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  • File : 1257482776.jpg-(21 KB, 300x418, Mother_and_Son_by_Rustyspoon.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:46:16 No.6141416  
    Who here has experienced the death of their mother? I want to know what it was like for you. How rough was it? How did you deal with it?

    I ask solely out of curiosity and naive dismissal of the inevitable. I'm 23 and while I know my mom will die someday, I just assume it's sometime in the distant future. I don't even consider that she could be gone tomorrow because that's a world I just couldn't even imagine living in.

    What's it like for those of you who DO have to live in that world?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:47:15 No.6141424
    you'll be happier when she's gone, trust me
    >> Wok !bpskkTpvD2 11/05/09(Thu)23:47:38 No.6141426
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    not me, why you asking such thing
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:48:19 No.6141432
    i was 8. fucked me up for life. now i post on 4chand and jack off to mommy incest hentai
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:48:56 No.6141443
    Just because you hate your mom or whatever doesn't mean everyone else does. So fuck off.
    >> Wok !bpskkTpvD2 11/05/09(Thu)23:50:25 No.6141460
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    i agwee this guy

    him smert
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:51:38 No.6141473
    I'm with you OP. It scares the fucking shit out of me. I could never imagine myself functioning if I didn't have my family to fall back on. God, I fucking love my mom. I should probably tell her that, I haven't since I was a kid.

    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:55:58 No.6141524
    Yes, when i was 17. Afterward my father decided he no longer wanted any of his children, including two several years younger than me and, for want of a better word, abused us until we left.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:57:57 No.6141544
    Well, my Dad died when I was 12. I was an emo faggot for a few years, but I got over it. When my mom dies, I don't know how I'll feel. Our relationship became pretty strained when Dad died, but overall I love her and I'll miss her.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:59:29 No.6141560
    goddammit OP, you nailed my worst nightmare ever which still haunts me to this day and gives me panic attacks at night when the thought triggers
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)00:00:26 No.6141572
    my mom is a drug addict, i think she would be better off dead. i dont know how she exists right now. she just sleeps all day and takes so many prescription drugs that she passes out sitting up with ehr had mashed faceforward into the cushions and burns cigarettes holes everywhere and spills her drinks. she also pisses herself and shits int he hallway sometimes.

    shes been depressed for my entire life. i do not see hope for her; i wish there was. but it just does not seem possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)00:01:24 No.6141580
    My mom died when I was 15. It sucked, but it wasn't a surprise (brain cancer for 13 months). Honestly when it happened I was mainly happy that she wasn't suffering anymore.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 11/06/09(Fri)00:05:27 No.6141616
    A very close friend of mine for 3 years, moved to LA just out of the blue. No explanation given. We all kind of wondered why she just left us... its harder, because she's a very strong person, and not the kind of girl that's given to flights of fancy.

    At 8:15 pm today, she let me know that her mother has 6-12 months left due to cancer. She send a long letter via facebook explaining everything.

    So, I am still trying to figure out what to say to her to help out.

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