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  • File : 1264303180.jpg-(24 KB, 350x361, dsf.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:19:40 No.7251183  
    I honestly thought people were being racist toward black people, but then this:

    Fucking disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:22:38 No.7251219
    hahahahhahaa i'm laughing my ass off and i'm even not racist

    oh god funniest thing this year
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:25:50 No.7251259


    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:26:40 No.7251270
    Kill all niggers etc...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:28:28 No.7251294
    No, dude, no. It's only like that because Whitey be oppressing them. In return for our White guilt, we should let them into our cities.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:30:34 No.7251323
    Racists are idiots. Clearly they are not taking into account that Africa was mostly tribal before it was colonized, and to be given the infrastructure of a modern European nation and have that suddenly taken away is what has led to massive overpopulation famine and other major troubles.

    Calling them useless niggers may make your feeble mind feel more at ease but the actual problem lies with greed and a lack of moral responsibility (I guess the latter is harder to accept, Europeans being evil and all)
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:31:05 No.7251328
    Make a mental note to myself to never visit Liberia. And Africa.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:31:56 No.7251341

    >>Irrational nigger lover detected.

    I wish you get stranded in a country full of your beloved niggers. That'll be the best lesson for you. It will probably be your last as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:32:56 No.7251353
    Haha wow, this kinda has that District 9 feel to it....
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:33:04 No.7251355
    I still don't get why some people WANT to travel to africa...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:33:24 No.7251366
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    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:33:35 No.7251369
    HAHA, oh wow. The Nigerians are the ones bringing in the heroin. Why does that not surprise me.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:33:46 No.7251371
    >Medieval Europe
    >White peasant niggers
    >If you came from tribes to cities in <100 years you'd be in a fallout too
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:35:15 No.7251385
    >I raped a big belly woman.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:35:35 No.7251389
    cocaine kid is funny.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:35:38 No.7251391
    Shit man, everyone knows Liberia is a shithole. Dudes have a civil war every few years just because.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:35:45 No.7251393
    OH LAWD that part was funny. 3:50 I think.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:37:06 No.7251408
    Someone please turn this into a song remix DA COCAINE
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:37:31 No.7251413
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:37:47 No.7251417
    Prostitutes cost $1.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:37:51 No.7251418

    That kid's voice creeps me the fuck out...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:38:36 No.7251426
    Haha what the hell?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:39:20 No.7251442
    That little boy took "raping face" into literal terms.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:39:22 No.7251443




    *thrusting motion*

    Fuck I love that little nigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:41:51 No.7251476

    They come complete with free AIDS as well.

    I sort of liked the rapper, he could use a break.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:42:30 No.7251486

    You're a fucking retard beyond reprieve. I'm just going to enjoy the ensuing comments and your immense butthurt and desperate attempt to try to excuse niggers for being niggers.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:43:37 No.7251500
    So the first people who went from tribes to colonies were as hopeless as niggers?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:44:08 No.7251508
    The rapper blew balls. He couldn't keep a rhythm worth shit and his lyrics didn't even rhyme.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:46:08 No.7251540
    Lol what happened at 5:15

    *nigglet reachs down to crouch*
    Camera man backs away and says "no"
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:46:49 No.7251552
    his lyrics actually had some meaning in them
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:47:31 No.7251556
    No they were the niggers you mong. Btw you are part nigger seeing as that is where homosapiens are from, Africa.
    I'm not really butthurt, you're just a faggot trying to act hard on the internet, enjoy being the minority who actually can't stand black people for no other reason than your total insignificance in this world using minority hate as a vehicle to vent your bitch-squeels.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:49:22 No.7251588

    It really seems like you're a butthurt nigger.

    >>enjoy being the minority who actually can't stand black people for no other reason than your total insignificance in this world using minority hate as a vehicle to vent your bitch-squeels.

    Which nigger supremacist site did you recite this little gem of wisdom from? OH LAWL.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:49:37 No.7251595
    You know what those countries need? Birth control pills. Tons of them. Big ass airplanes plum full of pills dropped out of the sky right on to the houses. Seriously, how can you grow and make money if you have 10 kids to feed? So fucking dumb
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:50:53 No.7251607
    whites won the evolutionary race. why stop evolution now and bring us down to everyone else's level?

    we could be living on other fucking planets by now.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:51:14 No.7251611
    No doubt he tried to make it deep and he did. But really anyone can do that. He has absolutely no chance of becoming a famous rapper.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:51:29 No.7251613
    It's common knowledge that 4chan racism would not rear its ugly head IRL. Stop with the macho bullshit already Mr Keyboard Warrior. Swing that sword in another direction and get laid, I bet you'll give that lucky lady the best 3 minutes of her life.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:51:42 No.7251618
    Eh, I thought their guide was pretty cool
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:52:54 No.7251634
    I'm so lazy I haven't gone to youtube to watch OP's vid
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:54:21 No.7251653
    i dont care HOW cheap it is.

    rather die a virgin than have sex with those..things
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:54:33 No.7251657
    i'd rather be a racist than a blind idiot.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:56:47 No.7251682
    When is the last time you talked to a black person and listened? Surely if you only know "ghetto trash" they wouldn't have the mental faculty to engage in a conversation.

    I doubt you ever have. I doubt anyone of worth would want to talk to you.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:58:58 No.7251704
    >Btw you are part nigger seeing as that is where homosapiens are from, Africa.

    Btw you are part bacteria since that is what we evolved from.....yes you sound that stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:00:11 No.7251717
    We should have sent all our niggers there after the end of slavery, they probably would have had a better life.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:00:21 No.7251723

    I see, the tired old bitter anonymous racist tripe from the typical nigger appeaser. You do realize that being a White Knight has the exact opposite effect. And 4chan is the last true bastion of free speech. OBVIOUSLY, I'm not going to go into the office and order a lynching of the nigger that services elevator.... You dense fucking White Knight cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:00:39 No.7251725
    Uh yeah, you know how here to get ahead you have to study, work hard and get ahead like that?

    The only way to get ahead over there is to turn to crime. Do you honestly think they would live like that if they could change it?
    The only way to change anything over there is with guns, and firepower.

    95% of you fucks would be doing the same things if you grew up there, you ignorant bitches.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:01:17 No.7251734
    How's that point stupid, or even invalid? You're the backwater shitkicker that was too haphazzard in his blind racism to state what exactly justifies his racism.

    Tell me, idiot, how are black people inferior to you?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:01:17 No.7251735




    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:03:34 No.7251754

    Well let's start with the fact that they are not people. They are an evolutionary divergent proto-human, possible the missing link between modern humans and the last of the great ape lineage. This is reflected in their physiology and drastically different genetic make-up. But I know you're just trolling because no one that can operate an internet browser and keyboard could possible be as stupid as you're pretending to be you vacuous nigger-lover shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:03:42 No.7251756
    /r9k/ is the naive kid in high school who got bullied and teased and didn't understand why.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:04:20 No.7251764
    >Morality is invalid without consequence
    Yeah I've had my fun with faux-racism, in the end it just makes you more bitter, no matter how hard you tell yourself it is just a game.

    I don't see a reason for it. Say what you want but don't be suprised if people will tell you to take it on the otherside cus there is no acceptable face for racism, its all damned ugly.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:06:00 No.7251787

    If you love niggers, go live in Liberia. Enjoy being raped.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:06:37 No.7251791

    You're talking about an intrinsic human instinct, tribalism. Racism is entirely natural and common to every person on this planet. What THE fuck are you ranting about? Are you 14, you seem totally confused?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:07:34 No.7251801
    I am in high school now I don't get bullied or teased just don't have anyone to talk to.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:07:44 No.7251803
    I'm watching the rest of this documentary. I'm on part two, watching them interview General Bin Laden.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:08:05 No.7251808

    Link to the rest?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:08:40 No.7251816
    They couldn't even figure out how to burn the trash? Shit in a hole and bury it?

    Why don't they just get up and leave? Just pick a random direction and start walking. Any place has to be better than that.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:09:52 No.7251835

    >>95% of you fucks would be doing the same things if you grew up there, you ignorant bitches.

    I was unemployed for over 1 year. Not once did I rape anyone, kill anyone or eat anyone's liver. That's probably because I'm not a nigger though...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:11:42 No.7251848

    First part.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:12:37 No.7251866

    yeah, where you grow up shapes a lot about you. Im guessing you grew up with parents, didnt have to shit on a beach, and werent surrounded by disease infested people?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:14:39 No.7251887
    Bawwwww faggot its natural its natural, you know rape and murder is natural but human society developed a consciousness to eschew most of those primal desires.

    It wasn't racism that allowed us to band together, rather a collective sense of identity, ie. culture. Racism is a direct hate for a race, not natural, even so its wrong and we should know better as "civilised" human beings (or are you allowed to be uncivilised and they are not? Does that sound reasonable?)

    Face it limp-dick your days are numbered, your logic is based on misdirection and resentment, your words are merely shielding the darker truth. Spills the beans and admit your daddy beat you as a child or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:14:58 No.7251895

    That's because my ancestors weren't fucking niggers and actually built a prosperous industry-based civilization because they weren't criminally retarded low-IQ monkeys. Goddamn, I can't believe I was trolled.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:15:53 No.7251907
    i would fuck the shit out of that chimp thing
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:16:57 No.7251919
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    Racism is an integral part of human existence that stems from the most primal urge of the individual: the desire to create offspring like one's self. That in itself is a security measure as natural as buying a house or packing one's lunch.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:18:32 No.7251933
    dey liek dat cuz da white men opressin dem
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:18:42 No.7251938
    Then why do dogs make puppies with other breeds? If that was true, wouldn't only pure breds exist?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:19:15 No.7251947
    dey grown in uh disease rudden shit hole dats why dey cant figr out how to bury der shit
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:19:18 No.7251950
    love this vice/cnn combination... gavin is spinning in his grave
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:19:25 No.7251952
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    If every negro were to disappear from the Earth at this very moment, the immediate negative impact on the rest of society would be minimal, if anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:20:17 No.7251963

    Nice scarecrow argument, broski.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:20:57 No.7251967
    >You don't like DAT ASS
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:25:03 No.7252004

    Not surprisingly, mass systematic rape and murder are very common in nigger societies. You should re-evaluate your position on this whole thing because you seem terribly confused.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:34:47 No.7252138
    Well that's not true. Hip-hop would basically start to suck over night. The "niggers" have contributed a lot to the music industry for several years.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:37:01 No.7252166
    I went to West Africa before, though never Liberia. We were told not to. It wasn't for some religious trip or guided tour, either. I met a guy from Benin in university and we became really good friends. I took him to where I grew up and he promised to do the same. He told me that even in Benin, he was told never to go to Liberia. Cannibalism is rampant. It's thought to be a cure for AIDS there. Funny story about Liberia too... Africans sold by other Africans went to America, who were then paid by Americans to go back to Africa and start their own country. Look what it has become. It truly is another world out there. One could never picture how backwards their "culture" is without actually visiting.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:37:05 No.7252169
    I wouldn't waste nuclear weapons on these pieces of shit. Regardless of the cost, I'd send in a zerg rush of white soldiers to kill each and every nigger in Africa, leave the continent quarantined for a decade then move in to pick up the pieces.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:38:52 No.7252195
    iz da aids n poverty makin dem so stupid dey cant even figure out how 2 bury der feces
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:42:52 No.7252254

    >>Implying hip-hop was nothing more than shallow jungle music.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:46:59 No.7252308

    Nawwww niguuh nawww, it be dem colonizations and LAPD
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:52:58 No.7252381
    This is how every nigger would act if it weren't for white people giving them welfare/placation payments.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:56:39 No.7252433

    >I'm gonna use big words to try to make my argument valid and my sociology 101 class really changed my perspective on life and like its the white mans fault for niggers misery and I love nigger.

    Nigger lover.

    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:10:58 No.7252613

    Here's the first installment of the rest of that video.

    Holy. Fucking. Shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:14:40 No.7252658
    the second with bin laden is even fucking crazier, they're interviewing the guy while being chased by DA POLICE

    this is my new favorite comedy show
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:14:58 No.7252663

    That's exactly what we did do. It's how Liberia was founded.

    Then the ex slaves enslaved the native africans using the techniques they learned in america.

    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:18:54 No.7252707
    General Rambo

    General Mosquito

    General Mosquito-Spray

    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:20:39 No.7252732
    i wonder what would happen if someone introduced animu into liberia...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:22:51 No.7252762
    has anyone found part 5?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:24:24 No.7252774

    lol, fucking hipster.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:37:16 No.7252940
    I'm a successful, fit, intelligent white male living in one of the most expensive cities in America. I smoked crack when I was 13.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:37:16 No.7252941



    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:51:39 No.7253148
    GTA West Point

    Oh wait lol
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:52:04 No.7253156
    /r9k/ - /b/tards in College
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:52:50 No.7253160
    For some reason this is so fucking funny. It's like an extremely fucked up caricature of society. It's just like Roanapur in Black Lagoon.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:53:22 No.7253173
    hahhahhhahaha your post made me laugh my ass off.

    Night Elves.

    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)01:05:54 No.7253326
    Where the fuck can I find the rest of this?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)01:07:44 No.7253353
    General Mosquito Spray. fukkin lol
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)01:14:09 No.7253437

    I'm pretty sure is actually a reputable site. Give it a quick Google.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)01:14:35 No.7253441
    It's still being made.
    This is it, so far:

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