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    File : 1264645258.jpg-(177 KB, 1024x600, 7da0d99dacf8ae5b7dc3dd6fba8a2227296eb717.jpg)
    177 KB Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:20:58 No.7295564  
    Does anyone else here do basically nothing?

    I have no passions for anything anymore, no real interests. List what you do. (or lack of).

    I spend an inordinate amount of time browsing imageboards, for 99% of stuff I don't bother with constructive replies or just glaze over it uninterested.

    I haven't participated in any of those "dream partner, draw yourself etc" threads. I never bother to read popular treads.

    Other time on the net is mainly used to download or listen to esoteric psy and dnb music. I neither have interest in the scene or interest in production. I just listen to it.
    It is also used to browse endless images mainly graphic art/illustration but my interest in it is only superficial.

    I look around at endless books in shops and think why the fuck would I want to read any of it.
    I cycle to help feel better. Sometimes I skate. Again I do these activities alone and have almost contempt for the scene to which they relate.

    I gave up watching movies as the difficulty in seeking out and downloading good films outweighed the satisfaction I would get from watching them. Even then they leave little impact.

    I make good tea and coffee to drink every day. Can't get decent drugs. No car. No job. No friends.

    And yes I am a tall, fair looking middle class white male.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:26:10 No.7295620
    even my thread is roney ;_;

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:28:05 No.7295636
    I do the exact same thing :d

    I have a stable job, which I do very well at.

    I do a lot of drugs though. Most days I lay in bed or sit on the computer, looking for and downloading new psy folk or whatever I'm interested in at the moment.

    I don't do much, I'm happy for the most part.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:29:26 No.7295654
    This actually sounds depressing. Did you ever go to college OP?
    >> Rance 01/27/10(Wed)21:32:42 No.7295697
    I went to college to be an animator. It was my childhood dream. But then the economic recession happened and the job offers slowed down until they eventually stopped. Lost all motivation to draw.

    I pretty much stay home and try to spend as little money as possible. Losing energy due to my inactivity. I often find myself downloading movies and never watching them.

    Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:34:55 No.7295718
    I'm actually content with my life, but I wish I wasn't as bored all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:35:58 No.7295727
    OP listen to me, learn how to play an instrument.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:36:44 No.7295730
    OP, are you me?

    I don't work or go to university, I rarely leave the house and spend 12-14 hours sleeping and the rest of the day online. Sometimes I can't even be bothered to read whatever's on my screen, so I just scroll, f5, scroll. I have no particular hobbies, interests or talents and I don't have the motivation to develop any.

    Lol, apathy.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:38:59 No.7295747
    Go read Camus and then decide whether you want to off yourself, or do something with your existence.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:39:53 No.7295762
    i dare to say that a good portion of r9k is that way

    including me
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:40:44 No.7295769
    sounds you are running into depression OP

    stop wanking it and drink
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:41:39 No.7295777
    Kinda. I used to think I was destined for some kind of IT work but being good with computers doesn't make the work not mind-numbing. I went to community college for a Network Administration degree and just couldn't stand the classes. My dream was always to be a Physicist but seeing as I can barely keep track of my work in community college part time, I doubt I could cut it in grad school! I don't really have any hobbies anymore either. But I still like reading. In fact, it's my only real passion.

    Really, all I need to be happy, and all I really want out of life at this point, is a studio apartment in the cheap part of town, a little tea, a little weed, and a hammock I can hang up and sit around in the park reading old burroughs novels.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:41:40 No.7295778

    Yep, I'm pretty much the same way. I'm 24, graduated college, have a great paying job, but when I come home it's usually nothing but watch T.V., play videogames, listen to music, and read.

    I used to watch movies all the time, but now I only watch a few on the weekends. I agree with your statement about finding good films but not having the motivation to watch them. That's the same with a lot of things. Doing research on stuff I'd like to buy is usually more fun than actually buying it and using it. No fuckin clue why but that's the way it is now.

    I've found that if I'm not in the mood to watch a movie but I decide to watch it anyways, that I end up feeling glad I watched it. The same goes for a lot of things. Going out for example; at first I'd rather just stay home and do my own thing, but once I'm out with people I have a really great time.

    You (and I) just lack motivation. From now on, if you even have a tiny nugget of thought about something, just pursue it. In the end you'll be glad you did. When all is said and done, do you want to look back on your weekend and realize you did absolutely nothing but look at 4chan, or do you want to look back and reflect on all the cool things you did.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:42:32 No.7295785
    I finished highschool. Did millwright training, that didn't go anywhere. Bad shit happened. Stayed home for a year pretty much. Then spent 2009 training in CAD away from home. Have now returned, I don't think my job prospects are high.

    I figure I have missed out on the whole college/university thing now.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:45:08 No.7295805
    Not OP, but I just posted above, kinda in the same boat, and, well, it's hard to have motivation when you've been alienated your whole life. You just wanna retreat from everything and become a quiet hermit.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:48:13 No.7295836
    I'm sort of like you, OP. I'm 20 and in 2nd year uni, but my gf just left me and really she was the only person I hung out with (I live in a different city than I grew up in now, for school, so I'm away from family too). I guess I was depressed but mostly I never gave a shit about much.

    I've read the books in the Halo series 3 times, Sabriel and other classics and shit like that a bunch, and yeah you're right about the movies, and so is that guy who said researching stuff is a lot better than actually buying/using it.

    I've been thinking about just working out all the time, but I don't care enough, and fuck, I don't even care about my school. Haven't been to class in 2 weeks, getting B's and one A but shit... I'm just not interested in anything at all
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:48:45 No.7295839

    But that's the thing. There no cool weekend. Sometimes one of the only people I know know will come over and I'm ecstatic like an excited dog that hasn't seen it's owner in a while.

    But then it's 'lol gotta see you later, Ima go fuck some girls and go out into town with my other friends who don't know you" so I retreat back to the computer or exercise to alleviate the mind numbing boredom.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:51:45 No.7295869

    True, but it does help to have people who push you to do things sometimes. I don't seem to have much trouble making friends although I'm pretty shy and rarely ever talk much. If it weren't for some of the people at work, I'd never leave my apartment.

    Retreating is what you should never do. Even at 24 I'm still the butt of a few jokes but no matter how dumb/weird I feel, I just shrug it off and never let it get to me. As long as you're nice and willing to laugh at yourself (it doesn't hurt to jab at other people for fun either), then you'll be accepted.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:53:12 No.7295884
    Motivation only works for creative jobs, it can't get you through college.

    You have to reinvent yourself and make that activity a part of your life, and that's really hard since you'll stop doing those things some day.

    Being "reborn" is your only choice.
    Our only choice.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:53:20 No.7295886
    the only thing that's ever motivated me to do anything has been a girl :\

    and every time I've even gotten close to being with one it's just not worked

    they decide to go off with someone else
    they don't feel the same

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:54:13 No.7295894
    I have no passion for anything.

    Lately, I've been subject to the despair of loneliness, no matter how many times I tell myself I can make it on my own.

    I used to laugh at the weaboos for owning body-pillows printed with their favorite anime characters. I used to laugh at them for having dinner with their favorite anime girl pictured on the TV screen.

    Now, I'm sorely tempted to join them. I've been moving from one fixation of romantic interest to the other, and each of these fixations is a fictional woman in a science-fiction universe - Neytiri from "Avtar", and Tali from "Mass Effect". I don't find real women to be attractive anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:55:51 No.7295906

    I'm also like that, but you don't need to be with other people to have a cool weekend. It does help though. Instead of waiting for someone to come over, call them and ask if they wanna go do something fun. Even if you just do something by yourself, you'll start to feel better. Go for a drive, go to Borders and browse through a few books/graphic novels for half an hour. There's no reason to feel like you have to be trapped in your own little space.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:10:35 No.7296051
    Well, Im like that too. I kinda have interests and hobbies but im not really passionate about them or persistent with them.

    I used to feel lonely and get depressed but now I just feel meh most of the time. I was worried about spending so much time online and not having friends, girlfriends and going out, now I dont care about those thing anymore.

    I still go to college, a third world college that is (Honduras lol), and do decently but im never fully motivated or very serious about it.

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:12:11 No.7296079

    OP you just described my life, except im at university, but am failing since I lack motivation to try. Sometimes I wish there was a war or something, or a big disaster to motivate me to do something to survive.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:15:25 No.7296121
    Oh, hey me! How's it going? Enjoying staying up all night making yourself tired so you have an excuse to not go to uni the next day? I know I am. (not really ;_;)
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:15:37 No.7296124
    same with me
    girls man, nothing but bitches and hoes :(
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:16:06 No.7296132

    your not alone...I have the same issues..

    I used to have so much fun. But now..I just dont care anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:17:19 No.7296144
    I love all you guys ;_; lets be bros for life... ;____;
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:19:13 No.7296170
    It sucks to relate to this even though I have people I could do stuff with, but I just have no motivation to do anything.

    I went to school for 5 years, graduated and moved back home to save money. Was totally sick of my major so I wanted to find something else to do.

    Took an online class and went to coffee shops to do my homework a lot, but once the class ended, so did my outings.

    I don't have a job because I want to move, but I need to secure a job in order to move. To get a job, I need to have a resume and apply, but even though I look at apartment listings and job listings everyday, I have yet to make a resume or apply to any listings. Or even inquire.

    I spend a few hours a day on facebook and 4chan typing up useless stuff, when I haven't written all the decent ideas I have down since I quit school (I took a lot of writing classes).

    I waste time chatting with or telephoning about 3-4 people max out of quite a few friends, but they're the only ones I find tolerable.

    Sometimes I find errands for myself to do, like stupid tasks to get me out of the house, but they're unfulfilling and pointless.

    I watch TV.

    I cook.

    And this isn't me complaining, I know it's my own fault, but I've become so unmotivated that even writing for half an hour seems like a monumental task that I don't want to do.

    So yeah, you're not alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:23:00 No.7296212
    OP, join a rec sports team, it will do you some good.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:24:45 No.7296232
    you just need a girlfriend

    that's what my mum and grandmother keep telling me

    fuck them
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:37:14 No.7296352

    Yeah I figure, but I can't think any girls would want to hang out with me.

    It's not a physical thing, just I'm awkward as fuck and would probably weird them out or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:41:15 No.7296387

    Same here. Never had a GF. Maybe I should just buy a pillow with an anime girl on it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:46:04 No.7296438
    get drunk and watch hulu.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:48:17 No.7296460
    so you guys think you just need a girlfriend. let me tell you.

    you just need a girlfriend.

    seriously, i spent lots of time being bored as such. as sad as it may seem, having a female partner makes life quite more interesting.

    not like it's exciting all the time or anything, but it just feels right. you'll know what i mean. or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:49:37 No.7296468
    Nope, would lose my fucking mind. Always doing something. Would probably become suicidal if I never did anything, sounds like my own personal hell.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:49:44 No.7296471

    you can fix that by just practicing, then. the girl I'm with right now is absolutely perfect (good interests, good body, great style), but she had crippling social anxiety - so she never had any boyfriends or anything. That's an opportunity if there is one. All it took was a little talking and smiling and laughing and now she is like a normal person in terms of conversation skills.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:50:15 No.7296479
    Then stop being anti social and get the fuck outta your shell.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:54:40 No.7296518
    well you're browsing a board where the majority of other people browsing are living your personal hell every day of their lives
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:56:06 No.7296530
    That's kinda their fault.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:58:35 No.7296558

    I am not quite as listless as you OP, but I definitely relate.

    I graduated college with no real attempt to plan my future or think about what I wanted to do with my life. It's been 4 years since then... I spent years at a cashier job wasting my degree and doing nothing, then I got a number-crunching job I said would be temporary and I've been in that job for 1.5 years now.

    I have enough energy to watch and enjoy movies, and have played the drums for 4-5 years even though I find myself becoming a little frustrated with that since I am not sure how good I am. I also read sometimes.

    But basically, the vast majority of each day after work is spent surfing the net, maybe a TV show thrown in in the evening, and maybe an hour of drumming. For the last two months I've been reading Kim Possible fan fiction nonstop.

    I have one friend, who I eat lunch with a couple times a week, and that's about it. It actually seems like I get along with almost everyone alright, it's just I make no attempt to initiate things or maintain relationships, so beyond my one friend who I've known since high school, I just say "hi how's it going" to work acquaintances, and that's the sum total of my social interaction.

    I dunno... it's like I am missing a part of my brain that other people have, some engine that drives other people to go beyond the bare minimum and fill their day with activities.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:59:55 No.7296570
    ITT 4chan is full of sociopaths.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:02:31 No.7296589
    Try learning another language OP. Maybe you have no drive for anything because you're just in the wrong country. It's fun too.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:03:28 No.7296596
    thats not a sociopath idiot
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:05:19 No.7296612
    I would like to do that but where would I find one?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:07:03 No.7296621
    im pretty similar, have about 5 good friends
    well really 3
    but am not interested in talking to others or knowing about htem, not very outgoing
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:08:05 No.7296627

    >a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:08:09 No.7296629
    Even in the midst of flowing time, look: listlessness dances round and round.
    I can't even see my heart as it withdraws from me, and I don't care.
    Even if I don't make a move, I keep being swept away in the cracks of time.
    I don't give a damn about anything around me; I am myself, and that's all there is to it.
    Am I dreaming? Am I seeing nothing?
    My words are useless, even if I were to speak them.
    Sadness only leaves me exhausted; I'd rather live my days feeling nothing.
    Even if you told me those bewildering words, my heart would be elsewhere, not listening.
    If I were to make a move on my own, and change everything... I'd still turn it all black.

    Is there a future for someone like this?
    Do I belong in this world?
    Does my heart ache now? Do I grieve now?
    I simply know nothing about myself.
    Merely walking leaves me exhausted. How could I care about anyone else?
    Even if someone like me could change... were I to actually change, I'd turn it all white.

    If I make a move, I'd destroy everything.
    If I grieve, would my heart turn white?
    I still know nothing about you, nothing about myself, nothing about anything at all.
    If opening my heavy eyelids means I'll destroy everything... then let it all turn black!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:08:09 No.7296630
    Oh did you mean!


    >ITT 4chan is full of trolls.

    Andddd someone already took your bait lolz
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:08:13 No.7296632
    Looks like I have my place ITT, 'cept I haven't graduated yet.

    Yet I feel I'm too old and unmotivated to do anything of interest... Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:10:34 No.7296653
         File1264651834.jpg-(93 KB, 750x600, bored.jpg)
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    Not going to lie this made me so sad to read. I'm heading in the same direction right now. Fuck I might even be there right now. I go to school part time and the go to work as a pharmacy tech. I lost most contact with my friends and even though I have my own place I have nothing to do. I feel like my life is wasting away and I'm only 21.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:14:17 No.7296685
    same but im in high school
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:14:25 No.7296686

    i've felt this before. the cure is to put on some good jazz (and by good jazz i mean miles davis and the likes) read something and chainsmoke.

    just smoke. smoke. smoke more. and then when you're bored of it, play guitar.

    then play guitar some more.

    then lift some weights. don't question that it contradicts the smoking. just lift weights.

    the truth is, life is actually like this. we've fooled ourselves into thinking life is something phenomenally exciting. it isn't.

    we spend our time here just learning how to deal with existence.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:16:21 No.7296703
         File1264652181.jpg-(232 KB, 1280x720, braid-screen01.jpg)
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    You already have a huge leg up on 99% of 4chan in that you have relevant training in your dream career. I know it's hard to self motivate when you're poor, but there's a lot of demand for animation online. You have to work for free (maybe for a long time) before it gets you any money/recognition, but that's a good thing, since your early stuff will be shit and you can use it as learning experience.

    GTFO 4chan and start hanging out with DEDICATED people who need volunteer animators. You could end up animating some crappy game that ends up on XBLA, iTunes, or gets fully re-done for retail.

    Stranger things have happened. Aside from the cheaply licensed music, Braid was entirely made by three dudes (two of them artists/animators).
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:16:47 No.7296710
    this is what being in your 20's is all about guys!

    enjoy it :D
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:17:13 No.7296714
    When I was 5 my babysitter got into bed and had sex with me. No one found out and I never told anyone, I will be 28 in 13 days. Since that night I have been completely isolated. I have never had a boyfriend, a friend or even an acquaintance. I go to work, come home, read then go to sleep. I have no hobbies, I hate everything, I hate everyone. I live my life moment by moment assuring myself that if I can just get through this moment the next will be better but it never is. Worst of all I am to blame because he didn't do this to me I did it to myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:22:36 No.7296762
    So much wisdom in this post, even though I don't smoke, nor do I like jazz.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:24:39 No.7296782
    Have you had therapy? If you have and it failed, have you tried a few different methods/therapists? What you're describing is no way to go through life.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:26:09 No.7296797
    I don't do much, but I actually enjoy it. Why go to so much trouble when I can be satisfied with little? Bed, food, internet, don't need much else. I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:27:45 No.7296812

    I refuse to try it. Yes that makes it my fault for not trying to change things. I can't explain why but I would do anything possible to keep things exactly the way they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:29:05 No.7296826
    were all on this planet because the elements of life formed a species that, much like a computer virus, proliferates its existence through reproduction.

    the truth is mother nature is a bitch, with no vested interest in our success or failure.

    life is pointless. it is undoubtedly meaningless. so enjoy it, eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:39:44 No.7296946
    I do work and school. I drink tea and coffee. I don't do much either. I'm afraid I'm turning into my father, because he doesn't really do anything either.

    When I do get time to myself, I just want to relax. The littlest things bother me. Listening to music? I only do that when I'm in the car or exercising. It really really bothers me otherwise, it just all sounds like repetitive noise. I've sung in a choir and I've played the piano and trumpet, and I hated every moment of it. I just really dislike all forms of music.

    I dislike sports, aside from fencing, archery, horseback-riding or something skillful. If it involves teams and balls, chances are I find it pointless. I don't do well on teams, and I feel that other people are always fighting for the leadership or alpha position, and I'm always left out because I really don't want to be part of that.

    I've tried learning other languages, but I work so much and put myself through college, finding the time is near impossible. I also draw, but I'm out of practice for the same reason.

    I'm just a robot. I go to school and I work. Rinse, repeat. I have no soul left, and the promise of finding work at the end of it all is fading fast.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:58:01 No.7297092

    So...d-d-do you wanna hook up?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:18:38 No.7297295
    I'm 24 and this started at 14.

    Try having this happen to you for 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:26:28 No.7297376
    Why is the activity on the left considered by many to be more wholesome than the one on the right?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:28:17 No.7297395
    >learn how to play an instrument
    I agree with this. I used to be very similar to you, OP, and then one day I bought an instrument and busied myself learning how to play it. I thought it would be boring as all hell, but it's really not bad at all and it helps me when I'm feeling depressed.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:29:03 No.7297411
    It could be worse everyone.

    You could be married with a cheating wife who only wants your money and 2 annoying brats, and making lots of money at work by sucking all of your bosses cocks.

    You have no peace when you get home due to nagging wife/crying brats. You have no peace at work. You will have no peace anywhere you go.

    The ample money you have made may be able to temporarily soothe your spirit (drugs, trips, hobbies) but in the end, the fleeting happiness you feel will disappear when you remember that these people/things/etc are there only because of your money.

    So for now, enjoy having ultimate freedom... freedom to let you mind wander and create (even if it is only in your mind) new possibilities, realities etc etc

    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:32:13 No.7297437
    there's nothing wrong with you OP you're a natural consumer! you don't need to know why you buy things or actually use them just show an interest and keep purchasing / wathcing / taking an interest. there's so much out there for some one like you OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:33:12 No.7297448
    I am a Robot.... But I love my program.... I wrote it myself.
    I wish my life was boring some days.
    Other days I am glad that it, went back to boring.
    I have grown tired of my adventures.
    I have grown envious of the average individual.
    Like a jealousy of cows, it makes little sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:45:23 No.7297551
    are you Kyle?

    I've had this for the past 6 years or something
    maybe more, maybe less I have terrible perception of time
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:45:41 No.7297552
    ITT: Everyone is me

    To the guy who recommended picking up an instrument: I play several, I treat them the same as everything else now. I'm basically mindlessly f5ing irl activities
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:23:28 No.7297812
    Same here, OP. I look at my roommates, who I all thought were just as worthless as I am, and realize that they actually do stuff. My one roommate kart races. Sounds lame, but he has a bunch of friends into it and they go out and have fun and whatnot. He's been dog-watching some other racer's house the past few days. Sure, not exciting, but more interesting than my life. My other roomie is gone every weekend for one of the club's he's in. I'm not interested in the clubs, but he knows a lot of people there. Then my other friend is interested in art and goes out and hangs out with people in his field.

    Me, well, I like film, but I haven't done any filming or editing in three years, and that was back in high school. I fucked up going to this shitty school, and now that I'm a junior, it's kind of too late to do anything else. I couldn't get a film degree, this isn't a film school. I'm a ICS major, but I've taken one class in the field; I'm absolutely clueless about my future. My counselor advised me to take a career test (cost me $20) and I'll see the results on Friday. Should be fun, but I'm not sure if I have enough time to switch to that major.

    Never had a job, a car, a girlfriend, a kiss, my roommates are my only friends... I tried to get into Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic: The Gathering, and even though I was alone in those activities, they made me get out of the house. I'd back fifteen or twenty miles away just to go to a store that had a certain pack. I snuck into Disneyland last year just because I was in the area, but it was just so lonely.

    I guess I just want to find a woman who's just as much of a loser as I am, and we just go around this area, loathing being here but loving being with each other. Too bad no woman would be interested in me since I'm short and skinny and unattractive. Oh well...
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:13:47 No.7298609
    I just started taking Zoloft, so I see opportunities for Anon to change in each of these posts. But I felt that way before the Zoloft- it was easier to think of solutions to others' problems than mine.

    Overestimating how happy/cool others are while underestimating yourself is a recognized component of depression. Something good to keep in mind when you feel like a loser. You probably are kind of a loser, but you're definitely not as far below everyone else as you think. Science says so.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:18:54 No.7298649
    >I spend an inordinate amount of time browsing imageboards, for 99% of stuff I don't bother with constructive
    >>for 99% of stuff
    >>>for 99%
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:24:29 No.7298691
    Ya, I'm like you. I'm getting an adderall script and becoming a scientist hopefully. MOTIVATION IN A PILL hopefully?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:41:23 No.7298803
    threads like these make me glad i chose to be a theatre major

    all though it is a "shit tier" degree, i am actually motivated and inspired by acting. i wake up in the morning thinking "fuck yeah, time to rehearse my shakespeare sonnet"
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:56:29 No.7298853
    Just go and take a fucking dump and leave the laptop.Losing sight of /r9k/ + not shitting pants > rating the next troll
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:04:10 No.7298883
    I'm the same way, don't have the patients for anything anymore, I get bored of everything, but I'm fine with this...doing nothing...I just wish I could do it forever without any consequences...which is gonna happen anyways very very soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:05:33 No.7298892
    Fuck I ment Patience*
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)05:14:00 No.7299151
    I haven't left the house since Christmas eve. I dropped out of college for the second time due to issues I had with myself. Mainly my skin, it depresses me, even though it's only classed as "Moderate" Even though a fair few people would consider me handsome or cute, I just can't even begin to follow up any interest when I feel I look gross. I went on antibiotics in late November, but there's barely an improvement. All the derms are booked for the next month too.

    I have thousands of pounds worth of entertainment around me, including game consoles, DVDs and comics/books, but I rarely bother with them. These are brand new too, I'm not talking stuff I've already watched/read.

    And yet, when I do go outside, I tend to love it. That's until I see everyone else with friends or partners. It makes me realise what I'm really missing. I'd trade in practically everything I own for a couple of cool boys and girls to hang with. Wait, fuck that, clear skin. That's what I want. I know it's shallow and vain to be this bothered about my looks, but fuck it's depressing.

    I really think instead of buying ME2 tomorrow, I should put any money I have towards a camera. Get into photography and just go on an adventure every day or so. I'm surrounded by woods and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)09:58:54 No.7300615
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)10:06:53 No.7300662
         File1264691213.png-(154 KB, 286x284, herp.png)
    154 KB
    I sat around for about a year doing fuck all except WoW before I landed a teaching job to fuel the habit.

    Employment is merely a means to an end of course. I'd like to someday have a job that I actually feel passionate about.

    Haven't had sex since last March. Looking forward to Starcraft II though.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)10:13:39 No.7300699
    OP, I work 10pm-7am most nights and my days off are Mon, Tues, Weds. When I want to go do something with my friends, I have to wake up extra early in the night to try and fit something into my schedule.

    Otherwise I spend the rest of my time online reading forums, 4chan, and blogs. However, I'm running out of internet.

    However, every now and then I have these serendipitous booms in activity and produce something worth my time. Last couple times it's been baking/cooking related. Hell, if I had a large group of friends nearby I'd have bi-weekly dinners at my place, but everyone's moved away or are still in school.

    Try rearranging your room; I do that every few months and it feels great just to sleep in a different direction in a new set up. While shit like this is minor, it's just enough to help me feel like my life is changing in a positive direction; its basic and primal progression which is reason enough to get out of bed.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)10:20:27 No.7300731
    nearly everyone on r9k is a recluse most are desperate for friends IRL yet here all we do is bite each others head off 90% of the time
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)10:30:22 No.7300767

    i have a girlfriend, and we're super in love, but i can relate well to most of these posts. i'm a college freshman, and my girlfriend goes to another college but it's nearby enough that she visits me from thursday to monday morning every week. however, i often sleep through my classes (even afternoon ones, lol) and cut classes only to browse 4chan. I also got busted for pirating copyrighted content. somehow i don't think i'll lsat long here.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)10:44:30 No.7300860

    I hate fuckers like you. Can't stand to be without your beloved waifu for even a couple goddamn weeks. I mean, fuck man. Seriously?

    Man the fuck up and do something independent.

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