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    File : 1323207273.jpg-(187 KB, 600x451, dermatografia.jpg)
    187 KB Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:34:33 No.638144  
    >Dermatographia (aka "skin writing" is a rare, auto immune skin condition which affecs about fice percen of the human population
    Wow, at least once in my life I feel like I won something. Has anyone of you got dermatographia? If I draw something on my skin using a pencil or something with slightly sharp edge, it becomes 3D in few minutes. And that feels good. Picture related - this is it. Not my arm though, thank you google images.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:35:50 No.638160
    It looks dumb

    Enjoy your shitty genes
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:37:00 No.638173
    Can't everyone do that? It goes away in like a minute though.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:37:19 No.638179
         File1323207439.png-(38 KB, 1354x624, MAREO BROTER.png)
    38 KB

    I think I have that thingy. The only problem is that if I draw lines people think I have cut myself.
    >> Milk !dCIhmGMOVs 12/06/11(Tue)16:38:40 No.638196
    i swear this happens to everyone.
    then again i've only seen my skin do it.
    wait a second..
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:41:53 No.638226
    It also means that my skin is sensitive. After wiping with a towel my whole body is literally red for ~10 minutes. If in class I support my head with my hand, it always looks like someone slapped me.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:42:06 No.638228
    I really hope you allow people to write on you like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:43:14 No.638240
    lol it's a basic inflammatory response. Anyone can do it. It might be more noticeable in those with lighter skin or hair due to some different genetics that I don't feel like explaining

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