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    34 KB Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:20:47 No.5958830  
    So my girlfriend and I were fighting last night about something stupid and she says, "You don't know how to be a man."

    It stopped me cold. You know why? Because I don't. I never had a father. I've spent my whole life looking for surrogate fathers. Hell my first roll model was Spike Spegal. How fucking lame is that? How sad is my life that I don't even know how to be.

    Thanks for listening. Hopefully one of you knows what this is like, and maybe can give me some advice. That's all I've ever wanted in life was advice.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:21:59 No.5958838
    >Blah blah blah I feel sorry for myself I'll neeeeever be a man

    I hope she leaves you. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:22:24 No.5958843
    None of us here know how to be a man.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:23:08 No.5958847
    Tell your girlfriend she is being a bitch. I grew up without a father figure too, shit sucks. But guess what? Being a "man" doesn't mean anything anyway. What is a man but a human male? No one is the same, and if your girlfriend can't accept that, dump her shallow ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:23:15 No.5958849
    Join the army, it is the perfect place for men looking for father figures, no joke.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:24:25 No.5958859
    here's some advice for you: no one knows how to be a man.
    even if your father was a lumberjack that wrestled bears he doesn't know how.

    if a woman wants to challenge your manhood, maybe you should challenge her womanhood, since I guarantee she has no idea what her twat-driven life should amount to
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:24:37 No.5958863
    >What is a man but a human male?

    Actually if you were to stand next to a man, you would know the difference between yourself and him. Men will always do stupid shit, that's just being a guy. The thing is he's more mature and has begun to accept responsibility for his actions.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:26:19 No.5958881
    >What is a man

    must... resist... urge...
    >> Chicken 10/23/09(Fri)11:27:33 No.5958891
    tell her "you don't know how to make a sandwich"

    then hit her

    that should prove your worth as a man

    alternatively, go climb up a mountain and do kung fu in a snowstorm for 3 years, then come back and dragon kick her ass into the milky way, to prove manliness
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:29:00 No.5958905
    If accepting responsibility makes someone a man in your eyes, that's fine. But someone else could just as easily say that a man is anyone that can kill an alligator with his bare hands. That's what my point was, sorry if I convoluted it by saying stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:29:02 No.5958907
    when a woman ever questions her partners manhood it means she want him to beat the shit out of her.

    i'm serious OP if your father were hear now he would tell you to wail on that bitch
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:30:40 No.5958916
    here sry
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:31:09 No.5958918
    I like how you guys are talking about OP's girlfriend's response, but do not question what OP said to bring on this reply. Did OP mention something about being a man in the first place? Maybe she was correcting him. Judging by his post, I would say his girlfriend is right.

    Also, here:
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:34:10 No.5958938

    We were arguing about how I don't think we spend enough time together. Come to think of it I'm really not sure why she said it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:34:25 No.5958939
    Ask her "And as a woman, how the fuck would you know how to be a man?"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:35:18 No.5958943
    I am not entirely sure what to say about this. I can't imagine not having a father, even though i feel like the only time we've ever had any interaction was through him playing video games or him making stupid jokes that nobody thinks are funny.

    The only thing I've ever wanted in my life was clarity. Some of my first memories are trying to understand why my family would love me if they would have loved anything they were related to. They love nothing about my personality; it is mandatory love that isn't even love at all. One of my next memories is trying to figure out why anyone would play sports or do art. I thought they were the biggest waste of time in the world; they help nobody, make no difference, and struck me as fundementally selfish acts that appeal to idiots. I stopped telling my family I loved them at about 12. I only started again recently, and only now because I feel like I owe them for bailing me out. I have never respected my dad; his trudging to work, his mindless gaming, his half thought out idiocy, his work ethic for the sake of work ethic.

    But it doesn't mean a thing. All I do is take from these people, and I wish they would stop giving because I don't want to give anything back. I never want to see them again not because I hate them, just because I don't care if they live or die, beyond its effect on my life.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:37:01 No.5958954
    sorry, my bd
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:37:38 No.5958958

    There are a few definitions of what a man is.

    There's the stereotype. Likes big cars, sports, beer, and big titties. This definition isn't all that important. I mean, it has it's place, and will always sort of have a special spot in my heart, but, it's not required.

    This one is the required one.

    A Man will stand by his values, regardless of the danger to his character, his respectability, or his physical self.

    A Man will put his family and loved ones first, no matter the cost.

    A Man will not lie needlessly, and will not hurt others without just cause.

    A Man will aspire to aid those who need it, when he can.

    Essentially, A Man will try to achieve all of the tenets of Medieval Chivalry in the modern age. You don't need a father. You don't need a role model, you don't need anything, or anyone.

    All you need is to understand, deep down, that you will do what is right and just, and you will have the confidence and courage to do so regardless of the consequences.

    If you have all of these things, and this girl still questions your manhood, then that bitch is a waste of space, and you should remove her from your life.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:38:13 No.5958961
    OP: Prove you're a man, and kill her.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:39:44 No.5958970
    they love you because they raised you. they know you better than you think and they care about you.

    i can tell you are still a kid because you don't see the reality of your father.

    his trudging to work - puts food on the table
    his mindless gaming - keeps him sane
    his half thought out idiocy - his personality
    his work ethic for the sake of work ethic - discipline

    your parents are people as much as you didnt choose them - they didnt choose you, but they care enough about you not to abort your whiny ass.

    im never having kids
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:40:05 No.5958973
    A man is what you fucking make it. A man is not a muscle dude who wrestles and drinks beer. Watch fight club. I would have flipped my shit on the bitch and said, "YOU WANT TO SEE A FUCKING MAN HONEY? ILL SHOW YOU SOME TESTOSTERONE!" Just to scare her straight. She doesn't understand what a man is and neither do you. A man is not what society tells us it is. Just be who you are and if she can't understand that she probably isn't right.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:40:33 No.5958980
    >The word gentleman originally meant something recognisable; one who had a coat of arms and some landed property. When you called someone "a gentleman" you were not paying him a compliment, but merely stating a fact. If you said he was not "a gentleman" you were not insulting him, but giving information. There was no contradiction in saying that John was a liar and a gentleman; any more than there now is in saying that James is a fool and an M.A. But then there came people who said - so rightly, charitably, spiritually, sensitively, so anything but usefully - "Ah but surely the important thing about a gentleman is not the coat of arms and the land, but the behaviour? Surely he is the true gentleman who behaves as a gentleman should? Surely in that sense Edward is far more truly a gentleman than John?" They meant well. To be honourable and courteous and brave is of course a far better thing than to have a coat of arms. But it is not the same thing. Worse still, it is not a thing everyone will agree about. To call a man "a gentleman" in this new, refined sense, becomes, in fact, not a way of giving information about him, but a way of praising him: to deny that he is "a gentleman" becomes simply a way of insulting him. When a word ceases to be a term of description and becomes merely a term of praise, it no longer tells you facts about the object: it only tells you about the speaker's attitude to that object. (A 'nice' meal only means a meal the speaker likes.) A gentleman, once it has been spiritualised and refined out of its old coarse, objective sense, means hardly more than a man whom the speaker likes. As a result, gentleman is now a useless word. We had lots of terms of approval already, so it was not needed for that use; on the other hand if anyone (say, in a historical work) wants to use it in its old sense, he cannot do so without explanations. It has been spoiled for that purpose.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:40:56 No.5958983
    Judging by that, I would think what she really meant to say is, your maturity level is not where she thinks it should be. Again, I can't say I entirely disagree. OP, I'm not trying to troll you, but your first post is really emo. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start taking the first steps to fixing your problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:42:03 No.5958990
    >Just be who you are and if she can't understand that she probably isn't right.
    What kind of logic is this, again?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:42:23 No.5958992
    Read this OP but don't put too much thought into all of his hippie-talk.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:43:57 No.5959001
    Find another gf. This one is total scum. You are what you are. And she is rude, inconsiderate and a fucking imbecile. Gods, what a piece of shit of a woman you got there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:44:10 No.5959002
    Exactly. My father did the same things. He wasn't around in the way I wanted him to be, but as I got older I realized, he was working to support our family financially, while my mother raised me emotionally. Both of those are important.

    Even if your parents don't do things exactly the right way but you see they're trying, they're making the effort. Don't hate them or resent them. That shit is stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:44:46 No.5959006
    I can't get over of how horrible she is.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:45:24 No.5959010
    These parts specifically.

    I was once told that I would never find a date because I don't have a car, that women want a man who has money, that material wealth and success is the way to go. I will love everyone unconditionally, even though I may not like what they do, because I know that they are a receiver of life just like me. However, if a woman needs material possessions to be fulfilled, I do not want to be in a relationship with her. I need nothing more than what I have, and I have everything. I have truth and life, true love, the present; that is everything. There is nothing else. If a woman feels that she needs more "things," I cannot share the present with her, because her mind is blocking out life, wanting more.Throughout high school, while I still lived completely in the mind, I always felt like I was missing out, especially because I wasn't having sex, and it seemed like everyone else was. My own mind and other minds, including my father's, made me feel like this. We fantasize because society has advertised sex to be the greatest thing ever. You see it everywhere, from sex appeal to social roles. Men feel like they have to have sex, and women feel like they have to present themselves to be sexually attractive to men. Just look at the big picture: the condom sales, the rapidly spreading STDs, the pornography. As of now, most people have sex just to experience orgasm, to satisfy the desires of their animal minds through dominance (mostly male) and pleasure. That is what society and other minds have imposed on us.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:45:33 No.5959011
    dude you got offended by that?

    when women say that it's basically just "i have no actual insults to throw at you so i'm going to settle for something demeaning a non-existent societal standard that you don't live up to"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:47:49 No.5959024


    I now realize that sex is much more than experiencing orgasm. Sex is the ultimate way to share the present with your mate and to get intimate with your mate. Sex is sacred; it is how we create new life. We just have to do what we do on a spiritual level. Sex is not just being physically naked, hot and sweaty, trying to reach the climax of orgasm. Spiritual sex is being physically naked and mentally naked, being completely present with your mate, without the mind, merging as one. It doesn't get any better than that.

    Many men who read this will think that I am a fool, that I am "soft," because I am not conforming to the perceived social roles of a man in our society. I have no ego to defend, no ego to feed. Some men who read this will be ready to hear the truth, but other men, those who are satisfied by material wealth, carnal attraction, and animal sex will be happy living how they always have (in the mind), because they see no reason to change. Living in an illusion is not living.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:48:17 No.5959027

    It offended him because it's something that he believes to be true.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:48:34 No.5959031
    I really have no desire to have sex just to show dominance and experience orgasm. I have no reason to seek any pleasure that does not come from the truth and the life, the present. I will not worry about the size of my member, my reputation, "fitting in with the guys," having loads of money, getting huge muscles, simply because there is no reason to. I do not want to attract carnal women who want to play mind games and have casual, animal sex. Instead, I will practice containment, seeing my mind for what it is, and I will work towards diminishing my tendency to fantasize sexually by seeing women truly, seeing their intrinsic beauty, instead of desiring to possess and control them.

    The spiritual man sees the truth and lives in the truth; he is honest, and he has nothing to hide, no need to hide love away. The spiritual man sees the big picture; he sees the truth in the present, the interconnectedness of all things. The spiritual man is a child at heart, and he has the awareness of a child without the ignorance of childhood. The spiritual man is in touch with his natural drive (making this world a better place for life, women and children), his spiritual state (Being Truth), and he knows how to receive and reflect the love from women, which helps to set women free from the mind. The spiritual man naturally does the right thing, because he knows the truth, and thus he knows right from wrong.

    The Spiritual Man = The Real Man
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:49:29 No.5959036
    What about passion? What about dignity? What about self respect?

    They could have, and almost did, abort me, I know. My dad ran to Ireland for the first two years of my life, not that it bothers me. I never said I disliked them, only that I disrespect them. I can't choose whether or not to respect someone, and the only reason I would respect them more than anyone else is that they raised (see: made me as good as they could, and tolerated the bad) but I have always seen that as impersonal. Its not me they love, its not me they were raising. Its the idea of me, the idea of a child. Their feelings towards me are shaped entirely by my actions and their time commitment. Their commitment makes it so that they can't ever leave, and my actions are shaped entirely by myself, at least at this point. They dislike almost everything about me, but still maintain that they love me. I can't understand that concept. I feel like they're splitting hairs.

    Call me a child if you want, but again, all I want is clarity. This is what makes sense to me, and in all of my years alive, no one has ever been able to convince me of anything else, and trust me I am receptive. This has been my core argument against them my entire life, and has caused most of the pain. But I can't stop thinking it because as far as I can tell it is true.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:56:00 No.5959082
    This has reminded me it's my dad's death anniversary in two weeks. Anyway, she's probably hinting towards the more "macho" type of man. If this is true then it's awfully sad of her and you should either ignore it or talk to her about it. It just seems like it was the most basic arguement she could make, one that she thought would affect you, not so much because you dont have a dad (although if this is true then she is one spiteful little bitch) but because it's something some guys feel threatened with.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)11:57:47 No.5959090
    your age is really showing through here.

    Your Father came back to raise you - he was already out of the forest but he stepped up and did the right thing. Your parents would be worthless shitbags if they put their personal passions ahead of the responsibility of raising a child.

    they probably 'dislike' everything about you because you are rebelling against them at every turn. i could go on for paragraphs about how ungrateful, selfish and short-sighted you are but i won't because i know the only thing that will make sense to you is time.

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