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    File : 1264652889.jpg-(78 KB, 640x479, 1264164231336.jpg)
    78 KB Hunter !wXl2BZXU7A 01/27/10(Wed)23:28:09 No.7296818  
    I don't suppose anyone in California is willing to take in a soon to be homeless robot.
    I'm male, 18, a bit socially awkward, but can clean, and cook, and sew, and lots of other things.
    I don't eat much, and I don't take up much room. All I really need is an outlet and a spot on a floor somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:29:41 No.7296834
    >All I really need is an outlet and a spot on a floor somewhere
    Even for 4chan, this is sad.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:29:49 No.7296836
    Do you have any money/income? I know of places with cheap rent in the orange county area if you can deal with having roommates.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:31:17 No.7296852
    I have about 30 bucks which i soon feel I'm going to have to live off of. No job or work experience. Shit sucks.
    Oh and turn that social awkwardness into social anxiety. I'm terrified to try and get a job.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:31:17 No.7296853
    you're not in high school, are you?

    also, you seem nice and useful. if you were on the east coast, i'd take you in, and you could cook with me.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:32:03 No.7296858
    I graduated almost a year ago.
    Been done for a while.

    And thanks, if only I lived on the east coast. >___<
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:32:37 No.7296866

    do you have anyone to pay rent for you? parents? any legal guardian?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:32:46 No.7296867

    Use that 30 bucks wisely and travel to the west coast.
    >> Hunter !wXl2BZXU7A 01/27/10(Wed)23:33:01 No.7296870
    My tripcode seemed to have disappeared while I was samefagging. >>7296834
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:33:19 No.7296873
    Will it be temporary?
    Will you get a job?
    Will you kill me in the night and wear my skin?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:34:14 No.7296884
    >I'm terrified to try and get a job.
    me too ;__;
    i'm lucky that a) i get to go to college and am not working full time and b) i automatically get a job in dining services because i get financial aide
    i don't know how i'd do an interview
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:34:16 No.7296885
    Apply to school and get student loans like everyone else.
    >> Hunter !wXl2BZXU7A 01/27/10(Wed)23:34:17 No.7296886
    Have been living with my parents. Getting kicked out.
    Its been a threat for a while but its very serious now.
    I have till sunday, Next wednesday tops.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:35:00 No.7296890
    Given your lack of funds, I suggest investigating charities and shelters NOW, before you're on the street without any resources at all. Churches are also a good place to look for help. Some charities, Goodwill for example, have special job-hunting-help services that you should look into. Even a bare-bones minimum wage income can be enough to get you the basic necessities of life, but you need to start working on this BEFORE you're on the street. Once you're truly homeless, it gets a lot harder to move back up the ladder.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:35:11 No.7296896

    Why are you getting kicked out?
    >> Hunter !wXl2BZXU7A 01/27/10(Wed)23:35:33 No.7296905
    Ideally yes to 1 and 2.
    And no to 3. I am already afraid of being raped so I doubt i would approach you at night.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:35:44 No.7296906
    sigh. why are you being kicked out exactly?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:37:07 No.7296917
         File1264653427.jpg-(169 KB, 1093x1065, CCC Logo_jpeg.jpg)
    169 KB
    OP, I have some good news. America is investing in the power of its young men in this time of great economic depression. Join the Civilian Conservation Corps!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:37:51 No.7296924
    Cali? Maybe, but I can't guarantee not raping you repeatedly.

    Actually let's call that rent.
    >> Hunter !wXl2BZXU7A 01/27/10(Wed)23:38:02 No.7296931
    Lucky. I had no clue how to even start college or anything like that, and my parents said if I couldnt figure it out on my own I didnt belong there.

    Basically a long stretch of time not doing anything other then staying in my room. Then when I go out, Its complaints I'm always out without contributing. I babysit for them and even stopped smoking weed/drinking, but It seems there is always a reason i'm not wanted.
    >> Hunter !wXl2BZXU7A 01/27/10(Wed)23:40:45 No.7296950
    One of my friends has family involved with church stuff, but the area I live it, i doubt they have anything to do with the homeless. (upscale, white.)

    Would it be pathetic if I could agree to that?

    I already aplied with the job corps. They said it takes 4-6 months for processing. government takes a long time...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:41:09 No.7296957
    Well, how good did you do in highschool?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:41:27 No.7296960
    well, what do you know. i'm working and doing schoolwork and feeling depressed and shit, meanwhile there's a robot exactly my age who couldn't even figure out how to start college. and to think i sit around crying and feeling unproductive.
    >> Hunter !wXl2BZXU7A 01/27/10(Wed)23:42:31 No.7296973
    Umn... graduated with a 1.6 gpa.
    I failed most of 9th and 10th grade which made me doing good in 11th and 12 irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:46:12 No.7296994
    I have no remorse from you. You are a drain on society. You have no responsibility.
    And above all else, you are a tripfag.
    And you wonder why we hate your kind. It is because people like you so often swell the trip ranks. You are pathetic.
    Want money? A place to stay? Food?
    Get a fucking job.
    Your parents would let you in if you actually actively worked on it.
    If they don't join the god damned military. Maybe they'll pound some god damn responsibility into you.
    I hope you get your ass pounded by a drunk hobo.
    >> Hunter !wXl2BZXU7A 01/27/10(Wed)23:48:02 No.7297011
    You make me happy there are no hobos in my area
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:48:41 No.7297017
    There are.
    And if this isn't. There will be one now.
    >> Hunter !wXl2BZXU7A 01/27/10(Wed)23:52:29 No.7297043

    God this rly sucks...
    >> Keys !!6cQxIFBEoK7 01/27/10(Wed)23:53:53 No.7297056
    I'm not going to read the entire thread for the answer to this question, because you seem to be whining, but:

    Why haven't you gotten a job yet?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:54:54 No.7297063
    Well it's your god damn fault. You have no right to feel sorry for yourself.
    Don't you have any god damned friends to stay at until you can get a job to prove to your parents of your actual adulthood?
    You're a god damn tripfag which is a clear fucking sign of such social failure that it would be remarkable that any human would dare say they have any connection to you! Hell your parents are embarrassed to say that you live in their home! AND YOU'RE BLOOD! You came out of your mom and she can't stand the sight of you anymore!

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