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  • File : 1263950499.jpg-(89 KB, 300x350, ayhijoestasbienpendejo.jpg)
    89 KB Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)20:21:39 No.7182397  
    So here's a crazy idea, why doesn't the US try to embrace the latinos instead of just repressing them all the time? They always complain when spanish is implemented somewhere, learning spanish at school, tv in spanish, whatever. But why not be happy that you have a new influence, and a new language that's so accessible, a language used by millions of people. Hell, other countries would be happy to see some new cultural influence, what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)20:23:00 No.7182427
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    >other countries would be happy to see some new cultural influence

    Yeah, Britain is real happy.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)20:24:01 No.7182453
    >Hell, other countries would be happy to see some new cultural influence
    When has that ever been true, for any country?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)20:25:08 No.7182476
    because english was here first!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)20:25:29 No.7182486
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    Germany also liked other cultures.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)21:48:56 No.7184035
    i love that tv show! mariaaa d todoss los angeless jaja
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)21:52:44 No.7184118
    Most of the mexican community are scum - they often don't work, deal harsh drugs, and all that gang rubbish.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)21:54:47 No.7184154
    Mutliculturism doesn't work. It would be crazy to change the US like who above anyone else has done better at integrating immigrants. We just need to continue to pick parts of the new culture and absorb it into the existing American culture.

    So the result is now instead of meatloaf, you have tacos on Tuesdays.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)21:58:28 No.7184227
    haha in mexico ur tacos r diferent than U.S.
    >> Andy 01/19/10(Tue)22:01:15 No.7184269
    you're so right OP. You're so oppressed that we give your people affirmative action, we teach your language in almost every public school, and to descriminate against you is considered hate speech. But go right ahead, cry more about how oppressed you are while doing NOTHING with your life in particular. We are all so god damn racist but you're sitting on your ass doing jack shit to succeed in an environment completely tailored for just exactly that. Shut the fuck up you stupid piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:05:19 No.7184355
    So here's a crazy idea, why don't Latinos try to make their own countries better instead of just repressing shitting up America by coming here illegally?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:08:23 No.7184423
    i'm pretty sure you just described negroes, not mexicans
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:09:32 No.7184444
    >>Implying Hispanics are reactionary faggots that want to see white people wiped off the face of the earth and want to you worship their own special mexican god and obey their very own special kind of sharia law

    : |

    Yeah, seconded. The ones up north are good people, well mannered. Unless they're poor, then i'd say a quarter of them are niggers.

    Simply because they know its not like if they lived in the south where if stuff went bad they can just take a short trip to the border back home.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:10:59 No.7184470
    fuck I hate the spics they're always complaining about feeling repressed instead of doing something constructive with their lives, like finding a job and not reproducing like fucking rabbits.This shit about cultural pluralism is retarded, no one is going to accept you or the muslims if you don't stop living on other people's tax money you useless cunt.Do you really think that forcing people to learn your horrible language will make them love you more? Hitler should have killed your subhuman race along with the jews
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:11:58 No.7184492
    LMAO. Justifying stinky Mexicans by saying they are better than hajis. BIG FUCKING WOOP.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:13:10 No.7184523
    A second language sucks. Usually what happens is that some vocal minority will demand their particular language will be taught in schools, eating into the already strained budget to no fucking benefit. This in turn creates or amplifies racial/ethnic tension.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:13:15 No.7184524
    As an immigrant, I believe the burden of integration falls on the immigrant themselves. My basic philosophy is, "You came here because it is better than where you were before, don't try to make America like wherever the fuck you came from". If aspects of other cultures get absorbed, they may have some merit to them, but I hate it when people try to impose their culture on Americans.

    That being said, I would gladly see any undesirable people get kicked the fuck out. I would love to see them pulling that shit in some of the fucked up countries out there. If there is sufficient proof (same burden of proof as a citizen) of significant wrongdoing (murder, rape, etc.) then shoot them outright and save both governments some cash.

    We also need to hold our immigrants to the same standards as other countries. If you come here, you must learn English! If you don't know English, you had better do everything in your power to learn, because if I were to live abroad, I know people will hate me if I don't do the same.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:13:37 No.7184535
    If you're so well mannered, why are your countries so full of criminals then?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:14:22 No.7184547
    >>doing something constructive with their lives, like finding a job
    >>Posting on 4chan
    >>Implying you have a job
    >>Implying they work less harder than you

    >>and not reproducing like fucking rabbits.
    All about keeping our country active. You don't want us to be like Germany, France, Italy, and Japan do you? Extremely low birth rates? Besides, its what poor people do.

    >>Do you really think that forcing people to learn your horrible language will make them love you more? Hitler should have killed your subhuman race along with the jews

    u mad
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:15:37 No.7184574
    Look at the former spanish colonies.

    Now look at the former British colonies

    Get it?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:15:41 No.7184577

    because their government is sooo fucking corrupted, even more than America..
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:16:11 No.7184590
    I'm glad to let them in. But when all-Spanish buildings and companies are formed, essentially reinforcing the idea that the spics can just live together in the ghetto and never learn English, and never give it half a fuck's time, that's when I get pissed. No, I don't speak Spanish? You know where to go to get shit from someone who can understand you? MEXICO!!

    TL;DR They never learn English, it inconveniences me.
    >> Mr Sage 01/19/10(Tue)22:17:38 No.7184622

    Im not a immigrant, but I agree with you over 9000%
    >> loser 01/19/10(Tue)22:17:52 No.7184631
    I am fairly sure mexicans take any job that is offered to them.
    Also, reproducing like rabbits is important not only so they can become legal more easily but also so they can become a voting majority in the US. Presidente Camacho 2024. JODER!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:18:55 No.7184653
    Yeah, why not? Believe it or not most Hispanics assimilate in America. Just consider yourself lucky you don't have hajis like Europe.


    This, though tbh, the whole problem about not learning English is common with first generation immigrants, most of them learn just enough to get by with I'd say a quarter of them learning it completely. Keep in mind there's still Scandinavian, German, and Polish enclaves that have first-second generation immigrants that don't know the language. As I said, its expected.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:20:30 No.7184685
    you're talking as if having low birth rates is a bad thing.If only you could afford to pay for your children's needs then I wouldn't really mind, the fact is that you ask the country you live in to pay for your mistakes.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:23:02 No.7184739

    they're coming over to take over not be like you!

    wake up!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:23:45 No.7184754
    Amsuingly enough, the British Colonies in the Americas turned out pretty damn well run. Canada, America, and indirectly, Argentina (yeah I know it wasn't a colony, but they were pretty damn connected during the late 1800s-early 1900s).

    The Spanish Colonies, half and half. Some ended up pretty damn gud (Brazil, though it'd be shit tier without its natural resources), others are awesome but horribly corrupt and dangerous (Venezuela), and others are just plain crap (Mexico to a lesser extent and Central America).

    That said, Chile is pretty damn good. A bit more effort and it'd be practically first world status.

    BTW, if you REALLY WANT shit colonies, French Colonies. All they touch turned to shit when they left. Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), Algeria, Haiti, Saharan Africa in General, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:24:29 No.7184767
    >implying honest peole should have to pay for your criminal ass compatriots.
    I'm pretty shure that if you learned to behave like civilized people then you would be accepted more easily.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:26:16 No.7184816
    Mexicans don't fucking assimilate. A perfect example is Los Angeles. Jesus fucking Christ, I thought we'd driven too far south!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:27:06 No.7184840

    Explain how they're criminals. Do it faggot. I want to see some motherfucking felonies.

    I want to see some generalizations by using one or two examples in the media to stereotype a whole race.

    Come on~.
    >> loser 01/19/10(Tue)22:27:45 No.7184850
    >Spanish Colony
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:28:42 No.7184872
    Venzuela fucking sucks, bro I've been there.The nature is beautyful alright, but you better hope nothing bad happens to you while you're there because their health care is non existent at best.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:29:46 No.7184900

    The United States used to speak mainly German, two languages didn't work together and within the space of three generations, virtually no one spoke German.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:30:19 No.7184911

    they're not a race of people!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:30:40 No.7184923
    Yeah, my bad. :\

    For some reason I thought Columbia wasn't a Spanish Colony. Columbia is fucking awesome, just sucks about the corruption and crime. Good people there.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:31:08 No.7184941
    Everything that French people turn to shit. Quebec took a little longer to turn to shit. Quebec is now pretty shit.

    I do not think that Chile is bordering on first-world status. Does Pinochet ring a bell?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:32:01 No.7184962
    Fucking wetbacks. Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:33:59 No.7185004
    One of the hottest gfs I ever had was mexican.

    Fucking cold hearted bitch tho.

    Still love Mexicans.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:34:59 No.7185029
    what now smuggling drugs isn't a felony enough for you? Fuck you man have you been living under a rock for the past twenty years?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:35:59 No.7185053
    Pinochet was 20 years ago. I have a feeling though their economy might mess up a bit soon, they're running out of copper reserves especially compared to before.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:38:29 No.7185092

    You sir are all right.
    You can stay in my country.

    Though, the only thing I have to say to all who come to this country for a better life you automatically lose the right to say your country of origin is anything but a piece of shit. I mean, you did leave it so stop trying to defend that shithole.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:39:03 No.7185100
    Smuggling Drugs? Every damn criminal organization does that. Where have you been. Since the god. damn. 70s.

    Why do you think the Colombian Cartel was caught with a damn sub? They were planning to do deliveries to the US and cut out the Mexican Middleman. And if its not through people, you use shipping containers, boats, luggage on planes, small planes, or get it into Canada and move it down, or cars, or tractor trailers, etc.

    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:41:27 No.7185141
    Nostalgia. You'd have it too even if you left a shithole of a country, you know you have to leave behind friends and family right? Then there's the whole thing about growing up in a place, a past, etc. Circumstances change.

    You probably reminisce about mommy bringing you your meal to your basement when you moved out right?
    >> Larry !cRAckErsW2 01/19/10(Tue)22:42:28 No.7185153
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    Honestly I couldn't careless about who is coming over and immigrating.

    But fuck those assholes who come here and live and don't learn English.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:42:31 No.7185156
    Spanish-speaking countries:

    - Spain
    - Chile
    - Uruguay
    - Costa Rica

    High tier:
    - Argentina
    - Puerto Rico
    - Cuba

    Okay tier:
    - Mexico
    - Colombia
    - Ecuador
    - Peru
    - Venezuela
    - Panama

    Shit tier:
    - Dominican Republic
    - Guatemala
    - Honduras
    - El Salvador
    - Nicaragua
    - Bolivia
    - Paraguay

    Africa tier:
    - Equatorial Guinea
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:44:15 No.7185186

    Also, samefag here. I've been to all those countries except for Bolivia, Paraguay, and Equatorial Guinea. I'm a blonde, blue-eyed gringo but I speak Spanish remarkably well. Ask me anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:45:04 No.7185204
    How does it feel flaunting your wealth in front of the brownies?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:45:31 No.7185216

    SoCal fag here.

    We already do that.
    >> lol i trol u !!FXIYoStbOnd 01/19/10(Tue)22:45:55 No.7185225
    >Puerto Rico
    >High tier

    lol'd. Well played.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:45:57 No.7185226
    >God Tier

    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:47:49 No.7185259
    Why isn't Colombia higher.

    tbh, I'd put ecuador at high tier, but that's probably because i live like a king there, mansionin guayaquil in a army/navy base with three chauffers and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:48:32 No.7185277
    >>mansion in

    whoops. But yeah, even have a beach house on the naval base on Salinas there. Pretty fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:50:21 No.7185309

    Puerto Rico is fucking awesome. If u mad because I placed it on a countries' list, well, go be mad somewhere else. ;]


    What's wrong with it? Awesome winter sports, great beaches (Iquique), warm, receptive people, rich history (Valparaiso), and the best part about Spanish-speaking countries in general: the food. Oh Odin...
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:51:37 No.7185326

    ecuador must go higher.

    uragay must go lower.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:53:07 No.7185363

    That's why I went down there anyway. I spent a year traveling down there with some Spanish-speaking friends in the States and we really did live like kings. In Europe, you have to stay in hostels and shit but people in SA in particular just offer their house for you. Never had any drug/violence problems there, either. Best year of my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:54:42 No.7185397

    Alright, I guess Ecuador can go higher but absolutely no way Uruguay is anything lower than god tier. I'd consider moving there.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:55:52 No.7185426
    Hi, this is my post. Whenever people talk about immigration, I often get the same response as, "hey ur alrite, mebbe all immigrentz arent that bad" I noticed if i say this shit out loud to ther people in my group, they get all butthurt. For god's sake even negroes can't be constructive without someone calling them an "uncle tom". It's not an immigant problem, its a people problem. wtf, man, wtf.

    tbh, I am more worried about muslims taking over Europe, though likely my homeland will never be subject to sharia law.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:56:16 No.7185434
    No. stop trolling, OP. You come here, you adjust to our ways. Not the other way around. Every otherculture learned that when they came here. Stop demanding it your way. YOUR WAY created the shitholes you are escaping. So shut the hell up.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:57:41 No.7185464
    I'd really like to see some South American countries become global powers in my lifetime. :/
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:58:25 No.7185482
    >>no drug/violence problems

    Lucky. Ecuador, at least Guayaquil is unsafe enough at night past 9pm, there's no working streetlights (all set to blinking yellow)

    You know why?

    If you stop, there's a very real chance of getting carjacked or abducted. Cool thing is that at night there aren't any cops, so I was free to practically race on city streets past 9-10pm >.>

    A Toyota Yaris can be fun when you're taking 90 degree turns at 40-60mph fighting understeer trying to not crash into a curb.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:59:04 No.7185491
    >High tier:
    >Puerto Rico

    >Okay tier

    ay hijo estas bien pendejo

    - Colombia
    - Chile
    - Argentina
    - Costa Rica

    High tier:
    - Uruguay
    - Spain
    - Cuba
    - Peru

    Okay tier:
    - Ecuador
    - Venezuela
    - Panama
    - Guatemala
    - Paraguay
    - Mexico

    Shit tier:
    - Honduras
    - El Salvador
    - Nicaragua
    - Bolivia

    Africa tier:
    - Equatorial Guinea
    - Dominican Republic

    Should be nuked tier
    - Puerto Rico

    fixed that for you my friend
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)23:00:41 No.7185525
    Hey barbarian! Learn English, what the hell!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)23:01:48 No.7185545
    your whole argument makes no sense.You're trying to defend the spics by saiyng that also other organizations do the same shit they do? You need a reality check. Doing a felony doesn't become acceptable only because you're not able to claim copyrights. I proved you that spics are criminals, and there is nothing you've told me that proves that they aren't.I'm aware of the fact that among all the shit there are also good people, the fact is: why are they so fucking few?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)23:04:01 No.7185592
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)23:06:36 No.7185639

    don't ever say that on an indian concentration camp, you'll get lynched.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)23:09:04 No.7185671

    No matter what happens, Nicaragua is in shit tier :(

    But as a Nicaraguan, it makes sense (dear god the slang is vulgar like no tomorrow.) Other than the food it's a pretty big shit hole
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)23:09:38 No.7185681

    El Salvador for at least high tier now. Their new government is kicking ass and taking names (in a good way, not a literal way like the old government). FMLN!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)23:11:01 No.7185710
    And? What are you doing in your post? Stereotyping a race as criminal? What, you think all of us cross into America with bags of coke shoved up our asses?

    And yeah, I am using the argument that other criminal organizations do it too so its fine. Why aren't you bitching about the Triads running Heroin? The Russians running coke? The Italians running both? Blacks selling crack and weed? Shit, while you're at it old hippie couples for having grow ops in the Pacific Northwest?

    Christ, do you SERIOUSLY THINK every Hispanic, no, I'll narrow it down, every ILLEGAL is part of a damn criminal organization? That's be like saying every fucking Italian guido is part of la cosa nostra or that every Chinese person is a damn triad.

    Your argument is fucking stupid. It relies on stereotyping. Rather poor stereotyping I must add.

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