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  • File : 1264049991.jpg-(48 KB, 500x500, dragonite_DAD.jpg)
    48 KB Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)23:59:51 No.7203488  
    This image, to me at least, is just depressing. Does anyone have a relationship with their dad like this?
    >> Claude 01/21/10(Thu)00:01:12 No.7203507
    That is quite upsetting
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:01:16 No.7203509
    Dadonite is such an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:01:43 No.7203517
    I am that dad.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:01:45 No.7203519
    This shit is why I am never having children. My love won't reach far enough to stay my hand.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:01:58 No.7203522
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    here op, i know someone that did this to their father recently
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:02:25 No.7203533
    I didn't realize that was a pokedad at first, I thought it was pedoDragonite.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:02:34 No.7203537
    its sad, however it cast the son as a shit when ,in reality the dad usually is.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:03:30 No.7203552
    Fuck no! I don't even like my dad, but what the fuck?! You owe your parents more than that bullshit just for spawning your stupid ass, regardless of anything else they've done for you since. Damn kids these days.
    >> noko 01/21/10(Thu)00:03:31 No.7203554
    this is sort of like my dad
    except he hates me for hating women and hiding in my basement

    we are just awful people
    all of us are awful sons
    god forgive me
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:03:32 No.7203555
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:03:53 No.7203559
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    this one really makes me ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:05:54 No.7203587
    For me and my dad, it was the opposite. Then I gave up.

    My dad is the typical money obsessed faggot who drinks his scotch after dinner and thinks kids are stupid and anyone poorer than him is unworthy of life. When I was 12, he spent more time hitting on my (female) friends than hanging out with me. Yep, pedo to boot.

    If you can beat that faggot, you'll do fine.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:06:11 No.7203590
    As an adult I now realize awesome my dad is and how much of an influence he has had on me.

    I love my pops
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:07:25 No.7203607
    yah I did this to my dad all the time
    I was an only child to so it made it even worse
    he's tried to commit suicide on multiple occasions and is now in an institution because of it
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:09:35 No.7203638
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    ;_; now i want to give my dad a hug :(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:09:52 No.7203644
    My father died when I was 10. At least I never had a bad relationship with him.

    I feel sorry for you guys.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:11:36 No.7203668
    I rarely even talk to my dad ;_;

    And he's just in the living room.
    We live in the same fucking house for christ sakes and we don't even talk to each other.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:13:38 No.7203691
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    Fix that relationship before it becomes something like this...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:14:00 No.7203696
    same here. I was always fucking terrified of him growing up, and now it's just NATURAL for me to not speak to him much.

    I have a feeling that my relationship with him will get better with him once I move out though, at least I hope it will.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:15:07 No.7203713
    And the cats in the cradle with a silver spoon...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:15:58 No.7203722

    Odd thing is, he's very apathetic, about everything.
    He's not very emotional, just an odd kind of person I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:16:27 No.7203729
    My dad likes hunting, fishing sports and other manly things. I am gay and not really into any of that. He is pretty nice about it, I go target shooting with him sometimes. I am sure deep down he is unhappy with it though.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:17:19 No.7203736
    Fuck, this thread is making me baw. My parents are divorced and my dad is currently in South America. He called today to talk to me and I was having dinner. I didn't call him back because I was gonna go out with my girlfriend. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:17:35 No.7203739
    You should go fishing with him once. It's not really manly (at least not like hunting), and it will make him really happy that you tried something for him.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:17:56 No.7203744
    That was my dad for a while.

    He used to be a meth cook/dealer/user and the shit fried his head. CPS took my brother and I into foster care until my mom finally left him-- and we didn't see him again until I was 12, when he quit. He was still really fucking paranoid. When we'd see him on weekends, he'd ground us for thoughtcrimes he assumed we'd committed during the week, then chop off the cords to all the electronics and smash half the shit in the house when he thought we were "talking about him." CPS barred us from seeing him again for a few years.

    During those years, the way he was acting finally hit him, and he went to therapy and started his life over. By then, I was in high school and didn't trust him any more.. but I'd still get calls from him about 2-3 times a month, asking if I was in town, if I'd heard from my brother, what I wanted for my birthday...

    This went on for about a year before I finally went down to see him for Thanksgiving. He saved up a present for every year he didn't see me, then gave them all to me that day. It was all the things I asked for when I was little.. a rock tumbler, an N64, tons of hot wheels...

    He remarried, has two ungrateful teenage stepkids who walk all over him; he's totally changed. But my brother still won't talk to him. Every time I go over, I see my brother's pile of presents, still neatly lined up in the laundry room. He always asks me if I've seen him, how he's doing, etc., and when I offer to take him along with me next time I see him, he just says, "That's okay. I'll talk to him when he visits."
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:18:08 No.7203745
    Me and my dad are the opposite. We get along great. In fact, my dad is basically just an older version of me.

    Somehow I think my life would be a little better if I was intimidated by him at least a little. My life isn't bad, but being friends with your dad is a little weird when you are in high school. If you and your dad are not arguing it more or less just kind of proves you never do anything interesting.

    Eh, whatever. I'm cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:18:17 No.7203749

    I think it would be worse if he hides his resentment deep inside and tries to act nice. At least if he's a SON I AM DISAPPOINT asshole you can say "Fuck you" and drop him out of your life.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:20:20 No.7203778


    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:20:25 No.7203780
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    I think I did this to my dad once...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:21:24 No.7203798
    Awww man, that is sad ;_;
    >> Ash !!CVD5ZsOp1ZV 01/21/10(Thu)00:21:34 No.7203799
    hmmm, i kind of have a relationship like this with a friend, or at least i like to think she is
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:21:39 No.7203801
    i am a fucking failure as a son and as a person.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:22:07 No.7203808

    ;_; ;_; ;_;

    God fucking dammit.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:23:43 No.7203829
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:24:17 No.7203837
    Goddamit, this made my face :C
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:24:26 No.7203841
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:24:38 No.7203845
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    sigh...i miss my dad now ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:25:19 No.7203850

    /bawrage =(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:25:56 No.7203855
    yeah ive been watching that one too, someones dumping the images from there on here.

    but the thread on /b/ is also a lot more retarded comment wise
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:27:45 No.7203879
    Mine would go something like:



    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:28:06 No.7203883
    This pokedad always makes me want to cry a little

    I try to have a good relationship with my dad but I'm gay and really rebellious, I drink and smoke and do drugs (Stopped all of that except drinking) despite him never doing any of those things (whereas some people have druggie parents/alcoholic parents and they fall into it too) and pretty much failed out of school. I'm also atheist and they're both really religious.

    I'm not going to change who I am. I feel like even though he acts like this pokedad he causes more problems in our relationship.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:29:05 No.7203896
    Holy fuck this makes me miss my dad. He moved halfway across the country when i graduated and i only see him twice a year. He also calls me a lot but im usually busy when he does and i feel really bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:29:24 No.7203904
    Me and my dad have a good relationship now but when i was a teenager i was a real dick to him, i remember one time we were having a massive argument, he told me what i was doing was ridiculous ( I cant remember what i did) and i just said coldly 'no You're fuckin ridiculous' then he hit me across the face and as i looked up shocked he had tears in his eyes, i think i actually made him cry when he left the room. I think it was the fact that i had no respect for him and i made everything into a conflict when all he wanted to do was help me. Thankfully i have a better relationship with him nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:29:52 No.7203909
    You sound Iike you're about 15.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:30:47 No.7203921
    I haven't seen nor talked to my dad since I was two.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:31:23 No.7203933

    I lol'd

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:32:32 No.7203949
    just finished a round of golf with my dad.
    feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:35:49 No.7203985
    My dad used to smack me around a lot when I was younger. He was a real bully and sometimes I'd end up with bruises.

    I got bigger and he got crippled, and now we have a great relationship because we like the same things and all the childhood abuse just built character and a deep love for physical comedy. Before he crippled himself at work, we used to beat the shit out of eachother in playfights for fun. Good times.

    Now he's too doped out on morphine to do that. Be sure to lift from your legs when you get older, kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:35:54 No.7203986
    me and my dad have always had an ok relationship, but now that he is in double kidney failure and i have just droped out of college, I feel like I'm pushing away from him so as not to hurt him with my failings and myself with his eventual and inevitable death.

    If I was a year older, I'ld be a fucking drunk.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:36:03 No.7203994
    I'm...a terrible person
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:37:47 No.7204013
    no, my dad is cool.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:40:14 No.7204045
    Since we are talking about dads and alienation, I guess this story would be fitting.

    My grandfather was an asshole to his kids, he was an alcoholic drug addict, as well as being insane in general. I never really ever figured out all the specifics, but according to my dad "He never won any father of the year awards".
    Everybody just kind of leaves it at that.

    He died a year ago. His second wife had left him over a million dollars(This money would of course create it's own unique shitstorm once everybody found out about it, but that is a story for a different thread). In his apartment in queens he had horded 40 years worth of random crap. Appliances, speakers, instruments, everything you can think of he had at least ten of. I even found a set of throwing knives when we cleaned it out.

    Anyway, he died in my aunts house surrounded by his kids. And yet, he was completley alone. He was a burden on my family in his final years(cancer), and they had no problem reminding him. He was an asshole to everybody, even in the end.
    At his funeral, nobody said anything(nothing good to say). Me and my cousins just kind of sat and hung out at the wake, there was no tears from anybody.

    After the funeral, my dad looked at me and said "I love you, always remember that. I don't think my father ever loved me".

    I wanted to say something back but I couldn't think of anything.

    All this alone is enough to make me realize how lucky I am.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:41:18 No.7204066
    I would give anything for my dad to try to talk to me. He is an artist living in his own world. I bought him WoW and paid for the monthly subscription so we could play together when i was in highschool - i no longer play but the when ever i do call him - playing WoW is more important then talking to me. He doesn't even have a job. The only time he reaches out to me is when he needs money.

    He always played the vyda when i was a kid i went down stairs to get him for dinner and he told me to go to hell...i guess his own world was always more important then his youngest son.

    the one thing he did give me was a passion for reading, to bad i can't talk to him about the books i have read - or my thoughts on them.

    fuck i want a real father.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:44:17 No.7204106
    The last time I saw my dad ... I was homeless and strung out on the streets of philly ... ended up getting jumped one morning while copping in the badlands by two niggers and getting beat to within an inch of my life over twenty dollars ... they only got ten of it .... i walked around all day with blood all over me and finally called my dad and said look man im fucked up i need somewhere to go for a few days. That night i couldnt breath i didnt realize how severe the beating was [ broken ribs , internal bleeding led to heart infection and a month long hospital stay ]
    anyways that night i went into his room and said look you either need to call 911 or drive me to the hospital ... he drove me and we started arguing he swung and punched me in the chest back hand while driving we fought and wrecked the car. two ambulances took us away. a year later i decided to call him , his roomate said he died 6 months ago
    >> Keanu Reeves 01/21/10(Thu)00:45:16 No.7204119
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    You are so EFFING EDGY bro, I really envy how you go against the grain to laugh at shit you know is really sad - or rather tell people you are laughing at it.

    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 01/21/10(Thu)00:45:18 No.7204121
    Seeing my father cry is the only time I've ever felt like my heart was being torn asunder.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:46:28 No.7204141
    My dad's dead. This thread discriminates against people with dead dads. Fucking dadists.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:46:31 No.7204142
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    I don't have much to say, but I will contribute some more dadonite pictures...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:47:20 No.7204149
    This thread is the closest the internet has come to making me cry.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:48:09 No.7204165
    My father used me and everyone else in my family as an emotional punching bag so that he could feel better about the giant disappointment he felt his life to be. He cheated on my mother and abandoned our family a week after I graduated from high school, and I haven't talked to him since then. I would, but there's a pretty good chance that I'll just get taken advantage of again, and he'll be putting me through constant guilt trips to make himself feel better.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:48:41 No.7204171
    You are a selfish bastard, and an underageb& to boot. That post was not about your dad at all. It was just talking about you.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:48:47 No.7204174

    >>Implying that cooking food and freezing it instantly is a good idea

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:48:57 No.7204176
    My grandfather was the oldest of 6 children. His parents died when he was 15, he began working as an erran boy for the military during one of the coupes of the early 30's. He eventually moved on to banking, and worked his way up to regional president.

    I remember as a kid we would walk through his old neighborhoods and the shopkeepers and everybody around who he'd had helped give loans to would come out and greet and offer him free stuff.

    My dad was a naval officer, a pretty big deal from where I come from, he eventually became a lawyer and now works for the United Nations.

    Needless to say, I have been set up for failure. There is no way I can surpass either of them :(
    >> Nomad Trash 01/21/10(Thu)00:50:52 No.7204198
    me too. fucking dadist oriented bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:52:00 No.7204214

    Poor you, having role models to grow up with. My dad gave me first memories which i've mentally removed the sound from. Can't shift the images.

    Live up to your role models you fucker!!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:52:28 No.7204219
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    Required text is quite required
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:52:55 No.7204226
    my dad is a stone cold g and i'd never be like that, but i've always felt bad that i never stuck with sports. he was a goalie (hockey) throughout high school and i think college but i was an unmotivated prick as a kid, i never wanted to do anything but play video games - though my parents tried to get me to play every sport under the sun. i started playing basketball again last year but if i'd played from third grade until 12th grade i'd be so much better.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:53:09 No.7204229
    God this thread just made me realize how awesome my dad is compared to other people's dads. No divorce, unconditional love, never needed anything.

    I feel like I need to like get him something now
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:55:44 No.7204272

    i used to play halo with my dad

    he sucked so bad, but i let him win anyway.

    we don't play halo anymore...
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 01/21/10(Thu)00:56:38 No.7204284

    "Don't fucking cry."

    "Don't fucking cry."

    "Don't fucking-"

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:57:01 No.7204292

    I can't believe this.
    Are you kidding me? this is pulled right from /b/, this WHOLE thread, you motherfucker. burn in hell for all eternity.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:57:09 No.7204295
    yah, mine too. fuck you op now i feel like an ungrateful asshole.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:58:04 No.7204307
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:58:22 No.7204313

    18 is underaged?

    Anyway, it was on my mind so I typed it.Deal with it fucker.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)00:59:10 No.7204327

    Same here, man. Same here :(

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:00:38 No.7204348
    >Every Word Is Capitalized.

    What The Fuck Am I Reading, It's Painful To Type Like This, Let Alone Read It.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:01:40 No.7204362
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:02:17 No.7204372
    Me and my dad get in fights a lot, mostly over how he thinks I'm lazy and unmotivated and inevitably going to ruin him financially by defaulting on all my school loans, but sometimes over him being a control freak and setting up arbitrary limits on things that I'm allowed to do while I'm at home without any reason or warning.

    I have tried being friendly and being civil even when he gets angry at me. But the worst part is, even when we're getting along, it doesn't feel genuine. I have to act unnaturally and say things I don't mean just to avoid upsetting him. Occasions where he says something I find genuinely interesting are incredibly few and far between, and I end up wondering why I even bother.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:04:33 No.7204402
    A lot of you are saying how you forget to call your dad back, don't see him more than twice a year, etc.

    When I was 12, my dad and I got into a huge fight. We were never close but we got along, and I used to blow him off for my friends. Anyway, we got into a huge fight that ended with me telling him I hated his guts. He left the house to blow off some steam and died in a car accident the same day. My mom didn't tell me until I was 18 that he intentionally drove his car into a tree, after swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills.

    I'm telling you because I want to appreciate your fathers while they are around. Even if he used to beat you, even if you haven't spoken to him in years, I bet he thinks about you every day. You still have a chance to build a relationship and make him proud. Just calling him up and talking for a few minutes would probably make him so happy to know you're thinking about him.

    I screwed up and lost my chance to make my father proud to have a son. You still have the chance, so please take advantage of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:05:06 No.7204409
    Not as bad as pokedad example but do feel guilty at times

    when I was at home before uni I'd spend a lot of time in my room not interacting too much with my family. I'd come down and chat with my dad while he was cooking and then leave sometimes when my food was done but he'd stay in the kitchen watching the tv by himself. Felt sad for him...

    my mum is similar too but I think she prefers her own company, she's going to die in the next 5 years so I will make sure to tell her I love her when I am able to and feel guilty if I don't call in a while
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:05:31 No.7204417
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    When I was an infant my mom would always leave me alone in the crib while she went off suntanning and my dad was at work. One day a lawn maintenance guy came by and heard crying forever, so he talked to the apartment complex owner and they got a key inside and found me all alone. They told my dad that if I wasn't being watch they'd put me in child services. My mother refused to watch me and had an affair. Then she asked for a divorce. My dad had to declare bankruptcy to put me in daycare while he worked overtime to pay for him and me. Later on my dad remarried and my step mom adopted me. I haven't talked to my biological mom since I was 4 and my step mom is a complete bitch too. I feel so fucking bad for my dad.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:07:02 No.7204445
    I'd see my dad if he wasn't constantly drunk. Maybe when I'm older, I'll make an effort for him, but not now. Every time I see him it freaks me out because I just don't want to be like him.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:12:31 No.7204516
    boy do i have a trivium song for you!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:13:10 No.7204531
    im just going to leave that here:
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:13:24 No.7204534
    My grandfather on my dad's side was an incredibly intelligent drunk fuck up. His father too.

    My dad was an ex-special forces soldier who dabbled in boxing and cooking and fishing, as well as an incredibly talented trumpet player. He was accepted to a school in NYC before crashing his father's car and splitting his lip (so he couldn't play trumpet). After that he got depressed and drank, constantly. This was all before I was born. Mum left him. I've never met him. I don't know if I want to.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:15:12 No.7204570
    my dad nearly killed me on more than one occasion when i was a kid due to his anger problems. since i've moved out i do whatever i can to avoid him
    >> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/21/10(Thu)01:15:56 No.7204580
    This is now a misogyny thread
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:18:47 No.7204619

    Thing is though I have never posted in one. I can count the truly amazing girls I have met on one hand. Women have played the worst role in my life by far, but they are all I dream about.
    >> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/21/10(Thu)01:19:33 No.7204634
    That is what we call "stupid".
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:20:41 No.7204655
    I don't get the OP dragonite dad. What the hell is going on in that picture? Who is he pretending to ask for directions?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:21:41 No.7204673

    How is that stupid?
    >> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/21/10(Thu)01:24:02 No.7204708
    Most of your lifes' problems seem to be created by women, and yet, you actively continue to seek them out.
    There's something called "experience" that you should look into.

    He is asking his son if he wants a ride home but his son doesn't want to be seen with his dad so he says no so his dad says he'll pretend he was asking for directions
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:24:29 No.7204716
    The kid doesn't want to be seen riding home with his dad, so to spare his son embarrassment, the father says he will act like he was just asking for directions. That way it will look like they don't know each other.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:28:18 No.7204774

    I've known some super great girls though. Some I've been extremely good friends with and some I've had hardcore crushes on. Just because you meet a bitch or two doesn't mean you should rule out a whole gender. Being lonely and angry must be a horrible life.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:28:53 No.7204786
    my dad is amazing
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:29:16 No.7204794
    My Dad is like Charizard dad. Always telling me to get a better job, stop being a deadbeat. Today I went to the store with my friends to buy beer for him when he was at work, then I went back to my friends house, and while I was there he rang me and asked why there was no beer in the fridge, he then said that I drive him to alcoholism. He is such a dick.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:33:07 No.7204844

    He knew you for twelve years, so that means he's had at least twelve years of a) parental experience and b) time to get to know you. He shouldn't assume you mean it from the bottom of your twelve-years-old-and-has-never-said-a-damn-thing-that-matters-ever heart.


    Almost all kids go through a phase were they're embarrassed of their parents. The OP image is stupid.
    >> Keanu Reeves 01/21/10(Thu)01:41:18 No.7205000
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    I was never embarrassed of my parents, thankyou very much.

    Have you seen Speed, by the way?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)01:41:44 No.7205010
    you won't believe me when I tell you, but some people are simply broken. you probably cold never have made your father proud because he was not capable of being proud of anything, let alone a creature that is sentient.

    fathers should be proud of a son who is ballsy enough to fight with them at all. fathers should be proud of a person because they are a person and won't just be controlled.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)02:12:45 No.7205464
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    I fucking love my dad more than anything.

    Once I got really scared that I was having some sort of heart attack and I called him in a panic at work. He rushed over and sat with me the whole time ensuring me that I was fine and I was just blowing thing out of proportion (which I clearly was)

    My dad isn't the burly marcho type but I had never seen him cry. The next day he gave me this big talk about how how his whole purpose in life is making sure that I am safe and well taken care of and starting crying in the middle of it.

    We grew up somewhat poor. My dad worked his ass off to provide for my mom and me. He worked at footlocker and took the bus everyday to college. For years he did this. Thanks to his sacrifice we live very comfortably now.

    He doesn't drink, he doesn't vent work frustrations out on us, he doesn't even yell. I love my dad more than anything in the world. I could go on for probably an hour or two writing about him but to sum it up, if I could be just half the man he is, I could die happy.

    Pic related. He helps me mod/paint gameboys for fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)02:16:48 No.7205523
    I love my Pa, jesus christ guys... I don't understand how people deal with such shitty Father relations.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)02:19:32 No.7205552
    My dad's a rabbi. All through school, I was an outcast because as a rabbi's kid, I was supposed to be all goody-two shoes and of course couldn't go to a party or touch a girl or whatever. That, and the fact that he couldn't hold a job down in one place for more than five years kind of ruined my childhood.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)02:20:14 No.7205557

    I will be a bad-ass dad like that one day. Work hard for my children, and make sure to show them that they are the reason I wake up.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)02:22:02 No.7205575
    I have a good relationshit with my father,

    Though I am still ;___;

    Fuck you guys...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)02:23:09 No.7205586
    I freaking love my dad. I feel unbelievably sorry for the people who relate to dadonite.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)02:24:18 No.7205597

    Sounds like an awesome dude anon.

    My dad left when I was 2 or so. He is a total alcoholic loser. He told my mom he wasn't going to get a job until I turned 18 so he wouldn't have to pay child support. I don't hate him. I pity him. He is killing himself with alcohol and is alone because of it. He was even selected for that show "Intervention" but the family members involved backed out of it.

    My mom on the other hand is awesome. She busted her ass and was selfless to raise me and make sure I grew up healthy and happy.

    Just taking my dads example and doing the opposite I know I will be a great father some day.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)02:26:59 No.7205627

    D'aw :3

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)02:57:25 No.7206010
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    My dad has some kind of mental thing going on, I don't know what it is. when we were kids my mom took us and left him and hated her for it when we were growing up. My dad used to get really mad, I don't remember much, I try not to.
    he's always called me selfish and lazy and insensitive. I try hard not to believe that I am and I try hard to be the opposite but it's so hard to tell. he was on prozac for a while but he thinks he's all better now so he doesn't take it anymore. I lived at his house for a while and left wen he chased me down the stairs for not responding to his screaming at me. he drinks a lot and smokes pot, neither of those are all that bad except now he NEEDS them to be like a normal human being.
    (girlfag here by the way, sorry if I'm ruining the manly tears thread.)
    he makes up motives for me, like he thinks he knows my reasoning better than I do and on more than one occasion has been standing there yelling at me telling me to cut the bullshit while I cry because I am afraid of him and frustrated because he doesn't believe anything I say and I can't win. he taught me that the truth doesn't mean anything if you're loud and violent enough. he would berate me until I wasn't even sure what the truth was. I wish I could have had one of those disgusting hokey good-friends father-daughter relationships. when I see them now they look perverse to me because I can't understand them. Yes I blame him for some of my hangups, but I don't sit around and use him as an excuse to be an insecure failure either, I don't want to prove anything to him, but I want to be fucking sane and happy for my own sake. and at very least he taught me how not to treat the people you love.

    and now I understand my mother and I wish I hadn't spent so much time thinking she was a quitter. how was I supposed to know? it was what he always said. unoriginalpicblox unrelated
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)03:12:08 No.7206206
    My dad was more like "Kid, I feed you. You owe me, bitch."
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)03:19:43 No.7206290
    Baw, these are so ridiculously sad ;__;

    I love my dad, he's a total badass and an awesome parent. Supportive, encouraging, fair, generous, funny, just so good. I go out for lunch with him all the time instead of seeing friends or going out, this shit makes me realise how lucky I am to have a good relationship with him. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)03:38:32 No.7206501
    I'm an utter disappointment to my dad. He studied engineering in Afghanistan and came to the US with no money. He refused to accept welfare and worked his ass off to earn the six figure salary he's making today.

    I, on the other hand, am doing poorly in school and am the polar opposite of my dad socially and academically. He told me he often wonders "where did I go wrong?" He also told me he wishes he could not give a shit, like I do.

    At least he can brag about my little brother. He just started college with a 4.3 GPA and he's only 16. Shit man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)03:41:45 No.7206531
    Hey, guys! I know some of you feel like you don't spend enough time with your dad. And if that's you, just remember: eventually your dad is going to die, and you won't be able to spend any time with him at all. And it's going to be the saddest moment of your life.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)03:44:17 No.7206549
    i am basically my father. hes just come out of jail, a nicer guy you will not meet. just a little bit too trusting. like myself
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)03:51:46 No.7206630
    Dad left my mom when I was 11, but I still got to see him every once in a while. Last time I remember seeing him was about 4 years ago. I'm 18 now and I hear he remarried.

    Don't know how to feel about this.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)03:54:27 No.7206668
    on monday my dad said he was going to throw me out unless i got a job by friday because he's tired of me disrespecting him. by disrespect he meant when i was cleaning the jelly off the peanut butter jar it wasn't fast enough, that said it took me longer to type the first sentence than to clean the jar and put it away.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)03:54:41 No.7206670

    Fucking this. My dad died when I was 18. Shit just happened out of fucking nowhere; gone within a week. He was a great guy. If I grow up to be half the man he was, I'll consider myself a success.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)03:56:18 No.7206686
    Oh, and he's a fucking millionaire on top of that... so no "YOU'RE A HUGE EXPENSE TO ME UGH"
    He refuses to pay for me to go to the college I want to, then acts like it's my fault I'm not in college right now.
    God this made me remember how much I hate my dad.
    >> My life story 01/21/10(Thu)04:00:42 No.7206738
    My relationship with my father feels almost non-existent except for the biological connection to him. My parents got divorced when i was 6 we lived in a 1 bedroom apartment and i suspect my dad cheated on my mom which caused the divorce( I'm not entirely sure i dont remember being told why my parents got divorced and i never asked). Anyways after that my mother and I i lived in the city for a 1 year a bit, i would visit my my dad on weekends. when i turned 8 i moved to canada. From then on until i was about 13 i would visit him once a year after that i didnt feel like visiting anymore because my dad worked while i was there i was in the house with my grandmother all day while my grandfather was at work we got on each others nerves alot and staying at my grandmothers house was boring as fuck, i didnt feel like my dad really cared much if i didnt come visit him. Between then and now he sent a few emails and tried to communicate with me online a couple times. He came to my graduation and left a day later, since then ive communicated with him twice in email and i texted him merry Christmas its been 7 months since my graduation and to be honest i dont miss him and feel pretty indifferent towards him since i never had a strong relationship with him past the age of 5
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:04:37 No.7206779
    Girl with dad issues eh?

    Soo... whatcha doing later?
    >> My life story 01/21/10(Thu)04:08:00 No.7206816
    I think a big part of the reason i wasn't close with my father is because his dad wasn't around until after my parents got divorced so he didn't really have a role model to figure this parenting shit out. One thing i didnt mention is that my dad got remarried sometime in the last 4 years and didnt tell me, i found out when his "wife" added me to facebook shes 28 i think my dads 43 i think its wierd shes closer to my age than his. To some things up i never had a good relationship with my father and the situation looks hopeless
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:11:13 No.7206844
    samestory except my dad's black (no prozac) and i'm a guy (although i think i might be tg, can't tell sometimes cuz i'm so messed up)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:13:35 No.7206862
    I love my father

    I buy him and my mother expensive presents like a computer or HD LCD TV and do all the programming and setting up for them personally. I fix their computers when they break. I try my best to babysit the kids my parents have fostered out of their own heart and selflessness so they can enjoy some alone time together for dinner or movie or whatever they decide on. I'll shovel the walk, mow the lawn and collect their mail when they are away on vacation. I see my parents at least once or twice a week for dinner and I'll go shopping with my mom to help her carry groceries inside the house on the odd day. I also try to visit my grandparents as often as possible too, because you know they wont be around forever.

    I love my family and I live my life abiding by the rule that nothing is more important then family. My oldest brother and I get along great and we are very close and I am in good standing amongst the remainder of my family for being a genius with computers, for having an amazing job, and a brilliant girlfriend.

    The only downside to this story is my middle brother became addicted by crack cocaine when he was younger and is the biggest fuck up in our family and to this day still is a continually drain on my parents existence and forever will be; because hes fucked in the head. I've lost sympathy and pity for him, but the effect he has on my parents I try to make up for as often as possible. Because they are the most important people to me

    Unless your parents were shameless abusers or neglected you, a big fuck you for you faggots for being ungrateful cunts to your otherwise normal parents.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:21:48 No.7206928
    i love my dad and he loves me. it must suck to be most of you losers
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:27:02 No.7206982
    dad died when i was 10 months old ;_;

    he would probably be proud of me for living longer than he did but secretly disapointed that i haven't done anything to show for it
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:29:28 No.7207004
    I never really knew my dad. He lived with us for a couple of years when I was six, but that was it. My parents got divorced, because he was an alcoholic..and some other reasons I'm not sure of. So he moved away. I think I only saw him once or twice after that. He was always forgetting birthdays, christmas, or coming to visit when he said he would. He'd call though, but I would refuse to talk to him. I didn't like talking to him because he always cried and apologized for being a shitty father.

    Eventually, his alcoholism caught up to him and he got some kind of liver disease. He came to visit once, but he looked so disgusting from his illness I didn't even want to touch him. A couple of years after that, when I was 15, he ended up in the hospital... in critical condition. I wanted to go see him, but my mother wouldn't let me. A few days later, he died.

    I still feel awful about it. I know most people here don't believe in god or the afterlife or whatever, but I just.. hope he doesn't think I hated him. I wish I could say sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:35:01 No.7207043
    "Hey Son, YA WINNIN'?"
    "Eh, kinda, I'm just playing support though."
    "Oh, that's cool. You wanna hit some balls after you're done?"
    *Takes a moment to think of childhood of getting yelled at for not doing golf right*
    "Uh... no thanks, golf just isn't my thing."
    "Oh... alright."

    I do like doing stuff with my dad, but not golf.
    Please, anything but golf.
    Or really anything sport related.
    Except for fishing.
    Fuck year.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:37:12 No.7207058
    I've never been able to communicate properly with my father. All through my life he's been a worthless pothead who won't go out and get a job. He'd find a job once a year and stay there for three weeks until he'd quit. Its gotten so bad that when he puts his resume out there, they automatically ignore it because he has such a bad rep. He would sleep all day, watch C-span and smoke weed.
    Its so sad because he's a very intelligent person, but he has no people skills. He lets his anger take control of him and is always taking his anger out on my mother. He never physically harmed her, but he would always yell at her because she wouldn't agree with him on his dumbass ploys. Its real embarrassing to be out with my father, and the way he eats is disgusting. I don't know where all his potential went.

    After we moved from Vietnam to the US, he worked his way up quickly at IBM, and soon became a high ranking manager. He's good at computers but is so lazy. He makes stupid decisions like bad investments and argues with my mother because she is the only rational person in the family. Year round my mother was the only one working and the only one supporting our family. We used to live in a very nice neighborhood(million dollar houses), but my father managed to fuck that up, he couldn't hold a job.

    7 Years ago is when my mother finally divorced my father and now we live in a 2 bedroom apartment with a roach infestation. Its okay though because we're happier with out him. My father is in Texas right now, and calls me maybe 6 times a month. I don't ever answer because I can't stand him one bit.

    He basically ruined our family and any chance of having a nice lifestyle. Now I go to a community college because we don't have enough money for me to go to a nicer school. My financial aid won't allow us too much money because my mother makes "enough."

    Fucking bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:38:58 No.7207068
    My dad`s an alcoholic, and I haven`t spoken to him in 5 years. Last thing I heard from him was that he hates me.

    Yeah fuck you too dad.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:41:38 No.7207090
    Oh, and to add he fucking sold the pair of diamond earrings that my Grandmother had given him.

    Those earrings were supposed to be for us(brother and I) when we get married, we would give them to our wives on wedding day.

    He sold them so he could buy weed.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:43:27 No.7207099
    I haven't seen my father in about 3-4 years. I remember as a kid seeing him and playing with him and shit. Him and my mom had me when I was 17. (fucking ghetto Hispanics. had my big bro at 16, and my lil bro at 18)

    He's smart, has a degree in engineering. Too bad he's a druggie. He's probably some where conning people and doing drugs. I really don't miss him, or *love* him. Fucking asshole never payed child support and still owes money.

    I some times wonder how fathers can abandon their kids, I can never see myself do that.

    Never had a real "mom" either. Fuck man, you people who have both parents are lucky bastards. It be nice knowing how it feels to come home to a good family.

    BAWWWW :(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:43:54 No.7207106
    My dad left for NY when I was 12. He missed my entire development as a man. Sure, I went to see him for the summers, but that's 2 1/2 months out of the year.

    Now he's on my ass about 'continuing the family line' and 'getting laid before I turn 30' 24-year-old virgin here.

    I wonder if he even knows how much him leaving has made me into what I am now? I'm working to get over it, but I get so fucking pissed when he asks 'ya get any yet?' that I'm just tempted to send him a cup of my sperm with a note that reads 'God speed, Dad.'
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:46:52 No.7207138
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    >Him and my mom had me when I was 17. (fucking ghetto Hispanics. had my big bro at 16, and my lil bro at 18)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:48:58 No.7207160

    maybe not 16-18...

    But I'm sure they had us before 20..
    >> Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, Warden of the White Council of Wizards, P.I. !!yViB1owVhsp 01/21/10(Thu)04:50:02 No.7207169
    He's making a joke at the expense of your typo.

    Unless you actually gestated for almost 18 years, then that's just crazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:52:22 No.7207186
    i took 5 min. to realize my mistake..

    i need sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:54:13 No.7207202
    My dad was an expert at pretending to be a nice guy, while secretly being an abusive bastard. Mom couldn't divorce him until I was 13 because he was a cop and would win in court until I was old enough to have a say legally. Physical abuse wasn't uncommon, psychological abuse and intimidation went from a sometimes thing to a frequent thing to a constant thing. Sad thing is if he didn't have that side he's a pretty cool guy, and he definitely had both a positive and negative impact on my life. He refuses to acknowledge he ever did anything wrong. I haven't seen him in almost 10 years and only talk to him ever few years.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)04:58:55 No.7207237
    My father is an engineer and is always concerned with practicality. I am a Mathematician and see beauty and use in abstract ideas.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:02:14 No.7207264
    I love my dad. The older I get the more I realize I'm a lot like him. He has always been really supportive and we've had a good relationship. He introduced me to most of my hobbies now and taught me so much. I don't see him very often anymore because of college and his job, but when I come home and he's home I always try to talk to him the most.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:03:56 No.7207275
    My dad is a badass. I had the opportunity to go to this big awesome party my sister was raving about when she got home from it, but I opted to stay in and get sauced with dad instead.

    He's been to some really interesting places in the world and isn't afraid of picking up new hobbies just for fun. He's tried wood-carving, boating, canoing, car-remodeling, architecture and all kinds of other things. Were it not for me and my sister he and my mother would be very wealthy.

    And that is my problem. He's so awesome and so badass that my greatest fear in life is that I don't live up to him. I've taken a semester off from college because I just cannot figure out what I want to do with my life and it eats at me because I feel like I'm just disappointing him and my mom because of it.

    I mean, I know I'll find something eventually. HE always tells me about how when he was my age he was in exactly the same position I was. He tells me he's proud of me and that I'm the best son he could ask for, and I lay awake at night thinking about how poorly off I'd be if that changed.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:10:23 No.7207307
    My dad and I never had much of a relationship. He just went to work and occasionally made some really slight effort to pretend like he knew what was going on in my life. I wanted to do something about it as I got older, but I didn't know how to start. There was already such a gulf between us and it felt weird for either of us to show affection. We generally only did it when one of us was leaving/arriving at an airport.

    Now his dementia is such that we have no chance of connecting. He doesn't remember shit and basically has to be cared for like a child. Due to his mental state, he practically pissed away all our family's money and I'm not sure how we can pay off our debts, much less pay for the nursing home he needs. He can be verbally abusive to my mom (due to the dementia), but he's so physically weak and vulnerable that his hurtful words seem comically ineffectual. It's not how you like to see a man you looked up to end up.

    TL;DR Don't have a son. Don't get old, either.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:13:43 No.7207322
    My Dad and I are complete BUDS.
    He's always trying to get me to laid every time I see him.
    He's a total BRO.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:15:28 No.7207332
    Your dad's love isn't contingent on your accomplishments, bro. Your life isn't some kind of book that has to keep him entertained. Trust me, he'd love you even if you were some unrepentant fuck up.

    So don't lie awake at night wondering if you'll ever be good enough. Get your sleep so you have energy to be awesome in your own way.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:19:25 No.7207352
    my popi was generally absent when i was a kid, which was really rough at the time. i hated my mom because she'd be the one doing the discipline in his place, but it was always worst when she said "just wait until your father gets home." when i was a teen, and he was home more, the void opened up for real. i finally graduated from university a month ago and he presented me with my first dSLR. now i realize that that's what a dad should be, a silent provider type.

    i love my dad, and now that i am living 6000 miles away in a little town where i walk everywhere, i appreciate all the stuff he's done for me and my family. i email once a week and call home with skype every two to see what's shaking.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:20:02 No.7207355

    My grandma went down the exact same way, Anon. Truly sorry to hear. It's a miserable thing to have to watch.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:24:16 No.7207377

    above eveything else, i fear my fathers death
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:28:32 No.7207395
    holy shit are there any more of these? make me lol about how much lame shit like this my dad used to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:31:22 No.7207417
    >He came to my graduation and left a day later
    I can do one better. My dad didn't even stay to the end of my graduation ceremony. The instant they called my name, I saw him wave, get up, and leave.

    Funny thing is, it really didn't hurt or anything like that. I didn't grow up with him (for some odd reason, my family had me think he was my uncle until I was 13), yet we somehow are EXACTLY alike. I expected as much from him. Hell, he even told me he was glad that my mother married someone with a last name close to the beginning of the alphabet (began with a C) so he wouldn't have to be there as long. He was never much for crowds.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:36:58 No.7207450
    >lame shit

    I think there's a point you missed
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:40:50 No.7207471
    My dad said he won't come to my 21st birthday party because my mum will be going.

    Grow up, Dad.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:41:24 No.7207476
    My father neglected me basically for my whole life. At 20 I needed some information about him for government related paperwork so I asked my mom to call him and get them. He asked if he could speak to me or visit sometime. I said no. There's a good chance he'll die without ever seeing me again. I'm sure we both feel pretty bad about that but any chance for a normal relationship has passed. He doesn't really have a son and I don't really have a father.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:42:07 No.7207477
    You're not the only one. My mother says that my dad's been a die hard gym rat and vegan as long as she's known him, and that's around 33 years or so. He's in better condition and a good majority of men my age (30), former amateur bodybuilder, the works. Still didn't prevent a major atery in his heart clogging up over 90%.

    Scared the shit out of me when he told me. I mean... if someone in such awesome condition can still have a heart attack, fuck... I'll be lucky if I make it to 35
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:43:43 No.7207489
    I have the same problem, my dad's been through tons of shit and had an amazing life travelling all around the world and starting up a successful business. He's been good in everything he does and I don't think I'll ever be able to live up to him.
    >> The Red Barron 01/21/10(Thu)05:44:06 No.7207494
    Dammit 4chan

    Please remind me of EVERY SINGLE TIME I have done anything stupid
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:50:38 No.7207521
    So you ask for a favor from your dad, but you won't even let him see you when he wants. Then you blame him for not having a relationship with you. BAWWW I WONT HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH MY DAD BECAUSE I WONT LET HIM CONTACT ME

    What the fuck is wrong with you
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:54:08 No.7207542
    forget dadonite, i want milftales
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:54:17 No.7207547
    funny, though I'm a girl I feel and act more like a guy. still look pretty girly though. also I'm white, but I didn't specify that in my earlier post, how did you know that you being black would make it a difference?

    over exercise is as bad for your health as none.. worse even.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:54:38 No.7207549
    Ha, my father relationship doesn't exist anymore. I sort of wish I had the cool dad to begin with but it didn't work out. I told him off when I was 17 and haven't talked to him since.

    It wasn't that he was the worst person to exist, he was pretty bad still. He got drunk all the time, hit me, hit my sister, hit my mum, cheated, did drugs, crashed all the cars he or my mum owned while he lived with us, and then persisted to seem disappointed in me and my sister for not coming out the right sex. Over the years he tried to convince us our mother was trying to brainwash us into hating him when we didn't feel that way. He also tried to force religion and his ideals on us, ironically in a fit of trying to brainwash us.

    At the same time I feel guilty, because he asks for forgiveness, but I'm too stubborn for that shit. It's sort of depressing to know if he had been there or a father I would have a better relationship with my parents overall. Wouldn't have felt like pushing my dad off when he asked to do something because I thought he was worthless. I have no intention in seeing him again though, probably wont until he's dead.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:58:42 No.7207592
    I'm an asshole a lot to my dad, but he's grumpy a lot too. It's not just me. Typically when he's nice to me I'm nice to him. I show him lots of music and buy him CDs all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:59:09 No.7207595
    My father was an abusive, alcoholic, fundamentalist charzardad who, years after the fact, considers himself a dadonite.

    Fuck. It. I want absolutely nothing to do with him.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)05:59:56 No.7207604
    It's not like ever overdid anything. It was just... healthiest diet you could hope for and STILL wind up with arterial blockage?

    It's a wonder I'm not dead already. I've inhereted his gym rat tendencies, albeit not nearly as high, and my diet is utter shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:04:17 No.7207632
    you know what?

    if your fathers were so fucking cool, you wouldn't have been dicks to them. Obviously they're doing something wrong.

    ME? well, my parents love me sooo much. never been divorced. i suppose i could say my dad has been a real dick in the past, but i was quite fucked up (socially insane) and even though it wasn't the best choice to fuck with my head, i can understand.

    But they're boring as fuck. I don't want to get a shitty, boring ass job and make shitty, boring ass money for my shitty, boring ass self, fat wife, and ugly kids.

    if i was my dad, four or five years ago, i'd go apeshit. i don't understand how a "work all day go up north once a month" lifestyle is so uber cool for old folks.

    but i'm an asshole so w/e.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:05:06 No.7207639
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:07:03 No.7207655
    Fuck this thread, its making me baw IRL of how much ive neglected my dad. Going to phone him now.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:07:39 No.7207659
    My parents split when I was 10 and I moved away from my dad, I'm 20 now I see him once or twice a year now (Never speak or email etc) and it's really awkward every time even though I know he loves/misses me :(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:10:28 No.7207669

    I'm 22 and up until about a year ago, I really felt like I was dead-set on a solitary life, or at least one with marriage and no kids.

    Now, that's magically changing. I actually sort of want my own little girl.

    Just wait for the human instinct to breed to kick in. That, or I guess pedophilia.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:14:15 No.7207685
    I fucking love my Dad. He gets high and drunk all the time, but works like a motherfucker as an industrial laundry supervisor. He could be on a disability pension but works hard so that we can live well. My mother is a spiritual, irrational, control-freak bitch that he left an then came back to for reasons I'm not privy too. He's such a cool guy, so laid back. He's okay on his own, which is what I look for in other people when I consider becoming friends. If they're dependent on my company then they're not worth giving it too. I have a full conversation with him maybe once a day. Both of us know a lot about theoretical and quantum physics, so we talk about that a lot. Last night he bounced a theory he'd come up with off me. Due to his substance abuse he's going to die probably in the next ten years, but I'm okay with that because I know that while he was alive we had a good relationship and I became as intellectual as he wanted me to be - philosophically. I love my Dad, man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:24:15 No.7207738
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    oc up in her
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:32:56 No.7207791
    I'm going to try my best not to annoy my kids, but I'll probably end up as dragonite dad.
    >> footfag 01/21/10(Thu)06:33:29 No.7207795
    I somehow cannot relate to any of these. My dad never shows any emotion or anything. Never asks about anything about me.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:36:02 No.7207807

    My dad hates me... I wish I had the kind of dad that did this stuff. He once sat with me after my mum forced him too, he got up after thirty seconds and called me a fucking idiot. That was when I was 9. I haven't seen him for twelve years and he hasn't tried to contact me once... Fuck, I never realized, but having a dad is my biggest wish.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:36:03 No.7207809
    My dad works in another city and comes about once in a month or 2, leaves some money says hes going to be back in 1 month, doesnt care if you go broke cause he is late and for some reason thinks he leaves us alot of money.

    My mother is on pills half the time(usually when shes not yelling for stupid nonimportant shit) NEVER cooks, always whines, when she actually does something usefull around the house she brags like she climbed a fucking mountain, and also, even when I was completely broke with no money to eat (yeah, we dont share food in this house) she didnt want to cook or give me money, I had to borrow money from my friends. Also, she talks to herself and usually its pretty loud.

    Needless to say I never got any usefull advice from these 2, or any help with my problems when I was a little kid.

    But I found out its easier to hate someone than love, so yeah I have 2 less funerals I need to attend to in my life. Fuck you mom and dad you irresponsible idiotic pieces of shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:37:59 No.7207824
    I'm gonna baww in the corner now and feel terrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:39:42 No.7207830
    I was like this to both of my parents when my mom was very ill with lung cancer, and after she died, I started smoking weed and generally didn't give a shit about everything and was like this to my dad.
    Last few years, I spent it failing at life in general and taking money from him and my grandma and now that I have shit kinda together, I feel like a total dick and like I owe him so much.
    It' kinda evened out though. I see him just about every week, talk to him more...even though it is just for laundry. I think after I move into a house and get a laundry set that isn't owned by every thief and nigger in the neighborhood, I'll still go over and have sunday dinner with him every week.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:40:51 No.7207834

    Thing is, I learned to take care of myself at an early age, I wont care when they die and generally im doing what the hell I want cause noone can say shit to me. Id rather be like this than be controlled by my parents to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:42:03 No.7207840
    Fuck fathers. Fathers are low-tier.

    Mothers are god-tier. Go hug your mom.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:42:17 No.7207842
    FUCKING THIS! every time I hear it I start to cry, my dad and I are too much alike to get along, i know it sounds strange but I dont expect anyone to understand.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:43:10 No.7207849
    Fuck, I'm moving out of home in a month to go to university 1000km away... This thread makes me realise how much I'll miss my dad.
    >> footfag 01/21/10(Thu)06:44:33 No.7207858
    There s nothing special about having a dad. I had a dad and he used me as a punching bag during my childhood.

    Parents are overrated and given too much credit.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:47:42 No.7207871

    you want mine ? All your wishes will come true
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:50:07 No.7207883
    My dad used to pick me up from school some times. I used to get bullied a lot, and when he saw them beating into me he would come up and beat the shit outta them, then he would take me home and beat me for not defending myself. One time one of the kids parents complained and they called him in the next day, then he dragged me in and showed them all the bruises that he gave me and blamed the bully.

    He also played Warhammer 40k with me.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:51:33 No.7207888
    Godammit, it's barely past noon here and I'm crying already.

    Thanks a lot you fuckers ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:52:00 No.7207893
    My dad would never play warhammer with me ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:52:24 No.7207895

    your dad is a smart guy for not letting you grow up to be a pussy
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:53:58 No.7207909
    My dad always used to rent films on the TV and ask me if I wanted to watch it and when I was too busy on the computer I'd say no and stay in my room.

    He'd order two pizzas, watch the film by himself, eat the pizza by himself. After it finished I'd go down, take my pizza upstairs and ask him if it was good.

    Then he'd go to bed.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:54:18 No.7207910

    whats there to cry about
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:57:41 No.7207930
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)06:58:26 No.7207937
    I'm sorry for you fags but I had an awesome relationship with my dad.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)07:03:40 No.7207978
    He played Catachans while I was Space Marines
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)07:06:09 No.7208001
    Geeze, makin me feel guilty for the times I didn't go to the store with my old man.

    ...guess I'll have to call him, then.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)07:20:17 No.7208110
    No. nocantrelatebloxbecausemydaddidstuffwithmeevenifhewasntperfect
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:01:07 No.7208411
    Me and my dad don't talk much.. to tell the truth I live with him in our home (he was dropped by coworker 5 months ago) and the house is filled with silence until my mother comes back for dinner..
    I don't recognized it like a bad thing..don't talk with him is already a custom since years.
    It's just that we don't get along well. When I was a kid I used to live with my grand parents and I ve got used to live on my own, or at least to dislike company of someone who isn't of my age, or a lot older like grannies.

    We don't have anything to talk about, and so both keep the mouth shut.
    When I will be a dad I'm not going to become like him, dammit. I want to have a son/daughter who can have someone to talk with, or at least to trust.
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 01/21/10(Thu)08:05:46 No.7208445
    This thread makes me want to go hang out with my dad.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:10:20 No.7208474
    I would always get mad in movies when the kid would be like "Daaaad! Stop driving me to school! It's embarrassing!"

    No one I knew in my old high school cared who took you home or dropped you off.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:15:44 No.7208511
    i have never spoken about anything personal to either of my parents. my dad has never asked me about anything like that. we talk about math, economics, politics and the stock market. and he likes to talk about shit he has bought/is going to buy. shit's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:18:54 No.7208532
    I'm surprised at how common the aloof father is amongst /r9k/. My own dad was the same way. When I was young, I used to play little league baseball, and my dad was pretty into it. He wasn't living vicariously or anything, I was just a little kid, but he would insist I play catch with him, and so on, and I loved the fuck out of it. It was awsm. That Christmas he bought be a toy, it was a metal frame with a net in it. It was designed so that when you pitched a ball into it, it would return the ball at nearly the same height and speed, so you could play catch with yourself. I think I used it once, quit baseball, never went back. Between my two parents, my mother handled raising us, whereas my dad only paid for us and disciplined us when my mom couldn't bear to. As such, he took the role of the tyrant, and my relationship with him never really recovered. Ever since I moved away to go to college, though, I've been trying to treat him more equitably with my mother, but it's just tough. I just don't have the same kind of bond. I suppose most of you could say that, though, from a quick skim of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:19:28 No.7208538
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    My dad would be like this but i don't allow him to since i treat him like an equal human and we give each other space and respect. I knew 2 brothers in public school whos dad had a skin disease which caused a ton of bumps all over him and he would drop them off at school like a street away so nobody could see him.

    I would never EVER do that, if the faggots at school don't approve of my family then fuck them, i'll move on from normal people every few years but i love my parents and their feelings matter.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:24:37 No.7208585
    aw man aw awwwwwww aw

    one time when the matrix reloaded came out, everyone was super excited at my school so me and my best friend + little brother went to see it and my dad came. So we went to sit in the theater, seats everywhere. We sit in good seat and my dad sits in a seat like 5 meters away, just sitting there, blank expression, when asked to come sit with his hes like NOPE, I CAN SEE GOOD HERE. we all just looked at each tother as if to say,, aw jesus..
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:28:05 No.7208612
    Quick, while you are still able to learn better, while you are still able to recognize the dysfunctional nature of your upbringing...GET THERAPY. I had a dysfunctional upbringing, too, much like what you are talking about, only I was lucky that my mom was an anchor of affection. It took me years, but I tell you, I have no idea where I would be now without therapy, except that things would be a lot worse. You can gain the emotional strength to accept a healthy, loving relationship...if you act now. Don't wait too long, or these wounds will heal shut and leave scars that you will carry with you your entire life, and you will forget that you are even carrying them. Don't let your habits crystallize into a twisted tribute to his ugliness. Get help now, while you still can. Please.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:33:10 No.7208641

    farsiwal or pathan?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:41:31 No.7208693
    I just realise that I never told either one of my parents I love them and if one of them would pass away tomorrow.... :(

    I need a fucking phone right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:45:59 No.7208715
    My father was an alcoholic. A sad case.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:47:01 No.7208717
    Damnit, my dad loves me, but that is him :(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:49:19 No.7208734
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    My dad works insanely hard.
    His dad was a farmer, and his grandad was a farmer. He was a farmer until he turned 20, then decided he wanted to go try his hand at business. The dude went to university while working full time, and graduated dux (valedictorian).

    He got a job at a big company and worked his way up until he was running the business in two countries. I forget what sort of annual turnover they do, but it's in the hundreds of millions. Every day he gets up at 3AM and doesn't sleep until 9 or 10 at night.

    Unfortunately, scaling the corporate ladder like that meant that he was pretty much absent for almost all of my childhood. And when he was around, he was always yelling and swearing. He'd make grand gestures to try to make up for it (like buying us cool stuff), but each and every time it drove us further and further apart. I'm pretty sure he's cheated on my mother, and lately she has talking about leaving him.

    Lately he's been trying to talk to me more, but we really don't have anything we can relate about, and to be honest, I'm not sure I want to. My older brother and sister have already moved out of the house, so I think he's finally realised that he's missed his chance with them so he's trying to get closer to me, or something like that.

    tl;dr BAWWW
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:51:31 No.7208743
    When I was in High School, my parents got divorced and I stayed with my mom and whenever my dad asked me to do something with him on the weekends, I would ALWAYS blow him off :(((
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:51:34 No.7208744

    My dad is a self-made millionaire. He literally went from being dirt poor to being the managing director for a big company.

    I dropped out of uni, quit my job and sit around the house all day. I've often thought about killing myself, but he's always said "suicide is for pussies".

    Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:55:42 No.7208765
    How can you literally be dirt poor?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:58:25 No.7208775
    ever see waterworld
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)08:59:23 No.7208780
    It's literally metaphorical? :p
    The dude was really poor, like, below the poverty line poor.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:05:45 No.7208814
    i wish i had a dadonite. At thanksgiving he told me i was a 'poor investment'... yeah. I just graduated and bought a condo in the city. ;-; life is unjust
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:07:07 No.7208827
    My dad is pretty much the most awesome dad on earth. While he can have a quick temper now and then, he's pretty cool. We weren't poor when I grew up, but we weren't super rich either. We always had "enough" money. Now that I'm older I feel bad sometimes when I think back how much of a brat I was in my teens.

    I live away from home now, about 30 mins drive. I still see my parents about once a month (my mom is awesome too). My relationship is great with my dad.

    I think a large part of it is because from what my mom has told me my dads dad was pretty much a bastard. He put my dad and his siblings in boarding school and hardly ever saw them. Apparently he also drank and beat his wife. So I think my dad has pretty much gone out of his way to be awesome.

    Growing up he was always there when I needed him. And I know now he's only a phone call away and that he would do pretty much anything for me if I asked him.

    This thread made me realise how lucky I am. When I see him again later this month I'm gonna give him a hug.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:07:44 No.7208830
    My dad is a cop, but a pretty decent and honest guy. I've always known, somehow, that he wanted a super cool athlete/overachiever for a son. Too bad he got a skinny bookworm computer expert instead. I'm 24 now and I smoke weed everyday; if he knew...I dunno what he'd do. Shit, maybe he can tell and just doesn't mention it. I don't see him that often despite us living 15 minutes away.

    We didn't get along for a long time, because it's widely known that he cheated on mom and that led to divorce; dad then married the woman he'd been seeing so I guess you can't blame him too much...they've been together 10 years, so it must have been a lot more than some tryst. It's hard to keep blaming him after a decade, plus the divorce wasn't too bad, he never hurt anyone...though I do recall a few times when he pushed my mom against a wall and yelled at her, and I would sit in my room thinking "if I hear him hit her, I'm going to get a knife from the kitchen and stab him. he can't hit my mom". I never heard/saw him hit her, though. The worst part was that I wanted to live with mom (remember my dad had cheated, I was pissed at him, plus mom was richer, nicer, could cook, etc) but somehow he got custody of me AND my younger brother, I guess because he was a cop? I dunno how that works. So I had to live with strict cop curfew, wasn't allowed a car until I was 18 (despite being able to buy one myself), and he was generally pretty cold towards me while favoring my brother.

    Now he's super nice to me, whenever I see him. I think he's just mellowed out a lot and is trying to make up for being harsh when I was a kid. I dunno. I just don't know how to talk to him and I feel like we're way too different, and that I definitely am NOT the son he wanted...

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:08:55 No.7208834
    No you're not. As if some thread about anons talking about how much of a bro/dick their dads were could change concinve you to do something you should've done a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:09:11 No.7208838
    My father is quite insane and he was dissapoint that he could no longer give me beatings when I grew too big (he litteraly told me that). I didn't get any allowance ever and had to give up one third of my pay from summerjobs to my parents (from which one was he let me work as an underaged in a pigslaughter house). He is also majorly paranoid and has these insane rules or fits for no reason whatsoever. Then they're constantly complaining that I don't have any friends or don't spend money on social events. No wonder I turned out such a cynical aspie neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:09:28 No.7208842
    mum and dad divorced when I was 6. always see him every few weeks, he bought me clothes and took me out to lunch and stuff.
    so i guess it wasn't bad.
    it really hurt me when he got married to some chick and invited the whole family except me. i found out about it a week later from a cousin.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:11:10 No.7208850
    how the fuck did he justify doing that to you?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:11:42 No.7208853
    my dad is awesome and I can't relate to this crap. I'm a pretty shitty son but I never pulled any of this crap

    tl;dr you are bad and should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:12:01 No.7208857
    Sadness. It ALMOST makes me feel bad, but my father's a d-bag right back half the time. Shit is better now that I barely live with him anymore, but will be 100% cash when I'm big/strong enough to hold my own in a fight with him. I get the feeling he'll only respect me fully as an adult when I can beat the piss out of him, regardless of how responsible I am. *sigh*

    Being a shortfag sucks. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:12:46 No.7208860
    I do this to my dad because I'm tired of spending 13 years wondering if he going to come pick me up like he said he would or if he will turn up to my school play. Instead he would rather stay at home with his multiple girlfriends. I gave up trying to pander to his attentions a while ago and now he is back and wants to 'make up for it'. Coincidence that his girlfriend just left him?

    Dads fucking suck.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:25:17 No.7208922
    lol, you people have fathers.
    this thread makes sense out of the /r9k/ content tho
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:26:54 No.7208935
    It really does, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:33:39 No.7208972
    From my experience it's usually the new wife's fault. Your dad will do whatever she says as long as they're married so I wouldn't count on your father for anything. My dad left me and my sister when I was a toddler and I found him when I was 18. The excuse was that he didn't want to upset his new wife and kids.

    Tip for people looking for deadbeat dads: Let them stay missing.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:41:35 No.7209014
    >didn't get any allowance ever and had to give up one third of my pay from summerjobs to my parents

    fuck America for making you think you're entitled to an allowance.
    But yeah, same story pretty much. My mum always borrowed money from me (as in $200 for groceries, not $5 when she forgot her wallet).
    My dad..I searched him on google a few minutes ago and apparently he's some event manager, I don't remember him at all and have only heard him speak one word on a video :/
    I'm gonna email him now and see if he really is the father I always wanted, or the faggot he logically should be, seeing as he left when I was 3 and has never tried to contact me.
    >> Six of Spades !!laKnRUJ70gO 01/21/10(Thu)09:42:50 No.7209022
    Argh, I see some of myself in this one. My dad lives abroad now, and when he's over in England I do make an active effort to see him, but we tend to argue a lot. But then when he's not around, he says he'd chat with me whenever on Skype; but I always end up talking to friends instead...

    I'll definitely make time for him this weekend now.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:46:07 No.7209037
    Dammit /r9k/ this is why I'll always come back; underneath all your shitty tendencies and trolling you're great people capable of amazing life-related threads. <3
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:49:16 No.7209058
    That is entirely its own reward, man. Being an actually valuable and worthwhile person. These other dads will never get to experience that.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:56:24 No.7209113
    Dammit you cunts I'm crying my ass off. Now thanks to you I am able to be a better person and live a more fulfilling life.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)10:02:34 No.7209158

    This was the opposite for me till I was like 12. My dad is frequently told me I'd achieve nothing in life and that my interests were stupid. He didn't show any interest in me and discarded everything I was. I haven't seen him since I moved out at 16. I don't want to see him again.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)10:15:15 No.7209265
    My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when I was still very young, and being the second born son (by a gap of about 6 years) I barely got any attention.

    My brother went to like 4 private schools after being repeatedly expelled, and generally had tons of issues. He was a child prodigy, at like A-level maths standard by the time he was finishing primary school, so naturally my dad thought he was the best son ever.

    I was fairly average, excelled at nothing except being quiet and well behaved. I sucked at sports, and if I did get to play in a school match, neither of my parents ever showed up. I only had my teachers cheering me on in those games.

    Feels bad man.

    Anyway skip forward 10+ years, I have a degree in genetics and am pretty fucking smart. My brother went on a long downard spiral of drinking and drugs, became addicted to heroin, and after half a dozen failed attempts, killed himself in his london bedsit.

    I dont feel angry, maybe a little bit sad. Despite everything that has happened Ive tried to maintain a relationship with both of my parents (divorced). Both had pretty fucked up childhoods. Once I learned that, it was pretty easy to forgive them for any faults or deficiencies in my childhood - its not their fault, just part of the cycle of abuse.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)10:45:32 No.7209553
    My Dad went crazy with a roque mallet and tried to kill me and my mother when I was five.
    Luckily we escaped from The Overlook Hotel and Stephen King wrote a book about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:11:21 No.7209768

    Nothing like mental illness to fuck up a decent family. My mom pretty much destroyed my teenage years... at 22, I'm sort of going through the stuff 16-year-olds figure out socially. Luckily my dad is a good guy, even if a bit distant. He's moved out since a divorce would be too taxing since he'd likely have to cover medical fees (my mom's already spent all his cash, so he's fucked). I'll be there for him when it's time for him to retire... he raised me pretty well, and doesn't deserve whatever it is that happens to retirement-age folk with no cash.

    Around 8th grade, he did make fun of my math skills (I was homeschooling, and my mom was doing a poor job of it). I went into high school and scored As and a few Bs consistently. Same in college (one semester left in Comp Sci, 3.9 GPA). He pretty much gave me a reason to prove him wrong... I reminded him of my grades so often then he admitted to me he wasn't the star student he'd claimed to be. I had him beat in math.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:11:23 No.7209770
    This thread is making me cry like a little bitch.

    My dad's got cancer and I still don't spend time with him. I'm such a fucking selfish cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:14:31 No.7209804
    My dad is a whiney little autistic bitch.
    He doesn't understand the concept of mean or self-deprecating humor and constantly BAWWWs about things that are actually funny but he takes them serious and doesn't know a joke when he sees one.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:18:53 No.7209843

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:36:35 No.7209993
    I wish I had a dad like this ;_;.

    My dad was a severely depressed and unwell alcoholic who use to abuse my half siblings and my mother, and as such by the time I was two or three we had moved away and I never saw him again. All throughout my early years the idea of my father was an incredibly demonised one, I remember thinking of him as a bastard yet never truly knowing why.

    But I always grew up thinking that one day when I was old and mature and maybe he was straightened out I could see him, and we could catch up on those missing years and hang out. Well I'm 18 now. And that day will never come. He died when I was 10.

    Then when I was a teenager and learnt more about him I kind of got my pieces to the puzzle and learnt about his upbringing, and kind of got the idea that he had a good heart but didn't deal with his shit and eventually got crushed by it all. This made me want him more than ever.

    Recently I learnt of how severe his abuse of my brother and sister was and how much of it was minimised and covered up, which has created a whole lot more issues. I mean, his only legacy to his family beside my genetic expression of him is the abuse and trauma he inflicted on the people I love the most. It makes it difficult to come to a disposition toward him I can reconcile with.

    Anyway, I should see his family. I haven't seen them since I was 2, and I've seen them a few times in the last few years.

    All you guys with Dadonite fathers should be grateful.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:38:47 No.7210013
    I remember how it all fell apart, I just texted a "fuck you" to my dad and then he gradually became this raging violent ass.

    Fuck him.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:42:50 No.7210051
    That's pretty much the saddest thing I've read in a while.

    Manly tears anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:11:20 No.7210305
    Me and my family used to live in an old house considerably crappier than the ones surrounding it. It was fucksmall. But we were able to move in to a nicer one as my father has worked his ass of for as long as I can remember. There was one problem with him though. His face was rather fucked up. He most definitely wasn't a pretty sight. I was horribly ashamed of him when I was a kid/teen. I never brought friends home, unless dad was somewhere else. I never wanted him to come to any school fairs or anything like that. Childish maybe, but having someone near Deadpoolish as a dad isn't something anyone would want. He got a lot of shit for that. People on the streets frowned at the sight of him, children cried and workmates avoided him. I never wanted him to come to any baseball matches, or anything that proud parents usually attend. Proud, that's something he was. I did well in school and hobbies, and he often told me that he couldn't wish for a better son with tears in his eyes. When he tried to hug me I would back up. He bought me all those cool things all kids wanted. I got the nintendo, game boy, an awesome bike. He never bought much for himself, maybe an occasional cd or video.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:11:56 No.7210313

    When I grew up to be a teen, I sometimes raeg'd hard at him when he knocked at my door and asked if I wanted to throw some balls. Being a teen I was very strict of my privacy. Once after I had thrown a huge tantrum he asked me why I didn't want to spend time with him. I basically told him that no-one would want to spend time with a fucking mutant like that. "I don't really even know why mom hasn't left you". He didn't even get mad. He just sat down and was silent for a long time. After some time I just spat out "What is it? It's not like I've got the whole day".
    "You see" he began, "a long time ago, when you were just a baby, we, you, your mother and I, lived in a nice house in a nice neighbourhood. Rosie (my mom) and I had just had you, and I were the proudest parents ever. Then one night there was a fire. A candle, an oven maybe, we still don't know what caused it. Anyways, when I got mom out the whole house was in flames. Then I realized that you were still upstairs. I rushed in and grabbed you in my arms. I covered you with my own body and we finally got out. Our home and everything we had burned that night. I was burnt and spent the next three weeks in hospital. I didn't even really care if I died back then. I was just happy that I got you and Rosie out. That is why I look like this."

    I fucking cried. The situation has burned into my memory. I just cried for hours while my father hugged me. He has looked like an angel ever since.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:12:28 No.7210319
    I have a blastoise dad.

    I love you, you smelly old drunk.
    >> GentianTruth !!yFnF62O2fzN 01/21/10(Thu)12:14:53 No.7210349
    I want to cry quite badly now. Happy tears.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:15:28 No.7210357
    "He has looked like an angel ever since."

    Manly tears. That is beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:16:18 No.7210367
    No, my dad's awesome

    Fuckin' love my dad.
    >> GentianTruth !!yFnF62O2fzN 01/21/10(Thu)12:17:55 No.7210386
    That's one of the most beautiful things I've ever read on here. Your dad is a blessing, and that's coming from a totally non-religious and non-spiritual person. What a great guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:21:46 No.7210435
         File1264094506.jpg-(29 KB, 450x298, 9_12joel_home.jpg)
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    You fucking DICK. How can you fail to recognise a burn victim? Your father should have left you in that house.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:26:49 No.7210485
    It wasn't quite that bad. More like phantom of the opera but still a bit worse.
    I agree with you though.
    >> The Laughing Lion =D 01/21/10(Thu)12:28:27 No.7210501
    My dad is awesome. He's like the first line of Dragonite Dad but when I came with some bullshit he basically told me to piss off in gentler words, but with a tough charachter. Up to this day i'm still learning a lot from him, and he's my best friend. Not for being my dad, but for being such an awesome person per se. Thanks for the catharsis /r9k/
    >> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 01/21/10(Thu)12:34:11 No.7210549
    No woman would ever have done this, not for anything in the world.

    Your father is the kind of men that the world needs more of.
    But no, we get emo hipsters, and women to infest our daily lives.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:34:14 No.7210550
    My dad suffers from Clinical Depression and has ADHD fuck I hate him
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:36:49 No.7210569
    My dad is fucking awesome. He has a tendency to act like a high school freshman just discovering secularism though. He's the best. We alwayg do stuff together. We went to every home hockey game together for five years and always go now when we can.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:37:12 No.7210575
    bitches and whores, eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:38:39 No.7210587
    So, what's your relationship with him like now?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:38:41 No.7210588

    But in elementary school my school was having some sort of "parents eat lunch with kids" thing and I told my dad to come. He got his food and I told him not to sit with me because I would be embarrassed by him. He just stood eating his meal. Makes me sad to think of it today. I hope he wasn't hurt.
    But I don't really give a shit about things like parental embarrassment anymore. Hell a few months ago he played Beatles Rock Band at Walmart and I watched.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:39:41 No.7210600
    god i hate this thread.

    ..daddy? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:45:02 No.7210657
    My best friend and a rolemodel. We're catching up on the time we missed. I try my best to be the son I should've been.
    >> Exalted !OOirDpvrkA 01/21/10(Thu)13:00:11 No.7210790
    My ex-girlfriend's older sister once had to get both of them out of a burning house when she was like 3 (my ex-girlfriend wasn't even a year old at the time).

    Also, my dad's been rather mentally screwed up his whole life, and recently screwed us over financially when he fled the state. I pity him a bit, but don't really feel the need to talk to him.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)14:00:29 No.7211388
    I love my dad.

    He has always been the provider for my family. He works an insane amount. He co-owns a gymnastics school. They were moving one of their locations into an old Ice-rink. For a whole month he worked about 16 hours a day turning an old fucking ice-rink (stands, boards, sand, thousands of ice skates, etc...) into a very nice gym school. His work ethic is just incredible. If i can learn to match that i would be happy with myself. And he did it because he knew it had to be done, If it didn't get opened on time my family was fucked. I helped him out a good deal (after school before lax) but i probably should have helped him more (he is in his 50s). He also comes to a good deal of my lacrosse games. In highschool i never thought much of it. But now that i'm about 350 miles away i always told him i didn't understand why he and my mom would come out the whole way to see me. After reading this thread i realized its because he loves me, and dare i say it might be proud of me.

    That being said i haven't been the best son. Talking on the phone he said "cya bud, i love you" i was shocked and only could respond with "yep, cya". Now i say I love you, but i felt bad after that call. Also hugs are always awkward as hell. I came home for winter break. I had to stop by the gym school. My mom was right next to the door and i gave her a hug and she introduced me to her kids. But i was shit afraid of going over to my dad. We were never good at hugging before and interupting a class dosn't seem like a thing he would like. So instead of going over and saying hi to my dad who i haven't seen in months i stood awkwardly in the corner and got my mom's keys and went home ;_;.

    But i still get to spend time with him, he tries to play catch with me from time to time, I love going to the gym with him and learning new things, I like listening to his music, and we see movies together some times.

    I love my dad, i need to start spending more time with him.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)14:32:05 No.7211743
    A little background about my dad, his father was a worthless child beater who ran away from his father at the age of 16. He came from a very very wealthy family and basically started a new life. So my dad had a shitty child hood, however he became physically very strong, won all the 100/200m races at school or so he says. He also was very intelligent, got 100% on his science and maths o-levels, got accused of cheating due to being in the bottom set for everything for generally being a wanker at school. Anyway left school and got a manual labour job, ended up working for the council and somehow started training to be an accountant. I was born just as he started training, was about 6 when he finished. With him being a very good accountant we moved to better houses and had lots more money. Then my mum cheated I think, I don't really know why they split up. Anyway my dad had to put up with a lot of shit although he did come out of the breakup with $120k. He's awesome to me and my sister and does everything for us. He had a string of model girlfriends after my mum and now has settled with some fucking bitch who trys to control him. I want her fucking dead, she's changed loads about him. I'm going to try and split them up, she is not good for him. Basically my dad is awesome, very intelligent, physically very fit, the best man I know. I want to be as good as him later on in life.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)14:41:32 No.7211841
    My dad is awesome because he wants to hand over a company to me.
    Problem is it's a construction company that requires lots of input hours and I have no interest, rather be drugged up making money other ways
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:04:41 No.7212108
    Oh come on OP...that's just not fair. You're making me start to baw with that image :(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:48:29 No.7212705
    Ive never had much of a relationship with my dad, he was always quiet. When I was younger he always yelled. Truth is when I grew older I found out that he was so angry because he was trying to have the best for our family. He always worked, fuck he was willing to work 7 hours away and drive to and from every weekend on the company's money just to see us.

    I never really talked to him, he never said much. But every once and awhile when Im home from school hell ask me whats up, one or two quick sentences and tells me to drive safe back the next day.

    I love my dad, its just hard to tell.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)16:57:27 No.7213769

    I feel you, Anon. It's basically the same thing between me and my dad but we never had this "real" relationship or bond (like I have with my mom).
    I don't know. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:18:23 No.7214027
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    Growing up I had a great relationship with my father

    in my late teens that went sour, as I grew more racist and hate filled by the day (we lived in the ghetto and being white, that made me a major target for bullying)

    I slowly began to drift away from my father, and I am sure that he is completely and utterly dissappointed with me and what I have become. (A weird unemployed guy who sits on his computer all day and raves about niggers)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:20:29 No.7214068
    No i dont, ofcourse i would accept a ride from him, why the hell not. And if i didn't he would said suit yourself idiot and drive off, lol
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:22:43 No.7214112
    My dad used to beat me when i was a kid, not talking about spanking lol, he's got his rage under controll the last years though so its A'OK.
    My first memory is him telling me to shut the fuck up while holding a spatula rofl
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:27:40 No.7214193
    My dad abused the hell out of me as a kid. he rarely beat me,but every day he'd take all his anger out on me by screaming at me for hours, for anything he could think of. Once i had a drink on a table and i was sitting on the couch, as he walked past he bumped into the table and knocked my drink down. He made me clean it up and screamed at me for a couple hours for it. Every single day he'd scream at me for a minimum of an hour. The record was 6 hours, straight. Yes,i watched the clock.

    Eventually i figured out he left me alone when i was in my bedroom,it was only when i came out and was around him that he'd pick on me. So i spent the vast majority of my childhood alone, in my bedroom.

    Because of that, the only place i ever feel comfortable is in my bedroom,alone. I'm 24 now, i never go out, never do anything, just sit in my room on the internet because thats where im safe.

    Once when i was around 17 we got into a fight and i looked him in the eyes and told him flat out i dont love him,and wouldnt even bother to go to the funeral if he died that day. He actually looked hurt and surprised!

    The worst part though,is he had another son 7 years younger than me. He never did any of that shit to him, and actually treats my brother like his son. He's also mellowed out apparently, and he AND my mother claim the abuse never happened,or if i get them to admit to it, downplay it like it's nothing, and they blame me for never having anything to do with them, never having left my bedroom as a kid, like i fucking chose to be lonely and miserable my whole cocksucking motherfucking life.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:54:22 No.7214649
    Sounds like you don't apply your rule to your brother.
    >> grey 01/21/10(Thu)18:00:19 No.7214730
    No, I never really had a dad. It odd. Everybody I know has always had two parents. I never did. I wonder how differnt I would be if I had one...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:02:39 No.7214758
    When I was younger, I was shopping in town with my mum, and was kind of embarrassed to be walking round town with her. Later, we were in a shop, and she was looking round the women's section, and I didn't want people to see me with her. She realised, and started crying. I felt absolutely awful, and I still feel guilty about it now.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:05:38 No.7214799
    My father is the most entertaining, drunkest, funniest bastard I've ever known. He's more of a laugh than most of my 'friends'. I slightly remember getting really drunk and fighting some guy at a bar. When the police released me, the first thing he said to me was basically 'Did you beat him?'

    Great guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:07:30 No.7214826
    >my whole cocksucking motherfucking life.
    Sounds like a pretty eventful childhood. I still haven't done any cocksucking or motherfucking (at least none that I know of - they may be mothers now, but they weren't at the time).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:07:43 No.7214828
    i am sad now.

    i have a pretty good relationship with my dad. i guess part of it was i just learned to stop arguing over stupid shit because i hated getting grounded. but when i'm home for breaks from college and stuff we chill and play games or watch weird tv shows or go to electronics stores and get ice cream.
    i wish my brother would do the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:13:05 No.7214904
    My 'Dad' no longer signs any of the rare attempts at communication between us (text messages, birthday/christmas cards when he remembers etc.) as Dad but rather uses his first name.

    Sometimes I wonder if he's finally taken the hint on how I see him or if he just doesn't view himself as my father, but then I forget about it and go back to living my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:16:13 No.7214943
    Best story in this thread.
    Give your dad a fucking hug for me next time you see him.
    I got the typical work-addicted, rage-fueled piece of shit dad. My parents got divorced and NOW he wants to be friends, even though he spent most of his explosions yelling at me, calling me a worthless piece of shit, etc etc. I would kill to have had a father figure like yours.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:17:29 No.7214963
    First request for archival.
    I leave the rest in your capable hands, robots.
    >> Arty [sugar tits] !!NSjWvU2Ar8/ 01/21/10(Thu)18:22:30 No.7215032
    I wish I had a nice dad like that. My dad just ignored me my whole life, and beat up my little brother. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:26:30 No.7215084
    My dad claimed to love me but never paid any child support and barely helped me mom at all when he left.
    I dont even know how to confront him about this. Each time id sorta ask him he'd say my mom would spend it. Times would've been alot easier if he didint pay 50$ a month
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:27:06 No.7215094

    Making me hold tears at work dammit!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:30:36 No.7215147
    Im also fairly distant from him. I knew he had money, As He lived in a nice house with his girlfriend. I dont know what to say to him because each time i see him, I can remember my mother always bringing him up
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:31:00 No.7215152
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    My dad is a vietnam vet, lost one of his legs over there and saw some crazy shit. When I was a kid we had a great relationship, but when I was a teen I didn't want my weird one-legged dad hobbling along because he embarrassed me. I said some things that hurt him deeply. In my early 20s I felt horrible and apologized for everything I had said, and now we go hunting during hunting season, play video games, get drunk together, and smoke weed together.

    Shit is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:34:25 No.7215213
    Congratulations. You have been subtley brainwashed by your mother into hating your father.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:34:59 No.7215224
    Same shit going on, Just he divorced at 2. His new girlfriend is such a cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:37:41 No.7215260
    My father has gone deep into the effects of dementia and altizimiers. It first began in earnest when I was 16 and he had his first surgery to get a DBS (Deep brain stimulator) installed. Those years up until I was 18-19 were really turbulent and nasty as my brother left to college and I was put into the forefront of dealing with his insanity, which was light enough to simply make him into a total jerk and not a vegetable. Yet thankfully right before it really began to consume him I was able to make peace with him before he began to slip away. And even amongst the insanity he was still a good father in glimmers and brief glimpses.

    His father died recently. He did not leave a single cent for my father or for us to help pay for my father in a nursing home, gave it all to his brother because he is a shallow shameless motherfucker who if life isn't perfect will refuse to deal with it. When life is perfect he's quite alright, but when he's not he's a fucking traitor.

    Wonder how he raised such a great man as my father. He is and will always be a great man. Got shoved by Barry Bonds, travelled with a 17 year old runaway jailbait while the FBI searched for him because he was friends with the getaway driver for Weather Underground. He was a big as life silly great father and I know I will respect his love and care by being the same for my children. That's the philosophy I would espouse for all of you, that if you had great fathers the best way you can respect their greatness and care for you is to do the same. And if you didn't have a great dad, then break the cycle.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:42:31 No.7215339
    My father wouldn't physically abuse me... but it was pretty tolling mental and psychological abuse. I had two younger sisters who seemed to be doing fine but being the only male in the family, I had quite a lot of trouble. At 16, I left my country and moved in with a friend overseas. I'm now 21 and attending one of the top unis in the world. Haven't been able to find my family for years...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:44:20 No.7215375
    when i was younger, my mom cheated on my dad alot. which is why for so long my relationship with my mother had been incredibly strained. we're working on it now that i'm older and my parents have been divorced for some years now, and it is getting better. but for quite some time my dad was pretty much the only parent i had. it was him at the performances, at the open house nights, at the awards ceremonies until my mom realized that she couldn't party every night and actually wanted a part in mine and my brother's lives. i guess i really just want to make him proud. he loves telling everyone about how proud he is that i'm working hard to try and live out my dreams, and is constantly showing off work that i've done. there's artwork i've done over the years in nice frames at his house, programs i've coded on a flash drive so he can show people what i've done. sure, we've had our arguments, and having been in the military he was rather strict while i was growing up, and sometimes he wonders what i see in my boyfriend, until i told him that my boyfriend reminds me so much of him: supportive, caring, there for me, wanting nothing but for me to be happy. my dad may have not been the perfect dad, but he did try. i just feel like his relationship with my brother is sometimes charidad and sometimes dragondad. then again, my brother is pretty ungrateful and kinda a general dick, and he doesn't know when to shut up, and my dad can be pretty harsh sometimes, but still.

    i feel terrible for my boyfriend though. there is basically no father relationship for him, since his dad was an abusive asshole. i really feel bad for him, and for those who don't have a good relationship with their fathers, or have some sort of positive father figure in their lives.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:44:58 No.7215388
    Shit. How did you do this
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:45:06 No.7215389
    Awesome guitar is awesome
    Awesome dad is awesome
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:46:07 No.7215399
    My dad was fantastic, he is part of the reason this house is held together.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:48:30 No.7215446
    that isn't my dad, but some random picture I found on the internet

    I have pictures of him in 'nam, but I don't have a scanner D:
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:48:43 No.7215450
    My father is some sort of gorilla in a man suit.
    I haven't seen him in 6+ years or talked to him in at least 1... I should call him.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:52:15 No.7215505

    I retreated into the Internet when I was a teen. I was also into languages and made friends with a quadrilingual Swiss guy. I told my extended family what I was doing but not my immediate family. I now go to ETH Zurich and no one with my family's last name lives in my former state. I'm not about to go looking, either. Regardless, I'm much happier here.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:55:13 No.7215552
    You killed him and mixed him in with the cement to dispose of the body?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:56:48 No.7215575
    I have a stepdad whom I love and that adores me, and my bilogical dad whom I try to keep in touch with the best I can. I'm not very good at answering calls and remembering to call back, though. ;_;

    My mum's more like this Pokedad though...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:59:03 No.7215599
    Okay, I lol'd heartily at that
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:18:28 No.7215909
         File1264119508.jpg-(160 KB, 500x500, Dadonite-HEY-SON-IM-GOING-CAMP(...).jpg)
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    this is my dad and I
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:22:31 No.7215960
    I don't remember my dad ever taking me to school. I don't even remember him trying to spend time with me at all. Work was his life and I was supposed to be intelligent enough to raise myself. Thanks dad for leaving me and my little brother home alone every single day to fend for ourselves with some dumbass stepmother who either a) is also gone working or b) is a failure of a woman and can't even get her ass in the kitchen.
    I hope you understand you're the reason why I need a psychologist now.

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