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    File : 1264641590.jpg-(105 KB, 600x1000, 1263858995315.jpg)
    105 KB Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:19:50 No.7295016  
    Neckbeards, virgins, and typical "channers", what do you think of the so-called normalfags that share this site? Should they be here or not?

    Normalfags, what do you think of the other end of the spectrum?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:21:54 No.7295028
    Sadfag here.

    If I wanted a place with 100% sadfag population, there are better places than /r9k/. I don't mind normalfags being HERE for this reason, but god help them if they go to any of the other, smaller forums I frequent.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:22:48 No.7295032
    my god they're like irl orcs
    >> Pavane !40hMlBXxb6 01/27/10(Wed)20:24:07 No.7295039
    This is 4chan. It is comprised of individuals, not groups. Stop thinking in stereotypes you retarded fucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:24:46 No.7295042
    AM l KAWAlI GUIZ?~uguu
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:27:53 No.7295065
    Whoever willingly chooses to spend time here, that's fine. I have no problem with them, who they are, or their lives.

    I DO have a problem with people breaking the rules. Not the "rules of the internet", but the rules of FUCKING KEEPING THIS PLACE DECENT. Posting how you're underage, your gender, your face, shitposting in general, joking about how you're 'cancer' just to piss off people, etc. Them, I have a problem with.

    People who accept what 4chan is, and accept the stigma attatched are fine. But god damn, all these "normalfags" who literally spend every minute here trying to prove to everyone how they're NOT the fat, basement-dwelling internet-nerd stereotype, as if it actually fucking matters. THEY are the ones that need to get the fuck out.

    So yes, I hate all of you.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:43:12 No.7295218
    As I see it, we break down into

    Glorious Weeaboo Master Race


    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:46:49 No.7295249
    Fuck normalfags they are fucking cancer that is destroying 4chan. GTFO noralfags
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:50:21 No.7295275
    fuck off, tripfag
    you don't speak for anyone
    >> Alpha !tsGpSwX8mo 01/27/10(Wed)20:50:37 No.7295278
    I used to be a ronery neckbeard, and after much time dabbling throughout the social spectrum, they've definitely got the best senses of humor.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:53:15 No.7295299

    Note to self, this guy is right.

    Sorry mate :/
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:56:17 No.7295327

    Different guy saying this now.

    This is 4chan. It is comprised of individuals, not groups. Stop thinking in stereotypes you retarded fucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:00:50 No.7295360
    I guess you could say I'm a normalfag in the sense that I have lots of friends, socialise a lot, am physically attractive, have lots of sex, and can sustain a proper relationship. If that's what makes one a normalfag then ok. I feel kind of bad for the people on 4chan who have none of this, but at the same time I enjoy the humour and trolling that goes on here. Then again, I don't even read ronery/bawww/relationshit threads, I just like to read the comics etc.

    But you know, even the most normal normalfags (even those not on 4chan), have stuff in common with the bottomdwellers here. I have some anxiety issues, am often super-unmotivated, sometimes bawww to my friends... so meh...

    One thing I would say is that a lot of you are far too self loathing... That really pisses me off.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:05:48 No.7295412
    >I just like to read the comics
    Normalfags in a nutshell.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:13:29 No.7295489
    I don't get it. Did you just find your first girlfriend on the internet and suddenly you think you're alpha?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:14:54 No.7295503
    i bet you came here with the wikicrew amarite?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:34:27 No.7295713

    You are scaring away all the desperate, creepy girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:38:42 No.7295744
    used to be a typical channer
    started smoking pot
    now everything is better+ girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:00:38 No.7295941
    If by scaring them away you mean hooking up with them and fucking like bunnies, then ohhh yeahh.

    Anonidate is pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:04:56 No.7295982
    hurr durr "should" lol
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:22:52 No.7296765
    Except when they live far/are taken/too cray.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:26:45 No.7296804
    this site used to be my little counter culture haven. I knew I was safe here, because no one fucking knew about this place. Now all the normalfags came in, and FUCKED IT THE FUCK UP.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:27:46 No.7296813
    I come here to be without normalfags and they flood the site like beaners going to America
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:28:44 No.7296822
    they look like the fish people from a fucking Lovecraft book, the kids of cthulhu
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:30:42 No.7296844
    neckbeards can be clever, and entertaining. but then there are the sad ones, who just want to piss people off. they are annoying

    neckbeards are a mixed bag i suppose
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:31:02 No.7296848
    uhhhh, i hardly go on this site. truth be told, however, i am a professional writer who goes on this site to steal stories, emotions and the gems you find while lurking.

    i have no interest in the "culture" surrounding r9k, but i think its one of the best windows into humanity i've seen yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:34:19 No.7296887
    they are all part of the same family. that is why most of them have blonde hair and fucked up noses. they all look similar.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:38:31 No.7296936
    Do normalfags even know that they're normal? Like can they point at things in their life and say "hey, that's unusually normal!"

    For me, you're normal if you have had at least 2 girlfriends who were at least 6.5s, actually know and are in regular face to face contact with 30% of your facebook friends, and attend parties regularly (a few every month)

    Usually if you fit those criteria you turn out being pretty normalfag to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:07:19 No.7297192
    I'd pretty much agree. Now list the traits of abnormal.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:25:45 No.7297369
    Substitute Facebook with MySpace and Parties with "Shindigs" and I'd be "Normal." Wow-wee.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:46:17 No.7297558
    never had a girlfriend/kissed/been kissed by a girl/very few friends/no direction in life/no motivation/etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)00:51:27 No.7297591
    They should piss off back to myspace or whatever the fuck they do.

    This is OUR space, we don't need these hipster faggets fagging things up just for the sake of being alternative or whatever.

    INxx personalities only thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:07:15 No.7297715
    Fuck normalfags. They ruined this place. Normal people are incapable of the dark humor that made this site infamous. They constantly post petty shit that no one cares about, especially on this board and /b/. Go to /b/ right now and look at how horrible the board is. It's not even the racist/sexist/gore/memespam that drove normalfags to this shitty board.

    They should just go back to facebook and Gaia.
    >> ­ :3 christfag !xyWyVn95HA 01/28/10(Thu)01:14:10 No.7297749
    y'all binos poastin in a bino thread!1
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)02:10:48 No.7298164
    I'm okay with nerds, but the angry, crying, depressed faggots should take their kind somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:17:03 No.7298941
    in the beginning (2003-2004) /b/ was photoshop threads and teh rei and it was good.

    then some time around 2006 fucking habbo hotel raids brought in gaia and it slowly seeped in to popular culture from there

    anime is only getting more popular

    normalfags everywhere

    they have ruined this beautiful place.
    >> Attention Whore !!ItIkrFwnmZB 01/28/10(Thu)04:25:49 No.7298978
    I only hate the misogynistic bitter virgins because they drive the female population away.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:28:29 No.7298995
    Christfag, where'd your :3 pictures go?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:29:38 No.7299002
    I'm not a virgin, neckbeard (femanon), or a typical "channer". Though, I'm not a "normalfag" either.
    I'm just a bit of a freak, but I have a life.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:34:51 No.7299026
         File1264671291.jpg-(15 KB, 220x293, 220px-SofiaVassilievaJune09.jpg)
    15 KB
    OP's pic reminds me of allison dubois older daughter.
    >> ­ :3 christfag !xyWyVn95HA 01/28/10(Thu)04:38:15 No.7299045
    watch this space my child
    watch this space


    and now a word from our sponsors
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:49:43 No.7299089

    >allison dubois older daughter.

    I only watched that show for the loli
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:56:56 No.7299107

    I tend to disagree, she looks more sapiens than neanderthal.
    >> Amazider !GJtpm8zcYI 01/28/10(Thu)05:14:14 No.7299152 a black person, albino black have always upset me...

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