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    File : 1264669162.jpg-(60 KB, 431x411, 1236562322609.jpg)
    60 KB Am I Worthless? Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:59:22 No.7298861  
    I'm not even black.

    -I smoke a few wooden tipped black and mild wine flavored cigars a day.
    -I drink 40oz malt liqour
    -I am on welfare. I work enough to be poor enough to get it while still making money.
    -I use my insurance to get Xanax and Vicodin from my doctor, and spend my welfare check on it.
    -I eat ramen, chicken, and canned tuna
    -I work until I get get fired then get unemployment and ride that out along with welfare checks.
    -The police know me by first name
    -The most socialization I get is being arrested for being drunk in public (I never get in fights, or even talk, I just drink near kids at the movie theater and they don't like it), or going to the doctor for pain and anxiety meds. I need both meds, but I abuse them more than I should.
    -I don't have a car or a license
    -Never had sex at age 32
    -Went to jail for a few months for stealing $30 worth of booze.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:00:26 No.7298868
    >Never had sex at age 32

    yep, you're definitely not black.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:00:41 No.7298869
    Are you sure you're not black? Your behavior seems rather niggerly.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:03:16 No.7298879
    Yup, pretty damn worthless.On the same level as this thread unless some trollable white knight shows up.. Think they all moved to /adv/ though.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:06:00 No.7298896
    Well at least you're old enough to buy booze, unlike 90% of this site.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:07:11 No.7298903
    You sound like me before I cleaned myself up.
    I am now a respectable citizen. (Except I post on 4chan)
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:13:54 No.7298929
    Does australia really filter images?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:22:24 No.7298964
    Naw, he's never had sex. If he were black he would be raping white women by now.

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