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    File : 1263000884.jpg-(45 KB, 701x565, marijuanaavailabilityintheus.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:34:44 No.7004731  
    >On Tuesday, January 12, members of the California Assembly will decide on Assembly Bill 390, the Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act, which seeks to regulate and control the production, distribution, and personal use of marijuana for adults age 21 and older.

    Finally - it's absolutely mind-boggling that such archaic drug laws have persisted for so long.

    Not only mind-boggling, but maddening if you understand the history behind marijuana legislation.

    Fuck Anslinger, Reagan, Nixon, Bush, and pretty much every other politician.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:35:23 No.7004744
    And fuck you too pothead
    >> Larry !cRAckErsW2 01/08/10(Fri)20:36:37 No.7004766
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    Isn't it a federal law that regulates marijuana?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:36:41 No.7004767
    So what are they proposing in the bill?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:38:37 No.7004799

    Yeah because everybody who sees what an utter failure prohibition is is a pothead.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:40:04 No.7004824
    >will decide on

    Well you're in for a disappointment son
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:40:45 No.7004842

    Yes, and no one fucking understand that.

    It's a landmark bill because it's getting passed, kind of like a guinea pig bill you can't grab pot at your 7/11 once it's passed though, it has to be passed by many other states and once that has happened (10 years from now) MAYBE we'll see weed legalized.

    That same day, I'm leaving
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:41:53 No.7004857
    The US Constitution dictates that any powers not relegated to the federal government automatically belong to the states.

    So it is legal in California to get medical marijuana and have up to a half-pound of it in your possession for personal use. This bill will just make it legal, period. The DEA will continue to come in and shut down dispensaries but they will get zero support from state officials and law enforcement agencies.

    Basically it's fucking retarded and the DEA should be focusing on more dangerous drugs like crystal meth, LSD, cocaine, and heroin. You know, drugs that are actually physiologically addictive, that you go into withdrawals from, or that can cause significant, measurable lasting damage.

    Not something that's actually healthier for you than grain alcohol if you use a vaporizer or ingest it instead of smoking it.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:41:55 No.7004858
    21 and up?? wtf is this nigger shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:41:56 No.7004859

    I forgot to add that after it's passed by the states, it has to go through the lengthy process of being passed through congress.

    You potheads will be dead before you see the day that your weed is legalized. My red tape will last forever!
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:44:48 No.7004887

    Hi, I'm so happy you paid attention in 10th grade government class and learned that there are different laws between states and federal government.

    However, weed criminalization(AND THE DEE EEE AYY) are both under federal rule, and it's not like there is some strife between the feds and the state cops that one will enforce and another will not. What's the law of the land is the law of the land, deal with it
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:46:59 No.7004913
    their are not enough federal law enforcement officers to deal with the marijuana laws if state officers are not allowed to pursue the crime.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:47:21 No.7004917
    So pot is going to be taxed by CA?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:50:16 No.7004958

    No, dipshit, the cops have to enforce federal laws, it's not like each type of cop has different laws to enforce and only THEY can do that set of laws.

    For example, if you are caught by a state police officer with 20 kilos of coke (which is a federal offense) he's going to have to arrest you for having 20 kilos of coke, the same goes for a local or federal police officer, even if in HIS state or town you can have 20 kilos of coke.

    Do you not know anything?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:51:53 No.7004974
    local cops know who butters their bread, they will not enforce the pot laws if the state tells them not too. ultimately the local legislature have more control over the cops then the feds do.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:53:08 No.7004986
    you won't be "caught" with anything by a police officer who isn't looking for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:53:35 No.7004998
    I've been waiting for this shit to be approve/deny since May of last year when they introduced this shit. They've been doing townhall hearings in Sacramento between pro and anti speakers the last 2 months so we'll see how it goes.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:54:01 No.7005006

    States have autonomy. That's why even though Marijuana is illegal on a federal level the DEA can no longer touch weed stores, Obama stopped that. Fuck Bush.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:54:10 No.7005010

    What even, are you even thinking here? A LAW IS A LAW.

    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:55:04 No.7005028
    >implying the feds will let this happen
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:56:05 No.7005039
    did you read the article? >"Possession remains illegal under state law, but Breckenridge Police Chief Rick Holman said his department will 'still have the ability to exercise discretion,'"

    in other words the police can and will completely ignore pot and nothing will happen. if they didn't ignore it people would vote for a new police chief and replace the offending cops.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:57:03 No.7005052
    >fuck the economy
    >fuck the war
    >fuck the lies
    >weed's gonna be legal, I love obama
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/08/10(Fri)20:57:09 No.7005054
    >...which seeks to regulate and control the production, distribution, and personal use of marijuana for adults age 21 and older.

    Reduce the age to 18, then I'll support it.
    >> derpsbutts !BkiBfNMY8g 01/08/10(Fri)20:57:38 No.7005058

    >implying the feds have the power to stop it
    >> YOU ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING WHEN YOU DO THAT Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)20:57:59 No.7005064



    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:02:08 No.7005104
    You're all doing it wrong! You're supposed to blame the president for everything bad, don't vote for anything, and only listen to people who are in your party!

    Dumbasses don't know politics.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:03:00 No.7005115





    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:03:10 No.7005120
    The feds' VOLUNTARILY stopped doing that.
    It was nothing on the part of the states.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:03:37 No.7005127
    18 year olds are retarded, though. they can't be trusted.

    honestly, the driving age should be 21. at least for women.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:04:55 No.7005138
    true, but the feds do not have the resources to police every municipality in every state that legalizes weed in some way. eventually the number of municipalities will be so great as to force the issue nationally.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:06:04 No.7005155
    hey potheads, grow up and do coke like adults.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:14:00 No.7005285

    >more dangerous drugs like crystal meth, LSD, cocaine, and heroin. You know, drugs that are actually physiologically addictive, that you go into withdrawals from, or that can cause significant, measurable lasting damage.
    >dangerous, physiologically addictive

    Dude, are you serious?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:14:46 No.7005292





    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:15:24 No.7005300

    come to think of it

    >physiologically addictive

    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:17:25 No.7005336
    >Fuck Anslinger, Reagan, Nixon, Bush
    Way to single out republicans libtard.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:19:04 No.7005354

    Way to miss the point - they've been the primary political forces responsible for maintaining marijuana prohibition.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:20:16 No.7005370
    Sorry fellow traveler, but LSD in the hands of retards and children is a bad idea. And as that is less likely to happen if things stay the same with regard to it, it will not change.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:22:17 No.7005399
    20 years from now, california is the schizophrenia capital of the world
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:23:56 No.7005429

    Because nobody in Cali smokes right now.

    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:25:14 No.7005440

    Not that guy, but note the "or" in his post. Coke and LSD can definitely cause measurable, lasting damage (and before you say "herp derp acid has no lasting physiological effects", look up HPPD). I hate self-righteous drug bores.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:27:05 No.7005462
    He said or, meaning 1 of those 3 things.
    Although LSD shouldn't really be on that list
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:28:16 No.7005480
    I have HPPD. It is really not much to complain about. I just have visual things that are like 5% of trip visuals.
    >> INDYGO 01/08/10(Fri)21:28:46 No.7005483
    I am not a supporter of Marijuana use,
    but it needs legalization so we can
    be able to fully understand the effects
    with proper research. I also believe
    Marijauna has both good and bad
    effects on the body. We just need to
    find them so weed users can stop
    being vicious proponents about how
    good it is even though we have no
    fucking clue about how the drug works.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:34:04 No.7005545
    The war on drugs is completely insane. And I don't even use drugs. It's an absolute scandal.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:42:06 No.7005641
    Avid pot smoker here. People all react differently to drugs. Pot isn't physically addictive, and the most it will do to you psychologically is maybe you will be moody the first day without smoking it.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:53:16 No.7005776
    Pot will never be legal because it can cause panic attacks in some people, which can lead to irrational shit like shootings, violence, reckless driving, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:54:46 No.7005789
    >>cause panic attacks in some people
    >>irrational shit like shootings, violence, reckless driving

    You have no idea what a panic attack is. Stop talking out of your ass, neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:55:25 No.7005803
    When you have a panic attack you freak out, and don't want to do anything. It is called a panic attack not an "angry attack."
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)21:56:38 No.7005816
    Cigarrates are mcuh more harmful for your body and alcohol inhibits you a million times more when it comes to driving. When you think about it like this, why the fuck isn't it legal?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:01:19 No.7005876

    I know stoners get asshurt when people talk shit about their only good thing in life, but come the fuck on. Marijuana induced panic attacks can be much more violent than ones that come about for seemingly no reason because it can happen to aggressive angry people who aren't used to losing control in that manner.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:02:13 No.7005883
    Yeah, unlike alcohol, which doesn't make you physically addicted and damage your body accordingly, make some men more prone to be domestically violent, cause reckless driving, etc. etc.
    Wait, no, alcohol DOES do that, not weed.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:04:00 No.7005911
    Marijuana turns people into lazy burntout pieces of shit as well as greatly diminishing any potential they could have ever had. The drug war needs to be pumped up and Marijuana dealers need to be executed like they are in Singapore.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:06:04 No.7005944

    you have been muted for 2 seconds because your comment was unoriginal.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:09:07 No.7005987

    I've smoked for years and never once had a panic attack. Besides, 'panic' is a misnomer, these people are experiencing brief anxiety attacks.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:12:17 No.7006040
    It's funny how people who smoke weed are so easy to troll
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:16:19 No.7006098

    Alcohol causes panic attacks and worse in some people too. You either ban both, legalize both or admit that logical reasoning has nothing to do with your desire to keep marijuana banned.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:17:43 No.7006121
    >fuck every politician ever

    You are so unique OP! Fucking god all of you are exactly the same.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:18:33 No.7006133

    One of my friends/connections used to smoke everyday, then one day he whiteyed/greened out whatever you want to call it and looked all pale and shit. Then he said he was having a panic attack and talked about secret government organizations controlling the world and shit. Since then, he'll smoke with us and then get all bug eyed and just leave because he gets another panic attack. He doesn't really smoke with us anymore. Shit isn't as safe as you think.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:21:32 No.7006172
    Weed won't kill you but you CAN get damage from it. I've known plenty of people who've gotten HPPD(persistent visuals) from weed. I also know people who've gotten cancer from smoking it
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:26:57 No.7006237

    Marijuana isn't a hallucinogenic though. So why would they be suffering from HPPD?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:28:21 No.7006250

    Cancer. Sure.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:41:45 No.7006412
    any burnt plant gives you cancer
    Weed IS hallucinogenic in nature because it is a 5htp agonist. Like LSD and shrooms it has given people HPPD.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:45:26 No.7006458
    You obviously have never had an experience with cannabis induced panic attack. Most people just get short of breath and curl up. Others just talk really fast. The last thing you want to do with a panic attack is move, never mind driving a car or shooting someone.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:45:52 No.7006467
    Legalization will lead to further studies and sesible information being available to the public so they can make informed decisions about what to put into their body.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:46:37 No.7006476
    I could say the same for any drug
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:47:10 No.7006484
    >>any burnt plant gives you cancer

    the precedent is that.
    but can you give me a legitimate study that gives the name of someone who developed cancer after smoking cannabis?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:48:11 No.7006495
    Yes and I would agree with the legalization of a lot of drugs.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)22:50:49 No.7006529



    Can you explain that shit away? HURF DURF IT WASN'T TEH MARIJUANAS BRO

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