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    20 KB Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:27:38 No.7215105  
    IIT: My opinions about how to run a country get ripped apart.

    In my country every able-bodied person would serve one year in the military or other civil duty.
    In my country guns would be legal with a permit.
    In my country abortion would be illegal except in case of the mother's mortality.
    In my country there would be no death penalty.
    In my country there would be socialized health care.
    In my country stem cell research and cloning research would be legal.
    In my country registered news agencies would be required to spend more than half their air time every day on local/national, international, and political news
    In my country some less addictive drugs would be legal but heavily taxed.
    In my country a great amount of government funds would be expended on the arts and sciences.
    In my country all immigrants would be legal.
    In my country gay marriage would be determined by the laws of the states.
    In my country taxes would be graded so that the rich were taxed more than the poor.
    In my country monopolies would not be allowed.
    In my country the government and corporations would be transparent.
    In my country corporeal punishment would be legal in public schools.
    In my country minor offenses would be punished in the pillory.
    In my country corporations could not be punished for crimes, only individuals.
    In my country privatization would be widespread.
    In my country there would be no affirmative action.
    In my country evolution would be taught in public schools, not creationism.
    >> SledgeHammer !!ewNAH9VVLel 01/21/10(Thu)18:29:11 No.7215133
    I think you basically described Switzerland.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:32:50 No.7215181
    >In my country abortion would be illegal
    >In my country stem cell research and cloning research would be legal.

    >abortion illegal
    >stem call/cloning research legal

    lol wut
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:33:56 No.7215204
    Except for the illegality of abortion bit, the news law, the drugs law, the immigrants law, the monopolies law, probably the tax law, the corporeal punishment in school law, the pillory law, the corporate law, and the privatization tendency.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:34:35 No.7215217
    "In my country every able-bodied person would serve one year in the military or other civil duty."

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:35:06 No.7215225
    Your country sucks and will fail
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:37:09 No.7215251
    >In my country monopolies would not be allowed.

    Some industries are what is called a "natural monopoly". Generally areas where the barriers to entry are to high to allow real competition. That is why we have publicly owned water companies. It isn't feasible to have two different companies lay to different sets of water pipes.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:37:09 No.7215252

    You're probably thinking you can't get stem cells w/o fetuses but I've got news for you - science has happened since those times.


    People should serve their countries in a tangible way, the better for every citizen to comprehend the social contract they were born or immigrated into.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:37:37 No.7215259
    Enjoy your back alley abortions.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:41:48 No.7215328
    >No death penalty

    Enjoy keeping your lifetime inmates alive with your tax dollars.

    Unless you plan on exiling them and making some manner of prison colony.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:42:42 No.7215347
    I am aware. This is why I do not plan on running for office.

    I am also aware of this. I will, however, stand by my law, and say that despite the massive inconvenience it would cause, these industries would not be monopolized either, or else they would be completely state-run.

    I am willing to enjoy my back-alley abortions in order to maintain a free conscience. If other people choose to do what is wrong, they can, but my laws will not condone it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:42:54 No.7215352
    >serve their countries
    Don't ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country, eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:43:34 No.7215363
    OP your country would likly become an overpopulated cesspool of crime and corruption.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:46:23 No.7215405
    The fuck you think all those taxes are for? Also pillories.
    Pretty much.
    I look forward to seeing all those bitches on public display in mah pillories.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:46:37 No.7215409

    >If other people choose to do what I think is wrong

    fix'd that for ya.

    You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:47:14 No.7215424
    I like everything you said except for no abortions and mandated civil duty.

    On the point of abortions, I see no logical reason for the illegality of abortion. Overpopulation is widespread and legal abortion provides for safe termination of an unwanted pregnancy. Why make it illegal? The only logical point would be on a moral ground. Why not leave it up to your various states to decide, like with gay marriage? That would allow those who don't believe the same thing as the heads of the state to travel to another state that is more in line with their beliefs. Just my opinion.

    As for state mandated civil duty, I too would have no problem with this done correctly. What I mean is, if a war broke out, a citizen should be able to defer to a role that would not force him to compromise his personal beliefs when it comes to issues like war and death. Which is to say, the citizen would not be forced to kill for country. He could serve in other ways that promote peace, helping the country in a peaceful way. If this is the case, I am with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:49:29 No.7215460
    Re: natural monopolies
    While I disagree with your plans, I respect your honesty.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:49:53 No.7215466

    >implying public executions and/or heads on pikes are not better at getting the message across.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:52:16 No.7215506
    You're exactly right I think it is wrong. So when I say that it is wrong, I am expressing my opinions. Your attempt to show that it is my opinion I am expressing serves instead only to point out the obvious and expose your own insecurity about my right to free speech.

    I oppose abortion on moral grounds. I see little difference between killing a living thing that will become a human if allowed to progress through the natural stages of development and killing an adult human.

    As for the conscription thing, what you said is exactly what I had in mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:54:54 No.7215545
    In my country no one would have a name, but a serial.
    In my country there would be a caste which would have their ability to speak removed surgically. Any crime against them is automatically null.
    In my country nudity would be legal as long as the face is completely concealed.
    In my country the penalty for all felonies would be death, for misdemeanours severely reduced pay for a year, and for infractions ass-spanking.
    In my country the workers produce what is to be distributed equally among everyone else.
    In my country there is no academia.
    In my country everyone is member of the military.

    I could go on forever.
    My country is the greatest country in the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:56:38 No.7215572

    >implying that every law ever made wasn't because the person making it thought it was wrong
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:58:23 No.7215591
    Isn't it already human though?

    I mean, it has human DNA correct?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:06:39 No.7215710
    In my country weed would be legal but heavily taxed.

    Weed? Yes. I am stoned.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:08:46 No.7215740
    >everybody in the Army
    >no death penalty
    Well, obviously there is death penalty for people from other countries.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:11:44 No.7215787
    I would not live in your country
    I would not live in your country.

    also you're retarded if you think anyone would agree to that crap if they aren't mentally retarded
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:16:22 No.7215876
    >In my country every able-bodied person would serve one year in the military or other civil duty.
    Slavery. Forcing someone to do a job against their wishes is slavery.
    >In my country guns would be legal with a permit.
    Whomever controls the permits controls gun ownership. Imagine Sarah Brady in charge of giving out permits.
    >In my country abortion would be illegal except in case of the mother's mortality.
    In that case, birth control should be free.
    >In my country there would be no death penalty.
    I'm OK with this.
    >In my country there would be socialized health care.
    Forcing someone else to pay for your shitty decisions in life is unfair. If you smoke and get cancer, (or skydive, ride motorcycles, etc) why the fuck should the rest of us pay?
    >In my country stem cell research and cloning research would be legal.
    I'm OK with this, but this is incongruent with your stance on abortion.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:17:16 No.7215893
    >In my country registered news agencies would be required to spend more than half their air time every day on local/national, international, and political news
    Whomever registers the news agencies controls the news. Further than that, I don't even know where to start with how wrong/unenforceable this is.
    >In my country some less addictive drugs would be legal but heavily taxed.
    Heavy taxation leads to a black market. You would in effect, change nothing.
    >In my country a great amount of government funds would be expended on the arts and sciences.
    What is this I don't even. Want a government job? Become an artist. Paint a picture of your president's political opponents and throw shit at it, the rewards are great! This is simply another way to restrict speech....
    >In my country all immigrants would be legal.
    I'm not sure that's a good idea, given that you're providing free medical care and spending copious amounts of money on art, the easiest profession...
    >In my country gay marriage would be determined by the laws of the states.
    Meh. I'm OK with this, but I'd prefer that the government wasn't involved in marriage at all.
    >In my country taxes would be graded so that the rich were taxed more than the poor.
    Meh again. I'd rather a flatter tax. Why bother to work hard and try to be rich if some jackass bureaucrat is gonna take it all?
    >In my country monopolies would not be allowed.
    >In my country the government and corporations would be transparent.
    OK to a point. Sometimes secrets are necessary.
    >In my country corporeal punishment would be legal in public schools.
    I'm OK with this, as long as I have school choice.
    >In my country minor offenses would be punished in the pillory.
    No. Fines and/or short jail sentences work without using humiliation.
    >In my country corporations could not be punished for crimes, only individuals.
    No, sometimes corporations deserve to be sued for stuff like negligence.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:18:44 No.7215911
    >In my country privatization would be widespread.
    >In my country there would be no affirmative action.
    >In my country evolution would be taught in public schools, not creationism.
    Meh...Let's go back to school choice. If I'm a fundie nutball and I want to send my kid to a private fundie nutball school, that should be my right. I'd prefer all schools were private. Stop making people without kids pay for the people who do have kids. But if you must stick with the public school model, then yeah, no creationism.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:20:13 No.7215934
    Care to explain point by point WHY you feel this way? Otherwise it's a pretty pointless thread.
    >> loser 01/21/10(Thu)19:20:26 No.7215939
    Seems ok. But before I decide if I want to go there... how would the national anthem go?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:22:46 No.7215967

    Robotistan is the greatest country in the world, all other countries leaders are little girls...yada yada yada...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:23:31 No.7215973
    The death penalty is imposed by a justice system not an army. Yes I am going to play semantic games here.


    It's indentured servitude at worst because at the end of the term they are rewarded and they would be paid a stipend during conscription. If this is slavery then many countries are still slavers.

    Gun permits are controlled by the gov. I'm actually OK with this.

    Yeah birth control should be free.

    Socialized health care is meant to fill in when SHTF. Nothing more.

    As for the deal about stem cell research and abortion, this is no longer a mutually exclusive option. You can get stem cells from adult humans nowadays. Science happens to your convenient temporary cockblocks.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:24:08 No.7215983
    >Forcing someone else to pay for your shitty decisions in life is unfair

    So everyone should just be absolutely perfect and sit in special rooms where illness or injury could never possibly happen to them.

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