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    File : 1264661912.jpg-(169 KB, 852x615, 1215411706489.jpg)
    169 KB Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:58:32 No.7298054  
    ITT: We look back to our high school and college experiences and point out things we once actually thought were true.

    >If you don't fight fair, boxing style you're a pussy.
    In reality, everyone will grab the nearest weapon and try to maim you.
    >Drugs kill your braincells. ALL DRUGS ARE BAD.
    D.A.R.E. bullshit. Very few substances are actually neurotoxic.
    >Taking AP classes actually mattered.
    Everyone I knew who got a 3-5 on their AP exams had to retake the class in college anyways.
    >You will get laid your first month of college
    5th year. Never kissed a girl.
    >Being called a loser/no life was actually offensive.
    People use this just to get under your skin. it doesn't actually mean anything, and the person knows it will get most people on the defensive.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:01:02 No.7298082
    Jews deserve sympathy for the crimes commited against them.

    Stupid liberal apologetic bullshit. Israel deserves everything they get. in my high school criticizing Israel got you suspended for racism, just like saying nigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:01:25 No.7298084
    >my life will get better next year
    I actually thought that every year up until I was about 22. Lol, so naive.
    >> lol i trol u !!FXIYoStbOnd 01/28/10(Thu)02:03:25 No.7298100
    >ITT we completely miss the point of highschool, which is to learn to be socially successful
    >Every single behavior OP describes is simply an unconscious group attempt to correct socially unsuccessful behavior and promote socially successful behavior
    >OP couldn't figure it out, still a social failure, 5 years after.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:12:16 No.7298180
    Holy fuck this thread blows.

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