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    44 KB Types Of People You Hate Most Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:12:54 No.7298186  
    List top 3 /r9k/

    English Majors -No real purpose. Psuedo intellectualism and over analyzing writings. No, no one gives a shit about some deep hidden meaning within the text you spent 15 hours trying to pull out of your ass when the author didn't even intend it. If the author didn't intend it, that's not the meaning.

    Debaters - Talking faster and more eloquently does not make your position right.

    Straight Edge Nerds/Hipsters- "I refuse to take any drugs since it limits my processing power" or "I'm going to go to a party where people intend to get stoned, drunk, and have casual sex and be a prude and then act like i'm superior for doing so with my friends" I don't even party but I fucking hate straightedge kids. Why do you surround yourself with people who do drugs if you do not? That's like a nun walking into a brothel then getting offended.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:15:57 No.7298209
    I hate all humanities majors.

    I did a argumentative essay on gun control. For some reason, my PROFESSOR thought "But what if we lived in a world with no guns? Wouldn't it be better. Why are they still legal" was an actual argument against private gun ownership.

    K. If we pretend hard enough, they'll stop existing.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:15:57 No.7298210

    I don't do drugs because I don't find it fun.. Video games doesn't help my "processing power" but they're fun..
    >> The Red Barron 01/28/10(Thu)02:19:39 No.7298237
    >not fun

    Nice try, Zarflax
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:20:01 No.7298239
    Religious people.

    True Story. In my cultural anthropology class (Had to take it for general ed, easiest option) I had some girl who believed shamans and eastern medicine men were better at curing illnesses than MDs. She thought having a shaman suck on your neck and doing some stupid ass dance was better at curing cancer than chemotherapy and etc... She also claimed her mother's 40 year long schizophrenia vanished when she saw a native american shaman after he took some mixture containing DMT and hallucinated then spoke gibberish to her.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:21:06 No.7298247
    1. Negative People.

    2. People who are intolerant based on the flimsiest of generalities.

    3. The Dutch.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:22:09 No.7298254
    I laugh at all you English/Arts majoring people

    FOR I AM AN ENGINEER! My ego is the size of planets, bow before me.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:23:37 No.7298266
    The college major discrimination troll threads never get old to some people
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:24:16 No.7298270
    Women who taken their children on the bus. The kids cry and scream the entire way.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:25:34 No.7298281
    I'm pretty straightedge, but I sure as fuck don't get offended by people doing drugs or whatever.

    I guess if there's a type of person that I really hate... fat mexican chicks that wear skin tight shirts.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:26:49 No.7298287

    Shouldn't you be out in the field, getting some experience on your major, instead of dicking around on 4chan? Your degree is worthless if don't have any experience.
    >> DR CUM !cR.M5rEtRc 01/28/10(Thu)02:27:21 No.7298288
    If engineering students weren't so insecure about their chosen field of study, we wouldn't see fifteen of these threads every day.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:27:33 No.7298289
    I can't list 3, there are too many.
    Agree on debaters tho, it's like a science to them, using terms like "strawman", etc.
    Just own the fucker.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:28:28 No.7298291
    Trve kvlt metal fags
    Jehovah Witnesses
    Damn telemarketers that call at the worst times...
    People who think they deserve everything without earning it.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:31:18 No.7298314
    People who like Dane Cook.

    People who like Owl City.

    People who used to like Twilight before it got so mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:34:45 No.7298336
    Whats wrong with straight edge? Not saying i support them or anything, some of the hardcore ones are quite annoying. But I can respect anyone who chooses not to drink or do drugs. We need less idiots out there doing stupid shit when theyre drunk or high.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:38:04 No.7298358
    People who take up a ton of room on the bus through sheer lack of consideration during rush hour (putting their bag on the seat beside them, refusing to move to the back of the bus, etc)

    People who are unnecessarily loud on the bus (teenagers, screamy children, fucking weeaboos playing their PSPs with the speakers on so everyone can hear)

    Young people who don't give up their seat to elderly/disabled people on the bus

    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:39:00 No.7298362

    He's talking about people who are self-righteous about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:39:41 No.7298366
    I don't hate anyone, except Juggalos.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:43:00 No.7298387
    That handsome, smart, funny bastard in your tiny med class who finds the time to get 80-90%, being hilarious, fuck his hot girlfriend, hang with all the decent chicks in said class, and be a reasonable and nice person to you at the same time
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:45:18 No.7298401
    1.SXE cunts
    2.Religionfags OF ALL RELIGIONS. I don't discriminate.
    3.People who believe Twilight is the original and only vampire fiction.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:46:15 No.7298410
    almost everyone on this gay site

    almost everyone on the internet

    >> DR CUM !cR.M5rEtRc 01/28/10(Thu)02:47:35 No.7298420
    People that subscribe to any of the consecutive subcultures that rises to the top for a year or two, thinking that they're part of an original, unprecedented secret cultural club.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:48:19 No.7298430
    I didn't even know that not drinking/smoking/using drugs had a "subculture name" until 2008 or so. I mean, shit, who cares.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:50:38 No.7298444
    >fat mexicans in skinny jeans

    FFFFUCK I see this so goddamn often. I live in LA and jesus christ. All the fucking Mexican chicks are all fat and wearing skinny jeans+plaid shirts.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:51:27 No.7298446
    1. I am slightly disturbed that furfags has had so little presence on these lists...
    2. Politicunts on /r9k/. "If I was in the white house instead of this trailer park, you'd all see!"
    3. Fanboys.
    >> DR CUM !cR.M5rEtRc 01/28/10(Thu)02:53:26 No.7298454
    Yeah, it didn't. The ranks of the emo crowd swelled too big so hardcore took some of the runoff. When that started to overflow, the kids that wanted to be REALLY original and exclusive (as well as a bunch of pussies who were scared of the drugs and alcohol they'd never tried) went sxe.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:54:20 No.7298461
    1) The Bible Thumpers- Every religion has them, and they are so out of touch with reality it's hilarious, but also extremely grating. I'm not against people who hold religious beliefs, only those who take them too far and become loathingly self-righteous. For instance, Pat Robertson, who blamed homosexuals, pro-choice people for the September 11th attacks. Okay, then...

    2) Political Cultists- The Obamanites, Palinites, etc. People who listen to talking points from various personalities on various political issues but don't critically think about them.

    3) People who insult you in a way which they insist is jokingly or playfully but are essentially thinly veiled ad hominem attacks.
    >> DR CUM !cR.M5rEtRc 01/28/10(Thu)02:56:06 No.7298475
    >3. Fanboys.
    Also this. Anybody that thinks any band/politician/director whatever is in any way transcendent really shit me, and it's impossible to argue with them using deductive logic because their opinions of those bands/etc are entirely faith-based.
    /mu/ is a good example, although I suspect it comprises mainly trolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:58:26 No.7298493
    I live safely in a country where furries would be beaten up by drunks if they dared to leave their house wearing cat ears or a tail.

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