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  • File : 1256599914.jpg-(20 KB, 226x170, Swine Flu Vac.jpg)
    20 KB Swine Flu Vaccination Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:31:54 No.6005350  
    Should I get it or not? It's being offered to me for free. I don't know if I should get it or not.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:32:30 No.6005358
    wait a bit, bro.
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 10/26/09(Mon)19:32:39 No.6005362
    There's no reason not to. I already got the flu vaccine, so I'm going for the full deal on Wednesday.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:33:36 No.6005372
    You will die if you get vaccinated.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:34:47 No.6005394
    Autism bro
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:34:55 No.6005399
    >Typical idiocy
    Why get the vaccine. Swine Flu can't kill anybody, man. Shit is just a lie.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 10/26/09(Mon)19:35:41 No.6005409
    Its free, why would you turn down free stuff?
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 10/26/09(Mon)19:36:50 No.6005423
    Because I don't like getting the flu. My mommy's paying for it, what do I care?
    >> ATI HD4770 !nh/w4IW6TE 10/26/09(Mon)19:37:00 No.6005424
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:37:43 No.6005436

    Swine flu is just like a slightly worse regular flu, or if you havn't had that, the mother of all colds.

    You could get the vaccine for free, if you aren't sensitive to anything in it and be rid of the hassle. Or you could skip it and abuse flu sickdays.
    >> sage sage 10/26/09(Mon)19:38:41 No.6005446
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    nuifoanhwioenfuaib ewifupb a wbubaiufuiab rihbauieas ibeewjwhlagbfeliwb auokwea
    >> allanxaesthetics !3GqYIJ3Obs 10/26/09(Mon)19:39:56 No.6005456
    Because of THIS
    >> Kaptured !!Oo43raDvH61 10/26/09(Mon)19:40:34 No.6005469
    Do some research for yourself and find out if you fall into the right category to receive the vaccine, and whether it is safe for injection into your body. Come up with your own conclusion, cuz this site certainly isn't going to give it to you.
    >> allanxaesthetics !3GqYIJ3Obs 10/26/09(Mon)19:41:03 No.6005477

    Er wait.

    Because of THIS.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:46:16 No.6005531
    >Swine Flu can't kill anybody, man.
    The REGULAR flu can kill people. It's no reason to have a huge panic, but it's also no reason to ignore it completely.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:49:47 No.6005569
    Haha! You know what the hilarious part of this is?

    I live only a couple of hundred yards away from her XD. Never seen her around though but my sis was there when the newsguys came over.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:53:01 No.6005607
    Swine flu will make you sick for a few weeks and then just go away. The regular flu is MORE DANGEROUS than this, way more, and yet the gov is making a big deal about it.

    Don't take the vaccine. If you saw the ingredients in it, you'd know why I'm saying NO.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:53:06 No.6005608
    Enjoy your RFID chip / pledging your allegiance to Satan.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:54:18 No.6005626
    enjoy that toxic filth in your body idiot!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:55:02 No.6005636
    Here's 2 good reasons, why you shouldn't get the vaccine. If you still don't get it, read the word starting with D and ending with Y.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:57:00 No.6005664

    No, regular flu is not "more dangerous," it's just more widespread. You have an equal chance of dying from both regular and swine flu, that is, virtually zero unless you're 100-years-old, an infant, or have AIDS.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:57:38 No.6005669
    Check these out too.
    >> !rjA0zcOQ96 10/26/09(Mon)19:59:01 No.6005682
    There's a shortage of vaccines, and you're young and healthy compared to babies and old people, so in my opinion it would be a waste for you to get it.

    Besides, it's not like you ever leave your parent's basement or come in contact with people.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:02:10 No.6005714

    >Fox News
    >404 Not Found
    >404 Not Found

    Oh boy, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:02:32 No.6005719

    Ok. But how come the government is sooo hyped about getting everyone vaccinated/talking about it so much in the first place.

    The government always needs a credible excuse so they can go ahead with their agenda. An excuse that would seem normal and just with MOST of the public.

    The vaccine is bad news. Just don't take it, you'll live without it no problem.
    >> ATI HD4770 !nh/w4IW6TE 10/26/09(Mon)20:04:17 No.6005732

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:06:07 No.6005746

    The RFID chip is half the size of a grain of rice. So you won't see it.

    Getting chipped, you wouldn't feel a thing. Moreover, this vaccine contains poisonous substances with will slowly weaken and mentally kill you overtime.

    Don't fucking take it, unless you like being autistic.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:06:35 No.6005751

    I think your tin foil hat is a little too tight.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:06:38 No.6005753
    You managed to chose the worst version of the video out there. The scum who posted that tried to edit the video so that it replaced "shouldn't discourage people from taking flu shots" with "should".
    "Experts claim" is also one of the oldest frigging tricks in the book for saying whatever the hell you want and sounding official. On that note then, I will also mention that the cause of her condition has not been determined, and that it may be a psychogenic reaction. That is still a serious situation and in no way demeans or discredits the poor woman, but it may be a little early for the witch hunt.
    Best case scenario is that her reaction had nothing to do with the flu shot, worst case, it was the shot and she had as they said a "1/1000000000" (also a number I can't seem to find any facts about) chance misfortune.
    >> ATI HD4770 !nh/w4IW6TE 10/26/09(Mon)20:08:43 No.6005773


    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:09:13 No.6005782

    Look up the ingredients before talking shit, dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:10:13 No.6005801
    I just want you to know one thing about the impending conspiracy RFID shitstorm: >>6005436
    I FUCKING CALLED IT. Welcome, /x/.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:12:04 No.6005823

    What the fuck does this tin foil shit mean anyway? Look up the ingredients to the swine flu vaccine dumbfucks? Here's 2 both of which are toxic


    look up the rest, dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:15:01 No.6005862

    alex jones doesn't come up with shit he borrows from different people.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:16:47 No.6005881
    Useless. Suck up the coughing and feeling generally ill for a few weeks and you're done with the flu. Getting a shot with loads of side effects seems pretty damn stupid to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:18:01 No.6005898

    Also dumbfuck, do you hear on the news about the vaccine containing mercury, squalene and other toxins? Exactly. NO!

    The news is regulated by the government obviously. You only hear what they want to you hear. Been like this for decades. Wake the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:19:18 No.6005916
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    Don't worry brother, Kitty and I got ya covered.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:20:04 No.6005922

    No evidence that squalene is toxic. You say mercury when you mean thiomersal.

    Say what you mean, tin foil.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:20:33 No.6005925
    my housemate has the swine. i have been washing my hands vigilantly, and lysoling stuff that gets used the most. I have been putting garlic on all my food for an immune boost. so far so good
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:20:35 No.6005926

    Obvious troll is fucking obvious.

    Fuck off.
    >> ATI HD4770 !nh/w4IW6TE 10/26/09(Mon)20:22:02 No.6005938

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:22:38 No.6005944
    my housemate has the vampirism. i have been washing my hands vigilantly, and lysoling stuff that gets used the most. I have been putting garlic on all my food to keep him at bay. so far so good
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:22:44 No.6005945
    Actually, I saw a bit about the squalene on national news.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:23:03 No.6005949

    Jesus Christ, dude.

    Remember the 1976 swine flu incident? 2 people died from the virus, and 26 died AFTER GETTING THE VACCINE.

    You think that is just bullshit or bad luck?

    That was just a test for what was to come, 33 years later. And here we are.

    Go ahead and take the vaccine. Enjoy your fucking autism. You deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:23:43 No.6005956
    Cancer treatment -> Arsenic.
    Tuna -> Mercury
    The air -> traces of uranium
    Squalene -> Endogenously produced by humans
    Water -> Water intoxication

    IMO. Don't drink water, don't breathe air, don't eat fish, don't get cancer and most definitely don't produce endogenous squalene even though its essential for the human body.

    K thanks
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:24:23 No.6005962
    Applause, and not just the golf variety either,good sir!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:25:13 No.6005974
    Don't do it.

    Ruins lives, bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:30:34 No.6006024

    26 people die from the vaccine for the disease that kills more than 60,000 per year in America alone. Oh dear!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:31:52 No.6006038
    Hah, wow, I got better cell reception.Must be all the tinfoil around here.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:31:57 No.6006039
    enjoy your autism - oh wait, all you asspies already have it
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:37:29 No.6006106

    fuck you! give it your babies!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:43:21 No.6006185

    We are talking about SWINE FLU HERE not REGULAR FLU.

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:45:49 No.6006222
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    seriously guise. You are all a bunch of idiots. I hope your country fucking burns to the ground because everyone was too scared to get the fucking vaccine(LOL)
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:47:47 No.6006240
    So when will you be addressing the posts that took you up on looking up the vaccine?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:48:39 No.6006250

    Look it up yourself. Christ.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:49:25 No.6006260
    why? is the vaccine protect you from spontaneous combustion too?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:50:51 No.6006272
    All a hoax just like global warming silly faggot puppets
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:52:18 No.6006287
    well, that depends if you want to get swine flu or not.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:52:50 No.6006292
    I would like to remind all of you under the age of 25 that you are most susceptible to 2009 h1n1. Unlike regular flu 2009 h1n1 affects young people more.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:53:18 No.6006300
    I won't be getting it. This much hype surrounding something so incredibly insignificant, even to the point of declaring a national emergency? Somethings not right.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:11:11 No.6006503
    All according to plan. First we (the government of course) tell you about Swine Flu. We hype it up, and then offer the vaccine. What people don't realize is that it is even worse than we had told you. Those who trust us will get the vaccine and thus live. Those who do not trust us and take their chances without the vaccine have no chance at all. The cleansing is imminent. I do not fear telling you our plans now, for you won't believe them anyway, that is, until you begin coughing up blood and tissue. Only then will you realize you tossed away the cure we willing offered in your attempt to stop us. Enjoy your last act of defiance.
    >> VIRTUALPIANO 10/26/09(Mon)21:14:16 No.6006541
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:16:13 No.6006567

    After the countless stories of people getting disabled, killed and even worse with the vaccine, I'll gladly take my chances.

    And proof you are from the government? The anonymous username isn't doing any good.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:22:14 No.6006647
    1. Company makes a swine flu vaccine and realize they can make it cheap and can earn max profits if anybody buys it.
    2. They perform advertising by hyping up the swine flu as one of the most dangerous flus ever (but the thing is you have a higher chance of dying in a plane crash).
    3. They take it to the media, and the media runs along with it because it's a good story (just like what they did with the Iraw war).
    4. Then comes along a dumbass (read:OP) DURR HURR IM SCARE, WAT DO? NEED SWINE FLU SHOT.
    5. After major hype, and pushed by dumbasses like you, the government buys stockpiles of this shit because they are fucking idiots. They do so with taxpayer funds.

    This is how health companies makes billions: scare tactics.
    Enjoy your swine flu, bird flu, cow disease, and SARS you guillible fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:22:43 No.6006654
    I'm not getting it. I'm not a big fan of needles. I'd prefer being sick for a week or so to getting a shot.

    My choice has nothing to do with my fear of government conspiracies.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:24:55 No.6006684
    Enjoy your dystonia, autism and AIDS
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:28:17 No.6006727
    I got mine at the same time as my seasonal flu shot. My body is now awash in inactivated flu. I will enjoy living while the rest of you faggots are dying.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:31:13 No.6006754
    If it's free, get it. The only reason not to get it is you don't feel like paying, or you're afraid of needles or something. If you think you'll get Swine Flu from the vaccine, you're retarded.

    Seriously, it's like thinking you can get mauled by a bear-skin rug.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:31:46 No.6006762

    someone doesnt know how vaccinations works
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:31:49 No.6006765

    If you have a strong immune system you would have no problem. Enjoy your autism and disease, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:32:02 No.6006767
    Jesus shit. When did the tinfoil get so thick around here?

    There is ZERO scientific evidence that points to vaccines causing autism. NOTHING. No number of poorly edited youtube videos, rumors, and fake infowars "news" stories is going to change this simple fact.

    Thimerosol and squalene have been used as preservatives in vaccines for decades. They have never been shown to be toxic in the quantities used.

    The whole RFID/mind control thing is just pure bullshit and trollery. If that was really true, it would have been easily discovered by now and everyone would know. Enjoy your paranoid delusions.

    If you are refusing to get the shot for any of these reasons, natural selection is right up your alley.
    >> Joshisa Kaiji !H./lRHhQVE 10/26/09(Mon)21:33:42 No.6006784
    government mind control Obama 2012 fluorine in the water, it's a conspiracy
    now that that's all out of the way,
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:34:16 No.6006790
    That's funny, you continue repeating the whole "vaccines cause autism" bullshit in the absence of scientific evidence of any kind.

    You also ignore the fact that the only people getting swine flu are the ones who haven't been vaccinated. Enjoy your crippling virus.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:34:30 No.6006792
    Yup, someone sure does.

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:34:41 No.6006796

    Oh rly? And Big Brother must ALWAYS be right. They know what good for us huh?

    The government doesn't give a fuck about us. They see us as dollar signs. We are their pawns. Government is all business.

    All we do is live on this planet. They control how things are run.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:35:22 No.6006807
    OP, get it.

    I hate needles, but flu shots are easy. Man up, you pussies.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:35:25 No.6006808
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:35:48 No.6006811
    Enjoy being a sheep following whatever goes against the grain. I heard thinking for yourself works wonders when there's no scientific basis behind your beliefs. Works wonders for religion, right?

    Oh wait, I forgot. Scientists are in on it.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:36:38 No.6006824

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:37:12 No.6006834
    I'm pretty sure I already got the Swine Flu, shortly after starting the semester. Was about a week and a half of abnormally bad flu, felt pretty terrible, but I got over it (and my parents are "amateur nurses" so to say, so they helped). It sucked, but I'd rather take it like a man than get some experimental vaccine made by the folks who want you to stay sick so they can sell more medicine.
    >> ATI HD4770 !nh/w4IW6TE 10/26/09(Mon)21:37:34 No.6006842

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:38:07 No.6006850
    You're trolling, but your post is a good example of the average libertarian/tinfoiler non sequitur.

    Ignore factual evidence, and then make nefarious insinuations about the political beliefs of the poster you're responding to. When you run out of any scientific basis for your claims, it's the obligatory last defense of the butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:38:26 No.6006856

    I haven't been sick for 7 years and going. Because I actually take care of my fucking body.

    I don't need a edited and hooked vaccine to ''protect'' me. Enjoy your disabilities. After all I've heard and seen from the otherside of the fence, I'd be contemplating if I were you.

    FFS my brother had swine flu for a week and it went away. My friend had it for a month and it went away.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:38:37 No.6006859
    That radiology sure is relevant towards autism and and such, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:38:46 No.6006864
    Although theres no scientific evidence for vaccines causing autism, theres quit a lot of individual cases that are pretty hard to ignore. It's kind of like the UFO thing. No scientific evidence, but we have lots of empirical evidence, which I don't think should be dismissed.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:39:38 No.6006876
    if you are stupid enough to get the vaccine you deserve whatever chronic illness you get
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:40:24 No.6006889
    Here's the conclusion.

    People who want the fucking vaccine: TAKE IT.

    People who don't want it: DON'T TAKE IT.

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:40:33 No.6006892
    So you really think that something like this deserves to be called a national emergency? You really don't see something wrong with that. I'm not one to be paranoid, but theres really something not right about this level of hysteria that the government is creating for something that doesn't deserve nearly this level of hype.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:41:10 No.6006901
    >>poorly edited internet video
    >>irony completely lost to the average tinfoiler
    Would you like to present any kind of real evidence for the vaccine causing "disabilities," or are you going to continue to pull shit out of your ass?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:42:53 No.6006927
    Do you even know how national/state emergencies work? They call anything an emergency in order to speed things up. As opposed to not calling it an emergency, and then shit never happens.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:43:28 No.6006934

    > no counterarguments whatsoever
    > bitchy ad hominem

    Wow, did you write that? Reads much like a typical 4chan post.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:43:38 No.6006936

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:44:02 No.6006941
    Actually, a "national emergency" doesn't mean that much. They declare the same thing for low-grade hurricanes.
    >>if you are stupid enough to listen to everything you hear on the internet, you deserve swine flu
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:44:50 No.6006952

    >didn't watch the video because it was poorly edited

    For the love of god, PLEASE take the vaccine. I beg of you.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:44:54 No.6006954
    unless you're really young or really old do not get the flu shot. Just eat healthy, practice being cleanly, and stay home from work if you're sick.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:45:16 No.6006959

    Are you retarded? The Government is pimping the vaccine so in case if a lot of people die, they can just say "Hey, we told you it was going to be bad!" and take less of the blame. On the other hand, if fewer people die than expected, the government can come in and say "Ah-ha, look! Deaths were down because the vaccine worked!"

    This is pretty much basic public policy theory.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:45:43 No.6006968
    So you're going to ignore the fact that that guy knows basically nothing about autism?
    >>implying there's evidence
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:46:03 No.6006975
    And bypassing procedures for this flu and not the other flu's fo the past years is because...? You act like it's a good thing to rush and ignore the proper procedures. It's not. Not for something like this anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:46:20 No.6006978
    A flu that isn't nearly as deadly as the regular flu, is being hyped like fucking crazy. And out of nowhere 100 million vaccines are being produced.

    And in the near future, vaccines will be MANDATORY BY LAW. LOOK IT UP.

    Doesn't that seem extreme or out of line? Big brother is always right HURR DERR. Yeah, you people will believe them to your own fucking graves by the look of it.


    Individualism is at an all-time low in this fucking country.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:47:26 No.6006989
    >>implying the video was not filled with non sequiturs, troof, and general wankery
    Enjoy your swine flu. I already got my shot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:47:31 No.6006990

    And yet people are getting life changing, permanent side effects after taking the vaccine.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:47:31 No.6006991

    fuk da polio vacine

    shits cool bra

    alex jones!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:49:44 No.6007015
    This flu has killed *around* the same numbers as a seasonal flu. You'd be right if flu season had already passed. Only it hasn't, and most of the worry is about how bad it'll get when winter rolls around.

    But you know, that one pandemic back in the early 1900's wasn't that bad, right? It was just another flue.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:49:58 No.6007020
    What's right is using proven medical technology to protect yourself from disease.

    What's stupid is risking your own health by relying on internet rumors instead.
    No, they are not. There is no fancy word for what you are doing; you are straight up lying.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:50:19 No.6007026
    I clicked cause I thought this was a thread about Propafil aka 'Milk'

    dis a poin ted
    >> ATI HD4770 !nh/w4IW6TE 10/26/09(Mon)21:51:11 No.6007038
    Ok guys, I'm going to stop trolling now. Here's a simple equation that should help clear up the reality of the situation.

    Number of conspiracy theories = n

    Number of actual conspiracies = n / n^100

    Fear is easy money. The government uses it, the media uses it and guess fucking what? conspiracyfags use it too.

    You tards run out and buy Alex Jone's DVDs and visit his ad filled sites because you think you are "questioning authority". The sky is always falling, if it wasn't Jonesy and the gang would be out of business and wouldn't be able to make that last Cadillac payment.

    IF the vaccine turns out to have some detrimental properties, it isn't because you fags knew about. If you cry wolf every 5 seconds and eventually encounter a fucking wolf, you didn't fucking predict it. It would be a complete coincidence.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:52:37 No.6007068

    That being 90+ years ago, we have advance in medicine obviously.

    Just do what you want people. Do what you think is right. Take it or don't.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:52:43 No.6007069
    What's the most bullshit thing about vaccine deniers is that they simply won't acknowledge the crucial role vaccines have played in wiping out polio, measles, smallpox, and a whole other bunch of nasty shit in the past century. If you bring this up, they usually say that it wasn't because of vaccines or that "they went away themselves." Morons.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:52:56 No.6007071

    read this please.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:54:16 No.6007084

    Some people will never learn I guess. Fucking amazing.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:54:43 No.6007090

    All we need is ISM to post in this thread, and we might as well be old /n/
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:55:11 No.6007097
    >>proof of anything
    >>advance in medicine
    Like vaccines.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:56:30 No.6007109
    so, you're just going to take it in the ass, then? no, you're not. you're gonna load up on vitamin C and counter-rape the virus right back in it's lipid bilayer!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:56:44 No.6007114

    But the government can do whatever they want to them, for any purpose. Have you ever wondered about this?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:57:06 No.6007118
    The only thing I ever learned how to do was critically analyze evidence rather than trying to be edgier than everyone else. You should try it some time, it's fucking amazing.
    Fuck, you're right.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:57:34 No.6007125
    ah yes, just proving how close minded you are by not reading the information that may save your life. but don't listen to me, i'm crazy, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:57:42 No.6007127
    Swine flu has killed only a few hundred in the United States. And CBS recently ran a story on why even those numbers are being inflated (wrong diagnosis). Normal flu kills nearly 40,000/year. Even in countries when the flu season is ending, there was no such outbreak.

    Really, the attention that this thing is causing despite it being no more dangerous than the regular flu is alarming. Like really, nobody else finds it odd the incredible amount of attention this is getting?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:58:59 No.6007141
    >>unrelated youtube video
    >>implying that vaccines don't have to meet the same standards as any other medical product
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:00:52 No.6007167
    I'm an unhealthy fat fuck, and already used up one of the vaccines. Go me.

    Not really, because I listen to authorities on the subject, and not the media. If places of health and healing are suggesting we get this vaccine, I'm going to get it.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:01:07 No.6007175
    nothing ever posted on stormfront has ever helped anybody. indisputable fact.
    it's not alarming, it's just because they want to sell more newspapers/ad space etc. the motivation isn't sinister, it's just basic sensationalist journalism
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:02:58 No.6007204

    For fuck sake's. He's talking about population control. Did I mention he's one of the most powerful men in the world, and son of John D Rockefeller? The most rich and powerful man in history?

    Guess not.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:02:58 No.6007205
    with the amount of trolling normally on r9k i expected more people telling everyone to deliberately take the shot
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:03:48 No.6007219
    places of health and healing always tell people to "get your flu vaccine today! supplies are limited!1!"

    the jew flu is no different
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:03:58 No.6007221
    So you're ok with them bypassing proper testing of the vaccine in order to get it out to the public to be injected with?

    I just find it really strange that how a lot of it is being blown completely out of proportion, proper steps are being skipped, and yet people don't find it strange, and instead just say "well authorities tells me to get it and authority is always right"? When did people stop thinking critically?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:04:41 No.6007236
    again, what does that have to do with vaccines? nothing.
    the only trolls itt are the "AUTISM HERP DERP" ones. all the smart people have already got their shots
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:06:01 No.6007254
    But the government and drug companies are doing the exact same thing. The media isn't the one who bypassed proper testing of the vaccine to get it out there faster. The media isn't the one that called for a national emergency so rules can be bypassed so it can get out there faster. Media is only half of the story.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:06:16 No.6007258
    the vaccine was already tested before it was put on the market. shit, it's not like they haven't been making flu vaccines for 50+ years or so.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 10/26/09(Mon)22:07:04 No.6007269
    I say no. You have to sit in a room full of sick people just so you can be injected with a weakend virus that will make you sick. Whats the point when you probably won't even catch the actual virus? Just remember to wash your hands and dress in layers.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:07:25 No.6007277

    And that is the problem with this country. Ever since 9/11 people have been looking up to big brother to solve all of our problems for us.

    Guess what? They don't give a fuck about you. Make your own goddamn decisions and thoughts and stop letting them decide for you. Christ.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:07:56 No.6007281
    The media is the whole reason people even think this way about vaccines. Holy fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:08:02 No.6007284

    the "state of emergency" does not affect the testing of vaccines in any way. it's just a way to clear bureaucratic hurdles and make stockpiles available more quickly.
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 10/26/09(Mon)22:08:08 No.6007285
    Free bags of AIDS. Get em while they're hot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:08:44 No.6007294
    >I don't know how vaccines work, or even what's in them
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:09:58 No.6007306
    I never said the state of emergency bypassed testing. Proper FDA testing was already bypassed before that announcement was made.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:10:03 No.6007307
    flu vaccines do not make you sick. this is an urban legend. although sitting in the room full of sick people is certainly shitty.
    >> ATI HD4770 !nh/w4IW6TE 10/26/09(Mon)22:10:17 No.6007309


    >Make your own goddamn decisions and thoughts and stop letting them decide for you.

    This coming from someone who will accept anything posted in a poorly edited, uncited youtube video and is too lazy to do any kind of in depth research on the topic other than forum posts on white nationalist sites.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:11:10 No.6007324
    I call bullshit on that. Source?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:14:16 No.6007362
    Technically, then can. Flu vaccines regularly cause an Immunoresponse that involves sympoms much like being sick. Last time I got the flu shot a few years ago, it happened to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:15:06 No.6007371
    I just love how you've got this little tinfoil hat swinging between PREACH PREACH PREACH when something new comes into question and YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT when he's called out. I just wanna bunch him up into a little shiny ball and give him to my cat. ^__^
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:20:42 No.6007430
    Barack Obama's kids won't be getting shot, I think that says it all
    >> Token !!ncUHFztPA0/ 10/26/09(Mon)22:23:01 No.6007450
    You aren't technically sick but introducing your body to a disarmed virus will make you feel sick. Chances are that you wouldn't even catch the flu in the first place. Only 30k people die every year from the regular flu.
    You're 200 times more likely to die in a car accident than you are to die from the flu. Seems like a waste of time really especially since most people here are perfectly healthy enough to fight off the virus.

    Unless you're an infant or 100 years old, you don't need this vaccine.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:33:54 No.6007566

    6 million people die in a car accident every year? Or you could try using real numbers, which is 67,000 flu deaths per year, which puts your car deaths at 13.4 million.

    If your math is so terrible, why should I trust your opinion on something so important?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:40:52 No.6007654
    because his knowledge is specific to his area of expertise, leading to a decreased proficiency in seldom-used areas; see "use it or lose it".
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:50:16 No.6007770


    Also the makers, THATS RIGHT MAKERS of this disease refuse to take it. Look it up, dumbfucks.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:50:33 No.6007774
    That's a lie too. It originally came from a distorted Fox News report, where people took a Robert Gibbs quote out of context when he said that the Obama kids wouldn't be vaccinated first because they weren't high risk. Some people purposely distorted this to make it sound like they were NEVER going to get vaccinated and to feed their own paranoia.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:53:05 No.6007810

    I'll take my chances. Guess I'm a hypocrite. Who isn't?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:53:29 No.6007812
    ITT: Dumb ass Americans who listen to the news' fear mongering
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:53:35 No.6007814
    Anyway, here's the original quote that debunks this bullshit:

    >>President Obama's school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk.
    >>The Centers for Disease Control recommend that children ages 6 months through 18 years of age receive a vaccination against the H1N1 flu virus. At this time only children with chronic medical conditions are receiving the vaccination because their immune system is not strong enough to fight off the strain. The CDC also says a regular seasonal flu shot does not protect against the virus.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:55:24 No.6007837
    This thread summed up
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:55:51 No.6007839
    So... the viruses refuse to take it?
    If you'd stop blowing your load like a creationist who witnessed something not immidieately explainable everytime a distorted fact supports your conspiracy, you'd at least be taken a *little* more seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:56:21 No.6007846
    I'm not. I used to believe in the whole "vaccines cause autism" until I started doing some real research and realized it was nothing but pure, unadulterated bullshit with no science behind it.
    >>implying that Europeans don't listen to the news' fear mongering
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:58:23 No.6007874
    Why do people who get vaccines get sick more often than those who do not? Seriously I can't remember the last time I was actually sick, maybe 5th grade. The last time I got a shot was for tetinus (sp) and only because its a requirement before going to college.

    btw I hate needles, I fucking fainted in the elevator leaving the hospital after getting the shot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:58:29 No.6007875
    Well I'll do what I think is right, and not take it. You don't need it to be cured of the fucking swine flu. You can simply get over it in 1-4 weeks, and government knows this, yet they WANT you to take the vaccine.

    Something isn't right.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:58:29 No.6007876
    what the shit
    feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:00:05 No.6007891
    If that's really the way you feel, then you would stop trying to push bad science, lies and garbage on top of everybody else.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:00:50 No.6007902
    >simply get over it in 1-4 weeks

    That is hell of a lot of lost productivity across the entire workforce if we do nothing to prevent it from spreading.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:01:03 No.6007907
    I have had 1 minor cold since 3rd grade, nothing more, but several shots since then.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:01:36 No.6007912
    There he goes, swinging away again ^^ Weeee!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:02:42 No.6007927

    You never know. I could be right, or you could. Noone knows.

    Time will fucking tell...indeed it will.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:03:46 No.6007943
    I got a flu, don't know which, last Thursday

    I had to be in bed 2 days, now I'm just fighting off the cough and runny nose.

    If you're hispanic that's all you do. Take some pills and sleep that shit off, eat some bomb ass chicken soup (not that canned shit either), and that's it.

    I don't remember ever getting a shot for anything other than chicken pox and all those other things you need in order to get into school.

    And considering I only get sick once a year I'm pretty sure I won't have to worry about the swine flu.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:03:59 No.6007948

    Go back to sucking off niggas while us men speak mkay.

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:07:02 No.6007983
    Well, I know who's been shoveling less tinfoil garbage and distorted facts. PROTIP: Not you.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:08:44 No.6008003

    It's 11:08PM EST. Go to bed timmy.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:13:24 No.6008050
    Actually, it's 4 in the morning, I have insomnia(Before you start down that lane, no not because of vaccines, I will have them soonish) and you are way to easy to disprove.

    Sadly, you seem to have run out of arguments and gone into insults instead. I'll just make some breakfast instead. If it makes you feel better, you can have the foil when I'm done with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:14:31 No.6008062

    Nah actually I'm bored. But GJ on staying up I remember staying up all night. Shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:22:29 No.6008143
    Well seeing how this thread spanned 160 posts and no trolling this is obviously a big issue with people. Foilfag or sheeplefag.

    GJ, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:29:56 No.6008230
         File1256614196.png-(18 KB, 320x353, 1253241376802.png)
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    IF the government really wanted to kill tons of people off with the swine flu vaccine, why couldn't they get their shit together and manufacture it correctly? They're literally TURNING PEOPLE AWAY from getting the shots because there is not enough to go around. Seems like if there really was some all powerfull organization they'd havetheir shit together well enough to start producing the vaccines in proper amounts.

    also sage
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:36:21 No.6008304
    ITT: Sheeple who don't know that they're sheeple or don't care argue with sheeple who think everyone else except themselves are sheeple.

    Seriously, isn't it kinda ironic that the whole "vaccine causes autism" scare is very similar to the original "swine flu always kills you" scare?
    >> brambles !!VRXAN//FWJC 10/26/09(Mon)23:38:36 No.6008321
    if government really wanted to kill tons of people with swine flu vaccine they would just nuke them.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:59:15 No.6008566
    I'm not getting it because I'm a health freak and I feel that I don't need it because there is a shortage.

    I recommend that young people get it, and that parents take their children to get it, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/09(Tue)00:01:01 No.6008585
    I got mine, and my seasonal flu.
    I am the healthanatrix!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/09(Tue)01:14:05 No.6009371
    rOBERT f kENNEDY jr


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