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    37 KB Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:01:58 No.6648070  
    What is it with Asian parents?
    I treat my girlfriend with the utmost respect, I care for her more than anyone else, and am generally the best boyfriend she could ever ask for (she's said it herself) but her mom and dad despise me and will pretty much imply to her face that she's a whore for dating me simply because I'm Latino. What the fuck, /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:02:59 No.6648078
    Continue to be upstanding and obsequiously polite in their presence.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:03:48 No.6648086
    old timers hate multiculturalized dating
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:05:27 No.6648097
    You are not a) rich and white or b)her parent's brand of Asian and rich.

    If you were Latino and rich you'd be slightly more accepted. Slightly. In fact, it probably wouldn't help at all. You have zero chance of her mother liking you so I suggest you either suck up to her dad (find a hobby he likes and become genuinely interested in it, you're out of luck if his hobby is hating minorities) or write her parents off a lost cause.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:06:36 No.6648109
    asians respect profession: tell them your folks are lawyers, doctors, ect. even better if they are irl
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:06:39 No.6648110
    Her parents are two different kinds of Asian
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:07:51 No.6648119
    Lift weights and physically intimidate her dad into shutting his stupid gook mouth.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:10:03 No.6648137

    Also: stuff your face with food and always accept offers of more food, unless they're Chinese, then accept twice then say your stuffed to the brim.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:10:18 No.6648138
    You should try being them. Become the Asian within. Eat rice and fish, drink wasabi, give a high five cowabunga, hunt and tame a godzilla. There is much to learn. You must adapt.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:11:20 No.6648143
    >imply to her face
    how else would they imply? through 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:11:42 No.6648148
    Try being Chinese and dating an Bangladeshi girl.

    Her dad beat the living shit out of her when he found out we were seeing each other.

    Relationship didn't last long after that. Somehow I just can't feel bad about you getting a few dirty looks OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:12:50 No.6648154
    >implying anyone feels bad for anyone on here
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:15:08 No.6648163



    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:16:30 No.6648169
    OP here. My girlfriend's best friend is an Indian girl seeing a Black guy and her mom actually threatened to kick her out of the house and also cut off her credit card and phone line... she's cooled off now but still, goddamn. The two of them are very happy together (and both very cool people), so why the social stigma and the needless prejudice?
    I understand your pain and I'm really sorry that happened. I'm thankful that my girl's parents aren't going nearly as far as yours did and my girlfriend's friend's did, but still, why can't they just leave her be? She's happy and they've got to bitch for no reason other than my skin color.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:18:06 No.6648175
    my girlfriend is asian.

    they love me.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:23:25 No.6648193
    cool story, whitebro
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:24:47 No.6648198
    Because the culture the come from is extremely homogeneous. I mean, when you look at it its only really in the past 50 years that it has become acceptable to date other races in the rest of the world there still isn't a whole lot of dating/marriage between different races.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:31:59 No.6648218
    The thing is, my girlfriend's parents are two VERY different kinds of Asian (mom's Filipino, dad's Japanese), and she's got a lot of mixed people in her family (mostly half white, but she said one her aunt's is married to or dating a Hispanic guy), so what the fuck is the problem here?
    >> derpsbutts !BkiBfNMY8g 12/14/09(Mon)06:33:02 No.6648223
    opposite happened with me. asian who dated a colombian chick. her dad was a wealthy doctor, and her mom from the working class in colombia. they hated my guts, since they were batshit insane, and maria was their only daughter. and she happened to be really rebellious and quite the bitch to them. we had broken up but remained good friends, and her parents still have problems with me. she told me recently that if her parents gave her an ultimatum between choosing me and her parents, she would go with me, and try to work out paying for her college and everything on her own. felt good man.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:46:45 No.6648289
    I hope you beat the living shit out of him in retaliation. God damn I hate racism. I love casual racism but this is just pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:50:35 No.6648306
    >but she said one her aunt's is married to or dating a Hispanic guy

    Then it's starting to look like they just don't like you personally, with race having little or nothing to do with it.
    >> derpsbutts !BkiBfNMY8g 12/14/09(Mon)06:52:49 No.6648319

    not really... young adult black/hispanic males are far less enticing than older, probably wealthier hispanic males.

    that said as a filipino my mother would always tell me never to date black girls or white girls. but surprisingly they never said anything about hispanics, so who knows.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)07:00:05 No.6648356

    I stopped caring after she basically threw me under the bus and started seeing someone else. Her new bf e-mailed me what she wrote to him, telling him how her dad was right and how she deserved every bruise and that it was wrong for her to be seeing a "no-named loser" in the first place (her family claimed to be descended from "royalty," which I guess means Genghis Khan raped one of her ancestors centuries ago).

    Her boyfriends since have all abused her from what I heard but they were liked by her parents so it's all good. Whatever, I prefer black women anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)07:07:26 No.6648387
    Asian parents usually like to keep within at least, asian people.

    Usually because of the difference in cultures and the fear of lost tradition.

    Here's what you do.
    You won't win them over by being polite or just simply saying hi.
    Start conversations with them. Talk.
    Show interest in their culture and traditions.

    You don't have to completely Fall into their culture, however you need to break through first.

    After that, You can probably get by with some light conversation and humor.

    also, asians usually take care of their parents.
    Old age homes are unheard of. so you will probably live with them if you end up together.

    Unless she has a brother.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)07:12:59 No.6648407

    Just to add to that, you shuld show a keen interest in various facets and minutiae of Asian past times, such as chopsticks, anime and shaolin soccer. Try to use words like "kawaii!!!" and "uguu~" as often as possible, being sure to mention how they honor you with their presence and how you in turn honor their ancestors while baring your teeth and squinting your eyes as often as possible as a show of mutual respect and humility.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)07:14:17 No.6648412
    lol, jerk.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)07:28:17 No.6648460
    What the shit is wrong with you today robots? The proper response is

    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)12:51:01 No.6650784
    OP here again. I guess it could be this, but honestly, my girl's dad hasn't even met me yet. (It's only been a month and a half so far.)
    I've met her mom twice and have been really courteous both times.
    I mean, in the end I think it's because my girlfriend left the last guy she was with (who they liked very much though he was a total unaccomplished, stoner, alcoholic cunt, but hey, at least he was Asian) to be with me. Maybe the quick relationship change made them suspicious of me, but still, I don't think they'd have nearly as much of a shitfit if I happened to be white or Asian.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)12:52:56 No.6650800
    We're having a serious conversation here, go the fuck back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)13:01:51 No.6650876

    >i hate racism because i'm a raging moralfaggot
    >i've never been mugged
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)13:05:21 No.6650917
    Try being Argentine, relative of several army/navy men and dating an British girl.
    Try to not be embarrased when one of your uneducated uncles tells your girlfriend on motherfucking christmas eve (time of peace, hope and Obama) "hey, thief, are you enjoying your stay?"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)13:12:56 No.6650993
    Racism isn't exclusive to Asian parents.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)13:14:05 No.6651001
    I have been mugged and jumped. Twice.
    Yeah, both situations made me suspicious of Blacks for a while, but I realized that not everyone is out to get me and that not every goddamn Black person is like that. Anyway, you're an obvious troll and I can't believe I'm replying to you. Let's not derail my thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)13:15:38 No.6651018

    Your uncles are right, though maybe without tact.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)13:20:22 No.6651055
    black guy here
    Get used to it. This is how parents are always going to be. You will never find non-racist parents because people go bat fucking conservative with age. I recommend you learn to deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)13:39:39 No.6651303
    Is OP the latino guy from the other thread?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)13:41:44 No.6651326
    No one cares. Get back to fapping to rape porn, faggot.
    >> Slasher !XGB1sBZTyY 12/14/09(Mon)13:48:57 No.6651411

    Ha ha, he's right to be suspicious. British girls are hideous, so he wonders why you're with her, and thinks you are robbing her!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)13:55:26 No.6651485

    white guy dating an asian girl here. her parents hate me too.

    really the only way to dodge this (since it's usually the girls parents) is if you're a non-white male dating a girl (or guy i guess although if the parents are okay with gay they probably aren't racist either) who's white and from a liberal middle class family. and even then it's chancy, most of those cocks aren't as liberal as they think when little susie brings home jamal.

    worst heat i ever got was from the parents of a black girl i dated.

    i'm pretty sure her dad jerked off to the idea of chopping my dick off with a hatchet.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)14:03:10 No.6651563
    ITT race traitors from every part of the human rainbow. way to dilute your ancestors hard work at filling various evolutionary niches jerk offs
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)14:19:43 No.6651747
    I frequently have casual sex and have no girlfriend.

    I think I'm the real winner here.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)14:24:45 No.6651800
    because Asian people are the most racist people on the planet, bar none. But they get a pass, despite effectively being honorary whites, it's just easier to hate on the average straight white christian man.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)14:29:23 No.6651849
    whitegirl here. yeah, asian parents fucking hate when you date outside the race.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)17:51:50 No.6654009
    Is that a new trend? Complaining about how 'hur azn pureants dun applove ob me'?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)18:48:35 No.6654637
    OP here. Quite possibly.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)21:54:14 No.6657174
    First off fuck slit eyed asians your a fucking spic OP stay with your sluts that you call women cuz atleast they have something going for them with them fucking ass and tittays
    >> Anonymons 12/14/09(Mon)23:29:32 No.6658204
    while i do not approve of you calling us "spics", i do love dat latina ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)23:48:10 No.6658213
    well latinos are disgusting dirty people

    her parents are right
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)23:53:42 No.6658263
    Good, id act the same way if my daughter brought home a dirty beaner
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)23:54:00 No.6658268

    Yeah, yeah. Go back to fucking your cousin, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)23:57:37 No.6658311
    Go back to Mexico, faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)23:58:30 No.6658320
    Her parents are right.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)23:59:44 No.6658332
    op are you in asia or in the americas?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/09(Tue)00:01:24 No.6658342
    And they say White People are intolerant...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/09(Tue)00:02:51 No.6658358
    Black guy here, I am fucking obsessed with Latina and dot Indian/Persian/Arab women. My god they are the most beautiful on Earth. I need a Rice, Bean, or Curry girl. I shouldn't have been born black, black women turn me off.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/09(Tue)00:04:24 No.6658370
    At the rate you're going, I doubt you'll ever muster the testicular fortitude to either say that to a Latino's face, let alone even have a daughter, you fucking pathetic neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/09(Tue)00:05:22 No.6658378
    East Coast of the US, in a heavily urbanized, very liberal city. Guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/09(Tue)00:13:50 No.6658443

    im asian and dated a white girl. Her white dad hated my guts even though everyone else in her family liked me (brothers, sisters, mom). Of course being the captain of the hs football team at the time helped as well
    >> Anonymous 12/15/09(Tue)00:14:24 No.6658449

    they are being dishonorable guests. you should think about spilling their blood or y'know, laugh at them and the situation you're caught in because you have no control over it besides leaving it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/09(Tue)00:17:46 No.6658480
    Asian parents care about keeping their race pure.
    Not sure why they're in America then, because they're shitting up a white country with their race anyways.
    If they are some kind of shitty dark-skinned asians I will lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/09(Tue)00:18:59 No.6658497
    brother, I am white...... and i am the same way...
    eff yeah brofist

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