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    9 KB Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:48:22 No.6576015  
    Hey Mexicans. How bout this. How bout you get your ass the fuck out of my country.
    >> American with darker skin than you 12/08/09(Tue)16:59:42 No.6576179
    My parents are Mexican. They are from Mexico. I was born in California. I am American. Rephrase the question to be a bit more intolerant please. I'm not some asshole that will be proud of being from Mexico, when i was really born in the U.S. I think Americans with Mexican ancestry don't feel accepted in America, hold animosity towards that, don't aspire for the American dream, and just fuck their lives up. I'm educated, but all you see is my skin. If i was walking down the street, you would quickly label me as a Mexican shit, even though i want to attend UCLA to become a physicist. Troll or not, some kids were being assholes yesterday, telling me "hey essssseeee, y u skippin school holmesss?" (I was leaving HS to go to my college class) and i felt like ranting. If any of you other Americans with Mexican ancestry would like to derail this thread along with me, please don't hesitate to help.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:00:27 No.6576192
    yo quiero taco bell, si?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:02:35 No.6576227

    another baby of illegal immigrants trying suck off the american teat
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:04:50 No.6576246
    the last thing the US needs is more brown people.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:06:58 No.6576279
    Why doesn't Mexico have an Olympic team?

    Because any Mexican that can run, jump, or swim is already in America.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:07:47 No.6576285
    For one, I think illegal immigrants should realize how horrible the economy is and that them taking jobs is making it worse.

    I agree that Europeans, in the first place, had no right to be there, but the U.S can't just cede territory after 300 years.

    U.S society needs to be more tolerant, it's a melting pot of cultures, hopefully in the future when the economy is stable, we can help Mexico and it's people.
    >> American with darker skin than you 12/08/09(Tue)17:08:44 No.6576295
    My mother was an illegal immigrant and my father was to at one point in time. He was deported and came back again. What makes you more American than my parents? In the spirit of freedom and prosperity, they sought a better life for themselves, and were not afraid of leaving their country and friends for a strange land, where the people were intolerant and they were to face numerous hardships. Is this not the American spirit? They learned English. My parents have more courage than you or anyone in your family ever has or will have. You will have to try harder to make me pull out mah pistolla and bang bang in ur face gringo
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:09:06 No.6576298
    Would you want to live in Mexico? Kill yourself if you can't empathize with immigrants, you are literally human filth
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:10:07 No.6576307
    We can't help, all we ever try and do to "help" countries is either give 'em cash dollahs y'all or invade their shit and install a puppet ruler, NEITHER OF WHICH WOULD OR HAS EVER SOLVED SHIT
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:11:13 No.6576325
    Because if the border is completely sealed into Mexico you will get a communist revolution. Illegal Immigration is a relief valve. What do you prefer, a communist neighbor on the border or a bunch of mexicans mowing your lawn and getting your health care without paying? Mexico is in the shape it is now thanks to a lack of a middle class. 90-95% of the land is owned by people in the upper-classes.


    Yeah, shit sucks. I'm Ecuadorian, it even happens in NYC. I know another Ecuadorian kid they do that to constantly, because he looks brown as fuck. I look like I'm Italian so I don't get nothing of that, but instead I'm on /r9k/ and socially awkward.

    I'm going to community college then transferring into Washington U at St. Louis, Cornell, or Vanderbilt. Citizen born in America, so eh.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:11:16 No.6576326
    So then what gave the original settlers in American the right to be in American, since the natives were there first?

    Also, they take jobs no one else wants. As in, the bottom of the barrel stuff that most lower class folks wouldn't even touch.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:11:29 No.6576329

    >You will have to try harder to make me pull out mah pistolla and bang bang in ur face gringo

    This is exactly why Americans hold resentment towards Hispanics, I'm not saying all of them are like this, it's just gang violence adheres to your culture in areas of California.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:13:42 No.6576359
    We already tried helping them back in the Clinton administration era by giving them a shit ton of money. Shit didn't work. Mexicans are not a financially responsible people. Sorry Mexican channers, but it's true. You don't have money sense. Stereo types aside of mexicans who have 20,000 dollar rims on a "tricked out" low rider, and a shit hole of a house that leaks and lacks heating, most can't keep or use money responsible.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:13:54 No.6576361
    Mexico would be 100 times better had the smallpox got that last 10 percent of the populace it missed the first go round
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:14:11 No.6576364

    my parents are immigrants too fag. not only were they running from economic hardship, they were trying to avoid being killed by the government. they crossed an ocean, not just some stupid checkpoint.

    they also got a citizenship. how is your family courageous for learning english? that's WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO. and people were intolerant? like they ever ventured far enough out of their little enclave of fellow aliens to even meet a real fucking american.

    in the spirit of welfare and whiny demands, they come here, don't pay taxes, stick their children in US schools, demand healthcare, demand education, and demand that everyone learn spanish as well. go fuck yourself faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:14:38 No.6576370
    I'll only really ever accept European immigrants as potential to-be Americans.. that and Canada or Australia. Elsewhere can fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:14:58 No.6576374

    That's horrible reasoning. I'm sure most people wouldn't want to be fruit pickers (that's what migrant labor is for) but the rest of the stuff is jobs anyone can and should be doing, especially in this economy. It might not be their dream job, but it's a job.

    Illegal immigrants are criminals and should be deported enmasse. America was conquered and my only regret is that we didn't finish the job when we had the chance. Except now we need to turn back the tide from the South.
    >> American with darker skin than you 12/08/09(Tue)17:15:04 No.6576375
    I will agree that they do hurt the economy, and that there should be less illegal immigration. On the other hand, i believe that crime would decrease dramatically if it were easier to become a legal immigrant. I'm not saying tear down the borders, but how about a higher tax? I'm not one sided on the issue; I believe there should be some protection on immigration, but you shouldn't deny a person their natural rights. Immigration has always been a complicated issue in America, and with the failing economy, it is becoming quite clear that the days where America was the greatest country at everything and had jobs for everyone is over.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:15:16 No.6576381
    Californian reporting.

    Dude, you know that California is a cultural center integral to the gang identity, right? Their trained here and unleashed in Mexico/El Salvador/etc. If we could stop that shit from happening in Los Angeles, we could help change an international problem.

    inb4 retarded solutions like keep 'em out/deport 'em all. We don't have the resources for that. We need to change culture. Their culture, Our culture. Here.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:16:55 No.6576400
    And yet, how come there's a culture of whites in the Deep South, Adirondacks, and Appalachians that are typically characterized as "white trash" that no one cares about?

    Backwardsassed people who DO live in trailer parks, have sex with siblings, have family feuds, and historically commit crimes (Production/Sale of Meth, Fraud, and Assault/Battery)?

    How come no one stereotypes whites as that? Because they're...the majority? Because they make their race look bad?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:17:20 No.6576408
    a better life doesn't mean hopping a fence and popping out babies. my family has given blood and sweat to fight for the american dream. fighting in every war, suffering through every national tragedy, and justly prospering at times.

    mexico is such a terrible place because it's filled with cowards that run across borders to make a quick buck and will just as easily return when someplace else pays them more.

    at least many black families have contributed to this country. mexicans are just here for the money instead of fixing mexico. every other immigrant group has to wait to become legal and you people cheat, and then cry about discrimination.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:17:21 No.6576409

    You sound like you still live in Barrio. Just because your parents hopped a fence and learned some rudimentary English doesn't make them courageous.

    They're criminals and should be deported along with you and your birthright citizenship. They're not American, so says our law and so says our citizens.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:17:54 No.6576416
    if Mexicans would stay in Mexico and fix the problems there then it wouldnt be a bad place to live in a couple of generations.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:18:08 No.6576419
    Do you really want to pick lettuce for 10 cents a day? Really? Even the most blue-collar of white dude jobs (waiter/waitress, fucking gas station attendant) is a job that's completely out of reach for an immigrant.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:18:50 No.6576431
    >>mexicans who have 20,000 dollar rims on a "tricked out" low rider

    Orale holmes Dayton Wire Wheels go for $500-800 a piece. Less used/stolen.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:19:02 No.6576434
    hurf you should know better
    this is a thread about people scapegoating other people instead of fixing their own lives
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:19:19 No.6576440
    >>6576329 bl0x
    I think he was being sarcastic...
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:19:51 No.6576447

    Because we marginalized (and have always marginalized) that segment of our population. We regard them as sub-human garbage and we don't glorify that part of our population like some other ethnicities.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:20:36 No.6576456
    Why are you all so dumb? God dammit you're fucking retards. I am just in awe of the idiocy I see in threads like this.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:21:02 No.6576465

    Illegal immigrant mind you. Someone who shouldn't be here in the first place but we still give work to.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:21:46 No.6576477
    Actually, your law says people born in America are American citizens. Deal with it, nerd.

    lern 2 Jus soli
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:22:57 No.6576486
    You can easily turn that into
    > Hey ___________. How bout this. How bout you get your ass the fuck out of my country.
    >> American with darker skin than you 12/08/09(Tue)17:23:45 No.6576494
    Maybe i did come off a little defensive. I apologize for that. Most people I talk to that have the "FUCK ILLEGALS AMERICA FOR AMERICANS" Are whites. But is a boat with food and water easier to cross than the desert, alone, with only the cloths on your back and no money or help of any kind? We are both making assumptions, so i'll leave it at that. To the poster who said mexicans are an economically inept race, this behavior is does not belong to the "mexican gene". It is a social trait that some, if not most, have decided to idolize. I can make perfectly sound decisions with money. I am saving up to pay for school.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:24:03 No.6576499
    AWDSTY, why are you even trying to have a decent discussion here? You KNOW r9k is full of trolls.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:24:12 No.6576504

    It's probably more than 10 cents a day. It's probably about half the normal wage. Even if they work at half the wage of an American citizen, that's still tax-free money. Illegals also get free health care, school for their children, and access to almost every other public benefit that a normal citizen gets without having to pay taxes for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:24:16 No.6576505
    within the decade "hispanics" will be replacing whites as the majority in America. Just start learning Spanish already and deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:24:49 No.6576515

    No shit. I didn't realize that when I wrote "birthright citizenship." Personally though I think that when two non-citizens have a child in the US, that child should be regarded as a citizen of the parent's home country. That alone would help solve a lot of problems.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:26:43 No.6576541
    Southern Californiafag here, I would gladly pay an extra 50 cents-$1 extra for lettuce and fruit to not have to see these no english speaking, filthy, smelly loud obnoxious spics everythefuckwhere I go.

    With the economy in the state its in, ESPECIALLY California's (what with being broke and all) we can really and truly no longer afford to have all these foreign illegal bleeding us dry, using all the social services, not paying taxes, having kids over here so they can stay, taking up public school money with ESL classess and shtit. Face it, theyre a TOTAL drain on society, but everyones too busy being PC to do anything about it. it fucking sucks.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:26:46 No.6576543

    The "America for Americans" crowd may mostly be white, but blacks have some of the greatest tensions with the "hispanic" populations in the US.
    >> American with darker skin than you 12/08/09(Tue)17:27:08 No.6576551
    If a birthright doesn't make someone an American, tell me what does? By the way, i ask that you use logic.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:27:26 No.6576555
    Whites to Europe.
    Whites that claim indian ancestry, we cut you in half. One half stays, the other is shipped to whatever shithole
    Mexicunts, we cut you in half. One half to Spain, the other to the Mayan rainforest.
    Natives, stay there.

    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:28:59 No.6576578
    And...why do you think they are marginalized? Because there are less poor whites than there are poor blacks and hispanics?

    People share more in common when it comes to socioeconomic factors and not the color of their skin.

    >>a better life doesn't mean hopping a fence and popping out babies. my family has given blood and sweat to fight for the american dream. fighting in every war, suffering through every national tragedy, and justly prospering at times.

    Hi, there are millions of hispanics that have been doing that since the 1950s.

    Even illegals usually stay unless shit gets horribad for them (ESPECIALLY if they just popped a baby, apparently growing up in a American barrio or ghetto is better than being middle class in their home country).

    It took my parents 15 years to just become a resident. My cousin is a 2nd LT serving in Iraq and went to West Point. My father started a small business. I am a banker. What you just said are a bunch of platitudes that help justify your nativism. Platitudes don't mean shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:31:27 No.6576613
    Of course, you are RIGHT, OP!!! Let us scrape that wonderful poem off the Statue of Liberty. The same poem that greeted most of our families into this great country with the same hopeful outlook the immigrants of this age are immigrating to our country to accomplish.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:32:44 No.6576636
    ITT: Ignorance and arrogance
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 12/08/09(Tue)17:32:55 No.6576639
    That already happened where I live. English is the only language I speak, yet I have no trouble.

    Nice slippery slope though.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:33:35 No.6576645
    THis is the truest thing I have read in this thread.

    You know, despite people always crying about how hard illegal immigrants have it, I have yet to hear one, ONE rational argument in favor of illegal immigration that doesnt say "Aww, well, they are poor! You should feel sorry for them" and shit like that.

    The fact of the matter is they are BREAKING THE LAW. All of them. So, its ok to ignore those laws, but when its laws that you want enforced, then we shuold listen to those, huh.

    Fucking hypocrites.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:34:35 No.6576659

    That's not a bad idea actually. Fund it!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:35:52 No.6576677

    That's not a bad idea actually. As a culture we're willing to toss out old conventions of social "norms," think "progressively," yet to scrape off the quote from that statue and fundamentally change our immigration policy, no that would be blasphemy of the highest degree.
    >> American with darker skin than you 12/08/09(Tue)17:37:00 No.6576691
    I feel like there should be someone asking people to see two sides. I don't believe I have stuck to any stereotypes of immigration arguments, i.e., LET THESE NICE, GREAT, NOT CRIME COMMITTING PEOPLE STAY, WE DID STEAL THEIR COUNTRY BY THE WAY. HEY, HOW ABOUT SUM FREE MONEY?, or the THEY BROKE THE LAW AND THEY SHOULD DIE FOR LOOKING AT MY BEAUTIFUL STATUE OF LIBERTY WITH RAPE IN THEIR EYES. I also believe that if i can change one person's mind about an entire race than i have done the world a favor. Again, to reiterate, there are mexicans who come into this country illegally. There are gang members who run drugs and kill. There are Mexicans who just want a better life. There are Mexicans who work hard, learn English, obey laws, and pay taxes. Generalizations have no place in the world.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:37:25 No.6576698
    You're bawwing over a "crime" that's a misdemeanor at best.

    Why do you think we ignore your HURRR THEYRE BREAKING A LAW ZOMFG CRIMINALS line?

    Do you even know what a misdemeanor is? $1000 Fine at most and/or 6 months in prison maximum.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:37:33 No.6576701
    It's always amusing to see someone say something that is true (illegal immigrants ARE in the wrong) and then extrapolate it to something that's false (Mexicans are lazy greedy bastards; not just some, not just the illegals, but ALL of them).

    Anyway, bleeding heart faggots like myself don't think illegal immigration is a good thing. I just think it's a fucking WASTE OF TIME to track them down and spend OUR money deporting them. I just want to put all the illegals through the citizenship process and get them working. That way, they pay taxes, they don't starve to death, everyone wins.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:38:33 No.6576726

    U MAD?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:39:50 No.6576742
    What i dont understand is why dont they just immigrate legally? Would that be SOOOO hard? It would stop them from having to "cross the desert with no food or water" and all that shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:41:11 No.6576758
    I was saying that ALL illegal immigrants are breaking the law, not all mexicans in general. lrn2reed
    >> Attention Whore !!ItIkrFwnmZB 12/08/09(Tue)17:42:41 No.6576778
    Ha. You actually think the Mexicans who immigrate to USA can do ANYTHING to fix Mexico? It would be like asking your rednecks and white trash to fix the economic crisis.

    So here's the thing: Mexico is a classist country. Upper middle class and above (which is mostly white people) just don't give a shit about those people. They are actually glad that they go to the States to at least bring some money to the country. I feel sorry for those people because they are completely neglected by their own country and by their neighbors too. They are basically sub-human to society's eyes. But it could be worse, really. The only reason Mexico gets so much attention is because it's close to USA and USA gets A LOT of attention.

    Also, you are retarded. "Mexicans are not financially responsible people." What the fuck does that even mean? Are you saying that just by being Mexican it means you spend your money on tequila and ridiculously large hats? And I don't know if you knew but the richest man in the world is Mexican.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:43:04 No.6576787
    So what if its a misdemeanor? Who cares? they still come over to a different country and willingly break its laws. That shows not only a complete disrespect for the host country, but that they have no compunctions about violating laws they dont agree with.

    So fuck em
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:43:34 No.6576791
    its not as easy as you think
    >> American with darker skin than you 12/08/09(Tue)17:44:22 No.6576808
    I agree, they are breaking the law, but will you not agree that if they are deported, or even jailed, when they get back, will they not try to come back. You have to consider many elements before coming to a decision. While i don't believe that we should give amnesty to illegal immigrants and let anyone in, i also don't believe we should exclude any persons because of the "criminals". Should guns be banned because they can be used in crime or lead to death? No, they are just a marginalized, as a wise robot previously stated. Want citizenship? How about a work-release type program? Or a levy taxes? Jailing or deporting takes money right?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:44:54 No.6576819
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    Did someone say criminal scum?

    Either way a law breaker is a law breaker. They need to pay for their crimes, no matter how small or big. Doesn't matter if they almost died crawling through the desert, breaking the law is still breaking the law.

    Not that I mind, since I work at an immigration prison. We feed them 3 good solid meals a day, give them a place to make contacts with more criminal scum, and then send them back to Mexico so they can do it all again. Not the best institution but hey they pay me 14.50 an hour to baby sit and stare at the walls all day.

    Now, I'm confiscating all your stolen goods.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:45:19 No.6576827
    I've never seen such a load of self-aggrandizing, racist pretentious garbage in my life. Living vicariously through your ancestors, generalizing Mexicans, god you suck, go fuck off back to /k/ you massive child.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:46:10 No.6576840

    11/29 dumbass.

    How unoriginalblox.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:49:17 No.6576882
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    How about you get your ass the fuck out of my country?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:49:47 No.6576890
    >if they are deported, or even jailed, when they get back, will they not try to come back.

    LOL thats a load of bullshit, I worked with a bunch of illegals in a restaurant. many of them try multiple times in the same day after theyre deported to come back to the US. its an ongoing thing, not "ok, you got me" and they never try again.

    Want citizenship? Immigrate legally. bottom line. if youre willing to brave the fucking desert and pay Coyotes everything you have, why not just spend that money on the books you need to study for the citizenship test? it seems a lot easier to me, and theres a greatly reduced risk of dying.

    But no, they dont want to do it the right way, they want to take the short cut, so they get what they deserve.

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