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    File : 1264798289.jpg-(66 KB, 480x640, line.jpg)
    66 KB Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:51:29 No.7314119  
    If you are born a man you will die a man. Taking drugs, wearing certain clothes or putting bags in your chest will not change that. Sex and gender are not a social construct, gender norms are. Acting against gender norms does not make you a woman. Don't ask me to refer to you as her or girl because I won't do that any more than you will call me a buffalo if I ask you to.

    There is no such thing as a female brain in a man's body. There is no medical way that one selective part of the body can form for the opposite gender as the rest of you. The brain controls the developement of the body through hormones, the two must match. There is nothing in the brain that tells the individual what their body should look like, it is entirely culturally based. The issue then is purely psychological in nature.

    Most of these individuals feel the need to change in order to escape themselves. They dislike their lives and themselves and radical change appears to be the only solution. Most transexuals are heterosexual. Because of this they decide to change into something that they, through sexual attraction, consider valuable and desireable. This is horribly misguided and the fact that the medical community assists in people mutilating themselves is egregious.

    The correct treatment for these conditions should be psychologically based. They should work toward accepting themselves as they are. I find it strange that almost all other conditions of body dismorphia are treated by teaching acceptance but this one condition is treated with surgery and drugs.

    In the end though I support your right to do whatever you want with your body.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:53:06 No.7314133

    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/29/10(Fri)15:54:15 No.7314139
    Okay, well, cool, but you didn't really leave a lot to discuss, you just delivered a one-sided missive hoping for reactions.

    So... thanks. Thanks for this conversation limiting monologue.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:54:32 No.7314140
    >There is no such thing as a female brain in a man's body.

    Apparently physiological psychologists have found that homosexuals have brains closer to straight females than straight males.

    Not that I know much on it, but it's probably more valid than what you've said.
    >> ­ :3 christfag !xyWyVn95HA 01/29/10(Fri)15:54:56 No.7314143
    that's one cross little dude in op's pic

    probably cold from not having any clothes
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:55:25 No.7314148
    yeah, because everyone has to be the same and follow the same patterns of life

    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:56:22 No.7314155
    so, wait, the only thing that makes a man a man and a woman a woman is their physical attributes, or it isn't?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:57:00 No.7314160

    but I think you just said trannies aren't really girls, which is true. but they want to be treated like girls and that's fine, because they are delicious (well linetrap is)
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:57:01 No.7314161
    That's an interesting point of view you have there, OP.

    >More of OP pic
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:58:52 No.7314171
         File1264798732.jpg-(28 KB, 533x526, lintrapphone.jpg)
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    I'm glad to see bailey's tits turned out nice and not all googly eyed or anything :D
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:59:24 No.7314177
    i agree with you op and people who disagree are most likely taking offense to the way you stated your ideas


    read the last sentence over and over again
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:59:51 No.7314187
    There's no such thing as a female brain. Brains are brains. Please stop posting words, you're objectively making the world a worse place. From now, pics only.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)15:59:57 No.7314191

    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:01:06 No.7314201
    this thread is now about linetrap
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:01:53 No.7314207
    >Sex and gender are not a social construct, gender norms are

    Depends how you define gender - your physical sex is definitely unchangeable until we develop technology to alter your chromosones, but gender can be seen as a nebulous concept that is socially constructed and only influenced by your physical sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:02:26 No.7314209
    >Most transexuals are heterosexual.

    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)16:03:15 No.7314212
    whatever, i have 3 billion other lives to save before i even bother trying to fix mine
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:03:25 No.7314215
    OP = someone that thinks they know more then they do
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:04:25 No.7314227
    I would hit linetrap with the force of a thousand suns
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:04:43 No.7314232
    which 3 billion and why do they need saving?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:05:57 No.7314242
    Well if they look, act, dress, think and live like a girl I would call them a girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:06:21 No.7314247
    I agree with OP. Transsexualism is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:06:28 No.7314248
    >whatever, i have 3 billion guys to fuck before i even bother trying to unfuck mine
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:08:02 No.7314270
    You sound like those people back in the day who thought they could actually 'cure' homosexuality.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:08:37 No.7314275
    You sound like a dipshit liberal.
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)16:08:57 No.7314278
    sex is overrated

    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:11:56 No.7314297
    Why waste time being antagonistic, OP?
    If I want me to call you a buffalo, I'll call you one.

    Its really none of your business.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:15:26 No.7314320
    Personally I think the human brain is so extremely fuckcomplicated that we should be grateful it works at all. If some people's brains are wired strangely such that they want to be the opposite gender, fine, whatever. Let them live their lives how they want to live them.

    That being said, OP is right about being born a man and dieing a man. Gender is determined by chromosomes. You can't change that. You CAN assume a seperate role in society, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:18:08 No.7314346
    At the end of the day the chromosomes someone has are irrelevant. You fuck people based on what they look like not their DNA.
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)16:18:40 No.7314349
    So if people are hardwired to be psychopaths, that's okay too?
    >> Exalted !OOirDpvrkA 01/29/10(Fri)16:22:53 No.7314369
    >There is nothing in the brain that tells the individual what their body should look like, it is entirely culturally based.
    Sadly, this is completely wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:23:34 No.7314373
    >There is no medical way that one selective part of the body can form for the opposite gender as the rest of you. The brain controls the developement of the body through hormones, the two must match

    You must understand "developement" pretty well, can you explain it to me?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:24:25 No.7314376
    It's okay in the sense that it's not their fault and they shouldn't be hassled for it.

    However, as the saying goes, your right to swing your fist stops just short of my face. Should their psychopathy end up negatively impacting someone else's life, we have a problem.

    Irrelevant as far as sexual attraction goes, yes. The chromosomes still define how your body works and grows. Science gives you ways to get around them but they're still there.

    I think a lot of people would be way better off if they realized that this stuff actually doesn't matter, though. Look at it truthfully, judge it for what it actually is, and just do what makes you feel good.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:24:30 No.7314378
    Yeah there are some kids who start expressing gender identity disorder before they even start school.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:24:36 No.7314379
    No, you idiot, because psychopaths kill and torture living things. Fags are just fags, the only way they hurt people is by grossing them out.
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)16:30:09 No.7314416
    You said :
    >If some people's brains are wired strangely such that they want to be the opposite gender, fine, whatever. Let them live their lives how they want to live them.

    With that logic :
    >If some people's brains are wired strangely such that they want to torture and kill animals, fine, whatever. Let them live their lives how they want to live them.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:32:30 No.7314429
    I didn't write that post, first of all. And secondly, the poster wrote

    >such that they want to be the opposite gender, fine, whatever.

    Which is the key element here. It's fine if they want to be the opposite gender. Not if they want to kill people.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:33:59 No.7314440
    Wanting to change gender is completely different from wanting to torture/kill people. One causes actual harm to people and should be stopped, the offer just offends conservatives.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:34:02 No.7314441
    Who the hell cares? If a guy decides he wants to be a woman, and modern technology effectively enables him to do that, then who are we to say that's wrong. I can't condemn an individual who makes a personal decision that causes no harm to anyone else, and I certainly won't waste my time antagonizing them or telling them their choice is wrong. For people who find error in this line of reasoning, I suggest visiting a country more in tune with your philosophy, such as Iran.
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)16:37:25 No.7314459
    it causes emotional consternation for people who care about you

    if you suddenly decided to tell your family and girl/boyfriend that you wanted to be a girl and would do anything possible to achieve it, do you think they would accept it not care?

    psychopaths hurt people physically for gratification or compulsion or whatever the reason they do it for
    they still cause emotional havoc

    just because you are born a certain way doesn't automatically justify what you do later on, because you can make a decision, something that animals can't
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:40:54 No.7314479
    You should not be forced to live your life in misery because your parents are backwards. Anyone who forces a transsexual to stay in their birth gender or makes them feel wrong for wanting to change is a bad parent.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:43:30 No.7314501

    no they are bad for letting them run away from their problems instead of dealing with underlieing issues that make them want to change themselves. acting a certain way is cultural so wanting to act a certain way is cultural. its all ok until you want to get your balls chopped off.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:44:31 No.7314508
    I think you should stop posting because its very apparent that you don't know what you're going on about.

    >it causes emotional consternation for people who care about you

    That doesn't infringe on any privileges they have.

    >do you think they would accept it not care?

    You're not even making any sense. Do you think they would accept it not care? WHAT

    It's their choice if they choose to accept it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:47:34 No.7314533
         File1264801654.jpg-(33 KB, 480x640, bewbz..jpg)
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    Dear God I bloody love Linetrap.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:49:13 No.7314542
    It is not all cultural, some kids feel they are in the wrong gender before they even understand the concept.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:49:41 No.7314548
    >The brain controls the developement of the body through hormones

    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)16:51:44 No.7314564
    > They should work toward accepting themselves as they are.

    There was a thread the other day that involved "chasers" -- apparently men who want a TG girlfriend. The TG community hates this, apparently, because they want to be wanted as a girl, not as a girl in a guy's body, or a guy dressed as a girl.

    The sooner you accept who and what you are (a guy, perhaps with a female mind), the happier you'll be. You're NOT a girl, why do you want to be loved as something you're not?
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)16:55:15 No.7314579
    nope. your parents do not owe you shit because they chose to keep you and raise you and if you don't like how they treat you then you can get the fuck out because if you decide to be something your parents don't want they can and probably will boot you out.
    only because of the stupidity and the noble concept of "compassion" do people tolerate this and get to the point where its BAWWW MY SON IS A FAG BAWW.

    neither does psychological torture on others. they do not deprive them of rights, liberty, or freedom, all they do is play with your mind. occasionally your body. you are free to end it any time you wish through a decisive action.

    >do you think blah blah
    i made a typo :(

    just because you feel you are not in the right body does not mean you have to do something about it.

    you have a conscious decision to make, therefor all of the responsibility is on the individual, not how they were hardwired at birth.

    likewise, psychopaths are hardwired to be how they are. but they can make the decision to not act so.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:12:30 No.7314710

    Psychopaths are created not born. A huge majority had terrible upbringing so they are broken and should be treated the same way trannies are.


    You don't have to understand a concept to have the associated feelings. Much of a persons developement happens before they can even talk.
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)17:15:48 No.7314733
    >psychopaths are created, not born
    can you prove this statement with a certainty?

    i can also claim that transsexuals are created, not born, if i want.

    the burden of proof is on you. i shall await your response, anonymous

    >A huge majority had terrible upbringing so they are broken and should be treated the same way trannies are.
    oh please, i'm psychotic AND transsexual and nothing in this world pisses me off as much as people pitying me instead of caring more about their own damn broken lives.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:18:08 No.7314748
    >they ... change into something that they, through sexual attraction, consider valuable and desireable
    congratulations captain obvious. We all know traps are largely faux-gay, and just want attention and to be admired. For this, they are ready to blow the cawk.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:23:26 No.7314798
    >i'm psychotic AND transsexual

    And I'm totally sure you had a perfect upbringing.

    It takes experience to fix bad experience. In this case the fixing experience would be therapy not a scalpel.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:24:16 No.7314804
    You don't decide to feel that you were born with female emotions and sexuality. And that doesn't hurt anyone other than offend your parents. You're placing someone's biological dysfunction under someone's ideological view of the world.

    >just because you feel you are not in the right body does not mean you have to do something about it.

    So you don't have a right over your body because it'll offend your parents?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:30:33 No.7314867

    there's a difference between can and should
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:32:48 No.7314896
    For a start, not everyone's parents would hate their child to be happy.
    I don't know about you and your life, but to my family and friends, I'm a person, not a product.

    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:33:45 No.7314905
    Despite being a gay male, I actually do agree with you, OP. I suspect that the reason transgenderism is not viewed in the same way as other body dismorphia is likely because of the complex issues of sexuality and gender role that come along with it, which caused to to become attached to the gay rights movement and conflated with non-heteronormative sexualities.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:33:45 No.7314906

    Thank you, Professor Dorkus T. McFaggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:34:12 No.7314912
    ultimate troll styleee
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:39:05 No.7314951
    Hilarious idiot forgot to check the dictionary and figure out the difference between "sex" and "gender". 1/10
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:39:08 No.7314953
    Trap here

    If I'm in public, there is no way you could guess that I'm a dude

    You will call me girl or mam, and you will never have known. I don't need to go around insisting I be called a lady, it just happens

    Like I mean for it to happen
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:43:50 No.7314987
    But are you transgender ("girl trapped in a man's body") or just a transvestite (guy who likes dressing as a girl/assuming female gender roles)? There's a pretty major distinction to be made there--chiefly, the latter does not entail the loathing of one's own body. I would guess that in most cases, transvestism is a harmless eccentricity, but transgenderism is a (rather mild) form of mental illness.
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)17:47:10 No.7315001
    >therapist, not scalpel
    That is not for you to decide.

    >don't make a decision about transsexualism
    Incorrect, you are wildly throwing out assumptions.

    I made a conscious decision over time and through experience that I dislike being male, and I am living proof you are wrong, that not all transsexuals are born how they are.

    >don't have a right to your body
    You are putting words in my mouth.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:48:23 No.7315006

    Of course I have some bad body dysmorphic disorders, I just like being a pretty lady
    I'm not going to get my dick cut off, but I do live the life of a woman
    Don't think every person like me can be put in the categories of transgender or transvestite, the lines blur often

    In any case, if an obvious man is asking to be called a woman, punch him in the dick
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:55:06 No.7315052
    You write too well for a guy who pretends to be a woman.
    How about forgetting everything you learnt, and start flailing exclamation marks around. Oh, and what are you doing not putting in a half assed opinion in your post?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:55:54 No.7315059
    How do you feel about guys who want a trap/transsexual as a girlfriend?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:57:01 No.7315072
    >that not all transsexuals are born how they are.

    So what's your point? That doesn't change the argument that people are allowed to change who they are.
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)17:58:07 No.7315082
    I never made a single comment about that, that was other people

    I already drove my point home, I'm just mindlessly spewing out anything that comes to my head now
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:59:23 No.7315092
    >I do live the life of a woman
    how you managed to punch through to our reality I don't even want to know
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)17:59:43 No.7315095

    I'm not gay

    This where I get called a troll
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:00:47 No.7315108

    I dress, talk, act like a lady

    If you saw me you would not possibly believe I'm a man
    That's how I'm a woman
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:01:44 No.7315113
    Yeah a lot of people are idiots who think all trans people are gay.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:04:27 No.7315130
    Mind if I call bullshit on this one?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:06:41 No.7315150

    I'm not physically a woman, but I am socially a woman and I take the hormones

    So no, don't call bullshit
    I don't really care what your personal philosophies are, you would not know I was not a woman, so why argue that I should still be treated like a man
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:08:36 No.7315162
    Dude you'd better back this up with pics. It would be cruel not to.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:10:58 No.7315182
    where did I imply you should still be treated as a man?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:13:09 No.7315197
    When you tried to call bullshit for no reason

    I'm not posting pictures for the same reason youre not going to talk about revealing things and post your pictures either
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)18:13:30 No.7315199
    >so why argue that I should still be treated like a man
    does this apply if i treat women and men exactly the same
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:13:40 No.7315200
    never a guy will pass as a girl to me, no matter how much surgery they can get or how much hormones they can stuff themselves with I'll ALWAYS recognize male
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:14:17 No.7315205
    >you would not know I was not a woman

    You're a goddam liar I live in hollywood and I can smell a trap from a mile away. I'd say out of the 5,000 or so traps i've met and spoken with over the years only 2 or 3 fooled me.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:16:57 No.7315224
    I see. You were mistaken there though. About 0.00368% can actually pass.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:19:57 No.7315251
    Why? Do you have some kind of super power?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:19:57 No.7315252

    I started hormones as soon as I turned 17, using my mother's credit card online, been taking them ever since
    I had an eating disorder from about 14 to 18, and it pretty much stunted my growth and voice change, which I then took voice feminization lessons.

    My breasts came in pretty nicely, and i'm lucky enough to have a slender frame anyway, and the eating thing stopped facial hair growth

    That was nearly 10 years ago, and nobody has mistaken me for a man since the first year

    This is where you try to start ridiculing me for my past choices and lack of pictures, and call me a troll instead of acknowledging that there are men out there that pull off being a woman nearly perfectly
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:21:56 No.7315266

    Not gona believe it till I see it till then you are a fat 40 year old IT guy trollin
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)18:23:24 No.7315280
    oh boy here we go

    now 200 people are going to be calling you a troll and another 100 will be begging for pictures
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:23:45 No.7315283
    this post is where someone proves your point and ridicules you for not posting pics
    post pics or you're fake
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:24:14 No.7315287
    guess the egg has to crack at some point
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:25:46 No.7315304

    That's why I'm leaving the thread

    You guys can have fun sincerely believing that in a world of nearly 7 billion people there is no possible way for a group of people to pull off something like looking like a woman
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:26:32 No.7315310
    When I was a little kid I wanted to be a boy because I thought girls were lame. They didn't play sports or get dirty and they all just sat around playing truth or dare and talking about ponies.

    Then I got older and I realised gender doesn't matter a damn. I can still dress and act however I like without having to take hormones or have surgery. Who the fuck cares what pronoun people refer to you with?

    If someone really wants to be called he or she (or buffalo) then sure, that's fine I guess, but I don't understand why it matters so much. Gender doesn't define you any more than hair colour or sexual orientation, or at least, it shouldn't.
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/29/10(Fri)18:26:41 No.7315313
    well do you mind if i pretend to be you to continue enraging neckbeards?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:26:53 No.7315317
    Let's see:
    1) I'm totally fem, you couldn't tell
    2) I'm not posting pics to validate my claim
    3) Lol, i'm on 4chan. And /r9k/ even.
    4) ???
    5) Suck my dick while I fuck your boycunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:27:10 No.7315320
    some people are curious to what nature might make you appear to look like after hormone treatment as it is considered taboo and we arnt given proper education over the matter
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:28:22 No.7315331
    Sooo, if you actually grew boobs you wouldn't deny us, brocode and all.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:34:37 No.7315374
    BRO HERE: That totally isn't in the bro-code at all.
    If a person identifies as anything other than a dude, then that person is no longer a bro.
    She could be defined as a brosephine or a dudette, but those handles are not covered by the official bro code and you would have to look elsewhere.

    ~~The more you bro!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:34:50 No.7315376
    c'mon bitch, let us enjoy moar of your gender-bending adventures!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:37:16 No.7315396
    It's not that nobody believes you look like a girl, but if you do look like a girl then we want pics because hot damn, everybody loves a good trap.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:39:12 No.7315409
    Oh man, why do you have to be so complicated? I just want OC boobs!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:41:14 No.7315423
    hate when those emo kids stop trawling. we just wanted to see you shove a gfc up your ass, silly.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:43:47 No.7315437
    Get on the HRT then, brobama.

    That girl won't post though. Traps irl are such pussies.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:47:00 No.7315460
    Conflation of sex and gender ITT.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:49:28 No.7315477
    opinionated semantics.
    Nobody cares.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:52:28 No.7315497
    Well said, OP. Despite the clusterfuck of aspie nonsense that is /r9k/, most of the rest of the world agrees with what you wrote.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:54:57 No.7315511
    wat about this op

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