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  • File : 1323639948.jpg-(94 KB, 420x315, hawaii2.jpg)
    94 KB Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:45:48 No.699139  
    ITT: We post where we want to live.

    I had always planned on moving to Waikiki when I grew up...
    now I'm grown up and not there.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:46:46 No.699147
    colorado would be nice...

    somewhere up in the mountains
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:47:42 No.699154
    Nips, nips everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:48:15 No.699161
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    I would like to live here.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:48:39 No.699164
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    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:48:53 No.699167
    Monticello, Indiana.

    I live there now, and I'm completely okay with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:51:49 No.699190
    A city, the huger the better.

    But the latitude needs to be high. I dislike insects and people on streets.

    St Petersburg might have been a good choice if I liked Russia politics-wise.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:51:57 No.699191
    the freakin UK because she lives there
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:52:21 No.699192
         File1323640341.jpg-(25 KB, 720x450, 227640_167824946611962_1659863(...).jpg)
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    Norway's a cunt cuntry filled with cunts, mate.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:53:10 No.699203
    Any Scandinavian country that is not Denmark. Also Finland.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:54:15 No.699211
    Oh really? I've heard such nice things about it economically and geographically.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:54:24 No.699214
         File1323640464.jpg-(473 KB, 1280x800, 743_-Cannon-Beach-Coast_1280x8(...).jpg)
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    the oregon coast,
    I really hate the cold though,
    If I really could choose where I'd want to live I'd live in a nice warm state.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:54:47 No.699219
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    I'd love to live in a small town like this
    just with sidewalks and lawns and stuff where you could just go for walks at night
    the kind of town where everyone knows each other
    somewhere in the midwest
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:56:09 No.699229
    towns where everyone knows everyone aren't as good as they may seem
    let me tell you, they're not all mayberrys
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:56:48 No.699234
    That dude is full of shit. It's not like it's written in the book of Norwegian culture to be a cunt. It's one of the most economically sound countries right now, and from what I've seen it's a pretty beautiful place. I want to visit someday, myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:57:51 No.699240
    As an Alaskan that seems pretty damn warm to me. How the fuck is Oregon cold? Are you from a desert or something? Florida? The Amazon? Death Valley?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:58:07 No.699243
    anywhere but here
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:59:39 No.699253
    cold as in winter seasons,
    Im from Rhode Island, I hate the cold,
    so I'd very much prefer it in Arizona or Florida
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)16:59:51 No.699256
    >mitt ansikt naar dette er en noyaktig paastand

    Its really not that bad here to be honest, so long as you stay the fuck away from the north.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:01:15 No.699271
    I always wanted to live in Seattle. Cloudy, rainy weather is always my favorite weather, and since I'm going to be a Psychologist, I figure I'd have good work there because of the Seasonal Affective Disorder rampant in that area.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:02:30 No.699281
    Preferably a nice private estate off a city in Germany or Italy that is still unspoiled by niggers. Munich seems like a really lovely place and so is Milan.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:03:04 No.699290
    I feel ya man
    it's a death cab for cutie kind of place
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:03:59 No.699304
    I'd rather get mauled by a bear than get stabbed by immigrants.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:04:45 No.699311
         File1323641085.jpg-(118 KB, 1024x768, Socal.jpg)
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    Southern California. This is coming from a Sydney fag.

    >dat similar weather
    >dat you're in America with all the awesome American food / traditions / media but it's not hicksville
    >dem carefree California girls
    >dem non-existent weed laws
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:05:01 No.699314
    Is the immigrant problem really that bad?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:06:58 No.699334
    this is the polar opposite to where i would want to live.

    i think i wouldn't want to spend my whole life in one place i'll probably live in many different countries but for my final days i imagine living in a small beautiful house in some middle eastern or latin american country with my beautiful wife, while everyone at home thinks i've gone crazy and people tell each other stories of what they've heard of me.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:07:52 No.699344
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    Minneapolis. Looks beautiful, man.
    To anyone who wants to move to Florida, I hope you're ready to deal with the stupidest white trash, old people, and political incompetence.
    Also, there are no cities besides Miami. Orlando and Tampa are just big suburbs. Jacksonville should be shipped back to Africa.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:13:37 No.699388
    if you dislike swedes, pakis and poles, then yeah.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:23:28 No.699502

    I live less than an hour away from Minneapolis, such a beautiful city. Cultured, varied weather, beautiful women (as far as the U.S. goes).

    I will be living and working there after college. I can't wait.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:25:37 No.699536
    I'm happy in the small town I'm living in, I'd just like my own place and a decent job and I'd be set.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:28:19 No.699567
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    I was born in DC and I was practically exiled from there due to my parent's constant moves to and from various apartments and homes in Maryland. The sad truth is that while I attend the University of Maryland, I still feel at home in DC. As soon as I get the chance to move back there, I will begin my course of action.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:29:16 No.699582
    I want to live in Portland. I am not a hipster, but hipster girls are goddesses. They are so pretty and perfect

    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:30:09 No.699592
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    here a picture.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:33:41 No.699629
         File1323642821.jpg-(270 KB, 500x375, London_Snow_by_Seachmall.jpg)
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    London, England.

    What a beautiful looking city. Every person I've known who's gone says it's amazing.

    I dislike being Canadian :'(
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:35:51 No.699646
    Hawaiifag reporting in.

    If you're white, you don't want to live here OP. Tons of the locals are racist against 'haoles'
    >> crapgeezer 12/11/11(Sun)17:38:09 No.699662
    what's up with this lame fascination with Hawaii? Seriously since ive been a little kid I just hear people rave about how they want to go to hawaii.
    I would never want to be trapped on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean.

    I think I'll probably end up in Canada. I mean I'd like to live somewhere in Europe but its far away from my family and everyone I know. So i just figure Canada is a like America except without all the shitty stuff
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:39:08 No.699669
    Central London is the only "pretty" part of the city. Most of it (especially the western/northern parts) are pretty shit. An overpriced and overhyped city.

    If you want a pretty city in the UK, go for Edinburgh.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:39:16 No.699673
    Minneapolis is a sham of a city.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:39:31 No.699674

    As a fellow Canadian (Torontonian) I could never live in London. The only thing nice about it is its cobblestone roads in parts and small streets and so on. Generally though it's overcrowded, and much the same as every other big city but with worse weather typically and more accents. As for me? I have no idea where I'd like to live yet. I haven't travelled enough to know where I'd like to live though, all I know is I'd love somewhere warm like California with a nice condo or something. I'm just disappointed I got a bad genetic hand and can't spend my summer vacations doing something great like doing scuba lessons in Fiji or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:39:36 No.699675
    >dem non-existent weed laws

    you're gonna be in for a shock...


    >want to live in new york
    hear it's just a more crowded LA with even worse traffic

    >want to live in florida
    hear it's full of old people and boring

    >want to live in hawaii
    hear WAY to many various problems

    >want to live in nevada (las vegas)
    actually go there, during summer it's fucking burning up at night.

    guess i'm fine living in SoCal, everytime I think about where i'd want to move every place sounds worse...

    I would like to move to a bigger house somewhere in LA though.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:40:06 No.699680

    :c you ruined my dreams.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:41:04 No.699689

    I'm a Torontonian, too. I live off of Don Mills, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:42:16 No.699697

    If you can afford it, it's a wonderful place it to live. The rest of England is a bit shite, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:43:00 No.699700
    I don't mean literally non-existent. Of course you can still get caught, etc. But as far as America (and much of the Western world) goes they're pretty damn lax.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:43:11 No.699701
    oh, should also note that I also thought about moving to oregon and british columbia.

    from my irl friend's description, oregon sounds nice but bc sounds horrendously boring the more and more I hear about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:43:15 No.699702
    I want to go back to Acapulco, but dem cartels.
    Living on the beach was great.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:46:22 No.699734

    Etobicoke here commuting to U of T, where everyone bashes but secretly wishes they'd gone to Ryerson and not be stuck with profs who don't want anyone getting a 4.0.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:46:24 No.699735
    well yeah, you can get it easily (for somewhat bs reasons too, go to a doctor and tell him you have ADD or something) but if you get caught you're still gonna be in a lot of trouble.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:48:20 No.699760

    I actually applied to U of T, St. George's campus. For physics.

    Your thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:50:44 No.699788
    Don't know if you care or not, but most girls out here in SoCal LOVE Australian and British accents.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:52:25 No.699802
    Fuck yeah SoCal.

    New Yorker here, reasons why I want to live there instead
    >dat lack of seasons
    >similar 24 hour schedule
    >more laid back
    >still large population so it's not like I'm going to bumblefuck
    >beaches, desert, snowy mountains, etc all nearby
    >dat modernist and spanish architecure
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:53:24 No.699807

    I haven't heard much about our physics department to be honest. IMO Engineering Science guys learn as much as the physics students and are way more employable. It's like the 'hard-mode' engineering program. It's probably a pretty solid department.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:57:45 No.699838
    Mammoth Lakes California

    Cold all the time, lots of snow, stationed around one of the best ski resorts in the world. Fucking heaven
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:01:20 No.699855
    Yes, I do know, and by God I do care. Holy hell that makes me want to go there even more.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:02:20 No.699868

    I was there for Uni. So much partying, so much sweet white and latina ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)21:02:13 No.701784
    A loft in London, small but cosy and divided into a few areas by furniture or curtains. It would be a little retreat for me and my ideal girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)22:17:27 No.702822
    Somewhere where I can carry a gun, and people are so scarce that i'd have no trouble growing my own marijuana.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)22:19:50 No.702846
    Seattle, Toronto, or Boston.

    They're big cities but not too big like NY or La so just perfect for me. Also I love the weather in these places.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)02:07:44 No.705398
         File1323673664.jpg-(251 KB, 1600x1200, Chicago_Illinois_02_Lake_Linco(...).jpg)
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    Chicago. I'm from there and want to go back.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:20:13 No.707413
    I just love big modern cities by the sea.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:32:50 No.707468
    >by the sea
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:45:23 No.707509
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:51:46 No.707539
    I don't think I'd ever want to permanently move, but I'd like to spend a few years in Europe visiting different countries.

    I live in Philadelphia, btw. It's not the greatest city, but when I walk through the streets I just feel like I'm home.

    >dem Italian delis and pizza shops on practically every block with fucking amazing hoagies/pizza/cheese steaks
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:52:52 No.707541
    I'd say whether Norway is a suitable place for you or not depends on your personality. If you're a silent, nature-loving and calm person who likes being alone, Norway (outside of Oslo and other big cities) is perfect.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:07:08 No.707586
    I just want to live in a big city with cool culture, meet some underground guys, hang out, listen and play music and discuss deep shit at 4AM when we are all insomniac.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:22:27 No.707637
    Fuku-fucking-oka. Partially because I'm a huge weeaboo, but honestly one of the best cities I've ever been to. I lived in Sapporo for a while and it was too cold and boring. I lived in Tokyo for a while and it was exciting but expensive and overwhelming. Fukuoka is kind of in the middle on the interesting factor but is warm as fuck, which is more up my alley. I'm already set to start working with JET soon, I just hope they send me west.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:22:59 No.707638
    Permanently? Probably nowhere, I'd just have a home here but would be travelling constantly. That's my dream.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:26:23 No.707655

    Paris has
    >dat architecture
    >dem femmes
    >dat culture
    >dat cuisine

    I fell in love with that city the first time I was there. It was breathtaking. Arguably the most beautiful city in the world. I've this corny/romantic idea to propose on top of Montmartre outside of the Sacre Coeur overlooking Paris at night. It seems like an unrealistic dream as I'm a forever alone virgin but one day maybe...
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:40:41 No.707708
    Paris is overrated. The streets are dirty as hell. The metro is dirty and smells like piss. Gipsies and beggars fucking everywhere. Niggers and sandniggers. People are busy selfish jerks.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:43:59 No.707726
    Los Angeles or somewhere in England.
    It's cliche but I what can I do...
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:44:05 No.707727
    Southern California.
    Anywhere in the Mojave desert.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:46:35 No.707741
    Lausanne in Switzerland.
    Oh wait...That's where I live.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:49:05 No.707750
    I live in the uk, in Chicago right now
    You do not want to live in the UK trust me.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:50:25 No.707757
    Brit here go for L.A and thank me later.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:51:00 No.707763
    you really hate it there
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:56:44 No.707793
    Yes and yes
    Girlfriend is American
    I love America whole heartedly.
    My family are niggers for not staying hundreds of years ago.
    England is fucked up, we pander to Muslims and niggers, they get away with anything. It is becoming Compton.
    Everything is shitty, the women are nasty and I hate it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:57:29 No.707797
    The quicker I become a citizen the better.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:58:22 No.707805
    >we pander to Muslin and niggers
    yeah, I'm not taking you seriously, sorry
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:10:10 No.707853
    You don't need too. I give a fuck.
    Anyway just for you.
    Drunk Muslim girls beat a white girl for no reason and get away with it because they are not used to alcohol.
    Look that up.

    I have a lot of Muslim and black friends but we are afraid to offend them as a country, they get away with shit all the time. The UK is going to shit, go there and see what I mean. If you ever get the chance go to Dagenham or hackney. If you are alive by the time you leave you win the game sir.
    I fucking hate England.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:11:12 No.707858
    Gotta love that loosely woven Cotten originating from Bangladesh.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:12:48 No.707867

    Am I cool yet brah?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:14:23 No.707872
    And white scum to. We have a wide variety of scum.
    You enjoy England. If you decide to live there that free healthcare is going to be useful when you get stabbed.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:14:31 No.707873

    Small town fag here (unfortunately)

    Sure everyone knows one another but all they is trash talk and gossip.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:21:19 No.707905
    Calm down, I was just trying to get if you were trolling.
    Yeah, but it's not like I live in a much better place, so...
    One day I'll try to see it by myself.

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