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  • File : 1263433959.jpg-(38 KB, 500x500, mom.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)20:52:39 No.7086209  
    You disgrace your parents, ./r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)20:53:25 No.7086211
    They chose to have me

    Who's laughing now? Nobody.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)20:54:14 No.7086224
    Should have aborted me
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)20:55:45 No.7086252
    Moar pics like OP's, please.

    I feel like crying tonight.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)20:56:37 No.7086266
    2 years ago I was a disgrace to my parents and myself. Then I went back to school and changed my life around. Now they tell me their proud of me all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)20:56:39 No.7086267
    I was adopted. Bonus points: I'm more successful than the family's biological child.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)20:56:43 No.7086268
    I don't even live with them and that's pretty much true.

    Oh well they only want me to do well so they can be smug faggots to the rest of the family.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)21:02:30 No.7086354
    I liked this better when it was posted in /a/
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 01/13/10(Wed)21:05:22 No.7086400
    my dad disgraces me, so it all works out.

    mom's cool
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)21:08:35 No.7086435
    My parents are dead.

    Owned bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)21:09:57 No.7086452
    21 years old
    still live with parents but plan on moving out of house within a few months
    sell pot, parents don't know
    jobless (used to work part-time as a book keeper, but work's slowed down)

    yeah, i feel like a pisshead. at least i've got an awesome girlfriend though.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)21:10:12 No.7086458
    hey, it's a lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)21:10:19 No.7086461
    Yup my parents hate me. I'm always not good enough for my Dad and his decisions also influence my moms.
    >> Suddenly, Tripcodes! !yRd8SXc/L. 01/13/10(Wed)21:10:25 No.7086462
    I'm sorry you got the artist Dad. I know you wanted the academic or the athlete, but you got the musician. But I'm working hard and I love what I do, Dad. I'm sorry if I'm not going to a "regular" college with a "real" major, but this is who I am.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 01/13/10(Wed)21:10:57 No.7086473
    I don't give a shit about what my mother thinks.

    My dad is pretty damn proud of me though.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)21:13:29 No.7086517
    My dad is crazy. He thinks I am a lawyer. He always tells me how proud he is of me.

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