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    35 KB Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)06:14:56 No.7299377  
    I just now realize how odd posts on 4chan might look to people that haven't been posting here for some time.

    The language we use here often reminds me of Chengyu.

    >Chengyu are mostly derived from ancient literature. The meaning of a chengyu usually surpasses the sum of the meanings carried by the four characters, as chengyu are often intimately linked with the myth, story or historical fact from which they were derived. As such, chengyu do not follow the usual grammatical structure and syntax of the modern Chinese spoken language, and are instead highly compact and synthetic.

    Replace "ancient literature" with old memes and Chinese spoken language with English. Remind you of anything?

    doesnt afraid of anything, kills aleins, cool guy, etc

    usb line, show you later, etc

    fallujah, nigger, deagle, gray matter, etc (specific to /k/)

    canada, poutine, fagdom, etc (specific to /ck/)

    It's pretty interesting to think about how these things influence our posts.

    Your thoughts /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)06:20:46 No.7299399
    I was thinking about the "fag" suffix today actually.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)06:22:19 No.7299407
    everybody probably realized this a long time ago

    when you take a step back you see that 4chan is revolutionary and will definitely go down in the annals of history as an important part of the internets

    college kids in the future will learn about 4chan in history courses
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)06:24:58 No.7299420
    I think about that one all the time right before I accidentally use it in RL conversation. Hasn't happened yet, but one day...

    My friend and I ever so slightly allude to meme shit around our normalfag friends and I think that's a ticking timebomb as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)06:44:21 No.7299483
    first time i saw /b/
    didnt understand a fucking thing
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)06:45:10 No.7299484
    I was musing earlier today about how "same faggot" became part of the vernacular and eventually morphed into "samefag" and then into a verb form.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)06:50:57 No.7299519
    Congratulations, you have attained the lowest level of 4chan understanding: he who does not LURK MOAR suffers ridicule as a consequence. Feel free to continue discussing it of course, but what you're talking about is the first chamber, the most basic of basics for anybody who browses this site. It's no great revelation to the rest of us.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)06:51:08 No.7299522
    Same, was fucking years back and I remember going on /b/ after some guy linked me a lot of pictures from here and stuff like moar, fail, winrar, sage.. well those words might have an instant meaning now but they're pretty confusing to a newfriend.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)06:57:34 No.7299556
    Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)07:04:32 No.7299581
    i think it was sometime early last year, i stayed off 4chan for a month.
    That was when boxxy and sage-ing got big.
    Was in the dark for a while
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)07:14:19 No.7299632
    i like the idea of speaking in concepts embodied in 1-2 words rather than the normally necessary many words to describe a concept.
    like FAIL. no i don't particularly like its overuse. but think about what fail describes. prior to 'fail', how would you have described that? how many words would it have taken? would you have to use an emoticon or something?
    or what about like 'win'. simple examples but i hope it communicates what i'm getting at.

    or think what 'pretty cool guy eh' describes or refers to. i mean its hard to even say exactly, for me at least. what's novel isn't the idea being referenced, but that accessing that idea is being standardized into just a few words that, when said, everybody understands what i'm referring to. without that understanding it might take me a paragrah to explain the same idea, and even then i might remain unclear/ambiguous to some readers. the limits of text2text communication don't help either.

    i feel like 4chan style of conversation is, over time, standardizing the world of ideas (on the social level), and i feel that trend is and will continue to be incredibly usefull for humanity.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)07:18:50 No.7299655
    >"or think what 'pretty cool guy eh' describes or refers to.

    Yeah, it's "pretty cool guy, eh". The "eh" is a mistyped "he", not a Canadian exclamation.

    Halo is a pretty cool guy, eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything.

    Get it?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)07:40:47 No.7299740
    last thursday amirite.

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