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  • File : 1255823339.jpg-(26 KB, 430x392, michael_moore.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:48:59 No.5879516  
    I read somewhere about a radio discussion of the "liberal education bias." I wish i head it, because I'd love to know what in the hell the opposite of liberal education would be.

    Is there anyone out there receiving a conservative education? What's it like?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:50:10 No.5879529
    It's like building a time machine with government funding and travelling back to the 50's.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:50:38 No.5879532
    Liberal education = Science
    Conservative education = Creationism

    The sad thing is that this is true in a lot parts of America.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:51:09 No.5879536
    Jesus is responsible for everything. The end.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:51:27 No.5879537
    Lol, as stated by a liberal
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:52:23 No.5879546
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    Fuck the homosexual enabling liberal education facilities and come to my college, Regent University.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:52:54 No.5879552

    Your poor trolling makes it no less true.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:53:13 No.5879554

    Did you just take a pass at my beloved cuntry?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:53:54 No.5879558
    OP here. Would it be commerce?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:53:55 No.5879559
    libral = buttsecks
    con= vagina
    >> Sir Beckett !!Rx1Qg+YPjjx 10/17/09(Sat)19:55:10 No.5879571
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    I believe those students attending Catholic schools and the like are receiving what would be referred to as a conservative education.

    This seems in effect to be the case the mass majority of the time. I am neither conservative nor liberal, but anyone with even the slightest modicum of common sense sees that far too often science and things pertaining to hard facts are often written off by those with a religious agenda as "Liberal".

    its a sad state of affairs, to be sure.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:55:19 No.5879576
    liberal education: FDR was the best president ever and the new deal pulled us out of the depression
    conservative education: the truth
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:56:02 No.5879581
    most liberal arts disciplines have both liberal or conservative schools of thought. most high school children (and liberals) could not conceive of such a world.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:56:04 No.5879582
    conservative education: math and hard sciences
    liberal "education": art and dancing
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:57:02 No.5879591
    It's illegal to teach creationism in science classes in American public schools, that Dover district court thingy decided it

    Creationism got thoroughly owned, and a conservative Bush-appointed Judge who had previously expressed support for creationism MADE THE DECISION.

    He just saw how shitty creationism is
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:57:09 No.5879592
    >students attending Catholic schools and the like are receiving what would be referred to as a conservative education.

    notice how these private schools are notoriously better than public institutions?

    it's not a coincidence
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:58:00 No.5879601

    Sorry, math was one of the original courses in liberal education.

    There's no such thing as "hard" science either.

    Nice try, anti-social lab rat. You lose.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:58:03 No.5879603
    liberal education means state propaganda. conservative education means cut out the propaganda and be realistic. there are no schools that I know of that teach conservative propaganda, though I guess they must exist.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:58:09 No.5879607

    Tru dat, yall. Praise Jesus and Creation Science.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:59:08 No.5879620
    I go to a Lutheran school, and conservative education sucks. Our sex ed basically consisted of "IF YOU HAVE SEX YOU WILL GET AIDS AND DIE, CONDOMS DONT WORK YOU DUMBASS. ALSO FAGS ARE EVIL"
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:59:10 No.5879621
    >There's no such thing as "hard" science either.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:59:58 No.5879629
    There's also the fact that kids who get put into private schools have parents willing to pay a tuition for a private school, meaning the parents care more about the child's education which means the child does better in school.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:00:21 No.5879632

    Get out with those Americanized definitions of 'liberal'.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:00:25 No.5879634
    Liberal education = Evolution

    Conservacunt edumacation = Creationism/Intelligent Design
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:00:56 No.5879643

    I went to a christian parochial school until grade 11.

    In health class we learned about waiting until marriage.

    In math class I learned about the shroud of turin, and in science class I learned about pink floyd.

    Bible studies was the best because I fucking slept through it and got straight Fs.

    Fuck yeah catholic school!
    >> Sir Beckett !!Rx1Qg+YPjjx 10/17/09(Sat)20:01:09 No.5879651
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    They are arguably "better" because they are smaller and have a much higher budget for quality instructors and educational materials and the like.

    The syllabus is not so far removed from that of run-of-the-mill public institutions (besides their theological slant), its just that they have a much larger budget and can afford to do things that public institutions simply cannot, what with the government cutting educational funding every time you turn around in favor of military spending or what have you.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:03:36 No.5879674

    I'm a gross nerd, and even though all my work is theoretical, I'll pick on social sciences for being theoretical.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:04:12 No.5879683
    ITT: butthurt liberals reveal their ignorance and lack of education while attempting to malign conservatives as uneducated.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:04:16 No.5879684
    Fuck yeah Beckett
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:04:26 No.5879687
    liberal ed: earth is 4.5 billion years old
    conservative ed: earth is 6000 years old
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:04:36 No.5879691
    I went to Catholic schools my whole life (I'm an ausfag), and I'm not Catholic, my parents just paid because of the quality of education. And no, none of our teachers were Christian, sexed was completely 'scientific', and in religious studies in college you could study whatever religion you wanted, I did Islam and Buddhism.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:05:19 No.5879697
    ITT people who do not know what liberal education means. Quadrivium, motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:05:53 No.5879706
    conservative education means actually learning about the history of western civilization, instead of pretending that it was a bunch of niggers, women, and disaffected minorities that accomplished everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:06:23 No.5879715
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    an interesting theory, however the evidence does not support a positive correlation between budget and learning
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:07:00 No.5879721

    I know, their hero Lenin would be ashamed to be associated with these people.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:08:13 No.5879741
    >I don't know what theoretical means
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:08:23 No.5879745
    Is that adjusted for inflation?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:14:57 No.5879828

    I lol when republicans quote supply-side economics to deride FDR. Here's what the creator of SSE says about The New Deal:

    And here's what he says about SSE today:

    Read it unless you're too scared to disobey Orielly and Limbaugh. Warning: the illumination might be harmful to your Fox News propaganda-laden brain :P
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:18:11 No.5879876
    I love how we can now be elitist against people who have actively decided to learn and educate themselves/

    I can understand that attitude in institutions where we teach children, but not in real life.

    Cull these dead weights who bash the simple act of broadening your view of the world. They can achieve nothing for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:18:31 No.5879882

    I'm sorry, OP, about all the trolls and retards here.

    I think you're referring to the well-known tendency for students to become more liberal as they go through college.

    I don't know if there are colleges other than the most extreme religious colleges that have the opposite effect.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 10/17/09(Sat)20:19:09 No.5879886
    I'm surprised that more Engineers and such aren't Republican. I'm a liberal engy student myself, and I can tell you that my peers are some of the most stuck-up assholes I've ever met. They're entirely humorless, and if their heads got any bigger they'd explode. But lo and behold, people without any education on political science can still use their critical thinking skills.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:19:30 No.5879897

    The history of western civilization:

    Roman Empire has flushing toilets and sewers

    Roman Empire converts to Christianity and collapses.

    Europe spends the next 2000 years shitting outside in a hole and wiping ass with leaves, suffering from plagues and poor hygiene, blames it on "spirits" and "demons"

    300 years ago, Slave trader finds West, while getting lost looking for slaves. Dirty Europeans that don't wash hands after shitting in hole soon follow, speading small pox and plague, killing all the natives.

    After 300 years of burning witches, slavery, and Jesusy crap, the flush toilet starts to catch on again. Europeans still refuse to wash hands.

    Industrial Revolution starts. Modern Cities flourish at the expense of the environment and working class, White Europeans congratulate themselves on a job well done, and assert their success on "strong christian principles." Blame immigrants for everything, despite the fact America was founded by immigration. Conservatives retort by saying "hey ho, there, we meant non white immigrants."

    Still nobody washes hands. Swine flu pandemic starts. Americans blame it on "spirits" and "demons"
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:19:37 No.5879900
    Conservative education = bible studies.

    The answer to every question is "god did it".
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 10/17/09(Sat)20:20:34 No.5879912
    >the opposite effect.

    I've never heard of liberals trying to get into Regent University and walking out with a bible and a picket sign. Extremism like that just makes people hate them all the more.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:21:43 No.5879923
    And where did anon learn this?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:21:57 No.5879929

    You could have a conservative moderate come out as an extremist. I'm sure it happens.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:21:58 No.5879931
    >In constant 2008 dollars
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:22:18 No.5879938

    Dude, that's graduate programs. Lower level courses are about the fundamentals. Maybe you just went to a shitty college or you're just repeating what your buddies say.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:23:57 No.5879967
    Hey guys, I think I worked it out:

    Conservative education: History
    Liberal education: everything that exists in the present or future tense.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:26:28 No.5879994
    I wonder why most scientists and engineers tend to be liberal? Poor sample space or is it close to the truth?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:29:08 No.5880030

    Read and be educated, fools.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:30:01 No.5880042
    Smart people often believe in idealistic nonsense.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:30:53 No.5880054
    That's it. I'm now one hundred percent convinced that conservapedia is a parody.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:31:04 No.5880059
    Stopped here.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:32:23 No.5880076

    Poor foreigners xD You guys think your "conservative" "liberal" labels have any relation to ours. What you call "conservatives" is our moderate democrats. What you call "liberals" is our far left-wingers. What you call "bat-shit crazy needing institutionalization" is our conservatives. Just thought you should know.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:32:58 No.5880083
    If you aren't aware of how liberal the curriculum is at most colleges and schools anymore then you are already hopelessly lost in a sea of liberal propaganda. Sorry, but the very basis of the liberal model breeds hate and decadence. It's the kind of education that emphasizes slavery but doesn't emphasize the 800,000 death war for freedom. The kind that constantly bitches and moans in victimhood instead of striving for better. Feminism has been entirely infiltrated by aggressive progressives and it nothing more then an attack on anything of value. It's just going to continue breeding a broken society that will further lead America toward shit. Everyone is a victim, except of course those evil white people(the ones that allow "downtrodden minorities" to live on welfare in modern society while they lash out) Sure is working great brah
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:34:20 No.5880098
    College made me hate liberals. They're so fucking annoying and smug.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:34:20 No.5880099


    >9. Abstinence only sex education doesn't work. Liberals believe that children as young as kindergarten age must be taught about sex in graphic detail.[4] They refuse to acknowledge that abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancy and STDs with 100% effectiveness, and instead argue that we should teach children about somewhat risky methods to prevent pregnancy and STDs.

    Of course, they don't refute that it doesn't work... Because it doesn't. The numerous studies that show it only increases the age of first sexual encounter by about six months makes it *not* a myth.

    The rest isn't so bad. There's definitely some truth to their objection to those "myths", but I hardly think those qualify as "liberal myths."
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:35:34 No.5880112

    You're not going to explain social phenomenon with Chemistry. Rather, you'll loose the bigger picture. The fact that you're of the opinion that Chemistry is "truthier" than Sociology proves you're on high school Academic Team and are therefore inconsequential in opinion.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:37:11 No.5880127
    ReaIity has a liberal bias.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 10/17/09(Sat)20:39:08 No.5880146

    I'd really like to take whatever "conservative" course this asshole is talking about, where everyone holds hands and praises the efforts of good white men in history. Maybe talk about how romantic history is when you discard all the shit that involves rape and genocide.

    Shit like this reminds me of those Army commercials. Yeah, front-line soldiers get to go to Afghanistan and pick up sad looking brown children while uplifting rock music plays in the background.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:39:41 No.5880149
    lol sociology. It's shitty even for a social "science."
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:42:52 No.5880194

    Everyone is good? Don't worry, you tried your best!?! STUDENTS NOT BEING TRACKED!?!?!

    What the fuck school is this? Where I went, there was clear favortism, there was certain respect for effort but not everyone got a ribbon, and by sophmore year you knew who was taking agriculture and who was taking advanced placement.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:47:21 No.5880245
    can anyone refute the fact that the world would be a better place if we killed all liberals?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:48:10 No.5880252
    What a typical joke you are. You bring up left/right politics instead of addressing anything said. You assume I'm a warmongering Republican, but I've had nothing but disgust for anything Bush or neocon related. I actually cheered on Obama and his "end the war" attitude but its clear all he said was a lie.
    Try growing up white in a majority black neighborhood and see how great things are while listening to teachers talk about slavery and all the horrors involved as the only white in the room. Oh ya and fuck off faggot, I'm sure you are some global warming hipster scumbag.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:48:45 No.5880259

    You have no evidence for you fact, troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:53:13 No.5880307
    liberalism = hipsterism

    i think that sums things up pretty well

    it's never going to be "hip" or "cool" to be conservative. but it will be right, and honest.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:58:16 No.5880351
    and your parents actually pay for your 'education'? We're all fucked.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:02:11 No.5880389

    There was no content in this comment, but just by its sheer disorganization and pointlessness I'm going to assume you're a libfag.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:04:00 No.5880408
    I sometimes wonder when conservatives complain about college professors and universities being "liberally biased" all the time, why do they never put 2 and 2 together? Do they think it's a coincidence?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:05:00 No.5880425

    can you refute the fact that you fuck little boys?

    I thought not, pedophile.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:05:25 No.5880429
    Liberal education = Lincoln was God, Nixon started Vietnam, Federal Government is your mother.

    There is no conservative education.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:06:03 No.5880438
    ReaIity has a well known liberal bias.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:06:12 No.5880440

    0/10 try harder

    There was no content in this comment, but just by its sheer disorganization and pointIessness I'm going to assume you're a confag.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:08:51 No.5880474
    The reason that universities are mostly liberal is that they're filled with smarter than average people, basically.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:09:48 No.5880487

    Here come the ad hominems.


    And the unoriginal mockery!
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:10:43 No.5880500
    Egotistical liberals assume that reality conforms to their ideological views.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:14:44 No.5880548

    That's not technically an ad hominem.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:37:11 No.5880780
    Western civilization was good 2500 years ago for a while, then it started sucking, and just kept on sucking harder and harder until about 400 years ago when it got supremely awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:40:51 No.5880817
    Which then gave them a rather unfortunate superiority complex and led to them kicking the shit out of everyone who looked at them funny. They weren't born on a continent that has all the ingredients for an advanced technical society, obviously they're inferior!

    But apart from that, things were good. Inventors invented, intellectuals intellected, kings were dethroned.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:19:41 No.5881255
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    Britfag here. THIS IS NOT A TROLL, this is a genuine question, if it turns into a shitstorm accept my apologies in advance.

    How is it that in America the word "liberal" has become a pejorative synonymous with "thinking like a hippy." It seems weird for a country where (admirably, IMO) liberty is one of the greatest principles.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:24:11 No.5881301
    If it doesn't compound the matter, a lot of euros I talk to think "liberal" means something like libertarianism.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:25:22 No.5881324
    Liberalism is delusion.

    Conservatism is the truth.

    That's not to say goofy fuck-ups on TV and the radio and online aren't stupid. Of course they are. And it's not to say lots of conservatives aren't jackasses. Both sides are. But according to the basic fundamentals of both, that's just the way it is.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:33:54 No.5881399

    OK, I'm 5881324, so to help my curiosity can you define your terms?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:34:23 No.5881404
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    OP here. You have all completely failed to answer my question.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:36:34 No.5881424

    Well I think in the UK at least it's still pretty closely associated with the 18th/19th century idea. Close to the center in economic terms and pretty strong on individual/social freedom. Not "zero government" libertarianism by a long way.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:43:35 No.5881499
    All Americans are liberal from a European standpoint, and "liberal/conservative" refers partly to progressiveness and partly to size of government (liberals want regulation and services, conservatives want deregulation and low taxes). So it's liberal or conservative application of government.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:55:44 No.5881629
    academia is a secluded environment isolated from the "real world" where failure has no consequence and the elite professors rely on tenure to be insulated from the consequences of failure and government handouts for research in state schools.

    no shit they're all liberal
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:56:15 No.5881636
    >drunk as fuck
    >full bottle
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:59:34 No.5881672
    That's the third one.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:00:33 No.5881684

    >failure has no consequence

    LOL, you try getting a grant if you haven't published anything from your last one.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:02:36 No.5881699
    publish a report about how the research was inconclusive/accomplished nothing

    get double the money next year, plus tenure and a staff of 6 asian grad students to do all the work for you
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:03:00 No.5881702
    It's called "American home schooling", Op. You keep your kids home and you cry, talk in tongues and pray all day. It's made worse by the parents telling their kids lies their church told them because the CEO of the empire of born again super churches they attend is in bed with various industries (like healthcare, oil, and large retail chains). Therefore you get kids who believe that dinosaur bones are a hoax, "healthcare" is evil, global warming is a liberal lie, and Wal-Mart is where Jesus would shop if he were around today.
    That's a conservative education.

    >The "Bible" is the only text book you need!
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:06:33 No.5881742
    Well, not really "thinking like a hippie," more often more like "thinking like someone a particuarly unintelligent and crude person at the opposite end of the political spectrum would caricature as a hippie."

    And the answer is because of the different history of the far Left in Europe and America. Except from about 1900-1920, and then again in the 1930s, and in one last, albeit prominent, sputter from about (to take it broadly, perhaps too broadly) 1964-1971, there was no really viable socialist movement in America, and it was confined almost entirely to the industrialized urban areas, in a country where (at that time) industrialized urban areas were much less important than in Europe. Indeed, most of the radical left in those times were immigrants.

    The reasons for this are complex and I don't feel like getting into it now, but the highest percent an avowedly Leftist, socialist candidate got for president in America was roughly 6%. How many Labor governments (not even Blairite, moderate new Labor, I mean Labor) governments has Britain had?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:07:03 No.5881754

    Which brings me to the labor movement. In America, it got co-opted and the leaders got corrupt and it basically got pigeonholed into the catchphrase of "collective bargaining." It's now, and has been for some time, basically except in the socialist heydey and some time surrounding it, a selfish get-me-more-money-in-the-current-system than a fuck-the-capitalists-unite-the-working-class-and-revolt thing. It's wholly depoliticized, except as a patron and wing of the mainstream of the Democratic Party, still fantastically grateful for OSHA and minimum wage laws, to the extent there's anything uncynical about the alliance at all.

    And then there's how there never arose in America, except as the Libertarians who have always either been A) just too far behind in an entrenched, two-party racket staffed by people very skilled at marketing, B) too extreme, or C) both, a party that was at once liberal-style capitalist and not avowedly conservative, and none that wasn't full of all sorts of pathologies, unlike the LibDems. Being unflinchingly pro-business is inseparable from Toryism or worse in America.

    So the sensible, slightly compassionate, not socialist or other Leftist, etc. people just got stuck as Liberal.

    Oh, and then there's race. When Americans riot, we've got race to do it over, so outside of faggy kids breaking windows at G8 meetings and the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, every American riot impulse has been superficially- and thus as viewed by the mainstream- stripped of political content and made a race riot. Europe never had that; it had obvious class divisions, which where "rich" and "noble" didn't coincide there was at least the presence of class resentment and not racial tension.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:08:11 No.5881765
    You cannot just throw money at a kid and expect it to learn. The free market doesn't apply to everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:10:06 No.5881778
    The ordinary conservative isn't educated
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:11:12 No.5881789

    Hahahahahahahahahaha. Where the fuck do you get that sort of idea?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:14:07 No.5881819
    take a class taught by a tenured professor sometime. 90% of them are full of shit because they have a "can't get fired" shield
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:19:42 No.5881879
    Well if you knew everything, then why did you go to college?

    >you're the worst kind of bullshit student. I hope they failed you because you asked for it.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:21:43 No.5881917
    way to make a huge non-sequitor from my post.

    i'll rephrase it

    >90% of them are gigantic assholes because they have a magic "can't get fired" shield
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:23:32 No.5881940

    Oh I'll bet I've been to more classes than you ever will.

    Answer the question: where can you piss away a grant, and then make tenure, get double the grant next time and six grad students.

    The fact that you claim there's something badly wrong with 90% of professors suggests to me the problem is on your side.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:29:44 No.5882021
    But it's not him, he knows everything and especially knows more than all of his professors. He should be the one teaching those fucking classes, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:35:17 No.5882106
    They give away grants for a lot of the most bullshit "research" projects. It's following the terms of the grant, but to any rational person it's clearly a gigantic waste of money. I should know, it was how I got my salary for almost 2 years. 6 million bucks over 5 years from the fed to do something the private sector already tried, thoroughly, and determined to be a failure
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:37:28 No.5882130

    Hey, thanks, that's interesting. So was there a particular time when liberal vs conservative (just in terms of use of words) appeared to identify the "right" from the "left"?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:39:59 No.5882178

    You still haven't answered my specific question.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:41:19 No.5882192
    because i'd rather not admit to badmouthing my employer online
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:41:31 No.5882195

    Sounds like he's butthurt because he worked on a project that failed and now he hates all academia.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:42:00 No.5882200

    It's amazing how far conservatives will bend over backwards to explain a way the simple fact that universities are centers of learning and thus lean left.

    It couldn't possibly be that professors tend to be smart, and more knowledgeable about the world.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:43:00 No.5882215
    Read Paul Feyerabend and move to the 20th century.
    Honestly, you all people need to evolve a few hundred years from the 18th century.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:43:32 No.5882223

    > Implying that private industry never spends money on research that doesn't pan out
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:44:16 No.5882237
    oh no the project is still going strong

    it's just a massive waste of everyone's time and taxpayer's money

    i guess you could call me a hypocrite, but I'd be a fool not to take advantage of it while i can
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:45:57 No.5882272
    except the private sector has to support failed endeavors with money made from successful ones.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:46:09 No.5882276
    >if you can't do, teach



    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:46:38 No.5882286

    Not asking you to name names - you're really saying that your Prof got no results from a $6 million dollar grant, then got tenure, then got a $12 million dollar grant and then got 6 grad students?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:47:32 No.5882300
    honestly, the private sector has an easier time doing research because they still apply for government grants or make the government pay for it outright. Look at every medicine ever released on the market and every weapon ever used. It was probably made with government money before it was turned into a for-profit venture. You're welcome corporate capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:48:55 No.5882331
    "if you can't do, teach" is the biggest myth ever. And please don't waste your money or anyone's time by going to college.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:50:20 No.5882365
    the 6 million dollar grant was the new grant, extension for the same project that wasn't finished, alongside another grant for several more similar projects. there were also several GRA positions added which is where i came in
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:51:24 No.5882384

    > "If you can't do, teach"

    Richard fucking Feynman.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:51:43 No.5882391
    you're your own pathetic ideological enemy. You're an incompetent leech taking advantage of the university research system. An hero.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:54:53 No.5882443
    it's not like me not taking the position would make the project go away
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:55:11 No.5882451

    OK *that* I can believe, I have seen it happen, but it's much less extreme than you seemed to be implying before and, trust me, it's not very common. You still have to make a damn good case to extend a project with any funding body I know of, and if you piss away a grant you are history.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:55:57 No.5882457
    Research scientists are exempt from the "if you can't do, teach" rule. As far as the humanities dept. goes it's pretty much rule #1.
    >> Rawne !Qi28nPZaCI 10/17/09(Sat)23:56:14 No.5882464
    Here is an example of a "conservative" college:

    They're the only college in the United States with a statue of Margaret Thatcher.

    A liberal education has nothing to do with the political label, either. In fact, very few universities and colleges adhere to the traditional liberal education curriculum. It starts with classical Latin and Greek, moves on to the physical sciences, mathematics, poetry and literature, romance and modern languages, rhetoric, philosophy. Economics, psychology, and other fields were added later. Engineering, business, and military were considered more like professions than something you would go to a university for.

    Which means that most so called "conservative" schools actually adhere more closely to a traditional "liberal education."
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:56:26 No.5882466
    Whatever you need to rationalize your dumbfuckery.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:58:34 No.5882495
    >if you piss away a grant you are history.
    still, my main point was the grant in and of itself was pissing away money. even following all the rules.

    suffice to say, seeing what the DoE would waste money on has given me an entirely new perspective when people bitch about funding for education
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:59:36 No.5882509
    haha man i don't even know which side you're on.

    i am aware of the hypocrisy in any case
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:00:21 No.5882517
    Then give me your job you jackass. You can make a living with a traveling sideshow about your stupid perspective on life.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:00:39 No.5882521


    Ah, shit, OK, you have my sympathy. But we're not all like that. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:01:14 No.5882532

    trolled and butthurt (and poor and jobless)

    typical liberal!
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/18/09(Sun)00:02:07 No.5882540
    LOL. It has a sociology program!

    I wonder how a rightist would teach sociology...
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:03:45 No.5882561
    Could you rephrase your question? I have no clue why, but I'm having a hell of a time writing a response to it as it is now.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:05:26 No.5882578
    I'm not jobless, I just hate people who are incompetent who get paid a lot and complain about their job. They deserve to be fired.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:06:57 No.5882601

    OK, maybe to make a caricature out of it - when did people first start saying "Liberal!" as a political put-down?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:07:07 No.5882604
    i like how you just assume i'm incompetent.

    it's actually a fantastic job, the hours are great, the pay is more than enough, i love my coworkers. i just find it ridiculous that the federal government is paying as much money as they are for us to do it
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:07:50 No.5882614
    so far, every class that can be described as political in nature that ive signed up for has had a professor who plays"devil's advocate".
    This means that regardless of your political affiliation, they are going to be fucking with your head. If u say something retarded or unrealistic, they will point it out and say how stupid it is. Ive yet to hear a single prof ever say that the new Deal fixed the recession or any other Liberal bs. If anything, i would say that my college education is preparing me to become a independent, not a liberal.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:08:17 No.5882618
    it's called structural-functionalism.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:10:43 No.5882647
    You're incompetent because you admit you are doing useless research you aren't going to make any progress with. You're incompetent because you accept money for something you know is wrong without pointing it out to anyone in charge. If you knew what you were doing, you would point out how futile the research is and try a project that would put your talents to use. But since you have no talents, you just want to be a mooch flying under the radar, collecting money until you can retire or die. You're everything wrong about the very things you complain about. I thought I told you to kill yourself. That would be progress.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:14:36 No.5882693

    Harsher than I would have put it, but, yeah, is the eternal postdoc any better than the stereotype professor you described? (even if that sort of professor did exist in significant numbers)
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:15:23 No.5882702
    >implying the tenured professors in charge would give a shit what a lowly grad student from a separate department thinks

    oh dear, you haven't been in academia for long at all have you.
    >> Rawne !Qi28nPZaCI 10/18/09(Sun)00:17:46 No.5882728

    Consider yourself lucky. I had an English prof at a big midwest public university tell me that I couldn't argue that Freud may have been wrong in some of his conclusions because he was a "genius" and "smarter than you" He wanted everyone to call him "Buzz" but wouldn't explain why. We read books about prison sex, Vietnam, and Freudian analysis of the holocaust through a woman's dreams. He actually humiliated a ROTC student in class one day. If I saw him today, I'd punch him in his smug face. I turned in some slashfic for my final paper for lulz, he gave me a C, which I later found out was like failing for an intro English class. I transferred a year later.

    Other fun things, the college Republicans were disbanded and banned because they wrote graffiti on the sidewalks saying gay marriage was wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:23:34 No.5882815

    when liberals became an alliance of all the failures and rejects of society. So, sometime in the mid-20th century. 19th century liberals were a whole 'nother thing, closer to utopian fascists, really.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:29:03 No.5882878
    actually, wait, there was one liberal class. It was "Power and scarcity'. took it cause it sounded cool and "Genocide and Mass Persuasion" was filled. it started off as a class studying various different persuasion and coercive techniques("Coercion" by Douglass Rushkoff) and then rest of the class was spent reading "Liberal" books and discussing possible solutions to current world issues. Turned into a Shitstorm at that point, but if he was hoping to make us become Liberal then he made the mistake of assigning "Coercion" as the first novel. i just dont know if he was actually trying to convince us or if he was trolling.
    either way i didn't like him much. mostly cause it's hard for 1st gen Mex in Cali to like someone who bitches about how Minorities are being repressed.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:31:05 No.5882904
    Every government/english class I've taken had a liberal slant. (9th grade-4th year college) They all openly dislike conservatives, but claim to present material as "unbiased" and not let their views influence the class. Bullshit. They constantly talked down conservatives and promoted liberal ideology. All the students realized it. Even the liberal students would comment on how bad the teacher's slant was. Not because they disagreed, but because the teacher was a liar who presented "unbiased" material.

    My "liberal" experience is mirrored with all my fellow college students.
    I don't care what teachers' political views are, but they shouldn't present them as "unbiased" when they clearly are.

    I believe a conservative education, is where liberal ideology is bashed, and conservative ideology promoted.

    I believe our education should be truly unbiased. Where WE choose which ideology we want to adhere to, not our teachers.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:31:26 No.5882912
    so you're a grad student? Shut the fuck up already.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:33:44 No.5882938
    if no one took those kinds of professors seriously then i don't see what the problem is?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:34:42 No.5882950
    Some advice from a teacher. You cannot teach a belief. Notice how you've already made up your mind before the professor showed their "slant".
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:36:04 No.5882964
    I don't know. At least by JFK's time because in a speech I read once he responded to that sort of put-down use.

    Same thing as far as when "conservative" came along. I'd wager what happened with that was just carrying over the old Liberal-Tory distinction from the UK, and as the overall consensus moved towards the liberal side (and in America, not least of which by virtue of the country's founding myth being that of bourgeois liberal revolution) the American conservatives adopted some of the liberal platform, and the liberals, being less, well, conservative, adopted moderated versions of radical platforms, and then took on opportunity-egalitarian projects that threatened the social privilege of some already conservative groups, and so thigns polarized down those lines. It's just the process of American politics being basically center-left to moderate to moderate right to full-on right short of fascism, a simplified, hodge-podge straitjacket of small ideas basically in the service of interests. Toryism got allied to evangelical Christianity and big business, liberalism got allied to moderate, narrow-minded labor, and then the easily co-optable bits of the '60s radical agenda (environmentalism, etc.) and then finally big business in its own way. Alliances of interests around parties driving ideas instead of the other way around.

    But as far as when it became a put-down and not just a descriptor I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:39:54 No.5883020
    I really hope most of these conservatives are trolling.

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