cant even get a job at tacobell because of unemployment. i live in the middle of nowhere and everybody my age smokes pot or drinks for fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:21:50 No.7329819

    No jobs, no respect, and the last one is what really kills me. I live in the 7th biggest state in the Union, with the nations largest university system and three world-class cities, AND YET we still get lumped in with Kansas as a fucking hole in the ground.

    I know that there are no jobs here for unskilled workers, and I wish that weren't true, but really, there's no work for unskilled workers EVERYWHERE, even in MEXICO. Besides, there's no real solution to having industry pack up and leave. All you can do is wait for your state to shrink down to a more reasonable level.

    Fuck, it's the lack of respect, though. Not everyone can live in a sunshine state, retards.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:22:03 No.7329820

    I've been here since the board opened bro.

    Even though I don't live in Missouri anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:23:28 No.7329833

    My friend, those are just a few out of the many, many annoying things about California.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:24:34 No.7329839

    >killing people and we as a species don't fucking need that

    >How would you have stopped say, Hitler? Give him hugs?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:26:46 No.7329854
    but Hitler wouldn't have any guns!

    Oh wait anyone with half a brain and a trip to home depot can build a gun.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:29:21 No.7329874
    Fucking Louisiana. Just fucking fuck.

    Thank God I have friends that aren't redneck or retarded.

    Sheesh. If you don't hunt or fish or are a bit outdoorsy, you're a fucking outcast. Good thing I'm a tremendously good liar.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:29:24 No.7329875
    this is 100% true for anything that isn't the burbs of chicago.
    the burbs is basically all minorities if you aren't in some sort of gated communitiy
    the city is all over priced (wtf 9-11 dollars a pack of smokes?) and it's easily one of the most corrupt governments in the country.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:33:07 No.7329909
    1. get a small boat and a friend maybe some food/beer
    2. take a fishing pole, you dont half to fish but it will look like you are
    3.just chill for a couple hours
    5. profit

    fishing isn't really about fishing unless your obsessive about it. its just chilling in the water with your buds and just being men.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:33:22 No.7329913

    especially in Bloomington

    there is quite a few of them in Terre Haute

    but Terre Haute was shit long before the hipsters came.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:36:45 No.7329943

    I might be in Bloomington next year for grad school; this displeases me. Oh well, I'll just be in the library anyways.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:36:59 No.7329947

    I don't fish all that much anymore, I barely have the time with school. Crabbing, though, is where it's at.

    Om nom nom indeed.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:40:00 No.7329977
    That bro here, I go to college out of state now, so I'm not there too often, but I seriously thought I was the only one in the area that went here.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:40:15 No.7329980
    I am a guy from the 317 area
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:42:05 No.7329995
    Actually OP; the reason they don't want you to have a concealed weapons permit is because of your military experience.

    Guns are a tool. The US is a civilized society, and we do not always need to have these specialized tools at hand. They probably are worried that your PTSD will kick in at a Starbucks, and you'll use your perfect aim to neutralize one of the other customers who made a sudden move towards the baked goods display.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:43:45 No.7330011
    >People who use guns like to go on killing sprees
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)01:51:00 No.7330082
    yeah, it's about hanging out. When we go we just catch and release.

    Also, California. The roads are terrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)02:54:28 No.7330638
    North Dakota here. There's hardly anything to do to begin with, but if you don't have a car, you won't be going anywhere, and won't be doing anything. No wonder people binge drink all the time.

    Also, winter sucks and lasts fucking forever and most people who live outside of the big cities are of the "zomg obama is a secret muslim socialist who eats babies for breakfast" type.

    I feel for you bro. T_T
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:03:23 No.7330716

    Whoa, another NDfag? Thought I was the only one, haha. Fargo, I'm guessing?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:12:55 No.7330790
    sup brandon
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:12:58 No.7330791
    Kansas City, Kansas.

    Nothing to fucking do. 50 percent rednecks, 50 percent niggers. People in this retarded state also hate Missouri for some reason, as if being from Kansas was something to be proud of. Wanna move back to Boston.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:14:49 No.7330805

    thank you for your service.

    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:17:26 No.7330815
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    Nope. Sorry brah.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:17:37 No.7330816
    The gun laws suck.
    But otherwise, it's a great state. And I like 20 mins from Chicago.
    And bond is only 10% of bail. I've never been arrested, but I've had friends get hit with 100,000 bail and pay it on the spot with 10 grand in their pocket.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:20:55 No.7330831
    Well then...
    Tyler? Tom? Nick? Steve?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:27:22 No.7330870
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    Um, I know people with those names. But they are common names, so I dunno.

    If it helps, I grew up in ND but I'm not living there right now. But I am moving back in about a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:27:25 No.7330872
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    I love when people try to equate cars and guns.
    Cars were made for transportation. Do people die in car accidents? Yeah. Is it the car's fault? Usually not. Usually its the person's fault.

    The sole purpose of a gun is to kill. That's why it was made, to be an efficient killing machine, and that's the only thing it does.

    So, what we have here is a population that is so stupid that they figure out ways (mostly by being negligent retawds) to kill people with something that wasn't designed to kill people in the least. Yeah, so, let's totally make it easy for them to get a device WHOSE SOLE PURPOSE IS TO KILL PEOPLE. THAT MAKES SENSE.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:32:50 No.7330908
    I don't think I know you then, but you may know those other guys. I present you with my (fake) email address if you wish to talk further.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)03:36:22 No.7330935

    Complete shithole. It's great if you're a tourist, but I wouldn't want to live here.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)04:07:14 No.7331135
    NC does have open carry laws, but you can get fucked with that terror of the public bullshit. Lincoln Co. fag here. How'd you like all that fucking snow?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)04:11:32 No.7331155
    Missourifag here from the other side of the state.

    To say "IT FUCKING SUCKS" would be an understatement.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)04:39:27 No.7331329
    formerly so cal, now an ex-pat.

    fucking hated it. well, growing up, without a car, guess it was okay. cept for lack of parks, etc, and real options to do anything in the I.E. i remember back in the early 90s' a movie theater opening was the greatest thing since sliced bread... then the housing boom and stupid crap sprung up all over... teenagers and mothers of young children acting like teenagers all over the fucking place. and the freeways, hooolyeee fuck. i commuted 100+ miles a day for 4 years, and i never want to drive again.

    and i am certainly not missing that special brand of over 40 female that still shops in the girls section.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)04:42:45 No.7331346

    Everything is taxed, and everything else is highly illegal.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)04:52:10 No.7331425

    Most of the time there's nothing to do, but I'm right along the border of Ohio and a college town, so it's not that big of a problem for me.

    Other than that, I'd say the large amount of rednecks.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)05:02:21 No.7331489
    I'd tell you that less guns on the streets (qualified individuals or not) is a good thing but you'd probably dismiss it right away as being a hippy, or whatever. You'd dismiss it because it seems to be the attitude of most americans, and doubly because you were in the Marine Corps.

    Thing is, they are laws for a reason. Honestly, you know you're more qualified than probably 99% of the people you live around to own a gun, but if the rule isn't across the board and makes tons of exceptions, it isn't really a law anymore right?

    If you don't believe me, look at the gun violence rate of the US compared to countries like the UK, Australia, or Canada.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)05:06:24 No.7331510
    i'd rather look at assault and murder rates. a dead person is a dead person, whether shot or stabbed.

    and englands extremely successful gun ban has had no effect violent crime rates. only in changing what the weapon of choice is.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)05:20:06 No.7331593
    At least nobody had anything bad to say about IOWA
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)05:25:52 No.7331620
    >tight grouping 300 yards away
    >with a handgun

    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)05:27:08 No.7331623
    so cal here

    hate the scene fags, the trashy kids, BROS, stupid parents, horrible drivers, weather is usually shit (cold mornings and hot days, but it could be worse)

    I'd love to be in new york, chicago or seattle
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:44:21 No.7334329

    And look at Switzerland. Fucking stupid liberal hippy faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:46:35 No.7334350
    boo hoo, cranky mister baby tough guy got told he was invincible by his war-daddy but the mean laws won't let him keep his boom-boom toy around crowded cities.

    life must be very confusing and tough for you. I bet you'd like a popsicle.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:47:23 No.7334356
    Second that

    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:49:24 No.7334373

    You really are stupid, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:49:36 No.7334375
    The question is, why do you WANT to carry a gun all the time? Maybe they object to people who do, because a lot of you are nutjobs who WILL pull it out whenever they think they can be the hero and shoot brown and black people.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:51:20 No.7334384
    a response that proves the same about you while not sticking to me at all. how stupid you must be to have no better response.
    >become marine
    >see something I don't like
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:52:08 No.7334390

    Our liquor laws are the worst in the country. The only place you can buy liquor are state-run stores. If you want beer outside of a bar, your only options are buying cases from a beer distributor or paying out the ass for overpriced six-packs at a bar.

    Bloated and ineffective state government that hasn't been able to pass a budget on time in the last eight years.

    Local governments in the urban areas always vote Democrat no matter how awful the Democratic candidate is. You could put a retarded monkey on the ballot and it would win if it had a "-D" next to its name. I'm hardly the Fox News-watching, Bush-loving Republican type, but this one-party rule allows all sorts of corrupt and incompetent idiots to stay in power.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:53:21 No.7334404
    (Northern) California

    I feel like I live in fucking China. Chinamen everyfuckingwhere.Also, Faggots everywhere. No, I'm not voting for you gays to be able to get married, go fuck yourselves.

    And 10% sales tax? FUCK YOU ASSHOLES. REALLY. FUCK YOU.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:55:57 No.7334430
    I would support the right for all military officers to have an unlimited concealed weapon permit, if they were honorably discharged or retired, especially if officers were literally the best of society the way they used to be.

    Sadly today? No, I don't trust 80% of the enlisted armed forces with a toothpick, much less a firearm, anywhere near me. Special operations teams are an exception - if you're a SEAL or Pilot you obviously have a decent temperament. Now, as far as the Marines are concerned, I honestly don't know if there's a section of "You must be a calm, friendly, no-HOOOOOAAAHHHHH motherfucker" jobs, but it seems contrary to the Marine way of life these days.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:57:15 No.7334441

    ahahahha ! you've only got like $10 each ! !
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:57:18 No.7334443

    Because the Constitution and GOD says I can.
    Why are you taking away my 2nd Amendment?
    Why do you hate America?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:57:38 No.7334447
    NYC Fag, I want to move to SoCal,

    >>hate the scene fags
    We have them by the spades
    >>the trashy kids
    Yep, don't get me started
    Ours are Italian American
    >>horrible drivers
    LOL, New Jersey
    >>weather is usually shit (cold mornings and hot days, but it could be worse)
    Its 27 Degrees out right now in the mid afternoon with the sun out and a clear sky. I wish it was 60F like it is right now in LA, I'd be wearing some damn shorts and a tee.

    Anyways, NYC? Getting stupid expensive even in the outer boroughs, VERY CAR/GUN UNFRIENDLY, and you just get bored of it after a while. The novelty of living lasts a while but drops off.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:59:45 No.7334471
    libfag detected

    It's about putting your protection in your own hands and not having to rely on anyone else. You seem to think it's about being a trigger-happy psycho, but those are what most cops are brah
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:01:06 No.7334487

    Nope, you're just an idiot. I could explain why, but you wouldn't understand. Go to bed, kid.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:05:04 No.7334525

    God help our troops.

    I'm just being a bitch, I loved your post, OP.

    Pennsylvania: One of the most boring and uninteresting states around but you can't buy alcohol on Sundays.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:07:24 No.7334551
    >you are because you are because you are because i said so

    marine logic
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:10:37 No.7334578

    You sound like a conservatard.

    Please move, signed, Brooklyn

    Cars are pointless. Everything I could possibly want (from social things to shopping to the beach to the mountains) is an hour away or less by train.

    I don't know where the fuck you see scene kids, but I literally have not seen one in years. There are plenty of hipsters, but if you stay away from the LES and Williamsburg, they innocuous at worst.

    The only possible way you could be bored in the city is if you are anti-social. There is always something to do with other people of every single type. I love it.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:11:13 No.7334586

    anything there is to do here isn't fun, and anything fun you would want to do isn't here.

    also the cops are anal in the suburbs, ridiculously so compared to chicago which is actually difficult to live in you drive barely an hour and theres nothing but rich jews
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:13:57 No.7334613
    Silicon Valley, CA

    Everythings cool here :)
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:14:11 No.7334616

    Of course. Just go play with your government approved toy peace treaties, and thank Obama that the perfect police force who never recruit lunatics have caught all the bad men.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:14:21 No.7334618

    Pennfag here. My local state-controlled liquor store is open on Sundays.

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