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  • File : 1256595193.jpg-(357 KB, 1575x757, FINAL mailer.jpg)
    357 KB BNP support up more than 300% since June '09 Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:13:13 No.6004363  
    22% would 'seriously consider voting BNP'

    How does this make you feel, britbots?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:14:55 No.6004383
    it seems i will be returning to bavaria very soon.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:19:00 No.6004449

    enjoy your turks
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:19:22 No.6004458
    this is interesting. i can see british having a right to tell immigrants to get the fuck off the island, we were here first.

    as opposed to people in the US. We're all immigrants. except for the redmen.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:20:48 No.6004488
    Why does the concept of a national identity have to be based on race? Why can't anyone who likes the British system move to the U.K.? Amerifag here who does not understand race based politics, someone please enlighten me.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:21:00 No.6004493
    >How does this make you feel, britbots?
    Indifferent. A lot of people will consider voting BNP, and then realise that there are only really 2 candidates with a chance and vote for the one they hate least.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:21:23 No.6004498
    it's all based on the principle of the thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:21:54 No.6004507
    Hehe, I'm happy really.

    Although I am very sympathetic to them there extremely unlikely to get in power ever, but the more they grow the more likely the big partys are to curb immigration.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:23:28 No.6004525
    There was an article not too long ago (I think in The Guardian) that said Labour's mass immigration policy was intentional because they wanted to a create a 'multi-cultural' Britain as whitey could not be trusted to vote for them.
    >> Plan for fixing Britain Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:23:45 No.6004531
    1. ) Steralize chav's
    2. ) Deport non-European immigrants
    3. ) Leave the European Union
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:23:50 No.6004532
    Minority American here. It's no big deal. The important thing to remember is that even if the Britfags vote in their rightist, nationalist party, they'll all still suck at whatever it is they try to do.

    Britain is fucked regardless because half the country is poor, unskilled trash.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:24:22 No.6004542



    the british weren't first.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:25:45 No.6004556
    also; people wishing to immigrate into a society in theory shouldn't just put down some stakes and say "lol i'm here now, you have to respect my ways that aren't compatible with your ways" i.e. radical muslims.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:29:18 No.6004594
    I don't understand why that doesn't work. It works In America, and i'm sure their are more diverse, well developed, western countries that are multi-cultural.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:29:20 No.6004595
    Christ almighty, Britain.

    NATIONAL SOCIALISTS are polling at 22%?

    >We're all immigrants. except for the redmen.

    When did you come off the boat at Ellis Island, because I'm no immigrant. My family came from Czechoslovakia during the turn of the 20th century, and have since then lived, worked, and died in America.

    As for the Native Americans: screw them. Before this land was colonized, it was a ragtag society of warring tribes steeped with old superstitions and lack of any economic or social progress.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:30:36 No.6004610
    They're not Nazis(I wish )
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:31:37 No.6004624
    Another Amerifag here and I agree with you. These britfags have this ridiculous notion that they cannot have national pride unless they deport everyone that doesn't look just like them. WTF?

    That's all well and good, but even the majority of American's don't want to deport Mexicans once they are already here, even the illegal famalies. I agree that a major influx of Muslims who don't have the same Western ideals could threaten the basis of your society, but just don't let many more in. You don't have to deport people who were born within your country. Race based politics isn't politics at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:32:14 No.6004632
    Because then it's not a NATIONALITY now is it?
    I dunno how nutty the BNP are, but they are surely way fucking better than some other party granting EVEN MORE rights to immigrants and muslims and fucking up the educational system.

    Seriously, even talking about and discussing the immigration policy and how it should be tightened to not just allow any kind of person to enter is seen as some kind of vulgar act in Britain (at least in media and in politics). You start to talk about it and get drowned out in cries of DATS RACIST!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:34:04 No.6004650
    When I did i stumble into a hundred years ago. I ask because you talk like minority rights are bad.

    I think you should consider why they think you are being racists.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:35:22 No.6004671
    22% != majority vote.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:35:36 No.6004675
    What works in america? Multi-culturalism? Having whole cities be no-go zones for whites where houses sell for 5,000 dollars? Minorities commiting 75%+ of violent crime? 30,000 white women being raped yearly by blacks?

    Diversity brings ZERO benefits, and HUGE NEGATIVES
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:37:48 No.6004703
    This a million times.
    What the fuck does it matter?

    Call me when they win the election.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:37:55 No.6004707

    Down with multiculturalism :)
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:38:04 No.6004709
    Actually, a lot of British people like the idea of the BNP not because they are white nationalist, no one gives a fuck about race, it's because they are anti-islam. No one wants societal values to go back to medieval times.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:38:07 No.6004710
    Minorities don't need to have more rights than the native population. Ain't gonna happen bro. And by minority rights what I really mean is sharia law and swimming pool hours for muslims only (so the infidels can't see their haram women) and shit. Yes, they really were openly wondering if they should instigate sharia law in Britain to appease the muslims' juridical sensibilities. Fuck me, if you think that is nothing to worry about then I don't even know what to say to you
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:38:28 No.6004716
    >tribes steeped with old superstitions and lack of any economic or social progress
    You do realize America is predominantly creationist and in the middle of an economic depression don't you?

    Also, the Native American's were masters of living in equilibrium with their environment. The US is currently living by standards it cannot sustain given the finite availability of the resources it consumes. The Native Americans by comparison were the stable ones.

    As for war, there may not be as much conflict here on US soil, but at least some native American tribes went a few generations without war. The same can't be said of any US generation.

    inb4 Y U HATE AMURIKA?
    I don't hate America, I'll come right out and say we are the greatest nation on Earth. However I'm not going to ignore the stregths of Native American society and the weakness of ours.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:39:27 No.6004725

    Silly brit! look it up. America is a melting pot, forced conformity, Canada is the multicultural country. We're America's nice hat!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:40:54 No.6004747
    In 2008, America showed the world that although it's certainly not perfect, it's willing to confront it's own racial past and elects its first African-American President.

    In 2010, Britain will retaliate by electing members of the BNP to parliament.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:43:19 No.6004783
    >implying diversity means poverty stricken minorities
    POOR people commit crimes, not strictly minorities. You will never see a middle class black person with a family and a steady job breaking and entering in the US.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:43:31 No.6004785
    I see no justification for denying minorities rights here. Your basic thesis is that because minorities are inferior we should get rid of them. This is fundamentally flawed at the highest level


    I don't believe this is true. This is the kind of sensationalism people use to justify war crimes.


    Would you rather live a tribal life, or a modern American one?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:43:49 No.6004794
    good? i vote BNP.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:44:06 No.6004797
    Poor people = Low IQ = the majority of minority ethnic groups (yes, even the Slavs) house inferior brains.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:45:06 No.6004815
    Fun Fact #328: Brits are an offspring of seals.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:45:09 No.6004816
    Look, are you a Brit? Do you live in Britain? Do you experience the politics over here and how retardedly PC politicians get to appease minorities to win 1 or 2 more votes?

    No? Then shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:46:17 No.6004833
    Are you so stupid that you actually view real life events as "Europe vs America"? lol
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:46:28 No.6004836
    >I don't believe this is true. This is the kind of sensationalism people use to justify war crimes.

    Keep your idiotic opinions to yourself, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:46:55 No.6004839
    >Poor people = Low IQ
    I don't know how you think genetics works, but the intelligence of a person isn't dependent on their proximity to currency. EDUCATION is what poor people lack.

    >inferior brains.
    Now ignoring the troll. Honestly, sometimes I think Europe is just a made up continent that only American trolls say they are from.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:47:35 No.6004849
    BNP supporter here. I fucking hate that all these different minorities are coming to our country and demanding more and more rights and refusing to obey OUR rules, all while posing a significant threat.

    They should do what we say, or get the FUCK out. Any fellow britfags with me on this one?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:47:42 No.6004852
    Don't like Islam, don't like BNP, wat do?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:48:47 No.6004869
    Democracy sucked sucked anyways.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:48:55 No.6004873
    Once again, just because I am not of your superior British race my opinion is not worthless. The picture you paint is an impossibility. It sounds like you are motivated almost entirely by a feeling of racial superiority.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:49:51 No.6004886
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    You're generalizing all Native Americans. You're a faggot.
    Tribes such as the Apache and Cherokee warred constantly with neighbors.

    The native American's never had technology above a few complex animal traps, they didn't have anything that you need to consume resources to make. There's a massive difference between a country that utilizes it's resources efficently and a tribe of hunter gather's who DON'T NEED the resources.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:49:59 No.6004888
    >>6004556-here, I'm not an anti-multiculturalist, but I do oppose people who's very belief system is an affront to other people's human rights, and get away with enforcing those beliefs(read: commiting those crimes) on the basis of "LOL ITS OUR CULTURE/andor/RELIGION DUDES."

    Radical muslims do it in the UK, fundie christians do it in the US.

    Also, anthro major here; >>6004716 is right, >>6004595 is an anglo centrist retard.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:51:27 No.6004898
    That's all racism is and why racists refuse to see it any other way. Their emotional state is tied to the belief so they can't get rid of it.

    They are like creationists in a way. Creationists say "Goddidit" to explain nature instead of looking depper at the the operations of nature. Racists say "Racedidit" to explain the complexities of society instead of looking deeper at socioeconomic developments.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:52:04 No.6004900
    >I don't believe this is true. This is the kind of sensationalism people use to justify war crimes.
    What anon meant: I refuse to believe it because I don't like the sound of it
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:52:58 No.6004909
    Personally I'm happy for them. Multiculturism isn't working in europe.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:53:15 No.6004910

    Vote for the conservatives; it's essentially the BNP but a little nicer.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:53:38 No.6004916
    >You are generalizing all Native Americans.
    I said "SOME tribes" dumbass.

    I'm not even going to read the rest of your post because it likely merely builds on your ignorance of what I actually said.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:53:44 No.6004917
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    I'm all up for introducing stricter immigration laws, but some of the BNP's proposals would just stop the country from functioning, and possibly drive Britain into war.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:53:45 No.6004918
    Dude seriously, are you listening to what I'm saying? Do you understand what it means for a member of the house of lords to seriously be contemplating a proposal to instigate sharia law?

    If you just dismiss facts with a wave of a hand and a "I don't believe it, it sounds too harsh" then you're a kid and should get out of the thread, brit or not
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:54:10 No.6004920
    The BNP is cool. It's been too long since there's been a genuine fascist party.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:54:10 No.6004921
    The only reason they had a good environment was because they lacked the tools to harvest wood and cut down trees. If they had those tools earlier they would have demolished a large part of their land.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:54:15 No.6004922
    BNP the shit out of Britan.

    Get rid of the motherfucking inmigrants that won't stick to the western rules.

    Ban Islam.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:56:26 No.6004942
    Because Colonial Americans had chainsaws and Native Americans only had edged cutting tools like axes, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:57:03 No.6004949
    While you are at it ban Christianity.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:58:17 No.6004958

    >Radical muslims do it in the UK, fundie christians do it in the US.

    Comparing radical Muslims to fundie Christians is the mark of a retard. Wow, execute apostates and homosexuals, chop thieves hands off, women not allowed to drive and in the most extreme cases (Taliban) women can't even learn to read and write, and nobody can own a television or radio, versus no abortions, no stem cell research and intelligent design taught alongside evolution.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:59:25 No.6004974
    both groups are pretty retarded in and oft themselves.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)18:59:37 No.6004976

    Unless we are talking about different incidents (which is quite possible), the suggestion was to have sharia as an optional alternative in civil (not criminal) cases. It was not going to be forced upon anyone.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:00:02 No.6004984
    Explain to me at which point "immigination and racist emotion" comes into play when a politician proposes it
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:00:18 No.6004988
    >execute apostates and homosexuals, chop thieves hands off
    You are saying that happens in Britian?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:00:53 No.6004999
    >Implying that fundamentalist christians wouldn't do most of those things if they could get away with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:00:59 No.6005003

    Choice #1: Allow immigration, immigrants don't conform immediately, over several generations conformity does occur and they are successful in society for it.

    Choice #2: Ban all immigrants, they stay in native country unhappy they are not welcome. Strong anti-British attitudes form, then you have a bigger issue than what you started with.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:02:26 No.6005021
    >You do realize America is predominantly creationist and in the middle of an economic depression don't you?

    Just because we're creationist that means we're all superstitious extremists? It may be in the view of a stupid teen atheist, but you have to give credit for the great amount of moderation that exists in American religion. And economic depressions are a risk you take with economic growth, but at large this one is at fault of the corporatist government, not the people.

    >Also, the Native American's were masters of living in equilibrium with their environment.

    By living in wood huts, dying in their 40's, and living off of hunted mammals and small wood gardens. I'm pretty sure Americans who aren't envirocommunists strive to get more out of life than that, and are more than willing to pay what it costs.

    >The US is currently living by standards it cannot sustain given the finite availability of the resources it consumes. The Native Americans by comparison were the stable ones.

    Yes, they were quite a sustainable society because they only ever strived to survive and were adept at it after generations of experience. No other major accomplishments or a better life were sought. Just the status quo of simple life from birth to death.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:02:34 No.6005023
    Fantasy land leftist thinking anyone who isn't white is somehow superior to use, or that older more traditional ways of life is somehow better.

    That's all nonsense of course.

    Because britain has never gone to war before mirite?

    Yes because EDUCATION is going to magically grow legs for a cripple, or make a broken brain work.
    Poor people are dumber/lazier/generally inferior. YES the elites do "oppress" the poor, that's just the way it is. Same as women in shitty relationships become used to it, so does middle class/lower class get used to government stepping all over them.

    It's also been repeated here again and again that poverty has no correlation with crime. It is IQ, and more importantly RACE. Sure culture is a big deal too, negro culture doesn't help things. But ultimately it comes down to race and genetics.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:02:46 No.6005025
    Why are you putting "immigination and racist emotion" in quotation marks? I didn't say it.

    But anyways, back to the question... wait what? Racism comes into play all the time because racists exist. What is your question here?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:03:02 No.6005028
    You do not make concessions of that kind. First it's sharia for civil, then for criminal offenses, then even more

    Dude, have you no pride? This is ONE COUNTRY, ONE CONSITUTION, ONE JURISDICTION. None of that splitting bullshit
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:03:42 No.6005036

    the only conforming that is happening is UK society conforming to suite the alien cultures.
    (i.e. sharia law, burqas,etc)
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:04:27 No.6005049
    >Fantasy land leftist thinking... blah blah blah
    How about you read whole posts instead of the first few sentences, mkay?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:04:51 No.6005055
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    alright new tactic.

    take a look around this hellhole. do you see those cameras? the police doing what they want. the youth being as stupid as ever? the gangs being as violent as ever? the bankers being as fat as ever? last time you saw a dragqueen? last time you came across an asshole telling you what god was? you've seen the bullshit on the telley lately? those smug faggots. those old folks, apathetic as ever eating it up what the government says. yeah, do you know the island's history? listen mate, this shit is an old story. you know the ending? it's not good. get out while you still can. some say this might be the final chapter.

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:05:14 No.6005061

    The comparison was between "radical Muslims" and "fundie Christians". Radical Muslims support those things. Saying that it doesn't happen in Britain as a defence is retarded. It's like saying that the Nationalist Socialist Party of America are not Nazis because nobody Nazi things aren't happening in the USA.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:05:20 No.6005062
    Yes, it'd be REALLY nice if that is how choice #1 would play out. Unfortunately, once you live fantasy land, reality doesn't look so promising
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:06:14 No.6005072

    Not going to read any of your whining against it though because like the post says, you can't stand without the emotional crutch of racism.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:06:35 No.6005074

    Should be

    >It's like saying that the Nationalist Socialist Party of America are not Nazis because Nazi things aren't happening in the USA.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:07:44 No.6005086
    >Saying that it doesn't happen in Britain as a defence is retarded.
    Why the fuck are you guys so defensive? I'm an American asking if it that actually happens in the UK, so how about you calm the fuck down.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:08:17 No.6005090

    inb4 germs invade brits
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:09:52 No.6005107

    I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying let's not exaggerate from the facts - and I'm not sure the whole slippery slope thing applies here.

    If it's only used when both parties agree to it, then it shouldn't affect my life - but the idea of separate systems does still make me feel very uneasy.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:10:19 No.6005111
    Some people are objectively and genetically better than other people.

    Stop denying science, liberals.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:12:11 No.6005129
    Additionally, if you are going to say Islam is inferior to Christianity how about you check out Christianities past first. Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the various wars in incited by nations within Europe having different Christian sects, burning people alive for heresy, etc.. Following the fall of the Roman Empire it was Islam that existed in a progressive and at that time modern society while Christianity was the backwards religion.

    Don't ge me wrong. I hate islamic fundamentalism a lot more than Christian fundamentalism for obvious reasons, but it didn't always used to be this way.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:13:32 No.6005143
    Troll harder next time brobot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:15:09 No.6005160
    That's like saying "how about we just make the 1st or 2nd or 5th or whatever ammendement apply to only a specific group of people?". Shit doesn't work that way in a society, you gotta stand by your roots and your convictions. Either they accept the laws and jurisdiction of the country they are immigrating to, or they don't and they can stay wherever they came from, it's that simple
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:15:25 No.6005162

    Butthurt genetic inferior found. Enjoy your lack of utility to society.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:15:47 No.6005168
    Listen you fantasy land leftist, take a look at the CONQUESTS OF ISLAM and how the crusades were a REACTION to encroaching muslim hordes. Or would you prefer all of us to be islam now?

    Only takes one person to start a fight, not everyone is a pot smoking pacifist.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:16:43 No.6005183
    Yeah, that's about the only time Islam was progressive and superior. Christianity and western civilization evolved, Islam is still stuck in the middle ages
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:19:09 No.6005212

    Again, I don't agree with it, I'm just saying that the notion that, under these proposals, your average British citizen would have been subject to sharia law is a fiction.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:23:22 No.6005255
    for now, yes. But perhaps 50 years down the line when muslims are the majority in all major cities. When muslim politicians hold power in government.
    Then things can and will change, and britain does not have a constitution like perhaps America does.

    Though we can see how little that really means when government starts making laws.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:29:36 No.6005326
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    Let's do this! Let's Rescue Britain!

    We will be known as the generation that saved Britain from the brink of an Islamic hellhole. Unlike those stupid fucking idiot faggots from the 1960's who let them all in. Those twats have got a lot to answer for.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:32:37 No.6005361

    Yes, but there's no racial correlation.

    And genetics don't account for shit in the grand scheme of things. Nurture > Nature.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:34:21 No.6005384
    Lack of lib dems support here is disturbing.
    >> Cartwright !!qmOhbekZFxP 10/26/09(Mon)19:36:19 No.6005415
    You know what i fucking hate?

    That curry advert on the telly, the one with the little boy going door to door selling curry sauces.

    Stop changing my culture you little faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:40:20 No.6005464
    Pole here

    Fuck you your country belongs to us now
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:40:48 No.6005474
    Nationalism is growing everywhere. Pan-nationalism FTW.

    Even if you're an egalitarian you have to accept that nationalities and cultures everywhere in the world have irreconcilable differences, . As much as you'd love a mocha coloured utopia based on absolute consumerism and liberal platititudes, people care about more than that.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:41:06 No.6005479
    1984 Britain.

    Ban everything, collect non-whites, send them to concentration camps, experiment with them, all for the sake of the progress of the white, superior society. Borders are closed. Rioting cost you death.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:41:59 No.6005488
    What's it like to suck so hard you dirty pole?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:42:07 No.6005491
    Overused Honest, but nvm - it was a flowing thought.

    Maybe a test upon immigration, an knowledge/intelligence and language exam would be a fair way to decide who can enter and who cant?

    many immigrants here dont try to learn the language or fit in to the society, they just stay in little packs of same ethnic background, making mini whateverthefuckistan's in every neighbourhood
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:43:36 No.6005503
    That's because they're useless and pathetic and can't even make a decision and came *4th* in the last election.

    They only get airtime on TV because the media is biased and crammed with Libtards.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:43:45 No.6005505

    weeaboo nationalist party~
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:45:24 No.6005525
    someone stream 'children of men' so we can all watch.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:46:14 No.6005530
    how do canadians feel about white europeans living in their peaceful society?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:46:53 No.6005537
    Would some fine britfag consider explaining the basics of british politics to an ignorant amerifag? I want to understand all these BNP discussions but have no idea what's going on.

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:47:53 No.6005547

    The Japanese have had their version of the BNP in power for the last 50 years. That's why Japan is 99% Japanese and doesn't have to put up with all the shit that Britain does.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:49:32 No.6005566
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    >>6004532 Britain is fucked regardless because half the country is poor, unskilled trash.

    Nice blanket statement there. Care to back it up?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:50:42 No.6005581
    Moved out of that shithole last year. I owned a restaurant for a couple of years and made some good money, paying 5-7 pounds per hour, and kept the tips to myself.
    I had like 4 poles and 2 turkish workers, they never complained.

    Now look my in the eyes and tell me I should pay 8 pounds to a fucking chav that stinks.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:51:17 No.6005590
    What is there not to get? In European countries you have more than 2 parties that matter and voting for one or the other actually makes a difference. The BNP is ultra-right and has many extremely nationalistic opinions.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:51:41 No.6005598
    What percentage of the UK population is Muslim? Are they really as prevalent?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:53:19 No.6005612
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    >>6004797 the majority of minority ethnic groups (yes, even the Slavs) house inferior brains.

    Right. That's how Soviets got to space before the U.S.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:54:47 No.6005633
    BNP: Only whites allowed
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:55:02 No.6005637
    Just over half of children in schools achieve over Cs in their GCSEs less than half fail.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:55:20 No.6005642
    you mean the peaceful aboriginals that told stories and smoked their peace pipes? yeah, nice fantasy.

    the aboriginals didn't call it canada and the first settlers on the continent were vikings.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:55:25 No.6005644

    What happened was this. In the 1960's some fucking idiot politicians let in loads of niggers and Pakis into the country. Nobody wanted them here and people went on marches and protests and stuff to make the politicians listen and stop it. One man called Enoch Powell spoke out against it, but the Establishment ignored him. The scumbag politicians didn't listen, they carried on flooding the country regardless of the fact that the people didn't want it. The politicians invented all sorts of laws to stop people from opposing this unwanted immigration. The politicians betrayed the British people.

    Now the British are faced with the fact that they could be made ethnic minorites in their own country. As you can imagine, they are extremely pissed off about it and finally starting to express themselves at the ballot box by voting BNP.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:57:43 No.6005670

    Japan has always been isolationist. You can't only attribute their low foreign population toward their political parties.

    By the way, amerifag here. BNP is racist but thats fine in my book
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:57:45 No.6005671
    They're basically the exact same as Canadians. There is no model Canadian, so it's hard to judge how we feel on others. We're basically every god damn race and religion combined into a country, yet somehow we're all Canadian.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)19:58:46 No.6005681
    same thing in the USA.
    A number of jews thought up this endless immigration idea. And politicians pushed it on everyone else. Of course lots of lies about how it won't effect white America or cause big changes.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:00:30 No.6005699

    obviously they had the help of extraterrestrials.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:02:14 No.6005715

    4% of the population.

    92% are white. hurpity durp
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:02:48 No.6005721

    Japan is governed by the left-of-center "Democratic Party of Japan". The closest thing to the BNP would be something like the Ishin Seito Shimpu.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:04:47 No.6005735
    Britfag here. This cartoon is possibly the stupidest thing I've seen in a long, long time, and on that level mildly irritates me.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:04:48 No.6005736
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    considering all the illegals, its notably more.

    london is like 20% muslim i think
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:06:00 No.6005743
    >Oh, Japan has always been isolationist.
    What, you mean like Peal Habor?

    Don't you just love the way the leftists say it's OK for other countries to be racist, but not the white countries.

    anti-racist = anti-white
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:06:00 No.6005745

    92% white with 4% Muslim? Brits are complaining about losing their damn country to a Muslim invasion when they only make up 4% of the population? They'd probably have a heart attack if they came to the US.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:06:22 No.6005747
    that's 4% too much
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:06:38 No.6005752

    And we all get along just fine. The closest thing we ever had to a serious crisis was that FLQ shit in Quebec, and they were only active for seven years.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:08:28 No.6005770
    In America they'd come to appreciate that our Constitution stops Sharia Law from EVER being implemented anywhere and there are no segregated communities that fall under religious law.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:08:51 No.6005776
    I think the broadcast of Nick Griffin on BBC's Question Time was a cynical attempt by the Left to split the Right Wing vote. All those Daily Mail voters that would have voted Tory will now vote for the BNP. The result will either be a hung parliment or a narrow Labour win.

    Mark my words.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:09:33 No.6005786

    It's actually about 8.5%.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:10:44 No.6005808

    the constitution means nothing. "it's just a piece of paper."
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:11:20 No.6005816
    Those stats are almost 10 years old.

    This years stats are: Only 64% of babies being born in Britain today are British. Mohammed is the 2nd most popular baby boys name.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:14:16 No.6005853
    It's bliss, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:14:28 No.6005856
    I dont really care since im white.

    Would be interesting to see how things would turn out if they won.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:14:41 No.6005859

    british = white?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:15:46 No.6005871

    Source on that one please.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:16:32 No.6005878

    >Implying that all native Americans were sparsely populated hunter gatherer kinship groups. Completely oblivious to the fact that every place in the East coast that ends in "field" was a town founded over a native American farm after they all died of smallpox.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:18:49 No.6005912
    And yet.. they were happy.

    Economic success doesnt matter in a world WITHOUT AN ECONOMY
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:21:02 No.6005928

    Not in any way different?

    Catholic? Ginger maybe? Big nose? Big ears? Or has someone in the family got a disability?

    "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
    Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
    Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me"
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:23:28 No.6005955

    Because hundreds of years ago the industrialized nations decided they would create a "third world" where marshal law is in affect. This "third world" is designed to supply the industrialized nations with luxury and prosperity.

    People living in the third world hate it there and want to come enjoy our luxuries and prosperity. The democratic left wing said they deserve to have as a good chance at a prosperous life as the people born in the industrialized country.

    So for hundreds of years industrialized nations have been filling up on immigrants. Some are at the breaking point, while some could use even more people.

    We are at a point where as long as people in the third world decide to keep having children to make their own lives easier there will be more and more of a push to keep them out of the industrialized world.

    TL;DR: People are fucking too much, people are being too lazy, and everyone wants to not work and receive rewards for eating food and watching TV.

    That's what's going on.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:24:24 No.6005963
    I just meant, Im British white native for as far as records go back so i wouldnt be deported.

    I Think far enough back im Danish
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:25:17 No.6005975
    When your son is threatened after school for being white, we will protect him. When they try to rape your daughter, we will protect her. When they rob your wife, we will get her money back. When they try to shut you up, we will speak up for you. When they come for you, we will come for them.

    You are welcome, ungrateful liberals.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:26:27 No.6005985

    Then you had better fuck off back to Denmark before we burn your fucking family you foreign cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:27:58 No.6005998

    If he denounced the Old Testimant as Jewish filth and proclaimed Jesus to be an Aryan, he wouldn't have been in that mess.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:29:52 No.6006017
    The funniest thing is the British Media character is a spitting image of Nick Griffin.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:30:21 No.6006021
    Well your a nigger if you wanna go back enough
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:32:57 No.6006051

    oh man that movie mad me rage so hard

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:33:27 No.6006061
    What is the BNPs position on the Normandy question. Most Normans do not consider themselves French, they have more in common with the Cornish. Normandy used to be soveriegn British territory. Will the BNP demand it back?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:34:22 No.6006073
    Stats from:

    Percentage of babies born with Mother and Father both born in the UK:

    1998 = 73.6%
    2002 = 69.9
    2003 = 69.1
    2004 = 68.3
    2005 = 67.3
    2006 = 66.4
    2007 = 65.3
    2008 = 64.7

    Notice how it's falling by 1% a year. Only 15 years left 'til minority time!

    Mohammed #2 baby boys name:
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:36:19 No.6006092
    fuck you, children of men was awesome.
    michael caine was brilliant as usual, and clive owen was really good
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:37:53 No.6006112
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    I'm a BNP supporter only because I hate Muslims.

    I have nothing against Arab people, or any other racial minority, but I cannot fucking stand Muslims. I thought our world was making a push towards secularism, and then these guys start popping up all over the place just when Christians were finally mellowing out and settling into their own crazy niche.

    It's nearly 2010 for fuck's sake. I have no time for this backwards lunacy, and the world shouldn't even be tolerating this shit. Send the Muslims back to their own crazy desert countries and they can kill each other all fucking day for all I care.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:38:15 No.6006115

    If you can trace your family back to the reign first English King then you are an Englishman. My family goes back before King Alfred, I am English.

    If you arrived in the country after Alfred you are a foreigner and DO NOT DESERVE TO BE IN ENGLAND. Fuck off back to your own country.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:41:49 No.6006160

    If it wasn't for the BNP you would be voting Tory (no labour voter would ever consider voting for the nazis). I'm glad you are voting for the BNP it means one less Tory voter.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:42:02 No.6006166
    My all white, 100% english born and bred child will be named Mohammed, just to make you rage.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:42:13 No.6006170

    >I thought our world was making a push towards secularism


    Religion is as much a part of human nature as eating or blinking.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:43:21 No.6006184

    secularism =/= lack of religion
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:43:33 No.6006190
    It's a shame that the tories are still going to win the general election.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:44:27 No.6006199

    I'm white. My family have lived in the UK for as far back as we can trace (300 years+) - i'm going to bring my kids up Muslim, just to fuck off people like you.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:44:35 No.6006201
    the real question is, whose tentacles are slimier; nick griffin or david cameron.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:44:46 No.6006202
    Fuck the Anglican Church. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:45:18 No.6006214
    Wow. I'm not british, and as a matter of fact I'm of a healthy olive hue (but in my own country and aren't planning on leaving it so fuck off) and that is plain disgusting. Muslims are such parasites.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:46:19 No.6006227

    Tories can't win now the Right Wing vote is split down the middle. Most disafected voter that would have voted Tory will now vote BNP.

    hahaha - suckers
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:46:47 No.6006230
    I can't imagine how anyone in Britain could vote for Labour after what they did to your country in 12 years, and want 5 more.

    You have a combination of a police, nanny, and welfare state.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:48:13 No.6006247
    What I have a problem with:

    People coming to this country and expecting the country to change for them, ie: a lot of modern immigrants.

    What I don't have a problem with:

    Second, third and further generation immigrants, decendants of the influx of asians after WWII who are as british as any white brit and don't want anything changed.

    It's time to stop letting anyone in and only let people very useful to the country in, such as doctors, scientists etc. Deport all the illegal immigrants unless deemed useful, get the doctors who are working as cleaners for 5 pounds an hour into jobs of their skill level. Deny cultural changes based on other cultures values and tell the offended to fuck of to their own culture if they want to follow their rules.

    I don't think any one can say this is extreme.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:48:19 No.6006249

    Potentially misleading stats. I'm not born to parents *both* born here (Australian mother) but in terms of culture/national identity I'm as British (well, English) as the next person.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:52:15 No.6006286
    Hey guize Britishmuslimbot here. I'd just like to say, Sharia=crap. It's outdated, and the british equivalent is legalizing slavery again.

    Now to defend my religion's honour. Many of the muslims who live in Britain work hard, work a lot, in the exact way that the Indians did when they first "invaded" the island. Many disliked them, but they're now a part of our society, our culture even. I would also like the country to be more patriotic, to have more British themed holidays etc. We don't want to take over the country. We don't want to kill every Christian, Jew or Hindu we come across. That would go under the title of "extremists", who make up a tiny part of the muslim population, and IMO, fuck up the religion so bad, it can't be called Islam any more. Just the same way we don't call every white Christian a Nazi.

    The problem is nationalists, who don't want to co-operate, who want to shun ethnic minorites and deny them of their rights. They would call them a "burden". I would call them an "opportuntity". If minorities are taking up too much benefits, find other ways to tackle the problem rather than closing all borders, but evicting all outsiders first.

    tl;dr: Muslims != terrorists, nationalists cause the problems they talk about
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:52:49 No.6006291
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    How your average sensible person lives:

    Go to college, start a career, marry someone you love, have one or two children, and then die as a happy elderly man surrounded by family.

    How your average Muslim lives:

    Move to new country, marry three Islamic women, fuck like rabbits, have over twenty children and raise them all to do nothing but move to new countries and reproduce. Riot in the streets and integrate yourself so much into the new country that they eventually start making laws that resemble an Islamic state.

    They don't even live like humans, more like some sort of horrible termite.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:53:51 No.6006306
    They way I see it

    22% of britons could vote BNP
    22% of britons are not anglo-celtic

    I think societies only get all crazy and racist when the working class segment of the race making up the majority of the population start to feel threatened.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:54:23 No.6006312
    That's the general attitude of the Labour party. They admitted the other day that they brought in loads of immigrants just to piss people off. They couldn't admit it at first though, because... it would piss people off, especially core Labia voters. But now they're going to lose the next election, an ex-Labour adviser has come clean:
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:54:32 No.6006314
    BNP are fucking liberals. They're not willing to go far enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:56:02 No.6006328
    Thread's pretty tl;dr, so I apologise if this has already been said.

    We elect a black president and almost a quarter of you fuckers are neo-nazis and yet we're the backwards ones?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)20:58:25 No.6006356
    An Ethiopean Doctor is equivalent to a European janitor, skill wise.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:00:12 No.6006377

    >entertaining the notion that just under half of the USA aren't racist fucks
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:00:29 No.6006381
    oh lawdy, do yourself a favour, read the fucking thread, be ashamed of what you've just posted and kick yourself in the head. Also, tl;dr? get the fuck back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:00:46 No.6006388

    Labour have done a good job. If it wasn't for the bankers fucking the economy the country would be in great shape.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:00:58 No.6006392

    No, almost a quarter are too stupid/uninformed to realise that the BNP are neo-nazis. What the quarter wants is a stricter attitude to immigration.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:02:31 No.6006403
    >entertaining the notion that not all humans are racist
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:03:43 No.6006413

    Look at these statistics. If a small number of immigrants/Muslims/Africans/Asian etc had come in, nobody would have minded. Nobody would have had a problem with a Muslim/Islam if they had been in tiny insignificant numbers. (ie >1%)

    But that's not what's happening. The British are now getting completely swamped in their own country and that is completely unnacceptable.

    For the reason, I support the BNP.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:04:54 No.6006426
    ugh, faux logic gives me ulcers. I would assume that somewhere in the concept of "half" exists the notion that half =/= every person.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:06:49 No.6006451
    I'm right wong - I believe in the Free Market.

    For the Free Market to work you need the free movement of goods and produce, the free movement of capital and the free movement of people (even if they have brown skin and worship Allah). Government has no place interfereing with the market. Nor does the BNP.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:07:05 No.6006454

    You know what I mean.

    Intollerant and actually actively racist.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:07:53 No.6006466
    I don't really care about whether the BNP wins or not (no western nation has a true democracy, its more like picking our dictators every few years) but I simply like the fact that they exist because they serve as something to piss off the people trying to enforce political correctness: as long as the BNP exist, political correctness can't start in on what is legitimately free speech (as opposed to racism, sexism and other offences)
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:09:13 No.6006478
    Nice to hear from a seemingly reasonably muslimbot.
    I don't subscribe to your religion, and have no problem with any religion if it's not shoved in my face, but the minority of death-screeching protesters scare the crap out of me. Luckily there haven't been any of those in Scotland, but my sister almost got caught up in some in Birmingham.

    I probably wouldn't vote BNP (they're extreme and kind of weird), but I can see why they'd get the sympathy of the masses in the current climes.
    >> BRITISH MUSLIMS SUPPORT TALIBAN Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:10:18 No.6006491
    >For some time, Royal Air Force spy planes have picked up radio communication between Taliban fighters who speak with thick accents from Manchester, Birmingham, West Bromwich and Bradford, all cities with large populations of British Muslims of South Asian origin.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:11:31 No.6006509
    When have free markets EVER benefited the majority? The workers lose their benefits/wages, while small business owners are destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:11:56 No.6006515

    The problem with a Free Market without governmental restrictions is that there's nothing to stop companies exploiting everyone left right and centre. You need some kind of elected official to represent the will of the consumer to prevent gross abuse of the system.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:13:34 No.6006529
    Extreme muslims smother the voice of the reasonable ones and the BNP does the same for white british people in the face of the international community.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:14:20 No.6006543
    So now Brits can't deal with the consequences of colonialism?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:14:30 No.6006546

    'defending the honour of your religion' - that's your problem right there.

    Since when do you feel personally affronted when someone criticises the rantings of a shrooming paedophile who murdered his own parents?

    Fuck Mohammed - PBUH (Pork Be Upon Him)
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:15:17 No.6006554

    as anon already mentioned - it's good that the BNP are getting support becuase it means less conservative votes. Hopefully we'll get a hung Parliment and the Liberals will be king makers. They can then force electoral reform and end the two party system.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:16:30 No.6006569
    WPWW mother fuckers. We need a white homeland. The japs have japan. The ex-slaves have Liberia. The fucking Arabs have fucking Iraq/Saudi Arabia, the Persians have Iran, why can't whites have their own country?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:17:52 No.6006586

    We do - it's called Norway
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:18:08 No.6006588

    Has nothing to do with colonialism. Britain has no colonies in the asian sub-continent, middle east or eastern europe. Where the immigrants are coming from.

    The government fucked up in allowing anyone in. It would be like if the USA opened up its borders to mexico.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:18:26 No.6006598

    Free market:
    Free movement of goods = OK
    Free movement of people = Bad
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:19:34 No.6006612

    wtf - Britain practically owned the Middle East at one point
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:20:23 No.6006624
    I support your third point. The faster you folks get out, the happier the rest of Europe will be.

    Please do get out.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:21:28 No.6006637
    for a very very brief period following the collapse of the ottomans
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:21:55 No.6006643
    American here.

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:22:27 No.6006650

    Britain owned Iraq (we fucking named the country), Syria, Palistine, Egypt, India (including Pakistan and Bangladesh) and Burma and Sinapore and Malaya and.... need i go on.

    Learn the History of the British Empire.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:23:33 No.6006666

    An ex-Labour advisser has admitted now that they didn't open up the immigration flood gates for economic reasons, they did it for political reasons and then PRETENDED it was for the economy.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:24:02 No.6006668
    Syria, Palistine and Iraq were owned for an incredibly bried period faggot. Learn2 British History
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:24:24 No.6006676

    Britain invented Saudi Arabia - before Lawrence got involved they were just a bunch of waring raghead nomadic tribes
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:24:52 No.6006682

    I'm surprised no one has commented on this. Holy fucking shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:25:23 No.6006690
    God fucking damn it, you have no idea about the history of the region do you? Saudi Arabia was formed by a power Arab warlord, not the fucking British you mother fucker
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:26:25 No.6006706
    They were not just owned, they were MADE by Britain. That is why we have so many problems over there.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:26:48 No.6006709

    no one cares. I mean, does it matter?
    >> SovietCanuckistan !oHRyESVOUU 10/26/09(Mon)21:26:55 No.6006710
    ok.... Canuckistani here...

    I live around a bunch of nonwhites and everyone's nice friendly hard working, I can walk the street safe at night without looking over my back, yet when I lived in the white part of town everyone kept to themselves, and were generally pissed off.

    Naturally I should be some kind of racist because I grew up on the farms where only white people existed but why should I give a damn?

    Take some advice from the rest of the commonwealth: It's not a big deal
    its not the end of the world
    Israel is the problem.
    >> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 10/26/09(Mon)21:27:01 No.6006713

    i'm not british, but imo, to allow excessive inmigration because you personally like multiculturalism is absurdly selfish
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:28:11 No.6006724

    United by the the British - armed, trained and equiped - in the face of the Ottoman Empire
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:28:38 No.6006732

    I live in Canada and the non-white parts of my town are the absolute worst places. If you aren't Indian (dot) you'll probably get mugged.

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:29:58 No.6006743
    That's a very different thing from what you previously claimed
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:31:14 No.6006755


    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:31:35 No.6006760

    Yep, Britain is in the situation it's in now because of selfish, spiteful politicians who acted against the wishes of the electorate. They acted in an undemocratic fashion.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:32:43 No.6006773
    you dont even know what "h" in history. by arabs? please use academic sources, not your father,friend or faggot columnists.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:33:37 No.6006782

    How is that relevant?

    We don't own them any more. They just happen to be shit hole countries that want to move here for a better life. If France or Germany opened their borders they'd flood into there as well.

    The fact Britian colonized them in the past is completely irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:34:04 No.6006787
    Cool hyposcrisy dickcheese
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:34:10 No.6006788
    three cheers for BNP, toss em all out
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:35:09 No.6006800

    That's a far too sensible suggestion. The politicians and leftists would never go for that. They want to make things as complicated and difficult as possible.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:35:13 No.6006802

    Read the thread you fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:36:23 No.6006818
    I'm glad the BNP are popular - less support for the Conservatives.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:36:49 No.6006827
    You are the biggest faggot in this thread, you make no arguements and hurl insults. Youre fucking pathetic
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:36:50 No.6006828
    Then take the whites away from:

    South Africa
    Every single place except the Caucasus and maybe Iran
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:36:56 No.6006830

    Still not seeing any relevance.

    Feel free to elucidate though or I'll just ignore you as you're clearly incorrect and cannot prove otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:38:00 No.6006848

    libertarian scum detected!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:38:19 No.6006855

    >The fact Britian colonized them in the past is completely irrelevant.

    Every single european country gets its most imigration from the places it once colonized, but you can ignore that if you want.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:38:34 No.6006858
    these countries were and are being called like that. neither you nor last rulers after ottoman empire ended named it. use academic source. not your fag tea-chers britfag. oo what i'm a britfag too.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:38:43 No.6006863
    actually, it is speculated that the first modern humans were white-skinned and living in africa.

    learn to anthropology BRO
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:40:29 No.6006891
    Those countries never existed. Pakistan and Bangladesh are artificial, just like syria
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:41:26 No.6006906

    libertarians = Jews

    They just want more and more money by screwing everyone else over.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:41:42 No.6006911

    Still irrelevant.

    As I said before, if France or Germany opened their borders they'd go there.

    The simple solution is to stop letting them in, pretty sure Britain hasn't colonized poland in the past where a lot of traffic is now coming from.

    It's not like they get a free pass because they're from an ex-colony.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:41:44 No.6006913

    You made a misinformed claim about British Imperial history (that we had nothing to do with SE Asia or the Middle East). You are so wrong it is embarrasing.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:42:47 No.6006924

    Agreed anon. Never trust a Libertarian.
    >> REO 2579 2855 9819 10/26/09(Mon)21:42:47 No.6006925
    JUST LIKE AFRICA. Seriously, every country on that entire fucking continent
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:43:00 No.6006930
    check the post no i have referred before. you will see couple of countries. once they were not but named like that. the region... got it?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:44:22 No.6006944
    .....were not countries but named like that. the region... got it?

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:44:23 No.6006945

    >Britain has no colonies in the asian sub-continent, middle east or eastern europe.

    Do you not understand the concept of present tense?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:44:24 No.6006946

    THE BRITISH INVENTED THOSE COUNTRIES YOU FUCKING CHIMP. They also invented India and much of the middle east.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:45:30 No.6006963
    PROTIP: They're not socialist.

    I have to admit, I used to rage at these threads, but recently I'm starting to side more with the BNP. I'd never vote for them but they do make it clear that Britain's immigration policy has failed catastrophically. I'll be making a protest vote at the next election by voting for the Pirate Party. Obviously they won't win, but I'm not going to vote for Labour or Conservative because I can't stand either party.

    I don't want the BNP to win; Nick Griffin is a disgrace to this country, but unless the major parties conduct a major reform of their immigration policy then I will not be voting for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:47:01 No.6006988

    Britain has no colonies at all. You idiot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:47:56 No.6006998
    what is common wealth? explain.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:48:25 No.6007001

    I'm aware of this.

    Did I anywhere state the Britain currently has colonies?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:48:31 No.6007004

    All countries are artificial you dumb fuck.

    Britain itself is no more "natural" than Pakistan.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:48:42 No.6007006
    you are a fail troll
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:49:45 No.6007017
    Venezuelan man who has spent most of his life in the USA and will soon have a well-earned university degree and would like to live in England here. I can understand kicking out immigrants who only bring their problems, but what about professionals who will be loyal to the nation and proud to become a citizen and who will only help to make it a better place? Nothing wrong with us, right? inb4 HURR WHITE POWER
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:49:55 No.6007018

    Beg to differ; Falklands, Gibraltar, and a handful of south pacific and Caribbean islands.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:50:12 No.6007023
    Britain had to invent countries in these areas when we withdrew, if we left them with no groundwork to support themselves we would be getting shit today for causing millions of deaths
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:50:36 No.6007029

    It's a commmon wealth you fuck-wit, not a fucking 'colony' club. You don't even have to be a former colony (notice the term 'former', it's past tense) to be in it.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:51:23 No.6007043
         File1256608283.jpg-(39 KB, 456x351, there-is-no-spoon.jpg)
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    Neo, there is no spoon.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:51:47 No.6007050
    The three ethnic caricatures on the left hand side at least are honest. There's something suspicious about those whities on the right...
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:53:05 No.6007072

    It would be useful for the BNP to get a few MP's in the Houses of Parliment in order to put pressure on the other parties to actually do something.

    The main parties won't do anything about it unless the electorate pressure them into it by voting BNP. The main parties would be forced to act in order to keep peoples votes.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:53:28 No.6007075

    They are not colonies, they are crown protectorates. Self governing, self determining - NOT FUCKING COLONIES
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:54:56 No.6007093
    Britain doesn't have any colonies anymore. That is a fact.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:55:14 No.6007099
    >Sees brits on Cartoon.
    >Thinks about the crimes of the British Empire.

    I fear the brits more than I fear any of the other people pictured.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:56:05 No.6007103
    that asshole white man is smoking, he's giving cancer to everyone in that picture. There's the menace
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:56:09 No.6007105

    I dunno, you could say Britain is more natural because it was formed by conquest and then slow congealment, rather than just being arbitrarily put up by people that don't live there.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:56:41 No.6007113

    one theory out of many

    either way, his point stands
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)21:57:17 No.6007123
    you fucking moron you have no idea what the commonwealth is do you? Read a fucking book
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:00:04 No.6007154
         File1256608804.jpg-(20 KB, 400x320, trinitybomb.jpg)
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    (apparently this is not original)
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:00:41 No.6007165

    Pretty sure if we leave a load of hillbillies on the moon with advanced terraforming tools to fend for them selves that counts as colonizing, thus making the moon a colony of Earth. They'd be self governing and independant.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:01:21 No.6007179

    sorry, the other guy is right. whilst most countries in the commonwealth are ex-colonies, its not a requirement (eg Mozambique is a member but not a former colony).
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:02:01 No.6007190

    Shit for brains. You do NOT have to be a former British colony to be in the British Common Wealth. This is a fact.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:02:56 No.6007203

    I rest my case.
    Anthrpology is not real science.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:04:17 No.6007227
    You still missed the fucking point, holy fucking shit.

    Retard fucking alert
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:04:31 No.6007232

    ...although it does help
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:05:15 No.6007245

    No, the state by definition is man made, and thus cannot be "natural".

    And yes, the evolution of the British state has been a slow process, and significant portions were shaped by external forces. Nothing "natural" about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:05:55 No.6007252

    What? That they have no right to be in our country? Yeah, i agree with you.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:06:55 No.6007267

    ... but you're still a fucking idiot
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:08:32 No.6007290
    The British are such idiots. Make Americans look smart. Actually, no. They make the French look smart.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:10:43 No.6007317
    Britain had to invent countries in these areas when we withdrew, if we left them with no groundwork to support themselves we would be getting shit today for causing millions of deaths wfg
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:10:47 No.6007318
    hahahahaha good comeback. You really zinged me there bro
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:11:31 No.6007332

    The Brits posting in this thread are fucking stupid. Anyone who supports the BNP is a fucking chrome plated helmet
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)22:18:08 No.6007405
    >anyone who supports the BNP is a patriotic briton who doesn't want to see his country run into the ground

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:20:22 No.6008120
    Labour Opening up the Borders to get a political base of immigrants is the exact same as Liberals in the United States opening up the borders... at...the exact...same...time....... "Won't profoundly affect Demographics of the United States" my ass.

    Ever since the 60's it's been fucking importing people by the truckloads.

    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)23:32:33 No.6008258
    Well white britain is actually worth saving, white america is basically just lighter skinned mexicans
    >> Anonymous 10/27/09(Tue)00:09:05 No.6008675

    I actually agree with this. Call it the "Homeland Manifesto". Every ethnic group has a legitimate right to their own, untampered homeland. Blacks stay in Africa. Whites stay in Europe. Asians in Asia. A foreign quarter or two such as a Chinatown is fine, but mass migration is bad.

    I dont want Britain to be 50% non-white, and I wouldnt want China to be 50% non-chinese, or Japan to be 50% Scottish
    >> Anonymous 10/27/09(Tue)00:15:31 No.6008757
    America's not far behind.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/09(Tue)00:40:21 No.6009041
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    You're not British.

    You're an Arab in Britain. Just like the Turks in Germany. Go look up 'Turkish German'. It doesn't exist because in Germany they know the fucking difference.

    You will NEVER be British.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/09(Tue)00:46:39 No.6009097
    I like the fact that the Muslim and Paki/Sikh look threatening in a cartoonish manner, then its the realistic looking scary nigger.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/09(Tue)01:08:51 No.6009331

    what this dude said

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