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  • File : 1260308169.jpg-(30 KB, 400x338, corporation.jpg)
    30 KB Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:36:09 No.6575852  
    Democrats prefer big government. Republicans prefer big business.

    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:39:07 No.6575891
    Big business's are the manifestation of the will of a few self-agrandizing people.

    Government is the manifestation of the aggregate will of the people. With the intention of munificence, protection, co-operation, and advancement.

    Working men of all countries unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:41:40 No.6575927
    I didnt think the word corporation would have been used by abe
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:42:32 No.6575936
    In the end of the day, Government as a concept is always better.
    >> Economist !n7B8edRRbE 12/08/09(Tue)16:43:09 No.6575943
    Private businesses and national institutions both have their pros and cons. Well run small countries like Ireland and Singapore have the best systems with private alternatives to practically every state service and a political culture that targets corruption, waste and inefficiency.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:45:02 No.6575972
    Pretty sure they didn't even have corporations in that era.

    But whatver, yeah, lets kill everyone that works for GM and have the government run their assets instead.

    Cause the government is really good at what it does and always has been.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:46:29 No.6575992
    Big government and big business grow together.
    >> Anomynous 12/08/09(Tue)16:48:29 No.6576018
    And corporations have your best interests in mind.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:48:33 No.6576021
    dur dems ran fannie and freddie... two huge corporations... so shaddup. wherever there is money, there are politicians.

    america doesn't need politicians, america needs small government that leaves people alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:54:08 No.6576099
    It is because democrats believe in a bottom-to-top approach. That the will of the people is the best solution for a good government. Republicans believe in a top-to-bottom approach, that the wealth and benevolence of the affluent will trickle down aggregate masses, and that this approach is the best approach for a good government. One believes that the people are capable of taking care of themselves, the other thinks they are better at taking care of them. Democrats are closet communists. Republicans are closet liberals. You know it to be true.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)16:55:07 No.6576117
    Republicans prefer big government, big business, and big pockets full of money.
    >> Anomynous 12/08/09(Tue)16:56:54 No.6576140

    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:06:37 No.6576274
    Business is the purest manifestation of voluntary cooperation between consenting, sovereign individuals, with the only intent of rationally satisfying each other's needs.

    Government is an irrational, violent, criminal outfit that basically relies on coercion and mindless patriotism to fool the people into acting against their own interests, all for the sake of the ruling political elite.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:09:12 No.6576299
    >>implying government does

    At least corporations depend on the consumer's decisions to keep existing. The government fucks up constantly and nothing happens, ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:13:24 No.6576354


    Actually, business is the act of making other people think you've satisfied their needs. Lying is the single best thing you can do to profit, if you can get away with it, and usually you can.

    Hell, that's true of government, too. But let's not pretend the right-wing's hard-on for big business is even the slightest bit based on what works for EVERYONE.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:14:53 No.6576372
    anyone got sauce for the quote in OP's pic? My respect for Honest Abe just went up
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:15:56 No.6576387
    >Doesn't know what liberal means.

    I take it you'll call me a faggot when I tell you the founding fathers were liberals, eh?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:16:36 No.6576395
    Governments get replaced all the time. Or, rather, they used to.

    Just like businesses used to fail all the time. Now? Not so much. Because business AND government are so tightly intertwined that neither one will let the other one fall.

    Generally, that situation is portrayed as the government's fault, but big business has no one but themselves to blame for the erosion of the free market.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:17:17 No.6576406
    >Use Lincoln as an anti-business icon,
    >Call Republicans pro-business
    >> Anomynous 12/08/09(Tue)17:21:25 No.6576471
    Not at all, but none of them were Republicans.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:25:01 No.6576516
    No I'll just call you ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:45:14 No.6576823
    you're eating tonight and people are dying and u dont care so shut the fuck up already
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)17:49:08 No.6576879
    > implying that 1860s Republicans and Modern Republicans are similar

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