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    File : 1263838449.jpg-(25 KB, 450x300, 6363784n.jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:14:09 No.7159069  
    How much do you hate racists, neo Nazism, white supremacists, stormfront users, skinheads, dumb red necks, fascists etc.

    They are the only thing I hate in this world and I am white, racism is completely irrational and sickening.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:15:15 No.7159081
    They are just attention whores. I don't really hate anything, least of all these pathetic kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:16:12 No.7159089
    I just think they're massive tools. The real people I hate are those who are able to take advantage of them and cause serious damage. Every dictator in the world has gotten there from knowing how to exploit these authoritarian ass-licking dumbfucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:16:17 No.7159091
    As a white man, why do you hate racism from whites most of all? Blacks, Asians, Jews, and hispanics are just as racist if not more racist than those white supremacist groups. Many of them are just not as vocal about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:16:18 No.7159092
    >How much do you hate
    >only thing I hate in this world

    Well, do-fucking-hoho
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:17:13 No.7159108
    It's funny because I'm a racist and don't really hate anyone, but you as an anti-racist hate me. The people in your pic do look a bit silly to me too though.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:19:24 No.7159130

    How does it feel impeding human progress with your outdated and ignorant attitude?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:19:34 No.7159133
    Racism isn't all bad, it makes inter-racial fettishes even hotter.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:20:28 No.7159146
    They dont bother me because I am not the on they're after.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:21:25 No.7159163
    I hate british fucktards.
    they all need to die
    fucking ugliest kind of caucasian
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:21:42 No.7159166
    Haow am I impeding human progress? And don't judge my views when you know absolutely nothing about them.

    If you want to meet somehow who wants nothing more than to see humans of all races become better than they are now, talk to a racist.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:21:54 No.7159168
    They have the right idea but their execution could use a bit of work.
    >> Mandic !SRBINDsb16 01/18/10(Mon)13:22:45 No.7159180
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    >racism is completely irrational and sickening.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:23:38 No.7159187
    I don't really agree with everything they say, but I respect their POV and am glad they're allowed to exist.

    Also don't call rednecks dumb, I've known rednecks that are in mensa.

    >authoritarian ass-licking
    If they cared about the law then they wouldn't commit hate crimes.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:24:04 No.7159193

    so much that I wish they were black ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:24:16 No.7159196
    I'm white, yet I get insults and middle fingers quite a bit simply because I wear a little black skullcap. I even got spit at once.

    Racists/neo-nazis/supremacists/all that are shit tier bitches of the earth. They've got NO logical arguments whatsoever, can only repeat the same mindless drivel that they're fed, and only know mindless hatred to make themselves feel better about their shitty selves.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:24:17 No.7159197
    The ones that I truly hate are the people that don't think they're racist. I also hate white parents that tell their white daughters to claim rape if she has consensual sex with a black man. The shit makes me rage so hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:25:06 No.7159204
    I don't really hate anyone. I think they're bad people, but I wouldn't go up and punch one or anything. Even if I weren't a pussy.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:26:14 No.7159212
    They are an embarrasment and a farce. I honestly do think that racially white on average have some good plus points but every race has its benefits. These people fucking suck and make being proud of European culture a bad/racist thing. Fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:26:36 No.7159218
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    Those people are impeding human progress, not racists.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:27:03 No.7159221
    It's not a secret that the more homogeneous a society, the less crime. They just want a safer society and take it to the extreme.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:27:28 No.7159229
    i'm not white, but I still hate niggers, and brown people to some extent.

    also, jap-chink hate is hilarious... the majority of the world thinks they are the one and the same
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:28:32 No.7159243
    racists that kill I hate. "racists" that protect their country from banning alcohol and bacon I love.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:28:44 No.7159244
    I'm not racist. But people who hate racists and think it's irrational and sickening seem pretty narrow minded to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:29:48 No.7159261
    What exactly determines the skin tone of an interracial baby? I find it interesting because babies from black-white couples range from rather dark to almost indistinguishable from white.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:29:58 No.7159263
    Hate the game, not the players. We're all humans bro, and the racists have a far more troubled mind and background than you could imagine
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:30:02 No.7159265
    I'm not a skinhead, nazi, etc

    BUT I know as a fact that brown, black people *tend* to act in different ways than whites, asians

    We're not the same, the world is a living proof of this.

    Compare Mexico with Sweden, Japan with Haiti.

    go ahead an call me racist, republican, nazi, etc
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:30:30 No.7159271
    I will rip your nigger lips off you name the time and place yank!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:31:44 No.7159291
    I hate everyone, them included.

    Anyone can be completely stupid fucking humans, not even worth the oxygen they breathe regardless of race/ideals/etc etc
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:33:30 No.7159310
    i dont hate racist as much as a pitty them they need to be re-educated or killed for the simple fact that humnatiy needs to move forward fuck man we can be havning moon colonies and exploring the res of our galaxie people!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:33:52 No.7159312
    >compare the colonizers to the colonies
    >the colonies are poorer
    >non-whites are inferior
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:34:49 No.7159328
    I don't hate skinheads as much as I hate white-guilt people
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:34:55 No.7159330

    black/darker features are dominant traits. if the black parent isn't 100% "black" (ie, they also have white ancestry) then they might have recessive genes, which combined with the genes from the white parent will give the child white features.

    also, punnet squares
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:36:35 No.7159343

    Culture =/= race.

    see: uncle toms.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:37:27 No.7159354

    That's a stupid argument. Compare the way people act in Topeka, Kanasa and New York City, and you'll find a lot of differences.

    Compare the Swedes and Japanese....

    Cultures are constructed out of local influences, resource availability, geography, politics, economics, etc. And unlike race, culture can be changed. I think it's perfectly legitimate to criticize a culture for its stupid shit (and all cultures have stupid shit).
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:37:37 No.7159356
    they bore me. they're so fucking boring. i mean, 'hate niggers this, hate niggers that'. what about having a nice meaningful conversation, let's say, about tractors, one in a while.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:38:11 No.7159361
    >dumb rednecks

    fuck you city boy op.

    i live in a trailer park in the midwest in a town of 300 people.

    interracial couples live here and no one gives a shit.

    go suck some tranny cock.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:38:47 No.7159364

    that's the whole point.

    PROTIP: the US is a former colony, now a world superpower, same with Canada

    what they have in common? ...... oh, yeah WHITE PEOPLE
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:38:56 No.7159366
    ITT thread jews who hate whites
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:39:00 No.7159368
    Yeah how dare places that have order, maintain order. And when people get up to walk away, it turns into pure anarchy and piss covered shit.

    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:39:54 No.7159373
    Racists are the scum of the Earth, in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:40:03 No.7159376
    I thought as much, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:40:37 No.7159381
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    I don't like their economic or political beliefs but I agree with their observations of organized, world Judaism and niggers. You have a problem with reality. You cannot take primitive behavior out of a primitive people.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:41:21 No.7159387
    PROTIP: natives and european colonists were never treated equally. In fact, natives were always treated as animals that need to be put down.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:42:11 No.7159394
    How many of you have actually encountered racial hatred?
    >> Man on the Moon !GraviTyX/c 01/18/10(Mon)13:43:11 No.7159405
    I hate conformists. When the nazi's are in power they are nazi's. Later they we're progressive because everyone was progressive. Now European. Multicultural. And they despise everything that doesn't fit in their little world. People like OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:44:51 No.7159424

    >>I hate conformists.

    And you conform with a lot of people who also hate conformity as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:44:51 No.7159425

    Do you really think a country of black people, ran by black people could be able to send anything on the Moon by themselves. Also please tell me what technology was invented by black people? Canoes?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:45:11 No.7159427
    I'm not sure what /r9k/ hates more, brown people or republicans
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:46:12 No.7159437

    Racism is actually entirely rational; it is a method of self defence against a perceived threat against an established society or social order, whether this threat is real or imagined.

    Racism may seem mad, but it will never go away completely - even if it does seem a little odd.
    >> fineshoes Anivdelarev !ctlPTrw/Lw 01/18/10(Mon)13:48:10 No.7159455
    meh, i dislike them as much as i dislike communists and any kind of retard for that matter. i don't spend sleepless nights thinking of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:48:11 No.7159456

    Except abo or African, they destroy society and have no self-restraint, hence we all know what a chimpout is.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:49:32 No.7159472
    If you count shouts of "FUCKING JEW" and the like as "racial hatred",

    I posted it in >>7159196
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:50:12 No.7159475

    why the natives were not capable of defending themselves and did not have the technological advancements as the whites did?

    Ask a black person were they prefer to live now, in the US or Africa
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:55:34 No.7159549
    because of Europe's geography. 70% of the world wasn't beyond spears and blowdarts in 1500 AD.

    Racism isn't a defense mechanism made for the defense of an established order, it came about as a way of justifying why hundreds of thousands of people were being slaughtered in inhumane ways. "Why did we just wipe out the entire population of North America?" "they weren't quite human" "Oh."
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 01/18/10(Mon)13:56:37 No.7159564

    So the entirety of Asia isn't part of the world, neither is the middle east.

    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:58:18 No.7159586
    racism is for short sighted thugs (see:BNP)

    racialism is for rational normal human beings (recognising differences and associations with said persons race and doing your best not to get in an unnecessary confrontation)
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)13:58:38 No.7159591
    Kinda hard not to be racist if some negro (or chink/sandnegro which is more common here in Europe ) gets a scholarship and you work and still get into debt for being white even though you had equal or better grades in school.

    I also don't see why we spent hundreds of millions on Haiti. They're ungratefull dumb negros. Haiti was doing good in the 18th century, then the French left and they ruined it because negros just suck at establishing working societies.

    Sandniggers are even worse. Visit Western Europe and see for yourselfs. They welfare the shit out of us, hate on the countries that feed them and bitch all day long about how we disrespect Allah and how bad we treat them. It pisses me off when some lazy sandnigger sits on the couch all day, living on welfare and abuses his ghost-costume-wife while I work 60+ hours (job + university), live in a 50squarefeet room, go out about once a month and still can't make ends meet.
    I bet my father is happy that his tax money goes towards some useless sandniggers instead of paying for education of his only son.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:01:00 No.7159611
    juxtapose the silk route, Europe, india and China against both AMericas, Africa, Australia and Siberia
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:01:45 No.7159618

    >because of Europe's geography. 70% of the world wasn't beyond spears and blowdarts in 1500 AD.

    Wat? Are you implying swords, cannons and battleships grow on trees in Europe?
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:02:07 No.7159622
    black dude here
    Its just as pointless to hate them. It just gives them a cause to fight for.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:02:40 No.7159625

    Killing the Native Americans was necessary to steal their land, don't mistake greed and power for racism.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:03:50 No.7159639
    I hate extremists in general.

    If you aren't an asshole, then you are cool with me, man.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:04:16 No.7159642
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    >70% of the world wasn't beyond spears and blowdarts in 1500 AD.

    Actually, that was only sub-saharan Africa and unhabited lands of America.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:04:59 No.7159647
    but in order to lessen the psychological impact of the massacres and betrayals, the settlers had to cushion their perception with racism.
    >> Man on the Moon !GraviTyX/c 01/18/10(Mon)14:05:03 No.7159649
    Not exactly. I am raised quite 'racist', but I always wanted to see things with my own eyes.
    People are conformists, but they are also curious. If curiosity wins from conformism then I respect that in a person.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:05:18 No.7159652

    well then whitey, tell your faggot banking cabal to stop creating debt prisons for the world around you.

    Oh that's right, white people NEVER fuck over other whites.

    My mistake anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:05:28 No.7159655

    >it came about as a way of justifying why hundreds of thousands of people were being slaughtered in inhumane ways. "Why did we just wipe out the entire population of North America?" "they weren't quite human" "Oh."

    nice obvious troll - I mean well thought out argument.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:06:34 No.7159667
    fucking hate skinheads.

    I'm proud to be a cracker. I'm not like some kind of supremacist but I'm proud of my heritage. of course, why not?

    but skinheads represent the worst of us crackers, they're even worse than tweekers and chavs. they're an embarrassment to both my race and my species.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:07:58 No.7159682
    Just about every third world country in the world would like a word with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:08:08 No.7159684
    As a marxist-leninist, I admire their spirit. There's no honor in being a traitor to anything.

    That being said I'd still kill all of them lol ^_^
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:09:21 No.7159694
    don't forget West Virginia.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:09:59 No.7159696
    >the more white homogeneous a society, the less crime

    ^this statement is true
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:11:26 No.7159717
    you've never been to WV, have you?

    just watch Deliverance or something
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:11:55 No.7159722
    Why be proud of your race?

    It's not like you had anything to do with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:11:56 No.7159723

    The wealthier a society as a whole is, the less crime there is. Prove me wrong
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:13:52 No.7159737
    Oh shit prove me wrong no longer is instant ban
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:13:55 No.7159738
    I hate racist "trash" such as white americans, KKK, most neo-nazi bottom-feeders

    I like racist "defenders", noble, cultured, worthwhile people simply trying to preserve western civilisation

    Big difference
    >> Kit !!fYC8+eTPbaz 01/18/10(Mon)14:14:10 No.7159742
    See >>7159694

    Coming from the state that's almost wholly white, I can tell you that bar fights and drugs kill just as many people here as racial conflicts do. I'd say those two things account for 99% of our crime rate... the other 1% being assholes cutting each other off in traffic and letting road rage fly.
    >> Kit !!fYC8+eTPbaz 01/18/10(Mon)14:14:47 No.7159749
    I take serious offense to that. Deliverance is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:14:59 No.7159753

    >White Americans

    We elected a black guy by a massive landslide you fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:16:23 No.7159769

    How many of the second kind are there compared to the first?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:16:37 No.7159773

    If they are in mensa they are not really rednecks.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:16:45 No.7159775
    you are no aware of the fact that apes do NOT have textured hair and their lips are actually quite thin.
    I wonder who that sounds like.
    Also all humans are classified as apes.
    >> US Army Bro !ftPf.M4w3U 01/18/10(Mon)14:16:58 No.7159780
    I love these poor stupid bastards. They keep people like me working.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:18:14 No.7159796
    never from white people because white guilt makes them too chicken shit to say anything. But I know asians that are constantly racist and think that shits funny. But thats ok since they have small dicks, sideways vaginas and no eyelids.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:19:20 No.7159818
    Don't argue with racists, it's like arguing with women.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:21:05 No.7159839

    Brazil is the only example that works for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:21:20 No.7159844
    They don't hate other races, they just think the world would be a better place if all other races would instantly vanish, which is most likely true.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:21:36 No.7159849
    how about elevators, traffic signals, open heart surgery, and the gas mask for starters?
    You would think you would be able to find this easily being so close to black history month.
    Google some others faggot. Its not hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:21:42 No.7159851

    I'm mestizo (Mexican father, german mother). I've never faced discrimination for being Mexican, but I have been discriminated against for being pretty much every ethnicity from portugal to china.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:22:03 No.7159855
    They live in a tiny shack, have a wardrobe of checkered shirts and a diet of cans of beer and go hunting every fortnight.

    If that ain't really a redneck then I don't know what is.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:22:35 No.7159862
    So my irrational fear of the boogie man becomes entirely rational as long as it keeps me safe from the boogie man?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:23:23 No.7159871
    I'm mixed (white, mexican, native, roma), and it comes down to either calling me 'too white' (from minorities) or 'too ethnic/dirty mixed kid' (from whites).
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:23:32 No.7159874
    White european here with strong genetics (lol, right?):

    I think it's stupid. I think it's terrible to hate another person just because of their culture and/or skin colour. Hate is a terrible, terrible thing.

    Most of these people have nothing to be proud of in their lives, so they adopt a sense of superiority based on nothing but their birthright, because, like I said, they've got nothing else.
    >> Larry !cRAckErsW2 01/18/10(Mon)14:23:51 No.7159878
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    Its less about how much I hate them and more pity that they can't appreciate a beautiful black woman
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:23:54 No.7159879

    Compare the incomes and the crime risks.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:24:01 No.7159882
    I can honestly say that I would NOT want to be in Africa.
    The impromptu boat ride was fucked up but I think I'm better off now.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:24:22 No.7159889

    >Just about every third world country in the world would like a word with you.

    Just about every third world country in the world is inhabited by niggers/sandniggers/latiniggers.

    Conclusion: Niggers kill themselves because they would rather kill each other than work. You knew this already.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:24:34 No.7159893
    Without the vocal ones, you would hate the cultured ones.

    It's like with the gay and fag dichotomy.

    Without the fags, gay would not be accepted.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:24:49 No.7159898

    Gypsy scum.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:25:39 No.7159909
    Neo-nazis are the epitome of "white trash." I don't care what degrees they hold or if they have jobs, never in my life have I ever seen or met one that didn't ride around in a shitty pickup truck, dress like they come from the 1990s grunge era, watch NASCAR, drink shitty piss beer, and yell profanities at every possible second.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:26:11 No.7159916

    "yaw dis whaite boi beez hittan on me an he dun think he can grab a juicay blak sow liek diz he crazy nigga"
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:26:27 No.7159921
    anythin rong wi ma eyes nigga?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:27:03 No.7159935
    none at all really, i can see why they feel that way.

    does that make me an oldfag?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:27:16 No.7159937

    Hating a person because of skin color is wrong. Hating a person because of culture is perfectly acceptable. Would you befriend Islamist extremists because it's their culture that makes them kill women and children?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:29:27 No.7159970

    I'm pretty sure American Indians or Inuit invented canoes.
    Maybe the coconut bra and the Chewbaca-Defense?
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:29:53 No.7159975
    I can tell that you have a retarded view point on the world.
    Those kids probably got NEED BASED scholarships. They were already poor so the scholarship puts them at the same level as you. If the scholarship were merit based that would be another story.
    As for Haiti; being stupid was only half the reason they are as bad as they are now. France gave them independence at the cost of a dept they could never pay back. On top of that, every time they got a new leader the person would fuck the country even harder and take all of the money away. Haiti was actually a nice place to visit not too long ago.
    Sounds like your country needs welfare reform so the system isn't easily abused. Also you need to find a better job that doesn't leave you poor even while working 60 hours. I thought Europe was supposed to be so superior to America. Certainly you can find a nice place with your monopoly money without working over 40 hours.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:30:08 No.7159978
    fuck racism
    dat baby is so cute
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:30:50 No.7159989
    >unhabited lands of America.
    oh you
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:31:04 No.7159993
    They invented hollow tree trunks? Wow I am impressed.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:31:09 No.7159994

    Funny. I have never met a single neo-nazi that watches NASCAR. Also American "neo-nazis" suck ass.
    >> Larry !cRAckErsW2 01/18/10(Mon)14:31:45 No.7160003
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    >I've never actually talked to a black person
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:32:05 No.7160006
    If you have nothing else to be proud of than your race you should really get on with your life. Statistics can show anything, but judging a large portion of humanity just like that, based on nothing but race, seems foolish too.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:32:14 No.7160011

    Try riding down a river in a brittle hollow trunk, report back.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:32:49 No.7160014
    Serbs and slavs would like a word with you.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:34:42 No.7160031
    America is wealthier than Japan yet Japan has far lower crime rates.
    /proven wrong
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:35:04 No.7160040
    And a shit load of resources. America is fucking huge.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:37:23 No.7160074

    Japan also has far less white people than America. Other guy proven wrong too.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:37:45 No.7160077
    Oh hi Columbia
    Oh hi Hunduras
    Oh hi fucking Iraq, rwanda, Mexico etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:38:50 No.7160097

    As a society, nimrod. Americas wealth "averages out" pretty well but in reality the wealth disparity gap is fucking huge when it comes to minority (esp. black minority) communities.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:39:18 No.7160109
    Who said anything about brittle? Why would I pick brittle?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:39:39 No.7160114

    oh, just realized you were a black race traitor. congratulations on being a stupid tripfag, lol. No point in arguign with dumb niggers.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:40:20 No.7160127
         File1263843620.jpg-(40 KB, 500x666, 1263843293160.jpg)
    40 KB
    African Women, Indian Women, etc they're all beautiful. Would you really choose Susan Boyle over a beautiful colored women?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:40:31 No.7160132
    Brittle hollow, failure. ;__;
    Decent wood, SUCCESS!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:41:52 No.7160150
    What's funny is that soon white people are going to become a minority and these white supremacists are going to become minority advocate groups.

    You may not like it now, but these people will be our only hope once the niggers and spics take over.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:42:00 No.7160154
    sup, liberal faggot thats never gone to an inner city high school. hows it feel to be a pussy faggot thats never been exposed to the scum of society that you hold so dear to you? you should try moving to the ghetto and see how nice all your nigger buddies are.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:42:40 No.7160165
    can't believe this needs a blox


    >I can tell that you have a retarded view point on the world.
    Those kids probably got NEED BASED scholarships. They were already poor so the scholarship puts them at the same level as you.

    Bullshit. I get 160Euro childsupport (for me, I don't have childs. You get that stuff till 25 here) a month. Doesn't cover shit. I make about 600 Euro a month and I'm burning away what little savings I had from my 9 months of service.
    Those guys get a small apparment (still bigger than my single room of course), tuiton and like 500Euro extra. By the time we both have our degree I'll have worked some thousand hours, lost my savings and won't have anything to my name. Very fair indeed.

    >On top of that, every time they got a new leader the person would fuck the country even harder and take all of the money away.

    Help those that help themselves?

    >Sounds like your country needs welfare reform so the system isn't easily abused.

    Obviously. But as you may know politicians care more about getting those welfarer-votes than about actual fairness. They consider increasing the rates for longterm unemployed and ignore the fact that most students with 40+ hour weeks (just studying) need
    to work some night- or weekendshift to get somewhere close to what a longterm unemployed gets for free.

    >Also you need to find a better job that doesn't leave you poor even while working 60 hours

    I'm making 10 Euro an hour ( 16 Dollar but obviously higher cost of living than in most of the US ) which is as much as you can make without qualification.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:43:37 No.7160182
    What's a straw man argument again?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:44:12 No.7160193
    Hi, someone else here: I went to a rich middle school and a "hood" high school, and guess what? Both sucked ass. Teenagers are scummy little self-centered shits no matter what race they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:44:45 No.7160202

    you will have trouble finding a sturdy hollow trunk ready for you to ride. hollowing it out yourself is harder than you might think, espacially with crappy tools.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:45:43 No.7160218
    Hahaha, I'm Latina and I love how uptight white people get about minorities. I can't wait to have four or more kids just to make your numbers get smaller quicker.

    Eat a dick, honky.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:45:58 No.7160223
    Somebody already proved that point incorrect as well within the united states.

    seems that it doesn't have much to do with the number of whites, being homogeneous or even the amount of wealth. Maybe its just culture?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:47:00 No.7160241
    white people want a homogenous society... or in the least one minus poor sandniggers/niggers like many people, e.g. asians, enjoy.

    the response from leftist extremists:

    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:47:06 No.7160243

    It depends on how they grow up. Though in general I have to agree. I noticed a massive decline in "quality" of teenagers since I was one myself (late 90ies/early 00).
    Well it's kinda good for me. I'll have my degree soon and I'm pretty sure there won't be coming lots of quality competition.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:47:33 No.7160249

    Read: US embargo towards Haiti as soon as they decided to be independent, multiple US interventions, US-backed dictators
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:48:50 No.7160274

    I'm pretty sure you'll have those 4 kids so you and your wetbag-husband/pimp don't have to work and because you're a whore and no sane white man with a good job will consider impregnating you.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:48:58 No.7160277
    They hate mongrels too, how about some honky-love, Panchita?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:51:16 No.7160313

    It's absolutely impossible to disprove something that is factually correct if you even bother to check statistics provided by the us fucking government. It is a fact that even when you go as low as possible, White people average about 40+ times more wealth than blacks. If you removed impoverished people from the equation, Japan and America would mirror each other w/r/t/ violent crime.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:51:19 No.7160315

    Never seen that one before blox.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:51:27 No.7160316
    Yes also this.
    I'm hard pressed to find a country that didn't become shit after america stuck its dick inside. Just about everything we touch turns to shit. But we are better off for it so its fine .
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:51:29 No.7160317
    que? que? no ingles~*

    maybe later, I need to finish reading "Destroying the Man 101".
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:52:20 No.7160337
    Its wet back you stupid ass. If you're going to be racist at least do it right.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:52:33 No.7160338
    evenabboscould mangeitbylayering strippedbqarkblox.
    >you will have trouble finding a sturdy hollow trunk ready for you to ride.
    No shit Sherlock, fallen trees go rotten.
    >hollowing it out yourself is harder than you might think,
    Lol, no it isn't. Plus you don't even NEED to hollow it, just take off the outside layers.
    > especially with crappy tools.
    Which is why you make better tools.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:53:28 No.7160354

    What's your point, you blithering idiot? Poor people live in high risk areas, whereas the rich live in wealthy conclaves with minimal crime and very little exposure to poor people. You prove nothing with your stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:55:04 No.7160377

    The fact remains that the criminality rate of mid-eastern people is much higher than that of the original people in western countries. I myself live in the Netherlands, am not a racist, but if you follow the news around here, even the most peaceful mind can slowly start to hate them. Currently, in the city of "Culemborg", Maroccan youth throws molotovcoctails in windows of innocent people. In EVERY city there's minorities that create mayhem and disrupt order, basically because of no reason. DO NOT try to justify any of these situations with your anti-racism rants. These people deserve nothing more than getting thrown out and shunned upon, regardless of their skin colour. The problem is, statistically, the "coloured" races are mostly the source of some of these problems, which spoils their image for the rest of their people. I know several Maroccans who're civilized, normal and above all willing to integrate in our society, but the majority of them just wants to change OUR country the way they want it.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 01/18/10(Mon)14:55:48 No.7160391
    Wealthy people don't commit crimes? STOP THE FUCK PRESSES.
    That isn't to say that poor people do though. Manhattan is one of the wealthiest places in America but crime is out the ass. America "hearth-land" isn't necessarily rich but crime is relatively low. It doesn't follow the trend you want t o believe in. At the end of the day it just comes down to culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:55:59 No.7160396
    >implying you wouldn't be happy to speak even your second language as good as I speak my third.

    Monolingual American Wetbag.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:57:02 No.7160414
    Antifa. All I do is hang out with friends and go around kicking ass. It is nice to have a viable Neo-Nazi community down here whose ass we can kick.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:57:03 No.7160415
    >Serbs and slavs would like a word with you.

    What am I reading? How are Serbs not Slavs? I can understand them just fine, so they must be.

    And many Slavic countries are among the safest in Europe, eg. Slovenia, Czechia, Slovakia, Croatia.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:57:29 No.7160424

    I am willing to bet that is your own fault. You eurofags FAIL at the "culture assimilation" department. Learn a thing or two from Canada.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:58:19 No.7160437
    Quisiera ser el sol para darte calor :3
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:59:50 No.7160460

    Yeah Antifa. Like neo-nazis only more violent and less educated ( which you could consider an achievement ).
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)14:59:57 No.7160462
    Throwing bricks into windows is how Morrocans want to change the Netherlands? You'd except that Morroco is windowless in that case, but it isn't, is it?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/10(Mon)15:00:21 No.7160468
    because Serbs are warmongering shiteaters that like to start (world-)wars and love playing the innocents

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