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  • File : 1257046567.jpg-(41 KB, 400x600, ear-closeup-main_Full.jpg)
    41 KB TINNITUS Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:36:07 No.6072269  
    Do you have it, faggot?

    Shit kinda sucks. I have a sound similar to that high pitched noise a TV makes in my ears at all times. I hope maybe as I age and my ears get shittier so they can't register high frequencies as well it will fade, or something. Its not that bad though, the sounds of daily life are enough to drown it out and sometimes I actually go for weeks without noticing it, I guess my mind just learns to ignore it. But sometimes I remember it and its irritating as hell for awhile, especially when trying to sleep at night, gotta use a fan to help drown that shit out. I'm in the middle of a shitty week where I haven't re-learnt to ignore it yet, pissing me off.

    Thinking about it makes it seem worse, but when you try to not think about it you just think about it harder and then FFFUUUUU-

    Anyone else deal with this shit? I feel for you if you have it more severely than I do, at least I can forget about it usually.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:37:13 No.6072278

    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:37:19 No.6072279
    Yeah man, doesn't really bother me though.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:40:00 No.6072302
    I herd weed works great for tinnitus...
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:41:07 No.6072314

    I've had it as long as i remember, sounds like a flashbang going off in CS:S, just super-high pitched ringing. I can't sleep at night without a fan, otherwise I don't really hear it that often.

    The other thing is, sorry to burst your bubble, but tinnitus only grows more and more severe as time goes on, because it's not an inner-ear condition, it's a neurological condition, your brain is picking up sound that isn't there. Don't go to concerts, loud clubs, and definitely don't fire high-powered firearms without ear protection, or else you'll accelerate the degradation.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:41:13 No.6072315
    If I do, it's not noticeable.

    My ears are prone to a lot of horrible shit though, so the odds of me getting it eventually are probably fair.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:43:07 No.6072336
    Yeah, I ignore it most of the time.
    I was noticing it when I say the thread.

    Hate having broken ears.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:43:35 No.6072346

    >doesn't understand where tinnitus comes from.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:44:26 No.6072354
    I've had it for years, however it's not as bad as it used to be. During my teenage years i used to hear that high pitched noise at least 3 times a week on random days. These days I hear it about once a month.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:46:57 No.6072384
    I just read up on this on wikipedia and realise I have it bad.
    I always listen to my iPod at like FULL VOLUME.

    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:47:53 No.6072397
    sometimes if its dead quiet i can hear ringing, if i focus on it which i do it becomes quite noticeable. i think i might have a little bit tinnitus... i don't know, most of the time there is enough ambient noise that i don't think there is anything wrong. other times i think i have problems. i've tried all sorts of hearing tests and my hearing range is quite normal afaik.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:49:22 No.6072413

    Try clenching your jaw real tight, notice the change of frequency, intensity of the ringing?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:49:31 No.6072417
    how could you not realize that was going to damage your hearing?
    >> Samuel Davis Jr. II !FaGeT63do2 10/31/09(Sat)23:50:25 No.6072424
    only happens when it's quiet, which for me is not very often because I listen to music 24/7.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:52:04 No.6072440



    I remember once I went to a loud concert and spent a lot of time holding my ear to a speaker (I was tripping hard). Then I left and the ringing didn't stop for DAYS
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:52:31 No.6072448
    >grow up in NYC
    >easily sleep through the sounds of car alarms, police sirens, fire engine sirens and jackhammers
    >visit family's country house
    >only sounds are crickets chirping
    >tinnitus keeps me awake all night whenever I try to sleep

    Feels bad, man.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:52:41 No.6072453
    I'm not too sure if I've actually got it or not still. I used to have it, but it seems to have just gone away.

    Has this happened to anyone else ? :S
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:52:59 No.6072458

    Eh, I was aware of it before since I posted this thread about it. Talking about not-surprisingly doesn't help it fade very well but whatever.


    I actually have no idea about that, can anyone support this? I haven't smoked weed for a month-ish, and at that time I was in an unawareness-state.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:54:27 No.6072469
    I learned to zone it out when I read, or otherwise engage myself in other activities. I concentrate on breathing when I need to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:54:35 No.6072471
    This shit seems more common than I thought.


    I want to move to a loud place now. I can sleep through random noise easily but THAT FUCKING SQUEAKING IS THE WORST
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:57:34 No.6072494
    You know realize that those hearing test during elementary school were government experiments to test new ways to control society without them knowing it. Those who hear this ringing sound are hearing government radio signals being secretly sent out to the nation to buy consumer goods.
    >> NECHTOVIKING - KING OF THE NORDLANDS !PULTRARARE 11/01/09(Sun)00:00:52 No.6072538
    I have tinnitus.

    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:03:28 No.6072573
    Happens frequently, where I forget that it's there, and I suddenly hear something, even though it's silent, and I realize what it is...

    /sigh, not to mention I have all kinds of other actual ear problems...
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:04:39 No.6072593
    I sleep with the fan all the time as well.
    All year.
    >> Omegle !hQ4RoAm2T6 11/01/09(Sun)00:08:49 No.6072649
    implying tinnitus is permanent
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:09:28 No.6072654
    The fan helps but not always enough. I almost want to start sleeping with the radio on. Some NPR would distract me as well as bore me to sleep, perfect!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:11:14 No.6072671
         File1257048674.png-(32 KB, 500x500, 1256966996543.png)
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    Then how the fuck do you get rid of it faggot?
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 11/01/09(Sun)00:12:59 No.6072691
    I have it very mildly. However, I sleep with a fan because white noise calms me and otherwise I can hear every little sound ever. I've listened to entire conversations across the hallway with my door closed and known what episode of what show someone was watching before I went downstairs.

    However, if I focus on it, I can sometimes hear some very faint ringing. And if I put my ear against something soft, like a pillow, one day every month or so, I can hear ringing.
    >> Samuel Davis Jr. II !FaGeT63do2 11/01/09(Sun)00:13:45 No.6072702
    9mm aspirin, the cure to all of life's ailments.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:14:03 No.6072706
    nice to see a lot of fanbros in here
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:31:29 No.6072887
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:33:38 No.6072920
         File1257050018.jpg-(50 KB, 380x380, Tinnitus Sanctus cover art.jpg)
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    Sure have. Not their best album, frankly.

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