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    File : 1264400188.jpg-(491 KB, 500x4685, TierList.jpg)
    491 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:16:28 No.7271820  
    Education tier list.

    How do you rank?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:18:41 No.7271838
    The high end of mid tier. A few years ago we were high tier though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:20:49 No.7271855
    LOL tier :/
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:21:36 No.7271863
    Lol tier
    feels k man
    also tier lists
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:25:43 No.7271874
    I'm assuming that Community colleges are lol tier, so lol tier. Not graduating there, so fuck it. What's this pretentious lookin' list got to do with anything, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:26:17 No.7271878
    PhD and 2 master from high Tier (austria) here.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:26:24 No.7271879
    You couldn't get into a top 200 university?

    Assuming there's on average 10,000 students at each university, then you aren't in the top 2,000,000 of students in your age group?

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:26:30 No.7271880
    I got to a technical school.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:27:57 No.7271888
    LOL tier

    No, I got into several high tier schools. LOL tier gave me a full scholarship
    LOL's on you
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:28:07 No.7271889
    got into != attend
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/25/10(Mon)01:28:32 No.7271897
    In this thread, people imagine that undergraduate degrees matter.

    You really need a graduate degree of some kind to get a good advantage, otherwise you won't stand out.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:28:40 No.7271900
    There aren't any Austrian universities in high tier, bro...
    >> Noko 01/25/10(Mon)01:29:02 No.7271903
    mid tier at purdue
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:29:05 No.7271905
    There are 7,000,000,000 people in the world.

    Put it in perspective jackass, some of these countries only have one or no schools at all on that list. Not to mention it's not affordable to everyone because the big-shot schools are mostly private.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:29:29 No.7271910
    I'm Low Tier right now, but it's just undergrad so I figure it doesn't matter much. And it could be worse; I could be LOL tier...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:29:55 No.7271915
    High tier

    University of British Columbia

    That scale seems really broken though...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:30:17 No.7271918
    College is for idiots.

    If you can't make it without college, you are a fucking idiot. That's it. You need a degree to back you up, because you have no personality, no actual intelligence, and no balls.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:30:59 No.7271924
    Upper low tier..... Feels good man ; )
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:31:34 No.7271930

    Enjoy your management position at McDonald's.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:31:42 No.7271932
    LOL tier here, feels bad, mang
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:31:44 No.7271934
    At least I have a job
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/25/10(Mon)01:31:52 No.7271937
    hopefully going to a community college.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:31:53 No.7271938
    >implying the entire world is college aged, lives in a country rich enough to have decent universities, and were given the opportunities to attend said universities.
    Wow, I can see why you are in LOL tier.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:32:11 No.7271941
    Taking ONE(1) class @ a college in the LOL tier
    Feels ok man
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:32:33 No.7271944
    I'm in the lol tier but tbh for what I'm doing my school has kicks the ass of most high-tier schools anyways.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:32:52 No.7271946
    agree with you about the scale, entirely reviews based seems kinda iffy to me
    also lol'd at UCLA>UCB
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:34:21 No.7271962
    High Tier : mcgill university

    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:34:31 No.7271964
    University of Pennsylvania here.

    Its good to be #12.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:34:56 No.7271970
    I work for Blizzard and I play video games all day and get payed for it.

    I don't really like where the company is going, but hey, I don't give a fuck. I'm getting payed to do what I love. In fact, I only have to work for 4-5 hours a day. The rest of the hours I spend learning on my own and partying.

    Really, college is a fucking joke. Grow some balls and learn how to work life.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:35:00 No.7271971
    That list is bullshit, otherwise polytechnique and the lycee would be top of the list
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:35:24 No.7271976
    case western, texas a&m, penn state,...

    this is majorly skewed toward large schools. in the US some of these schools are a joke. the highest tiers are fairly accurate, but below that it's a random mess.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:35:32 No.7271977
    >butthurt frenchfag

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:35:53 No.7271979
    Uh, I don't think you know what "scale" means, lol tier bro.

    Besides, it isn't entirely reviews based:
    >Peer Review Score (40%)
    >Recruiter Review (10%)
    >International Faculty Score (5%)
    >International Students Score (5%)
    >Faculty/Student Score (20%)
    >Citations/Faculty Score (20%)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:35:56 No.7271980

    You're right, DeVry is kicks ass at doing absolutely nothing for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:36:28 No.7271984
    Your school is named after a gay Chinese fruit. I'm not surprised it didn't make the top 200.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:37:28 No.7271988
    No...this man speaks the truth.

    If you were good in h.s with high grades and a year ahead in math, the first two years in college are a fucking joke.

    All my technical courses that were important to my engineering degree happened between junior and senior year.

    Even then I could have probably learned some of the stuff much quicker. Some stuff I don't even need and will promptly forget (just like most other people I work with don't even remember if they took that stuff in college).
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:38:10 No.7271995
    Low tier - University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
    Not from the engineering school either, so it's even worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:38:27 No.7271997
    UW got best deal (mid)
    accepted to harvard, caltech, columbia though
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:39:50 No.7272010
    God tier university notorious for its soul-sucking and fun-murdering.

    Still, I enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:40:05 No.7272012
    >my face when I could've easily gotten into a mid-tier but was too lazy to even apply there and am now at a lol tier
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:40:06 No.7272013
    This scale isn't based on the actual educational merit of each school but is rather a composite of their ability to place alumni in the workplace and scratch eachother's backs

    EG all the "ivy league" schools are at the top because you can drop their name and get hired easily, and, hmmm, they peer review EACHOTHER and are all in the top 10 spots? interesting

    Of course the scale doesn't account for the success of different faculties within schools. For example, Mcgill has one of the best medical schools in north america but it's excellence there is dragged down by the rest of its different faculties.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:40:07 No.7272014
    Was accepted to High and Mid tier schools, went to awesome "lol" tier college (tiny liberal arts place), paid big bucks to work at low tier University that thinks it's hot shit. I think I'm doing all right for myself so far.
    Time for grad school.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:40:22 No.7272019
    School is school, you elitist niggers.

    What's it like knowing, no matter what school you are in, you will never make as much as the Jonas Brothers?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:40:50 No.7272020
    please enlighten us filthy loltier heathens with your divine knowledge of the word "scale"
    inb4 a calcium carbonate pun
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:41:01 No.7272023

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:41:07 No.7272024
    Well, you know I think getting into any of the top 20 at least automatically makes you a steaming pile of smug bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:41:11 No.7272026
    >op's pic is an accurate portrayal of educational institutions.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:41:30 No.7272029
    Mid tier here at Emory University.

    That said I've seen these rankings before and consider them one of the more bullshit rankings out there considering the insane variability between each year's list. While some variability is to be expected, most of the universities on that list drop or rise up to 30-50 places each year. It's ridiculous. The only useful thing about that list is that if a university appears on it consistently then chances are you go to a pretty damn good university.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:41:33 No.7272030
    LOL tier, however from what my father has told me (he's a professor at one of the high-end mid-tier list), this probably isn't the case. My school is pretty small and only has three programs that really matter (not that there's only three programs, you can get a BA in English, it's just that the English department is not really that impressive). He's told me that papers I've been given Bs or B+s on would get me an A or A+ where he teaches. He's actually surprised at how much I'm expected to write. From what I hear from the students who went to other schools in the area, the expectations here are a lot tougher. The professors are also pretty well-respected in their various areas. One of the music professors at the school is one of the few faculty members that only has a master degree, he's a very well-respected conductor and thus the school was willing to take him on despite not having a doctorate. One of the philosophy professors here has a standing offer to teach at Harvard, he just has to say "yes," and they will make room for him.
    The point of this? This scale probably isn't the end all, be all.
    That being said, since I am consider a master degree once I get my BA, I will keep this list on hand to help give me an idea of what schools I should look at for my MA.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:41:46 No.7272035
    Lol at the butthurt dumb shits in this thread that go to useless podunk schools.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:41:59 No.7272037

    This. Think about it, godtierfags. The Jonas bros make more money then you ever will.

    The Jonas Bros

    Jonas Bros
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:42:23 No.7272042

    wow, this

    way to crush my soul
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:43:17 No.7272048

    Could you describe how you eventually worked for Blizzard?

    Also, how much do you get paid annually?
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 01/25/10(Mon)01:43:18 No.7272049
    Why do people put any stock into these lists?

    They're completely meaningless.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:43:45 No.7272052
    Graduated LOLtier in May '09

    >> IamAfromanNoMore !9OQBnjcn3Y 01/25/10(Mon)01:44:26 No.7272058

    University of Texas at Austin HELL YEAH
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:44:39 No.7272061

    You make it sound like I care. It would take a lot for me to trade my current career path for the one of the Jonas Brothers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:45:10 No.7272065
    Loltier dude here at UCI.
    odds are ur a short drive away
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:45:49 No.7272073
    Yeah man, you're real cool and smart. Thanks for coming by.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:46:34 No.7272080
    How in the fuck is University of Michigan high tier?

    This list is shit.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/25/10(Mon)01:47:36 No.7272091
    you guys make it sound like college----->career=rest of life

    one of my cousins got his bachelors in English, then decided to be a welder. he's pretty happy now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:47:43 No.7272092
    god tier u chicago
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:47:44 No.7272093
    How hard is it to get into grad school there?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:47:46 No.7272094
    lol tier.

    After some googling, my uni (RMIT) scored 51.1, so it only marginally didn't make the top 200. Still better than all the other universities around my area. It's a pity my course is fucking fail.

    Considering there are only 2 universities from my state on that list and that it's abnormal to go interstate for university in my country...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:48:52 No.7272103

    Take a glance through the entertainment magazines when you're waiting in the grocery lines. They live every day under constant surveillance and can't even fart the wrong way without an entire article being written about it.

    I know most of you just think BITCHES AN HOES but the life of a celebrity isn't as stellar as they'd like for you to believe.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:49:33 No.7272109

    I don't understand how Rice University is lower tier than UT Austin.

    Not to sound like an elitist prick, but this list smells like bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:51:39 No.7272127
    First of all, I'm an amazing Starcraft and Warcraft player. I've won a ton of competitions. Eventually, I just applied as a game tester, and they hired me. It's as simple as that.

    Right now I make $30,000 a year, but I just started two years ago. The longer you stay, the more you get. I should make $40,000 in two years or so.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:53:01 No.7272135
    I can't believe how many dumbasses on this board don't even make it into mid tier.

    Oh, and lol at the "bawww I didn't want to move out of my parents basement to another state so I'll just get a worthless education instead" excuse. Pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:53:48 No.7272139

    You are joking. Or trolling.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:54:21 No.7272145
    >Get into Low-Tier twice

    >Turn down for lol-tier

    Well, I'm getting paid to go here, so...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:54:37 No.7272151
    $30k? Started 2 years ago? Damn, that's rough.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/25/10(Mon)01:55:17 No.7272157
    Mine's Low Tier. (University of Maryland)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:56:17 No.7272173
    PROTIP: If you're not in the top 100, you're wasting your time and money.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:56:46 No.7272178

    Also lol at UT > Rice
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:57:51 No.7272193
    lol tier but I study medicine so fuck you
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:57:56 No.7272194
    What's not to believe?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:58:21 No.7272196
    ITT college kids desperately trying to justify spending quadruple the amount of money for the same education
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:58:22 No.7272197
    high tier nigger

    nigger nigger nigger
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:58:36 No.7272201

    University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) , mid-tier.

    It's around the top five for my field, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:59:21 No.7272209
    30k is nothing. I make much more than that and only graduated a few months ago.

    I don't believe that you genuinely think 30k is a lot of money to be making.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:00:28 No.7272223
    About to graduate at a lol-tier. But I'll be getting paid to make the vidja and that's just fine by me
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:00:29 No.7272224

    uhoh another mcgillfag

    get the fuck off
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:00:42 No.7272226
    It's really not bad considering the job. I have a pretty goodtown house, which I share with two other guys who also work for Blizzard.
    >> OP 01/25/10(Mon)02:00:53 No.7272228

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:01:12 No.7272230
    >I make much more

    Wow, have we really started attracting THIS brand of douchebag into 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:01:36 No.7272240
    Considering that I'm making money to shit around all day, yeah. It's a lot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:01:37 No.7272241
    VMI fag reporting in
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:03:20 No.7272261

    But I'm not spending any money :I
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:04:04 No.7272272
    Lol at how many people here are in LOL or low tier.

    There goes the whole "I'm only socially retarded because I'm so smart" argument...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:04:57 No.7272277
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:05:10 No.7272279

    >> Gunlord !.YMO7aNBcQ 01/25/10(Mon)02:06:35 No.7272297
    Johns Hopkins is #13? lol
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:06:54 No.7272300
    High tier, though I've got some serious doubts about how this list was put together. There are some really peculiar placements on that list. I feel like I'm looking at a college football ranking with all the greentext I feel like doing.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:06:58 No.7272301
    I could get into a high-tier school easily, but I like having money.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:07:25 No.7272304

    Going to art school has nothing to do with social prowess (I don't think I only speak for myself here)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:08:04 No.7272308
         File1264403284.jpg-(45 KB, 479x599, 479px-Einstein1921_by_F_Schmut(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    I'm sorry. What was that you said?

    Oh, that's right. You're a delusional, elitist idiot. It's all inside you. If you need a good school to get out your potential, go commit suicide now and save the trouble.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:08:31 No.7272311
    >My shitty school ranks poorly
    >Blame the ranking
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:10:45 No.7272330
    LOL tier here. My university's not on that website. It's in tier 1 of USNews' national master's universities list for my end of the country, though. I could've done worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:10:48 No.7272331
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:10:54 No.7272333
    I bet my ass that OP is an american, pseudo partiot, dumbfuck. This thread is perfect for a Europe vs America thread! Incompetent fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:11:00 No.7272335
    OK, I'm going to apply to like 5-6 schools in the high/god tier, and see how many I get into as a transfer.

    I probably won't accept any of them though, because I probably won't get as many financial incentives as I do now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:12:05 No.7272341
    I'm in loltier, but I don't mind. Right now I'm full of naivety and foolish dreams, and getting my degree from a shitty university doesn't worry me. I'll report back to you robots when I'm 90 if life works out well.

    I do congratulate everyone in this thread who's getting an education, no matter what tier.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:12:11 No.7272342
    God tier faggots
    Imperial College London
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:13:04 No.7272354
    I'm not going to school.
    >> hurrrr !l7tUu8uixY 01/25/10(Mon)02:14:44 No.7272372
    community college tier.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:15:56 No.7272387
    So it turns out most people on this board are stupid hicks that go to backwater schools.

    Why am I not surprised?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:17:05 No.7272399
    High Tier. University of Sydney.

    Seriously though? It's a pretty shit uni and that list bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:18:17 No.7272409
    lol tier
    Im 28 and make 80k a year
    Joke tier list
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:19:24 No.7272418
    I find it highly irrelevant what school one goes to.

    Personal motivation is the key factor in being successful in life.

    School can't teach you that, it serves as an artificial construct that reinforces this behavior.
    >> Holden Caulfield is !AWEsomEEEE 01/25/10(Mon)02:20:02 No.7272425
    >University of Toronto # 29

    Feels good man
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:20:29 No.7272431
    If you had the motivation to succeed at life, you wouldn't go to a shitty school.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:22:01 No.7272445
    I dropped out of a high tier on a full ride, does that count?
    Ended up going to a state school to finish my BS after I got out of the Air Force. Currently working/pursuing MS from a mid tier.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:22:42 No.7272451
    You don't need school to succeed in life.

    Are you that fucking dense? Tell me, what school did Oprah go to? After that, answer me, how much money does she have?
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/25/10(Mon)02:22:44 No.7272452
    the hell does 'succeed mean'?

    if you want actual motivation, ditch school and start a fucking business.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:26:39 No.7272488

    > motivated to be successful at life
    > only means going to good school
    > disregards trades
    > disregards crafts
    > trollface.jpg
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:27:32 No.7272501
    You aren't Oprah, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:27:35 No.7272502
    High Tier.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:28:54 No.7272511
    You weren't motivated enough to do well in anything up to this point, including education - perhaps the most important thing to have in this world.

    What makes you think you'll suddenly find the motivation to succeed in business?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:31:43 No.7272538

    Ill tell you one thing, education in America is shit tier,
    the point of actually educating the people has been dropped long ago thanks to capitalist politics. Its either to prevent knowledge
    or to just dont give the crap about your education
    as long as you put money into their pockets.
    Do you know what good teachers are, because its almost impossble to find one there who will help you through everything and seek to learn you as much as possible,
    the majority either dont give the crap, and/or
    are jealous of being surpassed by students.

    Face it, the universities might be well known, but in reality, their system is shit and corrupt by politics.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:32:41 No.7272544
    It seems like more Americans know about Oxford then Cambridge, yet Cambridge is ranked higher. And inb4

    >implying how good a university is depends upon how many Americans have heard of it

    Do Americans know about Cambridge?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:33:14 No.7272549

    As Zappa once said "Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Forget about the Senior Prom and go to the library and educate yourself if you've got any guts. Some of you like Pep rallies and plastic robots who tell you what to read."
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:33:53 No.7272555
    Was he 15 years old when he said that?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:34:37 No.7272557
    University of Virginia lower than Penn State. Guess they didn't take learning into account.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:34:44 No.7272558
    I was a double major in psych/soc before I dropped out in my 4th year of uni. It was very easy,

    But, to be honest, I'm firm believer that the modern US education system is a pathetic joke and needs to be overhauled completely. It is a capitalistic greed machine that does not care about you or how much you learn, just that you pay a large sum of money to get a piece of paper saying you are smart.

    Personally I'm a firm believer in autodidacticism. Especially with the advent of the internet, the amount of knowledge available to people for free is staggering. Professors are practically obsolete, the only ones who aren't are the rare breed who actually have discourse with students on an equal level, instead of automatically labelling every student as inferior and only worth the time to tell them what pages to study or mindlessly read from a powerpoint presentation. And once you find one of those rare, good professors? Well, you ghost their classes for free.

    Oh, and I think powerpoint should die in a fire.

    As Zappa once said "Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Forget about the Senior Prom and go to the library and educate yourself if you've got any guts. Some of you like Pep rallies and plastic robots who tell you what to read."
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/25/10(Mon)02:35:16 No.7272561
    I started a business with a friend about 2 years ago. he left to pursue other things after about 6 months or so, and I ended it after about 6 months after that for unrelated reasons that I just don't feel like spelling out on 4chan.

    my life is a jumble right now, but it's an experience I dearly miss. considering the economy is shit right now, I'd rather be financially secure, and hopefully start another business within the next few years or so, and gain experience in whatever field I decide to pursue in the mean time.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:35:44 No.7272564

    i concur with what zappa said
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/25/10(Mon)02:36:41 No.7272575
    this is basically what I did. finishing high school online now just so I can get my degree, to open up opportunities. the only thing I've learned so far is how to calculate interest.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:36:55 No.7272576
    UBC, apparently we went down 6 ranks

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:36:58 No.7272577
    Fucking lol at this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:39:45 No.7272593

    you stupid idiot, read it all before you post crap
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/25/10(Mon)02:41:11 No.7272606
    it really depends what you want to learn. there isn't so much a difference between schools if you want to learn Spanish than if you want to learn law.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:41:39 No.7272610
    >Will be attending at least one of Australia's high tier schools, then going onto god-tier grad school.
    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:47:34 No.7272644

    Another Ausfag graduate of high tier school here. I'm interested to know how you go about applying for grad studies in a god tier school? Will you just be flat out paying for it? I want to do what you're doing too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:49:47 No.7272666
    >implying anything else but the USNews rankings matters.

    These faggot international lists rank bullshit no one cares about.

    The USNews U.S. undergrad ranking, on the other hand, is pretty much 100% accurate in how prominent the university is, job placement, and respect from peers.

    Me thinks OP is a fag from some second tier public university who's school is ranked high on this joke of a list
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:50:38 No.7272671
    >butthurt shit tier student
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:52:11 No.7272689
    high tier (though I did get into a god tier, I chose not to attend)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:56:52 No.7272720
    I go to a LOLtier school.
    I'm beating 90+% of people on fourchan by doing it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:57:32 No.7272724
    Wow who'd have guessed that most of /r9k/ are borderline retards that couldn't even get in to a top 100 university.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:58:17 No.7272730
    GOD TIER BITCHES. God damn I have so much work but I am smarter than yall. HAHAHAHA
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:58:51 No.7272736
    >Duke over Stanford
    >Michigan over Brown
    >(i could go on and on and on)
    >implying this list has any validity whatsoever

    whats funny is that all the eurofags reading this thread will think that this is the actual way that we rank our schools in the U.S.

    actual list
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:59:07 No.7272739
    Maybe you was if you was a Havardian statistician. Now get out of the trailer you live in and shot yourself in the brain.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:00:32 No.7272752
    the USNews rankings are the only things that matter. Colleges will spend millions looking to climb that chart because employers looking to hire reference it consistently and students looking to pick a college do as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:01:05 No.7272757
    UCL and Imperial > Oxford.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:03:22 No.7272771
    It's amazing what excuses people manage to come up with to justify their own stupidity.

    I love this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:04:38 No.7272779
    no Czech uni in the list? i am disappoint
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:05:59 No.7272791
    Why are people who want to further their education stupid?
    I wouldn't even call people who never went to college stupid.

    You don't know anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:06:17 No.7272793
    >Duke over Stanford
    >Columbia over Stanford
    >Duke over Cornell
    >UCLA over half this list
    >UCSB over Dartmouth
    >UCSB over Emory
    >Michigan over Brown
    >Purdue over Rice
    >PSU over UGA, Georgetown, Rice and Vanderbilt

    this is the greatest troll ever
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:07:29 No.7272805
    Bishop's University isn't Lol Tier...
    Is it...?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:07:44 No.7272806
    >implying any European has the same chance of attending these schools as somebody in the US.

    You know, university in scotland is free.
    Harvard is HOW much per year?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:08:58 No.7272821
    So go to Cambridge.

    Oh wait, you're too dumb. Lol nevermind.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:09:05 No.7272824
    lol tier

    but the best uni in the philippines, so ... feels ok man
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:09:36 No.7272829
    Not sure how you go about applying, I'm a highschoolfag currently. Any tertiary establishment has programs for international students, though, so you shouldn't have a problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:09:57 No.7272836
    I'm in the middle of low tier apparently. I could be in a high mid tier uni easily, but I'd have to move (oh noes!)

    Also, these are overall ratings for universities. It's hard to conclude that for my specific field, I'd be better off somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:10:07 No.7272838

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:12:01 No.7272844
    One of my favorite people-I-never-met ever came from Waterloo. It must be pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:12:10 No.7272848
    woo high tier UNSW :D
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:12:58 No.7272855
    gb2/sci/ damnit
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:13:21 No.7272860
    can i get some feedback on this?
    anybody know?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:14:26 No.7272871
    What the fuck is Bishop's University?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:14:39 No.7272873
    ranking for what? everyone knows you pick the school that has the best of the particular program you want to study. this tier list is too general and is therefore useless
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:15:59 No.7272883
    Harvard is #1

    stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:16:47 No.7272887
    LOL tier getting transferred to high tier and breaking my wallet.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:18:49 No.7272903
    This. I'm an ausfag but I assume MIT would be the top ranked school for certain degrees in the sciences.

    I went to Sydney Uni which is middle tier or someshit according to OP's pic. ANU seems to be the highest ranking uni in aus according to the chart. In Aus most people just go to the uni closest to them which offers the course they want to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:29:31 No.7272988
    God tier: Excellent degree. The sky is the limit.
    High tier: Very good degree. You have the opportunity to go to the top of your field.
    Mid tier: Fairly good degree. If you work hard, you might get to the high tier of your field.
    Low tier: A degree for degree's sake. You'll probably never make it beyond a mid level job at a mid level company, at best.
    Lol tier: A worthless degree. There's nothing more to say.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:32:54 No.7273012

    The Melbourne university's physics dept is a joke. I'm moving to Adelaide for my final year before post-grad.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:38:03 No.7273056
    Lol my university is at the bottom of the list
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:45:52 No.7273102
    Mid tier, UCSD. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:47:12 No.7273112
    i went to the #13 school and am now 29 and have never made more than $20,000 a year, not for a lack of trying.

    i wish i went to a fucking trade school.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:58:54 No.7273187
    Another midtierfag here. I'm hoping to move up to high tier for law school.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:03:37 No.7273217
    Lol tier, with full ride scholarship, enjoy your debt faggots
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:11:37 No.7273254
    >ANU High tier
    Clive Hamilton suggests otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:12:23 No.7273261
    Enjoy being a laughing stock to potential employers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:14:46 No.7273269
    Here's a little nugget of info I've picked up from family members and their friends who are employers:

    If you don't go to a well recognized university (say, top 100), then your resume goes straight in the garbage bin.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:15:30 No.7273272
    Dude! Me too.

    >go to god tier uni
    >feels good man
    >realise uni rating isn't really related to teaching ability
    >feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:15:50 No.7273274
    University of Queensland.

    Holy shit, I can't believe I actually made it into High Tier... Go me.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:17:48 No.7273282

    Yeah, but you have to pay out the ass for that shit, and frankly, I doubt I'd get much work done while most likely living in a share house in the US or UK.

    Well there's plenty of time for all that shit later.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:20:37 No.7273295

    Ah a fellow UQfag. I always feel proud when we get a high ranking. Look for the giant longcat (with portals) in the end stall of the 2nd floor south wing of the agricultural science building. Class of 08 man!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:21:44 No.7273299
    It's interesting enough to listen to you all babble about shit you can barely comprehend yourself. You can make it just as far as if you got a degree from a mediocre school, than if you got the same degree from an excellent school. The difference? You have to work that much harder to prove that you're just as good as those who paid for the school's name. This might mean working 2 years at a shitty end company before being hired into a good company.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:22:47 No.7273306
    I go to UCL, it's shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:23:50 No.7273311

    This is /r9k/, we like talking about how good our school is and how high our IQs are.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:24:07 No.7273312
    haha me too dude, had no idea UQ was so high.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:26:29 No.7273330
    "University of Amsterdam"? There's two, actually, and they're both shit compared to nearly every other Dutch university.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:26:30 No.7273331
    How did UC Berkley get up there? They're a bunch of morons. I question the validity of this list.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:26:52 No.7273336
    I'm too lazy to look through that list, shit

    Gimmie a link so I can search, you douche
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:28:30 No.7273346
    Berkeleyfag here.

    These rankings are pretty meaningless. Lots of things depend on your program. For instance I studied law and it's one of the top schools in the world for that.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:29:35 No.7273357

    That there are any Japanese universities on this list makes it instantly bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:31:37 No.7273367

    Berkeley is consistently one of the top schools in the nation and the world, especially in science, law, and countless humanities and social sciences.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:31:47 No.7273369
    God Tier reporting in here... this means nothing for individual subjects though. This list is stupid and you should feel stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:32:48 No.7273376
    >I didn't get into the institution of higher learning that i wanted to so I will shit-talk it while attending Stanfurd, UCLA, USC etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:33:09 No.7273379

    UCSD is a great fucking school and very highly respected. The list in OP is total bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:33:26 No.7273380
    Elaborate. Tokyo and Kyoto University are excellent universities.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:35:30 No.7273392

    Not really, no. University here is a joke, nobody studies, the professors don't fucking give a shit... The only hard part is getting in. After that, you can pretty much go to class drunk everyday and still get a degree.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:35:31 No.7273395
    UvA you git. When a city has more than one university, only one tends to be referred to as "University of X" or "X University". You didn't expect "Tokyo University" was the only one in Tokyo did you?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:35:45 No.7273400
    Lol you pathetic faggots will say anything to rationalize your failures.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:37:11 No.7273411

    Says the asshole who goes where exactly?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:37:27 No.7273416
    That's the attitude of a lot of students, yes. It doesn't discredit the research done at those institutions and their affiliate institutions. A top-university is not necessarily a top-school.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:38:19 No.7273420
    >implying Ivy League schools aren't for people who hide in academia because they can't face the real world.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:38:35 No.7273421
    I go to UCL, but we suck for my subject. This list accurately reflects nothing.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:38:36 No.7273422
    LOL Tier here.

    Could've gone to a mid-tier school but couldn't afford it. Feels alright man.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:41:39 No.7273439
    The worlds needs scientists and academics too. Would you rather scrap the whole idea of higher education and research?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:43:24 No.7273450
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    I call hurt alert. UCB rapes UCLA.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:43:30 No.7273451
    Look, I understand that you are insecure about the fact that you weren't smart or dedicated enough to earn yourself a good education. I understand failure like that must be hard to deal with sometimes, but don't take it out on those who did have what it takes. It just makes you all the more pathetic, and really reflects poorly on your character.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:45:20 No.7273456

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA they gave me an unconditional! They suck so hard for everything that's not science. And even then, they suck cock for a lot of sciences.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:52:01 No.7273483

    Calfag here. The fact that there's much of a discrepancy between UCB and UCLA shows how bullshit this list is. Apparently UCLA is now harder to get into than UCB, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:52:17 No.7273488
    LOL tier here! Yay ^_^
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:57:00 No.7273510
    Low tier....but in UK it would be high-mid tier
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:59:37 No.7273524
    I got into UChicago, which is god tier, but decided to go to NYU, which is (at the very top of) mid tier. I think about the road not taken a lot, but when it comes down to it, living in New York and the scholarship I received make up for my slightly less prestigious degree.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:08:42 No.7273567
    #108- Erasmus University. FUCK YEAH!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:12:06 No.7273587
    High tier.
    I want to study overseas at a god tier university.
    I'm hoping for a scholarship.
    Got great marks so we just wait and see.
    Otherwise I'll finish my bachelor and just apply to do post-grad overseas.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:16:02 No.7273605
    Starting at number 36 (University of Sydney) next year, which is awesome. The list ranks ANU higher but usyd seems to be considered more prestigious, at least where I live. I could've easily gotten in, but I don't want to move there.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:17:36 No.7273609
    ANU is absolute shit.
    There is nothing there, canberra is a wasteland.
    I go to melbourne uni, shit is cash.
    >> Lanced Jack !r2BfqWTM4s 01/25/10(Mon)05:18:19 No.7273612
    I'm applying to the University of Tokyo - which ought to be G-d Tier. BAKKA GAIJIN
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:18:47 No.7273616
    wow, high tier, 36 :)

    doesn't make me any happier.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:18:57 No.7273618
    High tier. Cornell FTW.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:22:11 No.7273627
    This is irrelevant, it's about what course you do, in the UK at least.
    Some courses are rated in the top 10 in the country here, and some are completely worthless.
    (I'm not a student btw)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:22:55 No.7273630
    Another bear. Sweet.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:25:31 No.7273642
    lol tier university

    University of Akron
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:27:06 No.7273648
    Some of you really need to stop and look at how pathetic you are for judging others based on a stupid list. I actually hope all of you are trolling. Otherwise, it's just sad.

    Graduated from an LOL tier university in the USA. And now I'm teaching English in a small school in the Dakotas, where I've lived all of my life (I'm 27). I make more than enough to live very comfortably in a bigger home than most of you will ever see. My life is great and full of happiness. I love living at ease with no money worries or stress. I'm glad I'm not some high-standards city person.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:29:59 No.7273663
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    >My life is great and full of happiness.
    Yes that's why you're posting on 4chan at 27.

    Who do you think you're kidding you fucking loser? You went to a shitty school and now you're a total failure in life.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:30:08 No.7273665

    butthurt hick detected
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:31:12 No.7273671
    Oh, a real life redneck. On the internet no less.
    How quaint.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:32:25 No.7273676


    fuck they scored 40th this year, thats a disgrace. im still gonna tell ppl its a top 30 school.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:33:47 No.7273682

    You ever gone deliverance on any big city ivy league trust find hippy kids hiking in the woods near your shack?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:34:01 No.7273684

    Not everyone on 4chan is a failure and a loser like you. I'm not even the guy you're trying to insult and even I know you're a tool.



    Butthurt because his life is superior to theirs
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:37:23 No.7273709
    >city person
    Holy shit. Hicks actually say this?

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:40:06 No.7273723
    Aahhll those darrnn city peepol that darn tootin don't give no respeck fer our coentry wayyss!
    They better dag darn nabbit tootin billy john sammy not git in my way!!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:43:00 No.7273735
    >Ah didn't need no fancy pants big city education and it ain't do me no harm.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:43:09 No.7273738

    No, not all of "us," anyway. lol It's more of a tacky habit. Every time I've been to big cities I've had a bad time, so I guess it just comes out. It probably doesn't help I've been spoiled by small town life forever.


    No need to defend me. It's not like it wasn't expected.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:45:47 No.7273744
    Near the top of low tier at University of Pittsburgh.

    Feels okay man, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:46:13 No.7273746
    Haha thread just got good.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:54:34 No.7273780
    Edinburgh niggers!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:54:35 No.7273781
    Here's a great role model for all you LOL tier losers.

    One day you can grow up and get a great job like Professor of Creation Science at buttfuck high, Dakota. You can also live in a house bigger than anything city people have ever seen. If your lucky it will have a nice porch for banjoing.

    Ah, the joys that come from having low standards.
    >> Benco 01/25/10(Mon)05:55:12 No.7273783
    University of Technology, Sydney?
    Not even on the list :P
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:57:24 No.7273793
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    do country people care for tranny porn?

    please answer this is important
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:57:57 No.7273797
    Sorry country dude, we're just doing this for sport. We don't get to pull out the old hick insults very much round these parts.

    On a side note, how many people do you know with a meth lab?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:00:01 No.7273806
    I am in the low-tier
    (but it's god-tier for film school ftw)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:09:49 No.7273825
    No we're fucking serious you bleeding heart.
    Fucking rofled all over the mayo.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:15:31 No.7273846
    LOL tier here but that's alright. My college is constantly targeted by big name companies because it has a good reputation in my city for having good students. It's common for students here to go work for high tier companies right after graduating.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:18:51 No.7273864
    High Tier, Edinburgh uni starting September. Got accepted by Oxford but turned it down, as their course is horrendous for the subject that i want to do. Fact is though, these rankings are crap anyway. In the UK at least there are many universities that do certain subjects much better than oxford and cambridge. If i was doing physics or engineering, I'd chose Imperial over he other two in a heartbeat. One of the other schools i got into but chose not to go to is ranked top ten worldwide in my subject but 253rd over all. This list takes no account of that.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:21:39 No.7273871
    My uni is the best in my country (perhaps the world) for my subject and I don't see it on here...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:32:06 No.7273912
    Fuck yeah, low tier!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:45:21 No.7273982
    We rank Mid-Tier, but the presence of Harvard at the top of that list leads me to believe that this survey is based on a number of misleading factors.

    1.) Is this about Graduate or Undergrad, in that case Harvard probably deserves to be around the top, but if we are talking undergrad, Harvard is a pile of horse shit

    2.) In what fields? In liberal Arts / Law again Harvard makes sense at the top. In Engineering the entire list would be completely different

    3.) The factors that they were rating by seemed vague "Staff Review", wtf is that?

    Anyway tl;dr - Colleges rank differently depending on the major you're in.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:46:35 No.7273986
    And how fucked up is that? I mean really lets think about it, only what 20 years ago having a Bachelors degree made you stand out.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:49:19 No.7274002
    I'm not in any tier. sucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:49:47 No.7274006
    I'm only applying to LOL-tier unis this spring because, heh, fucking Finland. No use going abroad either with my lack of motivation.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:51:33 No.7274018
    No Monash university!?!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:54:19 No.7274027
    High tier (there are no universities from my country in god tier :O) with $24000 scholarship.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:55:28 No.7274034
    hmm i turned down a high tier and mid tier for LOL tier
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:55:31 No.7274035
    This thread is full of idiots. None of that shit matters.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:55:41 No.7274036
    Maybe I'm going to LOL tier...

    But at least I go to my uni for free
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:55:59 No.7274037
    It's at 40 something.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:56:46 No.7274040

    Monash is in high tier, it moved up a few ranks. It's still infinitely better than the higher-ranked university of melbourne, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:57:42 No.7274046
    How's that?
    Melbourne has better post-grad, and it's ranked higher.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:03:28 No.7274063

    I saw Monash in there
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:03:31 No.7274064
    Ya'll faggots posting in a faggot thread.

    This ranking is based on arts and humanities, liberal arts, social (pseudo) sciences, law, business and other bullshit.

    the real deal is (especially) science & (to some degree) engineering, everything else is bullcrap.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:06:03 No.7274076
    hey fuck off. Social Sciences are way more important than mathematics or computer science... nigger
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:09:08 No.7274087
    I can't find Curtin D:

    I am shamed...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:10:46 No.7274095
    Reading University, low tier.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:11:29 No.7274097

    No it's not, otherwise Imperial wouldn't be up there. They suck megacock for humanities and arts subjects but are decent for engineering, physics and the like.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:11:35 No.7274098
    Where is Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) in this list? Supposedly high tier, but I guess it's only if you compare to other medical schools.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:12:26 No.7274100
    Man what the fuck UoW isn't even on that list? UoW shits on Sydney University any day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:12:30 No.7274101
    LOL curtin
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:13:31 No.7274104
    Wollongong... look I can't even lol, I just feel sorry for you.
    THe name alone is punishment enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:16:28 No.7274112
    CBF reading through list to find my university, provide sauce nao
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:17:40 No.7274119
    My uni is in the beginning of the low tier in this gay list, but is in the top of high tier on the natural sciences and the engineering lists, my uni doesn't even teach law, business, social sciences and obviously humanitarian shit. This list is just plain wrong, giving a huge bonus to unis that just have these gay faculties... Imperial may suck cocks on arts and humanities, but they teach it, so they get a score for it. Those who don't get a load of points deducted...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:19:49 No.7274126
    Low tier, going to Canterbury in about a month to study engineering. Feels alright.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:21:57 No.7274134

    Melbourne may have better postgrad, but its undergrad is a joke.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:24:12 No.7274147
    I'm at the university of South Australia, it's lol tier but it's the best for what I want to do. It's also cheaper and has nicer people. I could care less about my international reputation.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:31:53 No.7274188
    So you COULD care less? That means you care to a certain degree, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:33:16 No.7274199
    I might be going to a high tier university

    Highest ranking one in Scotland
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:33:45 No.7274204




    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:34:21 No.7274207

    I take it 'what you want to do' is not move out of SA?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:37:06 No.7274230
    Well, everything is cheaper here. Theres more job opportunities in Adelaide than Melbourne and I have literally NO FAMILY to support me so going to Melbourne/Sydney is out of the question because if I run out of money then I'm fucked.

    But really, it doesn't matter. Once I'm done with my undergraduate degree I'll move to Melbourne probably, or just stay in Adelaide. It's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. I like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:38:56 No.7274246
    Let us make sweet, sweet grammar nazi love
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:40:06 No.7274250
    Upper mid-tier. woo
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:41:33 No.7274256
    I love how pretentious this thread is. Life is too short to base the worth of anyone on their alumni status. Jesus fucking christ, how pathetic can you guys get?

    What defines a person isn't the suburb they grew up in nor the university that they studied at, it's what they've got to show for it that matters.

    I love that for every one of you snivelling albino niggers theres a chinese/indian student who studied at a peice of shit university that got amazing marks and will make more money than you ever will by selling his ideas to the US.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:42:00 No.7274259
    BU and Tufts on the list, but not Northeastern :(
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:43:48 No.7274271
    I never went to university, I got a community college degree in buisiness (LOL) and then got a large inheritance and brought some shops that I manage. I've been doing pretty well and I've actually brought two extra shops from the money that my current ones have generated. Plus I've been buying real estate all over the place and renting/renovating and selling them for more.

    Lifes good, no university needed.

    U mad?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:44:51 No.7274275
    Harvard here, we're just rich kids, kid geniuses and asians.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:46:49 No.7274293
    i have a GED.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:47:19 No.7274296

    Not to mention the fact that he'll be snapped up quicker because he knows the same basic shit you do and is willing to do your job for less.

    Enjoy your debt and imaginary pedestal.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:51:10 No.7274316
    >Leeds above Durham

    what the fuck is this shit
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:53:03 No.7274329
    Wait. I'm studying engineering. Wtf else would I work as?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)08:17:48 No.7274460
    The melbourne model is a farce and Arts has suffered in a big way, agreed, but it's still good, it must be, after all it's the state uni.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)08:34:36 No.7274503
    lol tier here, not even 1 south american university on that list.
    >> Typical Inhabitant of Great Britain !EcRjYWX0sY 01/25/10(Mon)12:54:01 No.7276195
    Lol tier, but im studying computer science so it makes no difference.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)13:01:00 No.7276256
    I can't find Boston College. ???
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)13:05:14 No.7276285
    LOL tier, however everyone knows Concordia is better than McGill, we rather train no doctors than shitty ones.

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