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    File : 1264660722.jpg-(26 KB, 350x341, The-Joneses123adacv.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:38:42 No.7297915  
    Who are the Joneses, and why should I keep up with them?

    Do you know a Joneses? I don't, I'm fucking Asian. So why is it that I have to keep up with the Joneses?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:39:46 No.7297924
    >I'm fucking Asian
    You keep up with the Wangs
    (get it)
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:40:33 No.7297929


    Can someone in authority why I should keep up with the Wangs and Joneses -- I don't know these people :(
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:42:06 No.7297936
    Materialism is crass.

    You don't have to keep up with anybody.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:44:28 No.7297953

    Believe it or not, I can fit everything I own in a duffel bag.

    It is ..

    1. laptop
    2. 2 set of clothes
    3. paper documents
    4. wallet

    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:45:59 No.7297964
    Who here is a minmalist?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:48:08 No.7297982
    >I'm also "voluntarily homeless" and make money at truck stops
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:51:43 No.7298007
    I remember when my parents bought two new cars. It was only about 3 weeks later that the neighbors across the street decided to buy a new car too.

    Fags think they can hang.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:56:28 No.7298038
    I'm a minimalist.

    I combine materialism with minimalism, though. for example, I have the same banana republic tee shirt in 5 colors because it looks good on me. however, i don't have any other tee shirts except the two i save for dirty work like moving.

    the only place in my house that isn't pared down to only what i practically need is the kitchen. i like to cook and i have a lemon zester and a mandoline and other such things.

    my rule is that i don't own anything i don't intend to use. i have no "maybe i'll use it someday" items.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:57:26 No.7298044
    Lol at keeping up with the Joneses.

    Even though I make a good living, I don't buy much stuff, because frankly I don't need it.

    Living simply when everybody knows you have lots of money is like a huge fuck you to materialistic douches. I love it.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:04:21 No.7298109



    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:07:42 No.7298141
    I admit to being a hardcore minimalist.

    I only use soap for shaving, cleaning my body and hair.

    I plan to buy a new laptop once every 10 years.

    I only have 2 pairs of clothes for 4 seasons.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:14:02 No.7298194
    the only instance i can think of where you need to is stuff like the internets, and even then only a little. having a severely out of date computer on the modern web 2.0 internets sux balls.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:15:16 No.7298207

    Currently running at dual core intel with 1 gb ram with windows XP

    My computer is fine for youtube/facebook/4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:19:05 No.7298231
    Also, LOL at ipad ... so fucking gay.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:22:38 No.7298259
    i think the joneses were this old 50's sitcom about the perfect happy nuclear family. dad brings home the bacon, mom does the housework with all the brand new appliances, sweet kids who love god, school, and their parents.

    that kind of shit. maybe it wasn't a sitcom, but those are "the Joneses." the perfect family who everyone wants to be like by buying all the latest gadgets, cars, makeup, and appliances.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:28:35 No.7298292

    Ahhh -- interesting, didn't know that.


    Also, real men toiletries: tooth brush, tooth paste, bar soap, razor blade.

    You can fit that shit in your pocket or in a small zip lock bag.

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