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  • File : 1256124717.gif-(146 KB, 615x800, 1254332008412.gif)
    146 KB Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:31:57 No.5930477  
    ITT: We post advice for the opposite sex (i.e. things that girls should know about guys and vice-versa)

    I've found that many girls don't seem to grasp that a guy with a smaller flaccid penis than another guy can have a larger erect penis than him.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:32:51 No.5930484
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:34:37 No.5930492
    Bunch of girls saw your shrivelled-up dick, huh?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:34:41 No.5930493
    so a thread for advice for women then???

    well....easy on the handjobs okay, sometimes you do it a bit too hard and it's midly painful
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:35:03 No.5930494
    ladies should know that probably a good 75% of the time, we're just waiting for them to shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:35:54 No.5930501
    i truly hate you all.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:36:07 No.5930503
    telling you what you are doing wrong ( blowjob, handjob etc) is suppose to make things better, not be the end of the fucking world
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:36:26 No.5930507
    My dick is essentially an accordion
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:39:10 No.5930522

    Relate to us the details of your humiliation so that we might mock you
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:39:40 No.5930523

    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:41:16 No.5930531
    guys should know that how wet we get is determined by 'into it' you make us. that means putting a bit of effort in before slamming it in... just because you're suddenly extremely horny does not mean I am..
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:42:39 No.5930538
    Ladies: stop talking loudly, stop gossiping, stop texting all your friends every two minutes. Just fucking stop.

    I have a girl, and she doesn't do this shit, but all her friends do, and they're all 21-24, which is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too old to be acting like a slutty annoying valley girl stereotype. And nothing is more insulting than hanging out with someone who insists on texting every two minutes. If you wanna talk to them so bad, CALL or GO HANG OUT WITH THEM. Why did you invite me out if you're going to look at your phone all day?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:44:00 No.5930548

    those type of chicks don't post here.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:45:32 No.5930554
    ladies: if you laugh at a mans dick, you give exclusive right to beat and rape you

    fucking bitches
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:45:34 No.5930555
    I wasn't humiliated, just looks of shock on girls faces when I was erect. I'm just around 3.5 inches flaccid but it goes to over 7 inches erect, most girls I've slept with said other guys have a 4/5 inch flaccid dick that only gains 1 inch when it gets hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:46:56 No.5930561
    Why has 4chan ruined my sense of humour? OP's pic isn't remotely funny, yet I laughed like a motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:48:38 No.5930574

    Dude I'm the same way, shit is embarassing. I am seriously only about three inches when flaccid, shit looks pathetic. But I'm almost 6 erect, which is fine and dandy.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:48:39 No.5930575
    The age old war of growers vs. showers.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:50:37 No.5930586

    I don't know if you guys have never been in a locker room or what but those sizes are pretty regular. I've known dudes to go from 2" to 7"--now that's a real grower.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:52:20 No.5930596

    You'd think any girl who'd been with a few guys would realize this but I can understand that it still might be a difficult concept for them to wrap their pretty little heads around.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:53:19 No.5930599
    most humans, be them male or female, are incompetent about anatomy period.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:53:45 No.5930602
    I imagine it's more confusing the other way, If the first time she saw you was when you were aroused then she sees your baby dick in the morning.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:54:19 No.5930604
    If the bitch tries to make me pick her or the pipe, guess what? The pipe will always win. Pussy comes and goes, but addiction are forever you obnoxious trollops.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:54:33 No.5930607
    Ladies, when you ask for our help with something, don't get bitchy when we tell you off for being lazy about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:54:39 No.5930610
    i go from 3" to 8"

    it's a present surprise :)
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:54:54 No.5930612
    > but addiction are forever you obnoxious trollops.

    if it helps i don't want you anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:55:00 No.5930614
    I've never heard of any female who did not know that and was over twelve.

    Enjoy being a pedo, OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:55:24 No.5930620
    you don't NEED our halp, you want it.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:55:50 No.5930625
    I am not a lady but I feel that this advice might be helpful for clueless dudes, anyway:

    The vagina is a lot closer to the asshole than you think. And no, it is not just below the bellybutton.

    You have no idea how many times I have heard about dudes groping against a lady's lower abdomen for her vagina.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:56:26 No.5930628

    make a .gif of it plox
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:56:26 No.5930629

    oh wow.
    they must be killed.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:56:49 No.5930631
         File1256126209.jpg-(36 KB, 500x333, a-oh-herro-hello-17.jpg)
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    >present surprise
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:56:56 No.5930632
    wait... op..what?

    what the hell? How do girls even see your penis flaccid? Are you some kind of faggot? FAIL.

    Also, how the hell did clingy become bad?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:56:57 No.5930633
    >locker room
    >known dudes
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:56:58 No.5930634

    tis a sad day that this should be called 'advice'
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:57:56 No.5930639
    /r9k/'s fascination with penis size never ceases to amaze me.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:58:11 No.5930641
    When a penis is hard, it doesn't like to bend left or right or up or down. That's its natural angle, and when you bend it, it hurts and makes the guy unhappy.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)07:58:38 No.5930643

    Fags go into locker rooms, too. My dick knowledge is doubly strong.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:00:30 No.5930651

    Disclosure is key, obviously if you're gay then you have a lot to contribute here!
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:00:42 No.5930655
    Vaginas do not change appearance with the amount of sex the vagina gets, e.g slutty girls getting huge meat flaps is a myth.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:01:53 No.5930660
         File1256126513.jpg-(108 KB, 1000x1000, 4chan annoyed.jpg)
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    what is this? advice for retards?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:02:24 No.5930662

    Buttholes, however, do. So be careful with how often you want anal sex, and how rough you are.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:03:21 No.5930666
    Advice for virgins.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:03:43 No.5930671
    it is something outside of our control that determines our perceived worth as a partner why wouldn't we dwell or gloat about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:03:57 No.5930672

    Then why do porn stars, even young ones, have big old flappity flaps and that weird brown discoloration? I have never seen that shit IRL, and I've slept with about a dozen ladies.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:05:25 No.5930684

    Meth fucks with yer junk, dude.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:07:07 No.5930690
    No, virgin, many ladies are like that IRL.
    Unless they have had their flaps cut off.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:08:23 No.5930696
    I'm just guessing that you've seen hundreds of porn stars, and that's why you can think of so many.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:10:29 No.5930706

    jesus h christ.
    fucking learn about anatomy you n00btard.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:11:23 No.5930710
    my advice for those of you that want an intelligent and pretty female is to:

    + be intelligent yourself
    + don't have a stupid philosophy
    + have ambition to become rich
    + be decent looking/healthy

    oh, and don't expect to meet them randomly in RL perchance. you must actively search (yes that includes the internet).
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:11:31 No.5930712
    I have a 5" penis T-T
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:13:17 No.5930718

    HA HA HA



    HA HA HA

    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:14:24 No.5930724


    Anyone too tied up in music, math or philosophy is gonna be a virgin forever. You can be interested in it, but just don't....project it.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:16:25 No.5930735
    Dear women,

    we love you more than you love us. You are dishonest and cruel. When we just want a fuck, we make that clear, you don't. You lead us on, fuck us (sometimes not even that), and then leave us wonder WTF. When we love interest we let it be known, you pussy foot around for a long ass time then abruptly end it at an awkward time, leaving us again to wonder WTF.

    It's a misconception that women are romantics and men only think with their cocks. Not true, most men want to meet nice girls and just settle. You are the vultures. And you cried. Then I cried. Then you laughed. :(
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:19:11 No.5930751
    Dear misled males,
    Most women are stupid and superficial. It is a statistical anomaly that one isn't. Women get by on their looks alone. Ergo, don't expect much from most women.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:19:46 No.5930755
    >When we just want a fuck, we make that clear, you don't.

    I dont think you realise how many guys pretend to like a girl just to fuck her. The girl has no clue.

    Stop complaining about girls *just* fucking you by the way, any other guy on this site would be overjoyed if a girl used him for sex.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:19:59 No.5930757
    And the ugly ones are more bitter than any R9Ker
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:22:13 No.5930768
    Dear dudes:

    Don't be "that guy"--the one who can't give his opinion except in an indignant, condescending tone, as though he were a crusader among the undeserving, no matter the subject. Music, philosophy, jaywalking, he is always the bright light in the darkness, tearing the cloth from the eyes of ignoramuses and being martyred by the mob. Conversation is serious business, and the idle frivolities you dare to utter are deeply offensive to him.

    Nobody likes "that guy".
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:24:47 No.5930779
    requesting rest of twig story

    In return a girls protip: Get over yourself and make a woman cum hard multiple times (you know, there are other ways than just sticking a penis into her vagina, pulling out once you came and be self content). She will be devoted to you for ever.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:26:29 No.5930791
    >girl pro tip

    HA! Good one, I laughed!
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:27:24 No.5930794

    That's all there is of the bird. He never got his twig.
    >> Anonymous !!BOfAszV4S7R 10/21/09(Wed)08:28:04 No.5930797
    Just because I'm male doesn't mean I want to have sex all the time, or every day. Especially when I have to do all the god damned work.

    Also just because I might look in your general direction or god forbid at you does not mean I have a crush on you, am obsessed with you, or want to rape you.

    Seriously, can't even admire a good looking girl's beauty without it being some fucked up scandal nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:29:06 No.5930807
    I don't want her to be devoted to me. She's but a vessel to carry my seed. I cum and then I go.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:29:55 No.5930814
    And with that I will go to bed completely depressed.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:32:19 No.5930831
    Awww no! ...then requesting artist / source?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:32:59 No.5930836
    Girls: Just because we're fucking does not entitle you to our drugs. we paid for 'em, so should you.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:36:14 No.5930858
    >I'm male doesn't mean I want to have sex all the time, or every day


    I wish my boyfriend thought like you. If I say no to him he throws an fucking temper tantrum like a goddamn 2-year-old. Then accuses me of having a low sex drive.

    I don't want sex every day.... give me time to fucking miss it.

    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:38:05 No.5930872


    KC Green
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)08:42:40 No.5930903
    Thank you :D

    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)09:08:32 No.5931091

    Pump and dump. Hi five my brobot.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)09:13:15 No.5931133
    women: get a fucking hobby! you are seriously boring and pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)09:34:01 No.5931248
    woman, don't be a dead fish in bed and let the guy do all the fucking work, it fucking sucks
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)09:41:16 No.5931275
    omfg +1

    This is my girlfriend. It makes me rage and makes it hard to get into it when the person you're with just lies there. SHOW SOME ENTHUSIASM PLEASE.

    inb4 lulz u suck at sex
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)10:26:29 No.5931522
    So pretty much, this is the same guys sit around and bitch about girls thread that goes on everyday. whoo-hoo.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)11:58:36 No.5932098
    OP here, I didn't actually intend for that to happen, but it is pretty inevitable.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)11:59:09 No.5932100
    women, stop friendzoning me or i will rape you in a dark alley with a razor
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:02:09 No.5932125

    Pretty much. Even if there were girls on 4chan, if anyone posted here complaining about guys every person here would jump down her throat.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:06:26 No.5932156
    Guys will always seek a weak woman, but need a strong one.

    Act vulnerable to lure us in, and then let your maturity and caring nature kick in once we've had our way with you a bit
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:10:51 No.5932203
    I'm that guy.
    My friends all like me. When they hang out without me for a while if i'm out of town they call me and tell me they need me back. I keep up the standard, you see, without me it all just devolves into chaos and suffering.

    Your point is invalid and you should feel stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:14:31 No.5932241
    The same, except behind my back I'm known to be an arrogant douche.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:16:45 No.5932261
    I'm not known as anything behind my back because I only have close friends and very casual acquaintances, no intermediate kinda-friends who would talk about me behind my back.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:21:25 No.5932303
    To guys- Most women don't like clingy men. Some do, though, but not many (I do). I'm sure most guys don't like clingy girls. Just don't be clingy, I guess. Especially don't keep resending texts until you get a response, maybe he/she doesn't have their phone or simply doesn't want to talk to you.

    Also to guys, cut your fucking nails before they go anywhere near a vagina. Please.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:24:28 No.5932336
    additional: trim them AND file them. freshly cut nails have a hell of a sharp edge on them.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:31:35 No.5932396
    yep, it's true. if you have a story with violence or high-speed chase scenes then it's OK, but the cute clothes you got for your niece's little cat at the sweetest little pink fluff store at the mall aren't going to earn any points with anyone.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:34:54 No.5932418
    To all girls who are genuinely looking for a decent guy:

    Stop going to clubs and bars. Places to find good guys: computer-related clubs, physics/math lectures, literary clubs... basically anywhere with an overrepresentation by intellectual types.

    Yes, the majority of them will be socially awkward over- or under-weight dorks. But there will also be a handful of guys who are reasonable-looking and generally pleasant, and most of them are extremely loyal and kind, since they will appreciate female attention.

    How to get their attention? Ask for help with something, pretend to be stuck, take it from there.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:36:29 No.5932430
    >pretend to be stuck
    much better to go for a guy who is genuinely smarter than you. acknowledge it and he will love you forever.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:47:26 No.5932559
    -Sometimes we don't want to vent. We are raised to "be strong" (well, those of us who aren't pathetic ronery thread dwellers) and sometimes we just want to deal with it internally.

    -Sometimes we dont' want to be bothered. We just want to sit around and play the vidya. That doesn't mean we don't love you with all our hearts, it just means that we like our personal time as well.

    -No, we are not always lying when we say your ass doesn't look too big, or that we think you're beautiful. Yes, sometimes we lie to spare your feelings, but we wouldn't be dating you if we didn't find you legitimately hot. If you are chubby, that just means your boyfriend is a chubby chaser. Most guys would rather be alone than settle for a pig.

    -We want you to be part of our interests. Make a date out of doing something we like. Let's go to the gym together, or play a video game together, or play an instrument together, etc. Yes, we can sometimes tolerate sitting on the couch with you watching reruns of Golden Girls, but if you do it too often we will have a fucking aneurysm.

    -We all want to be big and strong somewhere deep down inside (except for traps, I guess). Compliment and encourage us.

    -Don't always fake it during sex. If you fake it, we don't know that we did anything wrong, and therefore we never learn. We want to please you, and unless our dick is 3" erect we are biologically capable of doing it, if you only give us a little guidance.

    -Getting teased can be fun sometimes, but not all the time. Make it lead up to a release. Anticipation is sexy; blue balls are not.

    -Share your kinks with us. We are dirty just like you. If we've fucked, we know that you like sex, and there's no hiding that there's a pervert inside you somewhere. We don't have some delusion that you are a puritian goddess. Let yourself go and give in to your desires in bed. We love new positions, new toys, etc.
    >> ah! trachea magic !WsClBgRh1E 10/21/09(Wed)12:50:02 No.5932588
    chica chica chickens
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)12:54:34 No.5932636
    Guys, don't bring up your exes or talk about previous girls you've fucked. We really don't want to hear about how you fucked your ex's best friend to get back at her for some stupid shit. If we have the common courtesy to not discuss our previous sexual exploits, please return the favor.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:01:55 No.5932700
    This exactly this this this.

    Just because we don't feel like having sex, it doesn't mean we're not attracted to you anymore or have low sex drives. We don't like sex EVERY FUCKING DAY or MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY. I can guarantee you, though, that the sex will be much better if you give us time to miss it, like this anon said.

    Also, goddammit no means NO, not secretly-yes-if-you-keep-persisting.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:05:15 No.5932728

    I beg to differ.

    First time me and my girlfriend ever stayed in a hotel, we fucked 6 times that night, and 3 the next morning.

    But that's for special occasions. Sometimes it is OK to schedule some platonic couple time. You can't base a healthy relationship ONLY on great sex.... has to be great sex + like spending time together when we're not fucking.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:06:00 No.5932737

    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:07:37 No.5932755
    you can tell if a girl has a real orgasm by a few things:

    flushing of the chest
    erect nipples
    curling toes
    uterine contractions, although not easily verified
    >> Mew? 10/21/09(Wed)13:08:54 No.5932770

    We just want to cum inside you as many times as we humanly can in a day. It's a sign of love.

    Why can't you dry frigid bitches understand that.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:11:54 No.5932794
    Guys have feelings too. Something most girls I've known seem to not be aware of.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:16:25 No.5932838
    Sometimes I don't want to fuck. Sometimes I just want to cuddle you until I fall asleep ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:16:54 No.5932843
    + be intelligent yourself
    WHAT don't have a stupid philosophy
    WHY have ambition to become rich
    + be decent looking/healthy

    The "why" of course has a self-explanatory evolutionary answer, but makes me rage all the same.

    Concerning the "what" all I have to say is: "WHAT?!"
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:22:03 No.5932906
    Girls usually don't care how big your dick is if you know how to please her with it, and in other ways.
    I say usually, because there are probably some slutty girls who do care.

    We like seeing your penis flaccid. It means you are comfortable around us.

    Confidence doesn't mean assholing around being a douche, confidence starts in your mind and is projected onto your body.

    Make a real effort on your appearance even if you're just going to the store real quick, you never know who you will meet, and the confidence you exude from looking good will double your attractiveness.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:23:01 No.5932913
    >Places to find good guys: computer-related clubs, physics/math lectures, literary clubs...

    Yes, because all good guys are greasy fucking virgin losers.

    Get over yourself
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:24:57 No.5932940
    I think she means, have an ambition in general.
    Nobody wants to be with a guy who doesn't care if he moves out of moms basement, gets a job, a car etc.
    "settling" is something beta males do. alpha males strive for better.

    Doesn't have to be 'I'M GON BE A ASTRONAUT"
    any ambition is good.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:29:43 No.5932990

    That's not at all what I was implying, so thanks for that straw-man.

    All of my nerd or intellectual bros who have girlfriends and wives treat them extremely well.

    Instead of being a hate-filled jackass, why not post some of your own advice to the ladies on places to find good guys?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:41:50 No.5933122
    Not the guy you quoted, but I wouldn't suggest nerd activities. I don't think that will have any higher concentration of "good guys" than, say, any other usual location.

    Bars and clubs can be bad. Lots of people are usually just looking for a quick lay. Although if that's what you're into, more power to you.

    House parties can often be better. If you think the host(s) is a chill guy, most likely a lot of his friends are chill guys. One of them is going to be attractive and cool, even if the host is a total dork. I met my current girlfriend this way, we are just over 2 and 1/2 years together now.

    Non-alcoholic social events are nice too. Join some sort of club or group. It doesn't have to be the local nerd club like captain spock suggested; just get involved in stuff that interests you. If you are on a college campus then that's a great way to meet a lot of people. They will all share your interests, and one or more of them is likely to be attractive.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:51:10 No.5933214

    I think nerd places are good because even the attractive chaps tend to be female-starved. At least, all my experiences have shown that to be the case.

    Problem with house parties is that most young women can't tell the difference between a chill guy and a typical "player". Going the nerd route almost completely eliminates the possibility of getting a player.

    Also, at nerd gatherings the women will be heavily outnumbered by the men so she'll have the pick of the litter so to speak.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)13:52:49 No.5933226


    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:00:12 No.5933271

    >I think nerd places are good because even the attractive chaps tend to be female-starved.

    So it's great if you want to date people who can't find a woman on their own?

    Problem with house parties is that most young women can't tell the difference between a chill guy and a typical "player". Going the nerd route almost completely eliminates the possibility of getting a player.

    So there are no nerds who enjoy open / no strings attached sexual relationships? (Nobody on r9k posts about this, right?)

    >Also, at nerd gatherings the women will be heavily outnumbered by the men so she'll have the pick of the litter so to speak.

    So you get your pick of all the girly-men?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:05:30 No.5933309

    >So it's great if you want to date people who can't find a woman on their own
    >I only want to date guys who are already taken
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:08:44 No.5933348
    Way to take giant logical leaps and put them in my mouth

    There is a huge difference between wanting to date taken men, and wanting to date a man who is competent enough to attract a partner but happens to be single at the moment
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:10:51 No.5933369
    To dicks,
    Don't give the "i know everything" attitude. Fuckers piss me off with what little knowledge you have
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:11:23 No.5933379
    I love that comic


    it's adorable and amusing at the same time
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:11:43 No.5933385

    I'm talking about maximizing a woman's chances. Obviously your mileage may vary, but do you really think I believe what I said applies to every situation? Please.

    Indeed most dorks have a hard time finding a woman. But there are always a few "normal" guys who have dorkish interests, and they tend to treat women very well.

    Actually, those guys tend to get snapped up early. Happened to me and most of my friends.

    What I'm trying to say, is that despite some nerds demonstrating "player" qualities, and despite most being complete tools who couldn't bag a girl on their own, there are always a few guys among that crowd who are really quite awesome, and they are much more likely to be the type to treat women well.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:17:46 No.5933445

    Yes, but picking out the "best" reject of conventional society still nets you a reject.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:20:07 No.5933470

    Vin Diesel plays DnD. So is he a social reject because he has a nerdy interest?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:20:09 No.5933471

    Some men just enjoy intellectual pursuits for their own sake, to the extent that they'll eschew "conventional" pastimes such as sport, clubbing and drinking. Doesn't mean they are rejects.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:21:25 No.5933481
    no, it's because he has shitty movies
    oh who am i kidding, his movies are awesome :(
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:22:56 No.5933497
    I'd be grateful if the men here can give me some advice or tips on how to seduce a man. Bit pathetic that this is for use with my boyfriend to get him into bed but hey ho.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:25:19 No.5933520

    Get naked and sit on his lap.

    That is the best I can do. It is always the other way around for me.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:27:18 No.5933540
    Go up to him and whisper into his ear, "I want to bounce up and down on your stiff cock until you spill your entire load inside my tight, wet pussy"

    Works pretty well on me.

    Ok, seriously, it shouldn't take that much to get him stimulated. Do the same kind of stuff a guy does when he wants guaranteed pussy from his girlfriend. Arrange a time when you'll know you'll be together. Do something coupleish / romantic beforehand, ex. dinner at a nice place. Supply whatever stuff gets you two going, ex. music, chocolate covered strawberries, lingerie, sex toys, bondage gear, etc. Tell him how bad you want it.

    If this doesn't work on him, find a new boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:27:29 No.5933544
    Do you have the looks to seduce someone?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:28:22 No.5933551
    Dear women from another woman who likes other women:

    Don't try to date me because you're in some godawful rebellion against daddy.
    Don't try to hook up with me at a party because you want Johnny or Brad
    to pay more attention to you. If I wanted to date men, I will. If you look
    like a man, no I am not attracted. I want ample delicious women with manners
    who won't act like a shrewd loud mouth cow, I don't give a shit about
    your feminist agenda. I want to bake cookies, get my hair done, and make
    sweet lesbian love. Fuck all your insecurities, shut the fuck up and let's sex.

    Fuck if you straight males think you have it hard, imagine being a female
    attracted to other females. It's a fucking nightmare.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:29:03 No.5933560

    Wear a skimpy negligee (down to just under the buttcheeks) and high heels. Make sure it's tight around the waist - exaggerating the hip/waist ratio is a huge turn-on.

    I get instaboner when my waifu does that.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:29:17 No.5933564
    If I were to do this he'd get pissy about me interrupting whatever it was he was doing. I know, I've tried it before.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:30:24 No.5933575
    dont be overly aggresive women. I once made out with a butch and all i could think about was getting the fuck out of that situation.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:30:29 No.5933576
    Here's a tip for girls: Most guys SAY they don't like the idea of prostate massage or having you stick things up their ass, and if you ask if you can do it they'll say no, but if you just take some damn initiative and do it without asking, they'll have mind blowing orgasms that last forever, and they'll thank you for it later.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:33:19 No.5933606

    Dear poster, have you considered that the reason you're having so many problems is because lesbians are some of the most horribly damaged people around?

    Your complaint is kind of like this:

    "Dear apples, don't come near me with your apply taste. The only apples that dare approach me have the taste of a delicious orange. I will eat any apple that tastes like an orange."

    Perhaps you should date men.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:34:11 No.5933612

    I wish I could date men but I'm not sexually attracted to them. It's a pretty bad situation. :\
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:34:19 No.5933613
    Dear straight men,

    The thinner a girl is, the more likely she is to have an ugly vag.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:36:36 No.5933635
    fat girl propaganda
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:39:42 No.5933662

    I don't believe that. Start hanging out with more men, and you will find ones that you are attracted to.

    Of course you can't find men that are attractive to you if all you're doing is hanging out with mannish, emotionally scarred lesbians.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:39:56 No.5933664
    I thought about what she said for a second, read your post, and then lol'd.
    That was some funny ass shit.

    Best thing I read today. Then again, I only got on r9k five-ten minutes ago... so that doesn't amount to much.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:40:18 No.5933668
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    Your girlfriend (this is purely hypothetical) asks you the following question:

    "Who is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?"

    How do you respond?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:41:14 No.5933677
    I'm not sure, but (insert truthful compliment about her personality/looks and explain how it's beautiful). Works. blox
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:41:16 No.5933678

    Get a new boyfriend. He is not worth it

    ib4 teh bloxz
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:41:54 No.5933688
    Thin femanon virgin here. I have seen at least 12 different vaginas in my life to prove that.Oh, and the chubby chicks have nicer ones. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:42:43 No.5933697
    show us your vagina, now. If not, show us your face.

    Otherwise... fat girl propoganda.
    If not, you're just a rare ugly.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:43:07 No.5933703

    No I've been with both lipstick + butch lesbians, the lipstick has this whole self-entitlement ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER, THE MAN IS TRYING TO BRING US DOWN bullshit. Whereas the butch lesbians are like (not all fat and ugly) hating their parents and all LESBIAN PRIDE YEAH or just embarrassing to be with. I just want to find another calm easy going girl who isn't ashamed of being...womanly? I mean shit, is it that hard? I do hang out with guys, there's no arousal when I'm around them. The way they kiss and touch, it just doesn't feel right.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:44:21 No.5933722
    Well, I'll toss something out for girls:

    We don't find stupidity to be innocent and attractive, it's just annoying. And no, you don't have personality if your favorite band is the Jonas Brothers, your favorite movie is PS I love you, and your favorite book is Twilight. You're a fucking idiot with no taste.
    >> Mew? 10/21/09(Wed)14:46:04 No.5933740

    Warning: He might like it so much that he'll dump you and find himself a penis to massage to his prostate.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:50:09 No.5933776

    Yes, I'm sorry, but again you're asking for the impossible. The lipstick (political) lesbians aren't in it because they enjoy women. They're in it because they're flipped out about men. The butch lesbians are, like you're suggesting, just laughable.

    The problem is that lesbians are generally speaking just really damaged people in one way or another. My guess is that you should really shop around the man market. You'll find something you like. I guess that's called "dating."

    Alternatively, just wait around for some fantasy lady to come your way. But, and I hate to break this to you, what you're looking for pretty much means you'll find a bi girl who'll ditch you for a man.
    >> Mew? 10/21/09(Wed)14:51:44 No.5933789

    Just find a femmenine man. Tons of them out there. As long as you like a good dicking it will work out. Otherwise you can just ask him to scissor with you or some gay shit like that. Don't ask me how that would work.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:51:47 No.5933791
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    This is definitely a good idea, and will lead to no negative repercussions.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)14:52:33 No.5933799
    there's nothing about being a lesbian that inherently makes you damaged; it's just that people that are oftentimes lesbians have had something happen to them because they were lesbians. i'm not that chick, but i would wager that there has to be at least some regular chick lesbians out there, albeit maybe only a few.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:09:34 No.5933957
    I'd fulfill your fantasy wholly and completely if I wasn't a raging psychopath. ...but if you don't mind rough, mind-blowing sex in-between baking cookies and having intellectual conversation that does NOT involving women's rights or our childhoods... take me, I'm yours!
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:12:02 No.5933973

    Is he saving himself for marriage or something?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:15:18 No.5933997
    Guys don't tell your girlfriend you think her friends are attractive or you would like to see them naked. It doesn't matter about celebrities or strangers on the street but people she knows... it will bug her.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:16:40 No.5934009
    but they are attractive!
    one of them even has giant boobs!

    I know that once she takes them out of the bra, they'll fall to the floor and it won't look good, but it do now!
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:19:25 No.5934024
    this comment was made by a gay man insidiously trying to recruit more gays into his ever expanding gay mafia.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:31:27 No.5934140


    Gotta know the why first.Probably respond with something like
    " I can answer, but I'm not gonna say one more word until I know why you are springing this on me. I thought things were going pretty decently, and now you wanna pick a fight?"
    Now she has a choice. Obstruction or communication. You now have the information you need to figure out just how far into crazyland this particular chick is.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:43:41 No.5934247
    Could you just post the rest of the twig story already?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:44:37 No.5934256
    Haven't seen this one yet: Ladies, if you let a man cum in your mouth, you have 2 options. 1, Spit it out, 2, swallow it. Now when I say spit it out, I mean spit into kleenex, garbage can, sink, whatever. I do not mean let it drool out of your mouth, mixing with your spit like you just shot up with novocaine, that isn't sexy, it's fucking disgusting. Also, if you swallow, just swallow. Gargling and showing off your mouthful of cum is almost worse than drooling it everywhere. Personally, I blame porn for making this behavior common, but I'm probably wrong about that.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:46:11 No.5934271
    Get on the pill.

    Let him cum inside you.

    Nothing else in this world compares.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:47:01 No.5934281
    Also, don't kiss me with remains of my cum still in your mouth.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:52:10 No.5934332

    Dude, speak for yourself. Seeing cum ooze down a hot girls face and neck is hot as hell. Even better when you french them straight after you bust in their mouth.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)15:52:23 No.5934338
    If you play WoW for upwards of five hours a day, do NOT complain about how your hand cramps up while fingering me after only five minutes.
    >> Mew? 10/21/09(Wed)15:53:14 No.5934345

    Snowballing is pig disgusting

    If you like cum in your mouth, go suck penis faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)16:19:24 No.5934677

    I don't play WoW or any other videogames, but I will say I have been in situations where my hand cramped up so bad I couldn't finger a girl any more. Admittedly, it was after a lot longer than 5 minutes, but still, it happens.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)16:27:23 No.5934757
    I do understand it's a taxing thing sometimes, but it was like we couldn't even take a break and then go back to it after that five minutes was up. Like that was it for the whole night. Kudos to you for being able to hold out that long. You will make someone very happy.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)16:39:50 No.5934870
    Huh? All I hear is BITCH BITCH MOAN

    What a surprise. Next you're going to want us to cunninglinguini you on your period?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)16:47:48 No.5934950
    Here's a tip for guys: Most girls SAY they don't like the idea of anal sex or having you stick things up their ass, and if you ask if you can do it they'll say no, but if you just take some damn initiative and do it without asking, they'll have mind blowing orgasms that last forever, and they'll thank you for it later.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/09(Wed)16:50:30 No.5934970
    The fat makes the labia majora large enough to hide the minoria.

    I am fine with a little weight, 10-20 pounds. I don't want a landwhale that weighs more than I do though.

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