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    52 KB Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:24:10 No.7233573  
    How much money/support/help did Haiti donate to the U.S. after 9/11? How about after Hurricane Katrina?

    So can someone explain to me why everyone is so obsessed with helping Haiti? Have they done anything for us besides being a sugar cane producer in the 1700s? Are we assuming such a large role in helping Haiti to try to mask us fucking up the situation in Iraq?

    I saw a couple stands where people were collecting donations for the relief effort on campus today. Coupled with the bombardment of advertisements on TV, radio, newspapers, etc, it just seems like it's a little much. I mean these people have been living in poverty their entire existence as a country. So obviously nothing of value is ever going to come from this country. What is the point of spending so much money and effort on them? Because it is the moral and ethical thing to do?

    I am pretty sure all this money and energy being spent helping them could be used helping our own country. I mean unless things have changed dramatically as I am typing this; I am pretty sure we are still in 2 wars (with more looming on the horizon), in a never ending recession, failing social security, and so on. How about we stop and help ourselves for once?

    It is pretty obvious that Haiti hasn't figured out how to better themselves in 200+ years. I am sure following this disaster and the relief they receive; they will be able to right the ship and become a productive member of the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:25:50 No.7233598
    haitians are horrible, horrible ungrateful people. even if they could they wouldn't help you sry2say
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:27:24 No.7233616
    The saudis have shit in haiti, the us wants to kiss their ass so they spew a bunch of nigger charity bullshit over the media.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:27:35 No.7233619
    I would say America is a tad more prosperous than Haiti. just a thought
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:29:22 No.7233636
    Because Haiti is the fashionable charity case of the week right now because it's on TV. Relevance has nothing to do with this.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:30:11 No.7233646
    >So can someone explain to me why everyone is so obsessed with helping Haiti?


    1) Haiti is a charity case, we like to feel good about ourselves for helping people out. It's especially useful for the Euro trash who spout "LOL MURIKKKA IS EVAL".

    2) Haiti is within our sphere of influence and we're expected by everyone else to assist countries such as Haiti that fall in it.

    Realistically however, Haiti is a nigger cesspool that should be bulldozed over and occupied by the U.S. to be cleaned up. Do they deserve help? No, after all, they murdered all of the white colonialists that were on the island. If that's not a clear indication as to how they feel about us, I don't know what is.

    If there were some sort of RTS game based on the real-world as it stands, and I were the U.S., I would have slaughtered every inhabitant on the island, and "reformat" the country so to speak.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:31:51 No.7233670
    nobody gives a flying fuck about the US being more prosperous than Haiti. Haiti is a lame horse, shit shouldn't be given for free just because they're below us economically standing. If they can't help themselves why the fuck should we help them?

    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:33:09 No.7233684
    Because that's how America works, if a another country gets fucked up we help them. I'm not giving anything to them however, fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:33:44 No.7233694
    Don't donate to those anti-white savages. If they had the chance, they'd throw you in some voodoo stew and eat you to make their penis bigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:33:45 No.7233695
    I say don't help haiti. That way, the poverty will deepen to deplorable levels, driving haiti into a tailspin of crime, which will topple an already weakened government.

    There'll be an explosion of illegal immigrants crossing over into the Dominican Republic, and we'll see the resurgence of Haitian boat people.

    Now, last time this happened, we picked up the haitian boat people and sent them to gitmo before they got deported, but I guess we can't do that now because Gitmo is full of terrorists, and do you want angry Haitians mingling with angry Yemenis and Afgans? I thought not. Of course, this preceding paragraph assumes we'll even make an effort to pick up the boat people this time.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:36:53 No.7233733
    the funny thing is life is much worse for people in many other countries, like the democratic republic of congo or sudan or pretty much anything south of the equator in africa where things like brainwashed child armies are the norm. little 12 year olds told god will never let them die going at each other with knives and rifles and machetes.

    before the hurricane nobody could locate haiti on a map. in a year after their country "stabilizes" back to its normal quota of violence and corrupt government and filth and ignorance, it will again drop from the publics eye and left to rot as we've always left it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:36:57 No.7233734
    Realistically there's no good reason to help the Haitians.

    - They overpopulated a island incapable of producing the resources to support their numbers, yet expect the world to pay for them?

    - They refuse/ are incapable of forming a organized and respectable Government or general rule of law that doesn't amount to Thugs in suits.

    - They still believe in VooDoo and practice it. I am not kidding

    - They've always just resorted to killing foreigners despite those same foreigners being responsible for EVERY SINGLE IMPROVEMENT in their quality of life.

    - Their Neighbors the Dominican Republic, whom they share the Island with, have managed to develop a thriving Caribbean economy despite bordering Haiti, one of the biggest shit-holes in the region, and on the planet.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:37:11 No.7233740
    >>7233695 (cont'd)

    So now we have an influx of hatians coming into florida, starting shit with the cubans who are already there. riots erupt in Miami, which diverts attention away from the smugglers who have decided that it's too risky to go through the US/Mexico border and have resorted back to the Caribbean routes.

    So now you have drugs, crime, illegal immigration, all on your back door because your sight was as short as your pockets. Bottom line: If you don't help deal with Haiti now, you'll be dealing with Haiti later, and on a much more involuntary scale.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:40:30 No.7233780
    does anybody even remember that big tsunami that fucked up some other 3rd-world shithole like 3-4 years ago? same thing as haiti. moralfags circlejerk over how good they are to the unfortunate then left everybody to die of AIDS or some shit
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:42:02 No.7233799
    oh shit does that really work?

    brb cannibalism
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:42:04 No.7233801
    > Implying the Haitians won't try and flood across the U.S. Border anyway since their country is so god damn shitty.

    The Haitians are going to come to the U.S. as their population and nation spiral out of control. Each Female has 4+ Kids in her lifetime. Combine that with Disease, and Poverty, and a utter refusal to take measures that will ensure their stability... and let's not forget that even if we give them money they're so god damn corrupt that very little would actually go to help people.

    It's a walking timebomb that no Western Government should invest capital in since any effort is doomed to inevitable failure anyway. At this point the only thing that could save Haiti is letting the U.S. Marines run the country like they did back in the 30's.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:42:23 No.7233806
    I vote we exterminate the entire island.

    Some people aren't worth keeping around.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:43:58 No.7233828
    Haiti has a 95% black population, a 5% mulato population, 0% white population

    Whites are unable to own land in Haiti, unable to invest or take part in government (as if the government weren't corrupt to begin with) and are frequent targets of violence.

    Except of course, this isn't racism because they're from the proud black over race, and they are merely keeping their borders safe from the evil white menace.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:46:28 No.7233861
    I haven't seen anyone talk about Haiti as much as I've seen 4chan talk about it the past week. Everywhere else in my life it might as well not be happening.
    >> Xbro the Je Schmoe NeeGrow !!urKrUC2tLVu 01/22/10(Fri)22:48:29 No.7233898
    You don't donate to people because they have helped you or you are hoping they will pay you back in the future. You donate because they need help and its the right thing to do.

    Ive donated 200. Suck it
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:49:04 No.7233914
    Firstly, we live in a capitalistic society. Charity brings in profit. Those celebrates are paid to be there, sponsors are paid to promote themselves there and Billions of ratings are coming through. They are making money.

    Secondly, Haiti isn't a person. It isn't conscious. They are not a democracy (despite all claims). Haiti, at its birth, was fully embargoed by the international community. Then France forced billions of dollars in reparations out of them. After this, it was imperialism by the US from the 30's, then during the cold war a few dictators were promoted and endorsed by the US to take over Haiti in order to "battle communism". All the dictators and rulers in haiti basically were drained of money or drained it themselves up until now. Haiti is a country of bad misfortune, not for their own fault but for being in the worst part of the world at the worst times. Earthquakes, Floods, hurricanes, and Tsunamis are constantly bombarding the corrupted nation.

    The citizens are not at fault. That 8 year old boy who was trapped under rubble for nearly a week is NOT at fault. He's not lazy. He's not incompetent. Get off of your freaking elitist high horse and realize the homeless in America are living better than the middle class in Haiti. Realize that Haiti has one of the highest potentials of all third world countries to actually become modern and that America actually needs it. Realize that you're logic is down right fallacious. Lastly and conclusively, realize you are indeed an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:51:11 No.7233948
    People should donate money to me. I'm having a rough time of it and would actually make much better use of it than they would. Also, I'm white.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:52:59 No.7233970
    OP is right. Helping poor people is dumb because they've never helped us. Because they're so poor that they can't help us. How ridiculous the poor are!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:53:19 No.7233975

    So you're all for letting a bad situation get so bad that it makes it worse for everyone around them? Or do you have absolutely no clue what kind of destabilizing effect this could have regionally?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:53:53 No.7233984
    Donate money to me because I need help and it's the right thing to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:54:03 No.7233985
    The niggers should be put out of their misery. The more money we pump into that shit stain the more kids will be born into a cycle of misery and poverty.

    Help end poverty, kill nigger children.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 01/22/10(Fri)22:55:10 No.7233993
    >obviously nothing of value is ever going to come from this OP

    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:55:42 No.7234001
    The dominican republic had a longer headstart than Haiti. After Haiti sold that piece of the land to the Spanish, they were basically pampered into the 20th century. Whereas Haiti hasn't. Its economy has been destroy since its conception. Not because of the population but because its been raped by foreign aid.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:55:53 No.7234003
    Actually Haiti enjoyed an incredibly high-standard of living under "U.S. Imperialism", with a exceptionally low crime rate, and a burst of economic prosperity. Much of the country's Infrastructure was actually built by the United States over 70 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:56:15 No.7234013
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:57:07 No.7234024
    why do you say haiti has more potential than other third world countries.

    i'm not one of the people blaming haiti or even disagreeing with you btw
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 01/22/10(Fri)22:57:34 No.7234029
    >This post brought to you by Shit I Pulled Out My Ass.

    Forgot your sauce there, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:57:50 No.7234033
    Positively but that wasn't why it was bad. There still was no government in Haiti at the time, and then the US left and put their own suits there which just destroyed Haiti. Surely a reliable government would bring haiti on its feet but has NEVER had one.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:58:53 No.7234045
    > Implying a uneducated population living in extreme poverty, still believes in Voo-Doo superstition, and speaks a pigeon language has any success of becoming prosperous with simple economic assistance.

    > Implying any country will donate or loan money to Haiti knowing it will never be repaid.

    > Implying the rest of the world isn't just as fucked in between a rock and a hard place.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:59:41 No.7234055
    Most economists agree that Haiti has exceedingly high potential in its economy, and I forgot where but in an article its GDP was supposed to be 40% better by 2020. But now thats all been destroyed by the earthquake. Oh and you can even hear Clinton reiterate it over and over again. He's been saying it since this fiasco started.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:00:13 No.7234061
    Far be it from me to uplift you from your ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:01:27 No.7234081
    > Clinton: Come on guys, donate money, it's not that bad. There's a lot of potential here, so you won't be totally screwed out the ass by donating money to a lost cause.
    > Lying through his teeth.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:02:31 No.7234104
    >Implying Voo-Doo is any more ridiculous than Christianity.

    >Implying Languages have the ability to be superior to one another

    >Implying Haiti has no resources

    >Implying the US isn't a strong Ally with Haiti and has a deep rooted relation. Nevermind the US being the cause of the corrupted government up until recent.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:03:52 No.7234117

    You do realize that Haiti is nigger do you?

    There is no hope in a country that is over 60% nigger. That's the collapse threshold.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:04:26 No.7234123
    Because America is full of selfless moralfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:05:22 No.7234135
    I Saw a news report on that kid. He lasted 8 days under the rubble with no food or water. And he came out of it pretty stable. Fucking amazing.

    Although we should help them out on a moral standpoint. Haiti will still be a LDC and a shithole even after they manage to barely recover from this.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:06:19 No.7234152

    You just realized how idiotic, self-centered, and ignorant you sound right? You are a tool, a public dummy, used by the corporations of your fore-fathers. You're the modern day house negro. I hope you fucking die and that thing you call a soul evaporates with every bit of flesh that slowly gets eaten by the rats wallowing over it after you've been murdered.

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