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  • File : 1259029776.jpg-(23 KB, 317x480, Raining Men.jpg)
    23 KB 20+ Virginfags, Report In Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:29:36 No.6384210  
    If you're 20 or older and haven't had sex yet, you're in the same boat as I am. What are your guys' (or gal's) reasons/justifications for your virgin status? What are your hopes/future prospects? Overall thoughts?

    Let us commiserate together!

    Pic Unrelated
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:31:16 No.6384232
    Age: 23
    Reason: ugly + socially inept
    Future: very dull
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:32:23 No.6384245
         File1259029943.jpg-(29 KB, 484x353, Who Fuckin' Cares.jpg)
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    Why did you make this thread, OP?

    Honestly...What's wrong with you?

    Here's every single reason that you're going to see:
    -Women are whores.
    -I'm shy.
    -I'm fat/ugly.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:32:27 No.6384246
    I have an anxiety disorder which makes socialization next to impossible for me. Basically I plan on staying this way my whole life, as I've gotten used to it by now.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:33:34 No.6384257
    Awkward, nervours, pussy, small penis, not 'cool' enough for conversations about celebrities or whatever the fuck girls bitch about, asian, no fashion sense... thats about all I can think of atm

    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:33:46 No.6384259
    Socially awkward, never go out, no money/job/car.

    Attractive, might decide to get a job, probably won't.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:35:05 No.6384280
    20 year old male virgin here. I like to think my standards are unrealistic, since I've had opportunities to diddle ugly or fat girls but have passed.

    I'm thinking I'll either lower my standards or just start trying harder to pick up girls. The only girls I've kissed came on to me because they thought I was cute, I've never really tried to just approach a girl.

    Overall thoughts? I'm going to try a bit harder to get laid, but not whether I do or not have a major impact on my self-esteem. I'm more concerned with finding a stable form of income so I can set out from my parents. (Not a basement-dweller, but in college)

    After I've established my own stable occupation then maybe I'll find someone to spend the rest of my life with. Unless I meet someone amazing in college, I guess I'm just sort of looking for a few flings at the moment.
    >> hurrrr !qRAGEuvW6E 11/23/09(Mon)21:36:11 No.6384289
    20 and fat.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:36:39 No.6384295
    >but not allow whether I do or not
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:36:39 No.6384296
    20, not a virgin.

    Girlfriend says I was bad at sex, though :(
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:37:27 No.6384305
    wrong. almost no one will say they are ugly. people will give excuses they think that can be changed. (eg: socially awkward), not things that are permanent. even though being ugly is probably the true reason 99% of the time
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:38:00 No.6384309
    I'm 24.

    Justification? I have a hard time understanding why I am the exception rather than the rule. I honestly can't imagine how I could have slept with a woman. I've never had any female friends. Never known a girl well enough to develop real attraction or even a crush. Any time a friend started dating a girl, he would never talk about it, so I never observed the process, so to speak.

    Future prospects? None. I expect more of the same. I still don't know any women, nor do I expect to meet one any time soon. So, I have no hope.

    I don't know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:39:50 No.6384330
    I'm saving myself for Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:41:02 No.6384347
    OP here. Personally, I blame a small, uptight and prudish High School, a professionally diagnosed social anxiety disorder, and some traumatic shit that happened during adolescence, stunting my social skills development.

    I've spent my Freshman and the first half of my Sophomore years in college locked up in my room, and lack any friends to go out and pick up chicks with. My only social contact is the weekly anime club, and while I a girl or two there has shown interest, I'm wavering because they're all less than attractive.

    I've kissed several girls, but never gotten beyond 1st base. I'd consider myself moderately attractive, and I'm sure that it'll eventually happen, but my current virgin status is eating away at me at the back of my mind.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:41:15 No.6384350
    I can't believe I'm posting in yet another 'I can't get any' thread. God made it so you don't reproduce.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:42:18 No.6384355
    Are you a man or a woman?

    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:43:20 No.6384369

    I sit at home alone.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:43:22 No.6384370
    The truth is for men, even the ugliest guy can get an ugly girl. Unless you are hideously deformed, you can probably become reasonably attractive through exercise, dieting, grooming, whatever. Attractive enough for a chubby or ugly girl to fuck you. Maybe even attractive enough for an average girl.

    Attraction doesn't work the same for women as it does for men, it's more about how the man makes her feel than strictly his physical appearance.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:44:23 No.6384381
    women are immature and foolish
    i like money and have begun a path to making lots of money. i have decided to educate myself like a man instead of sinking to the low level of female intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:46:19 No.6384408
    To be honest with you, I'm what one would consider "unsightly". I'm trying to put some muscle on my scrawny frame in the hopes that some desperate slut will see me as a piece of meat and give me a chance.

    I only need to do it once to check it off my life's to-do list. After that, I'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:48:28 No.6384434

    Wow this is me exactly im only 20 but i can't see how it will be different at 24
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:48:38 No.6384436
    I was a 20 year old virgin.

    Protip: Settle for fat chicks, they put out like an animal.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:49:13 No.6384441
    Yes, their low level of intelligence. Meanwhile you, with all your knowledge, still have yet to fuck even the easiest barskank in town.

    Oh, but, of course it's because you have standards. Same fucking excuse every dorky ass virgin uses.

    Face it, there are strong, smart, independant women out there who are more intimidating and powerful than you. Even the weakest females are more intimidating and powerful than you, when you're put side by side.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:50:10 No.6384454

    apathy + apprehension + confusion
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:50:12 No.6384455

    I go to community college.

    What's your excuse?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:52:11 No.6384480
    Virgins are so lovely - don't feel like you need to have sex, PLEASE.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:52:24 No.6384481
    OP is clueless. And so is everybody else in this sad thread. You make me lol.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:52:56 No.6384487

    Only honest reply ITT.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:54:07 No.6384501
    > I only need to do it once to check it off my life's to-do list. After that, I'll be fine.

    Exactly! For me, the concept of getting laid for the first time isn't even really about sex anymore, it's really about the accompanying self-esteem boost.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:54:17 No.6384504
    Im 20 don't realy care about being a virgin i just wan't someone to hug :(
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:56:44 No.6384524
    20, I'm afraid of sex/think it's disgusting, I find masturbation painful and probably wouldn't enjoy sex anyway. I also don't like being around people, and I'm not really sexually attracted to anyone, so I could never get close enough to anyone to ever have a relationship with them. I probably never will have sex, and that's fine with me. Oh, and I'm unattractive.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:56:53 No.6384526
    Why am I still a virgin? Probably cause I am love playing video games and other nerd pursuits , like physics and D&D. They make me happy. I guess its just that I have never had a girlfriend and all that so I just stick with what I know makes me happy and such. My future , hope to get a good job and keep on doing what I like.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:58:11 No.6384540
    Don't give a shit about subject but I really fucking hope OP picture is shopped.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)21:58:45 No.6384545

    I'm 24, turning 25 in February. I don't have any justifications for it, I just don't have sex because women don't want anything to do with me, and I don't want to pay for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:01:59 No.6384578
    > Or gals
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:03:27 No.6384598
    I'm a 22 yearl old fembot.
    I dunno, I'm pretty good looking, and I've had tons of opportunities, but I don't wanna have sex with someone I barely know.
    And I'm so tired of being a virgin. Fucking romanticism.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:03:34 No.6384599
         File1259031814.jpg-(281 KB, 1600x1200, mylife.jpg)
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    Gender: M

    Age: 20 in April, so not quite applicable but getting there.

    Reason: Lack a libido, I'm also blatant about not wanting a relationship. Always have been. I am fairly OCD and don't enjoy physical contact (inb4 assburgers or something similarly made up). And before someone implies I find myself attractive, I suspect I'm not, as I rarely notice advances from women (and ignore them when I do).

    Future: Potentially promising. I have no reason to believe it will get better as my income level rises, but who knows.

    Books, vidya, and the occasional social gathering are all I need. I am not 'old' by any means, but I do not see this outlook changing given I have been this way for as long as I can remember. I don't see it as a bad thing.

    Pic related, two things I always have with me.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:03:58 No.6384604

    Never put any effort into trying to get a girlfriend.
    Even if I could press a button and get a girlfriend, I wouldn't because I'm far to cheap to pay for all the courtship ceremonies (which you cannot spell without 'monies') that lead up to sex.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:04:36 No.6384611
    23 and female virgin here, there's a multitude of reasons behind my virginity. Was extremely shy and unpopular in high school so never dated/never kissed anyone; this carried on into college where I continued to be unpopular with the opposite sex but got less shy and developed lots of female friends.

    Biggest reason behind my virginity? It's my fat, I know this. I've posted my face in camwhore threads and am generally rated an 8 or above (hurr durr, 4chan standards, I know).

    My plan= lose weight, lose virginity and PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:05:34 No.6384624
    20. Slow WItted. Dull. Ugly (Balding and look 10 years older than I am). Short. Bad body (hairy and slim, but no 6 pack. Also crippled my shoulder so I can never lift weights).

    I do not expect anything unless I pay for sex, while on viagra. I couldn't get it hard enough to stick inside a hooker last time I got one.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:05:40 No.6384625
    Does OP want to hear a sad tale?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:06:48 No.6384636
    l'm ugIy.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:08:03 No.6384653
    >>6384611 -
    post pic
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:08:36 No.6384659

    You are aware you don't have to lose weight, right? You really want to lose your virginity? You're a fucking woman. Go outside.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:11:10 No.6384682

    Le trolled.

    That's how they say "trolled" in French Canada.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:13:16 No.6384702
    After labeling myself an 8? No thanks. I really don't think my confidence can take that much of a pounding, it's pretty much no existent as it is.

    I've had this advice thrown to me before. As much as I know it's true, it's a lot easier said than done. I don't get hit on, have never been asked out on a date and haven't even had a proper kiss, so the thought of approaching any man for sex when I've never been sexually desirable to anyone before is pretty hard. Also, I'd like to lose my virginity to someone who is actually attracted to me and wants to have a relationship.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:14:41 No.6384712
    Age: 24

    -Body image issues (occasional acne, small arms etc)
    -Can't hold conversation for long amounts of time
    -Never even tried...

    Plan of action (currently in progress)
    - Get six pack (should have it by summer)
    - Put on moar muscle
    - Nuke acne once and for all
    - Get that engineering job
    - Post online ad and see what happens
    - If failed, hire escort
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:15:02 No.6384719
    Yeah, not trolled. I don't particularly care if you don't believe me anon, I wish it weren't true, but it sadly is.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:17:59 No.6384755

    It isn't true, it's only half true. Women are only virgins because they choose to be. Same thing with loneliness.

    Female loneliness: "only dudes who don't meet my standards are attracted to me."

    Male loneliness: "nobody, not a single person, is attracted to me."
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:18:05 No.6384756
    I was sexually abused as a child and have severe Sexual Aversion Disorder as a result. The idea of having sex or any sexual contact whatsoever with another person repulses and terrifies me. I used to also have a phobia of masturbation as well but I've gotten over it somewhat, although it still leaves me with a horrible feeling after I've shot my load, so I rarely do it. Only when absolutely necessary.

    Of course I have 'sexual urges' in a certain sense, but they aren't related to sex per se. Like I can see a hot woman and be attracted to her, but the thought of actually having sex with her is beyond horrifying. One time in my first semester of college I tried to make out with a girl and ended up having a panic attack, vomiting and eventually fainting.

    I fucking hate myself, my body, my identity, everything.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:19:01 No.6384768
    Growing up I thought I was an ugly faggot that nobody could possibly like. Looking back though, I apparently was kind of cute and not as ugly as I thought because there was a handful of girls that did like me, but I didn't see the signs back then. Now I'm fairly certain that I'm ugly. Or am I? I could be just in the same self-defeating mode of thinking that I was in before. Either way, I don't really have any experience of intimacy and I don't have any opportunities to even socialize since even though I'm at college since I don't live at the dorms. So I'm probably going to die before I fuck a girl. Maybe I'm going to at least feel up or kiss a girl before I kill myself. Oh well, fuck my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:19:18 No.6384771
    If your face is really an 8 or above and you're not 250pounds plus, I'd fuck you, and I'd fuck you good.

    NB: 21yo virgin here

    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:19:48 No.6384777
    I'm 22- in the past, i was somewhat socially awkward, and somewhat a jesus-virgin. I'm not really either anymore, just a virgin. I graduated from college in may, and all my friends are (or hang out with mostly) Christians, and I rarely get the opportunity to meet new people who are actually my age. If I could do college again, I would totally not hang out with people I knew in high school, clinging to them stopped me from meeting new people.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:21:01 No.6384789
    20 virgin male.

    Im a virgin because I have never had a girlfriend. It just never happened.

    Simple as that. I don't even know any girls so I wouldn't know where to start.

    I have no regular friends even.

    I don't see it changing anytime soon. Being intimate with a female seems incredibly alien.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:21:10 No.6384792
    I'm glad I didn't add my gender to my post. You guys seriously can't handle the idea that a female could be a virgin, can you?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:22:05 No.6384808
    My justification for being a 21 year old virgin is that I'm an exclusive paraphiliac and am thus unable to get sexually aroused by anything except my fetishes. Thus, vanilla sex would be a difficult thing for me to do and it's not really something I care to do either seeing as how I find the idea of sex boring. I think the only way I'll ever have sex is if it gets tied into a BDSM act somehow.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:22:20 No.6384812
    I'm an antisocial twat.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:22:37 No.6384815
    You've never lived the life of a 23yo female virgin, so don't presume to KNOW what my choices are. I don't have any standards, I've NEVER been hit on in my life. Not once has a man ever expressed an attraction to me, it's hard to reject that which doesn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:23:53 No.6384823
    I am sorry life has treated you this way...

    ,,, you're really cute when you're fiesty.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:24:12 No.6384826

    Hahaha... are you seriously implying that women have it harder than men when it comes to social/sexual/romantic interpersonal relationships?!

    I don't have an image macro to describe how hilarious I find that.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:24:48 No.6384835

    have you tried any medication? paxil makes me not give a fuck anymore socially. with relation to anxiety.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:25:14 No.6384840
    Why do you need to have sex anyway? You'll be much happier if you just abandon the concept and move on with your lives. I am seeking fulfillment in my career instead.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:25:47 No.6384844

    Have you ever approached anyone and been rejected? No? Then shut your fucking gob.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:25:52 No.6384846

    If you're 20+ you're autobanned anyway. So get your CP elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:26:00 No.6384851
    No according to 4chan, we don't exist, or, if we do, we must have some amazing deformities that explains our lack of sexing. They can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that reasonably normal women may have not had sex due to lack of opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:27:26 No.6384868
    20 Male

    Socially retarded between 16-19, only just coming into my stride with women. I have the confidence, not exactly a moose when it comes to looks. Just trying to find a girl who isn't going to screw me around. My virgin status is somewhat a hinderance. I'd rather lose it to someone who I genuinely care about rather than some random slut, so I'm being picky aswell.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:27:37 No.6384872
         File1259033257.jpg-(18 KB, 350x463, wei-lardass.jpg)
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    I can handle it pretty well, thanks
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:27:39 No.6384874
    Not the samefag but in exactly the same situation as him. The antidepressants my doctor gave me made me very nauseous to the point where I couldn't live with them.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:27:46 No.6384877
    Well, I've always been introverted and asocial. Hated on the "tough guys" because girls would rather be with them than me, a good guy. I recently realized being the good guy won't get me anywhere and will start working on my social skills and try to be more outgoing. Last weekend I went to a club and decided to actually walk up to some girls at the bar (after some beers and a friends help, of course) and actually started talking with some complete strangers, and hey it actually worked. Looking forward to trying again the next time I'm going out, hopefully with some better luck.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:28:09 No.6384884
    Because my mom and brother probably think I'm gay or something by now.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:28:49 No.6384895
    >due to lack of opportunity

    Please explain what you mean by "lack of opportunity." Do you mean to say that guys don't approach you? Because I'd like to remind you that this is the 21st fucking century, women are perfectly capable of approaching men. You're not locked in a tower awaiting a man to present your father a dowry so he can court you.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:30:37 No.6384926
    Because I don't spend every waking minute at work.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:31:52 No.6384940
    idk man, some tell me I'm ugly.........others tell me I'm intimidating............

    shit's stupid.

    I've settled on the thought of dying alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:32:42 No.6384951
    Although I doubt the sincerity of your post, thanks guy.

    Of course thats not what I'm implying, I might be a virgin, but I'm not retarded. What I take exception to is men refusing to believe or acknowledge that there are women out there with social anxieties that do impact on how they relate to the opposite sex. It may be easier for us in theory that doesn't mean that the theory in practice comes easy or natural to us.

    Five different guys. Two of which were friends who blatantly said they weren't attracted to me, one was a stranger and the other two were acquaintances. So yes, I have been rejected. You couple this rejection with the fact that I've never been hit on or even called attractive IRL (which, in case you haven't noticed, is pretty fucking abnormal for women) and I think it's pretty understandable that I'm reluctant to put myself out there.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:33:46 No.6384960
    But where is the sense in pining for something you can't have? You're just going to wind up making yourself depressed. Lots of people die virgins and perhaps there's some contentment to be found in accepting that you're going to be one of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:34:29 No.6384968
    Well, I'm glad you still exist :). It's nice to know that once I get my shit together I can find a fellow 20+ virgin.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:35:15 No.6384979

    Haha. Five people have rejected you, one of which was a stranger? Poor fucking you, seriously. If being rejected by five people bothers you this much, you'd kill yourself if you were a guy.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:36:03 No.6384990
    I can't just make myself stop thinking about it.

    I'm somehow defective. Where is the contentment in that?
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 11/23/09(Mon)22:38:59 No.6385020

    I never understood 'French Canada'

    Does that include New Brunswick? Because if you're grouping people from New Brunswick in with the FAGGOT ASSHOLE NIGGER LOVERS in quebec, you sir, are a douche.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:41:38 No.6385048

    I don't know, it was a joke. I'm pretty sure they don't actually say "Le Trolled."
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:41:56 No.6385053
    There's more of us out there then you think, so don't despair.

    What? So my answer wasn't satisfactory enough? You asserted that I've never got any action because I've never put myself out there. Whilst I concede that approaching five guys is no momentous feat, it's a fuckload more than most of my girlfiends have done and none of them are virgins. My situation ISN'T as bad as the ronery virgin males, but it's still pretty shitty especially given that I'm a female and the presumption is that it's all so easy for us. For some of us, it really isn't.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:41:59 No.6385056
    The sex itself is overrated. Right now i'd kill to be able to get on that one last time with my ex but i know (because i've been there and done that - the whole break-up and make-up thing...several times) that in no time i'll be once again sick and tired of all her bullshit and fall asleep half content and half bitter and tired of all the drama and horse shit i have/had to put up with.

    it's the pleasant companionship that really does it in a proper relationship, and its what i miss the most

    however, better days are coming. or so i hope
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:44:19 No.6385078
    25/m here. I had the opportunity to screw a girl while I was backpacking across Europe 3 years ago. Why didn't I? I had no condoms, and I didn't want to risk getting a disease. I should have brought condoms. However, I felt boobies, and kissed for the first time. It was nice.

    Since then, I've gone back to what I've always been: someone who is content with being alone. Plus, I moved far away from home, to a small town. I'm not good at meeting women, and I don't want to take home someone I meet in a bar (on the rare occasions I go out).

    I have excellent prospects with a girl who just left the country for a few years, to teach English abroad. She very much wants me to come visit her. I'm thinking about it, just to possibly get sex.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 11/23/09(Mon)22:45:02 No.6385087


    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:48:47 No.6385132
    Actually, you're probably not that bad. 4chan has extremely high and unrealistic standards for women.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:51:54 No.6385166

    In your rush to white knight, you probably missed the part where she said 4chan called her an 8.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)22:55:10 No.6385197
    Talk to them. Screw up something epic. Fix it later.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)23:02:32 No.6385278
    23. Somewhat antisocial in high school and even worse in college. I'm not great looking but not terrible and the college I went has a female majority so given enough effort I could've gotten laid. I also lived off campus and never hung around for social events.
    >> tl;dr Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)23:23:48 No.6385529
    When I was a kid my parents had this other family that we were really close with. They had a daughter about my age and a son about my sister's age, and we were all pretty much best friends from birth by nature of the fact that we were always around each other effecting the way our personalities developed.

    When I went to school our hanging out became pretty much restricted to weekends, which would usually be over 48 hours straight of hanging out. It was easy enough for me to avoid making close friendships at school and just wait for the weekend. I had "school friends" who I'd talk to at school, but rarely invited them over or considered them "real" friends. This functioned as sort of training wheels for being a loner.

    I always assumed that me and that girl would end up together, since that's how relationships were always portrayed on TV. However, we gradually saw them less and less. By the time I turned 16 and got a car and a job we'd pretty much drifted apart.

    I struggled then to form new "real" friendships. I still have trouble determining where "association" ends and "friendship" begins.

    The concept of modesty also fucked me up - I thought it was a highly valued quality and that one was genuinely supposed to think lowly of oneself. I assumed I was an ugly piece of shit that no one really wanted to talk to and always designed my responses in conversations to give the person a way out.

    My being a virgin is unsurprising, considering I've always been or considered myself to be a friendless loner, and not had the looks or skills (musician, athelete, etc...) for my antisociality to simply not matter to girls.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)23:34:11 No.6385689
    26/M here. Never kissed, held hands, etc. Reason: I grew up alone being homeschooled, then as a teen got into hobbies that only retired engineers are interested in. (On one hand, restoring antique metalworking machinery is fucking awesome compared to playing WoW or similar nerd shit. On the other, your chances of attracting women with it are about the same.) For work, I started doing computer repair houscalls--alone. After a long enough period of no romantic interaction with women, you start viewing sex as more of an abstract than a daily part of life. I guess I also slipped into a cold mindset of "It's great I've avoided any silly relationship problems."

    Until I turned 25. It hit me like a ton of bricks that I was without a huge part of normal human life. Then my emotions came back. It's an interesting experience to be a generally hard, manly dude and suddenly start almost crying yourself to sleep at night because you know you'll wake up alone. I'm not depressed about my future, just unhappy about the position I've put myself in to this point.

    My hopes are to turn this shit around. I look good, I'm in shape, and I have no problems being social with large groups of people. Highest priority is correcting some living situation issues, then the generic "learn to talk to women" which I suppose boils down to flirting and not making an ass of yourself.

    Oh yeah, and in real life I don't ramble on about shit like this.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:06:14 No.6386914
    20 M.

    I've been rejected by about 12 girls IRL. 200+ girls online over the last two years.

    I do not have a way with words. I don't really 'chat' with my guy friends. We just do activities. Shooting range, FPS/RPG games, surfing, running. Most of the fun is from the activity. I can't hold a conversation. Best i've done is two days in a row for over an hour. Then it's 2-5 minutes max, run out of things to say.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:20:47 No.6387071
    I'll tell you all a story, I just turned 27 and was a virgin till last year. I had the same fucking excuses like everyone else, shy, insecure about my looks (decent body but hairy as fuck), and could never find "the one".

    I decided to go to this party at NYC with some friends, and I actually got wasted enough to try talking to this college girl there and actually got a number. So I talk to her for a bit, we go out for awhile, like 5-6 dates.

    I realize I don't really like her, but she's the only chance I got, and I'm desperate, so I'm gonna keep at it. Finally the night comes, I take her back to my place and we get it on, and afterwards............

    Meh. That's it. I didn't feel amazed or fucking magnificent afterwards. It was over, and I realized, if you don't do it with someone you actually care about, it ain't worth. I broke up with her a month later, just cause I didn't care and it actually sucked seeing her and thinking "That was my first?!?".

    I don't think all the virgins here really have that many problems, just that we kinda subconsciously know when we are gonna do it, it's gotta be right, and not some easy one night stand situation.

    Good luck to you all, don't let your first be your worst. =(
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:23:26 No.6387101
    Get a prostitute.

    I did. Shit cost a bit of cash.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:23:38 No.6387102
    what an interesting guy :3
    would you like to post a pic of yourself?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:27:59 No.6387143
    21 here

    I don't want to fuck until I know she's the one. And I've only met one girl who I like, and she says she doesn't want a relationshit until after sophmore year.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:29:09 No.6387153
    sorry for the gay moment, but I just turned 25 and that post made my day.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:30:40 No.6387171

    Hey do you like being strangled by a guy? I can't find any chicks that do... :(
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:33:16 No.6387196
    >had the same fucking excuses like everyone else, shy, insecure about my looks

    I'm not "insecure" about my looks; I'm secure about the fact that I'm ugly as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:34:07 No.6387207
    Reason: Don't try. I'm also somewhat fat, have a small dick, and am not really very good looking
    Future: I don't believe I will ever have sex in my lifetime. At least not without paying for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:34:31 No.6387210
    12 times? This is starting to scare me. I've never been rejected because I've never approached anyone in that way, ever. Sounds like I've got a shitton of rejection ahead of me if I even decide to try. That's why I haven't been trying. I am so screwed.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:34:55 No.6387218
    I'm 28 now and still a virgin. Never even kissed a girl or had a girlfriend. It kind of sucks because I'm not fat or unattractive(I've had plenty of offers from women and men), but I've yet to experience a mutual attraction with a woman. Any possible relationships I've had were always one-sided infatuations and didn't pan out. I don't even feel like a normal person and I've become some kind of weird, asexual thing. I just gave up being truly happy years ago and try to find enjoyment in any way I can.

    Feels kind of good, man.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:37:33 No.6387246

    I'm shy. I have trouble meeting people. I have high standards. I also have a tendency to wait for a "green light" from friends before I'd seriously embark on trying to pick up/hit on a girl.

    Meeting people is where the real problem is though.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:38:02 No.6387254
    i've never tried such things in a bed
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:38:25 No.6387259
    21 year old male virgin - basically spent the last 8 years of my life on video games and other things that destroy ambition and the urge to leave the house - am only starting to catch up now - consider myself "potentially attractive," ie. I'm someone's acquired taste
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:39:10 No.6387270

    Means you're 30-something?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:40:41 No.6387291

    Mostly just get really nervous with women. Like if one is giving me signs that she likes me I end up ignoring her for whatever reason. I'm tall, well built, and don't look too bad, but just get that crippling anxiety.

    Also lived off campus all during college and maintained a small, prominently male group of friends, so I didn't meet girls a lot.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:42:51 No.6387316

    It's because you over rate them like most virgins do.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:45:03 No.6387337
    I'm 25 years old. I haven't had friends since at least age ten. I've never really been at any school where I could fit in. I never learned how to take part in a conversation, I never figured out the 'right way' to approach someone even for simple things like asking for the time. Partially because of this, I never bothered to really find out who I am, what I'm interested in, what I enjoy in life, or any of that.

    Now I'm an empty shell of a man, waiting mostly to be hit by a bus or develop some sort of terminal medical condition. I can't imagine myself ever having a girlfriend; even if someone was crazy enough to ask me out, I'd panic and head for the nearest exit.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:48:36 No.6387377
    24M. Very shy and I don't like getting close to people. Feels unnatural and makes me feel vulnerable if I lay out my emotions and extend my friendship. There's people who I chat with at work and online, but I don't do shit with them. I fear rejection. I also feel like my parents are holding me back. Not them per se but my restraints I have in my head regarding them. I don't want them to know what music I listen to, I don't curse around them and I certainly don't want them to know I was going out with someone. I guess that could be solved with an apartment but that would require a real job paying more than $10 an hour.

    My hopes? None really. I don't have any ambition to do anything. I just don't see a point to life. Now it's fucking 1:46 AM and I didn't even play Demon's Souls today.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:48:58 No.6387382
    21 year old friendless loser. The accounts of older people in similar straits scare the fuck out of me.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:54:02 No.6387459

    Bullshit. That's loser talk. No one will be content with dying a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:55:55 No.6387496
    20, and I'm going with confusion and outright fear. I have no idea what I'm doing, and while I'm pretty sure the girl I like likes me back, she's had several boyfriends, so I worry I'd dissapoint her (that's why my ex wouldn't go all the way and dumped me ;_;).
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:56:11 No.6387504

    >>didn't even play Demon's Souls today

    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:56:36 No.6387512
    i love virgin threads

    22 year old virgin here. reasons?

    - i go to community college. almost impossible to get laid here
    - ugly/weird looking
    - no confidence at all. because of the above and..
    - i dont have a job and still live with my parents.

    my future looks grim. i'm thinking of just remaining a virgin forever for the novelty of it all
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:58:20 No.6387530

    I'm a virgin which may damage my credibility on this matter but I believe that to have sex is not actually the be-all-and-end-all of human purpose. It is possible to live a complete and meaningful life without it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:59:48 No.6387554
    fat, shy, don't like parties usually (i can't enjoy myself if everyone is trying to fuck each other), and i really want to get a girl into bed under honest reasons
    >> Harblong Cassidy !KzfKdB2Xmc 11/24/09(Tue)02:02:42 No.6387608
    21, I've had a girlfriend but it was 3 years ago and it was shitty. BITCHES AND WHORES

    I like masturbating to loli so it all works out
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:05:46 No.6387664
    The older one gets the more being a virgin makes it harder to stop being a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:06:30 No.6387674
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    >the be-all-and-end-all of human purpose
    Actually, from a scientific standpoint, yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:07:05 No.6387688
    avoidant, body dysmorphic
    actually, i'd be happy with any kind of social contact right now
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:08:27 No.6387702

    Stopped meeting people after college

    Future seems like an endless loop, except I get older.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:08:46 No.6387709
    This is noa about stupid tats.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:10:29 No.6387735
    I'm a fag who hasn't come out of the closet. Plus I'm in Alaska.
    Prospects: come out eventually, balls will touch.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:11:11 No.6387745
    Reason: partially because I don't focus on it at all and partially because I have very little time on my hands between commuting 50miles by bus / working 20hrs a week / going to school full time Math/CS.
    Future: Okay I suppose, heh.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:12:21 No.6387767
    Ugly, stupid, fat, small dick, skin problems, boring, social retard, immoral, probably other problems I'm forgetting
    There won't be much future for me. I'll be an heroing after the holidays.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:13:55 No.6387797
    Age: 25

    Reason: made the mistake on trying to build a career instead of partying

    Future: work, sleep, die
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:18:51 No.6387862

    Wrong. A truly scientific stance doesn't even consider "purposes" but merely recognizes causal relations between inherently meaningless physical events. If the chemical construction that is a physical human being implants genetic code in another compatible chemical construction, promoting reproduction, then this is a fascinating phenomenon but not the exercising of the body's "purpose." Purpose is a thing that exists where science dares not tread - in a subjective consciousness' own feelings and philosophy. My subjective self is absolutely free to decide that my "purpose" is not to reproduce, even if my body has the physical capability to do so.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:19:42 No.6387873
    Fuck off neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:19:47 No.6387876
    >truly scientific stance
    >recognizes causal relations

    And with that, you prove you don't know what you're fucking talking about.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:21:33 No.6387905
    Breeding is the purpose of life, it's true.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:24:52 No.6387944

    I already told you you'd A+, but you keep being an ass about it. Guess you don't have much of a life.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:26:10 No.6387954
    You don't know anything. Sex is the only meaningful thing in the world, durr.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:27:56 No.6387973
    Having sex is better than not having sex, prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:27:56 No.6387974
    hey cool naturalistic fallacy
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:29:28 No.6387996
    also this post is hilariously ironic since the selfish gene posits that we possess evolved traits for altruism to our detriment (inc. failure to reproduce) in order to secure the continued survival of kin.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:31:30 No.6388018
    When I met my boyfriend he was 23, working on a Masters in Computer Science and a virgin. He had never been kissed before either. He confessed to me a few months ago that before we met he had come to terms with the fact that he was going to die alone. We've been dating for three years now and I don't see that happening, ever. Stay strong, brobots.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:31:30 No.6388019
    I have no clue. I end up looking pretty average, but I'm generally quiet. 150 pounds, 6' tall, white, brown hair. I'm basically as generic as can get.

    I've gone out with a couple of girls. None of them went anywhere. I haven't even had my first kiss. I think it's because I was so desperate, I just approached a girl that was either somewhat below average to average looking and asked them out. Without getting to know them.

    And then jesus christ they end up worse than me. One of them was the most socially retarded person I've ever known and downright embarassing to be around. No hint of affection when going out.

    The other main one was some girl I met at orientation for college, and we talked over phone and facebook and she ended up asking me to visit before the year started. Then she ended up just being too much of a hipster bitch for me to take seriously, and we had nothing in common from that point on. She also turned out to be a druggie and didn't like that I wasn't. And she didn't like me afterwards because I was too quiet.

    So both of those ended with me just leaving and not talking to them ever again. No closure, no drama. Just mute.

    Recently I tried working up the courage to ask a girl in one of my classes out. She turned me down twice because she was busy each time, then class ended and I never saw her again either. So there went my self esteem for a while.

    Meanwhile I've got all of maybe two friends, one being a guy in another city and the other being one girl who goes to my college but is engaged and batshit insane. And it's too late in the semester to meet anyone in my classes, not that I even know how. I have nothing to say because nothing is happening in my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:33:06 No.6388039
    24 years old, and my reason is because I can't be arsed to play the bullshit materialistic dating game, and I'm too much of a nice guy to just go out and rape someone. Couple this with a sense of hopeless romanticism, and I've basically relegated myself to my fate of being perpetually sexless. This doesn't bother me in the slightest, because for all the praise sex supposedly gets for being better than air, I suppose my ignorance has helped me stay blissful in this regard. I've never had sex, therefore, i dont know what i'm missing, and I do not desire to find out.
    As for my prospects for the future, it extends as far as 'live how i want, die on my terms, and leave a big-ass mess for the coroner to clean up just for a last laugh'. Basically, I'm coasting on my job and doing anything from going hiking to playing videogames all day on my days off.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:33:44 No.6388052
    You're just picking apart the meaning of the word "purpose" from a philosophical standpoint. Everything about the design of the body and the genetic code indicates that it exists only to survive long enough to copy itself. And if it existed for any other purpose than this it literally wouldn't exist. The argument makes itself, really.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:35:00 No.6388060

    Shut the fuck up, you disingenuous cunt.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:36:02 No.6388071
    >She turned me down twice because she was busy each time, then class ended and I never saw her again either.

    Which school do you go to? Because a guy fitting your description (lolgenericiknow) asked me out last semester and I turned him down twice. Not because I wasn't interested but I had way too much fucking shit on my plate. I thought about getting his number before the class ended but then I just felt like a douche and didn't. If it's you, I thought you were cute. <3
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:36:54 No.6388083
    Yes, ensuring the reproduction of ourselves and those who share a significant portion of our genes are is the purpose of life. Not seeing the "irony" here?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:38:29 No.6388102
    I am a virgin and will probably die alone because I'm about as ugly as a dude can get without being scarred or deformed in some way.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:39:14 No.6388110
    25 years old

    Don't want to act like a player/guido/nigger

    Future likely includes me watching the players/guidos/niggers continue to breed and spawn.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:39:35 No.6388115
    no, that's not what you said.

    conversation review.
    faggot somewhere up in the thread:
    >to have sex is not actually the be-all-and-end-all of human purpose.
    misinterpreter of dawkins:
    > Actually, from a scientific standpoint, yes it is.

    "ensuring the reproduction of ourselves and those who share a significant portion of our genes are is the purpose of life" isn't "to have sex." the latter is a subset of the former.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:39:52 No.6388120
    Proof you guys are virgins by choice.. Obviously there is a plethora of women just waiting for you.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:41:07 No.6388132
    I'm a 22 year old female who lost her virginity a month ago, it really isn't all that it's cracked up to be, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:41:37 No.6388136

    That doesn't mean what you think it means.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:42:54 No.6388148
    Would've been more convincing to everyone if you at least took a shot in the dark and said the college first.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:43:04 No.6388150
    Because you're a woman.

    The only thing a woman has to do to get sex is spread her legs, the only thing she has to do for love is find some dumbass gullible enough to believe the relationship is significant.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:43:13 No.6388152
    Well fix it
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:43:33 No.6388157
    If your first time didn't feel like a big deal it's because you didn't share it with someone you love. Sounds gay but true.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:44:55 No.6388167
    Is his name Greg?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:45:21 No.6388172
    I'm not the guy you're replying to, but when people talk about their "purpose" they are not talking about their biological purpose. The latter is a result of evolution. Another happy result of evolution is human introspection, abstract thought, emotional life, and other neat things that actually define us as human beings. Those things separate us from other animals, all of whom have the biological purpose of reproduction, too.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:49:39 No.6388216
    Alright then. Correction. There exists a secondary purpose to human existence: getting your relatives laid.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:53:49 No.6388259
    Age: 25
    Reason: gave up at around 21
    Future: chronic alcoholism
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:53:54 No.6388261
    From my understanding that's what the other guy said too, but he chose not to acknowledge the fact that physically, we are nothing more than reproduction machines. I'm not concerning myself with your own philosophical ideals.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:54:00 No.6388264
    Ya know I've had the opportunity to do so a few times but my brain completely shuts down when the opportunity is hinted towards me it's like it refused to recognize these hints until later. Liquor makes it go away though. Can always count on good ol jacky boy.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:55:04 No.6388273
    No, his name is Chris.

    We started talking because I saw him at the library whenever I went and it started feeling like a little unspoken ritual between strangers. After a few months of silently acknowledging each other I started talking to him. The crazy thing is that we had actually talked to each other because of /r9k/ before. We added each other's screen names through one of those chat threads and talked to each other once over MSN. We didn't realize this until way later, when we both found out about our respective 4chan habits.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:59:48 No.6388328
    Haha, sex wasn't all it was cracked up to be because I'm female? You know, you're probably right, most guys don't give a shit if a girl comes or not, so sex is more likely to be mediocre for us.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:09:33 No.6388423
    Someone write an evopsych paper on the development of the wingman.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:12:32 No.6388469
    Whatever. Now run along and be a good little slut, suck over 9000 cocks then find some poor gullible fool to raise the randombabies you conceived by lottery.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:12:36 No.6388470
    25 m

    Women feel OFFENDED when I ask them out, as if I am a sexual predator violating their sexual space. But hey, its not like I was drooling and staring at their vagina as I talked to them.

    Does anyone else feel they would be less courtship-phobic if the people they asked out were less offended?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:13:14 No.6388477

    Because you're not the alpha male, and you never will be.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:18:47 No.6388535
    Naaawwww, rage more you pathetic virgin.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:20:51 No.6388553
    >implying that women don't do precisely that.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:24:24 No.6388584
    who the fuck cares why? shit, you aren't going to read every one of these responses and think about it and care that some random stranger is a reason. people just want to dump their complaints here and ditch the thread. and I see like one of these per day. fuck them.

    I'm a 20 year-old virgin because I have a bad attitude.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:28:10 No.6388605
    27 male
    i'd just fuck a hooker, but no money
    also poor social skills
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:28:14 No.6388606
    Lost mine at 25.

    As long as you're not flat out hideous, don't give up. There's girls that like shy guys that aren't completely socially inept.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:29:04 No.6388613
    Just don't fucking like the women in my area

    hoping to move some place less skanky.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:29:13 No.6388615
    >As long as you're not flat out hideous

    It's a good thing I gave up.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:36:13 No.6388676
    >aren't completely socially inept.
    Oh well...
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:37:07 No.6388688
    I'm fast approaching my 21st birthday, and have yet to lose my virginity. I find that less depressing than the fact that I haven't even dated a girl since I was 14 years old.

    I'm reasonably good looking, well built, workout daily. However I lack a certain Je ne sais quoi. And the fact that my work doesn't allow me time to meet women my age.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:49:48 No.6388811
    what do you do blox?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:15:12 No.6389090
    M, 21

    Grew up without father figure, so my mother was really my only role model. I had a strong body and mind, but not the right direction. Girls had crushes on me, diddn't know how to react or if I should react at all due to terrible taunting in early grades, hid this fear well by ignoring everyone and living in the library for 2 years. Finally now coming out of the hole I dug for myself with a much clearer view. I'm smart, attractive and fit, just never really had the "balls" factor that I think I should have learned from my father if he was around. It can only get better gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:22:56 No.6389173

    most girls act like/are whores
    i dont want that

    (reality check)

    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)06:59:12 No.6390202
    Age: 20 1/2
    Reason: Too busy studying CS, math, and chemistry to care.
    Future: Eventually
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:01:47 No.6390221
    40. really.
    Foreigner in US.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:07:03 No.6390261
    dick barley works partly phimosis, partly nervousness, partly gay.

    ive had a lot of oppourtiunities and could reasonably expect to have sex with 4 girls this month of i had any faith in my penis whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:07:31 No.6390265
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    Deeply closeted lezbo, which sucks because lesbians absolutely terrify me. Seriously.

    Also, I've been told I'm fucking strange. Case and point - 4chan ._.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:17:10 No.6390326

    I'm not flat out ugly but I'm no george clooney.. I've had a few girls here and there interested, even if I was completely oblivious to it. I didn't figure out that getting that girl's number in 10th grade was a flirtation device until I was out of highschool.
    A big part of it is I was a slow grower. I just never really gave a fuck about women, while everyone else was freaking out about getting laid and shit I was playing the vidya or into computers. But one question that plagued me then and still does is "why." I really can't think of a reason beyond getting it over with. I just don't really find sex all that appealing and I believe it's immensly overhyped. People basically put it on a pedestal because of their peers

    Now I'm more interested in it, but only because I'm scared of waiting so long that it never happens. But the big problem is I'd rather my first time be with a fellow virgin. Not sure why, but I feel strongly about it. And of course being 20 this is almost impossible.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:21:41 No.6390363

    I'm sorta fat, I'm mean-looking and really shy/socially awkard.

    I'd be good looking if I dropped the fat but atm I'm recovering from an injury or three.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:23:21 No.6390378

    Ugly, balding, lanky, gross, no friends, socially inept.

    Though, I kind of like the security of it. I don't have to worry about anything or anybody, I can just be a completely selfish asshole my whole life. That's not too bad. There's a lot of things I want to get good at in my life and I'll have plenty of time to fit it all in with the time gained.

    Also, I think I find I am at my absolute happiest by being completely alone and free of all judgment. And drunk. That is nirvana to me. Alone and drunk.

    Prognosis: Everything went better than expected
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:23:39 No.6390379
    When they said "strange" what they really meant was "you're fat and ugly so I'd never sleep with you and don't want to know you."
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:29:26 No.6390413
    I guess I should add I had my first kiss at 18, pushed her away, started spitting on the ground and went home. It was the most disgusting thing I've done to date. It was awful, I still have no idea of how people can enjoy that shit.

    I never ejaculated from masturbation until august 23rd of this year. I do it from time to time as more of an experiment than anything. I'm not very fond of it and it makes me feel bad sometimes. At least when I didn't jack off I had that feeling of superiority

    Oh, and I find the vagina to be disgusting. I could never touch it with my tongue, maybe fingers if I'm very determined. The penis isn't much better, snot comes out of that thing, pretty sick. I'm not big on being "sensitive" or whatever and not very smooth at first. If a woman starts acting strange my first reaction is "it's a trap." I look back on how I acted and it's pretty funny, basically the exact opposite of what people tell you to do. No eye contact, ending conversation short, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:30:17 No.6390419

    HOW? For goodness sake HOW?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:31:02 No.6390426
    >179 posts and 5 image replies omitted.

    Don't change r9k.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:32:38 No.6390439

    lol, that's what I always assumed when people said that. Made me feel like shit.

    Then I realized that I'm not fat (5'7", 128 lbs) and I'm not the ugliest cretin to slither out from under a rock. Granted, I'm of English descent, so that excludes me from being hot.

    Btw, I wasn't really lamenting a lack of friends...I'm fine in that department. I just picked a very counter intuitive demographic to be sexually attracted to.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:34:16 No.6390453
    I always read them all.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)09:38:33 No.6391239
         File1259073513.jpg-(78 KB, 800x600, sup_r9k.jpg)
    78 KB

    Funny, most people fall asleep when I tell them what I do.

    Lousy pic from an old r9k thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)09:44:19 No.6391255

    - not good at love relationships
    - did not visit prostitute to loose virginity because I can't miss what I do not know
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)09:47:25 No.6391265
    Game is the only way of communicating with girls for me XC

    No, not wow idiot
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)09:50:19 No.6391279
    I'm 28 and haven't had sex since I was 17, this should really count.
    I'm generally likable, but I rarely go out.
    Women are generally terrible anyway, so I'm not missing out on anything. The odds of finding someone I can tolerate are remote at best anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)09:50:32 No.6391281
    Not the person that asked for your picture, but you're pretty handsome :] It's also reassuring that's you're interested in other areas of life, not just sex/love. Good luck in getting what you want!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)09:51:46 No.6391286
    turned 20 yesterday

    phimosis coupled with general social awkwardness

    got a date on friday though so maybe not for long....wish me luck dudes

    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)09:55:43 No.6391305
    20, social phobia. Cool story.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)09:59:08 No.6391321
    I'm a virgin but under 20, and that counts anyways. Fuck you.
    Oh and, future: Getting better but I want an instant improvement _NOW_, fff.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)09:59:56 No.6391325
    Got phimosis and my birthday is in a little more than a month.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)10:01:13 No.6391329
    It does not count because you aren't a virgin anymore. Fuck off, guido.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)10:04:08 No.6391340
    You got a hell of a smooth face, broseph. I envy you.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)10:09:33 No.6391367
    no social phobia. you're just a shy faggot and you actually can do something about your fail situation if you just try really hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)10:11:14 No.6391375
    Everyone Above this post is a massive FAGGIT

    I lost mine at 14.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)10:17:10 No.6391418
    age: 20
    Reason: too scared to make a move
    (inc friendzone), bad at picking up signals (I think) and I never liked any of the girls who were making it pretty obvious they like me.

    Also, girls keep calling me cute whenever I talk about "science stuff" or any of my hobbies, which I guess is a bad thing
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)10:24:49 No.6391464
    20 year old male. I guess it's because I lack the confidence necessary to ask a girl out or to escalate a situation towards sex.

    I have numerous oppertunities to lose it in the past few years, but I've either not wanted to fuck the person offering or backed out for some other reasons (friendships, not quite knowing how to push things towards it).

    Also, I'm a solitary person. I spend a lot of time by myself. While my friends were out at parties (I do go out and party, just not all the time) they all eventually encountered lucky instances which got them laid. I didn't even give myself a chance in that respect.

    Still, I'm hopeful. I've made out with a few decent girls and have had the beginnings of relationships with even more (again, failure on my part to make a move usually drives them away or I accidentally friendzone them and am too scared to change it). I also get flirted with a fair bit. I think all it would take for me to get laid is a little more confidence on my behalf. All I'd need to do is be a little more upfront towards girls and I'd lose it quickly. Problem is that's a big step for me to take.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)10:32:27 No.6391502
    22 year old here. I've just never been interested. Had a few relationships in my teens and hated them, didn't like having someone calling me/wanting to do stuff all the time, I don't like physical contact.. on rare occasions I may hug friends, but that's as much as I'll tolerate. Just wasn't built for it I guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)10:33:31 No.6391508
    why dont you faggots join the military?

    get shot at
    get medal
    become a man
    get laid
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)10:38:50 No.6391539
    I want to find the guy who got that tattoo and beat the shit out of them. not because ZOMG TRAGEDY TOO SON NOT FUNNYZ, but because they're probably some ironic hipsterfag who also has a moustache tattoo'd on the side of their finger
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)11:54:31 No.6392176
    26. No plans to change. Got a decent body, but banana shaped dick has left me a bit fucked up mentally.
    Stopped trying before I even got a hairy bush. There's been girls that offered, and if I actually tried I would have pussy but I'm emotionally scarred. So emo ;__;
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:20:39 No.6392386
    I'm a relatively attractive, slim man but those positives are greatly outweighed by these negatives.

    I think one of my worst traits is I find it hard to empathize, I have trouble understanding peoples feelings and you can guess out how that doesn't help me get laid.

    I can be patronizing when someone doesn't understand something I find easy to understand.

    I have problems with self-worth and that may opinion means anything. I've dug myself deep with this to the point when I try and speak up no one listens to me. This of course makes me real like no one wants to talk to me and I stay quiet.

    When I have to talk I try and be relaxed and try not to over analysis what I want to say but this still ends in awkward results such as yesterday I was in a kitchen with two girls who were about to go out and when they said goodbye to me I followed up by accident with what sounded like "Byeah". The reason for this is awkward slip I think is because I normally automatically greet people with "Hiyah" because I can make it sound csual or something.

    All this adds up to me being an awkward man with bad self-image that has difficulty talking to anyone, let alone woman.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:24:27 No.6392415

    My dick is also like banana, and also curved. Damn, even if I found a pussy, I could not fuck because of my dick, lol.

    Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:26:39 No.6392437
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:29:08 No.6392459
    I'm also dyslexic as you might be able to tell from that post.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:31:17 No.6392474
    I date girls who don't put out.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:33:34 No.6392491
    no time for women, need to work and study. Need more moniez, so work is in first place, need to finish masters - study in second place. Then come the girls, still not much time, Hopefully i will get some pussy soon because i'm pretty much an alpha male
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:54:41 No.6392655
    sex feels good. i like feeling good. so i know i will get addicted and the quest for sex will consume my every waking moment. so, much like i wont try heroin.. i wont try sex, cause i know the outcome. i like to watch people, and every guy i have seen of every age.. is made miserable by sex one way or another. either they are not getting enough, or they are trapped in some time consuming and terrible relationshit. from my point of view, its no different then an addictive drug habit, but worse since you can't quit kids and child support.

    so i do not want to know what im missing, but hell i can pretend not to be a virgin all day, nobody would ever guess. im not socially awkward, and girls like me its just.. im not aggressive, and failing that i can pretend im a dumb oblivious male, they always buy that. i still have fun flirting and staring, but then just let it go. mind you it took years of meditation to be able to let go of things as well as i do, and also to learn enough of myself and my emotions to deal with the temptation. so its not an easy thing. an easy way to do it is think it through, would it work with my life, do i have the time and money? do i have a car (no). so i can convince myself its a bad idea, but its still fun to fantasize about.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:54:42 No.6392656
    >>6392386 here
    I just thought about this a bit more and I remembered how I distance myself from people too. I'm afraid of being made fun of and ridiculed so I avoid people. Even when people are being friendly to me I find it difficult to open up for fear for my vulnerability.

    I remember one time some girl I met on msn wanted to engage in texting dirty messages and I found it embarrassing and I felt ridiculous. I must be really reserved with some bad mental blocks that prevent me from expressing myself sexually.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)13:05:18 No.6392738
    hey niggers, i was exactly like all of you fags before i fucked some slut. guess what? it didn't change anything, and i regret it. stop making these threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)18:01:54 No.6395656
    When I was a kid, my parents and grandparents would embarrass the fuck out of me by telling everyone I had "lots of girlfriends." Even though it was never true.
    Every time we visited relatives, it was pretty routine shit. Everybody would laugh at me, and I would never understand what the big deal was.

    This all started in first grade, when a skanky girl would always hang around me, and come to my house, and soon everybody started making jokes about it. I was only six years old, for fucks sake. And sometimes they would cause a scene over petty shit and embarrass me even more, right in front of this bitch.
    So that's why I never gave a fuck about women, stayed a virgin, and use porn instead.
    Oh, I'm 35.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)18:21:43 No.6395870

    Thanks. Now to turn this to my advantage.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)18:37:26 No.6396034
    Thank you bros, I'm an 18 year old who has only had sex once with a girlfriend, she is the only girlfriend I have ever had and you guise have made me realise how lucky I am to have her, I just sent her a text telling her how much I love her.

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