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    143 KB Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:50:43 No.6545430  
    Tell me stories about your childhood.
    Up to 12 years old.
    Preferebly stories of love and frindship.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:53:47 No.6545466
    I sat on a stick and it went up my butt.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:54:08 No.6545473
    i shit in a urinal when i was 6 because the toilet was clogged
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:55:04 No.6545479
    I had no friends. I spent all my time playing video games. My parents saw no problem with this.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:55:18 No.6545482
    I had a friend that I used to watch Ninja Turtles with.

    He moved away when I was 6.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:56:55 No.6545499
    I wrestled some high schooler brother of my friend when I was in elementary school. He was a lot bigger and stronger. I felt weak.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:58:12 No.6545508
    I met my best friend when I was 8. I asked him if he had a SNES and he said he did. I asked if he wanted to come round sometime and play Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island with me.
    Those were the happiest times when we had sleepovers, got up early to watch SMTV with Ant, Dec and Cat Deely. Not sure anyone outside of Britain will know about that but it was basically a show with comedy sketches competitions and Pokemon cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:58:12 No.6545509
    I climbed a huge tree at my friend's house to show how much of a tomboy I was. Found ants at the top and freaked out and climbed down ):
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:58:53 No.6545517
    Makes me remember the time when I found out that I dont understand interpersonal relationships.
    You know how all those kids wrestle and stuff?
    I never did that.

    I blame my parents, they started reading big Fantasy books to me when I was 2 years old.
    I never ceased to expect that a mighty wizzard will come and teach me magic to wash away my unhappy life...
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:58:57 No.6545518
    I hung out with 2 guys in elementary and high school. We spend every spare moment together, most of the time just playing Red Alert or walking around outside. I'm female and they had no interest in me, we were awesome friends It was blissfully uncomplicated and wonderful. I grew apart from the in University and haven't seen them in years.

    It didn't bother me before, but now I look at my group of friends who wish to bone me all the time.and wish with all my heart I could go back to that time.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:59:30 No.6545525
    OP Here. Let me tell you about somebody.
    There was this girl i knew as a kid. This was between when i was 5-8 years old. Her name was Angelica or something like that.
    She was really cool. She tought me how to ride a bike, how to make a halo out of flowers and the "He likes me,He likes me not" game with flowers. Sometimes we used to steal her dads empty bear bottles, go sell them and buy ice cream. And then go on bike rides... There was another girl i really liked to go out with but i forgot her name... We met in a park. She was this tomboy-ish kid and me and her used to make fun of other girls... I had a few guy friends but i dont remember much except for discussing pokemon way too much with them.
    I eventually had to move to another country in 8th grade and never saw them again. I added that Angelica chick on facebook eventually and talked to her twice... She got fatter and is now a scene/emo girl. Its too bad...
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:00:59 No.6545536

    Newsflash: you got raped.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:03:21 No.6545552
    When I was eight I made a great friend who lived around the corner from me. She was ten and her name was Fiona. For months we hung out. Then we accidentally broke my neighbour's fence and got into trouble. We were both grounded because our parents and my neighbours though it was wanton vandalism. Then one day, about a week later my mum told me she had died. Aparently she had had some condition from birth. It oddly didn't upset me much though.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:03:32 No.6545554
    My old house had a huge pond in front of it. When I was little, my brothers and I would tromp down the banks as silently as we could, trying to catch frogs. We were actually pretty good at it. We'd catch them, run up onto the lawn, and let them into the grass. Then we'd chase them back into the water. It was great. In the winter, my father would always clear the snow off of the ice so we could go ice skating and slide around. He always tested the ice for us first. He said, "If it can hold me, then it can hold you. Don't be afraid, sweetie!" One winter, it didn't hold him. He fell through in the middle, and by the time we got up to the house, it was too late. Bogged down by his snowsuit and boots, he couldn't get out. We didn't go near the pond anymore after that.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:06:40 No.6545588
    I don't remember this but my grandpa told me about it. When I was like 4 to 6ish, I climbed a tree in his yard. Him and his neighbor were standing on it, looking up and talking to me and together. All of a sudden, his friend held his hand out and said, "is it raining?". Then they realized that I had my pants down, peeing on them, laughing my ass off. Now, I don't remember this, but it is something I would think was funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:07:09 No.6545598
    I went over my friends grandmothers house. She was like the nicest person ever. We spent the whole day running around in the woods behind his house and riding bikes. He moved away a year later ;_;.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:10:04 No.6545635
    I didn't have any real friends.

    Doesn't bother me. I turned out to be a schizoid with other mental shit going on.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:11:27 No.6545654

    Wonky Donkey and Who Wants To Be A Mew Trainer? were god tier, I still remember the lucky bastard winning and flying to Japan to collect his Mew.

    Chums was shit tier.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:13:34 No.6545683
    Also im a guy.
    I mostly talked to girls as a kid. They were more adventorous and easier to talk about family issues with. I even had a "I will show you mine if you show me yours" and french kissed with this other girl. We didnt go to the same school so she couldnt tell nobody about it.
    Now im socially awkward becouse im way too afraid to say something emberessing even if i know the new language pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:15:39 No.6545704
    your friend's grandmother was a boy?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:16:12 No.6545706
    I was awesomely happy until the age of 10, then due to my dads work we had to move from Edinburgh to a little town in the middle of Sweden. No international school, and even though all the kids spoke beautiful English I caught shit until I learnt hurdy gurdy borkborkbork
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:17:12 No.6545721
    When I was young, I made friends with this one guy who lived really close to me. We both loved vidya games. Our favourite game was metal gear solid 1 for PS1. We would walk around with fake guns and play pretend to act out the game.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:20:26 No.6545752
    When I was around 10 one of my freinds and I was awlking around the house truing to find something to do. Earlier that week the chimney sweeper had been by and done his thing, and the ladder was still up, leading to the ladder that goes along the roof up to the top. It's a two stories house, and as many kids we of course wanted to see the world from the top.
    My dad was nearby clearing up among the strawberrys, so I bluntly asked "Is it ok if we climb up?" He just looked at me and then up to the top of the house and tooke a pause in his work. "Yeah sure, but only if you don't fall down." One of those times my dad has been the best dad in the whole fucking world.

    My mom found out though as I waved to her from the roof of the house, still awesome times.
    >> Ialy !!RfClHReO9qK 12/05/09(Sat)16:22:04 No.6545775
    My first cat. I was 9.

    I had JUST moved into the U.S., and i didnt know english. My family decided to get me a cat to help me with the transition, probably. As soon as I walked into the adoption center, it started purring.. and the staff convinced me to take it home. This thing was the sweetest white cat with blue eyes you could ever meet, and it definitely took a liking to me. I found out later, after it had died, that this type of cat often had health problems.. but i was blissfully unaware at the time. I named him Coqui, after the small frog in Puerto Rico. He would start purring as soon as I would walk into the room, and follow me from room to room after that. At night, he would sleep between my arms.

    This lasted for about 2 weeks, and then the problems began, and we started having to force feed him. I knew he had died when he stopped purring. He didnt last a month, and when they did the autopsy, he was so messed up inside they dont even know how he lived that long. Makes me sad just thinking about him... but I would say he was a stellar example of love and friendship.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:29:09 No.6545857
    When I was 8 I got beat up by some older kids on the way home from school. While I was on the ground one of them kicked me in the face and broke my nose. My nose is still fucked up to this day.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:32:15 No.6545916
    Ahh, I remember what all of my old friends look like. Last saw them 6 years ago, when i was only 11 years old. I miss them. I wonder what they look like these days, and how much they have changed.

    I didn't discover the internet until a year later, and even then we were all too young for cell phones, internet and such. Shit sucks, but I'll keep looking!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:33:11 No.6545929
    I almost spat on my monitor when I read that.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:40:20 No.6546030
    I remember the spider that lived outside my window. it had an orange body and green legs. Watched her build a web all summer, then one day there's a big egg in it. The egg hatched and a hundred baby spiders came out... and they ate her.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:42:18 No.6546061
    Deckard much?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:47:40 No.6546132
    I never made fun of anyone because I didn't want them to feel the way I did.

    Fuck them, so much.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:54:23 No.6546233
    >>6545775 this story is so sweet it melts my racist heart
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:57:41 No.6546278
    Knew this girl in preschool, when I was like 4-5 yo. One day we were in our secret hidout and kissed (you know, big stuff for children this age). We agreed to marry one day without really knowing what it means.

    Few months later she moved away, we moved away shortly after. Never seen her again. And still I hope that through some miraculous happening, we will cross ways sometime in the future. I still know her full name and der birthday...
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)17:29:36 No.6546787
    Why does no one try to stop the missed connections and add childhood friends on facebook?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)17:32:27 No.6546820

    Ever try facebook?

    Seems like an obvious idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)17:33:56 No.6546837

    I did, but not found anything.
    No surprice though, its not that big in my country.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)17:54:10 No.6547067
    Missed Connections suck...
    >> Faggot !26D7I/H7YY 12/05/09(Sat)18:05:20 No.6547168
    my dad abused me as a kid and now I have to pretend I like him and have to talk to him like if we were mates every time he comes around (I live in my mother's house)
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:11:45 No.6547224
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:18:11 No.6547280
    Basically grew up with this girl I was sure I would marry one day, I still think we were perfect for eachother.

    Around age 14 she started to avoid me, and we havent really spoken since then at all. She has had like 2-3 boyfriends now..I was very hurt. Slowly getting ahold of myself now though. And I have no idea why she suddenly stopped talking to me. She used to be my best friend, I still miss her.

    At a play she was the princess, while a friend was "the hero", in the end they were forced to kiss, and it got in the local newspaper, the picture of them kissing and everything.

    I was hurt, and it still pains me to think about, because my life couldve been so much better :(
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:24:40 No.6547342

    i feel better now that ive read that, thanks bro
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:27:37 No.6547366
    Basically the reason I became a bit of an introvert as well, I used to be happy. Life hasnt been too kind to me since that time.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:30:13 No.6547396
    broke my heart ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:38:49 No.6547493
    I almost cried. I actually hope for this to be fake.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:38:58 No.6547497

    seriously bro, talk to her, ask her why she stopped talking to you. do it now faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:40:23 No.6547514
    Me and my brother were the only two asian kids at our school. Now there are probably hundreds, but when we were growing up, we were the only ones.

    Everyone would tease us during recess. "Nip nong chong ching cha!" The black kids were the worst. The white kids would stretch their eyes and tell us we eat cats but the black kids would throw shit and push us around. Especially my brother, who was a grade ahead. They always surrounded us with such a large group too.

    After school, while we were waiting for the bus was the worst. There were no teachers and all the kids really went after us. One day they started teasing us about karate, how its just a big dance, and how all asians are ballerinas because of that.

    We didn't know shit about karate. We were fucking born here in hick town, just like them. My brother snapped and hit like 4 black kids in the face. He was my hero after that.

    Every day after that, we would get into fights at the bus stop. Since there was only 5 black kids that rode our bus, it wasn't so bad. Me and my brother worked as a team.

    But after we got home, we couldn't really play outside because they would gather their friends and wait for us around our street. Me and my brother would go everywhere together, so we could watch each other's backs.

    Then he went to college and started doing a lot of drugs. He isn't the same. He's just given up. I miss when we used to take on the whole world together.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:40:30 No.6547517
    When i was around 10 there was this girl who lived next door to my friend. She was like 5, but i remember her cause it was obvious that she would turn out to be really hot one day.
    She often looked at me when she was out on the street playing, and i looked back, but we never said anything.
    Eventually she ended up going to school in the same class as my brother. I encouraged him to start dating her when he was around 8th grade, but he said no, and that she was just a good friend...
    Time passed, but for some reason the connection with this girl didn't go away. We looked at eachother and eventually spoke when we met, obviously both secretly in love with eachother...
    She moved to another town, and since i aint a pussy like the rest of you i went there and got a job and created an opportunity for us to meet... anyway, now we're in the same band, but she's temporarily unavailable since she's on a round the world trip with her bf...

    Fuck him, i'm gonna have her soon enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:43:46 No.6547562
    Ty OP for creating this thread. So much win!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:47:06 No.6547599

    I feel for u man... brother love can't be replaced with anything. Hope he gets better.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:48:30 No.6547620
    I cant, I just cant.

    Its been many years as well, I dont know what to say anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:48:43 No.6547623
    my best friend in 4-5th grade was this boy who was this blonde haired sort of goofy looking kid, I remember thinking of him as very sensible. we'd hang out all the time because we were in this tiny montessori school with not many kids and he'd look after my nano-baby and angel tamogotchi when I went swimming in the afternoons.

    after that year or so he moved away, I went to public school in 5th grade and I kind of forgot about him.

    then when I was going to community college a couple years back, my best friend introduces me to this guy from her creative writing class she really likes, who looks like jesus with a beard and curly brown hair and he goes
    "Anon? wait I know you, it me! -name- " he remembered the stupid name I'd given my nano-baby, it was the same kid!

    he's still dating my best friend. they are obnoxiously cute together.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:48:48 No.6547625
    oh man
    i hope he gets better
    it's sad to read all these stories, as time passes, everyone gows apart, becoming shitty people
    >> Juancur !ZZy/2sd99o 12/05/09(Sat)18:49:15 No.6547632

    Man, your story warmed by heart, I hope your bro picks his life up again.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:51:22 No.6547660
    my best friend george lived in the house behind mine and it was easy to go out and play.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:56:54 No.6547717
    A guy called me, asked if my parents were at home, and when I sad no he told me to "touch my no-no parts" and tell him how it feels.
    I hung up the phone, a little disturbed, and because I didn't know what no-no-parts were.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:04:55 No.6547821

    I can tell you one day that always makes me laugh and miss how me and my brother used to be.

    One after we came home, I was bored and my brother didn't want to play with me because he was doing homework. I took our bike out and I was riding around for a while but not even halfway down the street I ran into a bunch of kids from school. They knocked me off my bike and stepped on the spokes, breaking most of them. There were too many to run from but also too many to fight. I was really scared of getting the crap beaten out of me.

    We talk shit for a while. They call me a chink, so I spit on the kid closest to me. They didn't like that. As they started to close in, I hear my brother running up the street calling my name. ANON! ANON!

    He stops like 15ft from me, sees the bike and he sees me but the kids start to drift into two groups. Both of us were gonna get beat. The he yells, YOU FUCKING NIGGER MONKEYS! Everyone runs after him. They all turn the corner.

    I pick up one of the other kids' bikes on the ground and go riding after them. I cut around the block, stop ahead of my brother, pick him up on the pegs and just jet. Oh man, the feeling of fucking freedom was incredible.

    Later we joke about what happened and throw the bike in the river. I don't know why we did that. He bought me a soda and a cone, and we walked home.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:07:28 No.6547852
    dude, you're killing me
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:07:58 No.6547861

    awseomeblox etc etc
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:08:41 No.6547871
    >stories of love and frindship

    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:09:37 No.6547883
    My first best friend was awesome, he sat next to me in school and i went on holiday with him a few times with his parents, we used to build huge ass marble runs with a giant set his dad owned.

    After 3 years he moved to another town and i was friendless, People started to pick on me because i didnt have anybody else to talk to (I would walk around the playground but nobody wanted to be my friend because i coincidently iscolated myself by having one true friend)

    Prettymuch never had another best friend and got beaten up reguarly and spiralled into depression until i was 14 and befriended somebody else who is still my best friend now i'm 18.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:10:19 No.6547890

    Ye, you and your brother are my new heroes :)
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:16:46 No.6547976
    Me, my little brother and a friend from my street played the 'super game'. There was a field near our houses, where we'd just pretend to be magic and swordsman and shit, and fight using sticks and magic noises. Basically, you could be anything and do anything.

    There were some older kids in the street (Me, my brother and friend were about 8, 9 and 6 respectively). The leader of the older kids was about 17. He smoked pot all the time, and once offered it to my friend. He took about 2 draws, and vomitted violently. His parents found out. They moved away after that, probably afraid that their son would turn into a drug addict. I never saw him again, and I can't even remember his last name ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:17:31 No.6547989
    Being more or less IRL Gaz from Invader Zim, I didn't have any friends and spend all my time playing with my Gameboy. "Not now" or "meh" was my default answer when people tried to talk to me or befriend me or anything

    I never really learned how to make friends. I have a single friend but we never have the time to meet due to our full-time jobs.
    So I'm really ronery now, but at least I have a rather large collection of video games.

    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:19:22 No.6548015
    Shit, I just realised I never had any awesome friendship moments. All my nostalgia is about vidya and myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:21:44 No.6548039
    Fembot here :3

    From the first grade until the sixth, I always had a crush on douchebags three times a school year. They always treated me like shit or didn't care about me at all. It hurt all the time since I couldn't do anything about it. Until I turned 12-13, I met this funny, sensitive, sweet guy who listened to my problems and we became the best of friends. Sadly, I was still in love with some other douchebag. We have always remained friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:22:18 No.6548046
    when i was about 9 i used to hangout with this guy who lived on my street, i went to his house almost everyday and jam (he was a pretty good guitar player) one day his friend came over with a bag and a pipe, they started smoking at the time i thought it was tabaco and thought i would give it a try so i took a hit in the same manner in which they did didnt really like it.
    looking back i realize it was pot.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:24:05 No.6548073
    I don't have any friends. This is what I actually do: I find pictures of cute girls and boys roughly my age all over the internet, assign each one a name and personality, and play out elaborate scenarios in my head where we're all hanging out. I'm dead serious. I do at least 4 a week.

    I wish there was a board that was more of a hardcore /r9k/ where I can be with SUPER-super-losers like myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:26:03 No.6548097
    Your story is understandable without femanon disclaimers and emoticons, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:26:15 No.6548101
    In preschool there was this girl I had a crush on. there was another dude who she liked, guy always wore a leather jacket and was mister fucking cool preschool kid.

    I always asked him why he had ketchup on his face, but years later I connected the pieces that she would wear lip gloss and they would kiss around the corner of the playground.

    one day me and a bunch of guys were back there, interrupting their kissings, and she threatened to kiss us if we didnt go away. all the other guys, maybe 5 of them, bolted and ran away screaming. I stood there, waiting for my kiss. it was the first time a girl kissed me, on the cheek.

    probably my first boner too.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:27:22 No.6548115
    >I wish there was a board that was more of a hardcore /r9k/ where I can be with SUPER-super-losers like myself.

    Indeed. /r9M/ or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:27:43 No.6548122
    Wow cool seems like I'm not THAT pathetic, there's always something worse :D
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:29:03 No.6548133
    >>6548101 she threatened to kiss us if we didnt go away
    I have to try that
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:30:05 No.6548145
    I aaaaaaaaaawed so hard
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:35:44 No.6548200
    One more story about my brother. I don't get to tell these stories because when I tell them in real life it makes me real sad. But here, telling them is kind of cathartic and I enjoy the memories.

    This one is not so good. When I was in 8th grade I was hobbling around on crutches because I rolled my ankle real bad stepping in a hole my senile grandfather dug in the backyard. It was Halloween night and we didn't go trick or treating but we walked around because we had costumes on and the weather was really nice.

    Now, the other kids didn't really fuck with us because even they weren't so crazy as to try to beat an injured guy, and so long as my brother stayed by me, he was good. I was like their cripple kryptonite.

    That didn't stop them from heckling us. We were just walking and a car pulls up next to us, and someone inside throws something that hits my brother. He falls down. I was dressed up as a roman soldier so I throw my plastic sword at their car but they just drive off.

    I think they threw a rock because my brother is just lying on his side but when I hobble over, and lean down, I see its just an egg. I tell him to get up so we can go home but he lays there not saying anything. His shoulders rise and fall and I don't know if he's crying.

    I don't know what to do so I sit on the curb and massage my ankle. He comes from behind and gets me from under the armpits and lifts me up. We walk for a while not saying anything. I ask him if he's okay but he doesn't answer.

    After a while, I complain that the crutch is killing my armpit so he gives me a piggyback ride the last two blocks home. Some kids trick or treating see this, and they called us faggots and dick-fu masters until we graduated high school.

    Next day he was his usual self, and I forgot all about it. The only thing is that now I feel every time I see him he's acting like he did that night, and I have no idea what he's thinking.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:36:58 No.6548219
    in first grade, before i knew skin color was an issue, i made out with a black girl (retardedly kissing eachothers faces) and called a black kid nigger on the playground and got in trouble :( i didnt understand why people gave a shit about skin color so much, i still dont really
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)19:38:08 No.6548237
    what the fuck kind of hick town did you grow up in

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