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    126 KB Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)23:32:34 No.6240526  
    Why are gays so intent on gaining societal acceptance?

    Why do they want marriage, a traditionally religious institution, to extend to them as well (inb4 "same rights as marriage" which are provided under civil unions or simply choosing to will property or whatever to whoever you specify) ? Why do they fight so hard to become part of mainstream society, even though they are the exact antithesis to the mainstream?

    Its because they secretly know what they are doing is wrong and require societies permission to continue. In the event societies permission is not forthcoming they claim they are oppressed.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:33:58 No.6241862
    plus, theyre fucking gross.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:35:23 No.6241885

    Um no, if they don't have the permission in the first place, they ARE being oppressed.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:36:33 No.6241894
    Perhaps because marriage was made a legal institution.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:36:43 No.6241895

    Your troll didn't work for two hours so you bumped it.

    You're pathetic. Work on your skills.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:36:52 No.6241899
    >doesn't know what "oppressed" means
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:38:08 No.6241916
    Why are nerds so intent on gaining social acceptance?

    Why do they want sex, a traditional experience between socially skilled people, to extend to them as well (in b4 "same libido as human beings" which are provided under hormones or simply choosing to connect to someone or whatever you decide to call it) ? Why do they fight so hard to pretend they should be given the time of the day by attractive people, even though they are the exact antithesis to the mainstream?

    Its because they secretly know that they will never be accepted in society and require external validation to continue. In the event sex is not forthcoming they will whine and pretend they are superior intellectually, while they are just socially challenged.

    plus, they are fucking gross.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:38:15 No.6241918
    We're not. You're just stupid and think that because you see gays trying to gain social acceptance that all gays are doing this. Faggot. Your logic fucking fails and you're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:38:57 No.6241933
    Homosexuality was once thought of by the medical community as a mental disorder

    Think about it
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:39:12 No.6241937
    I, too, hate nerds. Let us hate
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:40:16 No.6241951
    So was atheism. Think about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:40:48 No.6241960
    There are still rights offered by marriage but not by civil unions, and IIRC some states don't even offer same-sex civil unions
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:41:45 No.6241973
    Its only really lobbying by the far, far left that has changed that at all. Next up: people who have sex with animals lobbying to have their unions to their canine lovers recognized
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:41:54 No.6241977
    >simply choosing to will property or whatever to whoever you specify

    It isn't that simple. Wills can be and almost certainly WILL be contested if the individual's family disapproves.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:42:17 No.6241986
    Right, except it wasn't.
    >> Troll Rater, 500+ trolls rated. !nznE9S06QI 11/13/09(Fri)01:42:18 No.6241989
    Why are trolls so intent on gaining societal acceptance?

    Why do they want attention, traditionally something reserved for interesting threads, to extend to them as well (inb4 "same rights as other anonymous" which are provided for under the rules or simply ignoring the thread) ? Why do they fight so hard to become part of mainstream 4chan, even though they are the exact antithesis to the mainstream?

    Its because they secretly know what they are doing is wrong and require societies permission to continue. In the event societies permission is not forthcoming they claim they are oppressed.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:43:04 No.6241994
    plus, trolls are fucking gross.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:43:17 No.6241995
    i dunno maybe they have feelings and emotions kind of like human beings do
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:43:20 No.6241996

    lol because civil unions are the same in every state and they all bestow equal rights.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:44:19 No.6242008
    If you have a will that clearly names someone as the benefactor to your estate or whatever then it cant really be contested to any successful degree because its in writing
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:45:47 No.6242032
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:47:19 No.6242055
    I think they can have marriage. Why should only hetero's be cursed with it? As far as acceptance, do as you please, whenever, wherever, I just don't wanna know about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:47:54 No.6242063
    why is the standard counter argument from religious peons the ol' LOL WHATS NEXT MARRYING A MAN AND A HORSE

    Fact: The people who work the hardest against gay marriage all have big throbbing dick sucking skeletons in their closet.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:48:37 No.6242073
    I've never understood this issue.

    Nobody is saying you can't be gay. Nobody is saying you can't love whoever you want to love and do whatever you want to do behind closed doors. Nobody is denying you anything at all.

    All that has been said is that the state does not recognize "Marriage" as an institution between a 2 individuals of the same gender. Thats it. Why everyone is so up in arms is beyond me, other than the fact that it seems you are seeking state and governmental approval for your personal choices.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:51:04 No.6242098
    Yes, it can.

    You know what else? If you outline how you want to be disposed of in your will, your family does NOT have to heed it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:51:27 No.6242107
    Some, maybe. But I think the majority of them have a system of morality and values that they dont want to see destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:54:08 No.6242125
    Its a valid question. Ever heard of a "slippery slope"?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:55:07 No.6242141

    I think they should get the same rights when it comes to the legal side of things, but to be able to be married via a religion which does not accept homosexuality, that is incorrect.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:55:21 No.6242144
    >yes it can
    Do you get your legal advice from Lionel Hutts?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:55:46 No.6242150

    I think they should get the same rights when it comes to the legal side of things, but to be able to be married via a religion which does not accept homosexuality, that is incorrect.

    But this has been said countless times anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:57:20 No.6242165
    I'm gay and OP is 100% correct
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:58:39 No.6242180
    welp this is a dumb op


    sure is
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:59:37 No.6242191

    you mean like priest fucking little boys, or bombing the shit out of countries filled with brown people?

    Nice try, morals are relative, anyone with an IQ over room temperature can grasp that.

    Being gay is not immoral. No one in the history of man has ever come up with an solid argument against it. Well, they think they have, but it gets taken the fuck apart in two seconds, especially if it involves THE BIBLE or NATURE.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:06:06 No.6242248
    Morality has nothing to do with sodomizing children or killing Arabs. Those are the acts of people WITHOUT morals. Morals are indeed relative. And to many of the people opposing gay marriage, their morals dictate that such a thing is unnatural and abhorrent and that any decent self respecting person would be against such a thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:06:14 No.6242250

    >being gay is not immoral

    Gayness is also ridiculous and unhygenic and not something positive except to males who cannot embody or aspire to the full responsibilities, rights and duties of manhood. Continue fucking arse, by all means: but don't be so butthurt about being looked down on for it.

    Also, 'relative morals' is as oxymoronic as 'loose standards', what are you, twelve?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:08:56 No.6242279

    >Nice try, morals are relative
    >Being gay is not immoral.

    Read what you fucking write.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:10:21 No.6242292
    Little faggot doesn't like girls..are you fucking deficient? You're supposed to want to fuck girls, not boys. That's pretty much the most fundamental rule of being a living multicellular life form. And you even fucked THAT up?

    lol gays fail from the get go at the most basic level imaginable
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:13:47 No.6242319

    >who cannot embody or aspire to the full responsibilities, rights and duties of manhood

    lol does your dad scream that before or after he hits you?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:13:53 No.6242320
         File1258096433.gif-(242 KB, 936x648, hateredz8pv70277.gif)
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    Fags are free to do whatever they want but I don't see why taxpayers should be forced to subsidize homosexual couplings.

    At least with traditional marriage the argument can be made that taxpayers are forced to fund it for the sake of encouraging child rearing so that there will be a new generation to pay our government pensions and change our diapers when we are elderly.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:14:27 No.6242324
    because marriage has certain tax breaks and financial aid only available to married people
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:15:27 No.6242330
    >a traditionally religious institution

    Marriage hasn't been a religious institution in a very long time. If it was, then the church/fundamentalist wackos would try to prevent atheists from getting married.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:17:07 No.6242345
    But why should faggots qualify for these subsidies any more than Anonymous should be subsidized for his humping pillow?

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