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    File : 1264626551.jpg-(35 KB, 600x400, tab12_600x400.jpg)
    35 KB Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:09:11 No.7292993  
    Apple's new iPad.
    499 for 16gig.
    599 for 32.
    699 for 64.

    Add about 120ish to the price to add 3G from ATT.
    3G access is 14.99 per month for 250 MB. 29.99 for unlimited.
    Wifi's built into all of them.

    It's a modified iPhone OS, so the only apps on it are through the iTunes store. It's got a book store now, too.

    No camera. No USB ports. You have to sync it through iTunes to get docs and shit on it.

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:10:08 No.7293002
    So what does it do? blox
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:11:17 No.7293011
    So it's just an oversized iPhone.

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:11:35 No.7293012
    It's mainly a way for hipsters to identify each other in public
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:11:59 No.7293016
    you can browse 4chan on a bigger screen while youre sippin your moccha latte cappo coffee

    but without the added weight of a laptop
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:13:19 No.7293028
    I can't make a call on that...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:13:43 No.7293035
    and you can't make calls with it, of course. Inb4 the sheeple eat it up to the dirt.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:13:55 No.7293041
    I will wait and see if it gets jailbroken of sorts. If I didn't have to sync through itunes and didn't have to use their shitty bookstore I think it would be pretty fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:14:22 No.7293048
    >So it's just an oversized iPod Touch.

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:14:42 No.7293050
    I liked these better when they were called notebooks.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:15:30 No.7293058
    No fucking way am I getting one of those PoS.
    >> Mohey Pori !m0hEY/p0RI 01/27/10(Wed)16:17:05 No.7293077
    I'd only get it if they make photoshop for it
    otherwise why would i pay for a tablet that isn't mainly for drawing
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:17:20 No.7293079
    It'll be cool for artists with the Brushes Apps and such... but something tells me they haven't done anything in terms of making the touchscreen suitable for hand drawing (draw/painting on the iphone is no fun).
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:17:55 No.7293085
    I heard it doesn't have handwriting recognition either.

    /g/ are having a fieldday with this.
    >> Blue !!LEyEE0+I5Fw 01/27/10(Wed)16:22:39 No.7293122
    Holy. Shit. I can't fucking believe all the hype for this crap. And the media sucks Jobs' cock like this is some kind of revolution. What the fuck is wrong with people? It's a goddamn large ipod touch. Just get a damn laptop.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:25:55 No.7293149
    Here we go again. They take technology that's been available elsewhere, which can be done better for a fraction of the price, and they slap an apple logo on it. They have the market fucking raped. They could literally put an apple sticker on shit and trendwhores would trample each other just to get a whiff.

    Expect it to sell like fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:30:20 No.7293181
    Apple wants you to use one product, theirs.

    I'll stick with my shitty phone to text and call, my computer for email and tasks, and a fucking PAD AND PIECE OF PAPER FOR MY ARTS!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:31:39 No.7293198
    It's a fucking ipod that's too big for a pocket and has no voice capability so it's worthless as a phone as well.

    fail on both counts.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:33:19 No.7293218
    Two wise posts from two wise men.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:38:20 No.7293272
    /r/ing the iPad pantyliner shoop...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:42:15 No.7293312
    so you'd be paying $820+ for a MaxiPad?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:45:22 No.7293342
    Thank God I didn't buy a shitload of Apple stock.

    This thing is gonna be their biggest failure since the Newton.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:45:39 No.7293345

    A 64GB MaxiPad with WiFi.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:47:11 No.7293357

    Hilariously wrong.
    This must be a completely unoriginal, technology inferior device, but we all know it's going to make Apple a fuckton of money regardless.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:47:46 No.7293360
    I wonder how absorbent they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:48:45 No.7293367
    I might get one IF I can get it for less than 300 dollars and if I can get it to read digital comics. Then I'd carry it with my all the fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:51:49 No.7293395
    I would buy one to download and read books on, but glossy screen not epaper? wtf??

    I gotta say steve was wrong when he said this was better than a netbook. It's nice hardware but pretty cripple software.

    This is comming from a guy who owns an imac, macbookpro and ipod touch
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:52:29 No.7293401
    "What this device does is extraordinary. You can browse the web with it."

    what gay piece of faggotry is this?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:53:05 No.7293407
    The real question is: WILL IT BLEND?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:54:47 No.7293417
    Does it have that tilt-and-the-screen-shifts like the iPhone?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:01:21 No.7293458
    Even my shitty Sony Ericsson has that...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:02:48 No.7293462
    Didn't Picard use these all the time? This shit's the future, baby!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:03:52 No.7293465
    ipad sounds like a retarded 4chan user trying to sound more retarded
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:04:42 No.7293467
    This has a way better screen to watch porn in public on than the iPhone.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:06:47 No.7293473
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:07:23 No.7293476

    apple = taking advantage of dumb white people
    >> Vincent Black Shadow !!/NQvuTqNJsP 01/27/10(Wed)17:07:52 No.7293481
    Stick windows 7 in it, then I would consider one.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:08:39 No.7293487
    It will sell millions. All the Applefags at Art School will want one.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:11:44 No.7293507
    I'm an applefag at art school.

    This ipad piece of shit made me rage.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:12:11 No.7293513
    I won't be buying, but I wasn't expecting too either. Also the relatively big black border around the screen bothers me immensely, technology isn't good enough to be without them.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:14:01 No.7293528
    It doesn't even run a proper computer operating system. It just runs a crippled iPhone OS
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:16:54 No.7293541
    doesn't mean it lacks the hardware for W7, do you have specs?
    >> Lord Edin Of The Stoner Age !09ENY0w322 01/27/10(Wed)17:17:55 No.7293552
    Zune has 80gb for less than the price but it has the ugliest GUI i've ever seen...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:18:25 No.7293556
    This is the most lame shit apple has pulled in recent memory. Too expensive. Too crippled in functionality. The only people who will care are the ones who say to themselves "I WISH MAH IPHONE WAS GIANT SO PEOPLE COULD SEE HOW COOL I AM FROM FARTHER AWAY".

    There is no other reason for this piece of shit. iPhone OS instead of Snow Leopard or the OS of your choice. Apple wants you to buy and sync everything from iTunes, no exceptions. This is not a computer. This is not a tablet PC. This is an overgrown ipod touch.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:20:05 No.7293563
    Without multitasking it's pretty much shit
    I can see apple cocksucking drawfags eat it up even if it does suck I guess
    Battery life seems to be shit
    Fuck iTunes, I sync my iPod in foobar2000 to spite those faggots
    Bloated pile of shit
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:20:12 No.7293565
    I was drooling so hard over 3G in 2006 or so, but it's turned into an expensive scam.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:21:41 No.7293577
    Honestly, the iRack from that MadTV skit was a better product than this
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:23:47 No.7293593
    Looks like shit now, but you just know they have the real ipads that are actually win locked away somewhere so they can release Generation 2, 3, 4 etc. and make double money off Macfags. They do it with everything:

    1. Release sucky product
    2. Release next generation 3 months later
    3. ?????
    4. Double PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:25:39 No.7293608
    It's an awkward device because it fills a role that's kind of non-existant. It feels like a mish-mash of things (digital frame, eReader, netbook etc.)

    Of course the big point is reading - books, magazines, newspapers... In line with the death of printed media. So it might be some time before it gets exploited to the true potential.

    Personally I don't need one, mostly because it can't run Adobe Creative Suite.

    It's sexy though...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:25:49 No.7293610
    iPad has a 1GHz processor that is specifically designed for it (It's not off-the-shelf parts)
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:27:05 No.7293621
    PPC? x86?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:27:57 No.7293629
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:28:55 No.7293635
         File1264631335.jpg-(336 KB, 570x690, 1264629788612.jpg)
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    Did anyone note that the processor is some ARM shit, which means EVERYTHING will have to be ported? There's a reason very few people use ARM netbooks, and that reason is compatibility, motherfucker. Of course, this doesn't even matter because it runs motherfucking iphone OS, instead of oh, I don't know..having the ability to install any OS you goddamn please. The "good" version is 899 for fuck's sake, and then they have the balls to sell you a keyboard attachment and a dock for USB ports? I'm sure those will each be $99 or something. This HAS to be a troll. There's no way in hell this can't be a troll. If this is the way Apple is going, Steve is going to take a shit in a box, call it the iShit, paint it white, and sell it for $999.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:30:25 No.7293647
    Next up:

    The MacBook Wheel
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:34:41 No.7293676
    >>7293635 This HAS to be a troll.

    We say that every January bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:35:35 No.7293686
    apple A4

    yeah, wtf is this.jpg indeed
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:38:17 No.7293709
    So it's a less-powerful netbook with a non-useful touchscreen, no physical keyboard, only Apple-approved apps designed for the thing, no webcam, no removable storage, no USB, no flash (making much of the internet completely useless), no multitasking...

    Why would you buy this over a nice netbook, again?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:47:21 No.7293790
    I honestly thought the first few people in this thread were trolls/people being trolled and that OP's pic was a shoop.

    World, I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:47:58 No.7293798
    Cause you're a mac fanboy and will buy anything steve tells you to.

    Actually the people who would buy this would also buy the MacBook Air...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:49:20 No.7293812
    People who want shiny business toys will remake their small business to utilize this for their inventory apps.Cause its apple, and people like shiny things.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:54:25 No.7293854
         File1264632865.jpg-(701 KB, 2289x1915, HTC%20Shift.jpg)
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    HTC Shift>this pieceof crap

    In addition to being a full Vista netbook/laptop/UMPC, it's also an oversized Windows Mobile Pocket PC Phone and the two computer modes can be switched at will.

    I can't believe this isn't a troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:57:04 No.7293871
    might be good if someone ports android or chrome os to it. lol
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)17:57:40 No.7293877
    I'd use it if it had a better operating system and usb ports n shit
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:00:38 No.7293893
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:03:41 No.7293909
    B...b..but the iPhone still sucks...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:04:09 No.7293911
    Apple stocks dropped 4% when the iPad was announced.

    Also, MaxiPad.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:06:33 No.7293931
    at least now it can send pictures!

    holy shit that's a fuckin awesome phone!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:08:21 No.7293942
    i hate how nintendo does this with all gameboy products as well.


    And every time, i was dumb and bought the first one.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:08:31 No.7293944
    >No USB ports.

    Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:08:39 No.7293945
    You know, I always wanted my iPhone to be too huge to carry in my pocket. I have also always wanted my laptop to have a huge glass screen, you know, so I can crack it. The iPad brings it all together!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:09:43 No.7293956
    I think they force you to use a headset for calls, though.
    I guess they thought it would look silly holding a laptop to your head.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:12:03 No.7293974
    No, that is different. Those are simply updated versions of the original hardware with lighter/smaller/more efficient components to reduce costs. Same with the PS3 slim and it's removed PS2 hardware and Linux support.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:14:27 No.7293987
    I think the Air is actually more impressive than the iPad, in that it was incredibly fucking thin. It scored points for hardware design, if nothing else.

    The iPad is literally an oversized iPod Touch with 3G. Look, it even has the same buttons!

    I am now waiting for someone in the street to randomly take one out, and start screaming, "HELLO?? I'M WALKING DOWN THE STREET! I SAID I'M WALKING DOWN THE STREET! YES, THE RECEPTION IS HORRID!"
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:16:40 No.7294004
    microsoft courier actually seems KINDOF practical...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:18:02 No.7294014
    is there a video of the presentation online yet?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:24:37 No.7294070

    Fucking troll Apple.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:27:22 No.7294099
    I think it's too thin.

    and from the price, why can't you just get a macbook with more ports?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:28:29 No.7294112
         File1264634909.jpg-(26 KB, 600x398, apple-creation-0071-rm-eng.jpg)
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    true story bro

    p8tve9tfjdlfdsjf o34u598u3 ldsfdlka d
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:29:14 No.7294121
    And, you know, an OS that can actually do more stuff than only what's in the App Store.

    Presenting the iPad. Comes standard with iMoron iLocator.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:48:35 No.7294314
         File1264636115.png-(263 KB, 609x494, Picture 1.png)
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    > I don't have to change MYSELF to fit the PRODUCT

    I seriously threw up in my mouth a little bit when this doughenigger said that.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:52:12 No.7294347
    Probably not happening, bro. Just look at the iPhone.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:53:32 No.7294363
    Any way to just force it to run windows or whatever the smallest OS is in terms of hard drive space? If so I'd buy it just to have a tiny motherfucking computer. If not it's just a lame ass music player.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)18:54:45 No.7294374

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:00:30 No.7294433
    Well he's got a point, this thing is designed for douchenozzles like him.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:02:44 No.7294457
    >Usually when a new technology comes out the price starts off high and gets lower over time
    >we wanted to do something different

    I think they're not so subtlety telling us that the price is only going to go up.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:05:13 No.7294479
         File1264637113.png-(254 KB, 485x482, Picture 4.png)
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    >lame ass music player

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:05:27 No.7294483
    Well, since it has an ARM processor you can't exactly run desktop Windows on it. In theory, it can run Windows CE if you port it yourself. But good luck finding documentation on it's hardware, writing a Windows CE board support package and drivers from scratch with little/no documentation of it's customized Apple hardware.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:05:27 No.7294484

    ben folds. he covered the cure song
    >> Second City Saints !!1cKAqWzo0Jc 01/27/10(Wed)19:07:35 No.7294506
         File1264637255.jpg-(19 KB, 310x149, rowboat.jpg)
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    It's called planned obsolescence, and if you google it, iPod is the 3rd thing to show up.

    It's the reason why we don't have robots and hovercars right now, because companies can make more money selling it each and every step of the way.

    It's business. Jobs is a genius, and I hate him.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:08:31 No.7294516
    It has Steve Job's blessings, so therefore I must go to the nearest Apple store and jizz all over it. My master has said so.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:10:40 No.7294537

    BEN FOLDS! Fuck you man, I didn't care when you took The Flaming Lips, but THIS TAKES THE CAKE!



    >> Second City Saints !!1cKAqWzo0Jc 01/27/10(Wed)19:42:09 No.7294757
         File1264639329.jpg-(23 KB, 477x323, iFag.jpg)
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    JUST DO.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:42:16 No.7294758
    iPad? more like iBad amirite?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)19:49:03 No.7294797
    u so funny
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:14:34 No.7294975
    Tablet PCs are never going to be anything other than an expensive toy for artsy retards. You're never going to do any serious work of any kind on them; you can't even fucking use them for word-processing!
    >> Edward Cullen 01/27/10(Wed)20:18:10 No.7295001
    I'd rather have a netbook
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:18:21 No.7295005
    It looks like a friggin iPod touch on steroids...that just about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:23:39 No.7295037
    It is! My good gentleman!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:39:45 No.7295177
    Is that Marc Hoppus from Green Day?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:40:54 No.7295190
    Convertible tablets are badass though.

    My HP with 2.4 dual core / 4GB / 400GB with a 12" multitouch screen and stylus is awesome. Obviously, it has a reasonable sized keyboard as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:41:42 No.7295201
    I am going to buy an iPad and drill a hole in it and fuck the hole.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:49:14 No.7295267
    It sucks and people will buy it out of stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:53:06 No.7295297

    Normal LCD screen means it will be harder to read than kindle.

    Costs as much as a more powerful, more competent laptop.

    Can't install what I want on it.

    No camera.

    No phone calls.

    No WiFi syncing except with PCs that have iTunes.

    No handwriting recognition.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:57:05 No.7295330
         File1264643825.jpg-(31 KB, 291x475, 41GDEQXCVGL.jpg)
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    Since it's targeted to hipsters, I doubt the service will have anything intellectual on it

    Pic related
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)20:58:05 No.7295338
    its a really big Ipod

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:01:14 No.7295365
    It's only $11 more than a Kindle with the same size screen, you can play board games on it (like you can on the iPhone but way better) of which there are a dickload available already, including games like Risk. You can take notes and browse the internet and email just fine, which is all people use netbooks for anyway, and while there are some cheaper netbooks, it still falls in the middle of that price range. You can use a BlueTooth keyboard if you have a lot to type, which is better the majority of netbook keyboards, and even carrying this along with a keyboard would take less room than most netbooks alone...

    I don't see what you are all bitching about... :|
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:03:23 No.7295386

    No, planned obsolescence is when the thing becomes useless after a certain period and the consumer HAS TO buy the new product.

    Most tech related stuff works for decades. The first generation iPod works just as good the day they were released, they don't become obsolescence just because there is an iPod which plays video or can store more songs. Releasing an upgraded and improved version of something is not planned obsolescence.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:04:30 No.7295396

    so many things about this post angered me

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:04:56 No.7295401
    Yeah cause a physical keyboard is better than a virtual one, even when it's totally unusable unless you're a tiny Asian girl - and they'll want the iPad anyway...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:07:10 No.7295421

    and its not cromey!

    HUGH :*(
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:07:45 No.7295428
         File1264644465.jpg-(195 KB, 540x361, Kindle_DX_horizontal.JPG..jpg)
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    Given that this is the closest thing to the iPad before the iPad came out, and this is only $11 less, and does WAY less.. yeah, iPad, total failure.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:09:05 No.7295436
    Packard divided planned obsolescence into two sub categories: obsolescence of desirability and obsolescence of function. "Obsolescence of desirability", also called "psychological obsolescence", referred to marketers' attempts to wear out a product in the owner's mind. Packard quoted industrial designer George Nelson, who wrote: "Design... is an attempt to make a contribution through change. When no contribution is made or can be made, the only process available for giving the illusion of change is 'styling!.'"[5]
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:09:46 No.7295442
         File1264644586.jpg-(104 KB, 900x600, stoneVSiPad.jpg)
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    Sure is full of apple loveing hipster starbucks race tratior niggers in this thread.mootblox
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:14:19 No.7295499
    My friends tablet just acts like a normal PC, we play CoH on it some times.

    What the fuck is that thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:19:02 No.7295545

    great photo, have any more like it?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:20:08 No.7295555
         File1264645208.jpg-(9 KB, 208x251, 1264643192000s.jpg)
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    It is shit behind a hideous paywall. And overpriced. People will go out of their way to tell you they own one.

    Whatever happened to the Crunchpad?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:21:54 No.7295574
         File1264645314.jpg-(86 KB, 699x852, APPLEGOTTOLD.jpg)
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    See pic, boys. No need for discussion. Not that r9k would know more than /g/ on the subject anyway. Hell I haven't read the thread but people might actually think this product is good here.
    >> Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham !!mIlOtNg+DdM 01/27/10(Wed)21:22:21 No.7295583

    Not that i'm advocating the iPad, but it does have widescreen
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:24:11 No.7295595

    Upgrading hardware is not just changing the design of the thing, it's actually adding more function to the product.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:24:15 No.7295596
    You don't know much about computers, do you
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:25:57 No.7295616

    It's a kindle DX book reader. Amazon sell them.
    >> Rance 01/27/10(Wed)21:26:48 No.7295626
    The only thing unaffected by the recession is Apple. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:28:21 No.7295640
    No, tablet PCs were the closest thing to the iPad before it came out, mostly because the iPad IS a tablet PC. Tablet PCs have better specs than the iPad, for less money, and can ACTUALLY MULTITASK.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:28:46 No.7295646
    A Kindle HD
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:29:53 No.7295661
    how come it doesn't support flash? seems very silly considering they're advertising it as a web surfing tool.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:34:18 No.7295712
    Because even if they plan on adding that functionality later to the iPhone OS, they don't want to spoil the supplies when they announce that as part of 4.0 - derp derp.

    Also it creates publicity, like this thread right here - cause they are obviously smarter than the people who hate apple, if those people were smart they wouldn't shit all over the place and give Apple publicity, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:38:52 No.7295745
    support for flash seems like very basic feature. what prevents them from implementing it? is it some sort of, i don't know, licensing, hardware, software issues?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:39:48 No.7295760

    That's why.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)21:55:20 No.7295902
    >It's a chicken-and-egg problem. Publishers use Flash for web video because Flash is installed on such a high percentage of clients; clients support Flash because so many publishers use Flash for web video. Apple, with the iPhone, is solving the chicken and egg problem. For the first time ever, there is a large and growing audience of demographically desirable users who don't have Flash installed. If you want to show video to iPhone users, you need to use H.264.

    >Apple isn't trying to replace Flash with its own proprietary thing. They're replacing it with H.264 and HTML5. This is good for everyone but Adobe.

    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/27/10(Wed)22:15:49 No.7296127
    While I am not going to get this Tablet, I'm glad it is getting made, because it will encourage other better companies to make better tablets and they should be available before I start law school. So this is some good timing.

    I think the design is kind of ugly and currently the Asus T91 is better.
    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 01/27/10(Wed)22:18:06 No.7296157
         File1264648686.png-(149 KB, 1248x1333, 1264647713023.png)
    149 KB
    Just another overpriced, underpowered, and counter technology Apple product to me. I think if anything, I will by an iPad mini (iPod touch)
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)22:20:56 No.7296193
    carl needs to market this.
    "hey uh, fryman, you see that new ipad"
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)23:36:38 No.7296914
    You can control it with your penis.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:12:03 No.7298594
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:33:33 No.7298752

    well actually the ssd might work well for such a device so it's not necessarily worse than the hdd
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:48:24 No.7298831
    The iPad is proof positive that Apple can deliver exactly what people want and yet not meet their expectations.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)03:58:14 No.7298855

    They do it all the time you retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:00:51 No.7298870
    >exactly what the people want
    >another shitty product

    That does not compute.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:09:10 No.7298916
    I'm still rockin an sony erikkson phone from 2005. Shit hasn't died yet somehow. I should get a new one though..the calls on this bitch always seem to fuck up somehow.
    >> Doaks 01/28/10(Thu)04:11:52 No.7298926
    You mean Sony Ericsson?
    Yeah i'm rocking my w810i.. Had it since 06.
    Works great.
    No need for a pile of shit "smart phone"
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)04:15:24 No.7298934
    Am I the only one who got that reference? I loved that fucking show. I think I love you already.

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