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  • File : 1257389779.jpg-(69 KB, 459x600, economy_in_brief_600.jpg)
    69 KB How the economy has affected robots Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:56:19 No.6127471  
    So uh, I don't know about you brobots but I'm 22, you're all probably about the same age.. This "downed economy" has been like, good for me..

    We don't have to worry about our retirement funds being in the shitter cause we hardly have any, gas is cheap as fuck, groceries are cheaper as a result, subway and everyone else has a 5 dollar or less meal if we want to eat out... eh what else? Oh yeah we all have shitty jobs that are always in low demand so theres at least work.

    Anyway, I was having a discussion with my grandmother about the economy, whom I vehemently disagree with on most issues -- she has no retirement funds at all, never did - she lives off social security and union retirement, she lives with my mother, they go dutch on bills..

    anyfuckinway, leme get to the point, she insists that shes worse off today than a little over 1 year ago when gas was unreasonably high and groceries as a result, I added some shit up for her on the calculator to prove to her that shes an idiot, and she refused to see reason.. Guess I figured out why shes a fundamentalist christian who doesn't like to have fun whatsoever.. Don't get me wrong, I like the woman just fine, fun to hang out with her but eh fuck shes dumb as shit

    input on how the economy has effected those of you who are lucky enough to still have jobs please
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/04/09(Wed)22:00:50 No.6127511
    Life has been wonderful since Lehman Brothers crashed. I hope the economy never gets better.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)22:01:00 No.6127513
    Sounds like you're both about as dumb as a bag of rocks.

    Why don't you have sex with her?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)22:02:28 No.6127532
    her union retirement is most likely a pension, that is a form of retirement savings. for 30 or so years of work they agreed to pay her x amount of money till death.

    you should be so lucky to get that. your best bet is a 401k with company match and dump the rest into a roth ira. then you can buy a few stock and pray
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)22:05:57 No.6127572
    Yeah I'll agree I sound like a dumbfuck, usually I'm more articulate but I'm tired & anonymous so i don't care
    oh yeah dude, I know what it is, good deal for her - it was her husbands but hes dead.

    What I was trying to make a point of is that her income is not effected by the up and down of the stock market, yet she listens to the sensationalist shit on the tv and assumes shes worse off because some dude up in detroit lost his car-making job - while we are worse off as a whole of a country, were sometimes better off as individuals
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)22:06:34 No.6127576
    Obvious troll is obvious. I want to explain, but I just know it's a trap. By the way, things are cheaper but people are getting less money.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)22:07:12 No.6127579
    Okay, so you just said your thread is dumb as fuck. I think it's time to delete.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)22:08:10 No.6127585
    i can understand that, i live in bullshit and hear that fixed income garbage all the time. these peoples fixed income ends up being 45-55 a year and they own there house. they have no fucking bills yet the bitch bitch bitch.

    guess what i have a fixed income too, 15% of my paycheck goes into retirement savings and the rest goes to buy food, pay rent, and buy health insurance.

    i don't get free govt care
    >> Rowe !!XawHNHsFjJE 11/04/09(Wed)22:08:38 No.6127589
    I've made a great deal of money from my returns. My brother-in-law knows a great deal and was able to help me make some smart choices.

    Buy low folks. Buy low.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)22:09:00 No.6127595
    Why delete? I'm anonymous, nobody knows who I am, theres no shame
    didn't quite articulate my point as well as I'd hoped, refer to the second part of >>6127532
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 11/04/09(Wed)22:11:37 No.6127625
    Now is a great time for young folk like us to get a cheap house.

    It's a shame that fucking none of us have jobs.

    And jesus christ this engineering degree is taking forever. I could take, like, 3 more classes and be done with a god damn Liberal Arts degree. But nooo these assholes want to shove a fuckton of useless bullshit courses down your throat. Thanks for the report writing class, assholes, I really had no clue how to Google a standard memo format.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)22:15:29 No.6127654
    I didn't read your post, because it's probably going to be some BAWW I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY tl;dr shit.

    But I'm going to answer:
    >How the economy has affected robots

    I can't find a fucking job ANYWHERE.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)22:15:31 No.6127656
    i dont have shitty jobs
    im 18, no job experience, and when i go try to get the jobs that i should be getting at this stage in my life, all the other applicants are 20 somethings with 3 or 4 jobs on their resumes

    even if theyre a super fucking doofus, they have the credentials and get hired

    i dont fucking get it. im a nice, personable guy, and id be a hard worker. it kills me when i go to the grocery store or any kind of retail outlet and 25 year old single mom shaneequa monique johnson III is trying her best to blow me off and get back to text messaging while getting paid. I WOULD ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE. I WOULD ACTUALLY WORK.

    what the fuck do i need to do to get hired? ive attended every walk-in interview thing at every store in ten minutes (driving, of course) of my house. i actually bathe, i try to talk 'professionally', and i present myself well, unlike all the fucking retards in line with me. it kills me when i dont get a second interview. ive done like fifteen walkins (i have WAAAAY more online and instore applications) at this point, im getting really fucking discouraged.

    i need some fucking money, to be honest with you. i want to pay for some of my tuition. im tired of asking my parents for gas money. im running out of leisure money (aka leftover birthday/christmas money). pretty soon i wont be able to buy any games or pay for any dates. this is pissing me off

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