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    File : 1264438429.png-(1.61 MB, 1196x946, aynrandbooks.png)
    1.61 MB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:53:49 No.7275746  
    Things I learned from these books:

    -All altruism is forced
    -Charities are flat-out evil and a threat to human liberty
    -The poor are societal leeches sucking off of your every earning
    -The government will bend over backwards for the poor because they are the majority
    -The rich and capitalist are supermen providing for everything in the world, and who're the ones providing freedom and civil liberties
    -Abuse of capitalism does not exist
    -Ayn Rand has MDD
    -I am special, and everyone else is an idiot, apparently
    -The poor have no real place in a utopia since they "provide nothing for" us and we "do not need" them, "go away."
    -Utopias can exist
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:54:44 No.7275752
    Things I learned from these books:
    Ayn Rand is not a very good writer and a lot of American critics are prone to jizzing on work that isn't especially well-written.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:55:53 No.7275760
    Ayn Rand can't write and any form of Objectivism or "self-determination" is immediately garbage because free will doesn't exist
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:56:57 No.7275768
    What crimes does Rand's philosophy allow/encourage me to commit against lesser people?

    Am I allowed to rape?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:00:09 No.7275796

    According to The Fountainhead, you can rape lesser peoples. They protagonist, in fact, rapes a woman because he looks at her a specific way years earlier, and thus she begins to subconsciously want his superior genetic awesomeness. But she wants to be taken by him forcefully. Or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:02:37 No.7275809
    Major depressive disorder?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:03:18 No.7275813
    Sounds like American capitalism/corporatism in the past. If you get sexually harassed by someone who is a higher position than you (like your boss), you couldn't do anything about it, nor have the right to complain.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:04:38 No.7275826
    >Abuse of capitalism does not exist
    Capitalism is an ideal. Any type of "abuse" is not following the rules of the ideal. "Crony capitalism" and markets lacking competition aren't really capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:04:52 No.7275828
    Yep, major depressive disorder. She sounds very depressed and bitter in her books. The same kind of depressed high school outcasts would be, where they try to blame and analyze society for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:06:05 No.7275837
    > If you get sexually harassed by someone who is a higher position than you (like your boss), you couldn't do anything about it, nor have the right to complain.
    You couldn't do anything about it? You should have learned to fight, and you damn well have the right to complain. Complaints fall under the right to free speech and thought.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:06:45 No.7275846
    Didn't her husband cheat on her or something? If so, all I have to say is 'lol'.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:08:31 No.7275853
    Yeah, except it was your fucking boss or employers, the ones giving you a job. If they did anything to you, there was nothing that could be done about except change jobs, but hardly anyone wants to lose a job, especially back then, so you just had to take it. They had more power and privileges over you, you couldn't do anything against them.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:09:16 No.7275862
    only capitalists and libertarians (and not the okay kind, the fuck tard, OMGRONPAULCANISUCKYOURCOCK kind) find Ayn Rand in any way shape or form passable.

    also, according to Rand all sex is rape, so there you go
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:14:13 No.7275902
    She was also cheating on her husband with a married man, who then cheated on Rand, in which Rand tried to ruin his life.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:14:44 No.7275904
    i.e.: the good ol' days
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:14:50 No.7275905
    So how will the rich be awesome when they've no poor to exploit?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:15:24 No.7275912
    >how will the rich be awesome when they've no poor to exploit?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:23:18 No.7275963
    >he looks at her a specific way years earlier, and thus she begins to subconsciously want his superior genetic awesomeness. But she wants to be taken by him forcefully.

    typical woman
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:27:07 No.7275990
    Exactly that is covered or exactly she's an idiot?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:28:38 No.7276001
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    in both of these books the female lead is raped by the male lead about 1/3 of the way into each book.

    i hate ayn rand so much.
    >> Follower of !Satan0OsU. 01/25/10(Mon)12:31:22 No.7276023
    >-All altruism is forced
    Both true and false. Most altruism is for self gain and it is usually fruitless. This altruism is forced. Altruism in the form of compassion when coupled with humility causes no self-gain in the slightest. People who are both humble and compassionate do not force their altruism. It just is. These people are almost the perfect slave to their own altruism, they never question their immaterial master.
    -The poor are societal leeches sucking off of your every earning
    The rich would not exist without the poor. A capitalist needs factory workers, a society needs an underclass. There's a reason why the second thing white settlers did after building their plantations was buy black slaves. The new nobility needed an underclass, who else would pick their cotton?
    -Charities are flat-out evil and a threat to human liberty
    The only danger to human liberty are senseless morals which always contain hidden, ulterior reasoning. Charity to the underclass will eventually benefit the upperclass, as the upperclass are horribly reliant on them.
    -The government will bend over backwards for the poor because they are the majority
    If only this was true. Instead our governments are subject to closed door deals. One day the underclass will over run the government. They will do this through their own self-awareness as an oppressed people.
    -The rich and capitalist are supermen providing for everything in the world, and who're the ones providing freedom and civil liberties
    How very American it is to judge someone's worthiness by how much money they make. Here I was thinking money can't buy happiness. Attachment to worldly possessions, as in money, only causes pain. The more you have, the more you can lose, the more damage can be done. People should be mindful of this fact when they're acquiring goods, because a larger amount of non-essential goods is not necessarily better.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:32:15 No.7276030
    What kind of name is Ayn Rand anyway?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:32:24 No.7276032
    look at dis post

    your tryin so hard
    >> Follower of !Satan0OsU. 01/25/10(Mon)12:32:41 No.7276039
    Ayn Rand seems to have no conception of how society really works. She lives in a middle-class fairy land where food magically appears in the store and where manual labour is less tiring or useful than pushing papers.

    I guess she's the typical, spoilt rich princess.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:32:51 No.7276040
    Same could be said for Communism. If you're a whiny teenager that is.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:48:28 No.7276149
    Ayn Rand is describing a dystopian would-be scenario ala 1984 set in America. Sure she makes some really extreme claims and statements, but she is, after all, trying to stand up and defend selfishness. Something that is universally considered evil.

    It's like trying to make Heinrich Himmler look sympathetic.

    Because that's exactly what it is about. Trying to defend a non-sugar coated politically correct statement that's frowned upon. Or if you people want to wussify the term selfishness, it glorifies a form of individualism without regard for other people.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:54:54 No.7276207
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    I think she's projecting her fantasies on the female lead you see.

    Advice: Print out this picture as a sticker and paste it on every copy of Atlas Shrugged you can find.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:54:58 No.7276208
    IF the entierity of the world(or a vast proportion of it) is ready, stable, and civilized enough to not damn themselves to oblivion, then altruism is a good thing, as long as you don't shoot (your species',the future,potential) in the foot.
    Things that feel good, sometimes are the reason that we are unable to life ourselves out of our problems. The world is not static, and what we are doing now is fumbling in the right direction, without real thought to a longer term future.
    As terrible as it is, we are not ready for altruism, because the world still has enclaves of horrors.
    We aren't all playing the same game, and altruism may be the straw that allows to break our own backs.

    I'm not saying altruism is bad, I'm saying we need to be more enlightened as a species for it to not damn us.
    For this wildly sweeping "enlightenment" to occur, the vast majority of people need an abundance of time and money, so that they can ponder.
    This cannot happen if we are a fractured and easily misdirected species.
    TL:DR she could have some kind of truthiness.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:56:26 No.7276214
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)13:03:35 No.7276273
    I'm not sure what's worse. Ayn Rand's prose or the conservatives that praise the ideals in her book while being way too obvious that they've never read it, else they would know about her massive boner for athiesm.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)13:07:01 No.7276293
    I like how no one reads these books and thinks to themself, "She's right; I really am a vile leech holding down the superior capitalist supermen."

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