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    File : 1264635377.jpg-(594 KB, 2000x1414, 20-12-2004in hal.jpg)
    594 KB Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:36:17 No.7294196  
    how many of you live in american 'suburbs' and what is it like?

    is it anything like on tv?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:38:56 No.7294217
    Did when I was a kid.

    Soulless hell.

    Glad I'm out of it. Only reason anyone leaves the city is white flight and stupid ideas about country living anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:39:09 No.7294220
    I live in a classic Suburbia. No neighbors are ever out to talk with each other, there's a stark absence of culture, restaurants every other square yard.

    Fuck this place.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:39:40 No.7294224
    American here. The suburb I live in is pretty calm. Nice houses, not too upscale, upper middle class I guess. You have your wanna be gangsters, your valley-girls, your jocks, and then you have the normal, enjoyable people. Not much excitement here except for the occasional fire or police intervention. Most of my friends still go outside and hang out. Does that answer your question?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:40:53 No.7294234
    >>7294224 here

    Forgot to mention, I'm living in Southern Texas so.. I might not be a good source.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:41:03 No.7294236
    Fuck, I though the two people on the escalators in OP's picture had spider legs before I clicked the thumbnail.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:43:49 No.7294265

    so i guess its just as boring as living on the countryside, is it also true that all you do is hang out in malls? (not you per se, but people like the valley girls(->most people))
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:46:09 No.7294289
    i grew up in one of the wealthiest suburbs in the US. mansions all over the place, elaborate gardens, celebrities abundant, everyone was a rich kid.

    actually, my experiences in the suburb generally surpassed that shown on TV. there were some sick mansion parties as I recall.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:56:08 No.7294388
    Britfag here.

    Every film you've ever seen like This is England or The 51st State or whatever is exactly what the entire country looks like.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:00:49 No.7294438
    I live there. I've lived downtown in my city and travelled the world. The suburbs are great! The only thing that sucks ass is the restaurants because white people don't do good food and the bars close at 1am.

    Got sick of niggers, moved back home.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 01/27/10(Wed)19:03:12 No.7294460
    I grew up in a suburb that for some reason was 30 miles from an entire rusting city. I mean there are several square miles of nohing but collapsing buildings and broken machinery. I think we are outside the Rust Belt but it sure doesnt feel like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:08:10 No.7294511

    Yes. Whenever I go to the mall to actually BUY something there's tons of people just there to be there and look 'cool'.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:09:21 No.7294526

    It's about the closest thing to a public square you get out in the 'burbs.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:12:53 No.7294558
    >several square miles of nothing but collapsing buildings and broken machinery

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:18:55 No.7294612
    this sounds awesome

    where the fuck do you live? pics?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:22:44 No.7294644
    Never heard of this Rust belt until now. I live in Southern Ontario, which is supposed to be in it, and it's nothing at all like you describe.

    Unless you live in Detroit or something. That's not a Rust Belt though, it's just a shit hole.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:23:46 No.7294652
    There are millions of shitty people driving around really slowly clogging up the roads and being assholes. The closest cities always get nuked in movies and tv because they are just as boring but with much more crime.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:32:49 No.7294704
    Big houses, a lot of land, massive privacy with trees on the edge of every yard, nice cars (well...not really, I have a Mercades E 320 and that's one of the nicest around here. Kinda sad.), paved roads, rare but occasional house parties that fill the street with cars, silence. Dogs bark if you walk by.

    ...Um. Those are the suburbs I live in.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:39:55 No.7294742
    i did.

    i did not like it... I thought it was stiff and presumptuous.. but now that im on my own and living lower class I miss it.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:06:55 No.7297713
    There always an old woman who walks around my suburbs. She either nods at me or gives a slight wave, in mutual understanding I will either smile or nod. I think in some abstract sense we understand each others loneliness and a special kind of kinship has been formed. Or I'm schizophrenic.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:10:28 No.7297725
    She sounds like a nice woman, you should engage in casual conversation.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:11:47 No.7297733
    Most of us live in suburbs. The only people left living in the cities are blacks, with some exceptions i.e. many large cities in California. Living in the city is very undesirable because the crime is ridiculous. Even if you're relatively poor, it's better to live in a rural area.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:20:37 No.7297794
    Living in the suburbs right now, got an apartment lined up closer into the city. Fuck, it'll be nice riding my bike or walking everywhere.

    Austinfag here.

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