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    File : 1264644742.jpg-(50 KB, 412x355, BarackObama_SOTU_022409b.jpg)
    50 KB State of the union adress Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:12:22 No.7295470  
    The union....
    good start.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:13:27 No.7295488
    >obama implying he did shit
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:13:57 No.7295492
    >implying obama did not do anything
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:19:26 No.7295549
    implying Obama did something. Basically what you critized: >>7295488

    OP, what union is this?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:20:49 No.7295561

    I want to hear him shit on the supreme court.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:22:04 No.7295578
    "I thought I'd get some applause on that one"

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:24:23 No.7295599
    Why so orange?

    Seriously, why is my president orange? I've checked the color, everyone else is fine?

    I'm freaking out - he doesn't look orange in that cap...

    Anybody else notice this?
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:25:26 No.7295611
    Glare off the teleprompter.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:26:16 No.7295622
    Im all heathcared out..
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:26:46 No.7295625
         File1264645606.jpg-(108 KB, 500x375, 2652496017_48f3a04932.jpg)
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    my face when i see that the address is being broadcasted on BET
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:29:33 No.7295656
    Jesus, the nigger network is out of control
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:30:05 No.7295666
    fuck yeah i'm inspired
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:32:24 No.7295694
    Something I noticed, CNN only takes shots of the Democrats side so they only see the people that stand and clap while Fox News keeps getting angles showing the Republicans sitting and frowning.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:32:46 No.7295698

    >watching BET
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:34:13 No.7295711
    Awww/ msnbc need to get their shit together.
    supreme court.... still waiting
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:35:17 No.7295721
    words words words clap clap clap CLAP CLAP CLAP STAND UP CLAP CLAP CLAP clap clap clap

    repeat ad infinitum
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:35:46 No.7295725
    Nuclear power, I don't believe he has proposed that before.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:37:21 No.7295733
    What is with all the cheering and WHOOing? Is this a pep rally? Be formal you schmucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:38:18 No.7295736
    "we need to start exporting more goods"
    errr wishful thinking.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:38:28 No.7295739
    "we need to export more of our goods"

    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:39:13 No.7295753
    Speaking of formality, what is it with all of the women in bright yellow, pink and red? Part of the audience looks like a box of crayons.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:39:45 No.7295758
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    Anybody see the guy doing this? About 15 minutes ago.

    Cracked me up.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:39:54 No.7295763
    key partners like south korea
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:40:05 No.7295764
    >Strengthens global markets
    >Stop giving the rest of the world jobs
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:40:07 No.7295766

    he's saying that because of our trade deficit. it essentially means that our debt will be paid by our children to foreign investors. it's kind of fucked up.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:40:53 No.7295770
    School is good.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:41:58 No.7295780
    Community colleges are good, we need to give more stupid people good jobs and keep the best education to the actual smart people.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:42:48 No.7295788
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:43:53 No.7295795
    "The steps we took last year to shore up the housing markets"

    Somebody hasn't seen the housing market records from December...
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:44:52 No.7295802
    Strategic move here.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:46:04 No.7295815
    "Fuck you fat kids"! - Obama
    >> op 01/27/10(Wed)21:46:16 No.7295817
    oh i see what you mean finally
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:46:21 No.7295819
    >>Implying you went to a good school

    Went to a community college and transferred to UC Berkeley out of state, feels good man. I also got into Cornell, USc, NYU, Georgetown, and Wash U St Louis. While you studied like a nerd in high school I was nurturing the alpha male in me, going to parties and banging hot broads.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:46:39 No.7295822
    He's talking about healthcare because he wants people to think he's still trying to pass it. He thinks they'll blame Congress when it goes down in flames.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:47:24 No.7295827

    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:47:48 No.7295834
    The rivers will run read with blood.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:48:26 No.7295837
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:48:31 No.7295838
    Uh, it DID die in Congress dude. That's a fact.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:49:02 No.7295842
    "Don't walk away from reform."

    It's dead, Jim.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:49:25 No.7295846
    I'll shit brix if it passes after this.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:50:25 No.7295855
    It was his main campaign platform. He promised people healthcare reform, and they'll want to know why he didn't give it to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:50:35 No.7295859

    watch the speech online,it makes me rage so hard
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:51:26 No.7295864

    >watch the speech online, it makes me so hard
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:51:43 No.7295868
    The economy was rescued?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:51:46 No.7295870
    Just keep smiling McCain...
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:52:03 No.7295871
    Because no Republicans voted for it, that's why. He pushed for it as best he could. His voters don't expect him to kill all the Republicans to pass it. There are still rules.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:52:12 No.7295872
    >Clean Coal
    No such thing. The next motherfucker that so much as implies that Obama is a Liberal is getting their head bashed in.
    >> op 01/27/10(Wed)21:52:20 No.7295875
    lol did he say veto
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:52:37 No.7295879
    1. Double government spending
    2. Freeze government spending
    3. ???
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:53:01 No.7295882
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:53:34 No.7295890
    Fucking liberals and their clean coal.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:54:00 No.7295891
    "the massive deficit I inherited when I took office"

    Is that the same deficit you're projected to triple during your time in office?
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:54:06 No.7295893
    He can't help it. I think he had a stroke.
    >> op 01/27/10(Wed)21:54:27 No.7295898
    executive order
    ... whats that mean?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:55:22 No.7295903
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:55:58 No.7295907
    Come on, ask congress to repeal DADT you lazy nigger.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:56:58 No.7295913
    lrn2depression spending

    During a depression the ability to produce remains the same. It is demand that goes down. The government is the only entity capable of creating a demand during a depression. An ideal government creates a surplus during economically good times and creates a deficit in the real bad times and cycles through those phases ad infinitum.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)21:57:58 No.7295923
    The Republicans are turning this into a Chinese Congress. What's next? Are they going to jump out of their seats and beat somebody?
    >> op 01/27/10(Wed)21:58:19 No.7295926
    oh yea there it was.
    fuck you supreme court
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)21:58:20 No.7295927

    I lol'd.

    Also, here comes the SCOTUS bashing...
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:00:16 No.7295939
    >Implying the unseen hand doesn't make mistakes
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:01:31 No.7295948
    obama can't finish a damn sentence without being applauded
    i like obama and all but damn just stay in your seats for 2 seconds

    he's pissed too, i can tell cause he keeps pursing his lips when they cheer :/
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:01:42 No.7295950

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:01:52 No.7295952
    I liked Obama paying the shit out of "Lobby Groups" and "Foreign Interests"

    See that AIPAC, you just lost major support from the Government you sick sons of bitches.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:02:43 No.7295960
    They never let the president finish, every gawdam time. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:03:31 No.7295968
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:03:38 No.7295970
    I think of its a good thing. My experience tells me that it is just hot air though.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)22:05:01 No.7295983
    Hey, he's using "terrorists" again, at least.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:05:05 No.7295986
    Oh gawd, NASA, I'll miss you.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:05:05 No.7295987
    "Our first lady will help fat kids blah blah."
    "CHEEEER CLAP CLAP CLAP" She sits calmly and smiles.
    "She's embarrased."
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:05:39 No.7295999
    She hates fat kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:05:59 No.7296001
    Only the military guys are professional. They're the only ones who never clap.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:06:19 No.7296004
    >> op 01/27/10(Wed)22:07:20 No.7296012
    all combat trrops out by augest.
    out of where now exactly
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:07:44 No.7296018
    He said Iraq. Pay attention.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:07:47 No.7296019
    The military generals never smile, or clap, at anything.

    I bet they're probably thinking "fucking politicians" at both Dems and Reps whenever they alternate clapping rounds.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:08:34 No.7296026
    Makes me want to visit /k/.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:10:34 No.7296050
         File1264648234.jpg-(1.35 MB, 2285x3000, upiphotos913197-Supreme-Court-(...).jpg)
    1.35 MB
    oh god, I would totally do Ruth Bader Ginsberg. I would wreck that chick.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:11:11 No.7296064
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:13:57 No.7296098
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:13:57 No.7296099
    >I have adopted policies of Kenedy and Reagan.
    >Reduce nuclear arms.

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:14:23 No.7296104
    LOL when Obama said to allow faggots to join whatever branch of the military they want, the generals were abso-fucking-lutely not impressed, AT ALL.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)22:14:34 No.7296106
    Yeah, let's fuck with the military even more...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:14:50 No.7296110
    >Gay soldiers!
    >Military guys keep on :| face

    I lold.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:15:11 No.7296117
    They wouldn't smile if he let them blow up the Moon. They have to keep straight faces.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:15:23 No.7296119
    oh yeah, she hates fat kids and straightens her daughters' hair, like: oh they are self-aware people, disregard naturality but anyways its not important since the first woman is traditionally so dumb, that she can just take one mission at once.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)22:15:50 No.7296128
    The Joint Chiefs never clap.

    You cannot be fucking serious.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:15:55 No.7296129
    yea i straight rotfled at the group of them sitting there
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:16:03 No.7296131
    They have been stoic the whole time. They haven't shown a single sign of emotion.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:16:20 No.7296134
    FBl here, what the fuck is wrong with you? HoIy shit, you're so messed up we're just going to leave you in your basement.


    brb cumming on Ruth's tits.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:16:47 No.7296135
    MAD has never been a good idea and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:17:26 No.7296148
    i never suggested it would be easy
    or that i could do it alone.
    GG good line
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)22:18:10 No.7296159
    MAD is better than disarming ourselves and pretending the world is rainbows and unicorns. I can hear Putin laughing already.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:18:57 No.7296166
    Can it be 2012 so this dumb nigger can get thrown out of office already? Holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:20:01 No.7296179
    the next dumb one will shortly follow. You will always have them as a president. Its planned. Enjoy
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:20:09 No.7296180
    >implying we don't know at all times when nukes are going off
    Keeping a stockpile is retarded and those little shit kicker dictatorships won't stop going for nukes if everyone else has them. If we keep the moral high ground that gives us that much more ability to get international support for an invasion. For once we would actually be the good guys. A bunch of nations coming together to kick out some nutcase who wants to blow up the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:20:09 No.7296181
    So God Emperor, are you that faggot who won't shut up in movies? I get the distinct feeling that your shitty sarcastic monologue carries through to most activities in life. I'd put money on you being an absolute embarrassment to be around.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:20:35 No.7296189
    lol he looked into the camera to talk to the people watching it on tv
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:20:40 No.7296190
    Nuh, it's a lottery, I saw the machine.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:20:49 No.7296192
    Implying Russia still wants to invade the western world.

    Where are you from? The 1950's?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:21:25 No.7296197
    >Implying Russia is going to start a nuclear war after the Cold War.

    No one--save for Iran and North Korea--is willing to start a nuclear war. Iran is the only threat ever, and if they are going to do anything, they'd hit Israel.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:21:59 No.7296201


    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:22:13 No.7296204
    Good ending.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:23:04 No.7296214

    That speech was pure pandering to the "people". There was no hint of enlightened reasoning or details of any of his crowd-pleasing plans.

    I'm not even American, I'm in Canada and I raged.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)22:23:38 No.7296221
    >moral high ground
    We will never have the "moral high ground" (as defined by who, anyway? The Europeans?). And we definitely shouldn't give up our nuclear capability to try and get it.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:24:01 No.7296225
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:24:30 No.7296228
    And nothing of value was lost.

    Really though Iran is actually more "Normal" than the media makes it out to be, It's basically the US in the middle east, hell I've watched tourism shows in Iran where girls are walking about in tube tops and short shorts and people are hanging out at shopping malls and stuff.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)22:24:44 No.7296231
    Jesus bro, take it easy.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:25:19 No.7296237
    exactly!! God thank you for that, anon, I hoped Im not the only one. This will go on and on and the hype is still trusted -emberassing
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:25:31 No.7296239
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:25:45 No.7296241
    You don't pull out statistics and numbers at the State of the Union Address. Do you want it to stretch to 1 in the morning?
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:25:59 No.7296244
    How in the world is any group of people no matter how nationalized going to justify creating a nuclear weapons program when no one else has them?

    Honestly, what will nukes ever be good for? MAD is dead dude, it died with the Cold War for the US and it will hopefully world wide before India and Pakistan blow there tops.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:26:32 No.7296249
         File1264649192.jpg-(10 KB, 248x289, ginsburg_intro.jpg)
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    bang that shit like a justice bangs a gavel?

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:27:45 No.7296263
    Is that so? I need to look into the more positives of Iran. I really do. I've had a few Jewish professors and they pretty much bashed them all the time.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:27:47 No.7296265
    Furthermore, EVERYONE's mail objective should be the survival of humanity. Nukes are the only threat to our species survival beyond 1 in a million cataclysmic meteorite impacts.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:28:54 No.7296279
    >mail objective
    I have my postcards ready, fear not.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:29:02 No.7296280
    A few US like commercial districts doesn't change the fact a conservative religious group is in charge of Iran.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:29:11 No.7296282
    Ginsburg spoke at my university. She's amazingly dull.

    I don't know how you manage that after living her life but I mean boring-as-hell.

    Like, worse than just reading case law dull.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)22:29:26 No.7296286
    I don't think we're understanding each other here. I'm not advocating MAD per se. I'm just against Obama's idea of a world without nuclear weapons, which is totally unrealistic and unachievable. Decreasing our stockpile is fine, we have a lot of older ICBMs that need to be phased out now anyway. But I don't think we need to eliminate our nuclear program in order to have the authority to keep other countries from having one.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:29:53 No.7296289
    So, the commentary video that's going on now. I'd bang the girl. She looks bored anyways, I think she'd be up for it.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:29:55 No.7296290
    *main objective

    and mail is dead, long live e-mail!
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:34:42 No.7296325
    >unrealistic and unachievable
    That is only because people can't say it is unrealistic and unachievable. He mentioned disarmament in front of the world before and the global community took it better than I thought they would.

    And what would the good be for keeping any nukes? In a globalized world every economy is too interdependent to risk nuclear war. The only threat is some shit kicker nation developing nukes and blowing up the country next to it along with plunging the planet into a decade of reduced crop yields. One billion people live without a stable food supply. If crop yields across the planet take a hit because of the dust kicked up by 100 burning cities then up to one billion people may die not to mention ruin global market and start a dozen brushfire wars.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:36:27 No.7296344
    I love how the Republican Response placed a black woman and an asian dude deliberately in the background of Bob McDonnell.

    They're really trying hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:36:32 No.7296345
    OMG, McDonnell is such an idiot.
    GOP already proposed insurance across state lines and tort reform, and the budget office estimated that savings from that would be minimal. Stop bringing this up as a solution.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:37:44 No.7296359
    I mean our defense spending is astronomical. We spend more than almost every other nation on Earth combined, including our allies. If we want to invade a third world country then we can invade a third world country regardless of whether or not we have nukes. If it isn't a third world country then there wouldn't be a reason to invade it in the first place. Democratic nations simply don't go to war with each other and in a world of globalized markets and media its hard for any successful non-democratic nation to survive. Look at the USSR collapse and the slow but movement of China towards capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:37:51 No.7296361
    Just because you put down your stick, does not mean that the other kid in the playground who hates you is going to agree to put his down.

    In fact, it just means now he can hit you over the head with his and you can't hit him back.

    I don't care how much you faggots want world peace, it's not going to fucking happen. We're just intelligent animals, but still fucking animals, and animals fight and kill each other all the god damn time.

    It makes no difference if we can reason, because there will still be those of us who do not reason and will fucking blow everyone else the fuck up.
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:38:37 No.7296366
    *That is only because people keep saying it is unrealistic and unachievable.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:39:05 No.7296371
    >McDonnell implying that the American health care system is the best in the world
    for fuck's sake come up with a better pile of shit to feed us.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 01/27/10(Wed)22:40:19 No.7296381
    >And what would the good be for keeping any nukes?
    Because other countries will have them. The world community may smile and nod when Obama says shit like that, but you know as well as I do that Russia and China are not going to give up their nukes, and North Korea is well on its way to having an operational arsenal. I think an all-out nuclear war is unlikely too, but if it should happen I want to win it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:41:31 No.7296392
    Jesus Christ, you fuckers are dumb.
    He is talking about decreasing the stockpiles during his presidency, not eliminating them. No sane man would just dump our nukes and open his arms for a hippie circlejerk.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:42:34 No.7296399
    So, instead of having these federal policies that are a takeover of health care by the federal government and undermine state autonomy, McDonnell proposes allowing to sell insurance across state lines, which is a federal policy and undermines state autonomy.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:45:45 No.7296436
    Enjoy your humpbacked sclerosis sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:53:54 No.7296509
    Hey Canadabro, at least he's got better speech writers and stage presence than Bush. Even Fox New is being pretty generous with their reviews. And this is Fox News.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:56:42 No.7296538

    What's Fox saying?
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)22:58:49 No.7296562
    Of course we wouldn't get rid of our stockpiles so long as China or Russia had hundreds of them. That is why Obama and everyone who wants the world to disarm says the global community has to disarm simultaneously, not one country at a time. And Russia and China could possibly keep a large arsenal without us knowing. If it is just one or two stashed in some closet somewhere then it isn't a problem. Because no convential war would ever happen between 1st world nations. Like I said earlier, we are just to interdependent to go to war. The only threat is MAD. A first world nation would only be crazy enough to launch if they thought they were going to wipe out an entire country at once which they can't do with a stockpile small enough to hide.
    >> lol i trol u !!FXIYoStbOnd 01/27/10(Wed)23:00:47 No.7296578

    Fox, I believe, has gotten the subtle signal that the most powerful man on Earth is through fucking around and waiting for people to do the right thing, and that it might just be time to start treading lightly.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:05:35 No.7296613
    Fox news should just be wiped off the face of the planet.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:08:16 No.7296633
    Nuclear Power, fuck yeah.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/27/10(Wed)23:13:00 No.7296671
    hence why I always vote for military officers, no matter the party, when I can
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/27/10(Wed)23:15:31 No.7296697
    did he talk about nukes? fuck. every time he does, nations like France and Russia laugh at us :\
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:16:38 No.7296708
    well states could opt out of that
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:17:02 No.7296713
    The first 5 minutes, everyone was like "This is a good speech, even though his points are eh"

    Sarah Palin is commenting now and just being a boobful of retard. I hope Russia bombs her house first and rapes her down syndrome daughter (and I mean the pregger one)
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/27/10(Wed)23:21:45 No.7296753
    so what were the basic points?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:25:38 No.7296794

    College should be cheaper, fewer nukes, more health care, no Don't Ask Don't Tell.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:26:48 No.7296805
    can't he just repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:29:26 No.7296828

    also, clean powah, more students in math/science TAKE THAT LIBERAL ARTS FAGS, EVEN YOUR GOD DOESN'T APPROVE OF YOUR MAJOR, and CHANGE.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:31:09 No.7296849
    Finally, support for nuclear power. Fuckin' fence-sitter. Maybe now we can make some real progress.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/27/10(Wed)23:32:04 No.7296859
    get rid of nuclear weapons and bring back nuclear power plants? what?
    >> fizix !d75etXAowg 01/27/10(Wed)23:32:37 No.7296865
    Ya, what's wrong with that? Nuclear power plants can't make the human race extinct.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/27/10(Wed)23:35:25 No.7296901
    breeder plants etc
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:37:20 No.7296919
    as a political science major, i have this to say:

    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics
    i hate politics

    what a waste of life. smash the state. its all shit. to assign our morality or identity to a government is a bunk, bunk idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:42:15 No.7296967
    am I the only other guy that likes white ghetto girls? huge tits. gotta wrap a snake, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:43:14 No.7296978

    What are you talking about bro?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:52:41 No.7297047

    Well, that's actually a problem right there. It would be so awesome to invade Iran and turn it into a 3rd world shit hole like Iraq. Just go in and let the soldiers do their thing. Fuck up the government there, kill a shitload of sand niggers, rape a few, give their kids heroin and cocaine, break up a ton of families by letting slavers in, and also we could grab like thirty thousand niggers from Liberia and just drop them in there. That would fucking rule.

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