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    247 KB "Write whatever you feel about your own race/culture/heritage" thread. Dwayne 11/25/09(Wed)12:43:09 No.6405666  
    I'm black, born in Washington DC. People call me African American. Still, I cannot safely say that I'm entirely fond of either the USA or Africa itself. I want to learn more of other cultures for this very reason.

    On one hand, America is my home, but from a historical context, the legacy of lies, dehumanization and shamelessness cannot be ignored. If I were more vehement in my cultural passions and maybe a bit cantankerous, I'd stick the middle finger to America every day.

    But then again, I can't bring myself to do it. I don't hate Africa, but a common misconception is that all of its problems stem from slavery and European interference. Not true; Africa, while very much victimized in the past in the interests of imperialism, still has a history of needless war and intolerance within its own bounds.

    That, and I wouldn't be able to trace my family tree back to any African tribe for the life of me. I feel no connection whatsoever.

    One might say that since the world is shit altogether, I may as well just enjoy wherever I currently am (America) for what it's worth. Nevertheless, I can't help but feel a twinge of uncertainty in that stark patriotism. It scares me.

    I'll never ask for reparations, but all I can say is that I'm proud of the resolve and pure strength my enslaved ancestors showed in enduring the centuries of pain that they were born into and probably could never fathom seeing an end to.

    In a world as historically and perpetually divided and morally ambiguous as out own, hatred is a waste of time, as you'll be shooting in the dark forever and fall prey to the same demons of prejudice that created racism like the mintrel shows in the first place. I suppose it isn't where you hail from, but what you can learn from the conduct and character of your ancestors alone.

    Who knows? I'm no prophet.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)12:45:54 No.6405686
    White. I have no idea about my culture (inb4 whites have no culture lol) or heritage, I was adopted and my parents have lied to me for my entire life. I guess they don't know I know...
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)12:50:40 No.6405716
    I want to say "lol nigger" so bad, but I'm pretty sure it would get muted.
    >> HAET MACHINE !DRiLLnvzgE 11/25/09(Wed)12:57:35 No.6405769
    >from a historical context, the legacy of lies, dehumanization and shamelessness cannot be ignored.

    I'm Hispanic, and I'm sick to death of minorities with this stereotypical anti-American attitude. yeah shit kind of sucks for us if we travel to the bible belt, and this country has its past sins as does every culture, but it isn't all hatred and tears man.

    as for Hispanics specifically, I hate that I'm expected by other Hispanics to speak perfect Spanish (I honestly do not like the language) and dance. i hate dancing. the only dancing i want to see people doing is at the end of a rope.

    I do like that we are pretty macho and passionate and all that. Also have a higher tolerance for Spicy food.

    Side note: My name is Ricardo, and every white girl I've dated always says "Wow like Ricky Ricardo. Can I be your Lucy?"
    Its simultaneously cute and annoying.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:09:38 No.6405867
    I want to say "lol beaner" so bad, but I'm pretty sure it would get muted.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:09:51 No.6405873
    I'm of german ascendancy and I was born in a town in the south of Argentina.
    I feel some affinity for Germany because I was raised with some of that culture, we had oktoberfests, etc.

    Some people think I'm a foreigner when they first see me, which bothers me to some extent, since I love it here.

    Also, I'm tired of people assuming that just because german + Argentina = nazi, which is far from the truth, since most german families came here in the 1920's or before.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:12:21 No.6405901

    They have Oktoberfests down in that dump you call a country?
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:13:40 No.6405913

    I want to say "lol nazi" so bad, but I'm pretty sure it would get muted.
    >> HAET MACHINE !DRiLLnvzgE 11/25/09(Wed)13:14:25 No.6405918
    goddamnit /r9k/, what the dick
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:20:19 No.6405966
    Whitey here, Canadian with Scottish, Irish, English, Welsh, German, and Icelandic roots.

    I feel horribly bland, like if you took yogurt, cream cheese, alfalfa sprouts, and a bunch of other white stuff and put it in a blender. It's like, I'm a mix, but I'm still pasty boring white.

    I don't really feel close to any of my roots either. The most recently immigrated relative I have is a great-grandfather, but he died when I was like 1, so I don't really know him. Everyone else I know in my family was born and raised Canadian.

    Canada's got this whole multicultural propaganda going on, but shit kinda sucks when you're white as white can be. Of my group of friends (9 not including myself), only 1 is mixed-whitey with no real cultural roots like myself. The rest are either immigrants, half-white with strong cultural roots, or just have strong cultural roots in general.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:23:16 No.6405983
    in the beginning of the 20th century argentina had the same standard of living as spain, and was a very popular place for europeans to emigrate to.
    >> maxie !oblAO6/sUQ 11/25/09(Wed)13:26:18 No.6406010
    I'm british. I am in no way proud of where I live, in fact, I'd much rather be italian.

    We have such a shitty culture, if we have a culture at all. And no style, nada, nothing.

    Minchia, as soon as I can I'm outta here.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:27:26 No.6406023

    lul z fu_king dc niggerbleus
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:30:19 No.6406059
    White guy here. No real cultural identity. Don't care. I'm learning a few languages and am just going to travel with my career. Since I am not culturally tied to any country or culture I can bounce around freely, treating the world as my globalist playground.
    >> Sheep !SEBMHOI66. 11/25/09(Wed)13:30:36 No.6406062
    Mostly German here and both extremely proud as well as disappointed in my heritage. I'm disappointed in whitey, that when I go to hang out with a group of people I just met, I realize how stereotypical people are and most white people I can judge based 100% on appearance. Stereotypes among us are almost always true. I think it's idiotic that almost every culture in America can't get over the color of skin or the cultural difference and realize that a human being is a human being.

    I do laugh at racist jokes, fuck when I worked at King's Island (a theme park) that's all we did was make racist jokes about each other.

    People need to just grow up and laugh it off, but it's hard to do when some people take it too seriously. Pride usually gets in the way of logic and reason.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:33:47 No.6406103
    I'm an Indian guy, born in Canada, currently living in Good Olde England.
    I moved out of Canada while I was still pretty little, so I don't remember much of it, just how safe it was; you could leave your doors unlocked and your stuff in the front yard and nothing would happen.
    It's kinda depressing how much worse it's gotten; gangs are a lot more powerful and widespread and all that.
    My mum and Dad are Divorced, both of them British born Indians, with a semi-arranged marriage. My mum left and ran to England with the rest of her family (Dad's family is in Canada), because he was starting to become a drugged up drunk abusive person, but now he has sorted his life out in that respect, and I've given him a second chance. He still gambles a lot though, but professionally now, in tournaments and such.
    I like the UK, if just for the fact that I have a LOT of relatives here, a quite a few of them my age or still kinda young, although most are now in their late twenties and married, some of them even have kids, it makes me feel so old...
    There are also like, a bazillion kids because of this, running around everywhere, I don't even know their names or their parents anymore!
    Now, I'm pretty sure I've just completely gone off topic, but I MIGHT MAKE ANOTHER POST K GUYS?
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:33:47 No.6406104
    I am Half Mexican half white. Born and Raised in Southern California, US. I have TONS of family here and we used to get together regularly. I do enjoy my Mexican side, it is what I was brought up in. I only know like 5 people from my fathers side(white). I know I am part German and not sure what else. I look white as can be though, do not look like I have any Mexican in me at all.
    Not too much cultural things on either side except the machismo and dancing stuff. I like dancing though, just not the greatest ever at it. Don't have a problem with it though. I do not put too much importance on these things though, they seem a bit meaningless in the grand scheme of things to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:36:00 No.6406128
    why the fuck would you rather be italian?
    not even italians want to be italian, and i'm one so i know what i'm talking about
    >> maxie !oblAO6/sUQ 11/25/09(Wed)13:43:46 No.6406198
    The style, the cities, the talking. All the ones I know are proud. They have something to be proud of.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:44:42 No.6406205
    Half filipino, half belgian.

    Grew up in the philippines and stayed there till I was 16, then I moved to belgium. I feel pretty close to my home country but belgium has opened my eyes to other cultures as well since its a pretty multicutural country. Still have strong cultural roots I guess. Im also adapting to all the new "rules" and shit here, cause I come from a pretty bourgeois family. Also it sucks not having the same cultural background as your friends, jokes and all that.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:48:24 No.6406239
    well, it is true that most of our cities are beautiful, but it doesn't do us any good when the administration is shit, public transport doesn't work, economy is shit, berlusconi is fucking us in the ass and the chances of finding a non-shitty job without emigrating are next to zero..
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:51:01 No.6406263
    Born in Ukraine. Moved to US at 10. Don't give a damn about race/color. Make fun of niggers, spicks, jews, and white trash for fun. Ended up on the edge of the bible belt. Make fun of religion. People think I worship satan.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)13:54:39 No.6406296
    i'm rapa nui, born and raised in eastern island. younger people are supposed to learn our history and culture, but the island is losing its native Polynesian identity due to the arrival of people from the mainland of Chile.

    and it seems they don't give a shit about it
    >> Lion'el Richie !HdbvGtoIhw 11/25/09(Wed)14:00:14 No.6406339
    Scots with French/Irish heretige

    I hate people who are convinced Scotland is shit. Those bastards can go to fucking Somalia if they hate Scotland so much. Anyone who isn't willing to die for their country is a faggot. I am proud of my heretige, and of my country.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/09(Wed)14:05:04 No.6406377
    I'm black
    Born in England

    Blacks seem to have persecution issues and play the race card alot

    Double standards are so common its hilarious

    White people are actually very nice and accepting on the whole where I live (maybe not so much elsewhere) and in general it's a forward thinking nation.

    I've been to Nigeria, it was a shitty experience even though my grandmother practically owns an entire goddamn village there (she's considered an 'elder' or some shit and she has a giant ass house).

    I DGAF about patriotism and all that shit because people are people wherever you go so fuck where you come from

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