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    File : 1263878266.jpg-(902 KB, 1024x768, deng xiao ping.jpg)
    902 KB American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:17:46 No.7168750  
    The last few days there's been a couple of "ask a Chinese anything threads. They had some interesting answers to some of your questions.

    I am an American living in China. My perspectives might be somewhat different.

    So, if you are interested, ask an American living in China anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:19:47 No.7168798
    Is their history/economic curriculum in school very propaganda filled (more than the US, anyway)? How different are their views of major historical world events than an American's?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:23:43 No.7168871
    Things you didnt know until you lived there?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:26:05 No.7168905
    when are you coming back to america?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:28:27 No.7168938
    hows the death of google going?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:29:58 No.7168964
    how are you on 4chan?

    serious question
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:30:10 No.7168968

    The Party line is taught, I'm very sure. Don't expect a lot of critical thinking


    Real Chinese food is amazing. Also, there a a LOT of different types of spoken Chinese.
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:31:58 No.7168990

    Soon, I hope, at least for a visit.


    VPN. But also, 4chan is not blocked here. Don't ask me why.

    Noone cares here. It's not reported in the media, either.

    >> SledgeHammer !!ewNAH9VVLel 01/19/10(Tue)00:34:18 No.7169028
    What prospects are there in China for an American MBA/Lawyer with no Chinese language skills?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:35:35 No.7169043
    Is Mandarin the most widely spoken dialect of chinese thus worth learning if I'm going to go to china?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:35:36 No.7169044
    Do they really blame the tens of millions of deaths brought about by the Great Leap Forward on "natural disasters"?
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 01/19/10(Tue)00:35:40 No.7169045
    I think that's incredible that you're actually going out there and broadening your mind of other cultures.

    Its kind of sad sometimes when people just think straight forward and believe once they've had Chinese food at one place, all Chinese food blows.

    How's the night life there? And where in China are you?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:35:53 No.7169050
    is there support among the people for google coming back i mean, wether or not you know the technical to get it to work anyway, most naturally won't.
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:36:03 No.7169052

    You don't need to be able to speak the language to do business here. There are plenty of people who will interpret for you. However, it does help. I would suggest looking to multinationals that need foreign managers in China.
    >> WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot !!WgWcz5V3TdQ 01/19/10(Tue)00:36:44 No.7169059
    What is the national mood toward America? Do they like us? Are they told that we're some sort of evil capitalist empire?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:37:46 No.7169070
    How are people's english speaking ability there? I heard more people know english in china than in the USA. Is it hard to understand their english?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:38:03 No.7169076
    What are you doing in China? Are you a student? If so, what college are you attending?
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:38:41 No.7169085

    Mandarin is what you want to learn, yes. It's the official language and almost universally spoken.


    Yes, but there is alos recognition that Mao blew it to some degree.

    Night life is wild here in Shenzhen.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:39:38 No.7169105
    How do the average citizens feel about Americans?
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:41:20 No.7169132

    Most people like Americans. There is recognition by some that American actually tried to hep out during the Japanese occupation. Taiwan is a sore spot. Don't bring up Tibet.
    Lousy. Really, really, bad. But I have a few friends that are really quite good.


    I am an engineering/manufacturing consultant
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:43:11 No.7169156

    People like Americans, as stated before. Most people recognize that America and China are bound at the hip. You get some nationalistic types that think that China ca go at it alone, and that sun has set on America. I don't believe it though.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:44:17 No.7169164
    How big of a sore spot is Taiwan? Are the Taiwanese utterly despised? What about the Japanese?
    >> SledgeHammer !!ewNAH9VVLel 01/19/10(Tue)00:46:27 No.7169194
    Yeah, without happy meal toys and cheap plastic shit sold at WalMart, China would still be agrarian. After China gets all first world and industrialized, where are all the Chinese manufacturing jobs going to go?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:47:30 No.7169206
    India. The cycle endures.
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:47:45 No.7169208

    Taiwan is a very, very sensitive issue. Most people that I've talked to don't like the fact that America "supports" Taiwan. But, they also aren't willing to fight over it, either.

    Taiwanese are not their favorite people. I have some friends who are indifferent, others just can't stand them.

    Japanese are the bottom of the barrel. They still sing song over here about killing Japanese during the war.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:48:26 No.7169215
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    Are an American Werewolf in China?
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:48:38 No.7169216

    IMHO, Vietnam is looking good to a lot of people.
    >> SledgeHammer !!ewNAH9VVLel 01/19/10(Tue)00:49:09 No.7169225
    Although I must say I have been amazed at the quality of my Chinese made HP laptop, Motorola cell phone, and iPod Touch. I would seriously consider a Chinese car if they were offered here.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:49:26 No.7169228
    how about the whole tibet thing? is that a touchy subject still?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)00:50:25 No.7169239
    True. I heard Indonesia was another viable candidate.
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:51:38 No.7169256

    Uh, let me see.....what do they say...


    Yeah, most Chinese have that attitude.
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)00:54:13 No.7169298

    Chinese manufacturing methods have come a long, long way. They still have issues though with 'quality fade'. You have to watch the suppliers like a hawk, which is where most people fail.
    >> SledgeHammer !!ewNAH9VVLel 01/19/10(Tue)01:03:42 No.7169411
    How many more years will the flood of rural slave labor into the cities last? I've read that that what's keeping Chinese factory wages at the pocket change level.
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)01:09:35 No.7169522

    There's something like 700 million people living out in the country. I understand that there's about 15-20 million new people joining the workforce every year. One of the reasons that China is so hot to keep the economy booming along is that they need to create all those jobs every year so you don't have too many unemployed people. Unemployed, restless people are a threat to the 'social stability', and not in keeping with building a 'harmonious society'.

    So, I think they can keep up the cheap labor regime for quite awhile to come, give it another 20 years or so.
    >> Xbro the Je Schmoe NeeGrow !!urKrUC2tLVu 01/19/10(Tue)01:12:19 No.7169564
    How much longer will the Chinese Gov't not participate in world events and or stall them completely.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:15:31 No.7169612
    stupid american is wrong
    mandarin is only spoken in the north
    in the south it is not spoken (though people understand it)
    they speak language such as wu, minan and yue ("cantonese") which are mutually unintelligible with mandarin
    there are more southerners than northerners
    hence OP is wrong
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)01:16:11 No.7169623

    Who knows? But they have an official policy of not involving themselves in the 'internal matters' of other countries. They are going to protect their own self-interest pretty hard, I think, which is why the Copenhagen talks were such a disaster.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:16:40 No.7169630
    Mandarin is still the "formal" version of Chinese.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:18:17 No.7169671
    >mandarin=formal language
    that maybe so
    but suppose you are fluent in mandarin and go to shanghai or any place south of shanghai - you will not understand a single word (possible exception- shenzhen cause it is all immigrants)
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:19:32 No.7169693
    It doesn't matter, because they can understand and speak Mandarin, even if with a bit of an accent. It's the most practical language to learn.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:19:59 No.7169702
    Formal Literary Chinese was here, written Mandarin and Cantonese are both losers
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)01:22:34 No.7169747

    Trolling? Yeah, Cantonese is spoken here, but face it, Guangdong is filled with people from other provinces now. I can speak Mandarin in any shop, hotel, restaurant, club, bar, factory or anywhere on the street, and 90% of the people not only understand it, but speak it as well.

    Unless you're a butthurt Guangdongren of HKer who refuses to learn the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE.

    China estimates that 70% of the population under 40 yo can speak Mandarin, and about 50% 40 and over do.

    So yes, Mandarin is the best language to learn, and unless you are way off in the fucking country somewhere, people around you will be speaking Mandarin.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:25:12 No.7169801
    dude , even chinese people never buy chinese cars
    if they have money they buy german
    if they dont they buy korean/japanese
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:25:28 No.7169805
    How'd you learn Chinese? Through school/work/just living there/etc?
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)01:29:41 No.7169875

    Volkswagen is popular too. But the Chinese auto companies Geely and BYD do pretty well too.

    Self-taught mostly, through books, CDs and online. Also, getting a long-haired dictionary is also a great way to learn!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:36:09 No.7169966
    I had a rather interesting experience in China a couple years ago.

    You see my money had run out and these people offered me a job that involved posing as an official from the U.S. overseeing bogus construction projects that only existed on paper.

    They would put me in a suit and drive me out to these backwater towns and show a letter from Condoleeza Rice and then scam money from businesses and officials for the aforementioned bogus construction projects.

    Unfortunately they had stolen my passport and threatened to turn me into the police if I didn't want to cooperate in their scheme. I eventually said fuck it and ran to the American embassy in Beijing where they put me on a flight home.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:38:12 No.7170005

    This is exactly the field I want to get into. Preferably in China (though I confess I've only visited once, perhaps I'll sour on the place)

    I'm nigh fluent in Mandarin (am fluent in French and Hindi, as well, if that helps) getting a ChemE degree from an Ivy league uni.

    How does I shot engineering consultant job?
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)01:40:38 No.7170045

    Cool story, bro

    I have never heard of an American, pardon the pun, getting Shanghaied in China before. Certainly robbed or beaten up, but pressed into service? Hmmmm........ suppose it's possible.
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)01:43:41 No.7170088

    I'd look for a large company in your home country that has manufacturing or sourcing in China, and has a need for somebody to take up a post in China watching the store, as it were.

    Please be careful in your chosen path. I know a lot of foreigners who come here and just can't deal with the culture shock. It's a whole different world here.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:44:59 No.7170111

    How's the pay?

    How bad are taxes in commieland?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:47:07 No.7170141
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    Even worse, I can now reveal to you that they were, in fact peeing in your Coke.
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)01:49:37 No.7170170

    The pay is good. Six figures.

    Taxes suck. 30-40%
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:49:57 No.7170175

    Are you dying to go home?

    also, since I may be going to Beijing come summer time, how're the chicks there?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:52:14 No.7170206
    thats an excellent question. How hard is it for a foreign devil (white person) to hook up there? Are chicks warm and friendly or avoid you like the plague?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:53:05 No.7170218

    I imagine they'd be extremely pleasant, but they'd hesitate to hook up with any non-Chinese.
    >> American in China Wade 01/19/10(Tue)01:54:18 No.7170234

    Sometimes I miss home a lot. Sometimes I say to myself "What the fuck am I doing here?".

    But, for the most part, it's ok. Every day is an adventure. I miss the food more than anything, and seeing the latest movie at the theater.

    I haven't actually been to Beijing, believe it or not, but here in Shenzhen it's wall to wall women, and some real drop-dead gorgeous babes. Shanghai is great too.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)01:54:21 No.7170236
    Sort of like a black chick hooking up with a white boy in the states?

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