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  • File : 1264111649.png-(86 KB, 1000x890, conservative liberal.png)
    86 KB Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:07:29 No.7213897  
    I'm the eyes that read between the lines,
    I devise the rumours and vicious lies.
    I do everything I can to hide the truth, but can you see it in my eyes?
    I kill spies.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:08:20 No.7213906
    >> sage Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:13:37 No.7213964
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:13:44 No.7213966
    >implying conservatives are pro recreational drugs and libs are not
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:14:40 No.7213979
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:14:45 No.7213980
    This isn't 'conservative' and 'liberal'.

    It's 'liberal' and 'ultra-liberal'.

    Conservative literally means to conserve the way things are done now. It opposes change. So I don't see how a conservative would support the legalization of drugs, or equal rights for all (eg. gay marriage).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:16:34 No.7214002
    > Implying conservatives have thoughts of their own.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:16:49 No.7214004
    >Conservative literally means to conserve the way things are done now.

    no it doesn't

    what it means is small government and personal responsibility over worshiping at the altar of the state and waiting for the Feds to come hand you everything when life tosses you a round of feces for dinner
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:17:46 No.7214019
    >>can you see it in my eyes?
    Can you see it in my smile.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:17:54 No.7214021
    hello faux news.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:18:41 No.7214036
    hello moron progressive liberal faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:19:49 No.7214059
    >implying conservatism is a coherent ideology and not an emotional state.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:20:42 No.7214071
    you're right I'm on of those academic elitist commie pinkos. Otherwise known as someone who went to college.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:21:43 No.7214092
    >implying liberalism isn't entirely predicated upon emotional arguments

    >OH WONT SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE (insert group here)



    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:22:19 No.7214104
    Yeah um

    College is shit

    You shoulda gone to a university

    Like me
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:23:09 No.7214121
    The conservative side is great. Would be nice if it was a LITTLE less biased. It does get the point across however.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:24:20 No.7214133

    Its based on morals and logic. Not knee-jerk reactionary emotion.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:24:29 No.7214135
    ITT: Retards who think all conservatives are Republicunts and all libfags are Democrats.

    Learn 2 ideology you stupid fucking faggots.
    >> HAET MACHINE !DRiLLnvzgE 01/21/10(Thu)17:24:40 No.7214136
    any idiot with an IQ above 90 attends college these days
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:24:56 No.7214141
    Democrat voter here. My opinions.

    Everyone should have guns. Just not semi/automatics.
    Drugs. Legalize some of it. Just not crack cocaine.
    Race Issues. Crack teacher unions, set school standards, let kids be able to choose public schools. do nothing else.
    Gender Issues. Everyone gets the equal rights except faggots. Let them burn in living hell.
    Military. Give soldiers and vets what they need. Go to war when necessary.
    Free Expression. Let it be free.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:25:18 No.7214145
    most arguments that both liberals and conservatives make are emotional arguments. because those are the arguments that the vast majority of the electorate responds to. however, the actual policies of both parties are equally predicated on logic
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:25:22 No.7214148
    Where exactly is the word 'CONSERVATIVE' defined as...
    >small government and personal responsibility over worshiping at the altar of the state and waiting for the Feds to come hand you everything when life tosses you a round of feces for dinner

    The word literally means 'TO CONSERVE'. Conservative opposes change. Be it drug laws, gay rights, or social welfare. If it's different, it must be bad
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:26:06 No.7214162
    >Its based on morals and logic

    oh god stop please its like you're really serious and not just trollin full stop

    >implying moral relativism is logical or moral

    lol oh god no please stop no more I...gotta catch my breath goddamn
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:26:09 No.7214163
    It's funny how people pretend conservatives are libertarians. The only issue the Repugs will ever give to you fags is gun control and "economic freedom", which essentially just means give corporations free reign to embezzle funds from the government and fuck everybody over in general.

    In b4 invisible hand bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:26:15 No.7214166
    >not reactionary or emotion based
    tell me why guns should be banned.
    hard mode: try harder than BECAUSE IT KILLS PEOPLE BBBBAAAAWWWWW
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:27:25 No.7214186
    in the world where you stop being one dumb motherfucker and recognize that just because the word conserve is there doesn't mean that the party or the ideology accepts no change, particularly considering by your definition their goal would be to preserve whatever current positions the government takes into perpetuity which is clearly not the case
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:27:44 No.7214196
    >Pro Legalization
    >Not racist
    >> sage sage 01/21/10(Thu)17:28:49 No.7214218
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:28:50 No.7214219

    Gun control
    >I watch too many action movies and fantasise living out a die hard-esque scenario in my own home


    Race Issues
    >Nigg-I mean black people just aren't trying hard enough. Everyone is born equal, didn't you hear?? lol war on drugs

    Gender Issues
    >Sarah Palin

    The Military

    Free Expression
    >lol wiretap war on terrorism
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:31:08 No.7214255
    Liberal is a hard word, eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:31:41 No.7214269
    so you're admitting it only exists in make believe land.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:32:23 No.7214288
    oh look, it's this thread again

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:33:24 No.7214307
    troll thread

    100 posts of crap

    thanks a lot, OP, for fagging up the board just a little more
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:34:31 No.7214331
    Conservatives are like a non-retarded version of Liberatarians.

    Only Conservative ever was Andrew Jackson. RIP greatest American president of all time.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:35:38 No.7214354
    Nice Agent Orange lyrics, bro. Bloodstains is better.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:38:47 No.7214409
    >what it means is small government and personal responsibility over worshiping at the altar of the state and waiting for the Feds to come hand you everything when life tosses you a round of feces for dinner

    So im free of government Interference?
    Oh really? So i can do drugs then?


    soooo i can have an abortion


    Soooo i can marry my gay lover?

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:39:53 No.7214428
    Everyday is a repost, do do dododo! Oh, everyday is a repost! Ohhhhh yeah! Everyday is a repost, and I just gotta keep on sagin'.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:39:55 No.7214429
         File1264113595.jpg-(242 KB, 1000x890, con-lib copy copy.jpg)
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    There you go, OP.

    I fixed that picture of yours
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:40:30 No.7214442
    Funny... in Australia, the Liberals ARE the conservatives.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:42:21 No.7214481
    I laughed since I'm a liberal. I can't wait for the conservafag shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:45:41 No.7214530

    extremely wrong. especially the liberal side for gender issues.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:48:48 No.7214571

    >automatic weapons

    christ do retards still believe this?

    PROTIP: Class III (Full auto) weapons are heavily heavily regulated in America and must be registered. However, all registered Class III firearms have never been used in criminal activity EVER. The only ones used have been ILLEGAL firearms
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:50:34 No.7214602
    What's so funny, it's physics.
    In Australia everything goes to the opposite direction.
    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 01/21/10(Thu)17:50:47 No.7214607
    Im'ma' post my beliefs :D

    gun control: stricter laws on legally obtaining. Beyond that, I don't know enough about gun laws to comment, except I do know that there are some flaws where angry people end up getting guns.

    drugs: Anything that temporarily or permanently changes your capacity for: reaction time, judgement, or general thought process, I am against. This includes alcohol.

    Race issues: it's a personal thing, not a government thing, but there are race issues and they will deal with themselves over time, with help of education and "culture days" in schools and whatnot.

    Gender issues: need to stop being addressed. There is no career a man and woman cannot both pursue, except being a mother and father respectively. If you think your boss is sexist, then it needs to be reported to authorities (whether that be the CFE or higher ups in your company)

    the military: is important, of course, for internal affairs as well as external global affairs, but it will always be a controversial issue until some kind of world treaty is established, which may never happen as long as we all inhabit the earth.

    free expression: there should be ABSOLUTE free expression, no limits. Everybody has a right to an opinion of their choosing. However, certain opinions should always cue a "WATCH OUT FOR THIS GUY" attitude, such as "blacks should be killed" or "bomb the trains!" opinions.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:50:49 No.7214608

    TC, if all American conservatives thought like that, I would be a conservative. Unfortunately, I believe we can both agree that this is not the case in society.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:54:08 No.7214646
    When did he mention America dipshit? And no one (important) in America is liberal or conservative, it's just smoke screens for corporations and interest groups man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:58:28 No.7214698
    >implying you have to be religious to be conservative
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:00:55 No.7214743

    Look at the image again, dipshit. The word "American" is clearly used in it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:01:44 No.7214749
         File1264114904.png-(63 KB, 1000x890, politicslawl.png)
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    here's my version:

    politics blox!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:05:01 No.7214790
    I didn't get the conservative view on drugs...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:05:52 No.7214805

    how many times have illegal automatic weapons been used in crimes?

    not many.

    That's because they're heavily regulated. do the same thing with normal guns.

    want to count how many crimes are have been committed with a 9mm?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:06:22 No.7214812

    yeah, this is plain wrong, what about the multiple suicides and domestic homicides that occur using firearms?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:08:57 No.7214844
    I agree with this but I (libfag) think you may have poked too much fun at the conservafags.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:12:14 No.7214890
    I like you :3. Lets have sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:14:32 No.7214925

    they deserve to be mocked, any conservative who isn't rich is a fool, any conservative who is rich is a bastard
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:18:09 No.7214970
    this is so fucking true. I live in a little bubble of liberal lovin (western massachusetts represent) and the drugs view especially pisses me off...
    everyone is very pro weed/lsd/"natural drugs" but scared shitless of harder stuff. also gun control. fuck my friends sometimes.
    >> Slasher !XGB1sBZTyY 01/21/10(Thu)18:18:27 No.7214974
    Gun Control: One gun per person. If they want it, and don't have a criminal record or have been comitted to a mental hospital.

    Drugs: Go for it. If you're dumb enough to be a tweeker, you deserve to be a tweeker

    Race Issues: If they COMPLETELY intergrate, as in; give up their culture, nationality, religion etc, then race doesn't matter. It's the culture I want to preserve.

    Gender Issues: Either you be a housewife, who gets treated like a queen, or a career woman, who gets shat on like everyone else. Chivalry or equality. Can't have both.

    The Military: Bulk up coastal defence, stay as independent as possible, and increase troop numbers by any means neccesary. More funding.

    Free Expression: I'm cool with that, so long as you don't protest. Protest and I will fuck your shit up.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:21:05 No.7215013
    >If they COMPLETELY intergrate, as in; give up their culture, nationality, religion etc, then race doesn't matter. It's the culture I want to preserve.

    Culture isn't a thing that can be preserved. You'll sooner find a way to slow down time than you will find a way to keep culture in stasis.
    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 01/21/10(Thu)18:22:29 No.7215030
    K :D
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:23:32 No.7215046
    I'm not going to bother w/ the liberal side (fuck liberals lol), but the conservative side approaches some things wrong:

    >guns are awesome. next.
    >my body, my choice, etc. it also legitimizes the economy of several third world countries.
    race issues:
    >nice sentiments, but we aren't equal. even if we assumed that there is equal "opportunity", you still cannot say that there is equal access to that opportunity because things like social capital and generational wealth exist.
    Gender issues:
    >a woman has more of a right to her spawn than anybody else. After all, she carried the parasite for 9 months and all you did was squirt your penis at her.
    >war is ok when it's imperialistic and you are a communist country. If capitalist then hopefully you lose and everyone dies.
    Free expression:
    >You can say what you want but if you think others can't or shouldn't hold it against you then lol
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:24:59 No.7215063
    gun control: vermont's got the right idea. wish I lived there. fucking assault weapons ban bullshit is insane...

    drugs: people have the right to do to themselves whatever they want. better drug education to tell kids yeah heroin's bad and all that shit and we'll be fine.

    race issues: just keep going how we're going and we'll be fine. everyone needs to calm down. the real problem is poverty. poor white people are just as annoying as poor black people.

    gender issues: again, keep going as is and it'll continue to improve. as much as I hate feminazis, I do find the vagina monologues very entertaining.

    military: get rid of dont ask dont tell and all that crap; everyone should have an equal chance to risk themselves getting killed to pay for their college tuition.

    free expression: why is this even on this list? fucking free expression 100% is a no brainer. but fuck do I hate the liberal view on this. my high school was so "OPEN MINDED" but if they found out you didnt like obama "GASP WHY?!?!?!?!?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU"
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:26:45 No.7215086

    thats not a liberal view, thats a retard in highschool view.

    Liberal views are actually vaguely centrist. I'm not sure why the American right uses it as an insult. The American right practices neo liberalism.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:27:50 No.7215107
    it was true for my whole town. teachers/parents included. it's a pioneer valley thing
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:29:16 No.7215136

    once people feel they need to preserve something, that indicates that its obsolete or irrelevant. living cultures evolve
    >> ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦speedycat♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ !PedoASKtvI 01/21/10(Thu)18:30:53 No.7215151

    Why one?

    There HAS to be a reason to put frivolous restrictions like that in place, and I don't think you have one.

    Or maybe it's because I have 16 guns and I'm no more dangerous with 16 than I am with one.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:31:14 No.7215156
    cant tell if trolling...... :|
    if not, you are the reason why I hate most people who call themselves liberal. conservative =/= neocon asshole
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:31:33 No.7215164

    Still doesn't make it intrinsic to the left as an ideology. If the same people aren't currently denouncing Obama then they are less leftists and more election time fanboys/girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:32:07 No.7215172
    only 1? why? you are encroaching on constitutional rights with shit like that
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:33:08 No.7215190
    they're just uninformed
    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 01/21/10(Thu)18:33:09 No.7215191
    Please keep in mind, when forming your beliefs, that your decisions do not just effect yourself and your safety, but the safety of everyone around you. :D
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:33:13 No.7215194
    ok seriously r9k???

    why the fuck do u have to say "im conservitive" HER DER DER

    or "im liberal" HER DER DER

    just fucking believe what you believe in and dont classify your self in a group
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:33:23 No.7215197
    My views:
    >gun control
    I think permits are fine the way they are, but there needs to be stronger security for gun shows (don't ask me how that would work).

    Harmless drugs (weed) should be legal, stronger stuff like meth should stay illegal.

    The government has done all it really can, time will hopefully fix things.

    Abortion should be completely legal. Otherwise, again, time.

    The budget is way too large, it needs to be cut AT LEAST in half. Troops should be withdrawn from the Middle East.

    >free expression
    No limits, unless violence is involved.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:34:28 No.7215214
    you no kill spies.

    you no even kill aspies

    is because you so lame.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:34:33 No.7215215

    Are you in a militia?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:34:35 No.7215216
    I hate labels on politics. I used to consider myself a liberal, but after learning more about the world and the system, etc, I can't tell what I am. libertarian would be the closest thing, but I hate political parties.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:35:29 No.7215232
    no, and I don't even own a gun, but you can't try to limit individual ability like that. what if I were to tell you that you can only own 1 pair of shoes?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:36:20 No.7215243

    maybe its because there are specific names for specific ideologies?

    jesus you are retarded
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:37:25 No.7215257
    using only two categories is very inefficient. I myself don't fit either "ideology" so I hate having to provide a title for my beliefs
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:38:30 No.7215272
    The constitution states that the right to bear arms is dependant on a standing militia being necessary. Before you start saying what is constitutional and what isn't it would be wise to note that the constitution is vague, old and increasingly irrelevant in a modern world.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:39:19 No.7215290
         File1264117159.png-(87 KB, 1000x782, troof.png)
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    Dear sir,
    I disagree.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:39:28 No.7215294

    There are others too? You don't have to pick one. Are you from space or something? Is this the first time you have encountered politics?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:41:30 No.7215323

    most accurate one in the thread
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:41:35 No.7215325
    of course I know there are others. I was replying with the "two label" thing because the person you replied to said "liberal" and "conservative" and didn't list any others. I could probably chose from one of the other labels, but then again, I never agree 100% with any one party.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:44:19 No.7215373

    It is the basis on what our country is founded on. It is by no means outdated. People like you are everything that is wrong with this country.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:45:46 No.7215393
    >we are wasting our good money because you have a small penis

    This one truly is the best yet. I agree with every word in it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:46:07 No.7215400
    >>7214141 Everyone should have guns. Just not semi/automatics.
    So you want us to defend ourself from robbers and their Tec-9's with an old flintlock musket?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:46:37 No.7215408
    I bet you thought the "Story of Stuff" was very good.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:47:34 No.7215430
    the constitution is "old an irrelevant"? I'm so glad you're not running our country.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:48:34 No.7215447
    why no semi/automatics? it's not as though those are the guns used most in crime.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:51:18 No.7215487

    please tell me what the third amendment is if not irrelevant
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:52:38 No.7215515
    You can't quarter soldiers in you house. That may not seem relevant but if the country ever gets really militaristic then they'd have to go through the bill of rights to get to that shit which any sane person would never let happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:53:06 No.7215521

    watching now...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:55:46 No.7215564
    what's wrong with the third amendment? it was created to prevent housing soldiers in homes like the british did to the americans...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:57:54 No.7215588

    It was also written by old white slave owners who neither predicted nor imagined that the world we live in today would be the way it is.
    How could we apply such old legislature to modern weaponry? Especially seeing as the qualifier for the amendment is that the presence of a standing militia is necessary for security. We no longer have militias, should we?

    The most constitutional president in recent history was Jimmy Carter, he is also considered one of the weakest. That should show you how relevant the constitution is in this day and age.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:58:45 No.7215594

    would you consider it RELEVANT?

    do I have to put the word in huge flashing letters?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:00:04 No.7215613
    give me a logical argument against the constitution and maybe I'll agree. as I understand it, it's pretty well suited for all ages, a timeless document. we can't keep criminals from obtaining guns illegally, so why should we decide that guns are bad so only criminals have them? now, I don't own a gun, but my boyfriend's mother owns several. not for "self defense" as she lives in the suburbs and is logical, she simply enjoys shooting ranges. it's her "sport" so to speak
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:00:05 No.7215614

    I got four minutes in and had to stop. While I agree with some of the things she is saying, I find the way she is saying them to be idiotic and offensive. I prefer to make penis jokes to simply squinting and sounding outraged.

    I think this is a good point. It may seem archaic only because it has been successful. I would say that while the constitution is an extremely valuable document, it is not the word of god and deserves to be evaluated in such a way that allows for the possibility that it might be wrong. It was written by slave holders and has been amended several times after all.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:00:13 No.7215616
    It is very relevant, just look at my post: >>7215515
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:01:00 No.7215628

    No, if the nation got militaristic then they wouldn't care about the bill of rights.

    The fact is that that amendment was geared towards a very specific issue, at a time when the US was far different than it is today. That amendment is not relevant today,
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:01:52 No.7215639

    do you understand what relevant means?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:02:06 No.7215642
    Conservatives want to ban drugs. You must be some sort of Republican Libertarian hybrid.

    Liberals want more government control in the economic sector and less in the social sector. Conservatives want they opposite, less government economic control and more intervention in the social sector. Abortion, gay marriage, war on drugs, all that stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:02:47 No.7215652
    >has been amended several times after all.

    This is an excellent point. They knew the constitution wouldn't be good forever since things always change with time and it would get outdated. That's why it's amendable and why and amendment is so difficult to pass: the constitution needs to remain up to date with changes in society.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:02:53 No.7215656

    it's funny how I knew that the chart would be biased against liberals before I even expanded it to read the text.

    I wonder if that is because:

    A) /r9k/ is overrun by newfag conservitards
    B) liberals don't make retarded shit like that graph
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:03:30 No.7215659
    militarization takes time, so there's still relevance because of that. calm down about the fucking third amendment and find another point to use to trash the constitution. I'm genuinely interested, because I consider myself a supporter of the constitution, so I'd like to hear arguments against it
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:03:59 No.7215667
    hahaha that is the greatest OP troll image I've ever seen in my life

    I raged immediately.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:04:06 No.7215669

    I'll post my beliefs in your fashion.
    gun control: Regular citizens should have the ability for semi-automatics. Fully automatic, of course that includes background checks and correct paper work.

    drugs: What I do with my body is my business, ALTHOUGH, if my actions are a direct cause to someone's physical harm, thats when there's a problem.

    Race issues: These need to be worked out by people themselves, no government intervention can change how we think, only the actions we take.

    Gender issues: need to stop being addressed. There is no career a man and woman cannot both pursue, except being a mother and father respectively. If you think your boss is sexist, then it needs to be reported to authorities (whether that be the CFE or higher ups in your company). Male and agreed.

    the military: Is ever important. So long as there is more than one human being in the universe, there will be conflict. Joing Marines in May, not because its honorable to die for my country, but because I see it as honorable to die for "We The People", which is the governed, and of course to die for my brothers in arms.

    free expression: Non-violent expression of opinions. This does not mean if it conflicts with your beliefs, it shouldn't be said. So long as the opinion stated does not motivate intentional harm to another party or individual, I am satisfied.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:05:34 No.7215693
    conservatives don't view all people as equal.

    that's the whole point, that's what is wrong about their philosophy.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:05:50 No.7215700
    Join the military if you want to secure oil resources for your country in the future.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:06:53 No.7215716
    What the fuck is this? This isn't how a conservatives sees things?
    On gun control, if you shot a 13 year old who tresspasess on your lawn to get a ball back, you go to jail. It's completely up to a owner to shoot, he just has to be aware if he shots the wrong person for the wrong reason, he'll end up getting punished for it. And I'm simplifying this here.

    You know what guys. I want the liberals to fill out their own side, and the conservatives to fill out the other. Because neither side fully understands what the fuck the other side is thinking.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:06:56 No.7215717
    not all conservatives, just the far rights. you're generalizing a bit too much
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:06:56 No.7215718

    There's a difference in the enlisted and the agenda of the higher ups.

    You need to learn the difference.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:07:44 No.7215726
    THIS. this whole thread is just people who don't understand the other side trying to argue.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:08:51 No.7215742

    I don't know if you will consider this logical, but this is why I think gun control laws are legal. Constitutional Protections a very broad, but not absolute. You cannot, for instance, yell fire in a crowded theater. Their restrictions are determined by weighing what the purpose the protection is designed to serve, versus the benefits of allowing some restriction. I think we can all agree that the 2nd amendment has almost nothing to do with hunting or clay pigeon shooting, and while you may disagree I believe that protection against criminals is also not the the primary purpose of constitutional protections. The Constitution was designed to protect against federal tyranny. The primary gauranteer of that freedom was not the individual (an individual is to weak to stand against the federal government) it was the state. Therefore, a state militia cannot be outlawed or infringed upon by the federal government, but state and municipal authorities can democratically decide to outlaw guns among it's populace.

    We can see the effectivness of state militias in resisting central gonvernments in the civil and revolutionary wars, and the ineffectivness of individuals in Waco.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:09:19 No.7215748
    Actually, I understand everyone's view points.

    I just don't agree with them.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:11:12 No.7215773

    We consider everyone to be created equal. If there's a problem in your life, you may not have all you need to combat it compared to the next guy, but you have the ability to get all you need, and that's what matters, because you may very well decide NOT to combat said problem.

    And if you
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:11:40 No.7215785
    I could of sworn that the Bill of Rights was written for the POPULACE, not the states.

    Yes, it is for federal tyranny, but not for the states to fight back.

    It gives the people guaranteed "defragmentation" if the government tries to take away those rights.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:11:53 No.7215790
    And he wasn't? I think it's only fair to generalize one group if you are going to generalize every other group.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:12:28 No.7215801

    I never intended to trash it. I simply stated that it is old and increasingly irrelevant.

    One example would be the system of checks and balances, we have, over time, increased the power government has. Instead of revising the system however we have kept the same clunky system designed to inhibit government.

    Another would be the supreme court system which has become increasingly politicised.

    The right to bear arms. Is that all arms? What counts as arms? Do I have the right to a cannon? a missile? A bomb? Should 'arms' only cover weapons that were present during the founder's times or should we make some guess as to what weapons they think should be allowed in society?

    We live in a constantly changing world. The constitution is a fine document, but it will not be relevant forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:13:39 No.7215824
    I see your point, and I thank you for humoring me instead of getting angry. I disagree, simply because I think it's not the position of the federal government to control what its populous can own, at least with something like guns
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:14:47 No.7215841
    no, I also hate the generalization of liberals/other parties.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:16:16 No.7215872

    I was attempting to capture what I thought would be the outcome of conservative thinking. I believe in Texas you can use deadly force on your own property against someone engaged in theft.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:17:00 No.7215884
    you anti second amendment faggots can fuck off

    I live in CA, and I own multiple firearms LEGALLY and they have never been used to shoot anything besides paper and clay pigeons

    why should my RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS be infringed if some criminal nigger decides to use guns illegally in a crime?

    inb4 you dont need guns in this day and age. Thank God its the bill of RIGHTS no needs
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 01/21/10(Thu)19:17:16 No.7215895
    Gun Control: I have no problem with the citizen owning and carrying concealable handguns, so long as they have a permit to carry it. I think the process to get a permit should be pretty damn difficult, and the penalty for carrying a handgun in public without a permit should be harsh.

    Drugs: What someone does with their own body is their own business. But drugs are addictive, so there's no telling what drug-addicts would do to get their fix, whether they were legal or not.

    Race Issues: Someday, the question of race shall be irrelevant. Until then, the government must take active measures to assure that all citizens have the exact same opportunity to success.

    Gender Issues: Same as above. Until society is ready to look beyond the concept of gender, then the government must make sure that women have the same rights as men.

    The Military: It needs to be reduced in size and power. Peace is one of the greatest advancements that the developed world has made, and a large military threatens such an advancement.

    Free Expression: Let it be. So long as the actions of one do not actively infringe on the rights of another, then such expression is fine. No, I would have a problem with a hate speech statute. However, there is a limit to such speech (on all sides of the spectrum).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:17:24 No.7215897
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    How about a fresh perspective?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:17:48 No.7215902

    if the 2nd amendment gave me the right to own a bazooka that would be awesome
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:19:35 No.7215924
    if only the conservative war view were a little less extreme, and the liberal side weren't so troll-y, this could have actual potential.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:19:40 No.7215926

    no one is anti second amendment, the second amendment simply qualifies the right to bear arms with the necessity of a state militia. Without a state militia it would logically make sense that there is no longer any qualifier for the right to bear arms.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:21:02 No.7215943
    my father once purchased an old civil war cannon (it was very small, only about 2-3 feet long) and used it to hunt groundhogs in-season in alaska about 20 years ago. he had a hunting license so the police let him do it.
    I wish I'd lived back when everyone wasn't so uptight.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:22:27 No.7215959
    1. But there is such a thing as excessive force. If the guy who shot and killed a person did so because a person was in his home stealing a TV, it would be different from a 13 year old trying to get his own ball back. even in the former circumstance, the shooter will like be charged with a crime.

    2. Don't try to fill out the other side, fill out your own, because you understand them better than conservatives. When you fill out the other side, you easily misrepresent them, casting them in a light that makes them easier to showcase your superiority(I believe this is a fallacy of some kind, can't remember which)

    In other words. Just represent your side, let the actual conservative represent his.

    Any one want to erase that picture and just fill out your own side's beliefs to the best of their ability?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:22:58 No.7215971
    People are not equal. This is proven by science.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:24:09 No.7215985

    killing a guy for stealing your tv is still a bit excessive.

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