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  • File : 1260316415.jpg-(97 KB, 640x480, 091208-234705.jpg)
    97 KB Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:53:35 No.6577739  
    Promised I'd do this over a year ago when responding in a thread, so here goes.

    16 years old (inb4 underage b&) - me and my Mensa card bitches.

    How does it feel that a teenager with what's technically classed as a mental disability is more intelligent than any of you can ever hope to be? Please, tell me.

    To futher humiliate you, I got this thing when I was 14.

    I await your response.

    (Also, Mensafags report in).
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:55:25 No.6577763
    Hey sorry buddy, I don't care. Good for you though.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:55:40 No.6577768
    inb4 disparaging comments
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:56:30 No.6577781
    I would type out a decent response to this, except that I don't really give a shit. Come back when you've actually done something with that intelligence of yours.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:56:53 No.6577786
    too late, you are a fugly bastard. And grats on Mensa. what's your 'mental disability'.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:56:55 No.6577787
    maybe you should go to /fa/ and get some tips.
    I think you'd look good with a hitler youth!
    >> TripfagPhil !kEiFAwQqPA 12/08/09(Tue)18:56:57 No.6577788
    What is your 'disability' and has it been clinically diagnosed or is this just you making excuses for yourself being a social retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:57:12 No.6577792
    You may be intelligent;.

    But are you happy?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:57:17 No.6577794
    I didnt even look at the card I was looking at your fucking disgusting face. Sorry to be so rude.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:57:32 No.6577798
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    Haha, you're fucking pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:57:56 No.6577806
    Mensa is rubbish, I joined at 16 out of sheer boredom one summer and found out just how much of a wanker everyone there was.
    And if you're so confident hows about posting your scores on the two tests so everyone else can judge you?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:58:00 No.6577808
    You have a huge zit in the center of your forehead, it's like a third eye, oh God I can't stop staring at it
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:58:34 No.6577817


    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:59:20 No.6577824
    How does it feel to know that Mensa is nothing more than a circle jerk when and people less intelligent than you will actually contribute to useful causes?

    I will say this is a troll thread but I just don't care.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:59:31 No.6577828
    Never got the card. Was in both a gifted program and a learning disability program though growing up as a child in public education simultaneously.

    I know how the learning disabled/gifted label on one person causes some odd inquiries about who you are and why you're such a fuck-up who doesn't follow assumed models.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:59:40 No.6577831
    ITT: people hate people smarter than them

    (not op)
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)18:59:51 No.6577835

    At least you finally have something to be proud of.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:00:02 No.6577840
    Now all you need is membership cards from the "good hair", "clear skin" and "attractive facial structure" societies and you're set for LIFE!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:00:18 No.6577842
    You're posting on 4chan.

    You're a failure, no matter how you look at it.

    The fact that you need to prove your superiority to a bunch of anonymous idiots on the internet says a whole lot about the sort of individual you are. Enjoy being a pathetic loser with delusions of grandeur. Enjoy being one of us.
    >> The Fifth Floor !!h1zIb0Sra4R 12/08/09(Tue)19:01:33 No.6577859
    So you scored in the 98th percentile of a test that was originally formulated from a combination of cognitive tests from the early 20th century to diagnose the mentally disabled, new immigrants, and military personnel?

    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:02:26 No.6577867
    You're ugly, you're a loser, and you're about to be banned from 4chan. Ha ha, enjoy your fail.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:03:00 No.6577875
    My wife used to be in Mensa. She dropped it after the first year's dues came due.

    Eventually you'll wise up and realize that paying yearly fees to be in a special club isn't very smart.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:03:27 No.6577883
    >a teenager with what's technically classed as a mental disability is more intelligent than any of you can ever hope to be savantism?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:03:45 No.6577889
    Your future self would laugh at you.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:04:40 No.6577896
    A fugly kid with low self esteem trying to flaunt his "intelligence" to make himself feel a little better, how original!

    Enjoy your lifelong virginity!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:04:42 No.6577898
    Well done, OP. I'm sure you're really gonna make something of yourself.

    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:05:21 No.6577907
    There's a porn star in mensa

    You should seek her out and fuck her face
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:05:41 No.6577912
    holy fuck I don't think I've ever seen someone as ugly as you.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:05:54 No.6577914
    I hate to say it but I would rather be a nigger than be you with that face.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:06:30 No.6577922

    >you're about to be banned from 4chan

    Are you suggesting a mod has even glanced at /r9k/ (except for that McMoot shit) in the last 18 months?

    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:06:45 No.6577926
    OP here. Posting a response to pretty much everyone in general, as all the responses are near enough the same.

    Yes. I'm fucking ugly. No matter though, because with minial effort I can sail through life with this little piece of plastic I did jackshit to obtain.

    I haven't accomplished anything major yet, though I hope to, with time.

    As for the 'mental dissability', it's Ass Burgers (yeah, I know...). I wouldn't class it as a mental dissability, but apparently the bigwigs do. Meh.


    Why thank you for pointing that out. I'm bored.

    Also, the speed of and amount of responses this tread has already gathered greatly pleases me. Keep it up.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:06:52 No.6577933

    Only those who are douchey about it
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:07:19 No.6577941


    hitler youth? ohhh is that some troll thing now? I'm not the OP but I asked in /fa/ if they had any suggestions and a few people said hitler youth.. lol wut
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:07:21 No.6577942
    Please tell me this is a troll. A fucking hilarious troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:07:29 No.6577944
    Your card means nothing if you do nothing with your life.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:07:54 No.6577951
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    Bitch, please. I fuckin own you.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:07:59 No.6577953
    I'm sorry for you, little buddy. I really am.

    I'll just be over here socializing with people and having an satisfying relationship, but you go ahead and have fun with your cynicism and nihilism.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:08:19 No.6577959
    Being intelligent is one thing, but you lack the ability to do something with it. Being good at some retarded test is one thing but change the world is another one.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:09:12 No.6577967
    >more intelligent

    You are implying that being able to count pi to 5000 places is more of an achievment that going out and making a friend.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:09:22 No.6577969
    I can imagine your neckbeard already.
    >> Alpha !RDz8ZZQfjs 12/08/09(Tue)19:09:22 No.6577970
    quick question, mr.egomaniac

    what does having said piece of plastic actually do? You said that you can sail through life because of it but you don't seem to be happy or sailing through life now despite getting at age 14
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:09:25 No.6577971

    >I'll just be over here socializing with people and having an satisfying relationship,
    >posting on /r9k/

    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:11:10 No.6577991
    >Yes. I'm fucking ugly. No matter though, because with minial effort I can sail through life with this little piece of plastic I did jackshit to obtain.

    >Implying that a MENSA card has any function other than gloating about doing well in two tests.

    Your attitude reflects most of r9k OP, you believe you're brilliant because you might have above average intelligence when in actual fact you're a lazy failure who will realise that actual work is worth more than doing nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:11:13 No.6577992
    Congratulations on being smart.

    Too bad you're one of the ugliest looking motherfuckers I've ever seen, and I don't need a card to feel smart. I know I'm smart, and that's good enough for me. Sorry about your insecurity too.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:11:30 No.6578000
    lol the insecurity of you all is hilarious. and the insecurity of the op is just mildly amusing.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:11:34 No.6578001

    You'll end up behind a desk or in a lab like the rest of us. And you'll still carry around your superiority complex that your coworkers will resent you for.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:11:40 No.6578003

    Get with the times, son. This board is like 50% normalfags.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:11:43 No.6578004
    Rofl. People like you are why I hate Mensa.

    Mensa is for people who have to gain a sense of self worth from just having a high IQ because they don't have the strength of character to actually utilize it to do good in the world.

    If you need a card to prove how smart you are, your intellect is pointless anyway. The truly genius people are the ones whos intellect reflects in how they live their life and what they do with it.

    And aspergers is a bullshit diognosis. You don't have autism, you just spent too much of your formative childhood years indoors playing video games and watching anime instead of developing social skills.

    In short, you're ugly, socially maladjusted and a burden on society.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:11:57 No.6578011
    Your spelling and punctuation are simply fantastic OP! Yes. It's good to see that your 'dissablitly' Has had a 'minial' effect on you.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:12:07 No.6578014
    You're ugly and sociopathic, I'm almost sure the 'disability' you reference is Asperger's. This means you're probably an awkward buffoon in real life.

    Assuming the Mensa card is even real, I don't think it gives you even a modicum of self-assurance. I think you just use it and your extremely fragile but inflated self-opinion to lash out at a world that's treated you cruelly.

    Do you feel any better now? No you don't, and you never will. You can try to console yourself with the fact that you're smarter than all us 'peons', but there's a part of you inside that's so uncompromisingly bitter that no special smart kid clubs will ever console you.

    I am better than you, and so are most people in the world. You are nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:12:14 No.6578018
    your hair look like a birds nest
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:12:23 No.6578021

    Well yeah, being 16 it is rather hard to sail well...anywhere, at the moment. I'm not denying that it won't require any effort to go places, heavens no. This will merely speed up the process.

    Being statistically better than 98% of the population has got to count for something.
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)19:13:05 No.6578030
    Mandatory Mensafag reporting in.

    Also, you look like someone I would hate being around for more than 5 seconds.

    Also reported for being 16.

    Enjoy your virginity.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:13:34 No.6578039
    >> Holland Bro !GaZtwAtvk. 12/08/09(Tue)19:13:41 No.6578042
    Good looking people make it farther in life than ugly people such as yourself.

    Also, reported.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:14:40 No.6578057
    How does it feel to be a teenager that is classed as mentally disabled, and feels the need to boast on 4chan about something that you were randomly handed at birth?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:14:52 No.6578060

    Congrat's man, don't listen to the whining crowds, they never knew the difference anyway...
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)19:14:55 No.6578061

    I sense somewhere deep in the forest...

    An OP is raging....
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:15:17 No.6578064
    you're hair look like a bird nest
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:15:18 No.6578065
    >posts on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:15:31 No.6578072

    J/k you look like a trainwreck
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:15:33 No.6578073

    >I'm fucking ugly.
    >I haven't accomplished anything yet
    >I have Aspergers

    I think that sums up this entire thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:16:13 No.6578081
    It's moreso that OP reminds me of myself at a younger age so it's sad to see somebody follow the same road.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:17:12 No.6578092

    it's november!
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)19:17:38 No.6578101
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    >In Mensa

    >Sets self up for 2 year ban by admitting actual age.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:17:39 No.6578102
    Dear OP, even if you were the most intelligent 16 year old alive then still noone would take you seriously. Because you are a fucking teen, which equals being a stupid fuckwad.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:17:45 No.6578105
    what do you do with all your Mensa money?
    >> Alpha !RDz8ZZQfjs 12/08/09(Tue)19:17:51 No.6578106

    see, your problem lies right there. You think that you somehow will be able to sail through life, that when you reach the right age, having access to this club will mean you can just walk straight through life. But here's the thing, once you reach 18 where you can do what you like things don't change at all. Having a card doesn't mean shit unless you use it. So many smart, creative people have ended up nowhere because they believed that being smart or creative alone would get them where they want but it doesn't....artists that are successful get their work out there and scholars get stuff written and published.

    I'm currently working on a book and getting a comic strip published in the student newspaper. I'm also running for the head of several societies at my university. I spent too long going: I can draw and write and be creative and I'll naturally become this brilliant writer and famous cartoonist but there is one thing to draw from this: you only get out of life what you put in
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:18:35 No.6578116
    have you graduated from college yet at 16
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 12/08/09(Tue)19:18:36 No.6578118
    Good job, you're in Mensa, now go get a job and contribute to society you creepy little gnome.
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)19:18:48 No.6578119



    9/10...god damn it
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:19:01 No.6578123
    >>6578092 seems I'm living a month in the past. Go figure.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:19:13 No.6578128
    No real point in being proud of something you were born with. If your high IQ had translated into any actual real world achievements perhaps then I'd be jealous, or maybe even I'd admire you. At the moment, it appears your high IQ is just a meaningless number. (Note that the reason IQ is considered important is that it strongly correlates with high achievement in many fields of endeavor. Without such achievements it means very little- only thay you /may/ go on to do well)
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:19:39 No.6578136
    Smart enough to get into Mensa, not smart enough to give himself a haircut and maintain a semblance of hygiene.

    Maybe IQ isn't as important as /r9k/ thinks it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:20:04 No.6578142
    Wise anon is wise

    OP could learn a lot from this mans attitude.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:20:20 No.6578145
    What's the integral of e^(x^2)) dx, op?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:20:21 No.6578146
    OP whats your GPA?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:20:34 No.6578149
    I don't really care. I would be willing to wager that I am happier than you are, based on your need to report this information in a high and mighty fashion on 4chan, and because your picture looks like someone who spends a lot of time muttering angrily. I'll take average IQ with a well adjusted personality over ultra-high IQ assbugers any day.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:20:44 No.6578150
    it's like weird al if he didn't have refractive surgery and was gifted with a squarejaw and straight greasy hair with a foreboding face that just emanates angst and contempt for the world
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)19:21:01 No.6578155

    new timestamp troll

    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:21:10 No.6578157
    MENSA has no real value outside of fuckwits getting to brag that they're able to solve X puzzle under Y time.

    What charities do you help out with? What services do you render? With your intelligence, what breakthroughs were you complicit, even pivotal, in developing? What startups have you run, and how many people do you employ?

    Or are you still living in your parent's basement?

    What the FUCK is your worth as a human being, robot?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:22:44 No.6578179
    It's more that we find the pretentious OP laughable, given that he's the archetypal nerd shut-in, and yet he boasts that he's actually "really smart!!!"
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)19:24:27 No.6578208

    I got a 24 year old out of prison time for fucking a 16 year old by pouring over 10000 pages of legal documents once.

    Besides that, pretty low.

    Feels good man.

    Also, y'all niggaz, troll thread, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:24:41 No.6578210
    I'm smart enough to be comfortable with myself. My lack of work ethic is much more troublesome.
    >> sage 12/08/09(Tue)19:25:19 No.6578217
    Congratulations OP for paying money to carry a card that says you are smart. You clearly are the winner in this scenario.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:26:13 No.6578233
    >Bad acne
    >Dirty looking

    >How does it feel that a teenager with what's technically classed as a mental disability is more intelligent than any of you ever hope to be?

    I'm okay with this
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:26:28 No.6578236

    you needed a card that said YOU'RE WINNER! to get someone out of jail?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:27:37 No.6578252
    when was the last time you shoved your face into a pizza pie OP?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:29:28 No.6578280
    Are you a virgin OP?

    Your hand doesn't count, btw.

    I lost my virginity at 15, 19 now. Fag.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:30:19 No.6578289

    forgot to add, I also had long hair, just like yours, so suck iiiit.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:30:31 No.6578292
    I recently met someone who carried a Mensa card. He completely lacked any sense of ability to be sly, cunning, manipulative, clever, witty, or fun. There are many more types of intelligence out there that you Mensa faggots lack severely, making you completely unworthy of life.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:30:39 No.6578295
    I qualified to get into mensa, realised it was retarded upon finding out you had to pay a membership fee.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:30:44 No.6578297
    Lol, Mensa = losers inc.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:31:14 No.6578308
    OP what'd you think of the new Rammstein album? Pussy a good track? yeah, I alughed at it as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:31:35 No.6578315
    fyi, that mensa card will never repair the ugly mug you're forced to call a face.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:32:04 No.6578319
    Ellen Muth is a member of Mensa.
    How does it feel now?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:32:55 No.6578327
    >Look up the list of notable people in mensa.
    >None of them are really notable.


    op, you are smart enough to get into mensa, but not smart enough no to do so.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 12/08/09(Tue)19:33:25 No.6578336

    @OP. I qualified for MENSA when I was 12. I didn't join because it's essentially a card holding organization for people who need a membership to get validation. Most of the members are impotent, isolated, and ineffectual.

    Real intellectuals form networks with their colleagues, keep correspondence with their peers, and advance political or ideological movements rather than circle-jerk over their spatial and pattern recognition ability.

    To further humiliate you, I was also President of a Fraternity and currently make 47k a year fresh out of college. I've also served on the board of two charities and received a community service scholarship to law school.

    You on the other hand, have done nothing with your life thus far, because you're a child. You have spent 16 years on this planet earth and all you have to show for it is a card.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:34:32 No.6578359

    No, just commenting on the statement what have you ever done addressed to Mensa fags.

    This is why we join these things, to avoid you.

    Also, gentlemen, you are currently feeding a troll.
    >> Dude. !!X/6TdZyLImD 12/08/09(Tue)19:35:59 No.6578379
    Big deal, I could totally kick your ass in a fight.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:36:39 No.6578389
    not op but:

    ans =


    lol, matlab
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:36:39 No.6578390
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    You forgot to add micropenis because anyone who brags like that has a major inferiority complex
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:37:05 No.6578397
    How does it make you feel when I, with a low IQ makes more money then you, gets more bitches and lives a happier life?
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 12/08/09(Tue)19:37:51 No.6578405
    If you'd like to get out a ruler and a timestamp, I'll do the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:37:58 No.6578409
    Also, I figure a TI calculator can do it too. I don't have one though.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:43:50 No.6578497
    Delicious tripfag cock? Yes please!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:44:20 No.6578505
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    Congratulations, you're among a very tiny sliver on the pie chart of intelligence quotient ratios. However, I highly doubt that you're actually amongst those who comprise the even smaller sliver of the populace who actually put that cogency to good use.

    Also, who's to say you aren't holding up somebody else's Mensa card? My I.Q. was tested and ascertained to be 157 when I was nine years old, but even if I held up the results on camera with my face clearly shown in the picture, that doesn't actually lend credibility to whatever cause might have prompted me to get on the internet and brag about my sapience. I should add that I don't care to be fed tripe regarding the obvious about not wanting to disclose sensitive personal information in regards to the validity of your claims to be in Mensa; you've already exceeded the boundary of any concerns you seem to assume people have pertaining to your dubious claim.

    Unfortunately for you, however, apparently you received your Mensa membership while your adolescent ego is at the absolute crux of your megalomania. Sure, you might have a high I.Q., but unlike me, you certainly haven't matured into it.

    Should I go for the "below the belt" tactics now? Why not!

    Your supposed lofty intellect does not render you exempt from forms of hygiene, nor does it guarantee that you possess sufficient charisma to utilize your brainpower efficiently. Instead, you're likely more prone to believe that humanity should somehow cater to you as if you were some sort of comic book supervillain.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:45:29 No.6578525
    so your an aspie whos good at math? cool,
    "Promised I'd do this over a year ago when responding in a thread, so here goes.

    16 years old (inb4 underage b&) - me and my friends bitches.

    How does it feel that a teenager with what's technically classed as a social life is more happy than you can ever hope to be? Please, tell me.

    To futher humiliate you, Ive had them my whole life.

    I await your response."
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:47:04 No.6578548
    You're on 4chan. Nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:48:33 No.6578566
    I qualified for Mensa when I was 15. Decided I'd just carry on as normal, because joining it is a bit like joining the anime club at school; it's pointless, you're surrounded by elitest dicks with no social skills (kinda like an irl 4chan) and nobody really cares about it either way. IQ means nothing, really.

    My advice to you, OP, would be to get a haircut, grind that acne from your face and get someone to smack you on the jaw to bring your mouth back into line with the rest of your face. And stop listening to black metal. I know you like it. I can tell.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:48:44 No.6578569
    >with minial effort I can sail through life
    Not with that mug, honey.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 12/08/09(Tue)19:50:12 No.6578591
    I like you. I definitely think you would be fun to kick it with. Continue being amazing.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:51:18 No.6578600
    >pouring over
    fuck u
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)19:52:14 No.6578615

    Reads my post about flashing a Mensa card on /r9k/ = faggots raging.

    creates this post.


    I said 9/10 before, but since there are so many people seriously responding to this, I'm going to up you to 11/10

    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:52:33 No.6578621
    Likewise. You're the only tripfag I would comfort and console after anally violating them, and that says a lot.

    Let's do lunch.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:52:55 No.6578626
    Another high-IQ Asperger here. Personally I think having high intelligence is more of a hindrance than help. Face it; the only time having high intelligence is going to help is doing schoolwork, redundant IQ tests, or if you dedicate your life to maths or something equally uninspired.

    In reality it just causes problems relating to everyone around you. I get irritated with most people for being idiots, they feel uncomfortable around me because I (unintentionally) make them feel like idiots. Plus I over-think EVERYTHING instead of relying on instinct, can't really empathise with others, pretty much a square peg in a round hole.
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)19:53:28 No.6578635
    and for the last time, look at the date you suckamothafuckas
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:53:48 No.6578639
    sure is assburgers in here
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:55:18 No.6578667
    Come back when you invent something or create a new ground-breaking theory. Until then, get some Clearasil, and keep wanking over your Mensa card.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:55:31 No.6578672
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:55:40 No.6578674
    You people cannot notice the details.
    But come on, the date is kind of noticeable.
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)19:55:48 No.6578675
    The vast amount of retardation in this thread is making me rage and cum simultaneously.

    look at the date niggaz
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)19:58:26 No.6578719
    Maybe he's just a dumbass
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:02:19 No.6578780
    >they feel uncomfortable around me because I (unintentionally) make them feel like idiots.

    not sure thats why they feel uncomfortable bro
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:02:58 No.6578790
    ignoring the fact that OP is a troll taking an old pic,
    OP is (or at least he is pretending to be) a Mensa faggot. Everybody knows exactly what that means, and the last 200 posts have been spent pointing it out. Even so, the insecurity you display while jumping over each other to point out how his 'achievement' really is irrelevant and nothing but an indication of how insecure and useless he is is even more funny.

    I'm not going to bother rating this troll, but I will keep reading this thread. The fact that /r9k/ is insecure enough to be shaken by a teenager with a Mensa card is moderately amusing, and I'm bored.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:04:28 No.6578817
    Best thread of the week.

    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:06:22 No.6578845
    Have you considered that you might not make them feel like idiots as much as they consider you an idiot? I know you feel like they should realize your intelligence, but honestly, you should realize that being intelligent is no excuse to act like an idiot, aspergers be damned.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:06:48 No.6578851

    There's 3 kinds of people posting here. Troll, reverse troll, and you. BTW you're the only one who's really mad
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:07:54 No.6578869
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)20:13:27 No.6578959

    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 12/08/09(Tue)20:17:07 No.6579009

    lol I recognize that typing style

    u were raging last week pretty hard guy :3
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:17:43 No.6579017
    ITT: trolled badly
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:18:38 No.6579029
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:21:31 No.6579074

    Doubt it. Anyway I was just giving yo some advice, I get no pleasure in taking down 19 year old kids
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:25:00 No.6579117
    I love the fact that my IQ is well past the range of Mensa's cutoff, but I'm actually not a social loser, and doing something with myself by going to a top 5 national university. Fuck you OP, you're the people make everyone else think people with high IQs are pricks.
    >> Sheep !SEBMHOI66. 12/08/09(Tue)20:29:52 No.6579182
    I'll settle with the fact that I have a chance of getting laid. You can do my math homework while I'm out living the good life.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:32:56 No.6579206
    You are one SCRAGGLY sonofabitch, you know that?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:34:55 No.6579234
    I am more intelligent than you OP.

    You're a lesser human than me.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:35:21 No.6579244
    man, op has got some dedication. he joined mensa just to troll the hell out of r9k.

    anyway, good job bro. don't fuck up in high school, but don't worry about it too much. find your passion, do well in it. use your intelligence, don't just assume merely possessing it will get you through life, and don't ever assume that life magically gets better at x age and stop doing anything to try improving it.

    good luck!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)20:36:24 No.6579261
    You are now reading that in Samuel L. Jackson's voice...

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