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    File : 1323154389.jpg-(117 KB, 640x640, genuine3.jpg)
    117 KB Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)01:53:09 No.632894  
    Hey /r9k/, what's your opinion on college? I'm shooting for my degree right now. 19 years old; 30 credits. Halfway through my AA, and then I'll transfer.

    Community college is kind of shitty, but it saves a lot of money so it wasn't really a waste, IMO.

    I don't really have a major in mind, but if getting a degree will help me make money, then I feel like that's pretty important. My cousin just got out of college and she's making 45k a year at age 23 or 24.

    If this is really going to make my life easier, then I don't see how it isn't worth it. I saved a lot of money as well starting at CC, even if I have been taking classes rather slowly.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)01:54:21 No.632909
    > durrr go to college cause i was told to
    > no major cause i have no interests
    > expects to work anywhere else than walmart when he graduates

    keep it up americans.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)01:55:04 No.632917
    I have tons of interests; just not sure which one I want as a career.
    >> tpops !!0IM46R6x5kp 12/06/11(Tue)01:55:46 No.632925
    You basically described me...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)01:57:16 No.632934
    4 years later and i still don't have a major

    haha, im a failure
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)01:57:34 No.632938
    >If this is really going to make my life easier, then I don't see how it isn't worth it.

    It will, if you know what to do with it and if you're passionate about what you're doing. If you come out of college with a BA in communication, no internships, and no passion you're going to be screwed.
    If you go in with a specific niche you want to fill, intern and get experience in that field, then your life will be much better for it.

    I don't think everyone needs college to make a living and I don't think people should attend until they know what they want to do with their life, at least vaguely.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)01:58:23 No.632942
    I wish I would have gone to community college instead of jumping straight into a Uni. Maybe then I would have found a job to support myself and wouldn't be a broke, miserable, lonely fuckup who's failing his classes while already three semesters in debt.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)01:59:37 No.632954
    ITT : future OWS militants
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:00:46 No.632964
    I hate these threads. There's always at least one asshole that thinks he's Warren Buffett because he goes to college and has absolutely no idea what life is really like.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:01:09 No.632968
    I think you need to give me that sauce, OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:03:53 No.632986

    Mosha doesn't update this blog anymore but there's still a lot of gold shit here.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:11:44 No.633036
    Sounds like me.

    Going to college is still the biggest regret in my life. I went to a college I knew nothing about and had a major I knew nothing about and I was there for three years not knowing what to do. I finally dropped out and I just can't get my life back on track because I keep feeling like it's too late even though I'm 22. I feel like I should just abandon college (I'm failing in community college now), but I have one class that I just need to pass before I can move on with my life. Only problem is that I've failed it five times (about to be six).

    Good luck, OP, you're probably a more productive human being than I am.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:13:09 No.633044
    sounds like you just have no motivation at all. Honestly how the actual fuck can you fail a community college course 5 times?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:16:05 No.633061
    I failed the course in university five times. I'm facing a course that's not exactly like that one, but the equivalent of that one in community college and I'm about to fail it again. I have a ten page paper and a five page paper both due by Thursday and I still haven't started, even though I've done nothing all day and nothing all weekend (and I've known about the papers for over a month now).

    I guess I have no motivation. I mean, I want to pass these classes, I want to write these papers, it's just, whenever I try, my mind just says either, "You have plenty of time, don't worry, just chill out and work on it later," or, "Welp, only a day or two left, you're absolutely fucked. You're goddamn worthless and a huge piece of shit. No reason to even try, just keep browsing 4chan or whatever and do nothing. Maybe you'll get 'em next time, Iunno, just quit now, quit now, for fuck's sake, quit now you fucking loser."

    I can't stand it. I keep taking these classes thinking my mind will change but it won't.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:17:29 No.633072
    Because you are not actually interested in the courses you take? Your dreams are constantly changing and you are constantly questioning whether or not the endeavor is worth it.

    It's not like people who are in CC are exceptional at doing grunt work. It's really strange whenever I see someone on 4chan have their mind blown by someone doing poorly in community college. People almost never do well in CC, because they are going from topic to topic to find what interests them. Usually anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:18:56 No.633081
    you do realize how pathetic you sound, don't you?

    a 10 page paper, depending on the amount of outside information/research required, will take anywhere from 4-8 hours of dedicated time to complete. You could finish both of those papers in time easily with some fucking discipline and motivation

    i mean, do you even read what you wrote in that post? These actions - not being able to finish a simple paper - will affect you the REST OF YOUR LIFE

    what the fuck man?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:20:16 No.633091
    I went to community college for 2 years before moving on to an undergrad program.

    The work is easier than highschool. There's no way you can fail if you go to class every day and put in like 2 hours of homework a week. That's all it takes. It's easier than having a job at fucking mcdonalds
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:21:02 No.633099
    Oh no, that's not it. I'm in the same writing class I was in in university and I just couldn't do it. Every time that final paper comes by I just shit myself, spaghetti falls out, etc., etc., and I can't put myself up to the task of doing it. Yet again, I fucked up. What I would like, is for this paper to be delayed. I would like to not have to take the whole fucking class over again, do the same shit over again for three months only to be faced with the paper one more fucking time. I just want the paper, that's it. Just give me the paper and tell me I have unlimited time to do it, just fucking do it.

    Yes, of course I realize how fucking pathetic I sound. I've been on /r9k/ for four years now complaining about this fucking paper and complaining about many other aspects of my life, of course I realize how fucking pathetic I sound.

    >what the fuck man?
    I don't know, man. My mind wants me to give up; my mind wants me to quit. When times like this come and I realize just how much I fucked up, I feel like I should just quit. Then, I slog through the class again, and fuck up again.

    I don't know what I'm doing with my life and I don't know why I continue doing this.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:21:19 No.633102
    I guess that's true. I had a 1.5 in high school and have a 2.5 in community college LOL

    My major is artsy though so it's not like grades matter. It's just what you can do. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:22:47 No.633108
    how can you have a 1.5? That's like all Fs and a D. how?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:27:14 No.633135

    8 hours for a 10 page paper?

    Yea, if you want it to suck and be full of rambling.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:29:01 No.633145
    granted, i have always had an easy time putting together cohesive writing, but the point stands, it's maybe an hour a day for less than 2 weeks to write a solid 10 page paper
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:32:38 No.633167
    >putting together cohesive writing

    Oh, you're talking about a "state your opinion/what you think" humanities paper instead of a research paper. I gotcha, that's doable then.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:34:21 No.633177
    >hour a day for less than 2 weeks
    If only my mind would understand that. Instead it's, "You got 2 weeks left, no reason to start research now!" Then when it's only 2 days left: "Welp, 2 days, you can't do it in that much time. Should have started 2 weeks ago. Oh well, you'll get 'em -- nah, you won't, you're a fucking failure, kill yourself now." Then it starts playing "Suicide is Painless" on loop. Fucking asshole mind.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:35:58 No.633185
    ITT: yeah nvm
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:44:36 No.633252
    If you're not interested in college then fucking drop out and join a trade. If you know you excel at something you don't need to go get a fucking degree for it. I have a friend who's been hunting since he was a kid and now makes a living as a professional hunter
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:46:48 No.633275
    Yeah I didn't give a fuck. I was more interested in playing video games and fucking bitches.

    Kinda regret it but to be honest I probably would be just as directionless now if I had got to a "real" college. So I guess I don't really regret it at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:50:09 No.633296
    My friend was directionless in high school. Got shit grades and didn't care. Then he went to community college, got all A's, transferred to a UC school, and four years after high school he's got himself a college degree at a well-known university. I, on the other hand, well, you can read about how fucking shitty I am above (excelled in high school, fuck around in college, now NOWHERE).

    What you did in high school doesn't mean dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:52:24 No.633310
    Er well that was in response to someone who wanted an explanation on my piss poor high school gpa.

    But it definitely does matter. For instance, I need a college level math course to get an AA, but that requires 3 prerequisite classes because of my shit grades in high school. So really I'm looking at another 2 years to get that credit. Fucking ridiculous, right?

    I'm actually going in tomorrow to talk to the motherfuckers and telling them that that's bullshit and try and find a way to skip some of that shit. I am really terrible at math though.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:53:40 No.633319
    you can test out of it at pretty much any community college. They offer something called a CPT college placement test which will let you test out of remedial levels of certain classes
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:55:12 No.633333
    If you need help with math, just ask me. Seriously, if I ever get through this fucking writing class and ever fucking get myself to focus, I'd like myself to go on toward a mathematics degree. I'm not gonna say that it's the thing that absolutely drives me in life, but I do enjoy going through math. Fucking hell, fucking hate myself so goddamn much... I...

    Four fucking years. I entered college four years ago. Four years later I still haven't changed, not one bit. I am seriously on the verge of tears right now. I need to get myself off of here, I just can't believe I'm so pathe -- nah, I can. Also what the guy above me said, try testing out of the math classes.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)02:58:32 No.633353
    Good to hear that there is an alternative. There is a placement test that placed me in remedial math, but I took that test in high school senior year, and that was over a year ago. I was practically a completely different person.

    Do you think they'd really just let me retake the placement or would it require some winter course or something? It would be great if I could retake it. I seriously see no point in spending 3 semesters doing remedial math that isn't even worth college credit. Seriously, don't waste my fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)03:07:29 No.633394
    Even an associate's degree in liberal arts will net you a great deal of money more than someone who got a job just out of high school. So yeah, pretty worth it.

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