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    File : 1263122097.jpg-(46 KB, 604x453, momcaked.jpg)
    46 KB Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:14:57 No.7027550  
    ITT: Most fucked up thing that happened to you or you witnessed as a child.

    I've emerged pretty unscathed. No abusings nor rapings. Maybe when my grandmother's boyfriend hugged me a little too tightly at Christmas (this was when I was hittting puberty hardcore) and then talked about porn a little while later. Otherwise, pretty Cleaver-esque childhood.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:21:34 No.7027616
    >Maybe when my grandmother's boyfriend hugged me a little too tightly at Christmas (this was when I was hittting puberty hardcore) and then talked about porn a little while later.

    Oh my dear god. How could you ever live a normal life? Oh wait... You are in 4chan so you didn't.

    Anyways my stepfather used to beat the shit out of me with extension cords etc. and my mother promised me like three times a week that we would move out but we never did. That continued like 4 years. I moved out when I was 17. I had to.

    So pretty normal compared to some stories I heard. Nothing too bad. At least I wasn't raped or shit. lol
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:23:58 No.7027645
    It's kind of embarrassing when people have these crazy war stories from growing up and I don't know what to say other than, 'Sorry.'

    So I don't really talk about it
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:24:06 No.7027646
    why on earth is there cocks on those cakes?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:24:45 No.7027654
    My mother employed a babysitter to watch me, the babysitter was a crack fiend and left me with her boyfriend.

    He abused me, and made me strip naked, he made me touch him and do horrible things. He used to take pictures of me and degrade me all the time as well as physically abusing me.

    It completely fucked me up, once he pinned me down (and this is the only memory I can fully remember, the rest are flashbacks) and I grabbed a glass and hit him in the face with it, it smashed in my hand and I ran up the stairs crying and locked myself in the bathroom.

    I remember shivering and looking through the crack in the door and seeing the blood pouring from his eyebrow and him smashing the door.

    I still wake up sweating sometimes and have nightmares in which I remember his face bleeding vividly.

    On medication, don't trust anybody. Crippling social anxiety, and no I'm not a girl. :/
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:26:51 No.7027680
    I had a girlfriend of six years die last year.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:27:12 No.7027687

    Oh, and I told my mother about this but she didn't believe me. She said I was a liar and used to beat me for making up such horrible disgusting stories. Saying I had a dirty mind, and a dirty imagination. And that the things which I 'made up' were wrong and that they were against Gods will and that I shouldn't be 'fantasising' about men.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:27:37 No.7027694

    >and no I'm not a girl. :/

    You sound like one. Get the fuck over it.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:29:43 No.7027715

    Do I want to ask?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:30:00 No.7027720

    You're just showing your ignorance. I'm not over it, I'm as over it as I feel I'll ever be, I'm getting on with my life.

    I'm only posting because of the thread :)

    I wouldn't expect you to understand, or expect anything less than a completely moronic comment from somebody from 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:30:08 No.7027722
    At the age of 11, finding my dad dead in the living room with blood/puke all over his body/face due to ODing on drugs.

    Seeing my mother get the shit kicked out of her by a drunk guy she was with, until she ended up in a coma.

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:30:30 No.7027727

    Well what the fuck you are an adult person now and you control yourself and that shit is in the past. Forget about it. Stop taking the fucking pills. I don't know why you need them? Also yeah I don't trust ppl either and I don't like social situations but still I don't need no drugs lol I just deal with it. Most people are assholes and cannot be trusted and I hate social situations. That's how I am. But I don't need no damn pills for... I don't even know why you need them lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:30:45 No.7027730

    You kill her, gas her, rape her, choke her, beat her, chuck her, fuck her? What you do to her bro?

    Did she drop any good loot lol?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:31:01 No.7027733

    This still sounds like the worst shit... But thats because I was never molested and I hated my parents.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:31:31 No.7027737
    I remember going through my step-dads camera when I was 8 or 9, cannot remember. Was all normal until I saw images of hairy assholes and what was essentially gay porn. I didnt even know what I was looking at until my mother looked over my shoulder and started swearing.

    He worked at a mine way up north, 2 weeks in 2 weeks out so he was alone up there a lot. I can't exactly complain, it caused a divorce I so much wanted my mom to go through with. He was a huge prick to me and would act like a fucking angel whenever my mother was around.

    Nowadays, though, I laugh about it.
    >> Concerned Citizen 01/10/10(Sun)06:32:10 No.7027745
    lol attention starved/craving mythomaniacs In this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:32:36 No.7027750

    Hmm... Yeah that reminded me. My dad is alcoholic and he takes all kinds of drugs and abuses his medication with alcohol and I used to spent like two weeks trying to get him to sober up in his house while her girlfriend beat the shit out of my dad while he was passed out and brought more booze to the house and when I had to sleep she gave that booze to my father so when I woke up my dad was drunk again. That was tough.

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:32:46 No.7027752

    So your advice is 'forget about it'. If it was that easy I would of forgot about it already, again another moronic statement.

    I'm on tranquelizers because they stop me from thinking so much. Also I've been on them for years since I was a teenager, I didn't really have a choice, I had no idea how they'd make me feel or what they'd do. I was only told they'd make me feel better and now I'm nothing short of dependent on them.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:32:56 No.7027758
    Other than not having a father figure for most of it, I was sheltered. Maybe I can complain excessively about being too sheltered? Yeah, I should've been exposed to things in the world at a younger age and because I wasn't, I can't sympathize or connect with people. Feel bad for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:35:01 No.7027773

    This shit isn't even traumatizing to children until somebody makes a big fucking deal about it.
    >> derpsbutts !BkiBfNMY8g 01/10/10(Sun)06:36:06 No.7027784

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:36:21 No.7027787
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:36:53 No.7027796

    OK well I didn't know all the facts. But I know it's better without that shit if you can do it.

    My story:


    I don't have any medication though they tried to take me to shrink but I refused to eat any pills. When I enlisted they had this record of me going to shrink when I was 15-17 and I don't know why or how they found out about it but after I told the nurse and doc what is was really about I got to enlist in the navy and it was no problem.

    Just saying that drugs are never good. Try to lose them if you can.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:38:10 No.7027804
    I had a female cousin who I'd see for a few months every year and then have absolutely zero contact with actually rape me when I was 13 years old, it wasn't the sex that scared me but the fact that there was no protection or birth control involved at all, and she was heading back home within a couple of days, so I effectively spent an entire year not knowing whether I had created some horrible mutant demon baby or not. It didn't really effect me that much though. And there were no babies.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:40:15 No.7027822

    I don't think you quite understand.

    Since she has been gone I haven't been able to think about other women, not sexually at least. I can't think about sex without having some emotional connection with the chick. This even goes into pornography.

    I have had chicks try to date me (REALLY HARD, I mean one was to the point where my friend was trying to get me to get a restraining order) and every time I started to care enough to get sexually excited I would push them away out of fear of losing them the same way I lost her.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:42:40 No.7027844
    ITT: a bunch of spineless pussies. Nothing to see here.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:43:57 No.7027859
    I grew up in and upper to middle class house. My mum and dad have always have jobs and a good income. I went to good schools and lived in good neighborhoods. My parents never divorced or even fight. You're all a bunch of losers.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:44:28 No.7027866

    Yeah... I'm out of this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:45:00 No.7027870
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    I am absolutely sure these are the same people.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:45:01 No.7027871
    You're a guy?
    A girl raped you?
    I honestly did not know this was possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:46:16 No.7027889
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    had a neighborhood friend that was 4 years older than me. the fact that he lived close by and had SEGA was the only reason we were friends.

    Course one night I i slept over to play the shit out of mk3. So its time to go to bed and were just layin on the couch and he decides to whip out his hard dick. It was very uncomfortable so i just went home. Next day we hung out and played MK3 like nothing happened. We never talked about it nor did it happen again.

    Wierd, but now its just funny.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:46:23 No.7027892

    its not, medical science concluded that men are incapable of having an erection when they are in a state of fear.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:46:39 No.7027897
    She was older and stronger than me, played a lot of in-line hockey and soccer.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:47:33 No.7027904
    I never said I was afraid.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:48:12 No.7027911

    then it wasn't rape.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:51:30 No.7027948
    so many trolls trolling people in this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:52:23 No.7027964
    You must be one of the dumbest peoples on the internet. Disconnect your computer right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:53:15 No.7027977

    Fucking liberals traumatizing children with all of their drama.

    Get the fuck out you fucking enabler.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:53:49 No.7027987
    When i was 13 i saw my mother and sister having incest
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:56:07 No.7028010
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:57:37 No.7028025
    It's still rape if I didn't consent to it, I had no intention or want to fuck my cousin at that point but my body at the time responded more strongly to what it could see than to what I wanted. And it's not like I could have gotten away from her.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:59:12 No.7028047

    Women can't rape men. It is unpossible.

    Rape is defined as an act of penetration.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)06:59:58 No.7028056

    never heard of a strap-on?

    also so much trollin' in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)07:00:15 No.7028062
    A digit in a mans arse?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)07:07:36 No.7028148
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    I'm sorry anon. Truly.

    Lot of "small" shit happened to me as a kid. My Dad was a drunk, and loved to scream at my Mom, so I spent a lot of nights with my ears covered. He shook me a few times, but he beat the absolute shit out of my brother, and I couldn't do a fucking thing. My cousin was molested/raped by a group of schoolmates, but I was 8 at the time and she begged me not to tell. She's got all kinds of shit going on now that no one seems to understand, and having kept the secret to myself, I feel like it's my fault somehow.

    As for me, I take a shitload of pills to fight anxiety, being more or less a total shut-in.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)07:09:10 No.7028163
    When I was 10, I had a 12-year-old black friend. (We're both male.) He forced me to let him fuck me in the ass by threatening me with a screwdriver.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)07:13:41 No.7028224
    This one time on my mom's birthday I saw her suck on a cock-cake.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)07:17:19 No.7028257
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)07:20:22 No.7028292
    Dad blew my dog's brains out in front of me and my brother when we were both about five (literally. Shotgun. Brain everywhere).

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)07:27:15 No.7028345
    When I was only 12 I wanted a Gameboy Advance for christmas. And only got a fucking color!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)08:28:16 No.7028938
    omg. I'm so sorry. ;_;
    How'd the brains taste?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)08:35:34 No.7029006
    When I was 12 my best friend Dimitar lived a bit outside the village where I lived. One day he was coming over to my house so we could watch the bombings on the city a few km's further. He never made it, an American bomb hit the bridge outside the village just as he was crossing it.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)08:47:22 No.7029143
    Father beat me until I was 16, where upon I left home. My mother was an alcoholic who said I was an accident and the cause of all the bad things that have happened to her. They both openly did drugs(marijuana, alcohol, tobacco and my dad did speed). My dad tied me to a radiator one time and threatened to turn it on and leave me there. My dad, broke my arm and drove off to his friends place. I ran over to a house and asked them to help me.

    When I left home, I had nothing. I spent two weeks at a friends house before going interstate to find my dad's parents(who had disowned him and he refused them to ever see me). Weirdest thing I ever witnessed was my father basically raping my mother who was completely lifeless, when I was 10.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)08:50:23 No.7029173
    Okay, this will fuck me up until the day I die. I was about nine or ten and one day I was getting ready for school when I heard giggling coming from my parent's room. Wanting to know what the big fucking deal was, I busted in to find my seven year old brother sitting on the bed while my mom was jiggling her tits for him.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)08:54:57 No.7029223
    My sister screaming at my mother while on a very bad acid trip. Not really that bad, but when she attacked me it burned into my memory.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)08:55:27 No.7029226
    dude that's fucking hot
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)08:59:39 No.7029257
    moar details
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)09:08:07 No.7029354
    A lot of fucked up stories here. Jesus christ.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)09:13:32 No.7029398
    I had a pretty normal middle-class life in a comfortable suburbia. Got along with everyone at school. Brother always helped me out with homework and got to go to my grandparents on the weekends. Worked in my grandpa's shop in the basement since I was five. First making toys and then just whatever we could come up with until he died from cancer. Though traumatic, its a fact of life. Despite all those situations, no buggery or pedo shit every happened. I suppose the only odd thing about my upbringing was where my bedroom was located. Right next to my parents bedroom and the walls were thin. They got it on practically every day no matter how quiet they were trying to be. Not really traumatized by it but I always have been somewhat of a voyeur.

    Just kidding. None of this happened.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)09:18:44 No.7029430


    what the fuck is going on in op's picture?


    iodfgihofd gioasfgi
    how is dildoblex not original
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)09:24:02 No.7029470
    for fucks sake could I get the story behind op's pic or maybe a video? it looks fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)09:25:07 No.7029481
    i didnt get awesome christmas presents every year, it would be like 2 years of good and then 1 year of average presents.

    shit was harsh.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)09:46:52 No.7029655
    My mum used to beat the crap out of me for 'lying' or 'talking back'. She once grounded me for a year because I didn't do the laundry. I was basically her slave and did all the cleaning in the house; if I didn't, I'd get beaten when she got home.

    I've been kicked out several times, and ran away a lot growing up. She enjoyed calling her friends when we'd have an argument and telling them all the stupid/embarrassing things I'd done recently. One time she called (or pretended to call) an adoption center telling them that she "couldn't control" me & was going to give me up - right in front of me. I was 11 years old.

    I had no friends because I wasn't allowed to call anyone, have anyone come over, or go over anyone else's house.

    She's not even an alcoholic. She's just psychotic and vehemently denies doing any of this.

    Then she sent me to a therapeutic boarding school and made herself out to be a victim of an 'unruly child'. Wasted any money saved up for college, and when I moved back in, it was like I'd never left in the first place. We got into an argument over something stupid, and she hit me again - after she left for work, I packed a bag and left. My family had no idea what was going on until I moved out.

    It's been almost 3 years, and she's pushed everyone away in our family because she doesn't see how much of a stupid bitch she's being.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)09:47:28 No.7029661
    my dad always got drunk and beat up my mom
    once he took us to a restaurant and after we ate he went to the bathroom and didn't come back, my mom had no credit card or money, and this was a time before cell phones, luckily I think the owner of the restaurant know her and my father, and he drove us home. I remember my mom and I hiding in the closet from my dad once, like it was a game.

    my mom and dad both had incidents where they would beat on us, it wasn't too bad, happened very rarely. my dad would just yell and back me into a corner than just hit me and hit me. my mom I remember dragging me around by my hair and hitting me in the face with a hanger.

    My mom had some serious episodes where she would freak out, probably due to the way my dad fucked her up, those really scared me.

    and the worst memory i have is when my dad and my uncle got drunk and shrew me in the pool when I was like 3 or 4, I could swim, but just barely, I remember them laughing as I tried to keep my head above water.

    but I'm not fucked up or anything, i dont need meds.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)09:52:56 No.7029714
    I was sexually abused by my brother for 5 years. Fucked me up pretty bad, but got over it these last few years. After going hardcore in martial arts and feeling like I could beat the shit out of pretty much anyone, fears of assault (or most anything else) went out the window.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)09:54:10 No.7029726

    Forgot to add, though it's significantly messed with my head, and I've been diagnosed as being borderline clinically depressed, I don't take meds (I don't feel that I need to) and I'm working so that I can put myself through college.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)10:11:09 No.7029868
    there are some REALLY fucked up stories here, I can't belive how could you people let this shit happen to you??
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)10:15:40 No.7029902
    Hey's okay. It wasn't your fault. *comforting shoulder bumb*
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)10:16:35 No.7029908
    My classmate in the 4th grade groped me while I went down a slide. He was behind me and grabbed on to my breast while I slid down.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)10:18:15 No.7029922
    >4th grade

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)10:27:19 No.7029987
    Fricking crazy when you realise shit like this happens so often. I had a fine life, and As soon as I get out of my town I find two people who've been beaten by family members. One who lied about it too just to get sympathy.
    What the fuck world? what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)10:33:01 No.7030038
    My dad beating up my half-sister.

    Though my sister did some stupid shit to deserve it, she still didn't deserve it, you know?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)11:13:17 No.7030449
    Nothing really specific, just the increasing mental instability and increased passive aggressiveness of my mother, which has recently culminated in my father getting a divorce, and then she declaring that everyone hates her like it's something she just figured out, athough she's still clueless as to why.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)11:21:25 No.7030545
    My teacher stroking my dick with a pencil while she was explaining something to me... it was awkward but I got a huge boner :( and an adult standing against me in the gym showers, he was humping me and when I tried to go away he grabbed me by my stomach and pulled me back and pushed his dick between my legs.. I wanted to scream but I just couldn't, I was in shock.. then someone came in and he quickly let go.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)11:38:32 No.7030740
    This is like my mum only much worse, I feel your pain.

    Urgh just thinking about her grinds my gears
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)11:56:06 No.7030912
    Watching my dad strangle my little sister till she was blue in the face and almost dead. He dropped her and drove off and she was unconscious. We didn't see him again for about 2 weeks after that. She was 11.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:03:08 No.7030999
    Fat girls can start growing tits when they are about 8.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:06:48 No.7031040
    when i was a young kid (maybe 7?)and thought people older than me did the right things and I was supposed to listen to them I had a really fucked up babysitter. she would make me do things to humiliate myself and threatened with punishment. I think she molested me too but I don't remember. I do know she made me get in the bathtub while she watched. she ended up getting busted for stealing from us and we quit using her. never told anyone about the stuff she did to me. don't know if she did anything to my sister either. If I saw her again and was given the opportunity I would kick the everliving shit out of her for being such a fucked up person.

    I dont think it really fucked me up permanently, I have a pretty normal life now. but it may be the reason I have trouble trusting authority just because they "should know/do what's right" - which I don't really consider to be a bad thing. Never told anyone about it before, not even my wife. feels good to let that out.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:08:07 No.7031049
    i need the source on op's pic.

    is it shopped?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:19:47 No.7031186
    I don't want to know how do you know that...
    >> duuuude 01/10/10(Sun)12:30:06 No.7031277
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    here you go, think you need this more then me
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:30:35 No.7031280
    I vaguely remember my dad beating the shit out of my mother. I also remember the two throwing pots and pans at each-other.

    Actually, the very first memory I have is of my father coming home from "work" (which more than likely it was the bar) and pointing at me, stumbling and saying "Get the fuck outta my house!" I was either two or three years old. After that I attempted and threatened to run away multiple times, my mother couldn't quite figure out why.

    My father has also called me stupid, brat, spoiled, worthless, etc. Same with my mother and grandmother, although they're the nicer ones. Whenever he got mad at me when I was younger (or got frustrated) he would tell me that the doctors told him that I was a spoiled brat who would never amount to anything. He's also physically abusive towards me when he gets frustrated with something (usually the computer or tv.)

    Even now that I'm in college he tells me I'm stupid, I should drop out and get a "nickel-and-dime job", etc. Although, ever since my fiance stepped into the picture he's backed off and suddenly a pretty good parent. He sends me money sometimes.

    I've made the mental note not to let our future children (if we have any) visit him alone though. I don't want them having much, if any contact... which shouldn't be too much of a problem since he's nearly 70 and several states away.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:33:55 No.7031309
    I used to have arguments and fight with my older brother over sport.

    I had a happy childhood.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:40:58 No.7031377
    I remember my seeing my father doing alot of shady dealings when i was a kid. he was always surrounded by tough guys, and would have people coming up to him, asking him for advice, offering him free things for no reason. At the time I didn't really understand it. My mother couldn't speak very good English, and stayed out of his business. She'd forever be doing housework as an endless procession of guys in suits and fedoras came in and out of the house. From an early age my father wanted me to be like him, but I never really wanted to. When the war kicked off, I enlisted for the army without even asking his opinion. I was discharged with a Purple Heart, returned home. Some guy shot my father, and tried to finish him off in hospital. I found a brutality I never thought I had, and shot the guy myself. It wasn't the first guy I killed, but it was definitely the most brutal
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:44:29 No.7031403
    Why'd you kill him?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:49:47 No.7031447
    my dad tried to kill my family. he stabbed me 6 times when I was 2 and then tried to kill my mom but she escaped. then he killed himself in jail
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:50:36 No.7031455
    I think I did it because no one thought I could. My father was on the brink of death, what else could I do? I went to a restaurant with the man who arranged the shooting of my father, and his bulldog bodyguard. I went to the toilet, grabbed the gun that had been planted for me and shot them both, two bullets in the head each. Blood sprayed everywhere, but the rush of it outweighed all of that. That was the start of becoming my father, going against everything I wanted to avoid as a child
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:50:57 No.7031460
    my dad forced me to do heroin and give him blowjobs regularly

    he also beat me with a tire iron on occasion

    im still an addict and now a male prostitute
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:51:09 No.7031464
    Hello Michael Corleone
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:54:49 No.7031499
    When my bro and I were little, my parents used to fight a lot. My dad is quick to get mad (and was an alcoholic back then too) and he would start shit over nothing and throw things. It was pretty scary. He got a lot better when he quit drinking though. Other than that, nothing really bad, other than getting spanked for being a bad kid and that kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:58:36 No.7031533
    Picture of stab wounds or didn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:59:21 No.7031541
    I saw two of my friends get severely beat up by gang members. It's a miracle they didn't die.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:01:26 No.7031559
         File1263146486.png-(127 KB, 381x334, Screen shot 2010-01-10 at 1.01(...).png)
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    You See

    I was a crazy little boy

    me and my droogs would go out on the town at night performing the ol'

    ultra violent

    we beat the homeless, beat other gangs, did the ol' in n out on women infront of their wives

    and we loved it

    until one day

    my dear droog brothers turned on me

    and I was caught

    they experimented on me with a type of drugs that they claimed would never land me in jail ever again

    the drug rendered me harmless by making me terribly sick whenever I was around

    ultra violent

    but it also killed my love for Beethoven

    and that my brothers is the most fucked up thing that ever happened to me
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:02:34 No.7031570
    No one believes you. Your full of shit.

    Pics please.

    I lol'd hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:03:58 No.7031584

    Seriously. It's a miracle I'm not a serial killer or something. If I ever have kids, I am never allowing them near their grandmother unsupervised. You should see some of the emails she's sent me that alternatively describe how much a fuck up I am, and that I need to grow up and stop throwing temper-tantrums, and then go on to talk about the weather like nothing ever happened. :/
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:04:56 No.7031593
    my older sister tried to fuck with me when I was like 6 or 7 years old. Didn't happen because of no-boner ... she was 11 ... she asked me why it doesn't "get hard". ;-)
    Years later I found out that she had sex with an older boy (16) before she tried to do me ... guess she liked it and wanted another one. ;-)
    I'm genuinely sorry today that it did not happen. :-(
    And this is not made up ... I also believe that it happens quite often. Had another few "sexual contacts" in the family also.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:10:29 No.7031654
    like who else?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:13:25 No.7031701
    Mother was drug abuser/alcoholic.

    Went crazy all the time. Would fall asleep drunk on the sofa, once tried to burn the house down, had my brothers pet cat put down just 'cause she didn't like it, committed fake suicide attempts to guilt us (of her own admission) and when my father finally divorced her he bought a house for her outside of court in the hope that she would be lenient with him - she wasn't - and then put a mortgage on the house AS WELL as taking alimony money from him.
    She gets MORE money in alimony than he gets to keep for himself, on his budget.

    Never marry is the lesson I took from all this.

    I have a very small, black tattoo on my left wrist. A doctor once worried it was melanoma, but it isn't.
    I put it there to remind myself, no matter how special the girl SEEMS (like my mother seemed to my father), NEVER, EVER marry them.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:14:37 No.7031715
    Dude, that's fucked up. She's a total nutjob. I think she likes the power trips.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:17:18 No.7031749
    my cousin ... but that was a tad to gay for my likes ... so I stopped it. This all happened more in the sense of a game ... at this age we did not want to fuck each other ... ok my sister wanted to fuck me. ;-)
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:19:05 No.7031770
    My advice to you would be to find any way to prove this abuse and then have this woman committed.

    She doesn't belong in civilised society.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:25:11 No.7031836

    We think she might have a borderline personality, but the statue of limitations for this sort of thing is long gone. That and she is clinically depressed, but is able to function normally with people in society besides me. There's really not much I can do at this point besides ignore her.

    What really sucks is that I still can't apply for loans for school without her tax information since I'm under 24 (I'm 21), so I've been looking for a lawyer to sue for my independence (I've saved all her crazy emails) - and alternatively building my credit in hopes that maybe I can apply in a year without any hassle or need for a cosigner. :\
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:26:58 No.7031855
    That's seriously wrong. I wish you all the best in your case against her.

    Remember, don't be cheap when it comes to lawyers. You really do get what you pay for in this line of work.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:27:38 No.7031864

    This is me.

    My mother also liked to throw me out of the house naked whenever I was being 'bad'. I never did anything malicious or punishable at that time, but she'd still do it. She's fucking insane. When I was in primary school she'd throw me into the bath and run streams of cold or scorching hot water on me if I had something on the floor of my room. She'd find any excuse to just beat the shit out of me because she was depressed and frustrated and doesn't know how to take it.

    I'm older now, but not old enough to leave. Legally, I can leave in a couple of weeks. I turn 16 then. Noone remembers my birthday, except my father, but he lives continents away from her crazy ass. So I get a phonecall to remind me I'm still wanted on my special day.

    I can't leave then though, I have to finish my final year of school in order to get into a good university.

    In fact, just today, my mother threw a high heeled shoe at me for not closing the bathroom door. O asled her what she expects me to do whenever she hurts me. "Anything", was her response. Lovely. I've had enough of this. I don't bother reacting anymore, she gets bored and gives up. Asian women are fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:28:07 No.7031870
    what's the tattoo say?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:28:15 No.7031872

    You're trying too hard. 3/10.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:30:17 No.7031896
    I'm so sorry, man. I hope you get to be with your father soon. He doesn't sound so bad, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:34:45 No.7031950
    Tattoo doesn't say anything - it's a small, perfectly round black spot.

    It's always going to be there to remind me: don't do it.

    When I've been with a girl for a while and she tells me "let's get serious", I'll look at it and it'll remind me: don't do it.
    When a girl tells me not to bother wearing a condom or that she's allergic to latex, I'll look at it and it'll remind me: don't do it.
    When a girl says she's leaving unless I finally make that final leap and tie the knot, I'll look at it and it'll remind me: DON'T FUCKING DO IT.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:35:00 No.7031957
    No, he's an ok guy. He's seen her fits and stopped them. We're just not that close. Although I was abused by my mother, I stuck by her side in fights. She made me. She told me how he hit her and called her these names, I felt for her then. He did do those things, but you must remember the woman he said these things to could drive anyone to do the same.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:35:59 No.7031978
    Raised by single mom, looking back she was and still is a psycho. Used to constantly favour my sibling (whom I like and get along with), claim I was "torturing" him when she was in fact doing this to me, used to scream at me and beat me frequently sometimes for barely any reason until I was old enough to defend myself. One time she unexpectedly hit me on the back as hard as she could with a belt while I was having breakfast for school because of some minor argument minutes earlier. I used to have to run up the stairs and lock myself in my room a lot. Eventually when I was physically strong enough to hold her so she couldn't hurt me in her fits her tactic switched to or threatening to call the police, which she did twice and I had to explain to the officers that nothing had happened. Good thing I don't have to live with that psychotic bitch now. I have the feeling that the better people know her the more repulsive they know she is, but most of the people she deals with don't know her that well. Her personality is extremely abrasive too, she gets riled up if you make the slightest noise - coughing, sneezing, walking etc.
    >> jOnLeUeRTiEm !!OE+tPIfJpn1 01/10/10(Sun)13:37:41 No.7031997
    contributan for therapeutic reasons

    Mom was had bipolar disorder, depression, and was a severe alcoholic.

    Worst time was probably when she chased me around the house swinging a fire poker at my head (I was 16-17).

    Runner up was probably in 4th grade when she helped me study my slapping me when I got the answer wrong. Day ended with her pouring hot chocolate all over me.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:37:48 No.7032001
    rape her. show her you wont stand for her shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:38:20 No.7032011
    My dad stabbed himself in the throat several times when I was six. I got a ton of band aids and stuff to try to help it. I now realize he was probably dead already.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:39:00 No.7032023
    I suggest you do exactly what you've got planned: get out as early as possible. Do a little reading on how to save money and manage your own life - become independent as soon as you can.

    Don't fall into the old trap of trying to replace your abusive mother with a new girlfriend or other such surrogates - it's a well known psychological phenomena that people who have been abused will seek out people (even if they don't know it) that will also be abusive in future.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:39:25 No.7032029

    I'm pretty sure I have a solid case, it's just a matter of finding someone who will represent me (I have councilors from various schools who are willing to back me up). I've been looking into local pro bono lawyers, considering I can't afford a regular one, no matter how much I want to hire one - but I'm unsure of where to go. She has moved to different state, but all the 'crimes' took place in the same state I live in now. Would I need someone from my state or hers? Would it be a state or federal court/hearing? The whole thing is very confusing.

    Thanks, though. I'd keep you updated, but yeah. :P


    I feel you, anon, except my mom isn't Asian, just a crazy Mexican/white lady. You should look into a bit deeper into the laws where you live. If you live in the US, you might be able to emancipate yourself/become a ward of the state.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:41:01 No.7032053
    That's awful.

    I bet the fact that cops always side with the women didn't make it any easier for you.
    >> Rice !!midgwtKVc+0 01/10/10(Sun)13:41:15 No.7032057
    >in a week

    Bro, you're 15.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:41:46 No.7032061
    Can't say my childhood or even teen years were messed up. I had a sociopath for a step-dad who would ground me for months at a time over small things, like forgetting to wipe under the microwave when I had to clean the house, or if leaves would blow back into the pool after I cleaned it. But that's really it. He also liked to ground me on holidays, so I was 9 when I last celebrated Halloween.

    Away from home I would hang out with a pretty tame group for the most part, but a lot of them took to meth after a while. Quite a few of them are in prison or OD'd and died over the years, though. I might have shared the same fate as them if I didn't move out of state and become a hermit.

    But yeah, no abuse besides mental. I've never even been in a physical altercation with anyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:42:02 No.7032063
    Are you doing a mathematics degree?

    You totally should.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:42:54 No.7032073
    So what if hes 15.. if hes not trollan, I wish him the best of luck with his life.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:44:28 No.7032098
    I have advice that will fix everyone's problems in this thread:


    Get aggressive. Stop taking shit. Let these people know you won't be walked all over. To the bros who are being/have been abused by their mothers. What the fuck? She's a woman. She's weak. Don't be bashful, slap the shit out of her and put her in her place
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:44:48 No.7032107
    Learn to look like you are about to explode, she'll never lay a hand on you again. Or you could actually explode and beat the shit out of her but that has more negative consequences than it helps you
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:45:39 No.7032112
    When I was 14, I got caught by my father sucking my best friend's dick. He literally picked up my friend and threw him out the front door, then proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of me. He broke one of my arms and a couple ribs and bloodied up pretty much everything else. That was the only time he ever hit me... the only time he ever even got mad at me. It was absolutely terrifying, he never even raised his voice to me before.

    He, to this day, has still not said a word to me since then.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:46:15 No.7032120
    I got tricked into moving to Asia with the bitch. So, legally, right here, I'm fucked. Thank god my father made sure I was born in a civilized country.

    Don't ever date an Asian woman. All of them go fucking crazy once things are settled and they know they are 'entitled' to large sums of money. All the women here are fucking nuts. Especially the chinese ones.

    I don't intend on ever staying with a woman or a man until I've got everything together.
    I'm thinking that will take at least 4 years. either way, I'm not even interested.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:46:34 No.7032129
    To be honest, I'd so the same if I walked in on my son doing that. I presume you're a guy...
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:47:01 No.7032139
    I'm not from the US so, unfortunately, I wouldn't know much about interstate law. If you really need to know, I imagine you can find a legal consultant who can make these things clear to you and possibly even recommend an attorney.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:49:05 No.7032176
    >implying you can "man up" when you were a child at the time of the incident.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:49:43 No.7032182
    molested by my principal in first grade, never told anyone
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:50:06 No.7032186
    If you would ever beat a child of yours, I hope someone beats you with a god damn crowbar.
    You worthless piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:50:19 No.7032188

    Clearly you have issues with women.

    As for being slapped around by their mom, your advice really doesn't help a 4 to 12 year old being terrorized. What are they going to do, throw their toys at her? Gtfo and troll somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:51:09 No.7032198
    >-I don't intend on ever staying with a woman or a man until I've got everything together.
    >I'm thinking that will take at least 4 years. either way, I'm not even interested.

    Good. That's the perfect attitude.
    You'll go places with thinking like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:52:07 No.7032211
    Age 15 is more than old enough to put up a good fight. My step-dad used to be a pretty agressive alcoholic, yet stopped thankfully. Once in a while though, he resumes his old ways. When I was 15 I squared up to him (pretty big guy) and he got the message never to be aggressive to my mom ever again.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:52:21 No.7032213
    You have now!


    Was it good?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:53:22 No.7032231
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    She's fucking Asian, so pig disgusting. Pic related.

    What is embarassing is that I'm taller than her. I'm not as big as her, but I'm a head taller. That's why I could never hit her back. I could never hit someone smaller than me unless it was potentially the last thing I could do. She can beat me to near death, but she's not stupid enough to actually follow through with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:53:48 No.7032235
    I don't. In fact, I believe any violence toward a woman is despicable. However, in cases like this where the person clearly deserves it, and it is self defence, I don't see what's so questionable about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:54:58 No.7032258
    Is that her and your dad?
    Was she mail-order by any chance?

    Probably a pre-madonna bitch who thought she deserved fucking everything just for sucking a cock every now and then.

    Sorry, but a lot of those chicks are like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:56:10 No.7032271
    What's questionable about it is that all the cops have a "derr derr, wimmins needs defendin" attitude and would more likely lock the poor kid up instead of his mother if she decided to make a weepy phone-call.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:57:23 No.7032281

    It didn't, she always tried to play it off like I was the "unruly son", but the officers at least seemed sympathetic and the whole thing turned out to be a stressful waste of time.

    She also used to try and manipulate others against me, although I'm sure I'm not the only one she does this to. One time while she was in one of her explosive fits in fear of getting hit I put the table behind us and, tears in my eyes, held a knife to deter her. Weeks later I went to some party for her self-help group and some cunt she barely knew asked me "Oh, you're the kid with the knife?". I wanted to spit in her face then and there but was too young (not to mention crushed into submission by a lifetime under a domineering bitch) to make that judgement.

    Worst of all was when she manipulated my brother against me, either whispering in his ear and them shutting me out, or outright eliciting his help in her fits of physical violence against me. What the fuck man? You were supposed to be my friend! I don't know if he subconsciously did this for her approval but he'd soon wake up again to her fickle nature when after some small misstep she'd turn her viper's head on him too. It could be argued that if I had two people against me I MUST have done something wrong, but in most cases I felt this was unjustified. Like anyone else I wasn't perfect but the worst thing I might have done was be a bit of a slob (despite cleaning around the house), owing to never learning to clean and organize my space from someone who doesn't either.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)13:58:09 No.7032292
    She's never worked for anything in her life. She didn't know how to wash clothes until she lived with my father, even then, I had to do all the houselceaning as soon as I was physically able. She's a worthless bitch with no positive attributes whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:00:08 No.7032311
    don't even necessarily need to hit her. just let her know that it won't be tolerated. really not that hard to do
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:00:39 No.7032319

    I realize I sound like a whiny bitch because really things weren't THAT bad and hey, we managed to do pretty well for ourselves, and I definitely don't have it as bad as most people here, but like everyone else in this thread I'm just relating the most messed up slice of my life and some posts reminded me of my own situation.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:01:05 No.7032327
    You're the same guy, right?

    Because if so, Fuck. Remove the self help classes and you're me, exactly.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:01:25 No.7032331

    I have defended myself from my mom on numerous occasions. The physical alterations pretty much stopped when she realized that I wouldn't go down without a fight - that and people at school were noticing bruises and asking questions. I know that if she tried anything again now I'd take her down without a second thought - but I don't want to fight her again. Ironically, I think being raised in that sort of environment has made me a very non-violent person.

    It's the psychological shit that sticks with you and I got lucky that I got a lot of help with that. The only option after that is to leave as soon as possible, which I did.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:02:25 No.7032342
    Ya'll need to grow the fuck up, this shit only affects you cause you want it to!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:02:25 No.7032344

    I'm >>7029655. I dunno who the other person is.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:03:08 No.7032357
    Yeah, man. That's fucking terrible.
    Bitches and whores, bro.

    My mother was like that. Couldn't be bothered to do shit around the house, but yours sounds 10x worse.

    The worst thing about people like that is that it's impossible to impress on them just what a waste of air they really are. It just doesn't seem to sink in just what horrible people they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:04:51 No.7032370

    Not the same guy, I'm:

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:05:44 No.7032381
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    >herrp durrr
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:07:48 No.7032398
    Damn, you just described my mom. Except for the calls to the police worked and cost me 6 months of of freedom during my sophomore year in high school. Only 2 people know why I got locked up outside of my family. Now everyone in my family hates my mom, and as soon as we can all leave, we will leave her alone and penniless.

    My mom is psychotic, has been committed twice, all attempts at therapy have failed, because all of the GOOD therapists want her to take some responsibility for herself and don't want to coddle her, so she becomes a SCILON! I don't trust her for shit because I know as soon as the opportunity presents itself she would betray our family for the org without a second thought.

    I went to the Army and when I came back, I found out my dad built himself a shed so he wouldn't have to sleep near her. I also found out she cheated on my dad and got a tramp stamp while I was gone. I lost all respect for her, and told my little sister to be careful otherwise that is what she will become.

    BTW- Not to hijack a thread here, but if my dad signs over all his assets to me before their divorce, will it keep it out of my moms hands?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:08:29 No.7032408
    I was sexually abused by two grownups, I became their sex toy. As much as I hate admit it I enjoyed every minute.
    The funny thing is I grew up straight.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:08:57 No.7032413
    I know. It's funny how nothing is their fault either.
    Either way, life goes on. I'm just relieved I can have an anonymous bitching session.
    >> !!H615hKvXais 01/10/10(Sun)14:10:04 No.7032422
    this thread needed some tripfagging from the start
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:10:47 No.7032428
    Yep. It's always good to get shit off your chest.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:11:05 No.7032432
    What did they make you do/do to you?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:12:12 No.7032447

    Another thing is that I NEVER take the passanger seat when she's driving me, or even the backseat behind she can reach to, because she's quick to backhand me in the face feeling safe on the assumption that because she's behind the wheel I wouldn't retaliate. I'll put that assumption to the test next time she tries.

    She's also the reason I have to second-guess myself when flushing the toilet after doing my business, because apparently the sound of the toilet flushing was enough to wake her up even with earplugs.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:12:58 No.7032457
    looking for fap material
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:14:00 No.7032469

    You know, in posting these, and reading other peoples it's good to know I'm not alone in dealing with this sort of shit. That's the worst part, feeling like no one else is going through it, even though logically you know there are other people. :/

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:14:56 No.7032479
    What a fucking bitch. Next time she gets annoyed at you for existing, put a dead animal in her bed and go for a holiday out of town for a while.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:15:09 No.7032484

    Reading these posts makes me realise they're all exactly the same in terms of methods and shit. Pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:16:12 No.7032501
    I don't think it takes a lot to figure out, anyway the usual: blowjobs initially, then anal.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:16:21 No.7032506
    The most fucked-up thing? going to 4chan no doubt.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:18:00 No.7032529
    O u poor soul hop u get betr bb.
    I'm sick of these posts.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:18:58 No.7032537
    So you think that finding out your son is gay is good enough reason to hospitalize him, then never speak to him again?

    Sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:20:56 No.7032560
    ITT: A Child Called It.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:21:37 No.7032570

    Were they a male and a female? How did you know them? Did you penetrate/get performed on?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:25:59 No.7032627
    I could never hit my mum. I'd regret it later on in life. I only have a year to go, I don't think it's too neccesary.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:28:06 No.7032647
    I still think it wasn't difficult to figure out, but they were two males. I am male too. I got up in the ass. got it? The only thing I didn't like was swallowing.
    Too long to explain how they knew me, but they were not relatives.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:28:12 No.7032651
    Holy fuck you guys have messed up lifes!

    I was raised in a christian family, and the worst things that happened in my life was having our legos confiscated because we kept making guns and playing killing games with one another.

    I remember one time I "found" like 100 dollars from my dads brief case and went to the local comic book store and bought like a huge stack of marvel cards and then showed them off to my friends and brothers. My parents needed that money to feed the family for that week and I fucked it over real bad. That was when my dad was studying for school to become more then just a welder laborer.

    Now that I'm older I am very appreciative of my parents and I do everything in my power to support them; even though my Dad and Mom worked really hard while I was growing up and are very successful because of it so they don't really need my help and in reality they still look after me more then I do them. Its just now I can appreciate it more

    You guys with shitty upbringings have my condolences.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:28:32 No.7032656
    My dad is a big fat faggot asshole and he molested me from the time I was about 8-12.

    I spent my teenage years, and most of my 20's drinking, fighting, smashing and generally raging on everything in front of me.

    I pretty much got extremely lucky and made it through all the drugs and violence with my body and mind relatively intact.

    Now in my 30's I have found a beautiful wife, I have a great life, and my dad is a sad pathetic lonely fuck that has tried and failed to kill himself a couple of time. Everyone hates him and he has no money, friends or life.
    I only wish that he had gone to jail.

    So if anyone else has an experience like this I hope you realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
    All it takes is picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and moving on. Karma does take care of the rest.

    The shittiest movie brought the wisest words, "Your focus determines your reality."
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:30:13 No.7032680
    You're a fucking whiny faggot, I hope you know that. If I were you, I wouldn't complain if I'm not bothered to fucking do anything about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:30:36 No.7032682
    It's threads like these that make me remember that I've lived an incredibly lucky, charmed life. Every time I start stressing over something that's going wrong in my life, I remember that shit like this is actually going on to other people, and it makes my problems seem insignificant and manageable.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:34:00 No.7032727
    I know. I love these threads because it makes my life seem even more fortunate than it already is and I usually get a good fap.

    Listen, if you were raped by a female cousin or sister, please try and go into greater detail. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:39:39 No.7032798
    1st grade, (I was six at the time) had just been enrolled into some super-religious private school.

    Parents tended to drop me off pretty early before they went to work, but there was this "before-school" program for students who arrived before classes began called "Latchkey" or "AM/PM." It was ran by this old guy, an air force veteran of the Korean War or something.

    Anyway, one of the students who regularly attended this was a five-year-old problem child who'd stir up a little trouble from time to time.

    One morning after everyone had left the classroom where latchkey had held (myself and a close friend of I were just outside the doorway), the problem child took a metal spoon, threw it onto a table as hard as he could, and it flew across the classroom, making a shit-ton of noise in the process.

    I suppose that the old supervisor had had enough, as he then stomped over to the child, said something I can't quite remember, picked up the child, and slammed him onto the ground as hard as he could, to the horror of myself and my friend.

    We didn't have the nerve to attempt to report him until a couple years later, at which point the problem child had been pulled out of the school, and there was little that the school could do about the incident. And the school did nothing, though a couple years later two (different) teachers at the school were arrested for child molestation.

    Place was pretty fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:51:19 No.7032933
    When I was 8 or 9 my older brother made me jack off him and his friends before I could hang out with them.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:52:00 No.7032939
    When I was nine I got kidnapped to New Zealand where I was forced to live with my alcoholic aunt and my cousin. She used to slap us in the face real hard daily. My dad took me back home when I told him what was going on. I have not heard anything from aunt and cousin since then.

    Otherwise I'm pretty normal, you guys are fucked up.
    >> Edward 01/10/10(Sun)14:57:42 No.7032991
    my father hated me. always called me a moron.

    I was determind to prove him wrong, so I entered a contest at school. A twenty dollar price to the kid who could figure out an almost impossible logic problem. I won, of course.

    And did that pleased my father?

    Hardly. He was convinced I had cheated. He kept yelling, "You must of cheated! Admit it! You moron! You cheated!" I swore I didn't and he hit me for lying.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:58:03 No.7032995
    Me and my brothers would wake up early everyday, sneak into the living room, and play the snes. We would always wake my dad up, and he'd burst out of their bedroom naked. He'd line us up on the sofa and hit us in turn, systematically punishing us. I know what it's like to be woken up, you can't control yourself. I don't blame him. He was a man of many talents, he was a great dad most of the time. Both my parents have given in to anger at times though.

    He'd get pretty fucking angry sometimes. If I couldn't finish my dinner he would try and force me to eat. I'd be gagging and crying, but both my parents would attempt to force feed me. My dad was my punisher in my younger years, my mother in the latter ones after my dad left.

    One night I was making some noise, not wanting to go to sleep. She burst into my room and pulled me off my bunk. Then she grabbed the back of my head and smashed my face into my video tapes. Quite a few were actually broken, so it was quite forceful.

    I've clashed with my mother a lot. I taunted her into hitting me a few times when I was 14-15. I stabbed her in the hand once. I think I was the one at fault all along. My punishments weren't random. I except I don't deserve sympathy.

    Still, I had a damn good childhood. I look back on the times when I was 4 or 5, playing that snes, and the beatings fondly. Is it healthy to laugh about it?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:58:55 No.7033003
    male or female?

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)14:59:48 No.7033013
    Holy shit. Although I wonder if the problem child acted up anymore after it all happened.
    >> Anonymons 01/10/10(Sun)15:00:40 No.7033020
    >my seven year old brother sitting on the bed while my mom was jiggling her tits for him.
    more details from this one

    also, more incest plz
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:01:29 No.7033030

    What the fuck is going on in that photo? Are those things edible or plastic? How do they work?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:01:30 No.7033031
    I'm sorry to hear that, Edward.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:01:53 No.7033036

    >Is it healthy to laugh about it?

    No, not really, you're quite severely fucked in the head. You justify your parents outrageous reactions to things pretty much every kid does.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:02:33 No.7033044

    >heard jiggling

    >> Edward 01/10/10(Sun)15:02:33 No.7033045
    Don't be. He was right.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:02:59 No.7033052
    you're pretty fucked.

    but I guess everyone is, really.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:04:13 No.7033071

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:09:05 No.7033113
    Does anyone here have any recommendations for getting over mental/emotional or psychological abuse other than therapy and "forgetting about it?"

    Talking doesn't seem to help, most people just roll their eyes or tell me to stop complaining. It happened years ago but I'm worried I'm genuinely fucked in the head because of it. I have panic attacks pretty often and lots of mental breakdowns.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:09:13 No.7033114
    Come on, I only find the imagery of it funny. It probably wasn't as bad as I remmeber it.

    Also, I was sitting on this little stone dome thing just out the back once. Some girls I knew were making a shit load of noise, and some old man comes out of his flat shouting. The girls ran away, and I sat there ignoring him as he walked up to me, still shouting. Before I knew it, he picked me up by the arm, lifted me over his shoulder, and dropped me straight down onto the conctrete. I ran home and told my parents, who called the police. They arrived, we all went to his front door, knocked, and he didn't answer. That was the fucking end of it. They just left. I still see him sometimes, we both still live in the same place. He's a fucking morris dancer too.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:10:15 No.7033125
    I don't have anything that comes close to this.
    But I do have this little story of events beyond anybodies control.

    Imagine being born half deaf, far sighted, and with one side of your jaw bigger then the other. That is me. Imagine having this pointed out to you everytime you meet somebody new.

    Now imagine MS taking away your mother's ability to walk, destroying her physically in almost every way, and having a pretty bad effect on her mental state(she was pretty loopy to begin with, though). Imagine Putting her in a nursing home for a year, because your dad does not have the ability to watch her all day.

    Imagine you and your sister having to help her on the toilet while all of you are crying.

    Yup, this is my life.

    I have turned out alright so far though, I guess. Pretty anti-social but I am getting over that.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)15:10:40 No.7033129
    When I was six, I used to walk to and from school with one of my neighbors who was a year above me. One day, three kids from his grade came up to us on the sidewalk and started fucking with him, calling him names and shit. I think he hit one of the kids or something, because the kid shoved him really hard, straight in front of an oncoming car. His head actually fucking smashed on the windshield, it was the most horrible thing I have ever seen.

    I think it was an accident, but they ran away, none of the kids ever came forward, and they never got caught. I didn't know any of them, and I tried to describe them to the police but I was pretty much freaking out and couldn't remember much except that they were three pretty standard-looking kids. The kid's mom came to our house like a week after and screamed all kinds of shit at me for not helping the police catch them, she basically said she blamed me for letting him die and letting them. She apologized about a week later and said she didn't mean any of it, but it was fucked up.

    I don't really think I'm all that fucked up because of it, my life is pretty normal now. But throughout elementary school and middle school, I was really socially withdrawn and weird. Throughout second grade, I think I had a real problem with pissing myself in the middle of the school day, and stuff like that.

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